Questions for the Women

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1 - Does size really matter?
I don't need anything gigantic that it would hurt. I just need something at a decent size but everyone has their preferences.

2 - What's the ideal first date?
Well I like doing a lot of things and they don't have to be super fancy. It could be movies on a couch, playin video games, Ooooh go karts! Then there's surfing since I live near a beach, the boardwalk and so many other things. I prefer simple flexible dates where we're comfortable.

3 - What's with the whole "take 30 minutes to get ready" thing, anyway?
I have really long and thick hair that has a mind of it's own. So it depends on that creature on my head. If it cooperates it'll only take 15 maybe 20 minutes, but if it won't then I'll need the whole 30 minutes o_o

4 - Do you actually like facial hair on your men?
I personally do since it can look really great on guys.

5 - What the fuck is up with these selfie things, anyway?
I don't know why it's a thing.

6 - a lot of girls say they like facial hair on men; okay, so you like how it LOOKS, but do you like how it FEELS? (ie, do you actually like that scratchy feeling when a bearded dude kisses you?)
I don't mind the feeling of a beard on mah face. I dated a guy with a beard and it just took a little time to get use to the feeling.

8 - Do you know what "Bah weep grah nah weep nini bong" means? Corollary: Do you realize how hot that makes you to any male who was watching cartoons in the 80s/90s?
I use to watch cartoons on a channel a long time ago. Can't remember what channel but it use to show all sorts of 80's and 90's cartoons. I was super young at the time, can't believe I remember some old cartoons.
1.) Does size really matter?

*coughs from embarrassment* Are you talking about... that? Or how a man physically looks by appearance (i.e. looking "fat", having a "beer belly", etc.)

Either way, what the hell do I care? I don't have to worry about a man's length with where I am at in life. Other than that, I'd rather have a toned man than one with a beer belly and chubby face...

2.) What's the ideal first date?

A nice relaxing dinner at an expensive restaurant, like those in Paris. Soft classical music, candles all around, romantic atmosphere...

3.) What's with the whole "take 30 minutes to get ready" thing, anyway?

We always have to look our "best" and brush our teeth and hair. We need our wallet, we need our feminine essentials, we need our car keys, we need a jacket just in case it gets cold. For those who wear makeup, it's taking them two hours to get ready. I'm glad I don't wear makeup. :P

4.) Do you actually like facial hair on your men?

Goatees are fine, beards are not. :P

5.) What the fuck is up with these selfie things, anyway?

I don't know, to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of them anyways, and I don't like being taken a picture of. Simple as that.
1 - Does size really matter?
2 - What's the ideal first date?
A hike or movie. Maybe some NES or N64
3 - What's with the whole "take 30 minutes to get ready" thing, anyway?
Dunno. Takes me five minutes
4 - Do you actually like facial hair on your men?
5 - What the fuck is up with these selfie things, anyway?
Wish I knew. I hate pictures of myself but I suppose it is fun for some.
1.) Does size matter? Not if they know what they're doing with what they have!
2.) Ideal first date? None, I hated dating. I met my husband washing his car, and our first official date was when he picked me up from work to take me to lunch. :P
3.) What's with the 30 minute thing? We wouldn't take so long to get ready if you would stop making us forget what we're doing by asking us a million times if we're ready yet!

4.) Do you like facial hair on your man? God no! I wish my husband would shave every day, but considering he's currently working out of state, I'd be happy with anything on his damn face as long as I could see it. :(

5.) Selfies? I have no freaking clue. My daughter's are picking it up though and it's driving me nuts.
Why is it that you always have to be right in an argument? And when you're wrong, why do you manipulate the guy so that he ends up feeling bad, anyway? Why not just own up to being wrong?

-This has happened to friends of mine, and to me. I'm not just asking a BS question.
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Ah, if I told you how many times I could tell my husband 'I told you so' you wouldn't even have to answer that question. Men think short term, for the most part. Women think long term. What's right at that moment isn't always going to be right.

And for the record, it's the complete opposite in my marriage. My husband thinks he's always right, but it's okay, because I always get to rub it in his face when he's wrong. :)
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Why is it that you always have to be right in an argument? And when you're wrong, why do you manipulate the guy so that he ends up feeling bad, anyway? Why not just own up to being wrong?

-This has happened to friends of mine, and to me. I'm not just asking a BS question.

It goes back and forth between me and my boyfriend. There things he's always right about. Like the car, directions, history, math, geology, (he can never see this post as I'm naming off all the things he's right about...!)

When we are discussing things I know that he knows better than me I don't argue.

HOWEVER! Women remember things. Forever. When it comes to recalling events or things he said in the past I am always right. He will put up a fight for a bit but eventually he says "You're right, honey. Like always. "

When however, he thinks he is right he won't let it go... Eventually, we just agree to disagree.

sounds like every relationship i've ever heard

Yes... but I forgot to mention that I don't ever try to make him feel guilty. Sometimes when we are in a disagreement about him not considering my feelings he will put up a strong fight. We both get tired of fighting. Eventually I tell him "it's because you hurt my feelings. " sometimes tears follow out of exhaustion and embarrassment. However, that's not to make him feel guilty. It's to boil down to the real issue. So to answer @Gonzo , I do not ever want to hurt him. That makes me feel bad. When he realized why I'm upset he does feel bad, but only because he cares. It's not used as a weapon or anything. ..
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Why is it that you always have to be right in an argument? And when you're wrong, why do you manipulate the guy so that he ends up feeling bad, anyway? Why not just own up to being wrong?
-This has happened to friends of mine, and to me. I'm not just asking a BS question.
I guess it's about power balance. I generally follow the philosophy of 'don't argue with your man if you know nothing about the topic,' but I'm very proud of my knowledge and when he challenges me in something I know I'm good at, then I can argue for hours. It's called 'being stubborn,' and it's in no way exclusive to females. Also, I don't manipulate my fiance into feeling guilty on the rare occasion I'm wrong. I apologize and then do something nice for him to make up for it ;) On the other hand, when I'm NOT wrong and he stubbornly insists I am and then it turns it I was right all along, I annoy him to no end with comments like 'Haha, told ya so.' :D
Why is it that you always have to be right in an argument? And when you're wrong, why do you manipulate the guy so that he ends up feeling bad, anyway? Why not just own up to being wrong?
-This has happened to friends of mine, and to me. I'm not just asking a BS question.
I am going to get in so much trouble by answering this XD

When it comes to arguments, it's actually my husband that feels like he should be right, and will very rarely admit that he is wrong. The only times when I truly feel the need to be right is when I do research on a particular issue that we are facing and make suggestions on how we should go about tackling it. He will do it his way only to do it the way I suggested. And yes, the all famous "I told you so" and "you should've listened" comes up in so many words.
9 - So if there is a size 0, is there a size -1? Does this mean inversion happens? DO YOU TURN INSIDE OUT!?
10 - Does it matter if a guy is immensely nerdy?
11 - A lot of guys bitch about girls going for bad boys. I say what girls are actually looking for is a man with confidence. Discuss.
12 - Do you actually care if we make a ton of money or drive a nice car? Because I can totally reallocate those assets to something more useful. In fact, I'm reallocating regardless of your answer.
13 - Do the presence of kids matter during dating?
9. no.
10. To me? Yus. the nerdier the better <3
11. you are right. confidence is sexy
12. If the car is nice as in it's cleaned in and out every once in a while....yes. I don't care otherwise....because all the parts in the end are the same. (the more often you clean the inside....the more I like ya.)
13. I dunno if I'm ready for kids so at this point in my life.....yes.
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9 - So if there is a size 0, is there a size -1? Does this mean inversion happens? DO YOU TURN INSIDE OUT!?

No, it goes down to 00. Which should tell you how insane beauty standards are.

10 - Does it matter if a guy is immensely nerdy?

Not at all. I might not understand or be interested in everything talked about though, but as long as the same respect is offered to my own interests, I won't poke fun or belittle what a guy is into.

11 - A lot of guys bitch about girls going for bad boys. I say what girls are actually looking for is a man with confidence. Discuss.

Many men who complain about women going for bad boys also complain that they're "So nice, and treat woman with feigned respect because then she'll sleep with me. Why won't women sleep with me!?". Confidence is definitely attractive, as long as it's not tipping into arrogance. Fine lines and all that.

12 - Do you actually care if we make a ton of money or drive a nice car? Because I can totally reallocate those assets to something more useful. In fact, I'm reallocating regardless of your answer.

I really don't care if you have a nice car, as long as you can drive. And that's mostly because I have driving anxiety and can't. The car could be a piece of shit, but as long as it can get from point a to point b, we're good. And while having money is nice, if you don't make the big bucks, that's fine.

13 - Do the presence of kids matter during dating?

For me, yes. Because I hate children. All children.
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9 - So if there is a size 0, is there a size -1? Does this mean inversion happens? DO YOU TURN INSIDE OUT!?
Yes, but we do not necessarily turn inside out: we lose our skin just so that we can fit into the damned pants.

10 - Does it matter if a guy is immensely nerdy?
Meh, so long as I can relate to some of it.

11 - A lot of guys bitch about girls going for bad boys. I say what girls are actually looking for is a man with confidence. Discuss.
You know, the bad boys do have a higher and more apparent self esteem than the good boys, therefore making them more noticeable. Some girls/women probably think that they can fix them, and that could be another source for the attraction. Again, it depends.

12 - Do you actually care if we make a ton of money or drive a nice car? Because I can totally reallocate those assets to something more useful. In fact, I'm reallocating regardless of your answer.
lol nope. Being able to budget is more important than to have a lot of money. If you have a lot of money and don't know how to budget, what good are you? I don't need flashy shit, just give me yarn and I'll be good.

-edit- My husband and I have gotten around on the bus and with our own two feet in this city. It seriously no big deal.

13 - Do the presence of kids matter during dating?
If they have kids? Not necessarily. If they hide it after it gets really serious? Then it does matter, but only that they hid the fact from me than that they have kids.
9 - So if there is a size 0, is there a size -1? Does this mean inversion happens? DO YOU TURN INSIDE OUT!?
10 - Does it matter if a guy is immensely nerdy?
11 - A lot of guys bitch about girls going for bad boys. I say what girls are actually looking for is a man with confidence. Discuss.
12 - Do you actually care if we make a ton of money or drive a nice car? Because I can totally reallocate those assets to something more useful. In fact, I'm reallocating regardless of your answer.
13 - Do the presence of kids matter during dating?

9 - So if there is a size 0, is there a size -1? Does this mean inversion happens? DO YOU TURN INSIDE OUT!?

Funny concept, but no. ^^

10 - Does it matter if a guy is immensely nerdy?

Not in the slightest. I like it.

11 - A lot of guys bitch about girls going for bad boys. I say what girls are actually looking for is a man with confidence. Discuss.

I'll own to being a stereo type. It's hot. I like a man to take control. I like to feel protected. It's an animalistic nature. I absolutely love a m a n who says exactly what he wants and isn't afraid to go for it.

12 - Do you actually care if we make a ton of money or drive a nice car? Because I can totally reallocate those assets to something more useful. In fact, I'm reallocating regardless of your answer.

Pssssh, actually, I don't care at all. I dated a couple very wealthy men. They tried to impress me with their money and fancy things. That's not what I want. I want a family, and a man who comes home every night to be with us. A decent home, big enough for our family is fine. And as for cars.... I'd rather a beater truck that we can throw our deer in.

13 - Do the presence of kids matter during dating?

No. I've dated a man with a daughter. I loved her. However, it gets tricky if there's a breakup. It's not fair to the kid. So maybe don't introduce the kid till later in the relationship.
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14 - Do women ever appreciate the concept of a wingman when a guy tries to court you? Corollary: My favorite "wingman" is my dog or my (then) baby cousin; would a pet or baby change the concept of a wingman? Because I think it'd be really funny. Plus, I love my baby cousin.
14 - Do women ever appreciate the concept of a wingman when a guy tries to court you? Corollary: My favorite "wingman" is my dog or my (then) baby cousin; would a pet or baby change the concept of a wingman? Because I think it'd be really funny. Plus, I love my baby cousin.

It can be a nice ice breaker. Bit that's about it.

As for a friend wingman,... I had a guy hit on me and he had his Wingman with him. I went on one date with the guy. I ended up later dating the wingman for a year. Worst.wingman.ever.
@Hope or, depending on how you look at it, he was the best wingman ever! XD

but what about the corollary? what about my lovable baby cousin and my awesome dog!?