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Whatever, Bullfrag is awesome.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Superheroics, Slice-of-Life, Anime, a fair deal of fandom...
"Hey hey, big sister, can you tell me the story?" the young girl asks her big sister.

"Alright, alright, settle down Chimera. This one's about our father's adventures," the older, bespectacled girl says, before starting to tell a tale.

"A long time ago, perhaps even before the concept of time existed, there was a king. This king brought upon a Golden Age among many eons ago. Some even say that without him, time would cease to exist.

One day, the king's six children overthrew the kingdom through a decade-long war. We know this war as the Titanomachy."


"And what happened next?"

"These six children eventually claimed victory and, as history would put it, winners write history and they were deemed heroes. They built a civilisation and advanced humanity while treating them as playthings. The members of the old kingdom were locked away in a prison we know today as Tartarus.

However, our family believes that the old king walks this very Earth... having been unleashed from his prison after mellenia of torment."

"So, where does daddy fit into all this?"

"He hasn't, but he will soon, Chimera, he will soon."


The young one, 'Chimera', falls asleep on her older sister's lap.

"Sleep tight, Chimera. Tomorrow's family reunion is going to be a merry one."

Above the winter skies of this Eastern street, a young girl floated down from the heavens like a feather. Slowly and gently, she landed in the hands of a young boy, who, by miracle, found the girl in his very palms.

"My name... is Saturn... what is... yours?"

With that question, she fell asleep.

The girl was like an angel - falling from the heavens and as light as a feather.

He would later discover that this girl was above angels...


Various factions

Main Duo
Our main duo is stuck in the middle of all this mayhem. This consists of our lead boy, and our lead girl Saturn, who is the goal of many characters. They mainly just wish to lead regular lives. Saturn is often the target of many for various reasons.

Typhon's Alliance
This faction's main goal is to find Cronus so that he can claim the throne and lead the second Titanomachy with a great army at hand.

This faction is currently lead by Typhon, the father of monsters, and a Titan who who once was once sealed away by Zeus in Mount Etna, but has recently been released from his prison. Most of his spawn, too, have joined his quest in finding their rightful king Cronus - the one who can lead them towards the path of vengeance.

Apart from those who have joined to get Cronus back, there are also others who have joined just to get back at the Olympians for the sins they have done to them, such as turning them into spiders or petrifying beasts.

Olympians & Affiliates
The Olympians, as well as others closely affiliated to them, are working on trying to capture Cronus to re-imprison him in Tartarus, so that the second Titanomachy can be prevented.

The Olympians are lead by Zeus, who had sealed Cronus away during the first Titanomachy.

Their affiliates are the various gods, mortals and heroes of legend that follow them, and possibly worship them.

Well... others. Is there more to be said?


This roleplay primarily takes place in Tokyo. Because.

No Titans, not even Rhea, will be playable. There will be exceptions, such as the Titans that were explicitly stated to not have been sealed in Tartarus, such as Atlas, Prometheus, etc.

I will need someone to play the teenager whom Cronus lands on. This character's role is major, and thus, if you do not touch him or her for a week, I might control him or her to keep the RP going. If I intend to start the RP but no one has taken this role yet, I will have to take this role.
His primary conditions are that he lives here, he has a name that says he lives here, and that he doesn't have known supernatural capabilities. Ooooh we're going there.

I do not intend to place a limit on character count per person, but make sure you can handle them all.

While deity player characters are limited to Greco-Roman deities for now, I will do my best to assign an Egyptian God counterpart e.g. Typhon is the Egyptian deity Seth, Athena is Neith, etc. Some won't have these counterparts, though.


(Insert Picture here)

Age: Not applicable for deities
Age: Only for mortals.
Physical Age: If you're into the melleniums.
Appearance: Even with a picture, I want elaboration.
Affiliation: Look up there.
Motive: If non-affiliated, this is a must, even if it is as simple as 'living a normal life'. If affiliated, this is an interesting addition, and reccomended.
Abilities & Skills: Well?
Weaponry: Well? Please elaborate.
Other Information:

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Not really sure quite yet as we have to get to him in story first and who knows how long that's going to be, but I imagine he could either be a distant ally in the future or someone that stays neutral and stays out of the way, we'll have to see when we get there.
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well without much further to do here is my attempt at Helios.

maxresdefault.jpg "Forgive me child, For good and all, I shall put your futile attempts at rebellion to an end"​

    • Name: Helios
    • Aliases: The Watcher, Sol Invictus, The Watchdog of the Gods, Panoptes
    • Physical Age: 25
    • Gender: Male
    • Affiliations: The Olympians
    • Motive: To insure the rest of his race stays imprisoned

  • When on the job he is very stern, focused, cold, motivated, and makes sure whatever job he is assigned to gets finished, he knew what his family had done in the past and refuses to let them return to ruin the peaceful era, he is always on the lookout and ready to take up arms against anyone that would dare protect the escaped titan. He gained such a personality due to riding the Sun Chariot and being unfocused for even a moment would bring utter ruination.

    When off the job he is rather cordial, often trying to relax and is quite lazy, as he finds that getting time off is rare and enjoys every moment that he gets to himself, he is quite sympathetic to any living being that tries to do good, regardless of what they are, or who they used to be. However, if they are in the way of the mission or to be eliminated then he will not hesitate to strike them down. He is also very nice to people that lost loved ones as he knows what that is like.

  • Formally the rider of the Chariot for the Sun, he later stepped down as rider to Apollo when he was given a new position as "Watchdog" which used his powers to watch over Earth in hopes to keep an eye on both monsters and his fellow Titans, when one escaped from the imprisonment of Tartarus, he had hoped to find who escaped but could not find them.

    Until several events in Japan took to his eye, while he wishes to honor the wishes of Amaterasu, he finds that he must discover what is drawing so many other gods and monsters to that place. For those that discover him, they may find it difficult to oppose the will of the Sun.

  • A man of 2.1 meters, He has been seen with a long blonde hair with blue eyes, the glow gold when he uses his godly power, or red when he uses his titan abilities, he often wears gold, red, or white, outfits such as robes or armor. Very rarely does he intermingle with humans but when he does, he wears a white tuxedo like uniform adorned with golden marks all over along with a golden armor and golden shinguards.

  • As the personification of the Sun itself he is very powerful, only weaker then Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, and the older titans. With that he very durable, with the strength to overcome many powerful attacks even at point blank, he is also fast, not faster then Hermes but still quick enough to catch regular humans off guard.

    He unsurprisingly more powerful during the day. However he is weaker at night but can be close to as strong when the full moon is out as it is his light that shines on those days.

  • God Form: Not all that different from his regular form, but his eyes glow yellow completely eclipsing his normal eyes, to the point to where it seems rays of the sun are pouring from his eyes. He uses the power of sunlight to conjure orbs of fire, cause small explosive force to erupt in his hands (though he'd have to hold on to someone for more then a minute to explode), and put extra strength in his kicks or punches, he also can make an energy wave like punch that has the controlled force of a small solar flare

    Titan Form: When he sheds the godly guise he put himself in to appear Olympian, he shows his true form, which the eyes glow red, and he suddenly gains muscle mass to look larger, his strength and speed are heightened but his control over sunlight is diminished. He traded his blasts and explosions for pure physical strength and prowess, but can on occasion create towers of flame to erupt from time to time.

  • He has a good understanding of hand to hand combat, believing that with his strength, he doesn't need weapons, so he put that skill to physical fighting as much as he can.

    He also has kept a keen eye on the world so long that he knows his way around everything and never gets lost.

    He can also be his own personal flashlight, it is a petty thing to use his otherworldly powers on but it is convenient.

  • While he doesn't carry much in the way of weapons he does have one for extreme emergencies. A small bronze like box that when activated morphs and grows until it becomes a large and powerful Colossus of Rhodes. It acts on his commands and protects him from harm when others gets too close.

    He also carries a pocket watch with a sun etched on it, he keeps it around to keep an eye on the time and will leave after his appointed time on Japan is up, due to his deal to make sure the Sun Chariot leaves on time to let his sister have the night to herself.

  • Likes to have Greek or Italian food as Japanese food doesn't seem to sit well with him but to be fair, he hasn't tried many Japanese meals and is open to trying out various dishes.
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"""The only person we owe our loyalty to is the one who never made us question his"""​
  • Name: Cerberus
    Aliases: Kerberos, Kell, Bell and Ros
    Physical Age: 10
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: Hades
    "To accomplish lord Hades's objective"
    "To make lord Hades happy"
    "To get rid of anything in lord Hades's way"

  • "Uh... are we cute enough?"
    Cerberus' human forms are triplets with identical long yellow hair, fresh-faced and petite build with 128 cm height. Their only distinguishing feature is their eye colors, with Kell having pale, amethyst-colored eyes. Bell's eyes were bright, sky blue (poster girl <3) and Ros has burning red eyes. They also wear an identical brown outfit with a hat that resembles dog's ears.

    Why they look so young you ask? When Cerberus tried to take human's forms for the first time, Hades gave her some advices. He said taking an appearance of a cute young girl would let her blend in human society easier. He also suggested a split of personalities for different tasks. As a result, the loli trio were born...
  • Cerberus has undying loyalty toward Hades regardless of her form. Despite having almost the exactly same face and body, the trio all have different personalities.


    "What should I do next, lord Hades?"
    Kell is a quiet and stoic girl who rarely speaks and never shows any emotion in her monotonous voice. It's virtually impossible to tell what she is thinking as her neutral expression almost never changes. She sometimes lacks common senses and always take words at face value. However, she has the most loyalty toward Hades among the trio, always follows his orders and requests without question.

    In combat, Kell is extremely competent due to her cold-blooded and emotionless nature. However, she didn't love fighting like Ros. It's just something she has to do to complete her given order.

    "I.. I will do my best!"
    Bell is generally shy, sweet and timid. She is also a kind and altruistic girl who has relatively low self-esteem. As such, she puts the wishes of others before her own and regularly apologize even if it is not entirely her fault. Among the trio, Bell is the most friendly one. Once people get pass her barrier of shyness and successfully become acquainted with her, she will easily trust them and soon treat them as her close friend.

    Even though Bell's sympathy is a major hindrance in combat, she performs surprisingly well due to her nature of giving utmost effort in everything she does. Still, she tends to do her best to avoid hurting others.

    "Wanna get beaten to death or burnt to ashes?"
    Ros is a bold and tough masculine girl who enjoys competition. She is also a quick-witted and cunning trickster with a top-notch observation and speculation skills, making her rarely get outsmarted. Out of the triplets, Ros is the only one with arrogance and individuality enough to sometimes disobey Hades and acts on her own will, although at heart she is still loyal to him and never defies his crucial orders or requests.

    Ros enjoys fighting and is extremely resilient in doing so. She always makes use of everything available and never hesitates to use underhanded methods and dirty tricks if they're proven effective.

  • "Real family does not come from your blood. It is those standing beside you when no one else is"
  • Cerberus's powers are fire-based. Instead of being burnt by fire, the girls' bodies absorb flame on contact and replenish their energy by the corresponding proportions. Since they're originally a single being, they can communicate and relay sensory information with each other via telepathy. They can also teleport to the location of another girl in an instant and has another common ability of commanding over the snakes. In addition, each girl can manifest a personal weapon out of thin air and has different set of additional abilities.

    Kell has a balanced and versatile skillset. Her personal weapon is a one-handed sword that she can engulf with fire and emit a fireball from its tip, effectively a gunblade. She can also summon a fire pillar from the ground, which can be used both offensively and defensively. In addition, she has a top-notched instinct, often knowing what is the best course of action to take despite the lack of information.

    Due to her versatility, Kell excels in both close and mid range combat. With her nature and instinct, it is extremely hard to read and predict her moves.

    Kell doesn't really has any outstanding skill. However, let Hades tasks her with something and she'll be able to do it in no time.
    Bell specializes in ranged combat, as it let her deal with the fact that she is hurting others easier. Her personal weapon is a handheld cannon able to fire a flame bullet with various properties and effects, ranging from typical fireball to healing.

    Among the trio, Bell is the only one with an ability to fly. In addition, by staying still, she temporarily gain clairvoyance which let her see distant vision clearly. This and her weapon's extremely long maximum range make her an ideal sniper.

    Bell has an extraordinary skill in housework. She loves to cook, and most people who get to eat her food immediately want to marry her.
    Ros's personal weapon is a pair of blade resistant gloves which can cause an explosive punch. She has enhanced strength and speed compared to the other two and has a special ability that allow her to temporarily increase speed at the cost of her energy and injuries if overusing.

    Ros is a melee girl, capable of closing distance and dominating opponents with overwhelming speed. In addition, by staying still, she can engulf herself with flame, restoring her own energy due to the girls' affinition with fire.

    Despite her seemingly rash demeanor, Ros has a vast knowledge and understanding of social relationships. As such, she can infiltrate any place and befriend anyone if ordered.

  • mLcnUSo.jpg
    With all three agreeing, they can merge back into a single 3-headed large hell hound. In this form, Cerberus has enhanced strength, speed and endurance. Her skin becomes thicker and blade-resisted. She can also exhale either hellfire or poisonous, corrosive breathe.

    Cerberus retains all of her non-weapon abilities of her human forms, with an additional wounds healing on top of energy restoration from fire. In this form Cerberus is incapable of making a human voice, although her typical animal voices can be understood by fellow monsters.

  • Aside from their personal weapon, each girl possesses a messenger bag with a larger storage space than it might looks. There is always a Bell's handmade cookie in her own bag and you can name just about anything useful in combat or daily life and Ros will definitely has at least one of it in her bag.

  • "Food is just a source of energy, why do we even have to choose one over another?"
    "Sweets are sweet〜♡"
    "Hot and spicy food is the best!"

With this, I'm bound to also play Hades. Gonna finish him along with Cerberus's history soon.
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@TheOdy23 Helios is good to accept. I'll tell if I suddenly identify any loops and holes.

Can't wait for the history to arrive. It'd be nice to see potential conflict with Typhon and family, particularly Chimera.
A reminder for me to create an ad for this Roleplay.

How's everyone?
I have submitted the advertisement banners about 4 days ago.

Anyways, before those ad banners get approved, is anyone else interested in this?
Just to be clear, this rp's about playing greek gods right? Just in human form?
Just to be clear, this rp's about playing greek gods right? Just in human form?

Yes it is, in short.

Greek Monsters too, as you can see from Kerberos and Chimera, and the Hydra I'm still working on.

Well, in the case of Olympians, their forms are all pretty human.

There are other possible roles to fill as well.
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May I be Iris then? Or are there pressing characters you need?
Iris, the deity of the rainbow and the sister of the Harpies?

I have no objections. Go ahead.
And the goddess of messenger, yes.
I'm going to include my little rendition(or renditions) of Harpies later on in this RP, so I think Iris could be a good addition.

"Don't go overboard, OK?"

  • Name: Hydra

    Aliases: Lernaean Hydra

    Physical Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Affiliation: Typhon's Faction

    Motive: To live a normal life while still helping her father achieve his goal of getting Uncle Cronus back.

  • Hydra is a very calm and composed individual, always the straight man in many situations. She always does her best to act with reason, preferring to talk things out first. Of course, she has enough reason to know when is the right time to fight and not talk. Hydra shows great respect to others, even foes, to a lesser but still present extent. Hydra, as an elder sister type, keeps others in check and might chide friends and family alike.

  • Hydra is the oldest of Typhon and Ekhidna's children. Hydra had always heard tales of her the Olympians had done misdeeds to her Uncles and Aunts - the Titans. It was only after Typhon was sealed in Mount Etna by Zeus that she soon learned that her father's stories were not as exaggerated as she thought.

    She would later be captured by the Olympian Hera herself, raised as a pet to ultimately be slain by Heracles as one of his twelve labours. A picture of her was painted in the sky, as Hera believed that she had perished, but in reality, the blood of the gods had kept her going. While weakened, she continued forward in a human form, anmesiac but stronger.

    At some point, she would bump into her sister Chimera, causing her to regain her memory, and the two eventually found their way to Oriental lands.

    Now, they would lead regular lives... until...

  • Hydra is 1.6 metres tall and is most 'average' in size, having a bust size between a B and C. She is often seen wearing a white shirt and blue neckpiece as shown above, as well as a blue-hued skirt that is halfway between the knees and ankles..

    Her hair is black and her eyes a bright blue and veiled by a set of thin-framed spectacles. In place of human ears, she has blueish-translucent fin-like structures to reflect her status as a serpentine sea monster. On some parts of her body, blue scales can be seen.

    Extending from her spine, a tail similiar to the one depicted in this picture except bluer in hue is observed. Her skirt barely hides it. The skirt of her school uniform, on the other hand, is a different story, since that skirt is only knee-length.

  • One of her bites can intoxicate an individual. Her various poisons have various different effects, such as paralysis, drowsiness, hallucinate, corrode and cause pain. If she inflicts them in her human form, they wear off after about five minutes.

    She has increased senses of smell and vision.

  • 7MmSodv.jpg

    The Lernaean Hydra. A force to be reckoned with.

    Upon assuming this monstrous form, Hydra starts off with a singular head, and grows two when one is cut off. Each neck is about 7 metres long, her tail being 3 metres long, her main body 4 metres in length and her quadraped reptillian legs being close to a metre in height. Her fangs are monstrous and can rip through many things. Her poisons are now more dangerous and can potentially last to up to an hour or half. Her breath, while not as dangerous as her bite, is poisonous as well, and one must look out for her spews of doom.

    While she does regenerate her heads each time they are cut off, one way to halt it is to cauterize the wounds before they start to grow. Once all her heads are gone, she will burn in flames and revert to her human form.

  • Hydra has great skill in hand-to-hand combat. Her combat style seems to be a mix of judo, karate and some unidentified martial art which she claims is from Ancient Greece.

    Hydra has great skill in housework - cooking, cleaning and sewing, mostly. She's a little afraid of fire, and is trying to overcome it, so Chimera helps out.

  • The crab plushie keychain charm she has on her schoolbag is actually some sort of familiar that can be activated to aid her in battle. When activated, it takes the form of a giant red crab, about half the size of her true form. She calls this great beast 'Cancer'.

  • Hydra is fond of ice cream, particularly mint or raspberry ripple.
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Princess Cronus is currently still looking for new players to take interest and participate!
Princess Cronus continues to look for new people to join!
If it's alright, I really wanna keep an eye on this. I've been teetering back and forth on it since yesterday. Would it be cool if I PM'd you with questions when I have them? Like...it looks like everything I'm asking for, I'm just a little 'fraidy-cat when it comes to committing. XP
Sure, go ahead and look around the thread.

Ask questions if need be.
I'm no good at coding or formatting, fellas. Stick with me. :P


: Catoblepas

: Cato (Catoblepas doesn't exactly roll off the tongue)

: 14

: Male

: Cato stands at 1.6 meters, a bit small for his age, and is slightly overweight. He runs the gauntlet of lesser physical faux pas, but comes out alright in the end (he's the cute kind of chubby, to elaborate). Cato generally wears plain, muted brown tees, faded jeans, and tennis shoes. When the situation calls for it, he likes to dawn a turtle-neck that is generally a lighter hue than his usual wardrobe (he's currently wearing out a muted pink one, and is raring to purchase a replacement soon). Lastly, he, like many a Japanese citizen, wears a surgical mask. However, Cato's mask is filtered, and so is made of thicker cloth and is not discarded at the end of the day (see the reason for it in the abilities section).

His hair is a dark, ashy brown. He keeps it long enough to cover his eyes, which certainly doesn't help his approachability factor, and ties most of it, sans-bangs, in a low-hanging ponytail. His eyes are an oily black; they shimmer like a slick when he throws out the puppy-dog™ expression, but are otherwise pretty regular. Something that is rarely seen, but present none-the-less, is a layer of darker crimson scales along his back. The layer curls up into his collar bone, but doesn't reach past his chest. Needless to say, the scales are incredibly hard, and have almost glossy look to them. It's apparent he hasn't put them through combat.

As a final note, though Cato doesn't take off his mask for anyone, lying underneath is a warm smile. It's a bit crooked, but his teeth are clean and straight. Fun fact, his tongue is also obscenely long, but good luck getting him to show it off.

: Other

: Cato is a lonely kid. He doesn't have any friends or acquaintances. Heck, he doesn't even have enemies! He's just...there. The kid in the back of the class, in the corner of the shop, at the end of the line, etc. At the same time, he's very self-aware, and is intentional about how he doesn't take steps to interact with anyone. To be frank, he doesn't want to risk hurting anyone by his own volition (check out his abilities to see exactly why he feels this way). Better to play it safe rather than chase people down and get rejected, as he'd say. With that mindset, he's in no way altruistic or active. He has a positive spirit, but other than that, you could easily compare him to Eeyor: Kinda bitter about his lot in life, but satisfied none-the-less.

Of course, that's Cato from afar. If someone goes out of their way to be friendly to him, something *clicks* in him, and the desperation that can come with loneliness starts to show. He'll nervously cling to whoever decides to open themselves to the possibility of being his friend, and will try to caterpillar his way into their life any way he knows how. Cato will keep this up until he's told to bug off, or some guidelines are set. He's exceptionally understanding, just a bit oblivious.

Speaking of Cato's obliviousness, he hasn't a clue that other people like him exist. Sure, he knows the gods exist, and that monsters exist, but that they live in Tokyo? That they go to school? That they've been around him at all? He doesn't have a clue. He's just trying to live his life safely, cautiously, and obediently. The only thing that changes that routine is, cliche as it sounds, a friend. With a friend at the wheel, Cato can take on the mantle of protector, rescuer, warrior, or what have you. Otherwise, he's as mild-mannered as they come.

History: Cato is a Catoblepas reborn. Why? How? Don't ask him; he hasn't the faintest. All he knows is that he grew up twice: First as a sulky Catoblepas that never made an effort to lift its head from the dewy grass of its homeland, and second as a sulky boy that just tries to get by in life. The mysteries pile up though: What was the cause of his rebirth? Why is he still a fully functional beast despite being humanoid? Was this a prank? A gift? A curse? What god, man, or other being would do this to him, a totally unassuming beast wracked with poison and misfortune?

Cato stopped caring when he was adopted. He lives with in a modest home with a mother and father who care for him, attends school, and is totally normal, so he'd say. Now he just goes about his life with the knowledge that the gods and their creations exist, but the ignorance that renders him oblivious to their presence right in front of him. Sometimes he carries a curiosity of what made him who he is today, but it rarely goes further than a library book or two. Not like he'll ever meet anyone who would understand...

: To meet someone that won't judge him by physical characteristics (the boy just wants to be good, dangit!)

: Cato's day-to-day skills are minimal. He can cook when he has a recipe to follow, he's decent-ish at football (soccer, my dudes) and enjoys kicking the ball around to kill time, and he's looking into a future career as a teacher (which will probably change because he's just 14, after all). He's got the strength to do hard labor, and the commitment capability to tough out the roughest assignments. Other than that, Cato's just trying to survive school.

: As a Catoblepas, Cato can expel potentially lethal gas from his mouth. It's range is rather short, and it's toxicity is based on a lengthy exposure time, so most people simply liken it to "bad-breath" and leave it at that (which makes Cato incredibly self-concious, thus the mask). Statistics-wise, it'd take 60 seconds in a very small (think kissing-range), air-tight space for Cato's breath to kill. Otherwise, it causes long-term symptoms similar to motion sickness that stack in potency the longer one is exposed. Of course, because of this ability, Cato is also immune to poisons of all varieties.

His eyes are also special, though not so lethal as lore would have you believe. As puppy-dog eyes tend to do, Cato's focused gaze can cause a weak sort of "paralysis," though it feels more like "getting lost in his eyes" than any kind of status threat. Emphasis on weak, Cato's gaze only holds people for 5 seconds, max (and that's for weak-minded people, like people that aren't even worth calling NPCs, y'know).

Though Catoblepas doesn't have a lethal gaze, there's still a reason for the rumor. His strength exceeds his build by a pretty wild mile, as does his speed. 5 seconds may not be enough time to work in his poison, but it's plenty of time for him to tear away a limb from a regular man (with some strain on his part, but I digress). However, because he's not much of a fighter, Cato usually uses his talents for heavy lifting at most, and certainly doesn't work to show off.

Of course, in his true form, he gets a bit of a boost.

True Form:
catoblepas_by_pythosblaze.jpg (Credit to Pythosblaze on DeviantArt for the pic)

With the body of a buffalo and the head of a wild boar, the Catoblepas has an efficient physical toolset for taking on opponents. Add on the multitude of scales and the jutting spine, and you have one heck of a rodeo on your hands. The lethality of its poison breath is maxed out 10-fold, capable of lethality at 6 seconds of point-blank exposure. Its gaze is capable of proper paralysis now, though its full strength is still in the lower folds, maxing out at around 10 seconds for the mortal and untrained. And, of course, its strength and speed are properly animalistic in their boosts from Cato's human form.

Unlike other creatures like him, Cato does not have free access to this form. It's more of a hulkish substitute, taking his place during moments of panic and danger where he is called into a life-threatening situation. As a result, this form is built solely to get Cato to a safe state. It will flee over fighting unless it is pursued, and does not make active attempts at lethal blows. The most it will instinctually do is trample its foe before storming away.

: Nothing in the slightest. Cato knows how to throw a solid punch, but that's about it. He may pick up what is nearby and toss it at an opponent, but it's never his first choice.

Other Information
: Cato is incredibly submissive. If an ounce of command is established over him, he'll fall in line (reluctantly, mind you) and do what is asked before moving on to his own agenda. Of course, when it comes to his personal well-being, it'll take someone special to be at the reigns. His favorite food is lemon cake, despite what people might initially assume, and when nobody is around (not a hard circumstance to find himself in), Cato tries to research ways to mitigate his bad breath. He's already burned through most natural cures, home remedies, and everything else that isn't under the modern-medicine umbrella (don't even try to mention gum to him, the poor boy...)
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