Pokemon Diversity Reloaded

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My post was getting lengthy, so I'll continue the gym battle in my next one.
I tried...honest to all that is holy, I tried. But I just can't do it. Im sorry I'm changing up my team a bit more. I am SO sorry.


OK seriously. Im good now...I tried to not go with Gible, but I was driving myself insane. It's like...a compulsion: I NEED a Garchomp. Besides, I think this is an overall more balanced team that is much more suited for my character flexibility between Single and Multiple battle situations.
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It's ok lol. No worries
I'll probably post with Leonie again soon - Maybe she'll run into Alvin or Lian.
ETA of next post: Tomorrow

To add to some discussion...wow that Spinda's strong. You sure that's the first gym on the list? :P
Compared to Robbin's pokemon that have very little battle experience and no training, yes Spinda is strong.
Eh, did I say Monday? I totally meant Tuesday...totally (*gives totally not honest look*)

Disclaimer: I have basically no experience training anything, so most of Alvin's Pokemon Training (not related to battles and such anyway) are going to be assumed to happen off screen. I might also make silly mistakes related to training.

Anyways, hopefully my gym match goes as planned. Who's tackling it next I wonder?
I'll try and have a post up sometime tonight you guys
I'm still here everyone. Been pretty distracted with life
Is this still accepting? ^_^
Is this still accepting? ^_^

Just make a CS and one of our fine GMs will approve you. :)

On an unrelated note, my summer job started this week, if you guys were wondering where I disappeared off to. I should be able to get a post up tomorrow, one that will hopefully finish the Chatot arc for Alvin. After that he'll probably have to wait until Lian gets her challenge done.
As Maxim said, of course it's still open. Drop in a good CS and me and True Self will get you accepted.
^_^ I'm working on it. I'm just a bit lazy about the Bio... <_<
I'll try to get it up tomorrow :D
In the meantime... Some shamelessness...


And some random bad guys...


Character Name
Wyverin "Wye"



Numera Town

Even in stressful situations, Wyverin can keep a cool head and think things through quickly. Due to his childishly kind and quick-witted attitude, his pokémon don't have much trouble trusting him in or out of battle.

Since his battling style is mostly using sweeper pokémon, when his attacks become ineffective, he gets flustered.

Habits and Quirks
Whenever he's lying or hiding something, he scratches his cheek and closes his eyes, smiling while speaking.

Goal or Purpose
To befriend all kinds of pokémon from several regions and travel around the world. As for how he'll gain money, he doesn't really have a plan.

Due to his rather childish nature, Wyverin is incapable of distrusting most people he has newly met unless he was specifically told not to believe said person or someone in a group.

He has an irrational fear of most spider-pokémon, namely Ariados and Galvantula. Other than that, although he wouldn't admit it, seeing blood makes him queezy.

Wye is an innately kind young boy. Although he's cautious towards strangers, as he was taught to be so, he can grow comfortable around people quite quickly. He's quite curious and adventurous, wanting to learn more about the world.


Wye was born in Numera town to a pokémon evolution biologist mother and a lawyer father who worked at legal in the Pokémon Association. His mother worked in the town, doing her own research there as a part of a long term project while his father worked abroad, sending them some money to help them take care of themselves as he could take care of himself easily enough with one third of the money he earned. He'd only come around once every few months for a week, bringing a present for his son each time. When he turned six, Wye received a rather interesting gift. A small orb, half red and half white, separated by a black line with a small white button.

For the next several years, he bonded with his blue, metal friend. He never really fought a pokémon battle with him until he'd reached the age of nine, when he was walking around the tall grass to meet more pokémon like Meta, though nothing really went according to plan. He found a rather hostile gang of pidgey instead. While he was running away, Meta forced its way out of its pokeball and started taking the attacks to protect his friend. After shaking off the shock, Wye watched Meta beat up and slash the bird pokémon. From that day on, Meta and he started to train to grow stronger, due to Meta's adamant attitude in protecting Wye.

When he turned twelve, Meta evolved into a Metang. The two finally decided to visit the route just outside the village to see if they could get a new friend. The first pokémon they met on the path was a small, blue Squirtle. After a quick battle, Wye sent an empty pokéball to catch the pokémon. Upon making his new friend, the boy decided to go around the region.

Squirtle [Bubble]



Aura Sphere - Tail Whip - Tackle - Water Gun

Metang [Meta]


Zen Headbutt - Metal Claw - Miracle Eye - Bullet Punch


Squirtle (starter)
Metang (starter)
Ralts (Female)
Archen (Fossil)
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I was waiting for True Self to post, but he hasn't been on since Friday (or so I believe) I guess i'll pitch in.

Your CS looks great. Well written and I really enjoyed your art. It looks amazing and I kinda wished I had that ability. Although the only thing that i'm not too sure about is having two Pokemon at the start. You might want to PM True Self and ask if having those two Pokemon would be okay. Other than that, I think you are fine for being accepted into the RP.
@Sketching101, Since we're already pages ahead in the RP then I'm fine with you having two pokemon when you join since the majority of everyone else has 2-4 already. The only potential issue I see is that Riolu has already been requested to be caught by EchoRun. Also, one of your two pokemon should be a starter since that's the pattern we've been following.

In other news, I'm aiming to have a post up by tomorrow sometime. Good night folks
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Alright ^_^ Which of the starters am I allowed to take right now?
Alright ^_^ Which of the starters am I allowed to take right now?
From my understanding, it is any unevolved starter from any of the main RPG games (Eevee's in there so I think we're counting Collusseum and XD) minus any other players have picked.

An offhand list

Pikachu? (Was chosen by another person, but he hasn't been around for a while)
Cyndaquil? (See Pikachu)

I believe that's all of them.
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