Plot Discussion (Chapter 4)

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^ What he said.

This is basically the idea that Navras, Con and I have been mulling over since the deletion of Asmo's post. To take Asmo's original idea and twist it a bit. Remove some of the gratuitous usage of unlikely circumstances that just happen to occur at the right place at the right time to the right people, and instead replace with something reasonable and organic.

Basically, we're getting rid of the MSG and artificial flavors, y'all. Tasted too much like suspension of disbelief earlier.

Worry not, Asmo! We'll make Aldus work.
Why does the grandmother have to be involved? This is like Nyashi's mother at the Aviary all over again. You'll have to drag her non-verbal featureless wrinkly ass all over the place. Why can't they just snatch Karissa?

Also, for sake of the Flufftinuum, there are six spires that represent the oldest structures in Aldus. They are not all strictly your spherical tower jobs. Some are pieces of older structures long fallen. But they are all very tall - over a thousand feet. "The Wall" is strung between these spires, with either ancient ruins or newly-built battlements. So imagine 6 towers along the border of Viridos, keeping the jungle at bay and ice on the other side.

Each spire has been affected by the storm and is discharging all kinds of crap on the battlements around it. And the crap categories correspond to the schools of magic from D&D (because I'm a lazy cunt).

Abjuration Spire - shield and barrier spells going haywire

Conjuration Spire - strange objects and creatures being summoned willy-nilly

Divination/Illusion - weird visions that may be true or false

Enchantment/Transmutation Spire - waves of magic that alter your mind and body, for better or worse

Evocation - elemental discharges, death beams and projectiles firing at random

Necromancy - ghost sightings, phantasmal visions, nightmares​

My intention was to string the adventure between these and have occasional aid from Navras's floating bits. The avians and their hostages would, of course, be in the last spire.

I'll play the evil avians once they're in the spire with their hostages. It's just the build-up before that which is giving me brain cancer.
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The grandmother is really just kind of a macguffin to get Karissa out into open territory where she can be kidnapped. The plot would be less about the grandmother and more about the attempt to save Karissa.

*Mulls it over while writing a post for Ilsa*
Watch out Aldusians, the Ghoul Sage is moving.
All edited. A bit short, but to the point.
@DotCom @Aschu @Princess of the Teacup I'm just gonna let y'all take that Great Bee as a spare favor from the Riven Hivequeen, just remember to let that shit fly off after y'all get to where you going.

The rest of the Great Bees who were a part of last chapter have all flown back to Riven territory as general fyi.

p.s. lol pretend Kozoul ditched right after you left the ceremony
Why do they need bees? o_o

They're avians.

Well, I guess DotCom, on account of her wing being donked up. But not Teenage Girl Squad #1 and #2! *Holds a magnifying glass up*
@Tegan @Falconven

First let me say if anyone else gets a falcon or a bird for their screen name I am going to be more confused than I already am.

Second where are we at? I don't want to speak for the council as I find I break plots when I play too much. Are we waiting for an event or what? I think I do too much inner monologue as is to do a post that would be entirely made of Crux/Aux cuddling.
2 golden rules of hijacking - get the dialogue correct, and don't humiliate the other character.

Right. Tegan and I are planning to move home, so things are going to be slow from us for this chapter. For my own part, I am getting angered by the majority of posts, and shouldn't be logging in in this condition. So I'm going to take a step back till my mood improves.

@Kriodine & @Tone 6th - do more. Make conversations happen. The scene's about you - not the Czar.

Anyone else waiting on mod posts, find a way to NOT to be waiting on them. I looked around some other roleplays on Iwaku this week and the quality is largely atrocious; so I understand that the expectations of Ilium are high. But just slow down. Don't spit out posts the moment they come to you. Research them. Check them with other people. There are three other GMs who are not (quite) as burned out as Tegan and I. Use them. Check things with them. Don't post until you have something great that moves the story along and doesn't misportray other characters or plot points. You don't have to do this alone.

*goes to find boxes*
@Asmodeus If this was in part directed at me let me first apologize as I think my comment was misinterpreted. I believe misinterpretation is the fault of the original writer and so I say it is my fault and I am sorry.

That being said I just wanted to toss ideas out on where we should go next. Not so much to say "Hurry up and post Mod!" not my intention. I have a few fun ideas and I don't want to break the internets again before I use them. Ironblood is a big part of the plot so I don't want to go too far without knowing where the story is intended to go either.

I do think I am going to do a post for Lapin though. As that sounds cool and fun.

Tl:dr~ Just wanted to play with ideas don't kill us!
As always, no one was targeted specifically.
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Aldus people: Let's move forward. I'll try and hammer out something involving avians soon.

Barvelle: I will begin describing the fortification.

Kaustir: Get ready for the Soiree.

Viridos: Let's get Tattersal's plan into motion.
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... Which's why I'm already typing up getting Kozoul's ripoff-of-Elsa ass to Edelon
I should have a post coming soon, have the basic skeleton down just doing some research and getting it all nice and pretty.
2 golden rules of hijacking - get the dialogue correct, and don't humiliate the other character.

Right. Tegan and I are planning to move home, so things are going to be slow from us for this chapter. For my own part, I am getting angered by the majority of posts, and shouldn't be logging in in this condition. So I'm going to take a step back till my mood improves.

@Kriodine & @Tone 6th - do more. Make conversations happen. The scene's about you - not the Czar.

Anyone else waiting on mod posts, find a way to NOT to be waiting on them. I looked around some other roleplays on Iwaku this week and the quality is largely atrocious; so I understand that the expectations of Ilium are high. But just slow down. Don't spit out posts the moment they come to you. Research them. Check them with other people. There are three other GMs who are not (quite) as burned out as Tegan and I. Use them. Check things with them. Don't post until you have something great that moves the story along and doesn't misportray other characters or plot points. You don't have to do this alone.

*goes to find boxes*

If the GMs feel like they need to take a break from Ilium, it won't hurt my feelings. The whole point of this rp is to have fun and if you guys are feeling stressed out/burnt out/angry/or otherwise unwell, you have every right to stop and take a breather. The GMs are managing a massive roleplay, and undoubtedly it's taking a lot of time out of your lives. The players only have to read one or two nations, whereas the GMs have to read all three. A lot of us are having trouble keeping track of just one, so I can't imagine having to read and comprehend plots from everything, and then plan for future plots. It's not fair if the players get to have all the fun, while the GMs are stressing out.

When we reach "Tonight" (game time) there will be a dinner and a viewing of the Northern Lights. Players will have a chance to show us the culture of Pegulis, network with other characters, and then deal with CRAZYSHIT that starts happening from the oncoming Arcane Storm. >:3 If you are a NEW player, this will be a good place to introduce your character, and if you are a CURRENT player, you can divulge cool plot things.

SEND ME A CONVO if you need ideas about what to do during that scene!
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Pegulis and Kaustir friends, I've done my best to give you ambiance and an environment where you can frame your posts. Please take initiative, work with me, and let's get this stuff going.
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