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Plot Discussion (Chapter 4)

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I imagine so. I mean nothing specifically inherent to the storm itself, but things like St. Elmo's Fire in the air, spectral sightings, things blooming/withering as the wind changes. Things like that could be a forewarning of the actual storm.
@Navras The ghoul sage just gave azareth an existential horror, which is to him what he does to 'common' folk. I am not privy to how he acts, but at least a minute of fetal position crying would probably be appropriate. He has seen something utterly alien and nonsensical, just by peeling the hood back from a cloaked figure. Yeah I know, we all try to out-do each other in cray-cray .. but I'm not writing that post to show you who is more awesome at writing crazy scenes, it's the ghoul sage slapping you on the wrist and saying "tone it down buddy, I know exactly what you're up to."
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Yeah... wasn't exactly sure how to react to that to be honest. So I went with the "dog with a bone" lead. I'll go back and edit in something more appropriate in a little bit.
We want to smell your soiled britches, Navras! We want it wafting off the screen!

*almost forgets*

Asmo's Deer-in-Headlights Survival Manual

"A party for Nocturnes? But I'm a Nocturne! So that means... hmm... I know this..."
"I gotta talk to someone in charge. Let's see if I can sneaky mcbastard into this fancy gathering."
"Hey, that's the caravan with all those important people in it. Ah'ma follow it rather than cross the desert alone."
"Oh fudgesticks! However will I get this pie/wine/tablecloth/floor-mopping/six-pack finished in time for the party?"
"Aha! Creepy Governor guy. You go to the party, yes? You will need servants, yes? Yes? YES? YISS YISS!"
"Viridosi Borders closed?! God fucking dammit! How am I supposed to sell my shit?"
"Hurr hurr, there's a fat draken on that boat and he's diving for a.. WHUUUUUUUUUUT?!!!"

"Don't worry, li'l birdies. I'll stay and help you repair the Aviary!"
"Hoshit! There's a city on my farmland! Shoo! Get out of it! GO 'WAY!"
"Hmm, this here Riven Tree's gonna need a fixin'."
"A possessed chick, an undertaker, a vampire and a unicorn ON TRIAL??? This I gotta see."
"Oh hey, you're one of General Tattersal's men, right? I've heard mu-- AAAGH! STOP HITTING ME!"
"Borders closed, eh? Men: it's time to activate SMUGGLERTRON!"

"Mommy mommy! Look at the storm. It's so b-- OH MY GOD, I'VE BEEN TURNED INTO A SQUIRREL!"
"We'z gowna find that there Ghoul Sage, and we'z gonna murderize him. Mhmm."
"La la la! Northern Lights! Everything is pretty! Yaaaaay! More champagne, dear?"
"So a Ghoul Sage has got us by the thermic gems, eh? To the libraries, team!"
"Guys.... is that... is that a FUCKING CITY over the border there? WHAT THE FUCK?!"
@ Everyone in Pegulis

I read the latest chapter of Pegulis, as well as the Synopsis (Pegulis Section only for now); And I listed the following things to be going on, as far as memory and deduction served me during the read:


- Wizard comes back from an expedition and warns for a rival wizard 'The Ghoul Sage'

- A batallion/special forces are being sent to trace this Ghoul Sage but get decimated / defeated by an ice golem serving the Ghoul Sage.

- Suspicision and drama arise in Pegulis concerning the returned wizard amongst other events (Unfortunately forgot which)

Current chapter:

- Refugée Avians arrive at the city and are treated poorly.

- Arcane Storm approaches from the distance.

- Chaos and more are lurking just around the corner.

Please correct me if I made any grave / important errors so far.


Now, there's a question I'd like to post, before I ask fellow Pegulis members to collab with me on a fun side-arc or request to include me in the main arc in some way:

*** Is it allowed to post 'Member Threads' in the OOC Section? ***


- A thread concerning a PC/member's goals, experiences and encounters so far. Basicly a thread to keep track of everything going on and about to come for that PC, as planned by the PC's owner.

- A Partner / Group Search thread, basicly a Team/Matchmaking thread where a player can search fellow players to create side arcs of their own during all the fun stuff going on? This would alleviate some of the stress/pressure on the mods perhaps?

- Etc. etc.


Lastly, who in Pegulis is free and willing to roleplay with me / my char?


Let me know, cheers. ^^
You forgot about the fall of Tavark to Eimund and the survivors who are currently trying to take it back.
True, I remembered when I read Asmodeus' post...Curse my swiss cheese memory :(

Does this mean everyone but @MiNaGi is gonna have to try to sneak into the nocturne party? Or will Amalia and her party have enough influence to get in?
@ConstructPylons great post, but I think you're not giving Aldus citizens enough credit. They should be used enough to blizzards and nasty storms to not panic. Most people probably have storm cellars. Also, I don't think there are nobles in Pegulis - it's a republic.
Ah, well... let me see about changing it around. I just assumed from previous posts that this storm was on a whole 'nother level itself, enough to inspire panic. I mean, Mr. Mayor over there seemed pretty melodramatic about it.
@unanun Okay, I revised it a bit. Does that work better? Still wanted it to sound a little chaotic while not being completely insane. Let me know what you think.
Please correct me if I made any grave / important errors so far.
- Wizard warns of Ghoul Sage, but CONTINUES ONWARDS in his quest to find Divine Weapons in the Prosperos Sea.
- Force sets out to reinforce the capital, but is decimated by an Ice Golem in service to the Ghoul Sage
- Ghoul Sage isolates Tavark with a storm, and as the city rides out to help with relief efforts, a mysterious band of vikings raiders return from the cursed ocean and occupy the city.
- People in the capital convene to discuss the Ghoul Sage threat, but are then threatened by the Ghoul Sage, in person. He tells them to shut the fuck up and to recall that Wizard who's looking for Divine Weapons
- Now, avian refugees are arriving, and the capital are deciding how to respond to the occupation of Tavark and the quest of the Wizard and how to- OH GOD A MAGIC STORM! HIDE!

Is it allowed to post 'Member Threads' in the OOC Section? ***
Get thee to The Lounge. You can make any thread you like there, except child porn picture galleries. Sorry.

Lastly, who in Pegulis is free and willing to roleplay with me / my char?
I think @GonzoB. , @Jack Shade , @Requiem , @Eternalfire61 , @Torsty , @Falcon are going to be smuggling this chapter, but they're all in other nations. So if you're thinking of just operating INSIDE Pegulis, I would head to Aldus.

@LVL1337N00B - could this guy be a fence for Artortius's stolen goods?
Yay! I made daddy proud! 8D

Looks like Artorius posted already too. Guess we're getting a pretty good start here.
Yep. Pegulis is feeling good. We just need the Tavark rabble to sound of, so we know what's going on over there.
We'll have something big in the next few hours.

Been discussing it all day.
Im working currently with @SlatersDeath to get the Tavark scene rolling as well.

Also was just listening/reading the Kaustir opener for chapter 4. XD reading while listening to that song felt epic... like a very.. errm vampire coven like gathering being called together. (like a scene in a movie) cool feeling XD
Got caught in the dinner cooking. I'll be typing up my reply as soon as I'm done. So that means hose of us who have been chatting it up in PMs need to figure out how things are unfolding and saying "This is how we're doing it" for sure lol.
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