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Plot Discussion (Chapter 3)

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Kairos is missing and you can bet that if you beyond the communal areas you'll have Kindly Ones all up your ass.

Which is the fun of it, really. :D

Go on...Go in deeper...
Kay! Going deeper I am. I just wanted to get a general impression of how far I could/should take her in a single post. Judging from your comments... not far. :)
Thanks Wolfsin. As said the invasion of Tavark is happening RIGHT NOW. It's not even complete. Even Rosie's character on the edge of the city doesn't know about it yet. Even PORG, who's in the middle of the city doesn't know about it yet. We can have word spread when we get a few more pages into the IC.
Works by me just fine i still found a way to amuse the bored Wolfsin haha.

Wait, so Tattersal is going to stage a coup, like right now, today?

Oh, lawdy, shit's about to get very interesting in Edelon.
Ah just to double check, @Tegan are you waiting for me to post for Caoimhe to finish up the flashback conversation?
Nope! I am working on it as we speak. Sorry for the hold up, I can't write as fast as Asmo does.
Haha no problems, it gives me time to work out something for Belphebe. I just wanted to make sure that we weren't getting sucked into a loop where we were both waiting for the other to post.
In hindsight, I could see Avian as kind of being the overpowered race. If you really think about it...

*threat approaches*
*avian flies away*
Reasonably, how far into the Temple of Ilium could Chelena get before she was caught? Is there any way she could make it to Kairos' private quarters? If he even has private quarters... Or would someone/thing grab her between the entrance and there?

This makes me think of that 'Legends of the Hidden Temple' show, when those idiot kids couldn't put that fucking silver monkey shrine together. REMEMBER WHEN THE CULTURALLY INSENSITIVE DUDES IN PROP SHOP HEADDRESS WOULD GRAB PRETEENS AND DRAG THEM INTO THE WALLS

Man. The fucking 90s amirite.

---> Plot relevance:
Maybe this is just because I'm Kaustir-ignant, but what are the lil red nation babies doing why Pegulis kids are in school and Viridosi children are...what, learning what orgies are?
---> Plot relevance:
Maybe this is just because I'm Kaustir-ignant, but what are the lil red nation babies doing why Pegulis kids are in school and Viridosi children are...what, learning what orgies are?

I imagine children of the rich are groomed to take over the business of their parents - that is at least what I have in mind for Gulzar.

The rest - the poor/common children - I imagine are thrown into child labour. Those who survive the hardship are sent to the army. Kids with the "right genetics"(animas and draken I imagine) can be groomed to become excellent war machines from a very early age.


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SlatersDeath said:
Once safely tucked away in an alley, Darin pulled the roll of paper from his belt and unrolled it. The first name on his list of possible recruits was M'Vae Don.

Oh this is going to be interesting!
I gotta a question I need an answer to before my next post.

Darin is looking for M'Vae first because he was the first on the list, my question is, are the farmsteads within the gates or no? I sent Darin south for the possibility of helping out Rosie's character. If not then he will just be looking for M'Vae and anyone else on his list of names.
I would imagine they are not, however I don't consider myself as an authority but it strikes me as odd for a farm stead to be within the city walls. I don't recall that being the case in any game/show/book I've played/watched/read. Usually farmsteads are rather vulnerable because they aren't within the city.
Well I reckon Ture will help after the initial "Wait what?" reaction.
M'Vae will be helping Rath on the other hand. Tavark hasn't been kind to him past nor present.
Darin's hunting his wife's murderer, it just so happens that Tavark fell while he was here. So the approach will be, 'Help me find my wife's killer, pweez? Oh, and we might as well save Tavark while we're at it!'
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