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Like I said guys, PA was really fun with you guys! Each one of you brought something exciting to the story and without you guys it wouldn't have happened. And if a 2.0 comes around, you'll be the first to know.

Annnd the final post is officially up but it's nothing special
Also, for those who want a more complete explanation for what would have happened during my arc: [spoili]It would eventually be revealed that Ray's Uncle, as well as the rest of his family, were members of the Separatists: a secret organization devoted to maintaining Lendria's independence. Uncle Percy's story about delivering pay and mapping new trade routes was a cover for his real mission: delivering a secret message from the Queen of Lendria to the World Government. The guys who attacked us were Royalists: members of another secret organization that wants to conquer Lendria. It would also be hinted that Lisset, Ray's ex-girlfriend who got him exiled from Lendria in the first place, was a Royalist agent.[/spoili]
Hello guys. I have a question for you all. I might have an rp in the works, with similar structure to the Pirate Age, that is, compartmented into arcs (and same as capn', I'd be more than happy to have players make their own as collaboration work). Same as PA, it is a story about a man, a plan and a ship, though it is not anime, and the idea is something far less whimsical and over the top. If any of you are still around and are looking for a rp to partake in, I can discuss this further, with more delicious details.
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