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Perfectly Twisted

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Once Asher was sure he was ready to go, he knocked on the bathroom door and called, "I'll wait for you in the car!" As he headed outside he snagged the keys, both to unlock and turn the heat on.
Roland was swift when he got out, deciding that it was too early in the morning to ponder such matters. The only thing that seemed to matter was whether he had his books and such on him - he'd certainly be needing them. He clambered in with Ash, and rolled his shoulders in an attempt to get rid of what little lethargy was left in him.
"Ready when you are, mate."
"Right, right," He muttered, and then they were off. In little to no time at all they were parked outside the school, Ash killing the engine before grabbing his things and hopping out. He fell into step beside his brother, chiming, "I'll meet you here after school?"
"If you like. I'll catch you later - you know where to find me during lunch!"
With that, Roland dashed off, not bothering to say much more. He had to get to the other side of the school - of course he needed to hurry.
Asher came to a stop for a second, looking a bit dazed when he continued to his class. He wanted to give Roland a goodbye kiss, and realized just then that they could never be affectionate in public. Could there relationship - if there was one - survive that kind of secrecy?
Roland, as much as he wanted to let Asher be affectionate with him, didn't think the boy could stand the judgement and the prejudice that came with it. Concern for Asher was practically all that Roland had as he sat down/ The teacher's words didn't register - he had other thoughts on his mind.
When lunch rolled around Asher wandered into the cafe, eyes scanning the crowd for his brother as he gripped his bagged lunch. Once he found him he walked over, nudging the older's shoulder.
"Hey, Roland, can I sit with you today?"
"Shrr yuu cm."
Mouth full of sandwich and lips closed, Roland's speech was all but incomprehensible. Fortunately, he had hand gestures to show that Asher was welcome. He swallowed, and repeated. "Sure you can."
Asher quickly sat down beside him, pulling out an apple and nibbling. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd say no," he chuckled. "But I didn't want your little brother to 'cramp your style' or anything."
Roland let out a hearty laugh, before smirking at Asher, his expression one of plain amusement.
"Oh Ash, don't you remember? I have no style to cramp."
Ash shot him a slight leer as he swallowed, then shook his head.
"Even if you're just joking - Roland, you just don't give yourself enough credit."
Roland knocked Asher's shoulder, a playful smile on his face as he did so.
"And you give me too much. I'm not that great, you know."
"I liked my idea better," he decided with a sly smile, continuing on that teasing banter. "I don't see anything particularly not-great about you."
"Well, we do particularly great things together, don't we?"
Roland chuckled, though this was mostly to disguise the fact of the kind of relationship he and his brother were in.
"I bet we could do some particularly great things in the library or boy's locker room."
Asher lowered his voice to almost a whisper, a playful smirk on his lips. Luckily no one seemed to be listening anyway.
"At school? My, you ARE a naughty boy, aren't you?"
It was worth noting that Roland wasn't complaining - in fact, he seemed rather enticed by the idea of going at it in school.
An image of Darren fluttered through his mind at Roland's words, but he shoved it away, instead leaning towards his brother.
"Was that a no? Because I didn't hear you saying you didn't want to."
"I'd say it's more an agreement. Lead the way, Ash."
Though Roland hid most of his facial expression pretty well, there was no denying the look in his eyes. Evidently, whatever Asher had planned, Roland wanted in on it.
Asher chuckled and nodded. After tossing his trash he strolled out of the lunchroom and down the hall, then to one of the locker rooms. As he tugged Roland inside he made sure to lock the door, not that a key couldn't open it. However, it would definitely seem he wasn't new at this.
"Um..any complaints?"
"Yeah, just one. You aren't making out with me yet."
Roland, without warning, pushed his lips against Asher's, after making sure they couldn't be seen. "Your idea, your responsibility. You're in charge here, Ash."
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