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Path of a Gym Leader

"I admit... I wasn't expecting anything quite like this..." Whiiiiis~ Crier replied in awe, pulling up the camera from his midsection, trying to lug the thing high enough to take a picture of everything around him, making tiny murmurs as he struggled with the size of the camera compared to him. There were a few quick flashes of the camera as he tried to get the right picture. None of them turned out super well.

Things were weird enough with just the crystal cave, but with the old man as well it was even weirder. "Soo... Who are you exactly? Do you like, live here? In this underground forest or whatever?"

It would seem that a certain trouble maker had finally awoken, as without any warning the new pokeball on Moe's belt popped open. Pocket was quick to run and meet up with the Feraligatr, hopping up on its shoulder. Surprisingly not with any ill will from the menacing pokemon. In fact it seemed to regard him as a friend.

"O-Oh, so you two know each other." "Aip-pom pom!" Moe was a little relieved. At least it seemed that the Feraligatr wouldn't be too upset with him. "Well make sure he knows that we'll be happy to visit from time to time." His new partner nodded and hung out on top of the crocodilian head.

"Hey Tommy, don't you already have two pokemon? Do you really need to catch another to pass the test?"

@Mad Captain Kazu
The piercing sound of the wild Persian's Growl bounced off the building walls surrounding the streets - increasing the already disorienting effects of the move. For a moment Mélanie felt like her ears would burst, but then the Persian suddenly stopped. Trading in its defensive stance for wild trashing as Mothra's Ember hit the Persian in its face. The smoldering embers temporarily blinded the Pokémon, giving the party a moment to assess the situation. Mélanie used this moment to reason with herself and come to the conclusion that continuing the offense was the only way this could end in their favor. "Gummy, Psybeam!" She called out with a hurried tone.

Gummy answered the call by producing another energized beam at the blinded Persian – another direct hit! The Persian buckled, earning Mélanie's undivided attention while hoping the feline would stay down. However, while she was distracted by the large cat, another 'attacker' rammed into her from behind. Causing them both to fall onto the pavement. Before Mélanie could assess and react to the situation, her 'attacker' had already gotten off her and started apologizing profusely. Mélanie got back on her feet and mistakenly turned her back on the Persian to face... another girl? "Eh.." She stood speechless for a moment as she'd expected her 'attacker' to be another wild Pokémon. So, then it had been an accident. However, it couldn't have happened at a worse time.

"Ta gueule, ferme ta gueule!" She hastily snapped at the girl's apologies before having a moment of panic and turning her attention back on the actual threat in the area. Only to catch a glimpse of the Persian slinking back into the shadows. Overwhelmed by the trainers and Pokémon working together, it had realized a fair fight wasn't the way to approach this 'prey'. It had chosen to use more evasive tactics – using the shadows to safely shake off the remaining embers and set up its Feint. Although it could have ended worse if Ashe hadn't come to her defense. Taking a stand between her and a wild Pokémon wasn't something she'd forget. "Ah, merde, I'm fine, Ashe, I'm fine, did anyone see where it went?"

Location: Lunavelle Streets
Interactions: @Enthriper @Justsomeguy @Mystical Fox


"That's.... my bad" Tommy says to Moe while still trying to twist the blinking device apart. Bepo rushes to crier's side to help hold up the camera while letting out 'kip's with every flash but stops dead in his tracks causing Crier to unload a burst of flashes in the direction of what seemed to be a big slump of fur in the distance. Bepo slightly slaps Crier with his tailfin to halt the snap shots but it was already to late since the slump of fur had started to shake.
The Ursaring lifts his head looking at Crier and Bepo while letting out a yawn before slowly rolling over and scratching its belly and falling back asleep. Bepo looks at Crier and let's out another kip before running back over to Tommy's side. "What? You writing a book?" The old man says chuckling away at his own joke still leading them through the forrest. "I ended up stranded down here after I twisted my ankle up something fierce and ended up trapped down here" 'BANG' "but I cant complain" the old man says bending down to pet a Rattata 'BANG' "this underground forest or whatever is dam well near a paradise... 'BANG'... What the hell are ya making all that noise for!?" The old man says snapping at Tommy who had been trying to break his device open on a tree.
"The casing.. 'Bang'..... is pretty durable...'Bang'... and thanks to goliath over there, it wont open" Tommy says finally giving up. The Ferligatr let's out a slight growl at Tommy unsure if he was being insulted but assumed he was anyway. The old man leads them to a small section of the woods that had been turned into a camp site "take a seat" the old man says leading them over to a camp fire that was surrounded by a few make shift chairs made out of tree stumps. Tommy let's out a deep breath while taking a seat and tossing the device on the ground causing the outer casing to pop open. "So What brings you two here anyway?" The old man says grabbing a wooded bowl of berries and setting it down on one of the stumps for the pokemon. "Some fairytale" Tommy says pulling out a crystal that he couldn't help but pick up in the cave while he held it up to look watch the light reflect off of it. The old man looks at Tommy with an amused look "In my own salvation and your eternal slumber" The old man says quoting an old fairytale that had been around since he was young. "Legend speaks, quietly, but surely" Tommy says finishing the quote making the old man lauph as he nodded his head in approval.

"Test? Catch a pokemon? What are you talking about?" The old man says oveheaing Moe's question. "Your looking at Leoluna's next top gym leaders, and our first test is to catch a pokemon which sounds kinda an Insult in my opinion" Tommy says with confidence while Bepo lets out a Kip with already with a mouth full of berries only to spit the berries out turning to see the Frogadier from eailer helping his self to some berries. "I guess your right" Tommy says answering Moe while thinking about it
"Never really considered Capta....." Before Tommy could finish his sentence, Flap pops out of his pokeball and flops on the ground letting out Panic Karps when he sees the fish cooking over the fire. "Chill out bud" Tommy says trying to call him back but kept missing since he kept flopping back and forth. When Tommy's Magikarp spots the Ferligatr its eyes had slowly turned aggressive before suddenly bouncing in the air " hey! shii.." Tommy quickly dashes forward catching Flapp when he finally came back down "come on man" Tommy says letting out a relieved sigh "Relax will ya, hes cool " Tommy says getting Flapp back into his pokeball.

"Well I suggest you pick a town up north" The old man says tending to the cooked fish. "You sound like you don't miss it" Tommy says retaking his seat while taking one of the sticks with a fish on the end. "Well, I have my reasons" The old man says grumbling while he added more wood to the fire. "Your going to have to deal with it old man, because I already have our ticket out of here" Tommy says turning on the device and turning it on but turns it back off when the old man had yelled at him. "what's wrong?" Tommy says not knowing what he did wrong. "If that thing is going to bring more people here, don't turn it on" The old man says using an angered tone making the Ferligtr growl.
"Alright,Fine" Tommy says holding up his hands while tossing the device into the fire
"Looks like we figure another way" Tommy says rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I didn't say you two were trapped here, your free to leave, I'll show you the tunnel" "how long is the tunnel?" "A few yards, but with those gadgets of yours, I'm sure it will be no problem for you two, just follow the tunnel" The old man says making Tommy look down at his rebreather. "Well that's out of that sucks" Tommy says trying to think while he looked down at his watch.
Making the old man says already knowing that Tommy was still thinking of a plan to get him out with them. "I appreciate the thought kid, but I would rather be left down here than turning this place into the next Leoluna tourists attraction, alot of the pokemon that live in this forest was here way before I even found this place, I won't be responsible for ruining there home just because some pompous fool wants to build a playground for his little demon"

"Then keep your trap shut when we get out of here" Tommy says eating his fish making the old man look at Tommy in awe
"We only have two rebreathers, and I don't think they have enough power for two trips, so let's just go back the way we came in" Tommy says making the old man laugh.
"Right" Tommy says standing back up while stretching still with his fish on stick in his hand. "Make your peace with this place old man, I'll start working on our escape plan" Tommy says turning his head to look at the Ferligatr before the two share an award stare down for a few seconds "awww come on buddy" Tommy says as the Ferligatr shakes Moes pokemon off his head and begins walking away with Tommy following him into the forest. "Dont be like that, I didn't mean any thing by that pokeball" "Your friend there is something else" The old man says taking a seat and watching as the two disssaper into the forest "I'm sure you two will make fine Gymleaders when you get out of here" He says examing Crier before looking over at Moe's aipom "might as well make your self comfortable, If he thinks Ol boy is going to help, heh, I'm sure he'll be back soon"

@Reanimator Spuds

The Pokecenter to the Professor's Lab

Harmony considered what Leo said earlier and then paused when he finished with Nurse Joy, "Neri said you whispered something to the officer. What did you whisper?"

Leo gave the update on Paras and suggested that they head to the lab. She nodded in silence with her mind elsewhere . Tori and Neri might regroup at the lab with the assignment completed, so she would want to check up on them.

As they passed by the storefronts leading toward the lab, Harmony decided to do some window shopping as her Pokemon slept. She smiled at the cute hats with the Pokemon ears.

"Hm?" She noticed a dog running across the display and snagging a soft scarf before being shooed out of the store. One of the store workers chasing after the dog with the green fur.

Her attention immediately shifting to Leo's greeting to Tori, and Harmony ran up to her. "Tori! Is Neri too upset? Where is she?" Harmony asked worriedly. She sat beside Tori with a comforting glow.

Letty and Dee were filling their tummies with Tori's snacks. Ee. Eev awoke from her nap in Harmony's lap and placed her paws on Tori's thigh to comfort her. She could feel the discomfort coming from the human.
Tori Tobu
Lunavelle - Outside of the Professor's Lab
Mentions : Harmony (@Luelle ), Leo (@LoveandHate91 )

Tori just watched in silence as Dee and Letty both ate the snacks. While Letty seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit, Dee kept sending worried looks towards Tori, who simply offered a gentle, yet sad smile in return. She couldn't stop thinking about what she did.

It didn't take too long until a pair of footsteps arrived by her. She wondered for a moment if she will have a bit of distraction, only to see it was Leo and Harmony. The former offered to help her however he could, and even spread out his hand to help her stand up. And Harmony moved to sit down next to her, already expressing worry about Neri and asking for her whereabouts. After looking at both with the same sad smile, Tori moved to fix her gave on Eev, who she felt touch her thigh. She gently pet the back of Eev's paw with a couple of fingers.

"Neri is headed home. It seemed as though she was beginning to attract too much attention, of the wrong kind, so after talking to her I asked her to head back. Both to keep a low profile and let things calm down, and to give me a bit of peace of mind. I don't want to need to worry about her every step of the way. That she might be arrested for something she didn't do again, or that she might let her emotions run rampant again." Tori said, before moving her fingers away from the back of Eev's paw, and turned her attention back to Dee and Letty "I don't think I want to enter the lab just yet. Give me a few more moments out here." She said in a quieter voice, before moving to hug her knees.

"It was the right thing to do. I know it was." She whispered to herself in a voice that would barely be audible for Harmony, who was sitting beside her. Tori moved to lean her forehead on her knees, not wanting the other two to see the tears that were beginning to gather in her eyes. She needed to stay strong and focused, to achieve what Neri saw as a dream for both of them.
After Leo returned from giving the injured Paras to nurse Joy Harmony asked what Neri said he whispered to Officer Jenny. "Truly I didn't say anything, when Officer Jenny spoke loudly it made Eevee run so I was trying to keep our voices down and not scare Eevee any further." Leo lied coming up with it almost instantly.

Leo saw the dog steal a scarf. "That isn't a good thing do we have wild Pokémon running around the festival stealing from the stalls. Something will have to be fine about those before their business's are hurt too much." Leo said before they reached the entrance to the Lab and was greeted by a sight of Tori with Neri no where to be seen.

The entire seen and tone of voice was enough to tell him that Tori was a little sad but what transpired after they went separate ways before regrouping at the lab.

So that was the reason Tori sent Neri back home. It may be better for Tori that way as Neri made a quick enemy of Leola. And being away may help keep Tori's reputation from being damaged. "You sure you want to stay out here alone. At times like this it's good to be in company of friends. But if you want some time alone I will respect that." Leo said looking as Tori put her head against her knees blocking her face from view.

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The Professor's Lab to the Beach again?

eeee. Eev matched Tori's sad smile while leaning into the petting. "What???-" Harmony began after a loud gasp that she wasn't anticipating, but she let Tori finish the reasoning. She frowned and bowed her head quietly for a moment.

"I wish she could continue with us.... We could keep a close eye on her.... but.... I understand you not wanting to worry." Harmony couldn't help, but feel disappointed which caused Eev to nudge her with her head for comfort.

She gave a rub across Eevee's soft fur and looked to Leo with a suspicious glance. Maybe Neri got caught up in the moment and thought Leo had whispered something against her? Harmony couldn't be sure after the comments from Officer Jenny.

"Aw Tori.." Harmony sighed and took Leo's hand to lead them away. "Give her some time." She wanted to bear hug the girl, but it was too soon with them barely knowing one another yet. "Let's see if Kurtis- Professor Rylund is available yet...."

She stopped before leaving and looked to Tori who had whispered something. "Tori. We'll be right inside when you're ready." She gave a sweet smile to the girl and turned away with a frown before taking a breath in to relax her lips.

Harmony took a step forward to the door, but then was interrupted by a blast of wind that shot passed her feet. Racing passed her was the furry green dog with something in its mouth.

"WAIT! THAT'S MINE!" Before she could even realize. the dog had snatched the basket of rice cakes with the egg inside. Harmony took off after him which threw Oricio out of her slumber and hanging on tight to her sunny, breezy hair. OROOoo!

Eevvv! Eev bobbed up in down within Harmony's arms as the sudden chase began.

They were off toward the beach once more where the forest had been. The wild Electrike dashed inside the forest and Harmony tripped over her feet, shielding Eev as she fell. Oricio bouncing safely on the back of her head.

@Nim @LoveandHate91
Lunavelle City - Downtown Streets

Alder was slowly becoming more confident about this fight, with the Persian seemingly overwhelmed by the blows coming left and right. Maybe keeping up the pressure would make it think twice about continuing this fight? Mélanie must've had a similar idea because her Pokemon let loose another beam attack. Alder heard a lot of noise after that, and decided to actually look over that way to figure out what exactly was going on. When he did, the sight was a mess. A new girl had tackled Mélanie? And now Ashe was standing defensively in between her and the Persian. Maybe Alder should play off that and draw the attention away from the now chaotic situation over there. That seemed like it could be helpful, and he'd check on everyone after the immediate threat was gone.

"Okay Mothra, use Zen Headbutt!". Immediately upon hearing the command, Mothra stilled itself for a moment. The small bug's forehead began to glow before Mothra charged over to the now lurking Persian. Zen Headbutt had about double the power as Ember, and was kind of like little Mothra's trump card, or at least it seemed to throw off the kids Alder usually had matches with. Maybe if the attack hit it would have the same effect on the feral Persian?

@Hecatty @Enthriper @Mystical Fox
Leo looks down he figures that he was one of the reasons Neri had to leave. Considering their last meeting was a argument. So Leo decides to apologize as he is still somewhat caring and compassionate. "I'm sorry Tori I guess one of the arguments that probably helped your decision and send her back was do to me so I'm sorry for making her leave and making you sad." Leo said with true sincerity. "I guess I could have been a little nicer then claiming she did something to Eevee. But that was the first thing that came to mind and it was a mistake to say what was on my mind. I could help try watching over her like a big brother but she probably hates me now so that probably wouldn't have worked. Seeing as what she says proves that she doesn't trust me at all."

Leo catch's Harmonys glance at him. So she wasn't to trusting of him at the moment. And she had every right to be considering he was the entire reason officer Jenny showed up. Which also meant he was one of the factors responsible for getting Neri sent home.
Hopefully Leo can do something to fully earn Harmony's trust.

Leo let's Harmony lead him away but he looked back over his shoulder to say one last thing to Tori before they gave her some space. "If you need anything even if it's just a person to talk to let me know."

But before they would go into the lab a wild Pokémon raced past stealing Harmony basket in the process. Which made Harmony chase after it. Leo has barely anytime to register what happened as he followed after Harmony and the Pokémon. When Harmony tripped Leo kept up the pursuit clearly their was something in the basket Harmony wanted. "Come on out Claw time to earn your place." Leo yelled as he threw Houndour's pokeball out in front of the Electrike which it swerved around.

"Scorch use smokescreen." Leo yelled to his Sizzliped which blinded the Electrike for a little bit. "Scorch use fire wheel and Claw use Ember." Both attacks miss but the Electrike wasn't interested in fighting two Pokémon so it continued to run with the basket. "Damn it." Leo said.

Leo then returned to Harmony to help her up. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to retrieve your basket. But I have a idea your scent is on the basket I can have Claw track it down. If your really interested in getting the basket back that is."

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Vanna quickens her pace as she feels the slight tremors from deeper within the cave. She might not be an expert in spelunking but the girl did have a brain after all. And hers was screaming nope nope nope, similar enough to her ever so faithful partner pokemon that was full on floating beside her as they escaped the cave. They look back at the cave in bewilderment. "You good Fen?" She asks, hearing the rapidly approaching footsteps coming from the cave. Fen grumbles uncertainly and keeps himself between Vanna and the cave of doom.

They watch worriedly as Altair comes tumbling out of the cave. Vans briefly wonders if a tyranitar had been in the cave too, but she doubted it since they were still fairly close to the city. But no, it just looked like Altair pissed off the seaweed from hell. That was a relief. She watches curiously as the duo work together, and when the dhelmise is captured, she relaxes. "Are you alright?" She asks as she walked over to where he was practically dead on the ground. She was already going through her bag to find her first aid kit in case he got scraped up with his escape from the cave.

Fen hops over towards the dhelmise's pokeball and looks at it curiously. He picked it up in his mouth and hopped back over to Vanna and Altair. He drops the pokeball by Altair's hand. He goes about gathering up the other pokeballs the kid dropped and sets them down by his side. He holds the last one in his mouth, staying true to form.

@Cresion Breezes @Soverign @Shiki
Lunavelle Beach Forest


"OUF. Thanks...." Harmony took Leo's hand after falling and swept the sand from her knees and elbows. Eev had sprung out of Harmony's defensive embrace and her fur was fuming as red as a Flareon and hightailed it after the thieving canine. VEEEEE!

OR? Oricorio clung onto Harmony's hair upside down with it talons. Harmony giggled and knelt down so that Oricorio could safely land upright. Her giggle quickly disappeared and she stood up to chase after Eev.

"He has my egg!!!!" Harmony shouted to Leo as she anxiously ran. She entered upon the harder compacted sand of the forest floor with sticks poking out here and there. Oricio springing after her.

She spotted Eev in the distance and she tried to keep up, but quickly ran out of breath. She huffed the air in and out stopping to see if she could see them anymore. Eev was no longer in sight and she started back into a sprint. "I think they went over here!"

Harmony broke through the low hanging tree limbs into a clearing with a pond. The Electrike spit out the basket gently and reared back on its hind legs with a flash of it's teeth toward Eev. EE! Eev spread her paws apart and arched her back up.

LECTRIKE. The wild dog barked as abruptly as a strike of lightning. Beside the grassy shore of the pond, a drenched Zigzagoon shivered at the edge with a scarf wrapped around it's neck to warm it. Harmony recognized the scarf from the shop.

"AWWW." Harmony nearly crashed to the ground in adoration. "He wanted to help dry the wet Pokemon.... And I bet to give it some food." She said looking at the rice cakes in the basket. She walked over slowly and the dog grew tenser.

"It's ok- You can have them." She giggled kneeling down to offer a hand to calm him. She retrieved the egg cautiously and scootched the basket of rice cakes to Electrike and the Zigzagoon.

EEEV. Eev huffed and remained in position. Trike. Electrike eased up and turned to lap up a bit of water tiring from running around everywhere. He gave a sniff toward the wet coon, and kept his eyes on Eev just in case.

"Got the egg. Let's head back to the lab." Harmony smiled to Leo. She didn't want to bother the heroic Pokemon any longer.

All of this stuff was really whizzing over Moe's head. Everything was happening so fast. All he wanted was to interview potential gym leaders. How did this all happen to him. "Tourist attaction... Underground forest... Cave in... Rebreather... My head's spinning..."

He fell backwards confused for a moment. Crier was quick to jump to his aid, pulling out a bottle of water and slowly and steadily opening it, splashing it on his forehead. Meanwhile, Pocket took the opportunity to take the notepad he had been using to get everything he could from the expedition, and began doodling on it, messing up everything he had done so far.

Crier still working hard to get his partner back on his feet poured the entire bottle, drenching the poor lad from the shoulders up.

"Ah! That's cold! So very cold!"

He was awoken just in time to hear the end of the two others' conversation. "Well... I suppose we should get going then huh? I bet Professor Kraus is waiting for us."

@Mad Captain Kazu
Leo helped Harmony to her feet but clearly her cute little Eevee wasn't going to wait for Claw to track down the wild Pokémon. As Eevee was fuming clearly angry at the Electrike for what it did. Clearly Eevee's were more then just cute cuddling friends. They could fight as well and that's why Leo wanted one. Leo followed after Harmony who followed Eevee with Claw and Scorch close behind. Ready for a fight.

Leo runs after Harmony hearing that the Electrike stole her egg. Watching his feet so he would not step on Harmony's Oricio.

This was becoming quite the exercise. As they chased the Electrike all the way from the lab, to the beach and now a pond. Now that it was in sight Leo was able to catch his breath as the Electrike was barring its fangs at Eevee who was ready to fight. But Eevee wasn't alone as both Claw and Scorch cane up on Eevee's sides ready to back it up in a fight.

"You sure Harmony this is a lighting Pokémon. And it could be the perfect addition to your team. Seeing that it's personality is almost a perfect match for your own." Leo said but followed after her.

Claw ran next to Harmony's Eevee bumping into it before moving in front and slapping its paws onto the ground in a playful manner. "Well looks like these two want to play but we may want to get back to the lab first."

Lunavelle Beach Forest to Professor Rylund's Lab

"I'm sure. While you're right and I appreciate the compliment, I don't want to continue to intrude." Harmony replied to Leo. She left the Pokemon alone to finish their cute, helpful interaction.

She would remember the altruistic green dog with the head bolt.

Eev observed the wild dog with narrowed eyes and she began to relax when Sizzlipede and Hondour had joined her side. She abandoned her offensive stance after studying Electrike's compassionate nature toward the Zigzagoon.

Electrike carried the basket closer to Zigzagoon with his mouth and let the critter eat his fill first. Eev backed away and dashed after Harmony with her tail held high.

The dainty fox spun around at the nudge from Hondour and hopped over his head and off of his back.

"I think they'll get along just fine!" Harmony giggled at Eev and Claw's playful exchange. "C'mon let's get back!" She led the way across the sands with her feet sinking softly within each step. She held tightly to the egg and ran onto the pebbled street.

It didn't take long before Harmony reached the familiar storefronts and dashed down them to reach where they had began. She was going to check on the status of Tori until the door of the lab cracked open and familiar face stepped outside.

Professor Rylund waddled out of his lab and took off the note on the door. Harmony's heart stopped and she tried everything in her power not to begin blushing again. "oh. Hello you three. Finish the assignment already?" He asked them.

"Professor! Yes this is my newest Pokemon, Oricio!" Harmony introduced the bird who twirled cheerfully in the air. OROO! The sunny bird sprang up to nestle in Harmony's shiny hair. Ee. Eev rolled her eyes and rubbed against Harmony's leg.

"wow. That's great." Professor Rylund said shyly. "Come on into the lab, it's much cooler than out here." He reentered his laboratory and Harmony happily followed after him looking back at Leo and Tori with a reassuring smile.

Inside the lab, the floor was tiled with large silver squares with an assortment of displays and bookshelves. On the back wall was a healing machine similar to the ones in the Pokemon Centers.

Near Rylund's glass desk was a metal table with three Pokeballs sitting atop for younger trainers beginning their first ever journeys. Behind Rylund's desk was a large, sleek computer display and other screens for his work.

Rylund clicked a switch on his desk that automatically slid open a drawer full of devices. "Feel free to select a Pokedex or gear of your choice. One per person please." Surveillance cameras were at every corner of the room watching.

He said politely while walking in front of a vaulted door with shelves upon shelves of pokeballs. They contained the Pokemon from PC transfers that the Professor would tend to. "Out this way is the Biodome." He said leading them passed the vault.

He activated a door to an indoor ecosystem larger than many football fields. It was almost like they were outside with the glass dome roof above lighting the place with natural sunlight. "It's BEAUTIFUL!" Harmony ran out into the flowers.

There were various bodies of water and terrain for all types of Pokemon. EE! Eev followed Harmony to the edge of a man made lake and rolled in the grass while her human dipped her feet into the cool water with a giggle.

"This is where I will keep the extra Pokemon you all have caught or any that you'd like for me to watch." Rylund informed them. He gave a shy smile to the others. "This space is reserved for the in-training Gym leaders only."

Harmony noted that the place was currently quite empty. "We have it all to ourselves!" Harmony giggled with Eev now licking her chin in her lap happily. There were marshes and even mountain formations that the biodome was constructed around.

Oricio had flown off Harmony's hair to dip her beak in the nearby flowers to enjoy the sweet and savory nectar. Professor Rylund waited for them to take it all in before continuing.

"So, I'd like to see all of the Pokemon you have caught for the first assignment." He spoke up after a moment of silence. "Any that you caught at all." Rylund looked to Leo especially. He blew a strand of purple hair from his eye.

Tori Tobu
Lunavelle - Professor's Lab
Mentions : Harmony, Professor Rylund (@Luelle ), Leo (@LoveandHate91 )

As both Harmony and Leo seemed to decide to give her a bit of space, Tori remained in the same position as she was, her head against her knees. She heard the commotion that occurred from the pokemon that grabbed Harmony's basket, but by the time she looked up, tears still lingering in her eyes, Leo was already chasing after Harmony, who took off with Eev by her side. While she thought of joining, she still wanted to be alone for just a bit longer. She then turned to look at her two bird companions. Dee was looking right back at her, apparently having finished eating his fill, while Letty was still pecking at some what remained around.

Leaning slightly forward, she pet Dee gently, feeling as a tear rolled over her cheek. Dee hopped a bit towards her, putting his body next to the palm of her hand. He made a soft chirp, one which also caught the attention of Letty. Following suit, Letty walked and sat down next to Dee, and both looked at Tori, clearly conveying to her that she wasn't alone. Wiping the tears away with her arm, Tori offered a gentle, apologetic smile to the two "You're right. I have both of you as well." She told them in a soft voice.

After staying with them like that for a bit longer, Tori heard footsteps that were coming in the direction of the lab. Harmony and Leo were both headed back, and Tori decided to stand up as they came closer. Even though she still like she could just curl into a ball and not move for a day, she figured that wouldn't be something Neri wouldn't approve of. Dee and Letty both moved onto Tori's head and shoulder, respectively.
Hearing the lab door open, she watched the Professor come out and greet all three of them, before asking if they were already done with their assignment. Tori simply nodded politely, before following him inside alongside Harmony and Leo. Entering the colder lab, Tori actually felt a bit of a chill go over her from the change in the temperature. When they were told to grab a pokedex, Tori just grabbed the first one she saw. She got a bit excited at the sight of it, knowing it could help teach even more about the pokemon she would meet along the way.

Professor Rylund kept going with the tour of the place, and Tori was quick to follow. Entering the biodome, she felt at awe from seeing how big and spacious the place was. It was certainly incredible. Listening to the Professor's explanation as she looked around, Tori couldn't help but turn to focus at him at the mention that this was all just for the gym leader trainees. That sounded unbelievable. There was a moment of silence, before he asked to see all the pokemon they caught. Tori stepped towards Professor Rylund, before pointing to Letty.
"This is Letty, a Rufflet that agreed to join me. He also entered a pokeball to make it proper." She told the Professor, with Letty chirping happily. Dee, on his end, decided to take off and follow Oricio around, flying beside the electric pokemon with intrigue in his eyes.
Leo was a little disappointed that Harmony didn't want to catch the Pokémon as Leo would have helped and maybe caught the other one just to add to his list, like a collection of Pokémon he may be a fire hopeful but still wants to catch as many Pokémon as he can.

But he followed after Harmony she probably wouldn't be too happy with him if he ignored her and fought the Pokémon anyway.

Seeing as Eevee and the wild pokemon somewhat relaxed so did Claw and even Scorch. Which was surprising with how much Scorch wanted to fight. So seeing him relax was a welcome thing.

"I would hope out Pokémon get along since Scorch and Ev has a little play date earlier and looks like Claw wants to join the fun." Leo said before pulling out his last pokeball. "You know it seems unfair to keep Fang locked away, so you know what join us girl." Leo said opening the pokeball and catching Fang in his arms. "Hey girl join the fun." Leo said petting the Litten. "Littttt." Litten said in response before letting out a small Littt as a purr to Leo's touch. And before long it nestled its head against his chest and began to doze off. "Sizzlepede." Scorch said from Leo's side annoyed at the attention Fang was getting. "Come on Scorch don't be that way." Leo said as he crouched down to pet Sizzlepede. "You were my first Pokémon so you hold a special place in my heart." And as it would seem Claw and over putting its front paws on Leo's leg. "Come on guys I only have two hands can't give all of you attention at the same time." Leo said as he scratched the Houndour behind the ears.

And then they were back at the lab. "Well that was quite the trip and now we're back." Leo said seeing Tori get to her feet. "Ready to head on in Tori." Leo said before the professor came on it to greet them and head inside. Leo felt the change in temperature as they heading inside but the temperature around Sizzlepede began to rise as it heated its rings up to its desired temperature.

Leo wasted little time in grabbing a Pokédex which was similar to the one his father first owned. "Oh this is going to be useful item." Leo said looking it over before following the three into the next area. "What the...." Leo said as he was left awestruck by the area before them and all the different terrains. It was unbelievable how much was fit in their.

And then the professor asked to see their Pokémon and was looking at Leo specifically. "Oh yes first off we have Scorch my first Pokémon and I managed to catch three others." Leo said holding up three fingers with a bright smile. "I've got my Houndour name Claw as well as Litten named Fang. I also caught a Paras but he's at the pokecenter as Scorch kind of hurt it. But it's not fire so it won't be part of my team. So I guess it will end up here."

Professor Rylund's Laboratory

"Bring Fang over here!" Harmony cheerily invited. She wanted to cuddle with Leo's fire kitten whom she didn't have much time to meet. "Hi Claw!" She lay down her arms palms up invitingly to let the doggo come with ease. "Scorch too!" She added.

Eev ran over to the flaming centipede and prepared for a playful pounce. The little fox then raced over to Claw walking in front of him like an obstacle jealously delaying him from getting to Harmony. She then swished her fluffy tail in front of Fang's face.

Eee. Eev pattered up to Harmony's arms and Harmony just giggled. "Oh Eev. Claw wants love too!" Eev huddled in closer, looking back at Claw with one eye closed. She wanted all the love for herself. "Tori come join us!" She called over to her.

Meanwhile Oricio was cartwheeling in the flowers, landing each time on her pom poms and then to her bird legs. She shook her pom poms excitedly and rose into the air to twirl around Dee happily. ORI!


"Good, good." Rylund gave a nod to the girl and her rufflet. "And so Harmony caught one." He turned to Leo and found that his assumption was correct. "Welp, looks like you all pass. Congrats."

"So uh, the sleeping quarters is down the hall and the training room is at the end. There is a simulation arena there for battles adjusted to the specific types."

Professor Rylund walked to where they all could hear evenly. "You've caught some Pokemon. Now, enjoy the rest of the night together with your new partners. You will hear from Klaus again before you know it."

@LoveandHate91 @Nim @WarriorCats3614 @Soverign @AshenAngel @Reanimator Spuds @Hecatty @Justsomeguy @Mad Captain Kazu @Sketching101 @Enthriper @Mystical Fox @Cresion Breezes @Shiki

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Wye Maple - Backstreets of Lunavelle

"Yes, Milly, I'm sure!" declared a young man in a language foreign to Leoluna, impatiently walking down one of the mozaic-like backstreets of Lunavelle, with a similarly frustrated Honedge swirling around him. The children and Aipom playing in the street gave the pair a strange look as the tired looking man seemed to be arguing with the Sword Pokemon. The moment he looked in their direction, they quickly turned away. He turned to the Honedge while pointing at the kids, said something in the foreign language, and walked over, looming high above their heads. The wild Aipom playing with the kids scurried away as the Honedge followed suit. The kids flinched as this man with a pokemon that was best known for stealing people's souls glared at them.

"Oh, hey," he said with a surprisingly soft voice. He dropped to a squat to level with the kids. They quickly realized he wasn't glaring at them. It was just the bags under his eyes that gave that impression. "I'm looking for Spruce Park. Could either of you point me in the right direction?" The kids still seemed a bit cautious, but the older one raised her arm to point down the street. "Uh… Yessir, down that way, 'n take a right down the alley before Spruce Street," she said. "But y'shouldn't be headin' there, sir," piped the younger boy. "My friend saw a Palossand in the sandbox. You don't wanna go there."

The young man made his way down the street, and took the right down the alleyway, coming out onto the empty children's park. "Milly, mind checking the sandbox out?" Milly the Honedge unsheathed herself, gripping the scabbard with her cloth. Milly cautiously approached the sandbox before a red light peeked out from under the sand. The sand bulged before a small black pokemon with a white mask emerged, glaring at Milly. "Huh? So this is what those kids thought was a Palossand." The young man took a few steps toward the Duskull as it slowly backed away from Milly. "Hey there little guy," he said with a wry smile.
Leo's three Pokémon were in route to Harmony each of them would mind getting some love and attention. Even Leo's usually violent Scorch. Who was now wondering why he ever was ready to back the Eevee up. Well he won't help it next time considering the Eevee's display. Even the Houndour stopped and looked to Scorch as if having a conversation with, seeing as it was ready to back Eevee up before as well.

Fang unlike the other two had a different view in mind when Eevee tried to flip its tail in its face. It opened its mouth showing a row of sharp teeth and attempts to bite down on the Eevee's tail. Seeing Eevee as a enemy anyone that gets between Fang and Love was a enemy.

Scorch just curled up and watched. And Claw does a similar thing sitting down next to Scorch, and looking at Harmony with big puppy dog eyes. Pretty much begging her to come over since Eevee wasn't going to let anyone else get love.

Leo was pretty pleased with himself smiling on both the inside and outside since he passed the test. And then listened to what the professor had to say about the rest of the facility.

"What do you girls say want to explore the rest of this place together as a group?" Leo asked to both Harmony and Tori.
Lunavelle City


Strolling down the streets as the sun began to sink further behind the horizon, a boy wraps around a peculiar article of clothing. "Free scarf from a zigzagoon. Now where'd that white knight Electrike hound off too."

He smirked as he spotted an elder lady and her Furfrou leaving the market attempting to pass the street. "My my, why don't you let me help you carry those sweet lady."

The blonde helped her to her car with the bags of groceries. She thanked him with a wet kiss on the cheek, and he waved her off with a smile. When the car drove away he turned around to wipe his cheek from the slobbery old kiss.

"Why is this so easy?" He raised the scarf to hide his greedy smirk while holding a pokeball in his hand that belonged to the old lady. "Let's see what I scored today." He wondered, pressing the center button on the ball to release what was inside.

Flee! A cutiefly emerged from the burst of bright light and flew straight at his face.

"Ughhhh. Why can't I just get my hands on a Dragonite already." The delinquent swatted the away the fly in agitation, but the fly relentlessly swirled around him in confusion. He returned the petite fly to the ball in a swirl of red light.

"I'll sell you or something." He grumbled. "Now..." Setting his sights on a certain motorcycle ahead. "What do we have here..." Officer Jenny was writing a ticket to a nearby car while an Eevee waited in the carrier.

A wicked grin now plastered on his face.

"I can't catch a break..." Officer Jenny frowned when she noticed that Eevee was no longer where she had left him."Oh no. No." Immediately getting on her communicator, "There's a problem."

She slammed her helmet down in frustration and began searching the alleyways.


@Nim @LoveandHate91 @Mad Captain Kazu