Path of a Gym Leader

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Lunavelle Beach

(Before Leo's departure) "Alrighty. We might still can I guess." Harmony told him. Veeee. Eevee let out a relieving sound when the curls were all undone. He lillipup paddled after Neri to the shore. He let her lead.

"Oh no..! We might need to take it to the Pokecenter right away!" Harmony immediately suggested at the sight of the injured Pidgey. She caught a glimpse of a green figure dashing away, but was abruptly distracted by a startling cry.

CORIOOooo! Out of nowhere, the sudden call of a fluffy yellow bird sprung her way attracted to Harmony's sunny hair. "ahhhhh!" Harmony lifted her arms up to her head and nearly tripped off of the cracked boulder she stood upon.

EEeee! Eev tumbled off Harmony's shoulder from the startle. She landed on all fours between the rocks. "EEV! Are you ok???" Eev leaned against the rock with her paws Veevee!! She cried in agitation at the excitable bird.

Harmony scooped Eev up safely, and backed away near Tori. "Who's that Pokemon?" Harmony asked aloud.

The hyperactive bird shook the pom pom fluffs on the end of each of its wings and cheerily hopped around the girls in a dance. The pom pom feathers lighting up with a non threatening electrical glow. Coriiiiii! chirped the bird.

Lunavelle City Hall

"What're you doing?? WHO ARE YOU? You can't just barge into city hall after-hours." The booming voice of Leola's father stood in the lobby. He expected an answer immediately from the boy and his Sizzlipede.

"What NOW?" Leola spun around near her father as she ripped off her bothersome diamond necklace. She glared at the boy with her crystal blue eyes, her arms crossing at his unexpected intrusion.

Her fathers ditto shrinking in its flubber within his arms because of Leola near. "Well?" She spoke out to him. The Governess flung a curl of pearly white hair from off of her shoulder in annoyance. The flower wreath in her hair beginning to fall out.

@Nim @LoveandHate91
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"I'm sorry for coming in during after hours but I have useful information. If you remember the little girl that tried to slander out gracious governess in town. She appears to be running around with a Eevee the same one that accidentally startled you during your speech."

"I followed them afterward as well and it turns out they are still at the beach with your Eevee. And are in the middle of searching for Pokémon as the sister to the girl who tried to hurt your reputation is trying to be a gym leader."

"If you would like I'm also going to try to become a gym leader as well and would like to work for you. Because think of it a gym to bring more people into town also with a Eevee farm and stone cave could make money. We could open a hotel to and schedule people to face me forcing them to stay at the hotel earning you even more money."

"I also want to offer myself to both of you as your own personal Mercenary if you want anyone beat do not hesitate to ask. But I must beg to leave me out of retrieving your Eevee Seeing as the professor said I need to capture a Pokémon and return to his lab tonight. Which gave me very little time to get here as this is so much important then the professions trivial job. You getting back your Eevee should be the top priority."

"Also leave my name out so that way in the future I could reveal more information like this without them knowing to look out for me."
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Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Forest / Beach
Mentions: Harmony and Eevee (@Luelle ),

As she kept glancing towards Eevee to make sure that the little guy was walking after her, Neri started to wonder where the two girls would've gone to look for pokemon. With an apparently approaching storm, she figured that they would've probably headed to somewhere with a bit more cover than stay on the beach. And there was a forest relatively close to the beach line. She looked at Eevee once again "I bet that forest has a bunch of bird pokemon in the branches of the different trees. Makes sense, right?" She asked him for approval, and started heading in the forest's direction.

Once they got past the initial treeline, with Neri still making sure Eevee was close by, she led them slightly deeper inside while trying to look for any signs of her sister or Harmony. White the trees around them provided some cover from the storm, Neri started to slow her step and stick a bit closer to Eevee "I can't see sign of them anywhere. Can you?" She asked him. She didn't want to call for help outloud as long as she was still with Eevee, as it could still bring to him being brought back to the Governess in her mind.

While Tori was still looking for the potion in her bag, she heard Harmony and turned to look at her new friend stumbled and Eev fell from her grasp "Are both of you okay?" She quickly asked, trying to divide her attention between the injured pidgey and what just happened to Harmony and Eev, and then turned to look at the bird pokemon that decided to practically fly head first into Harmony because it appeared to be too attracted to Harmony's bright hair colour. Upon realizing what it was, she smiled a bit.

"It's a bird just for you Harmony! Orocio, Pom Pom style! It means its electric and flying! And I think it was attracted to the bright hair colour you have!" She called out to her, before going back to rummage through her bag. After a moment, she finally managed to find the potion, and sprayed it on the pidgey's wing. There was still a good likelyhood that it would need to be taken to the Pokecenter, but even if it did, then at least the potion would help ease the pain and tend to some of the injuries it had. Tori waited to see first just how the pidgey would be, because seeing if the potion had any effect was going to affect just how urgently they needed to bring the pidgey back to the pokecenter.
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Lunavelle City - Festival

Seeing the two girls' expressions as they realized they'd missed the rest of the battle demonstration, a little bit of Alder's previous excitement left his face. "Ahh sorry, I didn't mean to make you guys miss the whole thing!" Truth be told, he'd forgotten entirely about the battle already. Still though, he did feel kind of bad about it. Alder's attention was quickly diverted though, up to an odd pink pokemon that floated around him. It was then that a high-pitched shriek came out of nowhere, extracting a startled sound from both Alder and Mothra. "There was a Pokemon hiding up there?", he asked in a surprised tone, mostly to himself rather than actually to the girl who's hair the screech seemed to come from.

Just as Alder and his caterpillar partner were recovering from the sudden shock, the small pink Pokemon that had been floating nearby just shot toward the tired-looking girl as she proposed teaming up to catch Pokemon. At least it was an affectionate little gut punch? Right, teaming up, that's the subject we're on. "Oh! Yeah, teaming up would probably make it a whole lot easier. If you guys are alright with that." Alder paused, giving them a questioning look before something hit him. "I haven't introduced myself yet have I? I'm Alder, what're all your names?", he asked, indicating not only the two trainers but also their pokemon.

Interactions: @Hecatty @Enthriper
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"That lady back there?, sorry about that" Tommy says laughing nervously as he looks down at Moe's whismur who had looked as if it was about to pass out while Bepo had tried to fan crier with his tailfin. "I've been asking around about that cave she mentioned, Overheard a few of the fishermen I met on the docks earlier today, figured I check it out while I'm here..... is he going to be alright?" Tommy says still watching Crier struggles to keep up before the two split off to walk through some tall grass. Tommy walks along the edge of the tall grass while pulling out his PokéGear "they said the place was dangerous, so that's why everyone in this town is trying to keep it a secret, ah give me a sec" Tommy says calling someone while he knelt down. "Ah, master Thomas" an older man says answering the call. "Hey Dmitri, I'm sending you a list of some equipment I need" Tommy says while pressing a few buttons on his PokéGear. "I see, I will have them sent to a PC in moments notice" "so how is she?.......on seconde thought, it must be getting late there, I'll check in with you guys later, and thanks again" Tommy says ending the call before standing back up and looking at Moe.

"So you coming?" Tommy says slightly flinching when he sees the joltik leaping away. "Well, if you want to tag along, I'm going to pick up some gear before heading over near the waterfall, just follow the path to that giant cave, I'll leave a diving marker to show you were to cut off from the trail" Tommy says tossing Moe a netball before waving while making his way back over to the pokemon market. After gathering the gear he requested, Tommy makes his way over to the giant waterfall and leaves a blue flag diving marker on the trail for Moe like promised before setting up a small basecamp far enough from the waterfall to stay dry before preparing for the dive. He sets out a wet suit and some diving gear for Moe before getting into his own gear before walking to the edge of the water and letting out his Magikarp to take a look while he waited for Moe
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Lunavelle City - Lunavelle Festival

Ashely's eyes lit up at Mélanie's suggestion to team up. If this meant getting to be around her new friend(s?) then she couldn't be happier. Ashe couldn't contain her excitement. She fist pumps the air several times before returning her focus to the two trainers.
"I would love to team up!" She said excitedly. Sleepy Zubat was also on board.

She turned to face Alder and smiled. "I'm Ashe, and this here's Zubat." She said, pointing to the bat pokemon nestled in her hair. She then motioned over to the other female trainer. "Her name's Mélanie, and her partner's Gummy!" Her face was beaming as she introduced her friend.

The concept of catching a new pokemon didn't really spark a challenge for Ashe. She catches pokemon all the time, if not with her bare hands. The only problem was pokeballs. Ashe's aim was terrible. Hopefully the need for her to actually throw a ball would never arise.

Interactions: Alder @Justsomeguy Mélanie @Hecatty

With both of the trainers agreeing to team up, Mélanie was considerably more optimistic about being able to finish their collective objective today. Ashe even prevented Mélanie's poor social skills from possibly ruining the situation by taking care of all the introductions at once. Yet, despite Ashe's enthusiastic introduction and Gummy vouching for both of the trainers being good people, Mélanie needed more time to warm up to the idea of functioning as a group. "Right, so, if everyone's on board then we can get a move on," she said, glancing around the area. "If we're looking for Pokémon then we should get out of town, I guess that way?"

She didn't know for sure if it was the right way, but considering they were at the festival surrounding the city hall any direction that wasn't straight into the ocean would at some point take them out of town. So, instead of considering the variety of streets they could take, she simply went ahead and made her decision. Deciding on a fairly inviting street, or at least as inviting as pavement surrounded by decorated buildings could be. "Are you both coming too, I'm sure this way will get us somewhere," she said, looking back at her new companions.

Walking along the street that'd seemed so inviting before became a little less so with every step. There were fewer decorations the further they went from the festival, the strung up lights started to flicker in odd intervals, and every once in awhile Mélanie could swear something was watching her. She looked down at Gummy in her arms. Trying to see if she wasn't alone in feeling a presence besides the group of trainers and their Pokémon, but Gummy seemed to have a different problem with the current situation. A problem revolving around Mélanie's lack of conversation with the other trainers. So, the small blob gazed back at Mélanie with an expecting expression. "Really.. No, I get it, but," Mélanie sighed frustrated and then spoke up louder after what seemed like a short discussion. Directing her words at her companions. "So, guys," she started, then paused for a short while, "so, what's.. your.. oh, merde, favorite color, whatever."

Location: Lunavelle Festival -> Lunavelle Streets
Interactions: @Enthriper @Justsomeguy
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Lunavelle City Hall

"What's he talking about? My daughter SLANDERED? My gift to you STOLEN?" Leola's father dropped his brows shadowing his eyes. "There had better be a good explanation for this." His voice getting unsettlingly calm.

"That little thief... She accused me of hurting Eevee to try and take Eevee for herself!" Leola cried, her act passable.

"We'll call Officer Jenny to the beach at once. I'll make the report." Her father's voice hardening. He trampled into his office.

"You may prove to be useful- Thank you for the news. I will consider your requests. What was your name again?" Leola asked him, scanning him and his centipede over memorably.

Lunavelle Beach

Veev! Eevee followed the girl into the forest, taking a whiff of pine. Vee... Eevee looked around, but couldn't see where the humans went either. Outside the forest the sounds of sirens and flashes of blue lights near the beach.

The revving engine of a motorbike shutting off. The mumbling of voices from a radio, and then a woman's voice. "Ten four, I'll take a look around the area. You said an Eevee, right?" The voice of Officer Jenny close by.


"We're ok, thanks!" Harmony said to Tori, but keeping an eye on the energetic birdie. "Ooo." Harmony giggled while reaching up to run a finger through her hair. Her locks the same color as the grooving bird.

PIDGE! The injured Pidgey gratefully chirped with a stretch of its wings. It shook off the water from its feathers and rejoined the other birds on a nearby tree. "I'm so glad he's ok!" Harmony smiled to Tori.

"Part Electric, huh?" Harmony said turning back to the dancing Oricorio. "Hi Oricorio! Would you like to be my Pokemon?" She asked beaming at the fluffy bird who kept its body in motion.

CORRR! It sprung into the air with its pom pom's high and released playful electric bolts raining down near Harmony and Eev. "Ok, I'll try to catch you." She reached for a pokeball, now realizing she was still in her bathing suit.

"Uhmm. Tori, do you happen to have any pokeballs?" She asked with her cheeks warming.

@Nim @LoveandHate91

Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Forest / Beach
Mentions: Harmony and Eevee (@Luelle ),

As the sounds of a motor shutting down and the blue lights started to come from outside the forest, Neri had a suspicion of what had occurred. It was only when she heard Officer's Jenny voice that she understood that her suspicion was right. Someone had reported their location to the authorities. She quickly turned to Eevee, before deciding to sit down and lean her back against the nearest tree to her.

"Eevee you need to run. If you don't, then you'll be going right back to the mean lady. So run, deeper into the forest. Be free." Neri whispered to him, trying to make sure Jenny won't spot them any sooner. Then she added in a more panicked whisper "Run, now! I'll be fine!"
Neri hoped the little guy would understand the urgency and panic in her voice and that he would run. If they got caught together, then it could be a lot of trouble. But if she was found on her own, without any pokemon, then she imagined there wouldn't be anything concrete that would make her appear as a pokemon thief of any sort. Removing her bag, she opened it and took out her notebook and pen, before starting to write something down in it.

Tori watched as the potion worked its magic, and soon enough the pidgey was back in the air, chirpping happily before landing on a nearby tree. Since he appeared to be alright, she felt more at ease, before turning to look at Harmony and the Orocio that was flying by her "I have a few more pokeballs, yeah!" She said, quickly rummaging through her already open bag and took out a pair of pokeballs, before tossing one for Harmony to catch. She didn't want to go closer to Harmony right now, as that could scare off Ocorio, who still seemed to be as excited as ever.

Putting her bag on her back, she started to look around the area through the different birds, trying to see if there were any that immediately caught her eyes. Her eyes landed on a Rufflet that was perched on the same tree that the pidgey had flown into, and she took a couple of steps towards it, being slow and careful with her steps "Hey there little Rufflet. You look nice. Would you be interested in me and Dee?" She asked the bird pokemon, while also gesturing to Dee, who was now peeking from behind his wing with intrigue.
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"Your welcome I figured that I needed to let you know what I saw. And I'd love to continue working for you Seeing as I'm a local and you and your father have done nothing but good for the town."

"Hopefully you'll get your Eevee back and if I come across it again I'll be sure to catch it and bring it back to you. But I need to get going since I need to catch a Pokémon before going to the professors lab."

"And my name is Leon Lionheart and my house is at the edge of town isn't hard to miss you ever need to find me or send a letter that I will find." Leo said turning to leave. "Maybe I'll take a look at the trainers and let you know if any others look useful at all."

Leo then left town hall and headed for the forest avoiding the beach since he knew officer Jenny would be their. Maybe he'll circle around and run into the group that way.

During his walk he found some tracks and began to follow them. And was he lucky he found two wild Pokémon fighting a Cat Pokémon Litten fighting a dog Pokémon Houndour. Litten was a fire Pokémon while Houndour was a dark and fire Pokémon. Meaning they both would fit into his team.

"Get ready Scorch and want you to burrow under the ground and attack the winner. Just wrap around them and heat up your rings." Leo watched as the Houndour beat the Litten and Leo picked out a pokeball and took a stance like a baseball player throwing the pokeball at the beaten Litten. And at its current state it wasn't going to escape.

Scorch popped out of the ground knocking the Houndour over and grabbed it wrapping around it and beginning to burn it as it struggled to try to get it off. It may have been able to if it hadn't already gone through one battle. While this was happening Scorch as bit the Houndour to secure its grip.

Leo pulled out and other pokeball and threw it at the Houndour which captured it and he waited as the pokeball shook a little before going still. "Couldn't do much better then that catching not just one but two Pokémon in one day. Great job Scorch." Leo said walking over and putting his hand on Scorchs head. "Now let's see if we can meet up with the group and see if officer Jenny is successful." He says the last part as a whisper.

While walking Leo spotted Neri with Eevee. He then hid behind a tree maybe he could get a hold of the Eevee and return it to the governess as well but first he needed it to get away from Neri. So he could cover up his invovlment.
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Leon had watched the interaction between Venna and the newcomer with a blank face aside from the small nearly unreadable smile. He had watched but mainly Venna's comment had been welcome words. He would have thanked her but the conversation and proper time for it had passed. As Venna read the note he watched the small bird pokemon he had seen earlier look over each of them as if it was counting before hurrying off. For one so small his devotion was impressive. And to be remembered surely. Taking a breath He listened as the female trainer read off the letter. He chuckled at the words. Indeed the trainers wanting to rush off for Pokemon seemed to have the right mindset at least in this regard.

"I am prepared to depart. How about you?" He said looking to Altair. Remembering the younger trainer's request to leave for adventure still fresh in his mind he asked anyway. He felt the Pokeball under his hand wobble a bit as Brass tried to let him know she wanted out. He gave a subtle pattern of grips telling her in their own way not yet. Tightening his grip then loosening in a wordless yet effective way to communicate. Once the ball became still with understanding did he return to the conversation fully hoping to not have missed anything.

Interactions: @AshenAngel , @Cresion Breezes , @Shiki
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Altair & Psion

Lunavelle Downtown
Interations: @AshenAngel @Soverign @Shiki

Altair was flipping through the map of the region while the others did their thing, Vanna waved and invited another girl in formal wear into the group. He listened as Leon talked about his brightly colored Aron, quickly putting down the information he learned.

[Arons, mineral composition of body...based on environment around while developing in egg...].

The boy took a few steps back as the older trainer was clearly angry when talking about how his Pokemon was likely abandoned in the place where he found it, he didn't say anything and just kept looking down at his screen. Altair was used to other people's anger, regardless of reason, he could at least comfort himself that Leon's anger was for a righteous reason, despite being a bit pointless. Those in power are always able to cast away what's a burden, even if it's a Pokemon...or a person.

His thoughts were broken as Psion jingled a bit at another newcomer, it was a small chubby bird Pokemon whom he recognizes as the Professor's Delibird. Psion grasped a piece of paper with his appendages and spread out the sheet in front of its trainer as the white-haired boy skimmed its content. "A Pokemon huh..." Altair had never really considered becoming a real trainer until quite recently, even after gathering all the supplies and signing up to be a potential gym leader felt a bit surreal to him, but now push comes to shove he would have to take the first step. Altair caresses the outlines of the few small pieces of colorful metal badges that adorned his belt while taking a deep breath. ...I am a trainer now...and Steel many of those are there in a cave anyways...Having grown up in a big city he was always under the impression that many steel Pokemon roamed in industrial complexes, having become symbiotic with humans.

"Oh, yeah, I'm ready. A trainer should be always ready, right?" After Leon finally spoke up about leaving, Altair responded quickly, despite being a bit sullen.
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"If you don't mind," she responded. There was a look in the girl's eyes Bazett couldn't quite read, but she decided it probably wasn't important - the other girl would say it if it was.
When the girl read the letter, Bazett frowned, and looked at her partner. "I guess you're getting a teammate, huh?"
"Fetch'd. Farfetch'd," came the noncommittal response.
She turned back to the three others. "Where do you all plan on going?" she asked. She didn't know the area particularly well, unfortunately.

@AshenAngel @Cresion Breezes @Soverign
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Lunavelle Beach

Ee? Eevee looked up at Neri with a bewildered expression. He was now shivering at the panicked whispers. Eevee quickly backed away nearly tripping over his hind legs, and started scrambling into a scurry with the human's sudden urgency.

The baby fox pup rolled around and dashed away to disappear within the undergrowth. His sweet face teary as he went, he knew his time with humans was too good to be true. He just had to run. Run far away from them all.

"Excuse me little girl," The authoritative tone of the officer herself approaching. Her shoulder length sea green hair clipped up. "Stay right where you are." She began to approach with her hand steady at a pokeball on her hip.

"-Yes, go ahead." She paused to listen to the ramblings on the radio upon her shoulder with a click. "Sandy hair, brown eyes, around eleven to twelve years of age? Alright I've got a girl here that fits." The officer looked her over with a daunting gaze.

"Hands in the air, now. Turn around. I need to search you." She approached to pat the girl down and feel for anything suspicious. "What have you done with the Governess's Eevee? Don't make this worse for yourself." She finished searching Neri.

"Sit down on the ground with your hands behind your head." Officer Jenny ordered with her eyes on her while she received another transmission. "I'm afraid I'll need to take you down to the station for questioning."

The Rocks at Lunavelle Beach

"Thanks!" Harmony peeped, and caught the ball rather unsteadily. "OK! Goooo Pokeball!" Harmony underhand tossed the ball toward the bird that kept on its toes twirling around. The pokeball smacked the rock the fluffy bird danced upon and fell between the cracks. "Oricorio's moving so much.... Holddd still." She retrieved the ball and tried once more.

The fluffy yellow bird slapped the pokeball back at her with a pom pom puff. The ball nearly smacked Harmony in the forehead. "This is harder than I remember." Harmony chased after the pokeball that went rolling back on the sands.

On her way to take back the ball, she noted about Neri, "Hey um Tori, don't you think Neri should be here by now..." She took the pokeball and gave it another toss to miss again. Eev rolled the ball back to Harmony with her little paws. "Thank you, Eev."

"Here we go." Her focus narrowing. Harmony pitched the pokeball at Oricorio and this time it made contact with the chest feathers. "YES!" She cheered with the support of Eev. Eeeee! A flurry of red light encapsulated the bird.

In an instance, the pokeball broke open and the bird began it's dance once more. CORRR. "I don't want to hurt you to have you...." Harmony sighed, and sat down on the split rock. "Maybe we'd battle you if you weren't so cheerful."

Cor? The bird hopped beside her and jumped on either side of her with cheery eyes. Harmony's spirits lifted with the hopping of Oricorio around her. "You're so full of life!" She smiled to the bird who scrambled it's beak in her sunshiny hair.

"Tori?" Harmony looked for Neri's older sister who drew near to a bird with ruffled feathers beside the Pidgey in the tree.

Lunavelle City Hall

"We appreciate your sentiment young man." Leola's father returning into the lobby. "Your service will be duly noted."

"I understand sir Lionheart. Please do help me recover my dear Eevee. We appreciate your aid." Leola's initial demeanor changing. "You'll be one of the young hopefuls that I will prioritize when the Gyms are decided, so long as your loyalty remains."

@Nim @LoveandHate91
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Leo smiles to what the Governess and her father had to say before he left to capture his two new Pokémon. "Thank you for that Governess. And do not worry I will remain loyal to you. And if given the chance I will also try to recover your Eevee myself and bring it to you. I may have to catch it within one of my pokeballs. But if I do I'll give you the pokeball in order to make sure you recover your dear Eevee." Leo said before heading out of the town hall and into the forest to catch his first two Pokémon besides his starter Scorch.

A smile spread across Leo's fave as Officer Jenny was taking Neri down to the station that allows him to go after Eevee. Without anyone able to know that Leo was involved at all. Leo did move away while staying hidden so Neri wouldn't see him.

This couldn't go any better. Leo searched around for Eevee's tracks and found them. "Come on Scorch let's see if we can get that Eevee back to its rightful owner." He says quietly to his Pokémon in order stay hidden.

Leo was able to find the Eevee as it was running and clearly sad and scared with what happened. "Hey their little guy. Everything is fine come here." Leo said crouching down and holding his arms out unthreateningly speaking calmly. Scorch even stood by not making any moves.

"Come here I can get you somewhere safe. I could get you some food to if your hungry again." Leo was trying to get the Eevee to him with kindness but if that failed he'd have to attack with Scorch and possibly capture the Eevee with one of his poke balls and return it to the governess.

Leo did pull a pokeball out and adding it to his belt so it would be easy to reach when he needs it. He looked to Scorch sharing a silent conversation so Scorch knows to attack the Eevee if needed. Leo would prefer if he didn't have to attack the Eevee with his Scorch. But if needed he would.
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Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Forest / Beach
Mentions: Harmony, Eevee and Officer Jenny (@Luelle ),

Focusing her sight on the notebook, Neri heard something scurry away, and a minute later, a pair of footsteps approach her. Looking up from the notebook, she saw it was Officer Jenny. Complying with all of the officer's demands. After she was searched and the question of the Governess Eevee came up, Neri looked down at the ground "It's somewhere in the forest. It ran away from me after I walked with it for some time, trying to make sure it wasn't harmed or captured by this one guy, a boy with a Sizzlipede who kept insisting that he'd be allowed to take Eevee. That he would name him Flare and ensure his safety. His name was Leo." She started explaining to Officer Jenny.

"I know I should've tried and just bring it back, but when I saw Eevee was in danger of being caught by someone who could only see the potential for a fire pokemon and nothing more, well, I just wanted to keep it safe from that kind of fate. And not once have I done anything with Eevee forcefully. He followed me around, until he didn't. Now he is somewhere in the forest, and who knows if he is safe or not. Maybe Leo with his Sizzlipede caught up to him by now." Neri said, fearing for Eevee's fate for a moment, before looking at Officer Jenny "But of course, I'll come with you officer. But my sister, Tori, and our new friend Harmony should also be somewhere nearby. Harmony accompanied me and Eevee, and she could verify I haven't done anything forceful with Eevee, that we allowed the little guy to choose for himself."

After she finished speaking, she waited to hear what will officer Jenny decide to do next. Whatever the officer decided next, she knew she would need to comply. It was an officer of the law after all, and she wanted to show that she did and won't do anything to actually break the law.

Her eyes still on the Rufflet, who sat on a tree, Tori grabbed a hold of a pokeball "Come on little guy, would you be interested?" she asked the bird perched on the tree once more. She felt like it seemed curious by the attempts, but was clearly too comfortable to want to move away from the branch. Tori kept her eyes on Rufflet while making a few soft whistles. Dee chirpped in return, before flying off Tori's head once more and landing next to Rufflet. The two then began chirping to one another, with Rufflet appearing to be even more curious now that the rookidee was next to it.

She turned to Harmony, who now had Oricorio dance around her as she sat on one of the rocks. She took another pokeball and tossed it to Harmony, still holding tight onto the one she wanted to use to catch Rufflet "Sorry about that, I'm hoping that Dee will convince that Rufflet to join me. And you are right, I think we should've heard from Neri by now. Or she somehow got lost again. She is prone to getting lost, then panicking and finding her way to where she was supposed to go while panicked. I just hope that Eevee that was with her is keeping her calm." she said. Tori tried sounding calm and offer a reassuring smile, but she was starting to get concerned herself.

"If she doesn't arrive in a minute or two, we'll go look for her." Tori said, before looking back at Rufflet.

Lunavelle City Hall

"Yes, bring back Eevee to me by any means necessary." Leola cracked an almost fiendish grin when Leo turned away to do her bidding. The ditto in her father's arms turning to hide its face into the broad human's chest.

Lunavelle Beach

"Stand up. So let me get this straight... You ran away with Eevee so that you could protect him from being stolen from someone else? Why didn't you report the missing and endangered Eevee to the authorities?" Officer Jenny cocked a brow.

"I can't take the word of your friends and family. Those are biased statements. However, I will take a look around the forest with you. Stay in front of me, and don't make any sudden moves. Go." Jenny walked after her to investigate the forest.

Lunavelle Beach Forest

Eevee turned to give a sniff toward the familiar human male that came after him. Was this human refusing to let him go away all alone? Veevee? He peeped unsurely. Staying distant, as he wasn't as familiarized with this human in comparison to the rest.

"You there, step away from the Eevee and turn around slowly." The voice of Officer Jenny broke their engagement. The sudden command of the officer made Eevee jump and he bolted away deeper into the forest. "Explain yourself."

Lunavelle Beach - The Rocks

"OH- thanks um I don't think Oricorio wants to be caught though..." Harmony said after catching the new pokeball in her lap. RIO! The cheerleader bird flipped in the air and glided down with its pom pom puffs shaking.

Ri. With a peck of the ball resting in Harmony's lap, the red light swallowed the bird inside once more. "Ohmygosh!....." The pokeball wriggled a few times and then stopped with a chime.

The ball immediately opened by itself with the Oricorio belly flopping happily onto her hair. "I will take really good care of you Oricorio!!!!" She giggled at the fun loving fluff bird. "I will name you Oricio. How's that sound?" ORIIIII! An excited chirp.

Eee.. Eev just rolled her eyes at the extra bird.

"I hope Neri and Eevee are ok...." Harmony's joy now turning to worry.

@Nim @LoveandHate91

Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Forest / Beach
Mentions: Harmony, Eevee and Officer Jenny (@Luelle ), Leo (@LoveandHate91 )

As Officer Jenny asked her further questions and explained why she couldn't rely on the words of her family of friends, Neri couldn't help but feel slightly discouraged. However, it seemed Jenny was willing to look for Eevee, so there was a silver lining in all of it. She started walking slowly in the direction she heard Eevee run off to.

It didn't take long before they tracked Eevee down, and there Leo was too, with his Sizzlipede "That's the boy officer! The one who kept saying he'd take Eevee, name him Flare and keep him safe!" She was quick to speak up, trying to solidify her own case that she was right "And even he could tell you that we didn't force Eevee into doing anything! We always gave Eevee a choice!" She said, looking at Leo. She did spot Eevee bolt away after Jenny came and interrupted Leo. It was a bit strange finding him there, and not at Harmony's side as he was before. Seemed earlier like he really wanted that date. Unless he wanted Eevee even more.

"What are you doing here anyway? Weren't you with Harmony and my sister before?" She decided to ask Leo. Neri figured that Officer Jenny probably didn't like any of her talking at this moment, but she felt it was just too weird. She wanted to know how he found Eevee in the forest, and barely a few minutes after she had Eevee run deeper into the forest.

Tori watched as Dee and the Rufflet kept chirping to one another for a bit longer, before Dee flew off the branch and back onto Tori's head. Rufflet gave Tori another glance, before moving from the branch and started flying in front of Tori. It seemed to be examining her with just as much curiousity before, before chirping again, to which Dee responded with a happy chirp. It then seemed to wait for Tori to speak up.

"I'm Tori. That's my oldest partner Dee. I already introduced us both but it felt appropriate to do so again. Would you be interested in accompanying us both as we continue our adventure to become a Gym leader?" Tori asked him politely, showing the pokeball as she did. Rufflet remained quiet for a bit longer before doing a circle around Tori and then chirpping happily. Deciding to take that as a yes, she carefully moved to place the pokeball against Rufflet's feathers. The bird went inside the pokeball, which moved a bit with the glowing of the pokeball, before finally settling down. She gave the pokeball a quick pet before turning towards Harmony, a smile on her face "Seems like we both just got ourselves a new partner." She told Harmony, before letting Rufflet out of his pokeball.

Looking at her new partner as he moved to land on her shoulder, Tori offered him a gentle pet on his wing "I think I'll call you Letty. What do you think?" She asked, and the Rufflet responded with a happy sounding chirp. After settling that, she moved to look at Harmony "Right. Let's go find my little sister." She then said.
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Leo smiles as he heard Leola say bring Eevee back by any means necessary. It now meant that Leo could do almost whatever he wanted to make sure that he was able to catch Eevee.

Leo stood up as the Eevee bolted into the forest as Officer Jenny called to him. He then turned to officer Jenny as Neri tried to explain the case to her. "Have Neri step back as I have information that's safer the less people who know it."

"And Neri the reason I'm here was I ventured away from the rest the capture more Pokémon and licks on my side I was able to get myself two more Pokémon. And then I saw Eevee and had to offer him help."

Once officer Jenny got close Leo would lower his voice so only she could hear him. "I was actually sent out here by the Governess herself. I'm the one who told them of this location they then called you to send you here, and Leola wanted me to head out here to see if I could get her Eevee back to her. And I almost had him and you then scared him off. If your not sure call in on the radio they will clear my name."

"After they clear me you know that our goals are the same get Leola back her Eevee and I think we would have the best chance of successes if we tried to find it in separate groups. But try to keep it quiet that's under Leolas orders." Leo said to officer Jenny if Neri stepped back, if she didn't he would whisper it to her that only Jenny could hear him.

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"Hopefully this will hold" Tommy says tugging on a rope that he had anchored to one of the trees near his small campsite "alright Bepo, lead on" Tommy says equipping a full faced rebreather before following behind Bepo into the thick mist of water while unspooling the rope. Bepo Leads Tommy towards the Base of the waterfall were Captain Flap had been calling out. Tommy takes a knee and begins tieing the edge of the rope to a device that had emitted a bright flash before allowing Bepo to drag it into the water. When the rope had finally unspooled fully, Tommy makes his way into the water and swims down using the rope to swim down to Bepo who had been tugging on the rope from the other end. It wasnt until Tommy had gotten closer to Bepo that the current had shifted violently and instead of pushing against him it was now pulling him down towards Bepo. "Wheres cap?" Tommy says before almost losing his grip on the rope when something big swims past him. "Thanks for the warning" Tommy says to his Magikarp as it swims up to him and begins to swim circles around him "ya I .... know, your suppose to warn me sooner" Tommy says scolding flap as he fixes his grip on the rope and looks around.
"Get ready Be......." Tommy releases the rope and grabs Flap and Bepo letting the current suck him down just before what seemed to be a massive Feraligatr attacked the flashing device. Tommy manages to keep calm while being pulled down through a large water tunnel before being dropped from the ceiling of a large cave and landing in a giant pool of water that was in the center of it. "Your supposed to be lucky" Tommy says looking at Flap before resurfacing and taking off his rebreather to figure out where they were. He pulls out a glow stick and holds it up "jackpot" Tommy says smirking when he sees the light from the glow stick reflecting off some Crystal's that littered the cave. He swims towards the edge of the cave and pulls him self up to land before rolling over on his back while calling back his magikarp "well that was fun" he says as Bepo runs around him "come on lets...." a loud splash echoes through the cave causing Tommy to quickly stand back up "of course it would follow us" Tommy says running with Bepo further into the cave. ... to be continued.