Path of a Gym Leader

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After a few tedious minutes of trying to make her way through the crowd to find somebody she recognized, her fist was itching, and she didn't particularly want to attack an innocent. She glanced at Sétanta, who sighed - or, as close as he could to sighing, anyway.

"Far." He hopped off her shoulder and took to the air once again, disappearing from sight in a moment.

Bazett drummed her foot against the ground impatiently for two or three minutes, she wasn't counting. Finally, the bird Pokémon dropped into her vision, and motioned with his leek to - she glanced at the sun - the northeast, as far as she could tell. "Far. Fetch'd!"

Bazett nodded. "Thanks, Sétanta."

The fighting-type bowed dramatically. "Farfetch'd."

She rolled her eyes, and started to walk towards where her partner had motioned, while the bird perched himself once again on her shoulder.


After some minutes, she saw three of the trainers (@AshenAngel @Soverign @Cresion Breezes ) she'd run into at the lab. She couldn't recall any of their names, but she could bluff her way through that.

"Hello!" she greeted.

Lunavelle City - Lunavelle Festival

Ashe had always loved pokemon battles, the rush and adrenaline always made her excited. She had never been able to participate in one, however, what with the "not having friends besides pokemon" thing. Watching the heated battle demonstration alongside Mélanie made her happy. She turned and glanced at her new friend and thought that one day maybe they could battle.

"Um. H-Hey Mel-" Ashe started quietly. She was interrupted by a small commotion caused by a bug pokemon, quickly followed by a green haired boy. A bit flustered, Ashe chuckled at the trainer.
"Aww, what a cute pokemon!" She fawned. She started talking directly to the pokemon. "I know exactly how you feel little guy."

Interactions: Alder @Justsomeguy Mélanie @Hecatty

Downtown Lunavelle

Veev. Eevee closed his eyes to enjoy Neri's head rub. When offered food again, the baby rejected the cheese with a shake of his furry head to the human male.

Vee! Eevee gave a nod in response to joining them once again. "Isn't it delectable? To the beach then!" Harmony decided with another happy crunch to finish off her treat.

On the way, Harmony spotted Galaxy and Tini near a dunking booth. "Galaxy! We're going to the beach, wanna come?" She asked them with an inviting smile. "We're headed there now!" She said before heading off, giving her time to follow if she wanted. They made their way through town until they reached the sanded path.

Lunavelle Beach

"We're here!" She squealed, skipping down the grass lined trail. When Eevee caught glimpse of the waves, he immediately raced off toward the ocean in excitement. Eev leaped from Harmony's shoulder to join him, the Eevees playfully racing in the sand. Harmony smiled up at Dee gliding through the warm breeze.

"Tori!" She called over to Neri's sister who sat on the sands. "We found Neri. This is Leo." She introduced him politely.

"Looks like he enjoys swimming." Harmony smiled glancing over at Eevee who bobbed happily in the sea. Eev preferred to stay on the shoreline without Harmony's floaty.

"I trust that you will watch after Eev and the Eevee while Leo and I share a quick treat?" She gave a smile to Neri. "After, would you like to go with me to catch a Pokemon?" She asked the girls.

BRRRR! A familiar honk returned to the beach and handed them each a new letter from his gift sack. He gave them a wave with his flipper before running off. "It's Klaus! He has another message for us." She gave him a happy wave goodbye. Harmony tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter reading aloud,

... Hello again young trainers, your first assignment will be to catch your very next Pokemon of your selected type before nightfall. Return to my lab when the task is complete for further instruction. ...

@Nim @LoveandHate91 @WarriorCats3614
Moe hadn't even had a chance to really start a conversation when suddenly he was called out by a face he never really thought he'd see again. The Magikarp sales apprentice who had visited his home town not terribly long ago. He struggled to remember the name of him. The two of them had talked for a little while, and Moe had even managed to get a little more information on the profession of Magikarp sales. Once a lauded profession due to seeming ingenuine has evolved into a careful process, due to the danger and difficulty of raising a Gyarados.

It was an insightful discussion, really, and Moe developed a newfound respect towards the vagabond like lifestyle. He raised his hand in greeting. "S-Sorry to start a conversation and walk off, but he and I know each other from somewhere." He said to the girl he had talked to a second before, feeling guilty for doing exactly what had been happening to him mere moments ago. "Feel free to join us if you want though!"

With that he turned around to greet the long missed acquaintance. "Hey! You're Tom, right? Or maybe it was Tommy... Well, I'm going with Tom because I'm right either way. I can't believe we're both here! You here selling magikarp again, or are you joining in with the Gym leader challenge?"

Interactions: @Mystical Fox @Mad Captain Kazu
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Reactions: True North
Leon smiled as Altair began making a plan or the very least the bones of one. Once the mention of his home region was brought up the older trainer nodded "Lots of water ya. Especially a seaside cave. I was able to map the cave by my home quickly and understand a few things to make the exploring safe" He smiled as the key pokemon moved about him. Even though it seemed to be a prankster at the very least it was an interesting pokemon indeed. "A....Klefki. Will have to remember that. I have heard Fairy types mentioned maybe once or twice but never seen one. Well it is good to meet you Psion" He gave the fairy and steel type a playful friendly smile before realizing Altair had asked him a question. It took him a good five seconds to recall the question then he nodded "She is an odd color" He admitted plainly "Honestly the only thing i can come up with is she was abandoned there. Not from my region at least i don't think so that is. Aron when they are young adapt to the minerals in the rock around the egg. Taking to the ore they adapt best to. As far as i know this ore she went off of is nowhere in that cave. I searched for months until i presented my theory to my father and he agreed. Someone threw her away" He took a breath and his hold on the Pokeball tightened showing a slight sign of pain remembering that information. He relaxed back into his normal state then chuckled "Apologies. She is very important to me and remembering that someone treated her that was makes me furious" He said looking around the crowded fair.

The fair was crowding and at this point he was glad he got Brass in her Pokeball. If she had been out she would have been a real hassle indeed. Noticing the greeting Leon waved a hand "Hello there" He had remembered seeing the trainer at some point but the current group had kept his attention. But he welcomed her with a smile trying to seem welcoming at the very least.
Lunavelle City - Festival

Alder let out a nervous chuckle at the tired-looking girl's remark about keeping his Pokemon under control. "Yeahh, he was just hard to get a hold of in this crowd. The little guy can really move when he wants to-" Much to Alder's relief, the other girl didn't seem to have a comment about that but rather had started talking to the caterpillar, who was now looking at the somewhat messy girl with something of a proud expression. Or, well, however much of an expression he was able to put on anyway. "Oh! Yep, this is Mothra. His hobbies are eating and being a minor inconvenience."

It was then that Alder heard a loud honk, and upon looking down he saw a penguine-like like Pokemon holding a letter out to him. Alder took it and smiled down at the little mailman. "Why thank you." Alder opened the letter and skimmed it over curiously, trying to keep an again squirming Pokemon from tumbling out of his arms as he did so. He looked back over to the two other trainers. "Looks like we're all supposed to catch a new Pokemon soon! Alder didn't even attempt to contain his excitement, earning a slightly jealous hmph from Mothra.

Interactions: @Hecatty @Enthriper

"I wish" Tommy says rubbing the back of his neck while he shook Moe's hand. "And I'm afraid I am, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you why" He says as Bepo had began to circle Moe and his his whismur. "and that blue fish trying to figure out if you have any food on you is Bepo" He says calling Bepo back to his side. "What about you? Here to slay the village's witch?" Tommy says refering to the Governess, since he knew that Moe would easily see through her deception. "Excuse me young man" an older woman says approaching Tommy. "I overheard you asking about a crystal cave earlier" she says making Tommy light up in excitement "I did, why? Do you know any thing about it?". Ofcourse the woman had repeated the warnings that he had herd from the other's he had asked but she had finished by explaining why it was so dangerous and how her husband had went missing a year ago. "I see" Tommy says rethinking his options letting out an exausted breath before pulling out his map "hidden under water hm" Tommy says making the old woman instantly regret telling him anything seeing that Tommy was still eager to go . "It is very dag..." "it's alright" Tommy says with a reassuring voice "I'm not one of those ... young hopeful leaders" Tommy says slight cringing when he said it. "What trying to say is, I'm going to be a gym leader one day, and it's going to be my job to make sure every single sam and Sally is ready to move on to another gate, which means me and my pokemon will not only have to be alot stronger then them, I'll have to be able to go places they can........ you know what I mean?! Right moe" Tommy says tapping Moe's shoulder while he cleared his throat.

"I still can't allow you to go ther...."
"don't you want to know what happened " Tommy says bluntly making the old woman angry "of course I do!" The old woman snaps "deal, but you owe me and my friends here a good home cooked meal" Tommy says looking at moe while he moved his eyebrows up and down. Lost for words, the woman shakes her head "I appreciate the gesture but, OFFICER! Officer!" The old woman calls for police officers. "Aw.. f..., Run moe!" Tommy says pulling moe while making a quick get away. As they ran Klaus runs up to the two and matching there speed "another letter?" Tommy says taking the letter while continuing to run. When the two finally make it a good distance away, Tommy stops to take a breath and read the letter. "You would think it would be easier to just call" Tommy says reluctantly looking at the letter "since when was catching a pokemon a challenge?" He says before looking at Moe "so, you up for a little exploration? Maybe catch a pokemon or two" Tommy says to Moe while putting the letter away and continuing to walk towards the beach.

@Reanimator Spuds
Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Beach
Mentions: Harmony and Eevee (@Luelle ), Leo (@LoveandHate91 )

Neri nodded before she followed Harmony to the beach. She kept glancing down to see if Eevee was following them, which he was to her relief. Even if she wouldn't stop him, Neri just felt much more relieved to know that the little guy chose to stick with them. It didn't take them long to arrive at the beach, at which point she watched Eevee rush head first towards the water, while Harmony's Eev apparently preferred to stick to the sand.

Upon spotting Tori, Neri lowered her head a bit and more approached her older sister with a more cautious step, before stopping in front of her "Hey Tori. I'm sorry for running off on my own like that. And sorry for needing to pay with most of our money." She said before her older sister could speak a word, resulting in Tori just giving her a gentle smile before putting her hand on her shoulder "Money can be earned back. I'm mostly glad to see you're safe and with good company" She said, moving to offer a bigger smile to Harmony and Leo.

"I'm Tori, by the way. The Rookidee above us is Dee, my pokemon." She told Leo, before looking at Harmony "And I apologize for leaving you the way I did earlier, but as you can see, it did wonders to Dee. Though I imagine he won't be landing soon, seeing there are more people now." Tori said, glancing upwards for a moment.

Neri turned to Harmony as well as the latter asked her question "Of course! We'll make sure both Eevee and Eev are safe!" She said, and raced away to catch up to the two Eevees before anything else could be said. Tori giggled at the sight, before turning her focus back to Harmony, who just asked if both she and her sister would like to join them in catching another pokemon "That sounds like a wonderful idea! I would love to get Dee a new friend to have around."

Barely a second later, a Delibird came by, offered a letter to Harmony and dashed away. It was probably the fastest Delibird Tori had seen, making her briefly wonder if she should maybe try and catch a Delibird herself. Listening as Harmony read the letter from the professor out loud, Tori's smile grew a bit more "It seems like we all have even more of a reason to go catch a pokemon together now. It's part of our initiaton now! So if you two still want that snack of yours, you better go get it quickly, daylight isn't going to wait for any of us after all!" Tori gestured to her wrist watch with smile.

Meanwhile, Neri went and entered the water, staying close to Eevee while also keeping Eev in her line of sight. She was determined to make sure both of them were safe, but she was a bit more concerned with Eevee, since she didn't know if the little guy knew how to swim, so she didn't want him to have any potential accidents. And Eev was still on the relative safety of the sand, where she could see him. So Neri just made sure to look at both as much as she could.
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"Heh." Mélanie let out a short chuckle at the caterpillar being described as a 'minor inconvenience'. It was amusing enough to keep her attention on the new trainer while the crowd around them began to dissipate. It seemed the demonstration had concluded. The two trainers on stage had already called back their Pokémon and were starting to make their way off the stage as well. "Oh merde, we missed the conclusion," she commented with a hint of annoyance. It wasn't like they'd seen the entire fight anyway, but it would've been nice to know who'd won.

Mélanie glanced down at the Pokémon cradled in her arms. "Well, how about you go make some friends? Arceus knows you're more interested in it than me." She sighed, letting Gummy go to meet the new potential friends. While her Pokémon was occupied with inspecting the newcomers by slowly floating around them, Mélanie pulled out a cigarette to relieve some of her tension. She wasn't good at social situations, not anymore at least. As she let the nicotine do its job, she stared at the empty stage. Somewhat distancing herself from the group as she pondered. At some point she was supposed to be on a stage like that. Maybe not out here on a festival, but being a Gym Leader was similar in a sense.

Lost in thought, she was pulled back to reality by a loud honk and the familiar sound of webbed feet close by. Turning her gaze towards the sound. She assumed it was the same Delibird from before, considering she hadn't met that many Delibird that doubled as mailman. "A letter again?" She mused to herself, waiting for bug boy to open it. "Catch a new Pokémon? What, in the middle of town?" She scoffed, finishing her cigarette and pressing it out on the side of a trashcan before throwing it away. "Salaud.. we better get a move on then-" She paused for a moment, turning her gaze towards Ashe. "-Actually, Ashe, did you want to ask something before? You said something, right?"

Location: Lunavelle Festival
Interactions: @Enthriper @Justsomeguy

Le Festivaaaaaaal~

Vanna listened as the two boys talked, noting the new information with a little frown and memorizing Leon's 'furious' body language for future reference. She lightly pets Fen's head as she realizes he was keeping a sharp eye on the older boy. After all, she was a notorious little shit and he was kind of a tough read. Knowing when he was upset or angry would come in handy. "At least she's got someone looking out for her now." She says evenly.

When she was about to suggest they get a move on, the other suit girl who'd ignored her earlier came walking up all friendly. Vans smiled politely. "Hey. We were about to head out. You looking to tag along?" She says, absolutely certain that this chick didn't care enough to even acknowledge them earlier, so she was wondering what exactly she was hoping to get out of their little group.

Business 101, know what the party is interested in, what they sell and what they're willing to give up to get what they want.

Of course, her critical assessment was interrupted by the honk of a certain delivery Pokémon. She took the letter curiously. "Hello again young trainers, your first assignment will be to catch your very next Pokemon of your selected type before nightfall. Return to my lab when the task is complete for further instruction." She reads out loud. "Guess we were half a step ahead of the curve. Let's get going then."

Interactions: Altair @Cresion Breezes, Leon @Soverign, Bazett @Shiki

Leo finished off his fried cheese when the Eevee declined more food clearly picking up on the humans way of saying no. And it seemed Scorch was finishing up with its part of the meal. Leo would carry Scorch but the burning rings on its body makes that hard. So Scorch just followed at Leo's side.

Harmony really was a social person and her good nature could influence others to be friends. And she clearly shows it by inviting people to join them who she clearly meet only that day. But Leo doesn't mind the more people around the more details he can see and remember. And then use them at a later point.

Like young Neri who seems easily influenced by the treatment that she sees Pokémon receive. And then gets herself involved like she did when she decided to give the Governess a peace of her mind. And in turn turned the crowd against her.

Once at the beach Leo watched as the two Eevee's raced off for the water. "Go ahead Scorch you can have some fun when we need to head out I shall retrieve you." Which had the Scorch follow after the two Eevee's but staying out of the water and at one point burrowing into the ground and popping out a few feet away from the starting point.

Leo held up a hand in greeting to Tori after Harmony introduced him to her. He was happy to hear Harmony was still willing to do the date before a Pokémon arrived on the beach with a letter that Harmony read out loud. "Before nightfall huh well that doesn't give us a lot of time now does it? We may want to post pone our date and catch a Pokémon first since that's what the note says." Leo replied he also had something else that needed done so that might mean their is too much to do before nightfall. "Also guess we have to post pone he Pokémon battle that we were planning to have earlier. I've got something I have to get done you guys mind if I head head out and we can catch up in say a hour near the outskirts of town so we can all try to catch Pokémon as group?" Leo asked he was also going to head back into town and let the Governess know of her Eevee to gain some favor with her. Which he may have to do to open a gym in this town. Since will have to deal with her if he becomes one of the elite four or champion. And he'd rather have a good relationship with her considering her place of power.

She debates about going with them then decides not to. She was going to find a new camera, no matter what it took. It shouldn't be too hard. People were selling stuff everywhere. She begins to walk around. She sees a vender selling stuff, she spies a camera on one of the shelves. It looked so familiar and the more she stared at it, the more the familiarity grew. Then it snapped. It was HER camera. She remembered the guy who told her it was lost. She scanned the booth for him. That's when she spotted him. Not the guy who stole her camera but the one she's been living with her whole life, Ryan. She turned away and walked towards the vender. She pretended to be interested in a neon pink basket with fake plastic bunnies on it. She quickly swiped the camera, to her, it wasn't really stealing but stealing what was rightfully her's. She smiled at the vender as he tried to sell her the basket. She told him she didn't want to buy it and walked away. She spied Ryan out of the corner of her eye and changed course. She had decided to go to the beach with Harmony and them after all. She appears behind Harmony, "Hello." She said quietly. She say they were reading a note but didn't bother to look. Tini hopped off her backpack and bounded over to the sea.
Lunavelle Beach

"Don't worry about the money, I can help you out." Harmony peeped, giving Neri a generous smile.

"We can stop by my mom's condo later. I need to get my bag. I didn't expect to head to Rylund's lab so soon." She said looking down at her beach attire. She had managed to throw on a tshirt over her two piece, but she only had her silk wrap covering her sandy bottoms.

"Don't apologize!" Harmony reassuringly smiled to Tori, "I'm glad Dee is more at ease." She took in a relaxing breath while tilting her gaze at the bird above.

"Thank you Neri, and GREAT! That's even better!" She giggled as Neri ran off to join Eevee in the water. She was pleased to see that Neri was keeping an eye on Eev. Eev herself now hopping up and diving at the surface of the sand at the locations where Scorch would slither partially beneath. Like a fox hunting in the snow.

The Governess's Eevee splashed in the salty waves and dove below to re-emerge near Neri. Eeev! His eyes smiling while releasing a stream of water from his mouth playfully.

"Oh-alrighty." Harmony answered Leo in response to holding off their date and the training battle. "Well, looks like we'll wait on that snack." She turned to Tori. She then looked back at Leo who decided to ditch the date plans.

"We'll actually be around here looking for Pokemon. We don't have time to waste afterall." She said in response to them waiting on Leo to do whatever it was that was more important than getting to know her. She looked to Tori in a pause of silence and then spoke up cheerily, "Let's go find a Pokemon!"

She began to race off across the hot sands until she heard the greeting of a familiar voice. "Hey Galaxy. We're going to catch some Pokemon!" She waved the girls to follow as she raced toward the sea to reunite with Eev and the others. She plopped beside her active fox and giggled at her dives in the sand. "Neri, change of plans!" She let the wind carry her voice over to her.

@Nim @LoveandHate91 @WarriorCats3614
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Reactions: LoveandHate91
"I-uh wha?" Moe stammered out when the older woman approached them, asking about a crystal cave. Then Tommy black mailed(?) her into getting a free meal, "Well,-um-I" Then she called the cops. "I-wait-WOAH!" He was suddenly dragged away by Tommy elsewhere. Out of breath he looked around him to make sure he was safe. Poor old Crier was lying on his back breathing in and out deeply (though each exhale was really a long sustained and annoyingly high pitched whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~)

Moe finally caught his breath enough to speak before looking over at Tommy, and yelling, "What was that all about?!" But before he could get his answer, a new letter had somehow made it to them from the Professor. Their new goal was to catch a pokemon it seemed. Something Moe was excited to do.

"Uh-Y-Yeah, let's-now hold on! I can't let this go without knowing what happened. We can walk and talk." He said calling the exhausted whismur who tried his best to keep up with his stubby legs. Moe shook his head and murmured to himself. "Why does nobody get that we can walk and talk..." He started heading off towards the beach. There was some tall grass, so he might still be able to find something nearby.

"I actually haven't had a chance to explore the city yet. I've been too busy trying to interview the other gym candidates, so I never really joined in on the festivities. What happened?" He started looking deep into the thick grass as he was talking, only able to find a few wurmple and silcoon. He sighed and kept looking. Crier joined him, taking his own peek into the tall grass, only to come face to face with a joltik who jumped onto his face which caused the poor thing to run around crying until it ran into Moe's leg by accident. The Joltik, scared off after being crushed between the face of the Whismur and Moe's leg hopped off back into the grass. Moe only looked down to see his partner hugging his leg. He leaned down and gave him a pet. "Aww love ya too buddy."

Interactions: @Mad Captain Kazu
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Reactions: True North
Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Beach
Mentions: Harmony and Eevee (@Luelle ), Leo (@LoveandHate91 )

Tori nodded towards Leo, understanding that he could've had something he had planned to do even before this letter was read "Better go do it quickly then!" She said, before hearing what Harmony had to say. So she wanted to look for pokemon already on the beach? That was a good idea "Well, I suppose we will be here for the time being then." She added, before following Harmony towards the other two girls.

As they arrived near both Eevees and Neri, Tori watched both girls with a bit of amusement. Neri didn't seem to notice them at first, just laughing at the Governess's Eevee who emerged from the water next to her, before finally hearing Harmony's call to her. She turned to look at Harmony, a bit surprised "Change of plans?" She asked in return. Tori was quick to nod in agreement with Harmony "We have our first initiation assignment! We need to catch a pokemon!" Tori explained out loud, making sure Neri hears the explanation.

After hearing her sister, Neri turned to Eevee "Looks like we need to go find some more friends to make." She told him with a smile, before looking at the now wet curls "And those don't look very comfortable. Would you mind if I undo them?" She asked Eevee, her hand gesturing to the curls, as Neri would still wait in the water to see if Eevee would let her begin to undo the curls or if he still didn't trust her enough to do those kind of things. She hoped he would, because she imagined that wet curls like that would probably just weigh poor Eevee down.

Tori looked at Harmony "What kind of pokemon do you need to look for? Your Eev or egg don't really make it clear. And we could also help each other look for pokemon. I think it should be clear from Dee what kind of pokemon I need to look for." She said with a smile, looking up at him and then whistling. Dee flew downwards following the sound and landed on Tori's head. For a second he chirpped happily, before noticing Harmony and then hiding his head behind one of his wings.
Lunavelle Beach

Eeveeee? The Governess's gift swam nearer to Neri, so that she could play with his curls.

"I'm in need of an Electric type." Harmony beamed to Tori with smiley eyes. "I agree! I know a good place to find birds! This way-" Rookidee landed atop Tori's head and shyly hid its face from Harmony. "Aw you don't have to worry around me Dee." She said softly to the small bird on the way to show Tori more of his kind of type. Veee! Eev offered some encouragement to Dee.

Harmony held down her arm for Eev, and her little fox ran up onto her shoulder to rest behind her hair warmed by the sun. "Did you have fun, Eev?" Eev! She happily responded as she rode along. "Are you coming Neri?" She called to her excitedly.

An overcast emerged upon the shore and a light sprinkling began. "Is it going to storm????" Harmony wondered anxiously, but in a really happy way. "Oh my gosh lightning would be perfect while I catch my first Electric Pokemon." She tittered.

"C'mon! There's usually a whole bunch of Flying types near the rocks at the end of the beach." She skipped across the sand holding her basket with the egg closely. They approached a forested area along the beach, the rocky zone straight passed.

The white noise of a glorious waterfall became louder as they grew closer to the other side of the beach. Immediately coming into view were a multitude of different birds showering under the rain on the rocks. There were birds everywhere. Some perching in the trees, while others tended to their nests in the various nooks in the rock walls.

"It's really beautiful isn't it?" Harmony beamed to them with the enormous waterfall towering in the distance behind her. The bird Pokemon suddenly began their squawking which caused Harmony to jump. "That's not good...." She spun around toward the commotion happening at the shore near the rocks. "I wonder what happened?"

Behind the taller rocks a green dog swam hastily onto a hidden shoreline carrying a Pokemon in its mouth. The dog with green and yellow markings spit out the frantic Pidgey that had fallen accidentally into the water from an injured wing. After that the canine bolted back into the forest before the humans could see, little bolts sparking from its furry legs.

Tori And Neri Tobu
Lunavelle Beach
Mentions: Harmony and Eevee (@Luelle ),

Neri looked towards her sister and Harmony as the two seemed to begin to head away, with Harmony calling out to her "I'll join you in a bit! Go on ahead!" She called out to them, and without seeing if either responded, she turned her attention back to Eevee, who swam closer to her. Smiling, Neri started to undo the curls, being as gentle as she could to make sure she won't accidentally harm the little guy or pull his fur in case it ended up in a knot anywhere.

Tori nodded as she listened to Harmony and begin following her. She was quite excited herself to see more of the Lunavelle beach and to perhaps get another pokemon. As signals of rain began showing, Tori started to get a bit worried that perhaps her chances won't be too good. She kept following Harmony, who explained there was a rocky area with a lot of bird pokemon ahead "Hopefully the weather will attract some electric types for you." She said with a smile as they kept heading to the rocky area.

As they approached the rocky shore and Harmony remarked on the place's beauty, Tori couldn't help but silently agree. It was an amazing sight. Not long after, many of the birds started squawking, and Tori immediately got a bad feeling. Those were squawks of distress. While Harmony started to wonder what was wrong, Tori started to quickly climb the rocks and make her way to the rocky shore. She spotted the green pokemon who brought the injured bird to the shore, before darting away. Seemed like it was a heroic but wary pokemon, whatever it was. Once she was past the rocks, Tori went and kneeled next to the injured pidgey, looking at its wing.
"It's a hurt pidgey. Must've gotten hurt mid-flight." Tori started talking to herself, before putting her bag aside and beginning to rummage through it. She knew she had a potion in case of an emergency, but she couldn't recall if it was in her bag or Neri's. And she really hoped it was in her bag right about now.

Finishing to undo the curls, Neri looked at Eevee with a smile "I know it's a lot of fun to be in the water, but we should go and catch up with Tori and Harmony. Wouldn't want to let my sister and new friend lose track of us, right?" She told him with a playful wink, and began making her way out of the water, going to grab the bag that she dropped on the beach before going into the water. She then turned to look at Eevee, making sure the little guy was following her before beginning to go in the direction that Tori and Harmony went in.

Lunavelle City - Lunavelle Festival

Too distracted by the new faces, trainer's and adorable pokemon's, the battle demonstration and all attending concluded without Ashe witnessing. She noticed that everyone had packed up and got going and was visibly disappointed. She shook her head in disbelief, which caused her sleeping Zubat to be shaken awake, slightly disgruntled. It flapped it's small wings and bopped Ashe on the head, letting out an annoyed screech.

"I'm sorry little guy." Ashe apologized, not meaning to annoy her small partner. She turned back to face Mélanie, who was inquiring about what Ashe had said before. She shook her head again, this time minding her small friend resting in her hair, and raised her hands in defense.
"It was nothin', really! Not really relevant anymore!" She laughed it off.

She smiled and turned to face the new trainer that had introduced his pokemon to them. The tiny bug was a cutie, that's for sure, but Ashe was a little taken off guard in terms of the boy she knew nothing about. She looked towards Mélanie with an awkward expression on her face. Like she was trying to send a message but nobody in this universe could honestly tell what she was trying to say.

Interactions: Alder @Justsomeguy Mélanie @Hecatty

Leo turned to see the girl Harmony invited arrived. She didn't come with them initially but it looks like she decided to catch up with them after all.

"Well that's a cute little scene don't you think. Your Eevee trying to jump in Scorch as he slithers below the sand. And I'm really sorry for having to cancel the plans. I was really looking forward to the date. I didn't expect the professor would be calling us back to his lab so soon. Want to go on it after we're done at the lab if he doesn't give us such a limited time again?" Leo asked Harmony before he was going to head off as he still had a crush on her and wanted a relationship with her.
And now Leo knew that they are going to be close to the beach maybe near the rocky water falls and the forest was at the other end.

"I'll catch up with you four after I get this small job I had planned to do done. Come in Scorch let's go." Leo said as he turned and began to walk away, Scorch popped out of the sand and began to run after him showing how quick it was with its 100 legs.

It was long before Leo arrived at the town hall where the governess should be. He headed in and went to the front desks to see if it was possible to get a little time to talk with the towns beloved Governess.
Mélanie gave Ashe a slightly doubtful look before responding to her claim. "You're sure it's nothing? Well, if you say so." She shrugged her shoulders and looked Ashe dead in the eyes for a moment. Something was definitely off, but if she wasn't going to talk about it then it probably wasn't worth looking into. She had better things to do for now anyway. If that letter was to be believed then she didn't have a lot of time to find a Pokémon to bring back to the lab. She looked into a few of the nearby streets, pondering her options. Was there even enough time to explore the city before she'd need to return to the laboratory?

Realizing this was a task she wouldn't be able to complete 'lone wolf style', she turned to face the two trainers before her. Mildly annoyed at the prospect of an even further increasing party, but open-minded to working together if it meant they'd all complete their task in time. "Oh, merde, right, listen up, if we want to catch Pokémon we need to find them first, right? So, I suggest.." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I suggest we team upPHH-!" The words had barely left her lips when Gummy came at her like an overjoyed, squishy cannonball. Forcing the air out of Mélanie lungs on impact. "Nom de Dieu, calm down, calm down!"

It took some effort to get a handle on Gummy, but she managed to cradle the pink blob in her arms where it continued to wriggle around excitedly. "Mon Dieu.." Mélanie muttered under her breath, but the corner of a smile revealed she was pleased to see her Pokémon this happy. "Heh, seems like Mothra, was it, isn't the only one being a minor inconvenience." She mused out loud. "Right, well, what do the both of you say, think we'll be better off working together?"

Location: Lunavelle Festival
Interactions: @Enthriper @Justsomeguy