Paint It Crimson

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Fel stared down the range examining the hole he had put in the target with a smile. At first her gaze lingered as he asked his question. She seemed oblivious to the question asked. After a moment she turned walking to the door stepping outside of the room. Her arm raised pointing down the corridor. Her eyes following her the direction of her extended index finger. "Take a left." she said simply as she turned her head to look at him. Her eyes looking him up and down. Inspecting him carefully. "Listen for the fridge." Her eyes locked on his for a few moments. She blinked before turning and walking the opposite direction she indicated. Clearly not heading to the rec room. Not that the doc would know, she was heading to her own quarters.
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"Alright." he said not sure what to think. She said it in the least amount of words possible... He knew he didn't offend her, she didn't have any signs of being angry. Slowly he walked to the door and looked down the hall to find she was already gone. "Bye."

He followed her directions and found himself in the rec room. With a content sigh he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. This would be fine for tonight.
She opened the doors to what was commonly referred to as her "quarters." The white walls and bed made it apparent that it had once been a medical bay. There were a couple theories she had come up with as to why it was as such. She got the feeling the base here was much smaller at one point, so rooms for officers or personal quarters for squads like theirs weren't needed. When they expanded due to recent efforts in the war, they were given these "rooms." Why Fel had been shoved in a worn down medical bay... Well, she had theories about that too. When she arrived, their was still many medical supplies, but above all that she could notice, there was a lot of sedatives. The doctor that did her psyche analysis didn't seem like he had the greatest faith in her when she was leaving, the fact that she was given stable condition was a shock. Fel hadn't made the connection in her brain that the new guy could probably use some of the stuff she had jammed in the closet. But... Looking at the tools and supplies always made her uncomfortable. She would bring him here tomorrow, let him sort through the stuff.

The room was absolutely plain except the hospital bed, a counter, a bookshelf and two doors, one by the bed, the other near the corner of the room. On the side of the book shelf there was a two hooks, one where hung her sub machine gun and the other where she hung the standard issue communicator. On the bookshelf there was only one book, beside it lay a pair of large round glasses, the rest of the shelves were empty. Getting books turned out to be harder than she had expected, if she would have known that she probably would have only made one shelf. As she hung her gun and coms device, she took her glasses, before walking to a door not too far from her bed. The plus side to having an ex-medical bay as her room, she had her own private lavatory. The others might, but she wouldn't know, she wasn't one for snooping. She walked in, looking in the mirror for a few moments. Blinking lightly she put on her glasses, her eyes squinted a little, before she took them off. Using the goggles had some how improved her eyesight, possibly because they allowed her eyes to focus correctly. She had known this, but still tried to put them on every night. She looked slightly distraught at the glasses before placing them down by the sink. She began to remove her fatigues, followed by her body suit. Staring at her body for a few moments. She blinked blankly, as if she thought she was supposed to be looking at something but not sure what. Eventually she shook her head, gathering her clothes and folding them. She removed her pony tail with one hand, while with the other she brushed her teeth. Once she rinsed her mouth she placed her hair in the sink and proceeded to wash it.

With herself clean she walked out, turning off the lights, placing the clothes beside her bed on the floor. She lay in the bed, letting her hair fan out across what her body didn't occupy so that it would be dry by morning. She pulled up the thin blanket to her neck, keeping her arms underneath it as her hand pulled off her goggles. She switched to the built in com, sending information to Dalia. Fel never knew if she was listening but still did it before she would go to sleep, it always made her feel better. "Good night." She whispered before hanging the goggles off the hook she attached to what could be called a headboard. She still held her blade, sheath and all, in her left hand as she closed her eyes, for only a moment she wondered, what sort of dreams... or nightmares, she'd have.
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Logan had watched Fel leave from the corner of his eye without a word. It was okay, he was kind of impressed she'd even tried to play with him. He played the game a bit longer, listening to the distant sound of gunfire. The sound almost relaxed him. He'd been around it since he was young after all. He let his mind stroll down memory lane, which, as it turned out, was a bad idea. At the sound of a female scream, immediately, all of his little sisters dead eyes snapped through his mind. He froze and it became hard to breathe for a moment as guilt hit him hard in the gut. Their voice echoed into his head along with their screams and the laughter of his last boss. He gripped the controller tight. Calm down, it's not happening right now, snap back. he ordered himself calmly as the grip on the controller tightened. He couldn't bring himself back. Panic tried to set in. The controller broke, plastic sliced into skin, and he blinked, then breathed. A sharp rough sound as the light burn helped him climb from the memory jumble. He blinked as he became aware of the empty room around him. He inhaled again. Then he exhaled. He kept it up for five minutes before he actually looked back up at the screen. "Game Over" kept flashing at him. A wry smirk hit his face before he looked down at the absolutely destroyed controller in his hands. He stood up and went to power the game systems off before he threw the scrap material away.

"whoops." He mumbled to himself before he stretched his hands over his head as he looked around. He felt antsy now, and more than a little freaked. He should've known better to go on that stroll down memory lane. Although, in his own defense he was doing fine until Reaper had shrieked. The green eyed man shook himself, much like a dog would before he decided to go make a date with a punching bag. He was turning to leave when he saw the Doc come in and collapse on the Rec bed. His eyebrow raised before he walked towards the shorter man.

"Hey, did you get the gun thing figured out?" he asked down, goofy grin slid back into place, voice fairly chipper with his hands on his hips. "What was the pyhco bitch screaming about?" He asked. 'How'd you actually do with the guns?"
Doc didn't notice Logan until just then, "Hmm?... Oh, yes, I think I found a gun that will do." he said smiling his fake smile back, really their was no difference between the two smiles, just one he felt and the other he did to make everyone else smile. "Fel actually found a good gun for me. I still have to run it past commander." He sat up and stretched, "Reapers fine. Just a mental break down... she fainted but is alright."

Just then he noticed Logans bloody hands but before he asked about it Logan continued to ask questions. "Well, it went fairly well. I was knocked in the head by the gun and bled. Reaper got the first aid kit so I could patch myself up. Then I lost the gun after it flew out of my hands... I switched guns but reaper screamed so I went to help her... then I got lost before I found Fel at the gun range. She told me how to get here after she suggested a gun." he thought for a second. "Now, about your hands."
Logan nodded some as he absorbed Doc's words. What's with Reaper today? He asked himself but didn;t comment any further on the matter. He glanced outside, noticing the darkness. Yea, he wouldn't be sleeping tonight, he'd probably spend the night in the gym with some oldies echoign in the room. He glanced down at Doc and blinked before he looked at his hands. He'd totally spaoced it for a minute there. He gave the man another goofy grin,

"Dontcha like it? I'm trying to make a new style ya know? Kids'll eat anything up these days." He joked as he showed his hands off to the other man, eyes twinkling in mirth with what he knew wasn't funny. "Did yer folks ever put you in any self defense classes?" He asked another question as he slid his bloodied hands into his pockets. He was just going to get them bloodier, no need for the doctor to worry about them yet.
"Um, well." he said surprised at the reaction Logan gave him. Already he could tell Logan was the type that would smile so no one else would feel his pain. Just a whole cover up story and nothing more. "No... I don't have parents. I took care of myself." he again used the fake smile as if none of that even bothered him anymore. You see, the government took alot more than just the VCR from him.

"Well, I think it's time for me to hit the hay if you don't mind. I haven't had any sleep for the past three days with surgeries and being drafted."
The green eyed man inclined his head as he turned to leave the room, he hit the light bank as well.

"Sweet dreams, Doc, welcome to the Ayslum." He chirped before he closed the door behind him. Now, to the gym! he declared as he made a beeline for the building, ducking out into the night air without a problem, he crossed the grassy area and ducked into the gym. He looked around before he spotted the punching bag. ANother silly grin hit his face.

"Baby!" He walked towards the bag. "I'm so sorry I'm late for our date, my sweet darling, you'll forgive me, won't you?" He asked the slightly swaying beat up looking bag. "no? Well, I bet some music would change your mind..." He waggled his eyebrows at the bag before he turned towards the stereo system and turned it on, shuffling through the digital dock until he found his playlist. He notched the volume all the way up, fairly confidant no one in the main building would hear him. He'd done this before after all and no one had shot him the next day, so it was all good. He sauntered back over to the bag and began to just wail on it without hesitation. His hands bare fists and slowly getting bloodier.
Reaper sighs and close her eyes and fell asleep. she Dreamed of everything her past her future, and even what happened now. she opened her eyes and the sun was already down. she sighed and got out of bed and walked silently to the kitchen.

once she got to the Kitchen she grabbed Ice cream (vanilla). she smiles and start to eat it from the container. she didn't evern notice anything she was to deep in though to hear anything to see anything.

(sorry for the shit of a post -.-)
Ajax had gone back to the shooting range. Revealing what his father had done to him to Reaper had brought back some bad memories. As he shot the target with his Infinitarium over and over, he remembered the day he killed his father. He was just a little boy. He burst into the shed his Father had made into a Satanic Temple, as he was lighting the giant fire in the pit that took up most of the room. Ajax looked around as his father began chanting a ritual to summon the Dark Lord himself. The young boy saw the sacrifice ceremony dagger o it's stand on a shelf. He grabbed it and sprinted at his father, leaping at him and imbedded the dagger in his shoulder blade. As his father cred out in pain, Ajax kicked him into the pit and stood there watching as the old man was engulfed in flame, screaming in pure agony. After the fire died, Ajax retrieved the gold and silver curved dagger from the ashes.

As he returned to reality, he fired a few more rounds into the target, and felt a tear stream down his face. He wiped it away and holstered his pistol, and began to return to his room.
Reaper was thinking about her liktte brother and mother as she ate her ice cream. as she was thinking she hear gun firing and started to walk to the target range with her ice cream. she notice Ajax and saw him crying. and started to wander why. she hid once he left the room she moved up to him slinetly her feet didnt make a sound. she was right next him when she said "Hey you want to talk becuse someone told me that talk is the best thing next to crying " she smiles
"Nyaa...! Don't... don't sneak up on me. Sneaking is mostly Fel's job. And, I would rather not talk about it." He kept walking for a moment or two before stopping and turning back. "Ah, sure. What the hell. Come with me." He continued on to his room and waved to Reaper to follow him.
hehe sorry hard habit to brack" she eats some of her ice cream all though it half way mealted allready. as he called for her to come she smiled and ran up so she go closer to hom so they can walk side by side "if you dont want to talk about it lets talk about ummm unicorns" she giggles "kiding lets talk abouall e time i gived you sht in the past years we been in this dump" she looked at him with a smile
Logan stretched his torn up hands over his head, reaching for the sky until his shoulders popped. He'd done exactly as he thought he would. He hadn't slept a wink at all that night and now he was sore, tired and freaking starving. He shook his arms out as he let them fall back to his sides. With a yawn, he jogged across the damp grass and back into the main compound, making a beeline for the kitchen sink. He was at least going to rinse his hands off before he bandaged them up. The faucet poured icy water onto the inflamed skin as he he began to rinse away the blood. Food, then shower next. He decided with a nod.
Ajax smiled as she suggested talking about their past. "Heh, alright. Remember that one time I was at the shooting range, you challenged me, and almost shot my foot when I won?" He laughed and shook his head. "Good times." He looked up at her. "You weren't that bad of a shot, though."
"Yeah but im never going to be the best as you thoghu" she said biting into her Ice cream "Remember a missoin when we bumped into each other and i shot you in the arm." she smiles countiuning "then i had to take you back to base in the jeep i didnt know how to drive at u were yelling at me 'turn right tune left' cant blam me for trying to drive tough" she smiles at him then looks at the time "i should head off its time from this beauty to get her sleep" s turns around starting to walk to her room whan calls out to him "good night ugly" she sicks out a 'peace' sign'
Fel's eyes opened slowly. She didn't stir, instead her fingers played with the sheets for a few moments, she felt a presence on the bed behind her, but didn't want to turn to it. She could only stay staring at the bookshelf across the room for so long though. Eventually she placed her hands down flat on the bed, pushing her torso into the air. She was silent a few moments as she stared at the ground, eventually she turned her head, looking over her shoulder. The bed was empty for the exception of the hair draped behind her. Her head turned away, and she shifted her legs over the side of the bed, letting out a sigh as she looked to the floor. She thought silently about the memories that returned in her dreams. She always wondered how much of it actually happened, and how much was her subconscious acting up. Not that it was really relevant. She leaned over, grabbing her fatigues that lay on the floor. As she lifted them a group of files fell out. She stared at them for a few moments, next she would normally grab the body suit, but instead she simply stood up and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door behind herself. She stared at herself in the mirror for a few moments before pulling on her fatigues. She grabbed the glasses that she had left by sink. Looking at them for a few seconds before swinging the arms out. Her brow furrowed a little as she placed her thumb against the lens, popping it out. The lens fell to the counter, bouncing off the edge of the sink. She maneuvered her hands and did the same to the other lens. Holding now simple frames she lifted them and put them on. Staring at her face in the mirror, her hand reached out procuring the the lenses, simply holding them in her hand as she tilted and turned her head. As if trying to decide what she thought of the look.
Ajax laughed a little when she brought up that mission. "Oh, yeah, I remember that. Hurt like a bitch!" He laughed a little more, a little softer, looking down at the floor.

He head shot backup when she said goodnight. "Goodnight, psycho." He turned away, heading towards his own room. As he walked down the narrow corridor, he heard some commotion in Fel's room, but decided not to investigate. Fel was a stone best left unturned. he walked into his room, Doc wasn't there. He closed his door, sliding the bolt in place to lock it. He pulled out the key-knife, took down the picture, and opened the safe behind. Standing there for a moment, he looked at the few belongings inside. He pulled out the curved dagger he had used to kill his father. He stood there, staring at it, tracing the intricate patterns engraved on the sides with his eyes. He put it back and closed the safe, placing the picture where it was. He flipped off the light switch and shuffled over to his bed. He fell over onto it, and rolled onto his back, clasping his hands on his stomach. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about his team. Everything they had been through, everything they had yet to do. He realized he had come to deeply respect them. They were his team. As he closed his eyes to go to sleep, he hoped their future would be just as successful as their past. "Viva la revolution."

In his sleep, he dreamt of two spheres, one of chaos and death, a fire consumed the base, he watched as every one of his team mates were shot down as they called to him for help. In the other, peace and victory. He had led his team to victory in their campaign against the Zeid Empire. They were renowned as heroes throughout the land, and were respected and praised by the people. They were champions.

He awoke with a start, and sat up in his bed. He knew these were both possible outcomes. He went back to sleep, albeit unsure of what he would see, or if he wanted to see it.
S laughed at his little combat then got to her room. She sighed. she need to do something before she kills herself soon. so she sat on her bed looking out the window seen nothing. This gived her an Idea. She had not done this in a long time so she may be rust at it. Reaper Looks under her bed and pulls out a small but wide chest. She puts it on her lap and opend it. Inside was her drawing book she had never used in a long time but Now she felt like drawing. She didnt feel like sleeping so she stayed up drawng. She drawed the night, the trees, the rise sun, and soon after she drawed her team. and everyone of tham looked real.
She decided she quite liked the frames, despite no longer needing them for corrective vision. Though, as her eyes cast down to her open hand. She stared at the lenses. Something about them reminded her of school, before she was drafted. She hated the army at first. She was pretty sure she hated it all throughout black operations, not that her thoughts were really her own. But did she hate it now? She supposed that was the real question. No matter how bad the road that may have brought her here really was, if the destination was beautiful, then it was worth it. She didn't love it. Her fingers curled over the lenses. It was more of the same. Her eyebrows turned downward. Killing to give power to people who deserved it the least. Her lips parted, revealing her grit teeth. Corruption poisoning the lives of humanity. Her hand began to shake as her grip continued to only tighten. Where good men get killed for trying to do the right thing. Her eyes closed tightly as she raised her hand into the air. Where the innocent were taken from their homes and turned into monsters. Her hand came down hard, smashing into the counter by the sink, her fingers closed into a balled fist.

She let out a few staggered breaths. Eventually she allowed her eyes to open, looking at the fist, and the crimson pouring out of it. She opened her hand, the lenses completely shattered. With her other hand she got to work picking out the glass, tossing the shards to the right of the sink. Once she got all the pieces out, she placed her hand in the sink, running water over the hand. After a few seconds of cold water she shut the tap off. The bleeding continued but she decided that she'd let it for now. Losing a little blood would calm her down, allow her to think a little clearer. Maybe it wasn't the most healthy way to do it, but it was effective. She limply removed her limb from the sink, walking out of the bathroom. Allowing blood to drip down onto the floor as she walked. She stopped for a moment, looking at the files by her feet, near a folded up body suit. She bent down, picking up the files and placing them under her mattress. She needed to make sure she gave them to him in secret, she also realized she didn't tell him that the documents ie. the fakes. Were destroyed, she'd need to do that at some point to. Either way, she simply sat on the edge of her bed for now. Normally when she woke up she'd get dressed and just go to the dojo for a few hours before getting breakfast. She decided to skip the sword practice today, she wasn't really in the mood. So, she simply looked down at the floor, thinking about the life she's lived up to this point, and where her life was going to take here from here on.