Pack Lands

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I see a lovely brown she wolf and go deeper into submission. I twist my blood colored head into the ground even though the effort was massive
"Wait. Please don't go. Stay here. You should sleep." She held a paw out to the male. "I don't need to know your name. But please at least stay here for tonight." She wrapped her paw around Rain and pulled her close. She licked the top of her head and nuzzled her before looking back to the male. She looked down at Rain. "Can you help her?" She whispered, motioning to the hurt wolf. "I will be over in a minute." She nudged the pup and looked back to the male. Something about him made her like him. Was it cause he was like her? Different?
Aria was breathing heavy. She needed time to catch her breath and heal her wounds. But she did not want to fall asleep yet. There were so many wolves here. She hadn't been apart of a pack in a while and it felt weird. The warmth radiated off of them and she curled into it. The wolf that had carried her set her down and began to walk out. "Wait I did not get your name if I may ask."
I sigh and look at the White male I didn't want him to go... but I couldn't let myself grow attached to someone I'd soon be asked to leave... and attachments were just a mistake... I understand that
I look away it was foolish to grow attached to someone especially when they weren't mortal
I look around and get to my paws I limp towards the faint scent of meat and find only bones with I desperately begin biting to get to the marrow if there was any left
Heading back into the den, it was quite nice for one wolf. But he wasn't there to sleep; no, he was rubbing his scent all over the area. If this meant taking on an entire pack, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Walking back outside, he began to mark the trees, the bushes, everywhere in the small area that marked this as his. It was his warning to other wolves, "Get out and stay out." Once he was satisfied with his work, he gruffed and smelled the air. A strong scent hit his nostrils; rabbit.

Walking through the undergrowth calmly and smoothly, he spotted the brown pelt of a rabbit. the good thing about wolves was their giant feet that acted like snowshoes. The rabbit looked over its shoulder and tore off, but it was much too late. Fleck caught up with a few good strides and ended its life quickly with a bite to the neck once he pinned it.

Grabbing the rabbit, he headed back to his den. Once he returned, he sat down and wasted no time in tearing into the prey. Still angry about the she~wolf's interrogation and false accusations, he was not gentle with his meal. Bits of rabbit fur hung in the crisp winter air, snarls escaping him every once and a while. Usually a calm wolf, Fleck was displaying a very rare side of himself.

He didn't look away from his dinner as he shook it, as if this was that wolf he'd had such an unpleasant encounter with. Deciding that he'd finally had enough, he dug a hole in the ground and set the rabbit inside, intending to return to it later. Burying it, he stalked over to the den and sat in front of it; waiting.

Waiting for someone to intrude. Waiting for someone to get ripped a new one. Waiting for something. He didn't know what yet.
Rain hesitated to go over to the injured wolf. She didn't want to if she didn't have to, however at the nudge and quiet request, she walked over to the injured wolf. Two of them, it seemed. She kept her head down before starting to lick the bleeding wounds of the larger, red wolf. She had seen her mother do this to the injured wolves back in the days, though the taste of blood sickened her. She finished licking the wolf, hoping that helped. She looked over at the other wolf who called out for the one that had left. She wasn't sure whether to try and help, or just leave her to rest. The brown eyed pup hadn't really been in these situations before. The brown wolf wanted to go back to the stream to wash the blood from her tongue.
I smile astonished that the pup had helped me thank you little one I'm not going to hurt you don't worry. I may look strange... but im truly a kind wolf. I crave company and acceptance. I thank you for helping me little one. You are the kindest wolves I've ever met.
Saigo looked at the alpha quietly. He should really be going. He knew what happened when he stood to much time somewhere filled with mortals. He then grew attached to someone, expected something to change in his immortal life, but that never lasted. Not after after death he could stay with a soul from a mortal he once cared. He was stock in the middle.

Still... He never listened to his own advises or rules. Sighing, he nodded once at the female. "Thank you..." He looked back at the red wolf as the younger went to help her. Walked around the alpha and turned to glance at her. "Saigo..." He answered her question and went to lay down on the snow under a naked tree. If he was going to stay in a stranger pack, he shouldn't be around interfering anyone.
I smile at Saigo I'm Blood. Oh... my eyes narrow... don't be so quick to judge me based on my appearance... you know NOTHING of my true past... I turn away from him.
"You can sleep in the den." She laughed, running after him and nudging him. "Don't sleep out here in the cold." She smiled and went back into the den, picking up Rain and snuggling her. She laid down, peeking out at the wolf. Fleck still played in her mind. She needed to go talk to him, figure it out. She licked Rain's head. "I will be right back."

She got up and ran back to the den. She let out a short bark signaling she was there. "So you really don't remember... You aren't Fleck are you?" She whispered, keeping her eyes down.
Fleck heard her coming before she barked. With hackles raised, he was ready to defend his new territory. "What do you want? Come back for round two? I can assure you that if you've come here seeking any kind of a fight, you'll get one," he growled, lip curled. Fury burned through him; she dare come back. Then again, this used to be her territory, and he couldn't say that he really didn't expect a fight for it. Tail straight out, ears folded back, he was prepared to fight her with everything he had.

Then she said 'You aren't Fleck, are you?'. His hackles remained up, but he sat down. "I am Fleck, but probably not the poor fleabag you are thinking of," he replied, his voice lain with hostility. "Accuse me again of everything and see what happens." He was very serious with his threat. If she wanted a fight, he'd give her one. But at least he smoothed his fur down, but was ready for anything. This could be a trick; he kept his ears keen to every noise he heard to his beating heart to her low voice.
He frowned slightly at Blood. So she was hearing him when he spoke with the alpha. Nodding slightly at her in response, frowning again at her words and even more when she left like that. "I wasn't going to judge you, that's not my job." He actually didn't have eny right to judge any soul. His work was guiding souls to their path, mostly hell. Judging them was other mythical lords' job.

His eyes moved to the alpha again when she neared him and even dared to nudge his side. He considered the idea to sleep in her den. It was strange to meet an alpha that would let an unknown rogue sleep in her own den. Did she have any male to call mate that would try to put his fangs on him either from jealousy or invasion of territory? Saigo sighed again and stood up to walk to the alpha den slowly. He stood at the very entrance thou like a kind of guard and laid down again. It wasn't like he could felt cold or anything.
"Excuse me for thinking you were a wolf I loved. You aren't. He had a black mark just behind his ear. Just wanted to say sorry." She muttered and turned. She didn't want him here, hopefully he would be gone by morning.
The pup lowered her head at the thanks, looking away in embarrassment. "You were hurt..." She said simply, unsure what else to say. The brown wolf was getting used to Clem picking her up and curling up with her, nuzzling the older she-wolf back. When Clem left, Rain rose her ears up in curiosity. She said she'd be right back, however Rain wanted to know why she left in the first place. Was she getting more food? Were there new wolves? The curiosity of a pup was not to be underestimated. She got up, and started to pad out of the den, ready to follow Clementine. She ran through the snow as best she could, trying to follow Clementine's paw prints. The brown eyed pup kept her eyes out for her alpha or any other wolves, sniffing the air for any familiar scents.
"Stop," he ordered, his body suddenly shaking. "Did...did this wolf look like me? Have a silver patch just on the scruff?" he needed to know. Hutch had disappeared after the shooting of the pack, everyone who survived scattered (it wasn't until later that Fleck had discovered that all but Hutch and himself had been killed). Hutch hadn't been found in a year. They met up and Hutch seemed...different. "Please, you've got to tell me! I-I need to know that he was happy before he...look, I'm sorry I was so cross with you. It's just that you brought on some serious flashbacks to me. And being accused like that, I guess I lost my temper. But honestly who wouldn't? But please tell me about this wolf you once knew. I'll leave whenever you want me to, just tell me this one thing."
I see Saigo and actually growl this time I am not who you think I am... be wary of crossing me or this pack... they are under MY protection now ... you'd do well to remember it Saigo
He looked at Blood, warning him again. Like if he was a threat, someone who would at any moment attack. He just attempted to help her, and she was warning him now? Threatening him. He was passive, calm, seeking to be alone to prevent this kind of problems from happening. Buy he was also very easy to piss off, and now he was loosing the small amount of patience he had. Standing up menacing, he walked towards her with his ears back and long fangs exposed. "You threat me again, and I will make sure your fur really gets the true color of blood." He said growling. "I'm not a danger to this pack or this world. Careful with your words." With that he turned and walked away again to lay again on the snow. One more problem and he would have to ignore the alpha's petition and leave.
I stand tall and straight seemingly unfazed by his threat. I don't think you are going to hurt us... I just don't want to take chances I whisper. Frowning I turn and limp away to a corner I curl up starving by myself and try to get warm by my own heat.