Pack Lands

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Seigo walked slowly through the thick layer of snow. His white fur almost blending with the environment, almost... A wide black stain from his snout to his chest and the end of his paws and tail marked his position. But it wasn't his fur, it was his blood causing that stain all against his ventral area. His red eyes looked around, kilometers of snow ahead. Some makes trees to one side and a small lake turned into ice. He didn't felt cold or exhausted, not even lonely as he was always in that status. The air was freezing every time he inhaled, not a soul around that could be detected.

After a few more feet walking, he did noticed something, or someone, shifting the scents around him. Seigo frowned with the change, who could be here at such and hostile area? He moved towards it, the smell turning strknger with each steps he took northeast. Then his eyes found its origin, but he didnt saw the curled up body ubder the falling snow, but a weak and solitary soul still debatibg weather to leave its body ir stay to suffer a but more. Moving closer, he looked down at a redish wolf almost entirely covered, his own mind wondering what she hasn't given up already.

Using his paw, he removed some of the snow on her face lightly, to then roll her to her side with his snout. He stared at her. He shouldn't be here, worrying about a living. He was in change of the dead, just them. Sighing, he looked around, there wasn't a best place to move her. Growing to his own actions without meaning, he laid down at her side to give her some warmth before she could freeze to death.
I open my eyes and see him,a handsome male had laid beside me to give me warmth. I had no snow on my back anymore so he could see that my fur was the color of freshly spilled blood. My teeth are a brilliant crimson, and my eyes are a vibrant yellow.
I look up at him "who... who are you? " I ask feebly
I shut my mouth and cringe away from him as old habits take over and I wait to be bitten and mauled.
Saigo glanced at her when he felt the first movement of her muscles. When she started talking he bared his fangs very slightly at how ironic was that question. Who cared who he was? Why it mattered? It didn't. As simple as that. It haven't mind for 200 years it wouldn't mind now.

As soon as she cringed away, he frowned, wondering if his simple action created that. Standing up, he decided it was better to just keep going. He shouldn't be around playing with mortals. He gave her one last look of his crimson eyes and started walking away. Maybe she wasn't expecting that. Maybe she just wished to die and he interfered with that. That was why he just took care of his own stuff.
Clem walked away, giving up on him and his past. "Have fun alone. Don't let the monsters get you." She whispered, emotionless, defeated. She found the wolf who had howled for her and a male laying next to her. She ran up to them. "I have a den not far from here. Will you make it?" She asked the female and then looked toward the male.

"I'm Clem. I'm the Alpha up here. I can help." She whispered, her own emotions still ripping through her.
I see him pad away and almost begin to cry I don't stop him... I Was used to being abandoned.
I hear the word alpha and yelp as I feel the bites all over again I go into full submission and lay on my back cringing.
"please I'm sorry
Flashbacks hit him as he walked; every step was painful to him. '"Don't let the monsters get you." Her voice was like acid to his heart. "You'd know what being a monster is," he muttered as he walked, his bright day ruined by her. He didn't know who she was, or what she thought she'd get out of that. But one thing he knew; wolves in packs were the worst kind he'd ever seen in his life. He was starting to hate others even more.

when he was far enough away from the area, he slumped down in the snow as memories stung through him. He shrank back as his memory discovered his fear of gunshots, and used them against him. Blam! Down went Drift, his mother and the alpha female. Blam! There went down a large grey and silver wolf named Kline, the alpha male. Blam! Treven. Blam! Hareverd. Blam! Blam! Blam! Krill, Claudius, Chloe. Blam! Hutch.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" he cried as he slammed his head into the snow. His legs thrashed around as the memories as clear as day flashed through his mind. after a while, they stopped and he just lay there panting. He'd lost all of them; and that..that female monster had brought this on. Teeth clenched, he felt his heart pounding.

Sitting up, snow stuck in his thick fur, he shook it off and just sat there, staring off into the distance. Back where he'd come from; it'd been so long since he'd been home. He'd been avoiding the question of asking himself to go back. Growling, he refused to leave this territory.

Turning back around, he headed back the way he came, back to where he was sleeping. the hell if it was somebody's else's territory, after how he was treated he figured he deserved it. He'd kill for just this small section if he had to.
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travels back out side to be alone once more so his blood line couldnt hurt them nivek wondered off aimlessly.
i look up at the alpha please dont hurt me
"I'm not going to hurt you. Come on, let's get you to the den." She whispered and helped the wolf up. She looked at the male who was walking away and wondered what was up with him. She helped the wolf up and let out a call for another wolf to help her. She couldn't carry this wolf by herself. She growled under her breath. She wished that Fleck had listened to her. Why didn't he remember?
He glanced back when another wolf appeared. For her words he got she was an alpha. Here? At this dead land of ice? It was interesting how mortals could survive sumetimea with such harsh conditions. His eyes moved to the crimson wolf, trying to stand up and move. Then the alpha trying to carry her a by herself until she got it was useless and asked for help to possible pack members.

He sighed and tried to stop himself from going to help, still, his body moved alone again to return at their side without a word and took the female by the back of her neck, pulling her up to place her on his back. Without much effort he arranged her over him and started walking, waiting to the alpha to tell him where to place her.
I gasp I was being helped? I am lifted by the male wolf I sniff him and gasp...he wasn't mortal...
Clem looked at the male confused. Had she met him before? She brought him back to the den and urged the female toward the rest of the other wolves. Clem looked around frantically for her pup, stopping and relaxing when she saw her. Her motherhood over this pup was growing, between that and the Fleck situation she was emotionally exhausted.

"Thank you for the help." She turned to the male. "Who are you?" She questioned quietly.
I am brought to an amazing cave and directed to a group of wolves I shake violently in fear
He reached the cave with several wolves around, he never liked populated areas. Laying down, he placed the female on the ground slowly and stood up again. He was about to leave again when the alpha blocked his way to interrogate him. He frowned slightly, watching her with his red eyes calmly. "My name or reasons are not important. Nor I'm a threat to you or... Your pack." What was the pprpuse to introduce himself to being he wasn't going to see again until their soul would leave their mortal bodies. Taking a step to the side, he started walking again. This wasn't even his true form he was just using a disguise. Why would be accepted here or at any other 'group'?
I look at the alpha and crawl up to her in submission do you have any food... please im starving and haven't eaten in days
I see him leaving and pad to him thank you...for saving my life. I won't ask what or who you are... I already know you... go in peace and may you great my spirit as an old friend. I limp away without another word.
Rain had watched the two new wolves, unsure of whether she should go over to them. When one had left, her alpha and two new wolves entered the den. The brown wolf perked up instantly at Clementine's appearance, standing and walking over to her. She stopped, however, when she saw the male wolf. Lowering her ears, she kept her tail between her legs. She didn't think so many new wolves would come so quickly. The smell of blood wasn't helping as she kept away. Why were there so many hurt? Why did that one wolf leave? He had mentioned a pack, but she didn't know who that pack was. Clem also seemed a bit different, tired, but Rain was unsure why. She brought her healing paw up to try and scratch her nose, wanting the smells to just go away. Too many bad memories were connected to the smell of blood. The wolves were all introducing themselves, one begging. Rain's torn ear twitched as she almost tried to hide behind her alpha.
I return to the alpha I am Blood Fang I say my voice filled with shame. I sigh my name referred to my pelt which was the color of freshly spilled blood and my crimson teeth. My vibrant yellow eyes fill with sadness.