Pack Lands

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Clem looked down at the pup, her chest tightening when she heard the word Mom. She licked the pups head and laid down. Once the pup was asleep she got up, going over to what was left from the elk. She ripped off a chunk and ate it before returning next to the pup and laying back down. She looked around at the pack and soon felt her eyes close.
once he knew no one was awake. fang slowly got up and walked outside. he walked out to a clearing and stared at the moon. he was debating leaving because he was scared to get attached to them.
Shatonya looks around and notice one of the she-wolves motioning her to come over so she does. "hi, my name is Shyara" One wolf said, Shyara was a black and white wolf, beautiful at that with pink-red eyes "and I'm Jade" another wolf said. she was a all brown wolf with a white ring around her right eye. "Nice to meet you both, I'm Shatonya" she said with a smile, already feeling welcomed.
Clem woke up the next morning and stretched, looking out at her pack. She turned her head to the side and walked out into the mountainside. She soon found herself standing on top of a tall pile of snow and looking out at the sunset in front of her. Her life had been crazy. This new pack seemed incredible. It was all happening so fast she didn't know what to do with herself. She shook her head, trying to get everything out of her mind. She flopped over into the snow and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth from the sun on her fur. Soon she fell fast asleep.
Rain woke up the next morning feeling thirsty. She blinked as the warmth of the alpha was gone, now leaving her alone in the den. She sniffed around before trying to take a step on her injured leg. She whimpered as it still hurt, but she really wanted to get to that stream the alpha had talked about. So she limped out of the den, eyes curious now that she wasn't in immediate danger or in need of food. This was a lot different from where her old pack had lived. It was a lot calmer, more peaceful in a way. It also had nicer wolves. She wondered if she could find any other pups to maybe play with.

Aria howled in anguish. Her brother lay on the floor unmoving, not breathing, he was dead. He had taken a serious wound protecting her from a rouge wolf and now he pay the price. He was all she had left and now he was gone. His fur was matted with blood and his eyes were lifeless. She dashed off into the trees to get away from the body in total shock. The snow stuck to her almost red fur and she shook it off. Taking her paw she wiped at the white patch of fur around her right eye and gave one more sorrow filled howl until she sunk down at the base of a tree and layed her head on her paws and continued to whine. She did not pay much attention to the crisscrossing scents of other wolves that clung to this area as she curled closer to the tree.
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nivek was traom the pack lands on this moon lit night after being cast out of his old pack nivek had no where to go so he roamed the lands in search of a new pack unsure where he was going or where his path would take nivek roamed in search and in hope of one day being able to run with a pack once more.
Clem smelt the newer wolves and let out a loud howl, calling them to her. So many new wolves had joined her pack so she didn't mind others. She called again, a long howl that bounced around the mountains. She set out in the snow, looking for them. She wasn't sure where they were just yet but soon she would find them. The snow crinkled beneath her and she came to a stop. Her breath could be seen in front of her, trailing up into the sky.
nivek was woundering in the snow looking up at the clear skies then stopped. nivek herd a howel and nivek felt the need to answer with his omega howel. so nivek gave a howel to answer he one that called him. then nivekj traveled through the crinkaling snow in search of the pack here in this land.
Aria heard a howl not too far away it was a howl calling others to it. This was packland clearly so she would need to leave. She would wait a few minutes and then she would leave she didnt want to start any trouble. But for now Aria just continued to lay where she was she was too upset to move and the wound from the rouge attack was still bleeding. She let out a howl of her own.
hearing a second hoel nivek wounder off in the diection of the howels hoping that its not an ambush waiting t happen so nivek gave a omega howel once more
The howling seemed to grow closer and closer. They would find her soon but she didnt know if she cared or not. She still made no effort to move. They would smell her and find her and then what? would they kill her? Would they finish the rouges job? She curled up even tighter into a ball and tried to make herself nonexistent. Her blood was bound to have stained tge snow by now.
the smell of blood reached niveks nose. he thought that it could be the work of a recent kill so he showed his teeth and quietly sncked up to the smell hiding as close as he could to the ground slowy getting closer to the blood. what would he find. someone in need of help or someone waiting to kill him. he didnt care he came this far in life if its a fight they want he'll be ready to fight back.
Aria heard the footsteps, the wolf was sniffing around the area. She lifted her head up and looked at the other wolf. He was bigger than her but that was to be expected. She just watched him until he would turn around and see her.
nnivek just kept on walking untill he saw a wolf wounded then he stopped to think. then he decided to take a chance and aproch the wolf just staring into its eyes. he gave a small omega howel to see what rankthe other wolf held.
Aria howled a deep howl as loud as she could. The wolf was ranking her and she had responded. In her pack she had been born to be a Beta female but her pack was gone she was sure those same rules might not apply to this wolf. She didnt know if he meant her harm so she lifted up her head a bit more to appear less weak than she was At the moment.

" I know I am tresspassing on pack land I am wounded so I cannot move very fast. I do not mean your family any harm, I just stopped to rest and try to heal my wounds."
Rain had just found the stream when she heard other howls. She looked up from her lapping before crouching, belly nearly down to the ground. She gave a small howl, sounding more like a bark before slowly crawling toward the new wolves. She tried to keep herself out of sight, the brown wolf hoping that there weren't any wolves that tried to harm her or the pack that took her in.
Clem found the two wolves and let out a short howl, signaling that the wolf was welcome in her pack. She took off again, so many wolves, so little time. Clem went back to Rain and rolled her over on her back, nuzzling her nose into her stomach. She smiled down at the little pup she had taken in, feeling as if it was her own.

"Are you still hungry?" She turned her head, willing to go get the elk meat where they had taken one from earlier.
Rain let out a small yelp when the alpha had rolled her on her back. She squirmed, batting Clem gently with her paw before tugging on her ear. Her bite was still not enough to really do anything, but she was learning. The pup shook her head at the question. "No, I found the stream though. I heard howls." She rolled over and got up with a bit of trouble, keeping weight off of her healing leg. She looked up at Clem, more open than the day before.
nivek raised its he coming out of hiding and letting his black fur reveal his rank in any pack. "im not the pack that runs this land so there is no threat but i will try to help what i can beta" he said as he put the inured wold on his back and falowed the alpha that just came by.