
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Yeah, I kind of doubted it would all fit. I'm not sure how to give out those thank you points (or whatever it is now) either, but once I figure it out I'll definitely send you some.
Okay, I'm giving it until the weekend for one more character to join this RP. If there aren't any more on monday, I'm starting the RP anyway.
I'd be willing to be an anomaly. I have an alien creature that would fit nicely if you'll have him
Excellent, Redwolf! Post and get on the bus. I go wahoo now. WAAHOOOOOOO!
Wait, did this start? Did I miss it already o.o
No, Norway. I'm waiting for my last anomaly to post. The bus refers to how you all get to P.A.R.A. headquarters.

And Romancexce thanks for the ad. It looks Awesome!
Oh, good ^.^ lets get the last abnormal one and get this started!
Name: Midnight
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Type of Anomaly and abilities: Alien Pegasus? (I dont really have a species name for him XD)
- Telepathy
- Control of fire
- Control of darkness/shadows
Appearance: (human form) Tall, strong. Hair reaches down to his shoulders and is blue fire. He also has black wings in this form as well. True form is large pegasus with pitch black fur and wings. Mane and tail are blue fire.
Personality: Very kind, cares about almost everyone and tends to trust others too easily.
The event that brought you here: He traveled to Earth a long ways back, curious about the inhabitants, but has been unable to leave since. He's still trying to find out how/why he's stuck on Earth.
Sounds like a hells/dark Pegasus to me (description wise not by personality)
XD Never heard of those. He's a character I made up nearly 11 years ago or so, and he's evolved greatly since then. I did edit him a bit to fit roleplays, but I've wanted to throw him into one for a while XD
lol not many know about them, its from some old cartoon or something I think. IDK I found it on you tube one time.
Redwolf, if it's possible can you make your human form a little more...human? And also your name too? I've got nothing against that being your real appearance or your real name, but if you don't want the other people on the bus to shoot you I suggest you blend in better. Make like an alias and maybe throw mild shapeshifting in with your mental powers.

Scathach, it's okay if you want to join up.

IC is up! http://www.iwakuroleplay.com/showthread.php?t=19463&p=509533#post509533
Name: Ev'r Keets
Former field: Ev'r is a bit of an oddball. She was an incredibly promising, abiet rebellious, cadet at military school and had lived wild and rough on the streets for some time before that, and she has honed her combat skills to an art. She's an expert on the human body and is proficient with close-range weapons.
Type of Anomaly and abilities: Ev'r is a shapeshifter. Her chosen form is the dire wolf.
Personality: Ev'r is bipolar, though generally violent and she always has her sarcastic, cutting humor.Ev'r is strong. She is proud. Get on her bad side, and she will most likely try to kill you. Well, maybe in the old days. She's really worked on her anger issues, and can generally hold a conversation without breaking anything (or anyone). Taking up meditation has done a lot for her, to be honest. Nowadays she does her best to remain as unattached to everything as possible, preferring to keep to herself. Solitary training is how she generally spends most of her time. Dedicated almost completely to her work, she is businesslike and curt in speech, preferring not to get buddy-buddy with those she meets. She can be petty, childish, and rude, but usually knows when to tone it down and be dignified. he is strong and ferocious, though has a great maternal instinct that sometimes flares up and overpowers her nearly gleeful love of violence. She never backs down from a fight, and would probably rather provoke one than avoid it. Ev'r can become illogically cruel if the mood strikes her, and takes pleasure in playing games with other beings, whether they are physical or mental, if she comes to the conclusion that they can "take it." She teases, mocks, and riddles with the best of them, oftentimes contradicting herself without a second thought and not regretting it. However, Ev'r is, at her very core, a good being. As much as she loves to fight, she does not believe in killing unnecessarily, whether an animal or a human being. Her personal code of ethics—and her honor as a warrior—forbids her from doing anything blatantly evil, and though she has no problem toying with people, she would never intentionally do anything to harm them physically, mentally, or emotionally, unless they had really pissed her off and she loses her temper, in which case she can't be completely sure what she'll do. But this does not stop her from speaking her mind, and telling everybody around her exactly what she thinks about a situation. Ev'r is a hero, on the best of days—she does have an acute sense of right and wrong, and has sworn to protect humans. However, she does love conflict and fighting, and might occasionally "slip up," causing trouble even if she doesn't consciously mean to. But, for the most part, she is one of the good-guys.
The event that brought you here: Well. She was having a normal day at military school, until one of the guys decided to give her a hard time about being the only girl in the squad. Long story short, she blew up at him, transformed and was promptly sent on her way to P.A.R.A.
Appearance: Ev'r is lean and fit, standing about 5'5 and 110 pounds. Her muscles are rock hard and seem almost chiseled, but she is still lithe and graceful, much like a panther. She keeps her white-blond hair cut short in the back but allows it to grow out a bit in the front. Her eyes are a striking blue-green-grey and have a fire in them, belying the animal she keeps contained. She is fond of tight, solid colored tanktops, often black or white, cameo or khaki capris and black, steel toed combat boots that come up to midcalf. Some sort of weapon is always found somewhere on her body, whether in plain sight or hidden. She always has a pair of twin short swords sheathed on her back and a dagger strapped to her right calf. Almost anything around her, including her entire body, can become a weapon, so upsetting her is not advised at all. Ev'r also has a pair of nunchaku tucked into a belt pouch, along with another that contains a dozen or so shuriken, or metal throwing stars.
Scathach, little annoyed that you posted before getting approval, but accepted.
*headdesk* sorry Quiet One! Oops. you can delete my post if you want...
I said accepted. And where is everyone going? Didn't I make it obvious that we were heading for the elevator? All the cool stuff is below ground, where no one can accidentally find it. I didn't make that clear? Really? Okay, my bad.
No I had no idea we were going underground... or to an elevator... *confused*