Ouran High School Host Club Vs. Saiyano Academy Host Club

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Yugi shook his head softly and smiled at Wolf. "I guess she didn't hear me. The host club is my family. There all the girls and I have." he chuckled "besides if anyone knows how it feels to be alone then it is we of the host club." he turned and waved with one hand. "If the father has failed so be it that the eldest son take his place. Open heart he shall gather his children from the lonely, the sad, the desprate. He shall weave a quilt of athousand souls, pouring his pun into all he men's." they where words he had head long ago from a man who observed him one day. "I'm not got to be a father or dad but maybe I can be a brother to be proud of." and that was it he had rounded the corner to set the girls in bed and shower.
Chiyo Hajime || Computer Girl || 3-C || Apparel: X || Location: Somewhere?
Chiyo listened as Wolf spoke from beside her after following her and leaving Yugi by the stairs alone. Looking over at him, she laughed. "I don't know all that stuff. Just the basics. Your grade average, name, home location, role in the Host Club, and whatever else was on there." She explained, waving one hand up and down as thought dismissing his confusion. Hearing him continue, she put her hand down. "Eh? I guess you'll be protecting from those assholes then, hm? Haha, thanks!" She laughed, remembering earlier's encounter with assholes. Damn bitches. They were probably complaining about a broken nail afterwards. Her laughter and smile disappeared when he continued however, and instead her eyes widened. Her mouth was slightly ajar and her cheeks had become bright red. "G-G-G-Girlfriend? I, um, uh..." Looking down at her feet, Chiyo began messing with the bottom of her shirt. Ah! Work body! Stop stuttering Chiyo! SAY SOMETHING!!! "I DO!" She yelled, however realized what she said afterwords and became redder than a tomato, if that was even possible. Looking up at him, she began waving her hands wildly. "I-I don't mean I do. We're not getting married after all just having a conversation!! HAHA, I'm just an idiot! Stupid me!" She yelled, before punching herself in the head. Pain seared through her and the pain combined with the embarrassment. Kneeling down, she put her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!? She yelled in her head, eyes tightly closed shut, willing herself to disappear.
"Well good some of that stuff should remain secrets only revealed later much later if things progress a certain way. And your welcome Chiyo-San I shall protect you from all those ass holes." Wolf watchs as Chiyo turns red Wolf starts laughing hearing her yell I do. "Hey it wasn't a marriage proposal but since you said I do should I follow suit as a gentlemen and kiss my new girlfriend." Wolf grabs her hand to stop her from hitting herself. "Hey no reason to get embarrassed its the first time someone younger asked you out but I'm glad I got a yes."
Yugi set the girls on the bed in one of the rooms. It was the samr onr they slept in every time they visited. A set of three rooms conected by two bathrooms and while the girls slept not the middle room, and he another, the last room usually stayed empty. That was bound to change between the Ouran hosts and the newest members. He say on the edge of the bed and smiled sadly. "People are getting hurt. My family, and I'm nowhere to be found. So.e big brother." he chuckled ruefully before showering. When he was done he desided to let the girls sleep and instead went to the garden by himself. He slipped in his headphone, only one so he could still hear if he was needed and slipped into a farmillar set of fighting moves. His mind relaxing as he went over the day until his thoughts lingered on the tall, quiet dark haired Ouran boy he had met.
Ichigo turns to Nao. "Are you doing ok now or is something wrong, it seems to be getting kind of late maybe it would be good to go shower and go get some sleep and then we will figure everything out tomorrow sound good Nao?"
Noami looked at Ichigo again, hearing that he said it was late. Pulling out his phone, he saw that the host club member spoke the truth and that it was getting late. "I.... I guess that would be fore the best, Ichigo-senpai." He replied, looking back at the male next to him.
"We may have to share a room since there is so much of us this time, but I will lead you to the bathroom we will be shareing." Ichigo leads the way to the room.
A blush ran across Naomi's cheeks at the mention of them sharing a room together as well as a bathroom. The young white haired boy quickly followed after the third year boy. "A-alright, senpai. Will you... be okay sharing a room with me?" He asked, keeping pace with Ichigo.
"I'm fine with maybe I should have asked if you were ok with it, since you are blushing for some reason why does sharing a room with me make you blush?"
"O-oh it's alright with me!" Naomi quickly states, trying to compose himself. "It's just that no one has ever wanted to willingly stay in a bedroom with me."
"Why hasn't anyone wanted to, do you stay at the dorms at school."
Realizing what he said, Naomi quickly waved a hand at Ichigo. "It's nothing inportant, senpai. Please don't worry about it." He replied, calming down and giving a shy smile. "How about we focus on getting a shower and cqlling it a day?"
"It may be important its good to know about the people you will be working with, and getting the shower going wont be a problem at all."
"It's nothing. Really. Besides I don't wanna think about that right now. Now let's quickly shower. Do you wish to go first or do you want me to?"
"The showers are giant we can go at the same time, but if you don't want to do that you can go first."
"It may be faster if we bathe together."
"Yea it would be."
Smiling a bit, Naomi followed Ichigo to the bathroom and went up to the shower and turned it on. Waiting for the water to heat up, Naomi started to undress.
"Is it warm enough for you?"
"It seems okay." He replied after checking the water. Pulling his hand out, Naomi quickly discarded his school uniform shirt and looked at his companion. "Why don't you check to see if it is warm for you, senpai?"
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