Ouran High School Host Club Vs. Saiyano Academy Host Club

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Sato hugged Sora back and said "Oh well that was absentminded of him. What did you have for desert instead?"

Aine froze as she heard the whimper be hind her. She looked like she got socked in the gut by that one little cry. She turned and disappeared and gathered up an outfit of pink and red for Sora and black and white for Yuki and brought them out and laid them on the couch in silence. She smiled half-heartedly at Yugi, Yuki and Sora. "I just remembered I have some work to do in one of my classes, just something I need to study for and I should probably get some books from the library on it. I'm going to go. Bye Saachi. Bye everybody." She walked to the door and moved around people to get to it she didn't quite make it to the door before the tears she was holding back silently fell just as she opened the door. The triplets, Yuu and Saachi were in perfect position to catch it if they were looking.
Saachi watched Aine walk out crying. He looked at Yuu and asked "Did you see that? Should we, or I, go after her?"
"I'll go with you we cant let the newest member leave like that."

"We can send Ai that may give him the chance to apologize in private"

"I don't need to apologize at all she should for punching me"

"Ai you probably started the problem I think its right that you go fix it"

"I got to agree with big brother Ai and arnt you the best with the girls anyways"

"Fine I'll go find her no promises on apologizing though"
Ai gets up and runs out of the host club after her and catch up. "Hey hold up Aine"
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Aine hears Ai and groans looking around she sees the stairs and decides to go up. She's quick maybe she can find a classroom to compose herself in and go home not in tears. Mom and Daddy wouldn't like it. She decided to go up. She took the stairs about two opening and letting slam a random door which happened to be the 2nd floor entrance, at a time all the way up to the roof on the third floor. Hopefully he didn't hear her softly shut the door to the roof and she could cry in peace.
Ai heard a random door slam but looked up the stairs and saw the door leading to the roof slightly move and decided to check up there so he opens to door on the roof and looks around for Aine
"Hey Aine you up here?"
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Aine is facing away from the door clinging to the fence around the building. "Brilliant question Play Boy. And such deductive reasoning you could be a real life Sherlock." Her voice sounds thick and heavy with tears. She lowers her voice to an almost whisper. "Please just go away. I don't need you tormenting me right now."
"Come on no reason to be mean to me, I was planning on coming to apologize for what I said earlier but you are making it hard for me to want to apologize, and I'm not here to torment you I want to know why you left in a hurry and started to cry as soon as you left the club room." He puts his back to the gate standing next to Aine staring up at the clouds.
Aine didn't look at him just kept crying silently. "I really don't care if you do or don't; apologize that is, as long as you apologize to Yugi. I could care less. I am a girl and even though this proves it you don't have to believe me. As far as being mean to you...yeah I started it but I was just being prickly. I started before I got all the way out of the room. Its...never mind. I don't think you'll get it." She clutched the fence so that the knuckles on her hand turned white, still crying and sounding like it even more so.
"Oh you don't have to worry about Yugi he knows I'm not serious we tease him all the time he's a good guy and takes good care of his sisters, well I know your a girl I just said you weren't because you made me somewhat angry and even punched me for making that joke, and all of us will have problems and some point we just need to get over them and get used to each others jokes so we don't start problems, hey calm down you can tell me what's wrong I may get it and if I do at least I can try to help so you can try."
Aine looked up at him and the expression on her face was heartbroken as she went on very quietly almost to quiet to e heard. Leaning in closer he could understand her. "My mom lost my little sister when they were hours old. They were hours old and they made that sound, that whimper, as they died. My dad wanted me to not see them or hold them but mom threw a fit and demanded that he let me in to see my sisters. I got to name them. I named them Hope and Joy. I was seven and Hope died in my arms whimpering." She started sobbing quietly the tears pouring down her face. Her shoulders shaking as she finished the story.
Ai leans closer so he could hear her. "So seeing the twins made you sad because you see what you and your sisters would be like I couldn't imagine what it would be like that would be the same if Ichigo or Ki died I don't know what it would be like without one or both of my brothers so the little cry one of the twins made reminded you of it, well I really don't know what to say to help you but all I can do is tell you I'm here for you as a friend." Ai walks behind Aine and pulls her into a hug "Everything will be ok with what you named your sisters you should continue through life with hope and you."
Yuki watched the pare go. "Did we make Big sister sad?" she asked Yugi. "I don't know sweetheart." Yugi was torn between going to see what was wrong and staying behind. Sora was looking confused at the door And a second later took off for it. She tanked it open and disappeared the way they went. "Sora come back!" Yugi yelled as he handed a frightened Yuki to Ki who was closed and ran after his sister.
(I was almost finished, and I passed out last night, now all of it is completely irrelevant. Haha),

Ryo watched everything go down, shocked at how quickly the mood changed. "Alright boys, and Yuki, we have four missing people. Ki, Yuki and Ichigo, use twin powers to track Sora and Yugi. You're the only ones that saw what do direction they went. Everyone else split up and find Ai and Aine." Everyone nodded, ad went down separate halls.

Yuu followed Saachi down the west hall and downstairs, "Saachi, how many times must I ask you to drop the honorifics? You're so formal ints embarrassing.." He blushes slightly, before grabbing Saachi's hand, "It's been a while since we've been in a hall alone." Yuu spoke softly remembering the summer kiss, blushing much harder.

Isamu strutted to the third floors west wing. Ryo had taken the south wing, Sato the North and Taichi the west. He continuously opened classroom doors. "This school is too big..." He sighed, though continued his search.

Tai had been so wrapped up in the twins he hadn't got a good look at this Aine girl. He had noticed some firey red tendrils of hair, but not her face. The blonde passed a door holding a sign the read roof access. He paused a moment.. Why not check?

He slowly acended the stair case, as he heard voices. He couldn't quite decipher what they were saying, but he did see Ai move to hug a much shorter girl. A girl that must be Aine.. She did have that ginger hair from earlier. Tai wasn't sure what to do in this situation, so he cleared his throat awkwardly to get their attention. "Uh.. Sora ran away to find you two I think?"
Yuki was crying softly into Ki's shoulder. "The monsters gonna get Sora." she sobbed and held tighter to his neck. She had seen and heard Yugi and Sora run out the room and didn't understand, when Ryo said they where missing she knew something bad was going to happen.

Yuki wanted to make Big brother and big sister happy. So she had gone to see what was wrong but they had disappeared. She was lost. "Sora you know not to run off." she looked up with years in her eyes As Yugi rounded the corner. Seeing the tears Yugi picked her up and started back toward the club room. "They'll be alright Sora I promise." he said with a small smile.

Yugi was so glad to have Sora in his arms that he couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. He nuzzled he cheek and made her giggle but slipped. Hugging her close to him he tumbled down the stairs and landed dazed.
Aine froze as she looked up from the hug Ai was giving her. She had been so needy. She hated to be needy. He had hugged her. She felt like a mess and of course the guy, Tai, that made her heart flutter found Ai hugging her. Ai, the guy that drives her crazy enough to punch someone at school. She wiped her face and looked up at Tai. She tapped Ai's hands that were around her waist. When he released her she stepped away to about half way between the two, cleared her throat and thickly asked "You said Sora went looking for us? Well we can count the roof out, no one but you two has witnessed my breakdown." She blushed prettily. "I'm sorry. Let's go find Sora." She looked up at Tai her emerald green eyes still a little teary as well as her smile but getting stronger by the second. She had no make-up on in the slightest but was all raw beauty. Her cheeks were flushed prettily and tears clung to her lashes but she smiled winsomely "I really have to pick up some books for a class and study that is true." Her voice was much steadier as was her person. "I said I was going to the library maybe we should check there?" She started down the stairs just as she did she thought she heard a little girl giggle. "I think she's down here." She got to the bottom of the stairs and saw Yugi in a pile with Sora as if they fell down the stairs. "YUGI!!! SORA!!!" She jumped the last flight of stairs carefully bending her knees to absorb the impact and landed on the far side of the pile. "Sora can you hear me? Yugi? What happened?"
Taichi followed blindly behind So and Aine, all the time wondering if the pair were now an item. He heard an audible gasp escape her before she jumped over the stair rail. He was shocked at how graceful it was before he saw what she had. "Ai call the paramedics and Ryo." He stated quickly before following suit landing a foot from where she did. "Yugi..Don't move his head. Paramedics are on the way."

Tai carefully slid Sora out of his grasp. She had a scrape on her left leg but it seemed like that was all the damage that was done to her, "Sora, are you alright?" He asked, his.blue eyes flickering between the siblings.
"Yugi if you talk to me I promise never to punch Ai for anything ever again. No matter how much of a jerk he is." Aine didn't touch his head but she sat by him her hair so long it pooled on the floor in waves. She looked up at Tai. She looked worried and on the verge of tears again; as if this incident brought it all back again. You could tell she was holding it in but she was close to going over the edge again. "How is Sora?"
Sato checked every room in the North wing and proceeded back to the Club meeting room as he heard voices. He looked at the bottom of the staircase and saw Tai holding Sora and the pretty girl sitting next to Yugi. He saw the expression she had on and decided this is a private moment and no one else was invited. He would just stay right here and make sure everyone else knew. That is if they came down this way. Then he and little miss Ginger we're gonna have a talk. Then he and Tai were going to have the same sort of talk.
Saachi stopped and looked at Yuu who made his heart race each time he walked into the room. He looked so cute right now and he was right they were alone. He smiled sorrowfully and said "I know its been a while Yuuto and I also remember what happened and what was decided last time. How is this time any different?"
Sora nodded her head trying hard to hold back her years as Yugi moaned. "Is she ok?" he asked. He tried to sit up, his body protesting harshly but he had to check on Sora. "Tai is she hurt?" his voice bordering historical. He had curled around her the best he could as they fell but it had been a bad fall and he could feel the cut on his head dieing his white hair red. He fummbled for his first aid kit but his fingers didn't want to listen to him correctly.
Aine saw the blood and Yugi fumbling for something and putting two and two together she leaned over to get the first aid kit out and looked at Yugi then at Tai. "I'm going to try to stop the bleeding." She pulled out some gauze and looking down at Yugi "Can you sit up with help? Cause then I can get to your head wound while Tai fixes Sora."
"She's fine Yugi, just a small scrape on her leg. You kept her safe." Tai rubbed her back noticing Yugi's struggle. "Sit tight Sora, I'm going to help your big brother." Tai knew his muscle mass would finally pay off eventually. He picked Yugi up as if her we're a bride and carried him over to the nearest wall and gingerly set him down.

"You know how to treat a head wound?" He asked as he came back to collect Sora who sat where he had left her. "For now, just apply the gauze and then wrap the rest around his head. He grabbed the antibiotic cream and applied it to Sora's leg before placing a large bandaid over top and kissing the clean bandaid. "All better? Stay Close while I help him now too, Okay?" Tai's attention turned to Yugi once more. He spoke slow and calm, seeing that Aine was near hysterics. "He'll be okay, " Two assured both girls, "Yugi, can you move all your fingers and toes?"
Aine wrapped the gauze like around Yugi's head like a pro. She'd had to help with enough basketball injuries when she played and dance was not a pansies sport/art either. She'd set broken fingers and toes, dislocated shoulders and even a hip. She'd dealt the a head wound only once before and this seemed worse than that time. She didn't even realize she was crying till she realized Tai was talking to both Sora and herself. She looked up at Tai and nodded. She wiped her eyes and let Tai have control of the situation. If anyone who had really known her had seen that they would have been stunned speechless. No that she was a control freak just that she was always the one in charge no matter the situation. She picked up Sora and held her as they watched Tai work on Yugi.
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