Ouran High School Host Club RP

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(Yeah it's fine. Hisoka's the name of the guy from episode 16 right?)

Her brother coughs again and then says after taking a couple of breaths "Yeah..I'm alright.."
Haruhi sighed softly, she looked at him. She gulped and when spoke. She looked at tamaki and the group from the window. ' here let's get you to the nurse..." She went to go and get the nurse. She glared at her ex.

( um... i don't pay attention :3 )
Her brother nods and walks over to the stairs before he coughs again as he holds onto the stair rail then he continues to follow her.

Adara's stands with the others watching, having seen Haruhi break up the fight and them having come out into the hallway a bit and Adara hears Haruhi's other brother cough that 4th time seeing him at the stairs walking down them while Haruhi went to get the nurse.
Haruhi finally got the nurse, and finally got him to go to the nurse's office. She was worried. She then went to the window of the room. " Kyoya.... I think my ex wants me back.. I don't want him back, do you guys know of him and his stories?" Turning and leaning against the window sill.
Kyoya "Well I don't know your ex that well I don't think but the way he was beating up your other brother I can pretty much tell what he's like. Don't worry. You don't have to go back to him if you don't want to. I hope your brother from your mom's side will be okay though. He was sure coughing a lot after the fight ended and he sounded a bit short of breath. Does he have any history of asthma or anything? Of course a fight can normally make someone short of breath and make them cough a couple of times reguardless."
Haruhi sighed and hearing him. She tensed and she ran to where she put her bag. She had kept his bottle thing. She then wondered. She gulped. She then went to head out to the nurses office. " here, here is your bottle thing I am so sorry." She frowned. She then looked down softly. She went to give it to him. " Are you okay, She went to try to give it to him, but the nurse kept on not letting her, She screamed, " no it can't be!" her twin sister gasped and tried to help. " Haruhi stop it, "
He didn't survive. Haruhi started to cry, she hugged onto her twin sister and cried. While the nurses went to come in, and they escorted them both out.
Haruhi came back in the room and her twin sister said, " Haruhi it's not your fault. " Haruhi said, " Of course it is!!" Tears falling, " it's my fault!!"
Tamaki hears from Honey and then walks over to Haruhi and says as he places his hand on her shoulder "I'm so very sorry Haruhi. Honey told me what he heard the nurses say about your brother."
Haruhi kept on crying. She said, " tamaki... It was all my fault..." She looked at him. She went into his grasp. Putting her head on his chest and crying softly. She was so scared. She then said, " Tamaki.. he was my full brother.. the one who was there, and when I tried to return I couldn't.." She frowned softly.
Tamaki just holds onto her and says "No Haruhi. It's not your fault. You had no idea that was going to happen. But I am so sorry that it did happen. Will give your brother a proper burial. And we'll all be here for you and your sister."
Haruhi was so sad. She closed her eyes. She then stayed in his arms, staying there. She was so scared. She then looked up at him. She felt her heart race.

( So we shall ahve a family meeting about you know :3 )

Everyone heads down with Haruhi and her sister and bury her brother and hold a memorial service for him.

They then about an hour later they come back up to the club room and enter back inside. Tamaki then says "Well guys..It's getting nearer to the time when we all get picked up to go home..I think we should start the discussion on how we're going to protect Haruhi and Adara from getting hurt by their father again so we'll know what to tell Kyoya's, Haruhi's, and Adara's limo's driver when he gets here.."
Haruhi sighed, sitting down and looking out the window, unsure. " If I am with one of you guys twenty four seven then he wouldn't come after me, or adara. So.... " She looked at them and wiped her eyes. She felt her heart jump at the thought... She blinked a few times, She only trusted three people, besides her brother, Tamaki, Karou, and Hikaru
Hikaru "Well if they want, Kyoya, Haruhi, and Adara can stay with Kaoru and I for a few nights. Our parents never mind us having company over nor how long the company stays over."

Honey "Or they could stay with Chika and I at our house."

Mori also gives the word that Haruhi, Kyoya, and Adara could stay with him.

Tamaki "And I myself also think that my parents won't mind so of course they can stay with me too."
Haruhi sighed, She looked down, not able to stop thinking of her brother, She took out a necklace. She blinked her sweet eyes. She looked over at Adara who went to her, She said, " Adara.. who do you want to stay with for a few nights?" She looked at him. She kissed his cheek softly, She looked down awaiting. It was only for her brothers sake, whoever he wanted to stay with first.."
Suddenly another kid with blonde hair rushes into the room and then closes the door and then leans against it trying to hold it shut.

Tamaki looks to the kid attempting at holding the door shut and then Tamaki blinks his eyes at the kid's blonde hair and blue eyes being like his even if the kid's facial features were slightly different but looked enough alike to his as well.

Adara looks to the kid too, the young boy being one of Adara's friends, and then Adara puts his hand to his head when he sees his friend trying to hold the door shut and hearing pounding on it from the outside.
Haruhi sighed some, She then saw this. She looked at the kid and said, " Are you alright?" She closed her eyes softly then looking down . She ran a hand through her hair. What shall she do? She then looked out the window.
The kid said "Yeah I'm fine..Just a couple of 6th graders."
Haruhi sighed and softly nodded. " Whats so scary about 6th gaders?" She giggled softly.
The kid "Well I guess one or two 6th graders aren't really that scary..But when there's about 5 or 6 of them..Well that's when it gets a bit rough..And sometimes even some kids from higher grades come..I've seen 7th and 8th graders with these 6th graders before.."

Chika "To a little kid like him it must be scary when he gets a 6th grader upset at him..After all 6th graders are bigger, stronger, and faster than he is..Same situation if he ever got on a 7th grader's or 8th grader's bad side."
Haruhi sighed slightly. She looked at Chika. She shrugged and nodded. She really didn't know since she was a girl and never... faught anyone. She blinked softly and said, " Perhaps.... I can talk to them...." She went to the bathroom for a second, changing into her innocent girl self. She came outside the door seeing the group. " Whats up?" She was trying to act casual.