Our Retribution OOC

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Trent would be quite cross that Beatrice took that from all of them - I'm sure they all have a bit if vengeance on their minds.
It would be within her ability, though of course doing it would cause some serious shifts in the events that would follow.
No worries, I'm not about killing anyone's characters without prior coordination and a big "OK go for it" from the character's author ;)

Not, of course, that taking out Hotchkiss is off the table at SOME point *grins even bigger*
Both good posts, and both interesting in their own ways and interpretations of events.
On second thought, they're complete carnivores. Everything that isn't meat or water tastes vomit-inducingly awful, including candy. They have a ferocious appetite for flesh, and human meat would happen to taste incredible to them, heh heh.
Wao. Aftov gets more reason to hate the Colonel.
And BeeBee to hunt him. I bet her family knows a killer barbecue recipe or two *shoves over a thick juicy rack of 'pork' ribs toward Aftov and Trent*

Oh, btw Ascendant - dude, that's just messed up. "No, they're not zombies... heh, BUT THEY ARE!"
Got to have some kind of price(s) for gaining superhuman strength, agility, and senses. :P
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I'll move things forward today after I get off work.

Edit: Alright, you're all free to do as you wish. If any of you want to interact with some important NPC such as Sam or Alex I can collaborate with you if you'd like. If you have any questions that pertain to what is available in the base, most things are, and locations will simply be fuzzy. Any information you need can also be given by me or I can provide you some writing as necessary to set up a scene if you'd like. Consider this to be a good time for character interaction.
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So is the one male going to be Camel if he doesn't show?
Pretty much, thus the vagueness.
Huh... Whoops? Slipped my mind for one reason or another, but if BeeBee wants to talk with Aftov or something, I'd be happy to collab. Otherwise he's probably going to go off to mope somewhere.
I will write something today, so sorry, been buried these last couple days and rather lost track of things to be honest :(
Looks good, Muirgen. I recently started a thirty hour job on top of my college so a fair bit of my free time has finally been chewed up as well, but I intend to keep this going as long as you guys participate, or until it reaches its story end.
Well, it's up at last. If anyone wants to collab in terms of what is said or what not on the search for Trenton, I'm all up for that.
If scout doesn't reply tomorrow I may give an Alex/Sam response and move the group to find Trent quickly when I get home from work unless I have something come up.
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