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What Zombehs said... Nope nope nope nope nope hell nope... D:

God alone knows what the hell BeeBee will do though *snickers and shrugs*
BEELZATRICE. Methinks she's already developing a thing for Trent's brotherly douchiness XD poor thing might face heartbreak
I'm going to give Scout a chance to get something in for a bit.
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BEELZATRICE. Methinks she's already developing a thing for Trent's brotherly douchiness XD poor thing might face heartbreak
Oh reeeeeeeaally? I don't know how I missed this 'til now, but you're thinking BeeBee's got a thing for Trent, huh? All in for heartbreak? *grins*
I'm waiting for that moment they have guns turned on each other >8D SO POKE THE BEAR I WILL. Cocky doesn't begin to cover his attitude once he's really rocking super soldier.

On a side note, post inbound. TONIGHT. Real promise. No kidding. ^_^
I'm interested to see what all of you do. Someone might be dying.
Hey, did Aftov lose his firearm as well? He never drew it, just kept his hand near it.
He can keep his considering I said the ones in their hands.
If you shoot the infected Hotchkiss then the next post is reserved as mine if I don't catch it in time.
I dunwanna die! I dunwanna see Aftov die! :cry:

*pokes Scout a bit* Go on, I'm just dying to see Trent do that bear poking thing! *grins and ducks*

eta: Zombehs, your new avatar is... Unexpected...
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Eh, he ain't that dumb. Mystery girl rekt everyone's guns, infected Hotchkiss > Mystery Girl.
Trent still has his knife... He's not batshit, but he'll certainly not be looked at without at least trying to protect himself.
Well, good bye Aftov. It was nice to know you.
I GOT A 136 ON MY DLAB AHHHHHHH!!!! :D I'm eligible for any and every language the Navy offers or wants to put me in. ^_^
Coolio. I'll wait a while and see what Muirgen does at least.
OH! I thought you said Ascendant, that if anyone attacked the infected Hotchkiss you'd be posting next? Or... Wait... *scrolls up* AHA! So sorry, that was SHOOT the infected hostage... *grins* Time to see if we can kill off Aftov AND BeeBee in one fell swoop? ;) hahahah I kid!

And congratulations Scout! DLI is in a gorgeous spot of the country, enjoy! *confetti toss* Just remember, Farsi or Chinese are... Difficult... *snickers* Difficult, and loooooong...
Good! I'll sit on my ass and collect my E-3 pay for a loooooong time then. ;) Nah, I kid, but that's my target, actually. Mandarin, Russian, or Korean. *fingers crossed* Thanks, though, Mui. ^^ I've heard great things about the Monterey area, so I'm very excited. I hit MEPS next Firday (Apr 17) for my physical to see if I meet body fat standards. If I don't, it's time for Round 2 of the ASVAB ;-; (Regardless, I'm no more than a month or two away from signing my papers, given that CTI is open when I go).
Holy fuck I haven't been getting alerts for this... I'm really sorry about not being active in the IC .-.

I'll try and figure out a way to work Jonathan into this, maybe he can stumble into the weird Mexican stand off or something, I don't know I have catching up to do...

On a side note, go Navy!!! I signed last September and ship out July.


Why are you going to MEPS for medical and then signing a month or two from now? I went and took the ASVAB, stayed in the nicest hotel I've ever set foot in for the night (horribly underdressed for that) and then did medical the next morning from 4:30am-3pm. Then I went to the Navy classifier and he said "You want HM?" I replied yes and he told me my ship date and said HM was mine.

Literally did everything in one trip your situation confuses me. Must be some TS Clearance or super secret squirrel language CTI stuff that's way over my E-2 mind XD
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