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Im already so excited about this rp

the concepts are amazing @_@
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Editing my latest post, don't think it's finished just yet!

EDIT: There, finished. GOD I HATE DOING THAT X3
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Ahah, that happens to me all the time, Jakers. I panic so hard.

Ahhhh, more amazing characters~

@Clear -- Shade is accepted~ c: I love how you used the glow effect.

@Ayla -- Hadlee is accepted~ I can imagine Aydan seeing her horns and awkwardly trying to ask if she's the same as him. xD

@Momozono Yuuna -- She's absolutely adorable~ Accepted c: I'M SO HAPPY THIS RP BLEW UP LIKE THIS, YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW, OKAY.

Ahem. I'll be posting an into for my characters soon, I just really had to get some sleep last night, after posting the IC. xD
Rofl, missed alot. So far people are going to bribe Cupid with candy rofl. The relationships are amazing. Going to have intro for Cupid in a bit, after I read ALL the ICs xD.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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View attachment 64632
Name: Soona
Age: 15 in human years, 31 in Moon Sprite years
Gender: Female
Species: Moon Sprite
Personality: A bit sleepy--not as responsive as others--but she is very curious and willing to learn, to make up for it. Aside from her distant gazes, she actually has a pretty advanced sense of humor. Soona also has a habit of talking in questions or riddles when she is confused/bored/annoyed/messing around.
Birthdate: Many moons ago.
Birthplace: The dark side of the moon.
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
We're already from different worlds…why worry about gender? I guess I have a habit of loving unconditionally..
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: "Professional" Book-Sorter of the orphanage library.
Figure: Extremely petite, with a tiny waist--but surprisingly thicker thighs/legs.
I guess you could say I'm pear-shaped..?
Height: 4' exactly
Weight: 23 lbs, but she has the capability of becoming much heavier when visiting the moon; this is in order to avoid floating away into space.
Languages: English and Sprite
Fears: Being alone again. (She also has an extreme fear of being forgotten.)
Distinguishing Features: Her hair seems to contain its own little galaxy, along with her eyes that are a bright bluish-purple with a star directly in the center. Her skin appears less like a natural skin tone and more like a very pale pink. She wears very little clothing, but it always covers most of her body. She prefers loose-fitting clothing. Soona also seems to float, even though she moves her legs as if she's walking.
I'm moon-walking. Huhuhu~
Proficiencies: Soona has a high understanding of loneliness, and she tends to show up when people are lonely or feel forgotten.
Magic/Special Abilities: Soona can float, make herself heavier, and sometimes teleport--when she feels up to it.
Strengths: Soona can comfort the sad, sick, lonely, and lost.
Weaknesses: When she is alone, she begins to feel trapped. She has to hang around people in order to feel calm. Also, a human year seems like ages for Moon Sprites, so they can go crazy if not entertained in the process.
Backstory: Born on the dark side of the moon, Soona's parents(also Moon Sprites) were very cruel and basically ignored her. There were very few inhabitants of that side of the moon, so Soona did not have any friends. Soon enough, her parents just up-and-left, leaving her to go ballistic back home. There was a time when Soona wanted to fall asleep forever, but she gazed at the Earth and decided she would go there, to find her purpose. 'Looks like she has.
Mentors: Rayne and Boo
Quirks: Soona only drinks--she never eats.
Theme Song: school food punishment - flashback trip syndrome
Whoa I can confidently say that Shade may have found his counter-part of possible lasting friendship :D

That or I might just get Cupid to do a little tinkering.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Momozono Yuuna
Rofl, missed alot. So far people are going to bribe Cupid with candy rofl. The relationships are amazing. Going to have intro for Cupid in a bit, after I read ALL the ICs xD.
Hey Shattered Secrets, would it be alright if Amaryllis and Cupid buddied up in the same room? :3?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@chaosheart13 Sure^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Throws Confetti* rofl.

@Clear I don't know how Cupid would feel about Shade, it kind is like somewhat Boo and Cupid is scared of Boo, that would be a cool relationship to play out rofl.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: UnsightlyTEAstain
Rofl just picture everyone anticipating the egg hatching and pop...another egg xD.
Read through most post. Funny and cute stuff...mines is coming up soon.
also, i have a box of peeps and see's candies all for myself. be jealous of me, all of you.

*Another egg pops out*



hahahaha, get it, aeo ****ing kidding me? i'm sorry
@chaosheart13 Sure^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Throws Confetti* rofl.

@Clear I don't know how Cupid would feel about Shade, it kind is like somewhat Boo and Cupid is scared of Boo, that would be a cool relationship to play out rofl.
It would be! Shade has almost little to no concept of 'love' and if he ever does 'feel' it he'll probably just assume that its an under current of "fluctuating energy" or something sciency like that.

@chaosheart13 Imma make a response to what you said!!!! Just after I get a response for a response that I had responded for another response ^^

also, i have a box of peeps and see's candies all for myself. be jealous of me, all of you.


*Another egg pops out*



hahahaha, get it, aeo ****ing kidding me? i'm sorry
102% my reaction xD
Bro, bro... brrrooooooo. I'm making another character right now and I'm so excited. (Btw.. this is Ashe. Moved account bcuz of issues. Pfft.)
Ayyyyyee welcome back! I feel like I know you...do I know you? ((<<wow -_-)) I feel like we appeared together somewhere >.<
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Ayyyyyee welcome back! I feel like I know you...do I know you? ((<<wow -_-)) I feel like we appeared together somewhere >.<
Um lol not "appeared" but RPed.
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