Other world.

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"No. Our leader put the rules up so...." Rosa stopped for a second. She did not know what Crim put those rules on. "I guess he put the rules like that, do to the past."

A little girl walked out of a room that Alex and Rosa was next to. She looked at them. "Why are you to idiots being so loud for?"
Alex jumped, looking at her. "Oh, hi. Sorry... I didn't know we were loud... Uhm... What's your name?" She asked. She had no idea where her sudden courage came from, but she spoke as if they were old friends.
The girl looked at Alex with evil dark eyes. "My name is not of you business." She said as she turn around and walked away.

Rosa looked at the girl as she walked away and then at Alex. "What was that all about?" She asked as she wondered why the girl was so rude to them.
Alex frowned slightly. "That wasn't normal.." She said, a sudden feeling of paranoia creeping down her spine. She quickly started to her room again.
Rosa nodded. Some of the people here was still new to her. She looked at Alex. "You can say that again." She said as she followed Alex.
She stopped outside her room. Opening the door, she walked in and sat on her bed. "She usually isn't that... Scary." Alex shrugged.
Rosa looked at Alex as she walk inside her room. "May I can in?" She asked wait for an answer.
Alex nodded. "Yeah." She set the map on the table by her bed.
Rosa walk inside and shut the door behind her. "Right now every one in this building is now in a start of worry. Sam's words make every one think that they have do nothing." She said looking down. "I do not know what to do."
Alex nodded, sighing softly. "I don't know either." She sat back, leaning on the wall and looking up at the ceiling.
Rosa walked to the wall and lead on it. Trying to find a way to get over it and do what she needs to. "How can he be so calm about all of this?" She thought out loud.
Alex shrugged. She stared at the ceiling, thoughtful. What exactly was going on? She didn't know, but she knew one thing. She still felt uncomfortable, like something was very, very wrong.
Rosa set there quietly.

Sam finished his food and left. He wonder if Alex and Rosa was OK. He walked as he looked behind him. "So, all three of you are here. Well that is not good." He said as he looked at three little girls.
Alex rubbed her face, sighing. "Do you feel that?" She asked Rosa, sitting up and swinging her feet impatiently. She didn't want to leave the safety of her room, but the feeling of danger just creeped across her spine.
Rosa looked at Alex as she said at. "No. What is wrong?" She asked as stood up from the wall and walk over to her.
Alex shook her head. "Just a weird feeling." She muttered, resting her head in her hands.
Rosa looked at Alex. "Feeling or not. You need to tell me what you are feeling." She said as she can feel her heart pounding.
"I don't know." Alex shrugged. "I just have.. A strange feeling that something is very, very wrong... Kinda like when you forget to do something important, but like I have no control..." She sighed, rubbing her face again.
Rosa looked at Alex. "OK. Well we can talk to Crim and see what he think about it?"

Sam looked at the three girls as they left. "Well, more bad news. Great." He said as he started to walk again.
Alex nodded. "Okay..." She nodded again, as if trying to convince herself. "Is he safe?" She asked suddenly, frowning.
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