Other world.

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Sal formed and looked at Alex. "Is everything ok?"
Jumping, Alex squeaked in surprise. "Wha... Wh-who are you?" The voice sounded familiar, but she didn't remember seeing the person.
"You do not remember me. I am the AI, Sal." She said as she walked to the computer one the ground.
Alex nodded slightly. "Ok-kay.." She looked back down at the water, quiet.
Sal looked at Alex. "Would you like anything?"
"OK." Sal said as she disappeared.
Alex looked back at the water, twirling her finger in the water. Resting her head on the edge, she watched.
Rosa got up and looked around. She wonder why Sam take her as well.
After several minutes, Alex had fallen asleep yet again. She did that when she was trying to figure something out. Her hand slowly stilled, hanging limply in the water as her eyes closed.
"There you are my little girly. I have be looking for you." A man said as he appeared in Alex dream.
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