Open Pandora's Box

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"I haven't tired, but I'll try anything once" Rune smirked as he gets up rubbing his head as he swings his ax at another tentacle cutting it off as the rest went back under the water. "It's gone for now"
The woman rolled her eyes, keeping her sights ahead and toward their destination. "Only if you like rubbery shit, fine," she muttered under her breath. She glanced back again, seeing the remaining tentacles slither away.

"Stay on deck and don't let anything attack. This ride is going to take a bit!" she told him as she tapped one of the gages. The ferry wasn't a very speedy thing to be taking. Because of the time crunch, they would have been better off taking a speedboat. Since this storm broke, it didn't seem like there was any such thing. Anyway, it was very likely they were the first to be pulled under by a large predator, like the Kraken. Kurureenu sighed, "This is going to take forever..."
Rune looks at the statue. "Go is that green women a sleeping Golem?" as he then looks at the water as he heard a loud roar as he saw a shadow come from above them. "Ku I think that dragon thinks where a giant fish" Rune sighed as he saw the tentacles come back up. "Dammit really" then some came to mind as he then hits one of the tentacles as the Kraken comes out of the water. "Now to get the dragon either way one will die just hop its not me" he laughed as he goes on top of the ferry as he swings his attack at the dragon sending dark energy strikes at the dragon missing, but getting it's attention.
Kurureenu paused when she heard Rune's question. "It's not!" she hollered back, then sighed. "It's a gift from the French!" The woman stared off, almost losing herself to her thoughts. While the present Rune would probably be clueless on who the Statue of Liberty was from, she did wish he was still around. The past Rune wasn't the one for this time. He didn't belong here... He needed to go back, lock himself away in the memories of himself and herself from way back when.

She pitied him now. Stuck in the past, way too stuck in the past. All the thoughts and feelings from back then... They were here, too. Kurureenu felt every little bit and remembered every little bit... How they met, the love that they formed throughout their fights, their children... Their children.

The woman choked back the urge to sob, coughing instead. Her attention went straight for the shadow that hovered over them and she frowned. "That thing better not come by the ferry, Rune!" she screamed, her sword on the floor by her so she could control the vessel.
Rune laughed as he try to keep both the Kraken and the Dragon's attention. "Come on dammit" Rune sneered as the dragon roared as it dove for Rune it's talons getting ready as it almost close to Rune. "Closer" he spoke as the Kraken was also getting close it's tentacles where closing in. As the Dragon was about to get Rune he lies down on the floor as it missed and got one of the Kraken's tentacles as it wrapped around the beast leg pulling it down to the water as it roared and try flapping it's wings blowing fire at the water causing steam. Rune stood up watching as the dragon was getting dragged under water feeling a bit sorry for it. "I would had love fighting you" Rune sighed as he walks back down realizing that some of the ferry caught on fire. "CRAP!!!!" Rune looked around for a bucket. "Ku don't be mad, but where a bucket?"
Kurureenu felt a shudder with the ship as the dragon came closer. She glanced back, seeing flames as the dragon was fighting to stay in the air while the kraken was trying to drag it down. The woman turned her attention back in front of her. They were getting closer to the statue and Rune had to go about and mess around with monsters.

His question perked her attention and her gaze turned into a glare. "A bucket? Are we taking in water, Rune? I told you not to let that fucking dragon by the ship!"
"You know I would rather have taking in water" Rune chuckled. "But no the boats on fire" Rune laughed slight rubbing the back of his head "Sorry"
Kurureenu quickly turned away from the controls when he mentioned the fire, looking out onto the deck and seeing the flames jump up from the wood and metal. "You have got to be fucking kidding me!" she cried out. "We can't stay on the ferry like this, Rune!"

The woman bounced a bit, shaking her hands as she tried to think of what to do next. "Rune, throw me into the air. Now," she ordered.
"Alright Ku" Rune picked Ku up as he tosses her in the air as far as he could with as much force as he could muster
"I hope this works," was the only thing she was thinking as she felt Rune pick her up and toss her up in the air with as much force as he could. She was surprised with how far up she got, looking down and gasping as she started to fall back to the earth.

"Fly! Fly, damn it!" she screamed as she felt her body start to fall. She squeezed her eyes shut, the deck rushing back quick. "Fly!"

She didn't feel anything for a moment. Then she noticed the feeling... the sensation of the wings fluttering behind her, working hard to keep her in the sky. Kurureenu gaped at the deck below before slowly spinning around in awe. She couldn't believe that she was actually flying. Flying! Who would have guessed? She brought herself back down, still keeping her feet off the flaming deck.

"Get over here, Rune. We're getting to the island," she ordered, afraid that if she lands she wouldn't get back into the air.
Rune walked over to Ku wondering what she was going to do. "Are you going to try and carry me again?" he asked in a nervous tone
Kurureenu glared toward him when he showed a nervousness toward the idea of her carrying him. "Okay, fine. You swim in dangerous water full of monsters, I'm hitching a ride on the winged express," she responded, turning around and waving behind her. "After all, you can't be bothered with flying with me. I'm accident prone."
"fine fine I rather deal with your flying then that Kraken" Rune laughed as he looks at the water. "hopefully one of them died"
Kurureenu turned back around, placing her attention back on Rune. "That's what I thought," she responded before holding out her hands. "Hold onto my wrists and hold on tight. I don't want you falling into the water, Rune."
Rune turns to human as he grabs Ku's wrist. "Alright Ku lets go" Rune smiles as all of a sudden the dragon erupted out of the water making the ferry tip side to side letting out a loud roar as it pulls out of the water the dead Kraken and flys it to it's nest
Kurureenu gasped as the dragon erupted from the water, quickly grabbing onto Rune and pulling the both of them into the air. "Now would be a good time to relearn that invisibility trick," she muttered, keeping her distance from the flying beast. "It's not gonna see us, is it?"

Her attention went back to the ferry, seeing the poor thing begin to capsize from the major tipping and the flames devouring it. She frowned, remembering that she and Liev planned on taking it to Ellis island the next time they had time off tomorrow. It looked like it was going to have to wait awhile. Probably a long while with this one...
"I hope not" Rune spoke seeing the Dragon with it's prey. "If where lucky it's going to eat that Kraken" The dragon let out another roar as it fly above the statue and tosses it's kill on the fake torch as it blows fire to it lighting it ablaze as it circles around above. "Looks like it's cooking it's meal so I think where safe" Rune spoke holding onto the Ku
Kurureenu let out a sigh, soon making her way over to the island. "That's good. Then maybe it can stay distracted by that and we can get the box and get rid of all this once and for all," she murmured, quickly making it over to the island before landing with the two of them. "I just don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost Liev again in this chaos." She hugged herself, remembering the sight of Liev, lifeless. Her memories also flashed back to the past, remembering when she lost Rune, too.

A quick shake of her head brought her back to the task at hand. "Let's get this done so we can go back to real life."
"Yeah real life" Rune said softly looking down at his ax realizing he'll be gone again once the box was closed. "Ku may I ask you something?" Rune looked at her. "What happen to this Rune to make him run away from his problems? That's not how I was right?" Rune then looked up at the Statue realizing his time was coming to an end.
Kurureenu glanced back toward Rune as he asked about himself. The self that belonged to this time. The woman hesitated more than she expected. This Rune was so unaware... She was afraid of what the truth would do to him now. While she had always fought for him to stop running, she was afraid of telling the truth because he might run again. There was no telling, after all.

She looked away, swallowing hard as she mustered some of her courage together. "Rune... This time-period's Rune... He was always running away from the negative. He had hopes and dreams and people there to encourage him and help him to reach his goals. Then one thing will go wrong... And he quit. A bad comment will make him give up the hobby that he wanted to make a career and one poor mistake will make him give up a life he said he wanted.

"He seemed like such a fighter when we were growing up... I liked him in high school for his humor and personality without knowing the life he led behind the scenes. I wore my heart on my sleeve by hid behind a multitude of masks. At some point, we grew to love each other. Then... After one big mistake..."

The woman shook her head. She couldn't do this. She couldn't ruin the past Rune. It would hurt too much.

"We have a lot of stairs to climb. Let's get started," she pointed out, changing the topic suddenly to the task at hand.
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