One Piece: The Black Moon Pirates

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Since i am not sure about all characters, i'll just stick with those i know of.
Emrik, Reimu and Caim are in tower B, top floor. And i would prefer it if no one would suddenly just appear there. Caim has the key, remember? So if Emrik can convince him, he might reveal the key's location. Beating him down will not work this time, even if Emrik proves that he is the stronger one. Plus, Caim has backup.
From my understanding, Lorelei and Doc Brown are still at the opening. Ezekiel, Julius, Henry and I are just ahead of Tower A.
Sorry if my posts seem lacking. I don't seem to have much to work on in my mind right now with the posts, hehe. I'm sure that will change soon enough though.
And at the moment Emrik would prefer reasoning to fighting anyway :)
I see what you say Igni, but unless someone feels comfortable godmodding Henry around until an appropriate time, then he's just lingering around the room. And honestly, there's always the chance that he'll come back so having him captured wouldn't be a bad story point later on.
Well @Kiondrick can always write an exit post :)


We can use one of the ideas mentioned (sorry lost track of which idea belongs to wich person)
We don't even need to have someone play the character, just have someone notice he's slipping out at an opportune moment in the fight and later say the switch was thrown.
He also doesn't need to be captured, he could easily escape in the commotion that's going on. I can have the Rear Admiral throw a fit about it:)
And then When/if Henry makes a return Kiondrick can make up his own story about what happened and how if he wants to :)
In that case, let's see if we can get Kio's opinion on it before we head on.
It's a bit rough, but I couldn't quite figure out how to throw myself in there, and I didn't want to just sit at a bar the entire time, so that happened
The rear Admiral's office is at the top of the Prison tower - Have at it!
I can't help but smirk at his last words.
I wonder if Dante is caught up with any of this or not..
I guess Julius really is full of hot air.
Cause he just blew a blast of it at you.
By the way, I have no idea which group I just approached. As I said, I didn't quite know how to enter, so if someone could acknowledge him in one of their posts, that'd be greatly appreciated
Curious how this will all go in the end, heh.
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