Old Friends

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Looking at the other, he sensed there was something he wasn't telling him. He grabbed the phone of the nightstand, his eyes still on him. Unlocking it, he scrolled through the contacts, easily finding babe, before showing it to him, his eyes red. "You don't know it huh? And I don't suppose this is my number, now is it?"
He sighed, "Listen, I... It had been a whole year that you were gone, and I needed someone. So I thought that, if I had ever gotten to a bad enough point, I at least had him to rely on. It wouldn't be my first option, but it was at least something. But then you showed up and I've just been so caught up on focusing on you and the holidays and all that I forgot to delete the contact. I don't need it now, after all... Do you honestly think I want to see him anymore?"
Getting off of him he called the number, ignoring everything he said. He needed to speak to Xander. Even though Xander thoughr he killed him that night, ha, he was dead wrong
There was a few rings before the familiar, smoky voice of Marcus' former boyfriend picked up. A rather cruel laugh could be heard before the man let out a purr. "Oh, so you're finally running back to me, babe? It's been quite a while... Is this suppose to be my belated holiday present? Mm, well... You'll have to do more than call me to convince me to come back. You'll need to prove to me that you're the dirty whore I know you to be." He murmured, his voice rough from his constant smoking, though it had only turned Marcus on more when they were together.

Speaking of, the boy sat in their shared bed, face covered in embarrassment from the mere sound of the other's voice. It was shameful to be called a dirty whore, after all, especially when it wasn't involving sex.
"Well it's great to hear from you too Xander. By the way, it's Archie. You know, as if Archie your ex boyfriend's best friend? Surely you remember me, our last meeting was a bit....messy, doncha ya think." Archie's voice had an unsettling chill to it. How dare Xander speak about his pet in such a crude manner. Oh he was going to get back at him, but not only him, his little group who helped Xander 'kill him' that year and a day ago.
There was silence for a long time, before the once tough and sly voice let out a weary chuckle. "Seriously, babe, this is a cruel prank. Come on, you don' gotta be mean. I'm sorry I called ya a whore, alright~?"
"This isn't a joke Xander. Where should I meet you? Oh, I know, how about in the forest, like the last time we met. Wasn't that a fun time?" He darkly chuckled, that chill to his voice only getting colder. "Bring your friends too, me and them have plenty of things to talk about as well."
Instantly did the phone hang up, leaving Marcus to warily eye his kover and best friend. "... Was he a jerk?" He finally asked, after a moment of silence. "I mean, you said some,creepy stuff, hon... Let's just relax, okay? You seem angry."
Listening to the tone, he began to smirk be for hanging the phone up, setting it down on the nightstand. "No, no. I'm completely calm, but I don't believe Xander is. I should speak with him in person, I'm sure he'd be....shocked." Said the vampire, that dark and creepy chuckle slipping through his pale lips again. His eyes looked back at him, before giving him a smile. "Don't worry hon I'll just be making a quick stop today I'll be back before nightfall."
"Do you have your license? I don't want you getting pulled over and messing up, you know..." He murmured, his aprehension complety evident. Just the tone of his lover's voice was scaring him
Oh that silly human. He thought he was going to drive? Driving would take far too long. He could run and get there much quicker. Kissing his forehead, he sent a chill through the poor boy. "Sleep my love."
Physically twitching from the jolt, he was about to protest before passing out onto the bed, soft snores passing his lips.
Now it was time to find that dick. He walk put the house, and using his vampiric speed, he ran out, picking up the scent of the douche
He had moved not very far from his former apartment, having to once graduating college- he was a few years older than the two boys, after all. Having calmed down from the rather creepy call, he shoved another bottle of beer back as his friends laughed and teased the leader of the gang for what they saw as unreasonable cowardice. "Ugh... Seriously, I bet that little bitch is just playing some weird prank. He's playing hard to get, of course... He always did..." Muttered Xander
There was a single tap on the front door to the apartment, and one of the men looked at it, calming down from all his laughing. He couldn't believe Xander would be so scared from a prank call. Xander knew Archie was dead. They all killed him together. Standing from the chair, he chuckled, shaking his head. "Your so stupid Xander. There is no way Archie is-" He began as he opened the door before he froze seeing the vampire outside of the door. His blood ran cold, and his eyes widen at the sight of the man. He no longer seemed to be a coward. He stood tall, his eyes a cold glare, and his eyes were red. A dark smirk was on his pale lips as he stood there, and chuckled.
"No way Archie is alive? Am I correct?" Said the vampire.
".... Jesus fucking Christ..." Stammered the man, eyes locked on the other as he quickly reached for his gun. "Get back, w-whatever the fuck you are! You're a monster, and I won't let s-some FREAK mess with me!"
"Freak? Oh my, how rude....Your wound me really." He chuckled and walked into the apartment, unbothered by the gun. He shut the door behind him slowly his eyes never leaving Xander. "You....You did this to me you know."
"I didn't do nothing!" He snapped, his hold on the gun shaking as he stared back at the vampire. "You did this to yourself- you fucked with my boyfriend, you little freak, so I had to get my revenge. You're the reason he broke up with me, so I wanted to prove to him that I could get him fucking back."
"I was his friend since childhood. Nothing could separate us. Not even death, as you can see. He belongs to me. But you couldn't handle that. You should have shot me in the head back then. Now....ha ha, ha. This is going to be fun~" He laughed, his eyes dark.

One of the men shot him in the head, his eyes wide with fear as well. Archie fell to the ground with a thud, unmoving. The man slowly began to chuckle before breaking into a laugh. "He had a big speech just for-"

In a blink of an eye the man who shot Archie neck snapped and he fell to the ground, Archie behind him with a sick vrin, showing off his needle like teeth. "Oops. I didn't mean that~"
"R-Roger!" He yelped, wanting to comfort his friend despite knowing all too well that he was dead. Swallowing hard, he watched as the others scrambled to their feet and tried to run away. This wasn't some normal human who could be killed through normal means, no... It was something the gang had never dealt with before. "He's not yours, Archie... I-I made dibs when I stole that sweet virginity of his before you could." He snapped, still being able to taunt the other despite the fact that he could be killed any minute now.
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