So he has his own place now? Excellent. Archie thought as he stood outside of the apartment. The vampire could smell his old friend's delicious scent from where he stood. Licking his sallow colored lips, his eyes seemed to redden as he took in gulps of the sweetened air. He smelled so pure, so full of life, he wanted....No he needed it. Archie stood in the bitter cold, only wearing a black turtle neck and tan slacks. The cold had no effect on him anymore. Nothing did. He was so.... detached nowadays. He should have been excited, even a little anxious to see his old friend, the love of his life again, and yet? All he could think about was how nice, thick, and creamy his blood would be. Archie felt as though he died, and his spirit was just lingering in his dead body, trying to break free. He felt so...numb. Bringing his pasty knuckles to the door, he gave it a single tap, his face still a clean slate.