Oh Waiter, Another Human Please!

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Perrin gave an inclined nod. "Look man I'll help you out as much as I can. You have no idea how excited I am man...I mean bird!" Finally giving a smile Perrin stood slightly straighter. "Right, a plan is needed, I have several i-" Perrin choked and fell back on the floor, gasping for breath. A small alert sounded and a paramedic ran in.

Looking over at Thoth the medic gave a smile. "Sorry about the disturbance sir. This one was given a peculiar poison at request by a past owner if he ever showed positive emotions. Poor human must've forgot. He won't die, but he'll be suffering for a while. We'll have a new human shipped to you soon!" The medic exited the room with Perrin in tow.


A few minutes later, Genevieve's cage began to rattle, suddenly shooting off to the right. After several moments it shot straight up, going at a high speed. Suddenly, the cage stopped and moved to the left, going inside Thoth's room.


@Thurrbo (OOC: You're all good! Nixon's like a kid anyway with his current mental state!)

Nixon gave a small shrug at the blood remark. "Well, you never know. It'd be helpful to have the info, especially that one," he said. "So, he sounds like a normal ordinary person. Hm, hopeful he's still in one piece, you can never really tell in this area, some people get real messy. Well, if he's alive hopefully he's bleeding slightly. I'm not as good as a lycanthrope but it works. Oh yeah, how long have you been here anyway?" Nixon asked, turning back to Cadence, then saw something behind her. Nixon immediately blinked away, disappearing for a couple moments before returning. The vampire ducked slightly behind Cadence, still looking at what was behind her. Finally, he stood back up with his grin. "OK I was wrong, that wasn't actually her. Was wondering what she was doing here, but I knew I was being foolish! That person over there can't be her!" Nixon pointed, indicating a blank place on the grass. "Anyway, let's go find that friend of yours," he said, holding out his hand again.



It wasn't too long into the song until Connor was fully influenced by it. Everything had become a daze except for Eiliess and her beautiful toon. The shaking had decreased, Connor's acceptance helping. The hunter himself could retain little of his own thoughts. All was under the siren's influence now, and Connor knew her final step in the process towards controlling him.
Perrin gave an inclined nod. "Look man I'll help you out as much as I can. You have no idea how excited I am man...I mean bird!" Finally giving a smile Perrin stood slightly straighter. "Right, a plan is needed, I have several i-" Perrin choked and fell back on the floor, gasping for breath. A small alert sounded and a paramedic ran in.

Looking over at Thoth the medic gave a smile. "Sorry about the disturbance sir. This one was given a peculiar poison at request by a past owner if he ever showed positive emotions. Poor human must've forgot. He won't die, but he'll be suffering for a while. We'll have a new human shipped to you soon!" The medic exited the room with Perrin in tow.


A few minutes later, Genevieve's cage began to rattle, suddenly shooting off to the right. After several moments it shot straight up, going at a high speed. Suddenly, the cage stopped and moved to the left, going inside Thoth's room.


@Thurrbo (OOC: You're all good! Nixon's like a kid anyway with his current mental state!)

Nixon gave a small shrug at the blood remark. "Well, you never know. It'd be helpful to have the info, especially that one," he said. "So, he sounds like a normal ordinary person. Hm, hopeful he's still in one piece, you can never really tell in this area, some people get real messy. Well, if he's alive hopefully he's bleeding slightly. I'm not as good as a lycanthrope but it works. Oh yeah, how long have you been here anyway?" Nixon asked, turning back to Cadence, then saw something behind her. Nixon immediately blinked away, disappearing for a couple moments before returning. The vampire ducked slightly behind Cadence, still looking at what was behind her. Finally, he stood back up with his grin. "OK I was wrong, that wasn't actually her. Was wondering what she was doing here, but I knew I was being foolish! That person over there can't be her!" Nixon pointed, indicating a blank place on the grass. "Anyway, let's go find that friend of yours," he said, holding out his hand again.



It wasn't too long into the song until Connor was fully influenced by it. Everything had become a daze except for Eiliess and her beautiful toon. The shaking had decreased, Connor's acceptance helping. The hunter himself could retain little of his own thoughts. All was under the siren's influence now, and Connor knew her final step in the process towards controlling him.
Surprised and startled, Thoth barely had any time to react as Perrin was dragged out and another human was brought in. Thoth saw the brown-haired girl in the cage, and he let out a quiet sigh. He approached the cage, clicking his Ibis beak, before opening it up. "I am dreadfully sorry about all of this," the bird apologized. "No living thing deserves this sort of mistreatment. Have a mango on me," Thoth offered, tossing a Mango to Geneviere. "So. To start things off, I am Thoth. The Egyptians knew me as their god of knowledge. Now I'm little more than something too old and frail for this advancing world," he said in a more quiet tone. "But anyways, who are you? I only brought you here to talk. No torture, no feeding, no nothing. I just want to talk about things."
She shook, pressing her body to the back of the cage as she stared wide-eyed at the bird man. "W..What? Thoth? What.." Her mind knew of his existance. The egyptian god, Thoth. She was mentally flipping through the pages of books regaining information about the deity that was now supposedly right in front of her. Her bewilderment was on display all over her face as he placed a fruit in front of her, though all she could look at was how his feathers and beak shone in the fleeting light. "What? What's going on?" Her breath started to speed up.

She shook, pressing her body to the back of the cage as she stared wide-eyed at the bird man. "W..What? Thoth? What.." Her mind knew of his existance. The egyptian god, Thoth. She was mentally flipping through the pages of books regaining information about the deity that was now supposedly right in front of her. Her bewilderment was on display all over her face as he placed a fruit in front of her, though all she could look at was how his feathers and beak shone in the fleeting light. "What? What's going on?" Her breath started to speed up.

The bird man sunk down to one knee, although wincing in pain as he did so. "No need to be afraid. Yes, I am Thoth. And nothing fearful is going on." he attempted to assure her, putting down his staff, spreading his arms. "See? I mean you no harm." He clicked his beak together nervously. The fear this girl displayed was making him a bit nervous. Humans had proved that they were quite unpredictable when afraid. As he learned in the Crusades. "Please, calm down... I only wish to talk," he sighed.
Genevieve tried to slow her breathing, the mold had already stirred her asthma but having an attack now most certainly wouldn't help her. She had to calm down, she thought. Putting a hand on her lower throat, she spoke. "Wh..where is this?" Her voice was quiet. "Where am I?" She still never moved from the back of the cage, flinching when he moved closer. "Talk-..? Talk about..what? What do you want with me?"

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Genevieve tried to slow her breathing, the mold had already stirred her asthma but having an attack now most certainly wouldn't help her. She had to calm down, she thought. Putting a hand on her lower throat, she spoke. "Wh..where is this?" Her voice was quiet. "Where am I?" She still never moved from the back of the cage, flinching when he moved closer. "Talk-..? Talk about..what? What do you want with me?"

"Asthma acting up?" he inquired, reaching down for his staff, grabbing it, pressing the tip against her throat as it glowed slightly. He pulled away as quickly as he had put it there. Curiously, the pressure on her throat was gone, her asthma completely calmed down for the moment. Although there was a glazed look in the bird-man's eyes. He was breathing quite heavily. "This is a "refuge" for supernatural beings. Vampires, werewolves, witches.... and refugee dieties. However, the others grew bitter towards the human race. They keep many as slaves. However, what I want with you, is not that. What I wish to talk to you about, is only a matter of history. You see," he sat down, "I have been in deep slumber since the Crusades, where I was almost killed by Crusaders. I had been informed on global events up until then. I only wish to talk to you about what has occurred in the world since then. And I'd also like you to talk to me about yourself. As you see, I would like someone to stay around to talk to. Spending several hundred years in a dark pit leaves quite the desire for company." the Bird-Man explained, holding out the mango to her. "You need not fear me. In all truth, I cannot hurt you anyways. I have been on the verge of death for all these years, and that simple magic has my on the verge of passing out." Thoth sighed.

Yeah, I hope he's still in one piece too... Cadence thought, as Nixon went rambling on about how people get pretty messed up in these "woods". She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head for a moment, just to try to shake off the dreadful images that were coming to mind. Positive thinking, Cadence... Positive thinking!

Then Nixon asked how long she'd been here. "Well... that's a good question," Cadence muttered, taking a seat on the ground and leaning back against the tree trunk, just to take a moment to calm herself. "I just woke up here a little while ago, back in that cage. Maybe an hour or two? But, God knows how long I was out before that..."

Just at that moment, Nixon's eyes went wide, as if he noticed something behind them. Suddenly startled and afraid at what might be lurking, Cadence leaped to her feet and spun around, glancing frantically left and right. By the time she did so, Nixon had already teleported away and back; it seemed it was a false alarm.

"OK I was wrong, that wasn't actually her. Was wondering what she was doing here, but I knew I was being foolish! That person over there can't be her!"

Cadence's gaze followed where Nixon's finger pointed to, still short of breath and her heart racing from the scare. But as she stared, she saw nothing... Literally, no one. Not even so much as a squirrel scampered by. Cadence narrowed her eyes, skeptically glancing from the blank place on the grass to Nixon, back and forth several times. Oh my God... he's serious, she thought in awe. There's no one here. H-He's clinically insane!

Before she could say anything though, Nixon was quickly back on target, extending his hand again in the search for Connor. Cadence hesitated, as she was not looking forward to that discombobulating dizziness again... That, and did Nixon have any clue in what direction they were going now? She thought about asking, but it probably wasn't worth trying to reason with him at this point. And she didn't want to waste anymore time. So with that in mind, Cadence squeezed her eyes shut once again and took hold of Nixon's hand, bracing herself.​
[fieldbox="Aragon, Red, solid"]Aragon narrowed her eyes. "I would recommend you be less careless with your words." She growled. The point he had made had been all but lost in what she considered his audacity, suggesting, as she had taken that, she was not as strong as she thought herself to be. However, the thought of taking him back to her kingdom was oddly appetizing. She hated the way he spoke so freely, and the way his purported respect for her seemed to lilt with his words, but she liked the idea of having someone to do her dirty work for her. Her life could be much easier if she had someone clearing out the weeds for her, and with the inevitable fall of her kingdom that was to come in her absence, she would need someone she could trust to help her restore order. But, as it were, she did not trust him with such a momentous power.

She stood up suddenly, grabbing the phone and quickly spinning the number she had called earlier for the boy. "Yes, Aragon Insidiae again. Please reserve a small part of the hunting area for me, and have, oh, ten or so humans there for me. Preferably strong, and with a violent nature. Thank you…"[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Eiliess, Aqua, solid"]With a childish smirk, Eiliess walked slowly to the pond, letting her voice fall to a quiet hum. With a motion, he was pulled from the water, pushed up right by the last strands of the water web, before they melted away, creeping back into the pond. Gently, she slid her fingers under his chin, staring him with a loving gaze before pulling his head forward, and pressing her lips to his. She stayed like this for a few moments before pulling away, her eyes glinting with pleasure at her catch. The kiss had lasted longer than was really necessary, but she wanted to enjoy the fruits of her labor. God knows she had earned it. "Now then." She smiled. "Why don't we go find your little girlfriend?"[/fieldbox]
Nixon cocked his head slightly at Cadence before he started to blink. "You know, you don't look so good right now? She remind you of someone? Eh, don't worry, she's probably just some nobody," he said before blinking them both. "You know I--sure am going--not much--," Nixon said inbetween blinks. "vamps--lycans--eat flesh--gooey eyes--you know?" Nixon finished, standing in a clearing and looking over at Cadence as if she completely understood what he was saying. "Also, this hunting area is quite large. Takes up the whole floor. Any landmarks you passed to narrow this search?"


The receptionist on the other end of the line and listened to the order Aragon had made. Clicking on his pad the receptionist said, "One moment please." As the order was rather unordinary, the receptionist asked for approval from the Manager. After just a couple seconds the request had been approved by him. "The area of the hunting area has been reserved and the humans are being delivered. Would you like anything else?"


Connor's last independent thoughts were of scattered use themselves, only being of Connor's hope to someday reclaim his free will. When the siren kissed him, Connor's thoughts turned toward his love and pleasure to help her. Who wouldn't want to serve someone like this? Connor enjoyed every piece of this moment, or at least his mind thought it did. His resistance and memories were faded back, everything under the siren's influence.

"Now then." She smiled. "Why don't we go find your little girlfriend?" The question to go find Cadence sent a very small surge of anger through his mind, but was quickly suppressed. "I'd love to!" Connor said eagerly. "When we split up I told her to run back to the cages room, I'm sure we can find her headed there."
"A thousand pardons if I offended you." he said, seemingly serenely as everything else had said today. A smile creep across his face, "The filter between my brain and mouth seems to disappear when I get excited. And the thought of our enemies' blood pooling together is almost to bare. I did not mean to imply you was weak, almost any supernatural worth the title is strong such as yourself, however how much stronger is an army than one single unit? Also, even in my weak state now, I have been trained to kill, I am not completely worthless in this worthless body, however not strong enough to serve you to the best of my ability." he said.
When her chest stopped seeming so tight, she took a deep breath inward. Her eyes amazed at the work of the man's staff. Listening intently to his every word and held out her hands as she took the fruit."Thank you...S-so...after I tell you everything in the world and about myself...I can leave?" The girl had it all twisted, looking up at him and noticing the way he wheezed and how weak he looked. "Are you alright?"

When her chest stopped seeming so tight, she took a deep breath inward. Her eyes amazed at the work of the man's staff. Listening intently to his every word and held out her hands as she took the fruit."Thank you...S-so...after I tell you everything in the world and about myself...I can leave?" The girl had it all twisted, looking up at him and noticing the way he wheezed and how weak he looked. "Are you alright?"

Thoth sighed. "If only that was so. But you see, the other SuperNaturals in this building wouldn't let you leave. But, if you promise you won't tell anyone, I've been planning something secret since I arrived, Three Hours, Fourty Seven Minutes, and Eight seconds ago. I have been planning to break you humans out, and let you all go free." he said, wheezing and raspy. "And I'm f-fine," he said, being interrupted by a loud cough. "Magic takes alot of work these days. My people the Joqari, or what you'd call "The Egyptian Gods", are not gods at all, although we may seem like it. Our power grows with the "worship" and praise of humans. And of course, no one even so much as believes in us anymore, so, the few of us that still live are weak and on the run," he explained.

When Nixon came to a stop, again Cadence stumbled away from him a few steps to regain her composure. She could understand why some people puked from this experience... Coupled with the anxiety that was slowly building from being lost on the hunting grounds of a hungry monster pit, with no one else but a vampire to trust, she was feeling pretty close to puking herself.

Nixon had been rambling on the whole time, as if Cadence could actually hear what he was saying. Based on the gory snippets she did catch, though, she was grateful not to hear. "Yeah, yeah I got you..." she muttered in response to him, as if she knew exactly what he was talking about. Then Nixon asked if she could think of any landmarks, and Cadence had a small revelation. "The pond!" she suddenly burst. Of course, why didn't I think of that sooner? She bonked herself on the head for being so stupid. "Connor thought we were being attacked by a siren when he told me to run... I'm almost sure we were by the pond when that happened. That's when we got separated."​
Liz was about to speak when Tyla saw them chatting and chuckled. "I'm going down to grab some things. Don't misbehave while i'm gone~" she said, before walking out the door and locking them in from the outside.
Nixon gave a frown at the word siren, not liking the word at all. The word infact suddenly flipped his personality to a very noticeable level. "Right...ponds and sirens. I hate those evil little mermaid things," he muttered, looking back over at Cadence. "You know...you're really good at breaking such a happy day. Here I am going through...actually skip that part." Nixon paused for a moment, then gave up. "Sorry I'm not actually that good at giving these grudge rants about stuff I'm suddenly unhappy about." Nixon blinked to lean against a tree that was a couple feet away. "Look, your friend is hopefully dead at this point. You should honestly be hoping that. Remember when I told you there was a limit to how much I could help you? This is the limit."


Rand watched Tyla exit the room and lock them in. The hunter gave a glance towards Liz, then at the knife drawer. "How good at you at handling a knife? I think if we get the drop on her we can get out of here. It'll take some luck but it's about time it should come into my favor. You know anything else we can use?" Rand asked, looking back at Liz, still not understanding the relationship that Liz and Tyla had. "All that stuff was an act right? You ready to get out of here?"
[fieldbox="Aragon, Red, solid"]Aragon thought about the reception's question for a few moments, before smiling to herself. "Yes. A bottle of blood wine, AB-, one wine glass and a bowl." She didn't bother to wait for the receptionists answer, hanging up the phone as soon as the words had left her mouth. Seemingly satisfied with herself, she turned back to the boy, her mood seeming to have shifted completely, though for better or worse, it was hard to tell. But she was pleased, that much was clear. "Alright boy, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but you will be more mindful of your words in the future." She surmised. "I should even like you to serve for me in my kingdom. It would certainly make my life easier." She mused, walking over to the door and opening it with a flourish. "But, if you are to serve under me, you will need to prove your prowess." She beckoned him to follow her, and began down the hallways, following the directions posted on the walls to the hunting area.[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Eiliess, Aqua, solid"]"Ah, that's what I love to hear!" Eiliess exclaimed, clapping in excitement. With an exaggerated gesture she bent over, putting her hands on her knees, like one might do with a small child or a pet. "Now go on boy!" She demanded giddly, her tone like that used to talk to a dog. Of course, she could easily find the girl tracking her with the water in the ground, but she found these hunts with her catches much more entertaining.[/fieldbox]
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"I am conflicted. On one hand, I am pleased with the opportunity to spill blood, however only you ordered ten humans. That hardly seems fair. It shouldn't take more than an hour or two, depending on well they do at hiding." he said, with a smile that a normal beings probably would describe as eerie or disturbed.

He walked with her, "I am sorry if I spoke out of turn again, like I said, my mouth can move faster than brain when I get excited. It has been awhile since I have got to intend a good slaughter." he said, with the same disturbed smile.
Connor was so pleased to hear Eiliess's excitement and started going off in the direction back to the cages after being told to do so. He could well remember the path back by looking at the landmarks he passed by before. Looking back at the siren Connor asked, "What will we do with Cadence when we find her?"
"That's horrible...Wait..there are other supernatural beings here?" The woman looked dumbfounded, her pink lips never closing. "..Is there a certain reason I was brought here? Why me? I was just walking home from my university.." She trailed off, deep in thought.

"That's horrible...Wait..there are other supernatural beings here?" The woman looked dumbfounded, her pink lips never closing. "..Is there a certain reason I was brought here? Why me? I was just walking home from my university.." She trailed off, deep in thought.

Thoth was slightly surprised she hadn't caught on yet, but said nothing of it. "Yes, there are other supernatural beings here, Vampires, Werewolves, and runaway gods. Although, I'm sadly most likely the nicest thing here," the bird man sighed. "They are only interested in you because you're human. They abducted you to be their slave, like so many others. But I plan to end that." Thoth declared, blinking, clicking his beak.