Of Magic and Moonlight CI

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11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
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  6. Adaptable
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  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.

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Character Sheet Thread

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Character Sheet

>General characteristics<




>Physical Appearance<

Distinguishing marks:
Fashion Style:
Face Claim:



Voice: (optional)
Theme song: (optional)
Pets: (optional)

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"Let's play a game, shall we?"

  • Name:
    Claudia Anderson





    Former Light Witch
    Beginner Dark Witch


  • Personality:
    Claudia is a silent rebel. She hates being forced to do things, and wants to stand up for the things she believes in. She's slightly quiet and hesitant to talk with people. She has trouble trusting people and thus prefers to keep a distance from other people. She doesn't show much emotion from a distance, but once someone gets to know her better they realize she is complex and struggles with a lot of emotional issues. She struggles with fitting in and feeling unwanted. Since she has arrived at Blackmore Castle she's more open to the darkness and it has slightly corrupted her and turned her mad. She's into what others would consider scary and always wants to grow stronger.


    Symphonic Metal | Card Games | Piano | Horror movies | Night


    Her Parents | Sundresses | Being Caged | The Light Coven​

  • Height:





    Distinguishing Marks:


    Fashion Style:

    Originally, Claudia was forced to wear light colored sundresses and other similar clothing when she lived with her family. However, after she arrived at Blackmore Castle she donned a style that she has taken quite a liking to. She's a somewhat modern gothic formal lolita. She likes darker colors and while she still wears dresses and skirts, they have frills. She's more formal, with ties and blouses, but adds a little personal fun to them with her accessories.

    Face Claim:
    Celestia Ludenberg​

  • Claudia was born as the light coven's princess, the future heir to the light coven. However, despite her parents being of light they treated her poorly. From a young age Claudia seemed 'different' from the other children of the light. She preferred the darker things in life, and her parents didn't understand why. Their parents were standoffish and strict towards her. She feared what she might become so they kept her on a tight lease.

    But this act made things worse and Claudia found more enjoyment in the darker things rather than the light. She was forced into doing things and once she was old enough to understand, she realized that all her parents wanted was for her to marry a light wizard and produce an heir. The odd thing was that she was supposed to be the heir, and yet they only asked for one, not that she would take over then afterwards so would her child. It was like they wanted to skip her. And it turns out they did. Claudia discovered they were concerned to have her rule over their society and thus chose that she would only produce a heir.

    Eventually, Claudia rebelled and she was punished often because of it. Locked in her room. Forced into situations and living styles she hated. And thus Claudia finally ran. She left the coven, hoping to find a place she could be herself. Unfortunately, Claudia was kidnapped while in town and taken to Blackmore Castle.

    There she was told she would be killed, but after the dark coven there began to see the darkness that hide inside of Claudia, they chose to keep her around. They believed it would benefit them to have the only heir of the light coven in their hands. There, she began to learn the dark arts and feels more free to be herself and like the things she likes. She feels more at home there, even only after a few weeks. She knows that at some point something might happen between her family and the dark coven, but she would rather stay at Blackmore Castle with the 'evil' beings rather than her home because her home seemed more evil to her than her new one.

  • Voice:
    Colleen Clinkenbeard

    Theme song:

    Sick Like Me By In This Moment


    Since she has arrived at Blackmore Castle there has been a Raven who has taken a liking to her. She decided to name him Poe.​



"When you look at me, what do you see?"

Height: 5'10 | Hair: White | Eyes: Pink | Age: 22 | Gender: Male
"I, for one, see a human being. Nothing more."
~ Nickname ~


~ Race ~
Cambion Sorceror

~ Sexuality ~

~ Likes ~

The Light | Tragic Literature | The Cello | Swans |Dancing

~ Dislikes ~
Injustice | Dwelling upon the past | Dark Chocolate | Coffee

"What is a monster?"

"Is it what they are, or who they are that makes them one?

~ Personality ~
Carmine keeps the appearance of a knight. Intelligent, artful, brave, and chivalrous. He practices sorcery and sword for the sake of the castle, as well as Dance and the Cello for the sake of the Court. Since Carmine's arrival at Blackmore, he's always doing something to keep himself busy, either assisting another or enjoying the more humanistic parts of life. But this is not simply because he is a gentle soul. Perhaps he seeks to recompense his mistakes in his early life. Maybe he is validating his own humanity. It is something he struggles with constantly. Given the fact that he is a Cambion, he has an otherworldly charm to him. Upon first glance, someone might be drawn toward him. Of course, Carmine has taken precautions on the matter. He has managed to keep his powers under control since he arrived at Blackmore.

~ History ~

"I wasn't always living within Blackmore. I grew up in the halls of your enemies. I have fond memories even now..."

Three friends, the best anyone could ever wish for. There was Louis Solar, Joan Arkan, and of course, I, Carmine Richelieu. Louis and I were always competing, trying to see who was truly the other's superior. Joan was always the mediator for our many competitions. Of course this resulted in a few cold-shoulders from time to time, but in the end we always made up and continued on with our lives.

As we grew, the differences between Louis and I became ever more prevalent. Around the age of 12 we were practically at war with one another. Louis always challenged me to everything, and would call me names if he didn't accept. The only real reason why the two of us still shared company with one another was because of Joan. As it turns out, we had been competing for her eye for a long time. Perhaps that was why me and Louis were ever together. Eventually Louis wanted to see which of us was the better sorcerer. We would each try to learn magic and whomever was better would be declared the winner.

I begrudgingly agreed for fear that Joan would lose interest in me. Louis knew that she was always fascinated with the arcane. Perhaps he saw this as a moment to steal her eyes away from me for fear I might be winning the war we had been fighting from the beginning

I tried my best to learn and practice but it never quite worked. It almost hurt to try. Even the slightest bit of light created burned my very flesh. The truth was I was different. I never knew why, but I always felt misplaced. A Misfit. There had always been rumors surrounding my birth. That my father is not who my mother was married to. People treated me strange for that, and I attribute that to the small circle of friends I had. It's a wonder that Louis actually hung with me. It was likely because he noticed Joan taking pity on me, and treating me with kindness. But as I studied, I discovered that these rumors were not simply baseless accusations. I let out a cry. My mother rushed in to see my left side engulfed in purple flames, and my arm deformed. Thin, black, clawed. Unholy

I wasn't allowed outside after that. At my age I could not fathom what was happening to me. I was frightened. It was almost two months that I was locked away. Joan was scared, but Louis acted triumphant. Joan stopped by my house every day, but was never let in. One day she got fed up, and convinced Louis to sneak her into my house. They managed to open a window and crawl inside. There they found me sitting in the dark on my bed. Joan waved at me, but before she could say anything, Louis stepped up and said that he was able to cast spells with ease, igniting his own arm in a golden flame. He taunted me, calling me weak and a coward. I couldn't do it that was why I was locked in here. In a sense he was right.

I said nothing, and Louis was getting annoyed. He cursed him, but I only told him to leave him alone. After that Louis threatened me. I only burrowed my face deep into my knees. After a while, Louis pulled me off my bed, commanding that I show him the fruits of my labors. I refused. Back then, I was scared of myself. Now angry, Louis threw a punch, but I just took it, afraid to try and impress Louis, and afraid to fight back. I never wanted to see that ghastly power again.

Joan cried out to stop him. But Louis just pushed her away. Eventually, I couldn't take it any more, raising my hand, I shouted

"Leave her alone!"

At that moment, Joan rammed into Louis, pushing him away, right as my arm was engulfed in that dark flame. A streak of energy shot from my hand, striking Joan, and enveloping her in a strange energy. Both Louis and I watched in horror as she disappeared in that dark light.

Louis backed away, running out of the room shouting murder and monster at the top of his lungs. I didn't know what to do... I did that to her... I ran. I ran deeper and deeper into the forest. There a dark being found me. He stood about six feet tall. He was handsome. An adonis. He called me son, and he took me to Blackmore. There this man told me the truth behind my birth and my innate powers. I was a Cambion. An unholy unity of Demon and Human. He told me I could stay here in Blackmore. This Incubus was a good friend of people in the castle. Never wanting to repeat my past I trained and honed my natural talents, later joining the royal guard of Blackmore Castle. I was no longer afraid of the dark, nor did I fear myself. But... I still love the light. The same Light Joan would stare into with such wonder and curiosity. I love what it stands for.

So here I stayed. I don't hate my father, nor my mother. I don't hate my powers. I feel that in those regards I have done no wrong. It is simply what I was given. It was thrust upon me. But the words of my former friend still weigh heavily upon my psyche...

Monster. Murderer.
"I am no saint..."

"But we all have made mistakes we regret. Some more-so than others..."

~ Theme Song ~

~ Voice ~

~ Face Claim ~
Oswald (Odin Sphere)

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Name: Jennifer Blackwood

NIckname: Jenny

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Dark Witch

Sexuality: Bi, leans towards girls

Personality: Jenny is rather sweet and caring, despite her blasphemous arts. She enjoys teaching other witches and warlocks her skills, and learning from them as well. If she has one flaw, it's her tendency to hold a grudge for a very long time. If you wrong her, not even death can save you from her wrath.

Likes: Quiet, graveyards, making potions

Dislikes: Rain, wine.

Height: 5 foot 3

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Fashion: Dark, flowing clothes. Her signature outfit is a black cloak with red lining.

Biography: The Blackwoods are a family with members in many dark covens around the world, so it was no surprise that Jenny grew up around dark magic. Around the age of ten, she discovered a talent for necromancy, something regarded as difficult and unholy, even amongst dark mages. At eighteen, by Blackwood tradition, she was allowed to join any coven she wished, and chose the Dark Coven of London, where she resides as the expert on souls and necromancy.
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Etheria "Ria" Aster
"With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve."

☆═━┈General characteristics┈━═☆

Name: Etheria Aster
Nickname: Ria
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Elemental Fae [Aether]
Affiliation: Light Coven
Sexuality: Demisexual


Loyal, Gentle, Blunt, Carefree, Obedient

✦At a Glance- As an elemental, Ria exudes a soft radiant glow that spreads warmth towards all in the room. With lips upturned into a small smile, and her back ramrod straight and proud as if she could hold the world upon those delicate shoulders, Ria paints a picture of elegance and nobility. Bearing the responsibility of serving the royal family till death, Ria seems to take it all seriously as she never speaks a word of protest; in fact, she never spoke a word at all and always kept her expression calm and composed as if she were calmly analyzing every detail before her. Seeing such a girl, most could only speak words of praise. This is what a royal dog should be.

✦Deeper in- Contradicting people's views of her, Ria has a rather childish nature. While she met all expectation when it came to her devotion, she could be said to be far from intelligent. To make up for this fault, she had become quite an obedient child. If her father said to jump, she would jump. If he said not to speak or smile, she would not speak or smile. This way, the clan had easily hidden this fault away. Ria finds that if she just does as her father says, then everything runs much more smoothly. Although she isn't very bright, she is well aware of this fact and doesn't even try to hide it unless told to otherwise. Being a very simple minded person, Ria isn't one to pick a fight. In fact she avoids most confrontations, preferring to turn the other cheek. While she isn't exactly considered kind, she is gentle and cares for all living things. When free to speak her mind, she is shamelessly blunt and speaks without a care.

Likes: Exploring, Happiness, Warmth, Animals, Food, Clouds

Dislikes: Cold, Anger, Sadness, Pain, Violence, Rain['cause she thinks the sky is sad]

☆═━┈Physical Appearance┈━═☆

"...'tis but a scratch."

Height: 5'4
Hair: White
Eyes: Gold
Distinguishing marks:
Fashion Style: Dresses or shorts and thin shirts that don't effect mobility. Often in light cool colors or plain white. She often wears bandages to cover wounds she gets from training.
Face Claim: Kaine



"The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters."

Born to the head of the elementals and never having known her mother, Ria was raised in a rather strict and cold environment. As the heir, it was only natural for her to be raised into becoming a personal guard for the royal family. After finding she housed the rare aether element, which was considered the divine element, her father was ecstatic at first, thinking that his luck was rather swell. However, he could find little to no sources on how to harness this power, making it rather useless for the most part. It seemed as if Ria would have to learn on her own. Not that this would keep him from helping of course. First and foremost, her father drilled in the unwavering devotion they must have towards the royal family. Having that lesson thrown at her face constantly, Ria quickly learned that there was no other path for her. Since she was a female, it was determined that she was not to marry since emotion was rather frowned upon in their little society. This way, she could only focus on protecting the royal family.

With that said, Ria was trained excessively by her father. At first, there was not a day in which she was not beaten a hair's breadth away from death's door. Luckily for her, it was during these times that she had naturally put her element to use by drawing in the energy to resupply her own and accelerate her healing. After getting the hang of it, Ria told her father who only pushed her farther than before to find her limits. Unlike most wizards and witches that practiced magic, Elemental fae[Specifically those in her family] who were often considered magical existences themselves, trained with various weaponry as well and excelled in close combat. By the time she was nearing her teens, Ria was trained to the point where she could push her father back with the combination of the healing factor from her magic, and her swordsmanship. Although she was already considered a prodigy, she took up dual wielding and eventually became a match for several opponents at once. Seeing this, her father could only sigh in admiration. It was a pity that her intellect wasn't to par.

Following this train of thought, he kept her indoors as much as possible, hoping that she would grow out of it or perhaps bump her head during a training session and suddenly grow a brain. He was naturally let down, but was able to introduce her to magic to a certain extent. As a fire elemental, he originally tried to teach her fire magic in hopes that she could gain some long range attacks. When it was Ria's turn to follow his directions, she would always bring out the light element. Surprised, he attempted to teach her the other elements but it was to no avail, light was all she could cast. Resisting the temptation to smash his head against the wall out of frustration, Ria's father gave up and left her to grow on her own.

Once she was at a level he felt satisfied with, Ria's father allowed her to attend social events with him so that she could see the people she would swear her life to in the future. At these events, she could only watch. So that she wouldn't make a fool out of herself or her family, speaking was prohibited and she was to stay at her father's side the entire time. As a female, the woman she was to protect was the princess herself. Looking upon her at these events always made Ria feel that the princess had an air of melancholy surrounding her. As much as she wished to go to her side and give her a friend to talk to, she was glued to her father's side each time. With such a fate, Ria could only wait for the day she could personally guard her and keep her safe.

That day came a little late as her father worked to push back her coming of age ceremony. Sure, he showed of her skills in battle to put the king's worries to rest, but otherwise, he kept her under the radar, trying to teach her to think more with her brain than her gut. Unfortunately, his time was cut short with the princess' disappearance. No longer able to wait, the king sent her off to find Princess Claudia. Unwilling to tolerate failure, her father sent a tracker with her so that she could not fail in finding the princess. Although she didn't mind the extra company one bit, Ria had her own plans. Recalling the princess' mood in the events before, Ria only vowed to protect the princess before setting off into the unknown.


Theme song:

Font color: Gold #ffd700

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Reactions: ScarletNova


Name: Deverell Rhys
Nickname: Dev
Age: 72, appears in his late 20s
Gender: Male
Race: Dhampir Summoner (can summon creatures, specializes in undead)
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6' 4"
Hair: Black, medium length to roughly below his shoulders, silky
Eyes: Light blue, proof of his human heritage
Distinguishing marks: Scars along his hands and arms, larger ones on his back.
Fashion Style: Tends to wear button up shirts, jeans, and casual shoes. He likes to keep attention away from himself, so doesn't wear anything flashy or interesting.
Face Claim: Credit to Las-T

Personality: Dev is a quiet and rather mysterious gentleman who doesn't speak much. Many don't know of his background, and he prefers them not to ask. Those who know him know he is guarded and doesn't trust easily, but truly does mean the best for everyone. However, most just see him as an asshole. He avoids those he doesn't know that well, and hides behind those he trusts.

He is a macabre fellow, and prefers the dark side of things as opposed to the light. He busies himself with books and music, both listening and playing his own. Once he likes you, you will begin to notice shifts in his personality. He becomes much more playful and domineering, and can easily be the largest personality in the relationship. He will enjoy joking around with people he knows, and can become all smiles and laughter in the right mood.

Many have called him strangely alluring, which he knows is a passive effect of his half vampire state. While he does enjoy the flesh just as much as others, he tends to care more for an individual than many other creatures such as himself. His humanity is not forgotten, and is in fact embraced by him. He thinks of his half-breed status as a blessing rather than a curse, but does not forget the trouble and pain it can bring.
Likes: The dark, blood, classical music, formal wear, reading, Machiavelli, Baroque architecture, playing music, most fruits, wine, storms and rain, Celtic culture, butterflies, sunsets, butterscotch
Dislikes: The light, hard candies, most modern technology, spiders, sunlight, non-melodic music, loud children and loud people in general

Deverell's history is long and full of pain. He was born to a Welsh woman named Eira, Eira Davies, in a Welsh village known as Llanddyfnan, but was mostly raised in Gloucester, England. He never knew his father, nor did Deverell know what his father was, at least not until much later in life. He was raised for the first years of his life in the village. He was homeschooled by his mother, and taught Welsh and English, along with math and geography, and any other subjects necessary to a young boy in the 1950s.

His mother was a kind woman, always caring for him. She knew he was different, because she knew who his father was. A vampire. She could see that Dev was different. His teeth were much sharper than other childrens, he was always thirsty no matter how much water he drank. They soon found that fresh fruits seemed to quench his thirst more than anything else, and he began a diet of fruits and fruit juices. Everything was quite good for the young Deverell, he was the epitome of innocence. He was a sweet child who loved everyone.

Unfortunately, not everyone loved him.

The village was always known for being highly religious, and Eira was not the only person who noticed little Dev was different. Many of the adults noticed, and many scorned him and Eira. He became the freakish child, a demon. He had never hurt anyone in his life, but the people of the village were set in thinking he would become a risk to the others. Despite Eira's protests, they were attempted to be driven out. It was then that the villagers would have their proof. Dev, no older than 9 years old, attacked a villager when they touched his mother. He bit down on the man's arm, draining much of his blood in mere seconds, and killing the man. Action was taken immediately. Eira was taken into custody, locked in an old cellar, while Dev was taken elsewhere. These supposedly civilized people, who had access to the modern world, had turned medieval. It was a witch burning in almost every sense of the word. They took Dev away from his mother, and attempted to "beat the devil" out of the young boy. A cat'o'nine tails was brought to be used on Dev, a common tool for flagellation purposes. He was kept for many weeks under lock and key, being whipped on a nearly daily basis. Local priests were brought in to pray for his soul. By the end of it all, Dev had become compliant and quiet, except underneath the lashings.

Eira, being a clever woman, made her way out of custody during one night, which did make Dev's punishment more severe, them demanding to know where she was. Dev didn't know, and assumed his mother abandoned him. He became despondent, until no more than three days later, his rescue came. It was not mounted on a bright steed, like in the stories, but instead it came through the creeping shadows. A man who looked like him came to him one night, completely silent. Deverell assumed he was there to hurt him more, but to his surprise, the man undid the shackles and carried the bloodied boy out of the barn he was a prisoner in. He took him away from the village, and to his mother, who was staying in yet another village. Dev was to learn that this man was his father, Owain Rhys, a vampire, and that Dev was a Dhampir. Owain was able to get the two residency in Gloucester, away from the solitude of a village, and gave them means of contacting him. He taught Dev many things about how to be a vampire. Dev took these things to mind, but mostly wanted to know how to hide it. Owain left the two again, promising he would come back yearly to see how the two were faring.

Dev continued to be raised in Gloucester, but was changed. Not only did he need to heal from his injuries without going to a hospital, but trauma clouded his mind. No longer was he the sweet child who wanted to be friends with everyone. He kept his nose in a book, and rarely left the house. His mother continued to homeschool, as she didn't need to work because of Owain's help, and Dev grew up without many friends. He began to notice his slowed aging when he was in his teens. His body was still mostly adolescent, while others his age were getting taller and growing. When other 18 year olds were adults, he still appeared to be just entering adolescence. It wasn't until he was in his late 20s did his body begin to look adult. His mind matured normally, however, and he was mentally an adult long before he looked it. When his body finally caught up with adulthood, his mind seemed to slow aging as well, and despite all these years, he has not gained dementia or a slow mind like others.

His mother died when he was 45 years old, due to cancer. His father appeared when she was on her death bed, and the two watched her die as peacefully as possible. It was at this point that his father pointed him to Blackmore, where he could learn more about himself. Considering he had nothing else in his life, Dev went there to study. He became fond of summoning magics, and also learned a few tricks from the witches and wizards who studied there as well. He has been a part of that coven for over two decades, and is coming upon his third shortly. He knows many of the people who are residents of the castle, though they are mostly just acquaintances. He still stays in a corner to himself, his nose in a book, or his fingers on some instrument, not really noticing the passage of time. On occasions, his father still comes to visit him at the castle, and those days are some of his happiest.
Biological Family:
Eira Davies (mother, deceased)
Owain Rhys (father, alive technically)
Significant Other: None

Favorite Food: Strawberries and Peaches
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Song: My Freedom- Two Steps from Hell
Favorite Animal: Snakes
Voice: Moderately deep, but soft and gentle
Pets: None, he doesn't believe in keeping animals
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Reactions: ScarletNova
Kai Reid

[glow=#000000]"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."[/glow]

✠×××┈General characteristics┈×××✠

Name: Kai .C. Reid
Nickname: Hunter
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Dhampir Magus
Affiliation: Light Coven
Sexuality: Bisexual


Honest, Stern, Capricious, Conscientious, Hypocritical

✦At a Glance- Kai is seen as a rather stiff and tight lipped person. He takes upon every task with unparalleled diligence and hardly ever bothers speaking a word to explain his actions, seemingly above it. To most, he is simply a mysterious figure who comes and goes like a phantom. Since he lets no one near, dark rumors have spread to fill in the blanks which leads to people becoming wary of him. However, seeing as how he doesn't mistreat people and is rather honest and upright, people will still sing praises.. from a reasonable distance of course.

✦Deeper in- Long having gotten used to the solitude, Kai is rather relaxed for the most part. He feels it is his duty to protect the people from the dark coven, knowing all too well how frightening the dark side can be. With a spirit wolf, Sarai, by his side to keep him in line, he can only chase them off. However, if she wasn't, he would go off on his own and sentence all unholy creatures to death. In his eyes, the darkness is a dangerous entity which he fears will one day consume the peaceful world they live in. They are not beings worthy of mercy.

Likes: Honesty and uprightness, Snow, Nature, Reading, Learning, Training

Dislikes: Darkness, Liars, Alcohol, Tears, Blood

Phobias: Achluophobia- Fear of darkness, Monophobia-Fear of being alone[In this case, not sensing Sarai nearby]

✠×××┈Physical Appearance┈×××✠

Height: 6'2
Hair: Brown, Burgundy from the neck down
Eyes: Gold
Distinguishing marks: Defensive dragon Tattoo that coils restlessly around his body, never staying in one spot
Fashion Style: White t-shirt and a pair of slacks. He's usually sloppy and looks pretty casual no matter how formal his clothing choices are.
Face Claim: Ookurikara


"The light of my future is dimming because of my childish love. The venom of my ambition, I sharpened my knife every day but because of my uncontrollable greed, my knife became dull"

As a young boy, Kai was rather clingy. He would follow his mother around like a little duckling, never leaving her side as if he feared she'd disappear. Now, his mother was a cold woman; a blacksmith who lived on the outskirts of the city with only her son for company. Most days she would treat him as air, pretending he didn't exist and often forgetting to feed him. The moment he was old enough understand how to feed himself, he took care of the task, not wanting to upset her. Days slowly passed by back then. He would get up and feed himself and his mother before settling beside her, watching her craft weapons for a living. Although she explained nothing, he'd learn this way slowly yet dutifully with sparkling eyes full of interest. When she went out to sell the weapons, she'd leave him behind as if there was something she didn't wish for him to see. At these times, he practiced his forging skills on his own. At these moments, he learned how to conjure fire and focused on using it to aid him.

One day, she returned early to find her son working on a short sword. In a fit of rage, she pushed him aside and scolded him for wasting materials. However, upon looking at his product, she found that he possessed some talent. From that day on, she began to teach him in earnest, treating him much better than before. Soon enough, he pushed beyond even her skills and was soon the money maker of the two. Happy to support his mother, Kai dutifully spent his days forging away restlessly.

Once again the days passed on peacefully. He trained with his finely crafted weapons and broadened his magical knowledge with books he bought for himself, always looking for praise from his mother. Unexpectedly, he received her hatred instead. As he was completely unaware of who his father was, he never could have expected that upon the sight of his mother's blood, his thirst would awaken. He never would have expected to lack self control as he feasted upon her. While he immersed himself in the intoxicating scent, he never would have expected his mother to remain still and allow it to happen. Moreover, he would not expected that she would grin and confess to him his origins. He was a Dhampir. His father, a vampire. Every time she had left to sell her products, he would find her. Alone, unwilling, yet tempted. She admitted that at some point, she found it much more appealing than returning home to find the results of such meetings waiting for her. She had never thought of him as a son. She loathed his existence to the fullest. The only reason for teaching him to forge was so that he would have something to end his life with.

"Why is it so cold?"

Every word she spoke, brought him deeper and deeper into despair. As she grew colder and colder, he grew even more afraid. Although she had left him alone many times and had loathed him all of this time, he was unwilling to let her go. Kai found that he didn't want to be alone. He seemed to half expect this to all be a dream or that she would suddenly open her eyes and take it all back. Inside, he began to curse himself and his father for bringing him to this world. For hurting his mother. If it weren't for Sarai's spontaneous appearance upon her death, Kai would have dutifully ended himself there and then ever so unwilling to part with his mother. After convincing him to spare himself, Sarai led him as if he were own child, lovingly scolding him and giving him the affection he never received. With her as a guide, he set his eyes on the dark coven, swearing to eradicate them once he was strong enough. From then on, he no longer used his sword or magic on dummies but on the bold rejects of the dark coven that sought out trouble for themselves by imposing on the lives of innocents. He became the hunter of beings no different from himself. He might not have killed them outright, but by capturing them and delivering them to the light coven, he sentenced these beings to death, feeling not a single trace of guilt.

Seeing these pitiful beings reminded him of himself; of his weakness, of his thirst. Because of this Kai chose to maintain the distance he had always had with people around him, not wanting to risk exposing himself. Like this, days continued to pass, albeit slower than before. Strangely enough, the royal dog came up to him and offered him a task. Unlike the others, this task was not to capture these beings, but the princess herself.


Theme song:
Akdong Musician(AKMU)

WINGS Boy Meets Evil

Pet: Sarai
Sarai is a white wolf spirit that can communicate with Kai telepathically. After Kai's mother's death, she has always been by his side. Although he considers her as a pet or friend of sorts, she considers herself his guardian and is one of the few he actually listens to. She is capable of going through walls but doesn't leave his side for long.

Font color: Orange Red #FF4500
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"Very well..."


Height: 6'1 | Hair: Green | Eyes: Gold | Age: 28 | Gender: Female
"I suppose it's in the job description..."

~ Nickname ~

~ Race ~
Dark Elf

~ Sexuality ~

~ Likes ~

Her Work (Surprisingly)
Romance Novels A Good Book
Junk Food

~ Dislikes ~
Unkept Rooms
Faulty "Help"
People not following her instructions (She's a professional)

"Yes, yes, just hand it off to me. I haven't anything better to do."

~ Personality ~
Faln is always shuffling her way around the castle. She is short, sharp and a little aggressive. On the rare occasion where she does leave the building, it is usually to buy groceries, and other important chores. Faln always seems exasperated(mostly due to the sheer amount of work she gives herself). She speaks in a way that would make people believe she was upset or disappointed with them, but it's really just how she is. After all, she is older than most of them. But when she does give advice, it's what you need to hear. Not what you want to hear. She's from the school of hard knocks. While she isn't short-tempered, she can be a little aggressive, especially when angered. But Faln does care for the people around her. She feels lonely, as she could never find her way back home.

~ History ~
Falnwell was a member of the Dark Elves, a tribe of humanoids still closely connected to the Fey that they lived alongside. Deep within the forests of Blackmore, Faln's tribe lived off the land. They were quiet and peaceful, acting as guardians to the woods. Unseelie fey occasionally caused havoc, but it wasn't too bad. So long as the children never strayed too far from the village alone.

Well one day, Faln, and a group of her friends wanted to see who was the bravest of them all. Faln was the underdog. Everyone had counted her out before it had begun, and she was ready to prove them wrong. This time, she would be the bravest. And the most foolish. They all began venturing into the woods late in the night. The woods were dark, and still. The occasional brush of the leaves and snap of a twig always put them on edge. Slowly, one by one, they all turned back. Until it was only Faln remaining.

Eventually she curled up beneath a tree and closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep. When she awoke, she was in the forest, but it seemed... Colorful. It was still dark out, but there were bright green lights floating about, luminescent mushrooms and tiny fey fluttering around with tiny wings. It was beautiful. She wandered around but after a while she wanted to go home. She walked back to where her home would be ususally, but in it's stead was a tiny village with people no bigger than her hand. She asked them which way to go home. They laughed and giggled, saying it was this way and that. She ran off, wondering what to do.

So she sat there for a two days, crying into her knees, afraid and alone. Wanting to go home. She was fortunate that at that time, a court wizard from Blackmore castle was looking for rare alchemical ingredients. He took her and told her that she was in a different world. One parallel to their own. He could take her back. And so he did, using his black magic to pull them back to their own world.

But time had moved differently for her in that world. Those two days that she was gone had become 50 years in the real world. When she ran back to her village, all her friends were much much older. Many had families, and some had left on long expeditions. Her mother and father were old now. They had long since healed from the pain of losing their daughter. Faln walked into her old home, searching for them. They looked at her and tears welled up in their eyes. Faln was happy to see them, but it all felt so different. She felt out of place. Like she didn't belong here any more. Her parents were much older now. They couldn't possibly take care of her at their age. All her friends were old now. She didn't know anyone now. She left for Blackmore, looking for the man who rescued her. There she became a maid at a young age, and there she has remained, becoming the head of the help.


~ Theme Song ~

~ Voice ~

~ Face Claim ~

Maerwen (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny)

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Humanoid Demonic Form​

Name: Amh'uer Volethrulbh
Nickname: Known to mortals as Eshira
Age: unknown
Gender: Appears primarily female
Race: Demon (she fools many into thinking she is a succubus)
Sexuality: Omnisexual


Human Glamour​
Height: 5' 6" (human glamour); 6'2" (humanoid demon form); 9' (full demonic)
Hair: Her hair remains brown through her humanoid transformations, and goes black in her full demonic form.
Eyes: Light brown in her humanoid forms, vibrant electric green in her full demonic form.
Distinguishing marks: None in her glamour, some various demonic markings and horns in her humanoid demon form, an extra set of arms in her full demonic form.
Fashion Style: Eshira likes to wear revealing clothing, as she feels people trust her more when she's sexy. She enjoys crop tops and shorts, mini skirts and bikini tops, really anything to attract those around her. She is basically nude in her humanoid demon form.

Personality: Eshira masquerades as a softspoken woman. She pretends to have a voracious sexual appetite, and the desire to help those in the coven to the best of her abilities. She also hides just how powerful she is by simply pretending to be a succubus. She hides her intentions behind a facade of kindness, which is often seen as strange for a demon.

Eshira takes what she wants, and no one tells her any different. She is almost a teacher of sorts, and seems more than happy to let the witches and wizards blast away at her with magic or try new spells on her. She seems to feel little to no pain. If the people of the coven need a sexual release, she is also there to help. She seems to be more than willing to take on the strangest and most bizarre of desires.

Of course, behind every woman, there's always another woman. Eshira is not a succubus, and is in fact a rather powerful demon. The witches and wizards can keep blasting spells at her because of her power. She wants to see the dark coven succeed in power and take over the light coven, if only just to entertain herself for a few decades. She has a hand in activities around the castle, and uses her power just enough to keep things interesting. She keeps herself the fly on the wall, and learns information easily because people trusting her. She takes pride in crediting herself as the backbone of the castle, and might just get angry if you tell her anything else.
Likes: Seduction, ruining lives, teasing, fire, heat, power, destruction, flowers, chocolate, oranges, sex
Dislikes: The light coven, anything too happy or cheery, pink, angels, heaven, cold

Eshira was never born, she was created. She has no biological family because of that. She can't remember how old she is, nor can she remember many things throughout her timeline. Much of her history is lost to the ages.

What she does remember, however, is coming to Blackmore at the behest of her master Engig'dhrih. She was to support the dark coven in any ways she could, protecting the members and teaching them demonic magic. Wanting to destroy the light coven was her idea only, but her master is not opposed. She has been at Blackmore for decades, and has become a very well known figure on the grounds for testing both magical and physical vitality on, as well as sexual vitality.

Many have asked why she does this so willingly, and she would simply respond it was her master's wish. However, the true reason she does this is all of the energy that is thrown at her daily. Aggression, lust, magic, these all serve to fuel her. She is becoming more powerful by the day, and intends to return to the underworld, and take the power for herself to become Ruler over all demons. If her master realizes this, he has made no motion to stop her. She has been at Blackmore long enough that people giver her essentially free reign over the grounds, and she can go pretty much wherever she pleases, except forbidden areas. Not like anyone could stop her if she wanted to.
Biological Family: None
Significant Other: None


Full Demonic Form​
Favorite Food: Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song: Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift
Favorite Animal: Birds
Voice: Akin to Gwendoline Yeo, but slightly higher.
Pets: Unless you count all the humans she has at her beck and call, none.
General characteristics

Name: Simon Methuselah
(Simon meaning "listen", Methuselah meaning "His death will bring judgement")
Nickname: Rumors of him, and his works, refer to him as "The Shadow"
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Affiliation: Dark Coven


Personality: Internally angry/angsty. Despises and looks down on society. Outwardly calm. Doesn't speak much. Prefers to lurk in the shadows, rather being seen the the open.
Likes: The Dark, lurking in the shadows, being unseen.
Dislikes: Light, Open Spaces, Not being able to hide. Fighting face to face.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5 Feet, 4 Inches
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Fashion Style: Dark blue-black. Light cloth, not metal asides from his knives.
Face: Almost always covered by a mask and hood, only his eyes and forehead is revealed.



Of Face (Ignore magical markings)


Carries 3 daggers. Two are strapped to his belt, for easy access. These blades are 7 inches long. Another is concealed on a hidden pocket near his heart. This blade is 4 inches long.

He also carries two vials of poison with him, also attached to his belt inside a small pouch/holster (like one you would expect to find a folding knife). One is a slow, but non-lethal poison. It causes great amounts of pain and nausea, and can last several hours. Simon has built up an immunity to this poison.

The second is a fast-acting and lethal. It slows down the body until the heart can no longer pump blood fast enough to keep alive. The death appears painless, and oddly calming. Humans, including Simon, cannot build an immunity to this poison. However it must make direct contact with the circulatory system. (Meaning drinking or touching it is safe so long as it doesn't touch any cuts).


Simon uses magic as a method to help hide in the darkness. He can use two arua-like spells. The first helps darkness surround and cover him like a cloak. The more light present, the less effective this is. The other muffles sounds created by movement, like his footsteps. It would take a very keen ear to hear him coming.


They called me an outcast, a child, a street rat, a beggar... I was looked down on by society as they carried on with their life, going to their jobs, worshipping their light…
The light… They say the light protects, they say that the light heals… But where was the light when children wander the streets alone? Where is the light when good people die from unknown illnesses?

Where is the light when people kill, steal and destroy?
And Where is the light when I slit their throats?

In the absence of light, there is Darkness. And I am it's shadow.


Simon was born into poverty. His clothing looked like rags, his body with was very thin. He never met his father, as he lived in run-down apartment with his mother, Paige. Paige always did the best she could however times were hard. Still she loved her son and always did everything she could to provide for him. At this time, even though Simon was young, he was happy.

But the world is a cruel, and unforgiving place. It wasn't long before the illness fell upon Paige. To pay for the medicine Simon resorted to begging on the streets, however most people just ignored him. Some days he would stay out from sunrise to sunset and only calm home with small amounts of change. It wasn't long before Paige passed away in her sleep.

Unable to pay rent or buy food Simon was forced to live on the streets. He would eat whatever scraps he could find and sleep wherever he could lay his head. He was largely ignored by society, seen as more of a nuisance than a human.

All the while hatred built inside Simon's heart, and it wasn't long before members of the dark coven took an interest in him. They fed him, gave him food and water. All the while they told him about the evils of the world and how cruel the light really is. Under these conditions his hate, and his disdain for society flourished. Once he was strong enough, the coven trained him to one of their best assassins. Once again he returned to the streets. But this time he returned with a spirit full of vengeance.

Theme song:
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General Characteristics


Valerie Chambers

The Goatherd





Dark Witch

Dark Coven



Valerie's personality is an ambiguous one. For the most part she is an enigma: a mysterious and secretive woman who's quite charming and likes to watch the people around her or her surroundings. But, this masks her dark and sanguinary side-- a ruthless, impatient and calculating woman who has little, if any, problems in using others for her or her friends ends. She will resort to mishievous and playful methods just so she can get whatever she wants.

To those who she really cares for, she is quite sweet and caring. She is extremely loyal too and affectionate. She's willing to do everything for family.

Flowers | tea | cats

Rude people | liars | dogs

Physical Appearance


Used to be long blonde hair

Sky blue

Distinguishing marks:

Fashion Style:
Her normal attire out of coven consists of a mesh shirt, black bikini, denim jeans and black flats

Face Claim:
Original character by Mijin Jeon


There was a point in time when Valerie was happy. Her mother was a High Priestess who fell in love with a normal man. They were a happy family up until her father couldn't take it anymore. Ever since she was a child, she attracted spirits both good and bad, but mostly bad due to her dark magic. Soon, her father couldn't kept the spirits away in thought the spirits will hurt their family and decided to run away with her brother. After that, mother became stressed due to heartbreak and the loss of her son with the amalgamations that she tried to kill Valerie but soon let go of her daughter's throat. Instead, her mother left her the only way she could and killed herself.

Valerie was moved from house to house, until a coven found her and adopted her. The coven trained her and her speciality became curses and breaking them

P.S. My internet is so slow so I don't know if it works. If it doesn't, here's the attachement.


  • 2017-10-14 10.06.14 1.jpg
    2017-10-14 10.06.14 1.jpg
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"Stoke the Forge."

  • Name:
    Thomas Solomon Castor

    The Blacksmith Magi





  • Personality:
    Thomas is a humble figure, who takes pride in his service to others. He also has a strong sense of justice, which guides his actions.

    Heroism | Reading | Metallurgy | Swordcraft | Runecraft


    Pickles | Fae | Injustice | Desecration | Bullies​

  • Height:



    Distinguishing Marks:
    A scar on his chest, matching a similar one on his back.

    Fashion Style:

    Thomas is a humbly dressed wizard and certainly an unconventional looking one. His longcoat was once of fine make, but is worn and several years out of fashion. His boots are dusty, his clothing are chosen for comfort above all. But while worn out and shabby, he radiates a quiet dignity that more than makes up for it.

    Face Claim:
    Charles Henri-Sanson(Fate Grand Order)​

  • Voice:
    Richard Armitage

    Theme song:

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>General characteristics<
Arion Gray
Ari (Most Common) The Good Wolf (Guard Name) Lucas Fields (Fake Name)
Light Witch

(But he doesn't know this)


Personality: Most prominent to Ari's personality is an inherit faith in humanity. Ari is someone who truly believes that all people, even darklings, can be saved if only they turn towards the light. Although his religious zeal and devotion to the Pale Mother often annoy others and at times make him naive, Ari is not a hypocritical follower of his faith but instead a whole hearted believer. Ari is someone who wears his faith on his sleeve, but he tries not to push it onto those who do not want it as he believes this is counter to the will of the Pale Mother. That said, worship of the Pale mother IS a Light Coven based religion (although not mainstream) and Ari does maintain a certain bias against dark creatures.

In his day to day life, Ari is outgoing, thoughtful, and almost overly polite. He seeks out ways to help others and form connections with those whom are outsiders. Ari maintains a sense of wonder about the world. He enjoys adventuring and meeting new people. Ari is intelligent, but often black and white in his thinking. He gets no joy from cureltly but he is not afraid to serve harsh justice if that is a need. A masterful guard and solider, Ari is usually very aware of his environment.

The Ocean :: Horses :: Sweets :: Meeting New People :: Training

Dark Magic :: Demons :: Cats (allergic) :: Being wet/cold

>Physical Appearance<

Distinguishing marks:
Two long scars over his shoulder blades, like wing marks
Moon phase tattoo running down spine
Light Coven Sigil Tattoo Over Heart
Fashion Style:
Most of the time, Ari simply wears his uniform. When not on duty he wears simple, casual clothes in light colors. When traveling, Ari tries to blend in with the locals and is generally very good at it.
Ari doesn't remember much before he was about 10 years old, though in his dreams sometimes he dreams of a grand castle, a womans terrified face, and a sort of agonizing falling that even 18 years later wakes him up in a cold sweat. He does remember hunger. He remembers terrifying nights with his young sisters huddled close. He remembers the rain and the cold. And then, some days or weeks later, he remembers Aaric's kind face and being brought into the warmth of his home.

Presumably an orphan, Ari does not know the identity of his parents but considers Aaric and his wife Faun to be his family. He has two sisters who have been with him since the "before times" Diany, who is currently 24 and Eva who is currently 20. Aaric, a large, booming man with kind eyes behind a thick beard was at that time, and currently, the leader among the Light King's personal guard. Aaric and Fauna had never been able to have children of their own, and so the addition of Ari and his siblings (along with other stray children) were welcome and treated as family. Wanting to emulate Aaric in all ways, Ari studied hard to become a member of the Kings Guard and at age 16 was the youngest member ever to gain his full ranks. Although he never had the knack for broad range magic that his sisters did, Ari became skilled in battle magic and a strong fighter to boot.

Additionally, something Ari picked up from Aaric and Fauna was their worship of the Pale Mother. A lunar cult, those who worship the pale mother worship the moon. It's an old religion common to light witches and other magickers, but one that has recently fallen out of favor with magical beings. Followers of the Pale Mother are often called "Wolves" and in modern times are sometimes thought to be stupid or old fashioned. That said, worshipers of the Pale Mother are in general more tolerant of other races and witches than the current Light Coven administration though they do hope for them to turn from their darkling ways.

When he was 18, Ari was given his most important assignment. Along with six others, he was tasked with protecting the Light Princess. Although they rarely, if ever, interacted Ari has watched the light princess for several years. Although he feels very conflicted about the King and Queen's treatment of her, he does view her as a struggling soul in need of the light. After she ran off, Ari, along with several of Claudia's other guards were banished from the light coven. He hopes that by finding the princess and returning her, he can see his family again.

Theme song:
I suppose Bastion would be considered a pet.....​
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Izor Girius
Nickname: z
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Magician
Sexuality: Demisexual
Pet: Snail
He loves to wear his cloak with it's hood up. He enjoys more plain clothing with a simple long sleeved shirt and pants. His boots and gloves are in case theres any spills from his potions when he's working. When traveling he has his backpack with all the supplies that he has on him in it. He has a belt that several potions hang off of as well as a small pouch to hold cards.
He can be an odd one to talk to. He will ramble on and on about his findings or cards/scrolls/potions/books of spells he had made. He's delighted when anyone takes an interest in his study and will eagerly listen to others about theres. He often like to takes notes on others in his journal which he is very defensive about. He often likes to try and get others height, eating habit, sleeping habit, and other such information so that he can record it as if it was an experiment. Even if he has no use of the information. He's often smiling and if it's quiet he hums, whistles, or start fidgeting.

Sometimes he has a hard time picking up on social cues and can read a situation much different than the normal intention which can lead to confusion or annoyance. From the years of using himself for his experiments he sometimes can't separate reality from the images he's seen from his experiments. He'll sometimes talk to a table thinking it's a person, or answer a question that was never asked. These don't happen often but if questioned if he's stable he will gladly tell you he's completely fine and there's nothing wrong with him. Even with evidence to prove otherwise he'll brush it off.

Making progress on his research
Getting information on things he's interested in
Having people show interest in his work or getting to see others work
Tiny hats for snails


Failed experiments that gives him no clue what went wrong
Being told he shouldn't do one of his experiments on himself
His snail friend getting hurt
Being called v

Height: 5'5"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing marks:
His left cheek and slightly under his jaw is burned

He grew up in amazement at magic and always wanted to cast spells. He turned to cards, scrolls, potions, and books for him to be able to cast magic or get the desired effects. He was only taught briefly some healing potions and soon found a teacher for illusion magic. This is the magic he experimented in the most. In one of his experiments he tries to make actual fire through his illusion scrolls. It backfired and while the fire seemed to not be real it will burned his left cheek and slightly under his chin from the magic outburst. After that he decided to not dabble in any other magic than the ones he was taught to him. Of course through his experiments he needed someone to use the scrolls and such on.

He decided to use himself which made him become a bit distant from reality as being subjected to a lot of illusion magic he can't always distinguish what is there and what isn't. He likes to travel to collect ingredients and get ideas for his illusion magic. He recently started to try and make a book to allow him cast a rather convincing human illusion but it's far from completed. Along one of his journeys he picked up a snail and will claim that the snail saved his life. The snail however doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

Since then he's been trying to find a good place to settle down and continue his studies without people getting angry at him or chasing him away. So far luck isn't on his side and he's constantly getting lost in towns. He's trying to get directions to anywhere that'd be fine with him staying there.

Magician magic:
Cards: A card, the users blood, and some item to attach to it can cast something small but unable to interact with the world or do things on its own. Must give simple commands.

Scrolls: better than cards but required more items depending on the spell, the illusion is more convincing and can seem to be interacting with the world for whoever it's made to fool. Can give a bit more complex commands but it's still an illusion and won't effect anything, just make it look like it is.

Books: Written by the user it takes a long while of research and failures to try to complete it. It can only conjure the illusion but the illusion looks real, even seemingly breathing. It's voice will get louder or quieter depending on the person position and also can reflect the tone the user wishes it to use. It can't physically interact with anything but can stay up for a good while to convince someone it is happening, even a weak willed person could think they are holding their hand or that the cat is being held. Of course other people don't see what the person does.

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>General characteristics<
Tiresias like the prophet.
Tiresias Lafayette.

Ty, Little Terror, LT.


Couldn't you tell from the bone structure?

You got a bone to pick with me?
Magical Skeleton.

Meh. Meh? Bisexual asexual, so, yeah, meh.


I've been called trouble.
Tiresias is cunning, a quick thinker, and his boredom is dangerous for anyone in the castle. He is a magical scientist that enjoys figuring out why casting times and magical ability vary widely from person to person and from species to species. When he isn't observing and recording different forms of magic, he watches people and tries to figure out what makes them tick. He sets up experiments when he gets bored, designed to test what people are afraid of. Leave him alone and bored for a day and the castle could very well prove to be haunted by a skeleton and his army of illusions.

He's a very relaxed guy when he isn't ignoring his own health and going on week long binges of pure production and scientific study and subsequently crashing under his desk in the lab. While he is polite, friendly, and all that other crap, he doesn't trust people farther than he can throw them. And considering that he's a caffeine fueled heap of nerdy bones without much in the way of muscles, throwing people just isn't his forte. Maybe a half carry, half drag, but throwing? Nope.

His humor is terrible. So terrible that people can't help but snort and roll their eyes. His jokes are bad and he knows it, and everyone knows it too, he can't help but laugh and they can't help but laugh and it's funny as hell.

Telling bad jokes, studying the nature of magic, figuring out people, playing semi harmless pranks that totally don't scare the people he lives with.

Rudeness, cursing, waiting in line, physical contact, being questioned.

>Physical Appearance<

The jokes always come up short.

I think this paperwork is biased.

Eyelights, thank you very much.
The left is multicolored, glowing blue in the center with a light purple ring, while the right glows a calm white. The size of them and their amount of glow depends on his mood. Sometimes they black out entirely, but you really shouldn't stick around when it happens.

Distinguishing marks:
This is starting to seem incriminating.
One of his secondary front teeth is chipped, and there is a crack in the malleable bones that make up his lips in that area as well.

Fashion Style:
Tacky. He knows it is. But he finds it funny as hell. While he's seldom seen without his pinkish purplish that darkens to black at the bottom fur lined jacket, he's been known to wear white Hawaiian tees with pink palm trees or purple and blue sailboats, paired with black cargo pants or even pajama bottoms. But whatever he wears is guaranteed to have hidden pockets everywhere. On special occasions he dons a suit jacket and a black tshirt with a skeleton print on it, along with a clip on pink bow tie.


You're gonna end up finding out anyways, right?

Tiresias came from a strong, well-off family. His dad, Tiberius Lafayette, was a lead researcher in the study of magic efficiency, and a highly skilled portal caster. Mamma Faye was everything and more. She worked as an advisor for a bunch of big companies, using her psychic abilities to keep everything running smoothly. One of the big things that she told him when he was a kid, other than 'don't even think about pranking your father', was never to abuse his gifts.

Other gems of wisdom were shared as well. Do no harm. Stay humble. Give respect and get respect in return. Of course, they'd lived in a small town that was mostly made up of magical skeletons back then. Dad took a portal to the city for work every single morning at six and came home during the wee hours of the morning. Tiresias tried to stay up for him a few times, but it ultimately ended in failure. Mamma left for thecommute at nine and was back home by seven at the latest. Then, about when he turned ten, Mamma stopped going to work.

She said that she'd worked long enough. He didn't have to read her mind to know that she was lying. Over the course of the year, her bones started to turn slightly grey, and her eyelights began to dim out. Moving around the house became an effort for her. Then one day, her eyelights went out and she fell down.

She, uh, didn't get back up.

Tiresias moved to the city with his dad after her funeral. Culture shock was an understatement. People gave him weird looks when he walked to school that first day, muttering and whispering about a skeleton running around in the streets. The police officers he passed even looked at him weird. Were his eyelights dim enough that they thought he was an undead? Did they even know how to tell the difference? He hadn't seen any other magical skeleton on the streets, maybe dad and him were the only ones who actually lived in the city? Were magical skeletons considered a minority? Stars, he just wanted to be home with Mamma.

Things didn't get better at school. When he was walking home, he got jumped by some of the bigger kids. One of them chipped his tooth, and when he hit the ground the others started kicking at him. They scattered when a cop showed up to break up the fight. The cop was nice, didn't get spooked by the skeleton. Just a kind soul looking out for a kid in bad shape. He must've taken a pretty good hit to the skull, because after that he didn't hear Mamma's voice in the back of his head telling him to be good. Something a bit more than bone snapped that day.

He hit the books hard. Started skipping grades because he just didn't want to be there anymore. Casted an illusion around himself so that he could pull out his phone and google answers he didn't know on tests. He started pranking the people who gave him weird looks, learned to be quick to not get hit. Evolved into the stupidly smart class clown and troublemaker. He tapped into his fonts hard, figured out how to scare off the people that he couldn't stand up to in a fight.

His dad took off of work in order to attend his graduation. Turns out becoming an evil genius is enough to get noticed by the guy who was supposed to take care of you. Tiresias couldn't hold it against him, Mamma didn't exactly leave a manual on how to take care of the son that they called Little Terror for the early half of his life. What she did leave was a hand stitched jacket with the family badge shining on the front, with a note that always makes him cry when he reads it.

He started working at his dad's lab while he also went to college. No pranking during science time. The two of them got along better when they were casually conversing in scientific terms. While Tiresias was out taking a final, something went wrong at the lab. A portal became unstable, dad got hit by one of the impulses and cracked his skull open against the metal wall he was thrown against. Death was instant.

Tiresias was left to pick up the pieces. Started working full time at the lab translating a lot of his dad's theoretical work to the lab assistants, since no one except him could make out his dad's terrible handwriting. Then he hit his fuck it point, took a day off, and went to volunteer at an animal shelter.

Then the parrot incident happened.

All it took was a parrot to tell him that he was being a lonely fucking idiot for him to take Steve the parrot home to the apartment. Then the parrot said he didn't look happy, said that home was supposed to be happy, and kept asking why this was home. The skeleton realized he didn't have a good answer for that. And that was how Steve the potty mouthed parrot convinced him to move to a new country and go live in a castle where he can study magic up close and personal and just be happy again.

Nolan North as Nathan Drake.

Theme song:

The potty mouth that's throwing a tantrum in the corner.
An African Grey Parrot named Steve. It handles the fowl language for him and has a habit of questioning his scientific rationale.


Tiresias deals in illusions, and has a strong talent for it. Mind tricks and slight of hand is subpar to what he can do when he puts his mind to it. Auditory hallucinations? Thought you saw something move? Something just crawled up your leg? Chill running up your spine?

Human Illusion Form:
When he doesn't want to gain attention, he conjures up an illusion around himself, giving him a human-enough appearance. He can also conjure up the illusion of physical contact if someone were to touch this form.
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  • Name:

    People and history called her The White Tiger Demon or Tigress

    She looks about 18 but she's old enough to not even remember her real age




  • Personality:
    At first glance Luna is a friendly, playful, cat-like demon. She's upbeat and clingy to the people she likes hanging around with. However, even though some of the things she does might seem childish at times, the girl has another completely different side of her that she hides away from mostly everyone. She's been around for a long time, dealt with a lot of pain, and is still a demon. In some ways the emotions she makes on a daily basis might be fake, as on her own she doesn't show much emotion at all. She has a darker side of her but prefers to keep good and evil in balance as she had seen a lot of destruction caused by their constant feud.

    - Milk
    - The colors purple and blue
    - Sweets
    - Nature

    - Sometimes humans
    - Spicy food
    - Turning into a monster again

  • Height:

    Black and White

    Orange yellow

    Distinguishing marks:
    Tiger tail and fangs

    Fashion Style:
    Luna tends to wear Chinese dresses or similar types of clothing. She usually always has some hair in two buns on the top of her head.

    Face Claim:
    Haku from Puzzle and Dragons

  • Luna has no idea how she came about in the world. She has no memories of any kind of parents or anyone taking care of her when she was young. Ever since she could remember she has been alone and has long ago given up on finding out how she really came about in this world.

    Thus she grew up on her own, teaching herself, reading it, copying others, or any other way she could learn something without having someone there to actually teach her. The one thing Luna knew for certain was what she was, a demon. In the world of the humans, she was an outcast and out of fear of what she was, those humans treated her poorly. They left her to starve or die in the cold, even physically abused her when they wanted to.

    She grew tired of the pain she felt caused by these humans and knowing she had much more power than them, became more demon-like to survive. She grew to hate the humans and as she grew older she used her power to scare them enough that their fear caused them to cower under her. She became a powerful, feared demon who caused the humans as much pain as they had caused her.

    But after many years of causing the same pain she felt on others, she realized that it was making her no better than the ones who treated her poorly. She had turned into something terrible, the very reason they had treated her like they did in the first place. She was being a stereotypical demon. She decided to change her ways and disappeared in history for a long time.

    She returned many years later after her name was mostly forgotten and found a new home at Blackmore Castle. There she is attempting to change and somehow make up for some of the pain she has caused. After witnessing much of history, some that others know and some that others don't, she has grown to prefer to keep the balance between darkness and light in the world and tries to keep herself from falling back into the madness again.

  • Voice:
    Luci Christian

    Theme song:
    When the lights are down by Kamelot


Name: Vielyn Argith
Nickname: Vi
Age: 142
Gender: Male
Race: Drow/Dark Elf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5' 10"
Hair: Stark white, past his waist, surprisingly soft
Eyes: Dark red, basically black
Distinguishing marks: Scars along his neck.
Fashion Style: Likes to wear simplistic clothing, usually button up tops and slacks. Never wears much bright color, preferring to wear more muted colors.
Personality: Vi is rather quiet, but not overly shy. He stays quiet for the mere fact that he was beaten as a child when he spoke up. Coming from a matriarchal society where boys were usually punished for straying too far from their gender role, he learned at a young age that women were more important than him. Especially his mother.

When one gets to know Vi, he's a very kind person, unlike the vast majority of his kind. While other boys were flitting around, preparing to one day be chosen by a woman to either marry or be part of a harem, Vi studied. He wanted to learn more about the arcane and its mysteries, a job that was not welcome to men. Due to this, he has gained a rather curious nature.

Vielyn is a rather jovial person when not fearing for his life. He likes to smile and joke around, and isn't an incredibly dark person despite his appearance. He enjoys life as best as he can, now free from the confines of his own society, but still suffering from the memory.
Likes: Reading, studying, arcane magics, new foods, spiders, moonlight, flowers, art, writing, his sister.
Dislikes: Bright light, religious people, blood, loud women, fire, cats, dogs.
Vielyn was born to a female Drow, and was immediately cast away because of his sex. He was the first born to his mother, and she saw him as a curse. According to Drow culture, a male first born is a hex upon you and your house. She let her husband take care of him, because of him begging to not kill the boy. Vi's father raised him, teaching him about art and music. Vi never spoke much with his mother or his other siblings. After he was born, the rest of his siblings were girls, and the girls were forbidden to speak with him.

For his entire childhood, Vi was a servant unto his mother and sisters, just as his father was. His father began to groom him to become a good husband, but the lessons never stuck. He was lonely and wanted friends, but no other boys were being born in the family. It wasn't until he was becoming a young man that he finally befriended someone rather unlikely.

His younger sister, Natharra, began to gain interest in her older brother. She'd talk with him whenever she could, always scurrying away before they were caught. She wasn't keenly observed at the time because she wasn't the oldest daughter in the house. Nat brought him books and scrolls about arcane teachings, which he read with a voracious hunger. The two became fast friends and Natharra vowed to keep him safe from their mother.

As the pair grew older, Natharra was still Vi's best friend. They would talk for hours on end. One day, she stopped coming, and he was heartbroken. He learned that she had been taken away to become a priestess. Thinking that was the end of him, Vi resigned into a sullen state, finding peace only in his books. Roughly a year later, Natharra returned, but not as a priestess. She had run from the temple, wanting to escape, and she came for him. With only a few belongings in tow, as well as some money, the two fled the Underdark and made their way to the surface world. From their overworld entrance, they soon learned of a coven that taught dark magics. Seeing that as the best place to flee, they made their way there. They were welcomed into the coven when they told their story, and have resided there for roughly 20 years now.
Biological Family:
Anluryn Argith (mother, alive)
Ristel Argith (father, alive)
Drada Argith (first sister, alive)
Jezzara Argith (second sister, alive)
Natharra Argith (third sister, alive)
Sabrae Argith (fourth sister, alive)
Narcelia Argith (fifth sister, alive)
Zilvra Argith (sixth sister, alive)

Significant Other: None
Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Song: Broken Crown- Mumford & Sons
Favorite Animal: Spiders
Voice: Low, soft, smooth
Pets: None

Name: Natharra Argith
Nickname: Nat
Age: 125
Gender: Female
Race: Drow/Dark Elf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5' 8"
Hair: Stark white, to the small of her back, wavy
Eyes: Red violet
Distinguishing marks: None
Fashion Style: She likes to wear dark clothing that accents her features and assets. The regular clothing of her society is too revealing for the overworld so she tends to wear something more modest, such as crop tops and skinny jeans.
Personality: Nat grew up very privileged and it shows. She tends to be confused when people don't bend to her whim, and she still holds some sexism in her personality. She isn't harsh with men, but she does tend to treat them much like how overworld men treat women. She doesn't try to do so, but it is completely ingrained into her psyche.

Natharra is a very energetic but sweet girl. She can seem cruel to some, but she was known to be compassionate in the Underdark. She did not hold the same ideals as other women that men should be submissive and shunned, instead wanting a more equal society like the overworld.

Aloof and caring, Nat made many friends in the coven and continues to do so. She is incredibly protective of her flock, especially of her brother. Despite being very young by Drow standards, she likes to think of herself as a bit motherly. She cares for her brother and keeps him safe, as well as helps him learn more about the surface world so he can flourish without her.
Likes: Parties, nature, spicy foods, magic, snow, weather, wine, swordplay, scorpions.
Dislikes: Bright light, religion, alchemy, classical music, birds, snakes.
Natharra was the fourth child and third daughter born of Anluryn. For a long time she didn't know her brother existed, so she always thought she was the third child. As soon as she was born, her mother had her life planned out. She would become a priestess to the Goddess of Vermin, Insects, and Poison; Karratyr. However, she had to be old enough to become one, so she was mostly left alone while her older sisters were trained instead.

During this time, Nat learned of her brother. He was the servant boy who tended to the family needs with her father. Not really connecting with her sisters or other girls of her age, she began to talk with him when she could find time away from prying eyes. She brought him gifts of books and scrolls and treats that she stole from the kitchen. She would sit for hours listening to him chant spells. They became best friends and she made a vow to protect him from harm.

Finally, the day came when she was to be trained to be a priestess. She was taught spells and combat, both which were required by Karratyr. She came to Vi less and less, until one day she was taken from her home and into the temple. She was taught scripture for many days and forced to memorize it all. She was poisoned with scorpion venom to become immune to its effects, taught more spells and combat, and was given her own clergy robes. Her training was nearing completion, as it was to take a year. On the last day of her training, she was to sacrifice a Drow male by use of scorpion venom applied to a special sacrificial dagger. She never made it to the ritual.

Learning more and more of the cruelty around her, Natharra ran from the temple. She wanted to escape, to go to the overworld, but she wasn't leaving without Vielyn. She retreated to her home, finding her brother and packing up a few possessions and some money. Together, the two fled from the Underdark before any sort of alarm was raised about her disappearance. They found solace in the Dark Coven above them, and have made a home for themselves in the past 20 years. She only hopes that her family does not find her and drag them both back into the depths.
Biological Family:
Anluryn Argith (mother, alive)
Ristel Argith (father, alive)
Vielyn Argith (older brother, alive)
Drada Argith (oldest sister, alive)
Jezzara Argith (older sister, alive)
Sabrae Argith (younger sister, alive)
Narcelia Argith (younger sister, alive)
Zilvra Argith (youngest sister, alive)

Significant Other: None
Favorite Food: Pop Rocks
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Song: Wonderland- Caravan Palace
Favorite Animal: Scorpions
Voice: Slightly high pitched, silvery
Pets: None
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