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Not Even The Gods Above

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"Also we're there over Halloween, so we're having a big party." Zayn smiled. "Liam's going to dress as David Beckham, and I'm going as a ghost again - white face paint, the whole shebang. You could be a Ghostbuster, and suck me up." He smirked at the innuendo.
Henry wasn't exactly one for parties but he was sure if everyone in the band was attending then he'd do just fine. Cheeks flushing, he giggled, and raised a brow. "You seem to think I'm going to wait until Halloween for that." He seductively sucked on the tip of Zayn's finger to prove his point, a cheek smirk on his face.
Zayn chuckled and rolled them over so he was hovering over the younger boy. "You're a cheeky one, aren't you? Where did my innocent little Henry go?" He smiled. "I still remember the day that you came out to me as bi....."


Fifteen year old Zayn headed down the road, and knocked on his thirteen-year-old best friend's door. He really hoped that Henry's dad wasn't home, because he wanted to talk to his best friend in private.

At school that day, Zayn had noticed while they had lunch that Henry had been distracted and distant, and he needed to find out why. He slid his hands into his pockets as he waited.
Henry chuckled faintly, brown hair falling into his face. Finally after all these years, his instincts were coming out; and he thought it was amazing. "Oh hell, I remember too. I'll never forget that day."
Luckily his father was out on business. Well 'business' being drinking a few pints at the local pub.
Answering the door, the boy's face was tear stained. "H-Hey Z...I really can't talk right now...I-I think I'm unwell, and I have r-reading to do." He had to read, memorise and recite parts of the bible by the time his dad got back.
"Hen, mate, what's up?" Zayn asked worriedly as he spotted the tear tracks. "You were distracted and far away in school today, and I'm worried about you. Come on, come round to mine for a bit - the two younger ones are at a friend's house, and Doniya's in her room doing uni stuff, so we'll have privacy." He coaxed.
Henry had two younger siblings- Harriet, who was 11 (at a friend's home), and Howard (aged 5) who was shopping with their Mother. He exhaled softly, unable to really refuse Zayn. "Alright Z, I-if you think I should. But when I tell you please promise not to h-hate me, okay? Pinky promise?"
"Hen, I can never ever hate you. Come on." Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled out his handkerchief, thankful for once that his mother always made him bring one everywhere with him. He gently wiped the younger boy's cheeks and smiled gently. "Let's go back to mine."
Henry smiled brokenly, eyes full of fear. Nodding faintly, he walked to Zayn's house with him. His Parents knew him well and liked him- though they'd received a number of horrible phone calls from Henry's father who apparently didn't like him hanging around with 'Foreigners'- though Zayn was English and his family was frankly amazing. Henry's father really was horrid.

"You...you say you won't hate me...b-but you will," Fresh tears were beginning to form.
Zayn led them up to his room and he sat on the bed. "Henry, you're my best friend - that's not going to change." He soothed. "Just tell me what's going through your brain."
Henry's lower lip trembled, and he suddenly burst into tears. "I-I like boys! I-I fancy them like i-I fancy girls..." He cried. "I-I'm going to Hell!" He'd liked Zayn since they met.
Zayn's jaw dropped and he pulled Henry into a comforting hug. "You're not going to hell! You're an absolute angel and just because you like boys and girls, you're not going to hell." He soothed, stroking his best friend's hair. "Now calm down a little, and talk to me. Are you sure you like guys?"
Henry hugged him back tightly, close to hyperventilating in pure terror. He tried to control his breathing, sniffling miserably. "I'm...I'm sure I like them, I j-just know how I feel. I...I think my Dad knows, he's going to k-kill me..." He cried.
"He won't kill you, I promise." Zayn murmured, his heart breaking for his obviously terrified best friend. "You can stay over tonight, alright? You can come with me to school tomorrow. So, is there any girls or guys you like in particular?" He smiled a little.
The occasional year still rolling down his cheeks, he hastily nodded his head in agreement. He was scared, but perhaps things wouldn't be so bad because he had Zayn at his side. A blush forming, he shook his head. "N-No...besides, no one would ever l-like me back."
"Come on! You're totally good looking, and tons of people want to date you. You're well fit." Zayn teased goodnaturedly with a smile, kissing Henry's forehead. "Let's go see Elvira - she'll make you feel better."
Henry laughed genuinely, the fear in his expression fading due to both amusement and happiness. Zayn always knew the right thing to say. Nodding, he stood. "Okay then, maybe she can cheer me up."
Zayn smiled and grabbed his jacket from the side of the room. "Let's go." As they left, he called to Doniya where they were going.

-----End Of Flashback-----

Zayn smiled at the memory. "Hen, babe, I'm never going to let you go back to that douchebag of a father you have." He kissed around his boyfriend's throat. "You belong with your boys."
Henry tipped his head back so his throat was exposed even more, a grin forming on his features. "Good...you're my savour, you know. You always were. I know he's not going to get me,"
"Not while I'm around." Zayn smiled and lay back beside Henry. "Babe, why do you like me? I'm an anti-social weirdo, and I'm the outsider in the band." He asked curiously.
Henry blinked in surprise. "Anti-social? Babe, millions of people adore you and you're the heart of parties." He laughed, then gestured to himself. "Me? I've never been drunk, I'm a virgin, and you were my first proper kiss. I like to read, and I hate clubbing and partying. You? You're one of the hottest lads in the world, people everywhere want to be your friend."
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