Not Even The Gods Above

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Zayn almost thought his tan cheeks were on fire from how intense his blush was. "Y-you're not making this any b-better." He stammered, clearing his throat. "See the effect you have on m-me?"
"I could make it better, you only have to ask," Henry remarked with a cute little nod, then giggled. "Y-Yeah, it's really surprising."
(Are you 18 yet?)

"Seriously? You've got a tight bum, and I haven't even seen your Little Henry yet - you're sexy, boo." Zayn grinned, still red from his shrinking arousal. "Want to wash my body for me?"
(I'm 18 on the 5th of May. Why? :))
Henry playfully tapped Zayn's arm, shaking his head. "Not little - very big, thank you very much." He then nodded eagerly with a small 'God yes' like he was amazed that Zayn had even asked. Applying soap to his hands, he let them dance along his boyfriend's chest.
(then we can move it to the mature a forum)

Zayn chuckled, and picked up the soap, washing his face while he tried not to focus on the fact that Henry was washing his lower abdomen, and that he just couldn't get another erection.

"What do you want to do after we talk to Niall?" He asked with a smile.
(Ah ok. Well I could always give you my email address)
Henry's eyes were on Zayn's body as he washed it, a smile formed on his face. "Well, what I really want to do isn't for later. So just cuddle? And maybe we can watch a movie or something together."
"Sounds perfect." Zayn smiled, and leaned down, tipping Henry's chin up so Zayn could kiss his lips gently. He could quite happily spend all day snogging his boyfriend but unfortunately they couldn't.

Niall sat on Josh's bed, and sighed. "Josh, mate - have you ever just liked someone so much you feel like you could burst?"
Henry kissed back tenderly for as long as he possibly could, before slowly parting them. Stepping out of the shower, he pulled his clothes on.

Josh flopped gracelessly next to him. "I knew something was bothering you. Yes, everyone's felt like that. Who's the lucky girl?"
"It's not a girl, Josh." Niall sighed. "It's two guys." He groaned and lay back. "I fancy the pants off of two guys, but those two guys are now dating each other, and I've lost my chance to date either of them."
Josh's eyes widened, and he lightly cleared his throat. "Just be honest with them and get some closure, tell them how you feel just to get it out there. Maybe when you see how much they don't want to hurt you, or how happy they are, you'll feel better. Just letting your mind wander is useless,"
"They're so loved up, it doesn't even matter." Niall sighed. "It's crazy, but I really do care for them both. Is it possible to love more than one person romantically at a time?" He glanced at Josh with a sigh of despair. He just felt so alone - he hadn't dated anyone in the last few years, since the only people he wanted to date were unattainable.
Josh debated it for a few moments. 'Yeah, I guess it is possible to love more than one person. But I still think you should tell them the truth, it's better than pretending this isn't happening. That's my advice." He stated.
"What if telling them will ruin my friendship with them? I already think I've messed it up with one of the guys, and if the other guy found out, I'll die from embarrassment." Niall groaned. "Want to head down to the arena and jam a little with the drums and guitar to get my mind off of this mess?"
There seemed to be no convincing Niall, so Josh simply nodded his head in understanding. "Sure," He agreed, moving along with him to try and cheer the Irish boy up.
"Lets to find Niall then," Henry suggested after they'd spent the majority of the day together. "Lets just wing it, I know if we rehearse then I'll freak out."
That afternoon, Zayn was thoroughly relaxed, and he was loving spending the day with Henry in their hotel room, cuddling. He nodded, and sat up, pulling on his Converse. "Alright - and you're sure you want to try this trio relationship?" He looked at his boyfriend intently.
"Of course I'm sure, this is my like Z, I'd never make a decision like this if I wasn't sure it was a good idea." Henry assured softly. "As long as you're sure. If your not I'll understand and we won't do it,"
"I'm as sure as I've ever been." Zayn smiled, and stood up, taking Henry's hand. "Where is he anyway?"

Niall set aside his guitar and sat on the edge of the stage, looking out over the huge, empty arena. He smiled. "I love performing up here, Josh. It's the most amazing feeling ever." He glanced back at Josh up at the drums.
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