Not Another Cinderella Story (lxngdon & MaryGold)

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"You give me more credit than I'm worth," Mason said teasingly, but all the same honestly. He knew he wasn't so much that she had to wonder how she deserved him or anyone for that matter. He knew he wasn't even a that that people claimed him to be. In the end, behind being a celebrity, a musician, the son of a billionaire, he was just a man. A young man in love.

He rested his hand on Harper's belly and sat up momentarily to lean over and plant a kiss on her lips."I love you too," Because that was all that simply mattered.

Of course, it didn't mean it mattered to everyone else, especially one person in particular. Karoline. Though, he had initially thought he was completely done with anything to do with her until a week after his interview. Sitting in the dining room and drinking his evening tea as he opened his phone only to be recommended multiple articles about "Lead Singer of Turbulence, Mason Wagner Cheated On his Ex Karoline Vivaldi".

It was enough to make him do a spittake, instead he choked on his drink. All that he read was nothing but falsehood! He couldn't believe he would ever get caught up in any sort of scandal. And it all started from a "heartfelt" tweet from his ex.

Mason sighed tiredly and slid his phone to Lainey, sitting across from him. "Hey, look at this new article I found." He told her playfully, though the tiredness of it all seeped into his voice. He rubbed his eyes and exhaled deeply as he tapped his toe repeatedly Thinking of it as a big deal would only make his anxiety act up, but it was a big deal and his anxiety already started.
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Lainey was sitting at the table with Harper in his rocker beside her, eating her spaghetti, when Mason slid the phone over to her. She noticed Mason's tone immediately and gave him a wary glance before tentatively reading the article.

Lainey's face and stomach dropped when she read the title. Oh God. This was not good.

Apparently, Karoline had posted a tweet a couple of hours ago, and it had pointed out something that no one had appeared to notice yet.

Congratulations to Mason and Lainey for their cute little baby ... the baby that was conceived months before we broke up ... hm.

Now, the Internet was losing its shit, demonising Mason for apparently cheating on Karoline, calling Lainey a homewrecker and a gold digger for having broken the couple up. Lainey pushed the phone away and picked up Harper, cradling him to her chest.

"I feel sick," she muttered.
Mason ran his fingers through his hair, taking his mobile device back, but he didn't bother to look at anymore. One look was more than enough to let it get under his skin and ruin his tea time or any time with his peace and family. He was used to dealing with false rumors, it was part of being a celebrity. However, this bothered him more.

Why? One and most importantly it involved his loved ones, his loved ones who were not use to such horrid treatment. Two, it came from Karoline. He knew she was awful, but they had been together for years, granted it was off and on. Didn't she care about him once or even the tiniest bit to cut off ties cleanly and leave one another be? Clearly not.

Mason inhaled deeply and exhaled just as deeply. He stood up from his seat and rounded the table to sit next to Lainey. He patted her back gently and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry," He said genuinely, because he did feel sorry to have put her through this. "But it'll be okay, it's no big deal."

He closed his eyes and practiced his deep breathing. His voice may have been assuring enough to convince her but it didn't help the rising nervousness that he felt spreading throughout him. He needed to calm down, not to get so upset. He had similar experiences before.
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"This is a big deal," Lainey whimpered.

This could ruin Mason's career. People didn't take lightly to cheaters, and given that Mason had already concealed the truth of Harper's parentage, it was unlikely that people would believe him if he started telling the truth now. Of course, there would still be the devoted fans, but that didn't mean this couldn't hurt Mason significantly.

Lainey wasn't used to this kind of publicity, and she wasn't sure how to cope with it. For now, she settled for holding her baby to her chest, her baby who seemed to have picked up on his mother's upset state and was reaching up to touch her face in the cute little way he did.

Just then, Mason's phone rang. Lainey was in the habit of answering it when Mason was busy, so she reached for it and answered it without even reading the caller ID. "Lainey speaking."

"Oh, Lainey, hello, sweetie," said the all-too familiar French accent.

Lainey went pale. She dropped her hand but put the phone on speaker, looking up at Mason tiredly. "What is it? Haven't you already fucked everything up enough?"

"I just wanted to talk to Mason," said Karoline. Lainey could practically hear her grinning. "Mason, sweetie, how are you? How are you finding fatherhood?"
Mason seriously wished that that call had not been answered. He didn't want to talk anyone yet alone the woman on the other line. He considered simply hanging up and going about with his day but, no. He would take this opportunity to tell her a few things he hadn't. And not to mention, he was anxious and annoyed and genuinely pisses. This act was obviously to get back at him more since it would truly affect him.

He clicked his tongue silently but heavily sighing. Generally, Mason was a patient person, or to be more exact, a person who allowed others to take out their frustrations on him. But he would not allow Karoline to do so, he had let her hurt him enough. He wouldn't stand for it, not anymore.

"You must have a lot a free time on your schedule to pulling stunts like this,"
Mason rolled his eyes and ignored her previous and sarcastic question. "Unlike you, some of us actually have a life to get on with. So, say what you want to say and bugger off."

He picked up his phone with hand and reached across the table to grab his cup of tea with the other. The beverage was still nice and steaming hot. The aroma of the Earl Grey calmed him down some, enough to think clearly on his next moved on the situation. He would have to be honest about Harper's heritage either way, but Karoline would also have to be truthful. Of course, she would never do that ... Willingly, that is.
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"Hm," Karoline hummed when Mason implied she didn't have a life. It was a curious sound, like she thought it was a bit rich coming from the singer. Which was ridiculous in Lainey's opinion. Mason wasn't the one sitting around and spreading rumours about Karoline. Mason wasn't the pathetic one in this situation.

"I didn't have a specific thing to say," said Karoline sweetly. "I just figured it was only polite to call and see how you're doing," she added patronisingly.

"Well, you can go now," said Lainey hoarsely, cradling little Harper closely to her chest. "Unless you're going to take back what you said."

"Well, I can't exactly take it back now, the internet has already blown up about it," Karoline said with a small sigh. "Even if I did, no one would believe me. However, there is something you could do."


"I don't know, fucking come clean?" Karoline said exasperatedly. "It's complete bullshit, Mason lying to his fans, being a father to that kid in the first place. He should just come clean and be a man and deal with the repercussions when he does."

Lainey glared at the phone. The French woman's words were so absurd and disgusting that she wanted to strangle her. How dare she insinuate that Mason was cowardly? How dare she insinuate that Mason couldn't be a father to Harper?
Mason swallowed hard, clenching and clenching his fist. Carefully, he uncurled his tightly curled fingers from around his teacup. It was taking everything he had to not blow up on the the model on the line. If she was standing right in front of him, he would have been done it. The compilation of her face and her voice both would have been enough for him to end her with words alone and absolutely no holding back.

But he held back, he held back as much as he possibly could, not for the repulsive woman on the other line, but for himself. It wasn't good on his health, none of this was, it was stressful, and if he freaked out, he would freak out. And he hadn't done that in a while, and he didn't want to do it now, not with Lainey and Harper to witness. Besides that was just what she wanted, for him to get mad, to get angry, to be annoyed.

Mason, with the phone in his left hand, pushed back his seat and stood up. "Karoline, I'm not a liar, I never have been, and never will. And I didn't lie to my fans. I am Harper's father, though not by blood but by law and by being in his life to raise him. The only lying person in this conversation is you, then again, what's new." He scoffed, raising his voice a wee bit higher the more he went on.

"The only person who needs to 'come clean and deal with the repercussions' is you, you two-faced whore. All you ever do is lie again and again to everyone you can, in fact, you lie so much I think you start to believe your own falsehoods!"

He grinded his teeth momentarily, he was only an octave below yelling,"I could do the same thing, tell some horrible tale to shake up your career, ruin, even. And the funny thing is, the stories I have aren't made up, oh no, their rule with plenty proof to back it up. I know you, Karoline, more than you know me."
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Lainey sat and stared at Mason, clutching Harper to her chest. She had never seen him angry like this before, and she definitely did not like it. While his anger was totally justified, it was a little too much like Harrison for her liking. And Lainey wanted to forget Harrison as much as she could.

Karoline was silent for a moment, before she snapped. "You know what, Mason, fuck you. You think you know me but you don't, you've always been too wrapped up in your own fucking problems to give a shit about me." Karoline was being manipulative again. Of course Mason had cared about Karoline, so much that he had let her walk all over him all the time. Lainey's nose crinkled in disgust.

"And, fuck, I might not even be lying! You might have fucking cheated on me with her, how would I know? You were fucking obsessed with her from the moment you met her -- you always put her before ME!" Karoline was yelling now. "ME! And I was meant to be your fucking GIRLFRIEND!"

Harper didn't respond well to the raised voices. He began to cry, his tiny fingers bunching in Lainey's hair. Lainey stood up and walked away from the table, making hushing noises to her baby to calm him down.

Mason staggered for a moment in slight confusion, wonderment but dominantly in absolute frustration. "Wh - what? I never - urg," He huffed, clenching his jaw. Obviously, she was lying about some things, but he was mostly upset with her insults directed at his girlfriend more than anything else. She couldn't make a compelling enough argument to him when she dragged in his family.

"Lainey, not the 'fucking housekeeper', w
as never the problem. And neither was I," At least he thought he wasn't. She was a total bitch, he knew that much. But that didn't mean he was the best boyfriend, his addiction and anxiety were going strong when he was with her, so he could have been worst. However, he refused to let her hear the doubt in his voice. He did keep it low, though, he didn't want to upset Harper any further despite the pounding of his heart and tenseness."You were the problem. And if you knew me at all, you'd know I'd never cheat in you. All I cared about was with you, sadly, that was all you ever cared about too."

He swallowed hard and closed his eyes briefly. "You need to start thinking about others besides yourself." And with that he hung up on her. Any more of that and he would explode, if he wasn't going to already. Mason preceded to shut down his phone and take it apart, taking the battery and throwing it to the side.

"I - I am sorry,"
He told Lainey and left her to head towards the kitchen, mumbling."I need water."
l a i n e y
During the time Mason spent responding to Karoline's absurd accusations, Lainey managed to calm Harper down a little. The small infant had been hysterical, but now he was quietly whimpering in his mother's arms. By the time Mason hung up the phone, he was silent, and his tantrum seemed to have worn him out, because his little eyes were drifting closed.

Lainey walked into the kitchen after Mason, still holding their child, and stood beside her boyfriend as he poured himself some water.

"You don't need to apologise," she said softly. "You were just defending yourself. Honestly, it's about high time someone stood up to her like that. I hate her."

Hate was a strong word, a forceful word, but Lainey could honestly apply it to two people. Harrison, and Karoline.

"Nothing she said was true. She was just looking for a way to get to you and to make it seem like this whole thing is your fault when it isn't, Mason, it just isn't. You didn't do anything wrong. And I love you, so much."
Mason managed to smile a smile at Lainey despite feeling like sulking more than anything else. It helped put him at ease but not enough. Still trembling slightly, he leaned over to kiss her cheek sloppily and pull her close into his arms. He held on to her tightly, almost afraid to let her go, if he did he was sure the dread he felt inside would become too much. He laid his cheek against the top of her head and breathed in her scent. "I know and I love you too, more than you could ever know. But I don't think ..." He sighed through his nostrils.

He paused, shutting his eyes and focusing on on trying to remain calm because he felt anything but. He refused to take his medication for it, though, he never wanted to take it. He hold onto to her a little tighter hoping for a better sense of comfort which he received. "What I mean is, I know she was lying but I believe she was right about one thing ... I had been self-centered." He wasn't sure how much, but he had. And, though, he never wanted to be her again he still felt awful.

"And it wasn't only just with her either."
He groaned at the thought of the people, namely exes, he'd hurt in the past. "Towards the end of our relationship I don't think that I even loved Karoline anymore, romantically. I loved her and stuck to her because even when she left I knew she would come back for me." He was ashamed to even admit it, but it was Lainey so it was okay.

"In a way, I was using her for my own emotional security. However, I never lover anyone as much as I do you."
He bit his lip, breathing in the smell of her shampoo and sighed.
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Lainey stood and listened, listened to her boyfriend explain his problems to her like a good girlfriend should. She stood in his arms, with Harper pressed gently between them. She had always believed that communication and empathy was vital to a relationship -- which was probably why she had known, in the back of her mind, that she and Harrison were never going to seriously work out. That and a million other reasons.

"Babe ..." Lainey trailed off. God, she hated hearing Mason so upset and unsure of himself. It made her feel miserable herself. Lainey stepped back and handed Harper to her boyfriend. The little infant was almost sleeping, his small eyes fighting to stay open.

Lainey rubbed Mason's arms with her hands as she proceeded to speak. "Look, I'm not going to sit here and say you're being hard on yourself, because I wasn't there during most of your relationship with her so I can only really comment on the end of it. However, from what I saw, you did everything in your power to make her happy."

Lainey stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. "You may have been using her for emotional support, but other than that, from what I saw -- and what you've been like to me -- you're nothing but good." Lainey smiled softly. "And I love you too. I love you so much. So even if you were self-centered with her, you haven't been with me, and I love you for that. Mason, I love you."

Lainey hated that that bitch had instilled such self doubt and unsureness in Mason, who deserved nothing but the best. He didn't deserve to dislike himself or think any less of himself because of the words of an irrelevant whore. He just deserved so much more.
"Thank you," Mason said ever so softly, barely above a whisper. He was seriously sincere, though, it showed through his eyes and the small smile on his face. He loved Lainey, more than he thought was possible, but he did and she reciprocated those feelings. Truthfully, he didn't know if he deserved to be as happy as he was with her, but he was and if she wasn't here now he had no idea where he'd be. No, he did have a vague idea ... It wasn't anywhere good.

Pushing all and any stressful thoughts out of his head, he sighed and cradled the little guy in his arms closer. He was sleeping quite peacefully now and that Mason's smile grow just a bit more. He could only admire and envy infants when they could sleep so easily, feeling serene when everyone else was feeling but. At the same time, he was grateful, it meant less stress for him. And he needed that more then e er right now.

"I don't know what to do, at least, not now. My mind is muddled and I feel like sh - I feel horrible." He caught himself, really he wanted to stop his use of vulgar language in front of Harper. It wouldn't do to have the boy's first word be a swear or something of the sort. Bit, he did in fact feel like a pile of shit.

He knew he shouldn't ignore the allegations made against him, it would be practically admitting to it. At the same time, telling the truth seemed like an even bigger and tangled mess. But he would rather be honest and hated than letting that lie rule out. "I think I'll talk Ted about it, but not now."
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"Right now, I think we all just need to relax," Lainey suggested.

She gently took Harper out of his father's arms and lead Mason upstairs. She placed the sleeping baby in his bassinet and pulled a blanket up so he would stay warm, before kissing him on the forehead. She had always believed that a kiss to the forehead helped a baby sleep soundly -- she knew it wasn't true, but still, it was a nice sentiment to hold.

Lainey then turned to Mason, took him by both hands and lead him to their bedroom. She sat him down, sat beside him and picked up the TV remote.

"Let's just watch a movie and get some rest,"
she suggested softly. Once they had picked a film, Lainey leaned against her boyfriend and snuggled into his chest. If Mason was a rock for her, she would have to assume that she was a rock for him in the same way.

The last time Mason had been in the Wagner mansion, yet alone stepped on the land, was a year ago. He was there for the same reason he came again tonight, his father's birthday party. The head of the Wagner family and CEO of their family's company, James Wagner, would be turning fifty-nine tonight. And as he did every day of his birthday, he hosted a posh party at the mansion.

It was a common occurrence that many parties were held in the household, but this one was always more important than the others. This party joined both his work and his family, it was a necessity that his two children attended. So, it made no difference of what Mason had recently been going through, he came and with Lainey. His father had expressed some interest in meeting her, which meant he had to bring her.

"We'll just step in and hang around for a bit and then we can go,"
Mason sad as if the whole party was a nuisance and to him it kind of was. He didn't like meeting up with his father often, to be frank, he was a prick.

They had left little Harper in the care of Ted, he had experience with children and infants having many nieces and nephews of his own. Now they were walking up to the front door of the mansion as many others were doing. Even from a distance he could see the lights shining from the windows and hear the classic music playing. No doubt the place was full with people, many of them whom he new but had nothing to do with in years.

As soon they walked through the doors they were greeted by none other than Diana, his stepmother. She was a beauty standing nearly the same height as Mason with her raven hair and dark brown eyes and a young face, clearly half the age of his father. She grinned upon them and came in to give Mason a hug and he tried not to be too reluctant.

"Oh, Mace! It's been too long!" She glanced at Lainey and continued to smile. "And you've brought your sweetheart too. James will be thrilled. Come, your sister is already with your father."
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Lainey couldn't even remember the last time she had been dressed so nicely.

She wore a floor-length, bottle green silk dress that clung to her slim figure in the bodice, and then hung loosely around her legs from the waist. The one strap connected the two sides of the gown by looping around her neck, like a halter top, and left her shoulders, still toned from her tennis years, bare. Her hair was done up in a fancy updo and she wore makeup, though it was minimal -- black eyeliner and mascara and a red lip in addition to her face makeup. She did not wear heels, however, she couldn't with her limp. She wore silk flats, though they were hidden by her dress.

Lainey felt alienated when they entered the fancy party. She had been raised an actual peasant with next to nothing back in Hungary, so affairs like this were new to her and she wasn't sure if she liked them. Though, she would have to get used to it if she was going to be with Mason -- which she fully intended to do.

She smiled at Diana, who didn't seem all that bad. Then, they were being lead to the other Wagners, and suddenly Lainey was so nervous that she had to cling to Mason's arm for support.

She knew Margot didn't like her. What about their father, James? What would he think? Would he have some influence over Mason? Would he persuade his son to leave Lainey and Harper?

Suddenly she was before the Wagners as if before the judge who would be announcing her fate. As if before God in heaven.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," she managed to say, and became painfully aware of how obviously foreign she was by her thick Hungarian accent. "It's nice to see you again, Margot."
James didn't seem to notice her until the moment she spoke. To be frank, he looked to be a stern and uptight man but the moment he spoke proved otherwise. He grinned at the sight of Mason and Lainey, when he smiled he looked rather jolly. Mason returned his father's merry grin with a tiny smile if his own. Lighthearted the Wagner father appeared but he was still something more foul than he appeared.

Margot had a smile plastered to her face as well, it was impossible to tell whether it was real or not. She was an actress after all and she was a damn good one. Her smile didn't falter at the sight of Lainey and her brother, still she was unreadable. "Hello, Lainey and Mason. Glad to see you both."

"Indeed!" James slapped Mason on the back, an affectionate gesture. "It's been too long since I've last seen you, Mace. You have yet to introduce to your lovely partner, here. I only ever get to learn about your life from tabloids now!"

"This is Lainey, Lainey this is my father,"
Mason simply introduced his girlfriend. "We've been together for a little while now." He added and didn't care to say anymore to his father knowing it wouldn't truly matter to him anyway.

"So, we've seen," Diane smiled almost mockingly and Margot visibly rolled her eyes at the moment.

"Oh, yes! Apparently, you've been with her before you even dumped your ex, what's-her-name." Jumped in Edwin, squeezing in to stand beside his wife, Margot. A teasing smiled played on his lips and his bright blue eyes twinkled. Mason snorted snorted a laugh and brightened. "Well, we all know that to be untrue knowing our Mason. I'm Edwin, his first true love." He reached his hand out to Lainey.

"No, he is absolutely not. Edwin is Margot's husband and practically my brother and my other best mate."
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"It's nice to meet you," Lainey said to Edwin, with a small smile. He seemed to be the most likeable of them all. James Wagner appeared to be friendly, but from what Mason had told her about the man, he wasn't as good as he made out to be.

Lainey felt very out of place. It was clear that she didn't really belong with this crowd of people. Even Edwin, who had married into the family, seemed to fit in effortlessly. He was clearly valued by James and Diane and obviously Mason.

But Lainey ... the only one undoubtedly on her side was Mason. Margot had made it clear that she didn't like her, and she wasn't sure about the other three yet.

Lainey kept close to Mason, her arm looped around his. "This is a nice party," she said to James in an attempt to make conversation. "Happy birthday, by the way."
James smiled at Lainey, pleased with her congratulations, and so far, her decorum too. He slightly turned toward her and dipped his chin in a semi nod. "Thank you, Lainey." He said, lightly swirling the champagne in his glass. "This is one of the only days I ever get to see my children and grandchildren."

His eyes wondered away for a moment, landing on Margot and Edwin's twins running around with a few other children. They were dressed for the occasion but not behaved. His lips twitched for a moment in disappointment and that look fell on the parents, mainly their father.

Mason resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his father. He swore the man looked for every flaw possible in his sister and especially her match. Though, he was good at masking it, as he was a lot of things.

"Ever thought there may be a reason for that ... ?" Mason muttered sarcastically.

Diane's face face crumpled in a split second, angry with Mason's comment.
"Watch your tongue, young-"

"It's okay, Diane,"
chuckled James merrily, finding his son's rudeness more amusing than anything else. His wife huffed in response and he continued. "Anyway, Lainey, tell us about yourself. What do you do for a living? Where did you go to school? And your family, what of them?"
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Lainey noticed the older man's disappointment with the children and she had to work hard to conceal her irritation. Since becoming a mother, Lainey couldn't stand people who had no patience for children. They were little, they didn't know any better. But unlike Mason, she stayed quiet. It wasn't her place to pull James up on his behaviour.

James then turned his attention onto Lainey and she had to fight hard mentally to control her nerves. This was where her answers mattered the most. This was where James and Diane would formulate their opinions of her, and Lainey most definitely was red to make a good impression.

She was worried that her answers wouldn't be adequate. Lainey hadn't grown up with the privileged, elite background of the other party attendees. Lainey hadn't had a wonderful education and she didn't have a fantastic career like Mason and Margot.

But she also wasn't a liar. She would tell the truth and hope it was enough.

"Um, well, I don't work right now because I just had the baby, but I was a housekeeper," she replied, a deep red flush on her cheeks out of embarrassment. "I went to school in Hungary. I didn't go to university because I went on to play professional tennis. My brother and sister play tennis still. My dad is retired."