Not Another Cinderella Story (lxngdon & MaryGold)

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"I'm sure he'll be built for it," Mason regarded blandly with a partially absent mind and a half full mouth. He scraped his remaining slice of bacon onto her plate and ate the last bit of food that was left. There was no rush, he was simply hungry and still feeling slightly tired. He had a day ahead of him, so, he shook the sleepies and flexed his shoulders.

He pushed his plate aside and sipped his tea. Refreshing as always. Mason had always loved tea, he was an English man, but, it had been so exceptionally helpful since he had been weaning off his intoxicants. Which had been going ... Not too well.

"Either way I kind of feel like he'll be a sports lad."
He added, smiling a tiny smile behind his teacup. Focusing on the conversation topic was easier on his mood than what was on his mind. "If not tennis, something else, like football or cricket or even table tennis."

Mason himself was never into sports, even as a teen, his interest had always been placed elsewhere. He never found them exciting, quite the opposite, in fact. If you asked him to name the rules to any of them, he would draw a blank. He only took any interest at all on tennis because Lainey was so fond of it, having been a former player herself. He felt, no matter what Harper went into sport or not, he would feel the same with him.

"Why does practically every sport include a ball? Completely off topic, but still ..."
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"I guess because it's easier to score points with a ball or some other piece of equipment and most sports involve scoring points, if not all."
Lainey shrugged and finished up her breakfast, neglecting to speak while she had a mouth full of delicious food. Once she had swallowed, though, she turned to Mason and peered up at him carefully.

She knew what it was like to give up something you were addicted to. It was a scary and difficult thing -- shaking off a dependency wasn't very easy. Lainey had had to give up alcohol while pregnant and she had felt it, badly. So, she knew how Mason was feeling.

"Hey," she said softly, taking his hand and rubbing the back of it with her thumb. "I know it's hard. You can talk to me, okay?" Lainey wanted to make sure there was no communication barrier between the two of them. "I love you. You can talk to me about anything."
Mason squeezed her hand gently as if to assure her. "I know and I love you too," And he did. He knew that he had her to talk to or his best made or his sister. He was confident in telling her or anyone of them anything without them judging or ridiculing him. He wasn't afraid or nervous to talk about it at all ...

"I just don't want to - I mean - I don't feel the need to."
It was both in truth. A want and a need. If he could, he wouldn't even think about it. "As awful as it is it'll pass eventually, right?"

Mason took their dishes and rose from his seat. He gave her a quick kiss to the lips and loaded the dishwasher. Typically, he wasn't one to immediately clean up after himself. Of course, that was obvious considering he hired a housekeeper to not only keep the place on shape but pristine as well. Yet, he could do dishes easily, even without a Fisher. In fact, he sometimes preferred to wash them by hand, it was calming.

And he loved serenity, something that he never consistently had. With Karoline, without her, with anyone else. That little detail was slowly starting to change. Though, his peace wasn't continuous it lasted longer than usual and more often. Surely, it was thanks to Lainey.

"If I ever do feel the need to talk about it, I'll let you know ..."
He promised and finished the remaining tea on his cup.
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Lainey wanted to do everything in her power to make Mason feel better but if Mason wanted her to back off then she would. She didn't want to push him or make him feel uncomfortable. She just wanted him to be happy, but with a problem such as the one he was experiencing, there was only so much she could do.

So, she decided to let it rest for the moment, kiss him on the cheek and thank him for making such a delicious breakfast.

By the time Ted arrived for lunch, Lainey was sitting in the living room with the tennis on TV, watching her brother play the idiotic Australian Nick Kyrgios. Kyrgios may be stupid but he was talented, so it had been a pretty even match between the two players. Lainey was watching with avid interest, while Harper snored quietly in the rocker by her feet.

When her boyfriend's best friend entered, she looked up and gave him a small smile. "Hey," she said quietly. She liked Ted, he was wonderful and a good person, a good friend to her boyfriend.
Ted had entered on his own after knocking, he too shared a key to the house, but the door was purposely unlocked for his arrival. It wasn't uncommon that the two band members walked through each others doors so casually, to be truthful, that was the norm. He strolled in with in with one hand full, occupied with an insulated lunch bag and messenger bag hanging from his shoulder. Upon seeing Lainey, he smiled.

"Hey, congratulations on your new added family member."

It was barely a minute before Mason came to join them, coming from out of his music room down the hall. "Do you want to meet him? He's sleep now but ..." He shrugged a shoulder and grinned, dimples and all. Frankly, at the moment, his mate was the only one he could boast to about the child on his side. Yes, he didn't push him out nor did even help conceive him. Still, he was considered the father.

"That's fine, I only wanted to see him anyway." He moved with Mason around the sofa to peer at Harper in his rocker. "He looks nothing like you."

"I know,"
Mason found the fact more amusing than anything else. It made him wonder if people would truly believe that it was his son by blood. "He'll probably resemble me in personality as he gets older."

"Let us hope not."

"I am a wonderful person, I'll have you know."

"So, what about your father?" Ted treaded carefully knowing his partner very well and his family issues.

"Er, I am completely unsure what goes through that man's head."
Groaned Mason. "And Margot is still adamant too. She thinks Lainey is a gold digger of some sort."

Ted laughed finding the prospect humorous than troubling. "Lainey a gold digger, huh? I can't say I blame her for thinking that way, no offense Lainey. It's simply that if you look at from the outsiders point of view it's bizarre."

"How so?" Mason found nothing about it bizarre. They fell in love and that was that.

"One day she's your employee and then the next you're dating, living together with her no longer working and supporting her and another man's biological child as well as raising him. Not to mention, you have a record of being taken advantage of. Even I was suspicious at first." Ted reached into his bag and pulled out a white soft stuffed bear from his bag. On the bottom of it's left foot Harper's name was sewn in red. He laid the small stuffed animal next to the baby. "Don't worry about, just don't take anything to heart and try to understand. Your thonly little brother she has, she'll warm up sooner or later. And when she does, she'll come to love both Harper and Lainey."

Mason smiled soft, he had never thought of it completely outside of his own box. And Ted's words reassured him immensely, the drummer was always right more than half the time.
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Lainey was well aware that she looked like a gold digger from the outside. She didn't blame anyone for thinking that way -- after all, she had turned from Mason's employee to girlfriend in a very short time, and he was immensely wealthy while she had next to nothing. But she knew she wasn't a gold digger. In fact, she didn't like Mason spending too much money on her at all. She was the opposite of a gold digger -- the opposite of Karoline.

"Well, as long as we know the truth, nothing matters," Lainey said softly. She and Mason and Ted knew the truth, knew how Lainey and Mason felt about each other, so she didn't bother herself with the opinions of others. Sure, it would be nice if Margot could see her in a better light too, but they couldn't have everything.

Lainey observed the small bear and smiled at Ted for the cute gesture he had given them. It was sweet -- their son's first bear, given to him by his father's best friend. It was perfect. Harper opened his little grey eyes and peered first at the bear that had appeared beside him, and then at the new strange person in the room, one he had never seen before.

Lainey picked him up and held him in a way so that he could see Ted without obstruction. "Say hi to your Uncle Teddy," Lainey cooed to her son, picking up Harper's soft hand and holding it out to Ted so they could shake.
Mason, along with Ted smiled at the sight of the little awaken infant. It erased any of his worries that his mate had conversationally addressed just a moment ago. It mattered to him more than he would aloud, his close friend and sister was all he had before Lainey. Even now, he couldn't possibly imagine a life without either of them. He was sure that Margot would come around, no one could dislike the adorable child before them.

"Ted will do just fine. Uncle makes me feel old."

"Yeah, then imagine dad."
It was a terrifying word just as much as it was exciting. Naturally, it would be a while before Harper started speaking with the title was still there along with all of its responsibility. Dad, daddy, papa, father. Mason never had anything particularly pleasant associated with that title which only added to his fear.

"I'm having a hard time seeing you as a dad even though it's literally in front of me."

Mason chuckled softly,"And you're telling me." He stood up from spot and Ted was quick to follow suit. "Let's all have lunch and then me and you can head to the music room."

Lunch consisted of sandwiches, chips and fruits that Ted had brought and purposely made half of it. The meal was set out on the dining room table where they ate and conversed a little longer. Mason was in slight rush, so, it wasn't long before they cleaned the table and went about their business.
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Jace Lesecki was back in England for a tour, and therefore he had happily accepted the offer to make a guest appearance on the country's most popular celebrity talk show, The Late Night Show with Corey Smythe, alongside Mason Wagner. The two singers were currently seated on the couches, with the audience waiting for the show to start and the host, a middle-aged Englishman of Scottish descent, as evidenced by his red hair, sitting at his desk.

Jace waved to his wife, Embry, and their small daughter Luna in the crowd. Jace hadn't changed much. He wore an all black ensemble, consisting of skinny jeans and a tank top that showed off his tattoos, and still had all his piercings in. His hair was back to its normal black. The only major difference in his appearance was the wedding ring he wore on his finger, and the tattoo of a crescent moon on his neck, to represent his baby girl, Luna.

Though apparently he wasn't the only father on the stage, a fact that would surely be addressed.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Late Night Show with Corey Smythe!"

The audience clapped and cheered. Corey introduced his two guests, before he got right down to business.

"Okay. Mason. There's a question on the minds of everyone here. Who is the mystery woman in that photo? Who is that baby?"
When Mason got up for the day he finally got himself his much needed haircut and threw on a simple outfit for the show. His clothing consisting of a red and black plaid shirt, that was slightly loose on his slim frame, and ripped black skinny jeans. Once he had tied the laces to his black sneakers and stepped out into the cold London air, he felt a little nervous.

He had been in plenty of relationships but not any like the one he shared with Lainey. It was serious and the responsibility did not only include her but their son as well. He had no desire to screw it up national television. Though, he was reluctant to, he took his anxiety medicine a few hours before the show.

Now, sitting on the couch, being asked the question that his social media accounts had been bombarded with, by fans and others alike, there wasn't an ounce of distress in him. He sat chuckling softly, of course, that would be the first question to be asked. Frankly, he was happy to not have to worry about it any longer.

"To put it simply,"
Mason started, scratching at his nose piercing gently. "The woman is my girlfriend and the baby is our son."
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Mason's statement was met with hushed murmurs from the audience and a surprised look on Corey's face. Jace, on the other hand, grinned broadly at the news he received. He lightly clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Congratulations, man," he said. Jace knew, from personal experience, what it was like to have your privacy exposed, so he related to Mason on that level.

He also knew what it was like to have a beautiful child, and he was happy for the other man. They weren't close friends but they were close enough for Jace to care about his happiness.

"Come on, Mason, you can't leave it at that!"
Corey gently nudged. "The media's been having a field day about this mystery lady. You have to tell us more."

The audience murmured their agreement.

"What's her name? How long have you been dating? Tell us about your child, if you please."
"Thank you," Mason offered a smile to Jace. He was certainly not expecting to be congratulated after the bomb he had just dropped, confirming many speculations while annulling others. It was enough to raise many more questions, leaving them confused in new way. Through the midst of all of that it was always nice to feel the unquestionable support of a friend, close or not.

He leaned back on his seat, covering his mouth slightly with his fingers, as if pondering what else to add. If he was to be honest, he really didn't care to dig into the subject anymore. He knew for a fact after the interview the paparazzi would dig into it deeper either way, anything to get themselves a story. And most of his love story would be inderwraps considering there were other, horrible, people who played into it. Both of which he and Lainey both would be damned to mention.

"We've been together for a couple months,"
At least, approximately two months into her pregnancy if he recalled. "Her name is Lainey, she's absolutely lovely. In fact, I had to write a song about it."

Lovely. He had done radio interview after the song was released and talked about it deeply, even some back story to it had been mentioned. The mystery woman had been revealed.

"There really isn't much to say about Harper, my son. Naturally, he's unbearable adorable but he is a newborn so all he cares about is his milk. However,"
Mason raised a finger slightly and playfully added. "I'm almost certain he finds joy waking and keeping me up in the wee hours of the morning."
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Jace listened, as did everyone else in the room. They were all intrigued by Mason's story because it as something the Internet had been captivated by for the last couple of days. Jace would be lying if he wasn't curious as well. The last thing anyone had known about Mason Wagner's love life was that he had been dating Karoline Vivaldi, the model, but he had cut ties with her some months ago. But now he was with another woman and they had a baby?

It was mysterious. But it was being cleared up now, so they listened.

Jace chuckled at Mason's comment on the baby's activities. "I know that feeling," he said, and the audience laughed. Jace blew a kiss to his wife and baby daughter, sitting in the front seat of the audience. Luna gurgled in response.

"Well, Mason, you must be really happy. Now, rumours have circled that your girlfriend is actually the sibling of tennis stars, Vasily and Piper Applewhite. Is this true? Does she play? Will your son inherit a love for the sport, do you think?"
"She is, in fact. Though, I wasn't aware of this when we met," The fact was sort of insignificant for him. Their relationship was definitely not started because of connections of fame. He never met the Applewhite siblings until way after they started dating. And though, he wish he could say it was under much simpler terms it wasn't but it was still sweet.

"She no longer plays,"
Which he thought would be somewhat obvious since she was almost as big as her siblings were before the accident. If she still was playing her name would be heard of in the sport. "I'm almost certain Harper will inherit a likeliness for the sport and if not I'm sure Lainey will teach him to. She's already made plans and I have no intention of getting in her way." He said as a matter of fact, slightly amusingly. And he snickered a little when the crowd laughed. He was utterly serious.

"Though, who knows what he'll actually love and do in the future?"
Mason shrugged his shoulders."It's too early to tell, he's still developing a personality."

He looked at the other singer sitting at his side."What about your, daughter, Luna? Does she like music, you or Embry's to be precise?" He uncrossed his legs and left his as folded, the smile in his face still remained. "She's a little older than Harper and I'm sure she's quite lively." He looked into the crowed and offered a smile to both the infant and her mother who held her. She was adorable and it was exciting to know in no time Harper would be that active and playful as well.
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Jace listened and smiled as Mason described his partner and his little boy. He loved kids and he loved it when parents loved their kids, and this was no exception. Jace visibly lit up when Mason asked about his own child. Jace never missed out on an opportunity to talk about his baby girl.

"Luna is very lively," Jace agreed with a nod, and a slightly tired sigh, as if Luna kept him up every night with her energy. Which, she did. "But she's absolutely beautiful. She does like music a little, she has this cute little xylophone that she whacks when Embry and I are singing or playing music."

"How sweet," said Corey with a smile.

"Very sweet. You know, between making messes and throwing food at us, she has the makings of the next Beethoven!" Jace shrugged and the audience laughed.

"We've had to baby proof the entire house or she could get hurt, she's always getting up to mischief now that she can crawl." He turned to Mason with a grin. "So, enjoy it while he's only waking you up, man, you'll miss it soon enough."
"Oh, I'll relish every moment." Mason nodded his head once, clearly amused just as much as he was serious. It brought a grin to his face, hearing the details of another's adventures with their own child. Mason had always liked children, he loved his precious nieces dearly. But he felt that love for the small ones only developed further when he had a tiny tot of his own.

Obviously, the rock singer beside him was just as much enchanted with his daughter as Mason was with Harper. Every minor to major thing they did was endearing, the infants. He was knew to the whole parenting thing but he was going to make sure to be the best parent possible to his son.

Uncrossing his arms and brushing a few strands of blonde from his forehead, he went on. "I spend a lot of my time with both him and Lainey, though, balancing my time has become a lot more difficult." Balancing his time between actually working and the quality time of his family. There was no need to say that clearly he'd been doing the latter and even slacking off more.

"Well, I'm certainly not complaining."
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"Well, Mason, it sounds like you're very happy," said Corey. Jace agreed. After the mess that was Karoline, who obviously didn't make Mason happy at all, Jace believed that his friend had finally found a woman who made him happy. He deserved that.

They had to move on to discuss other things, such as their music and upcoming projects and other things like that. Then, the show was over, the audience applauded for them and Jace and Mason left the stage.

"Hey," Jace said to Mason, touching the shorter male on the shoulder gently. "It's nice to see you. You sound like you're doing well."

Jace sighted his wife and daughter backstage and happily went to them. "Hello," he said to Embry, kissing her on the top of the head before gently taking their baby and kissing her on the cheek. "Hello, princess."

Jace turned to Mason. "Hey, when Harper gets a little bigger we should set up a play date so we can catch up. I'd like to meet Lainey, she sounds nice.
Mason smiled at both Embry and Luna when coming into their vicinity as well. And he happily returned the short hug he received from the blonde singer. It was definitely a treat to see her as well having been especially close with her in the past. Though, they had grown apart some after some years, but still good friends nonetheless. A blessing really, she was one of the most understanding and down to earth person he knew.

He would waved a hand at Luna as her mother stepped back into place beside her husband. She smiled at him and it was adorable but she was too involved to pay anymore attention. He, himself, turned back to Jace, listening to his suggestion. "That's a great idea, I believe she's a fan of yours so I doubt she'll have any qualms about having your family over." Mason said through a light chuckle.

"Oh, now we'll have to come some time." Embry smiled, folding her arms over her middle.

"Just ring us up next time you're in London.
I hope you guys enjoy your time here, it's Luna's first time here."

"Second, if you count her time in the womb."

"Traveling at such a young age,"
He joked, "I hope the next to you visit she and Harper get along."
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Lainey had watched the entirety of Mason's interview, and it had warmed her heart to hear how he spoke of her, to hear how much she and their son meant to him. It was wonderful. She was so in love and so happy with her life for once. She couldn't believe she was so lucky, she couldn't believe the wonderful boyfriend and child she had.

She was sitting on the bed in their bedroom with baby Harper laying on his back on the bed, his little arms moving as he looked around the room. She could walk a little now, though not enough to walk around and clean and cook like she normally would. That was still annoying her a little, but she knew she'd be back on her feet soon so she put it out of her mind for now.

When she heard the door downstairs open, she smiled and kissed her baby on the forehead. Harper excitedly looked to the door as his father entered and Lainey did the same thing. "Hey," she murmured, holding her arms out for him and kissing him on the cheek when he came over.

"You look cute on TV. Well, no, you look cute all the time."
"I know," Mason smiled bewitchingly and fell into her arms, he hugged her tight and kisses the top of her head."It's one of the many charms of Mason Wagner." He chuckled lightly and let go to greet Harper on the bed. He sat on the mattress and laid on his back, the feel of the soft bed and relief to be back in his home was enough to make him wantbto doze off then and there. He only turned his head to kiss Harper's cheek and tap his nose. "Hey, mate." He said softly and scoot hself on the bed farther.

It was best comfort to be home. Not to long ago Mason used to hate being home. He rather stay out all night than be home which was exactly what he did many times before. Being at home only made him feel horrible, reminded him how alone he really was and it put the scariest thoughts in his head. Now, being home, with his family did the exact opposite. And he was thankful for it. Grateful for Lainey and Harper, more than they'd ever know.

"So, what did you guys do while I was away?"
He asked, propping up his head with his elbow sinking into the mattress. He played with Harper, tinkling his belly gently and wriggling his toy keys above his head. Though, the baby would never be able to reach them, he still grabbed at them.
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"Not much," said Lainey, watching as Mason greeted the small baby. She couldn't contain her smile. Mason was so sweet and affectionate with their baby, it just cemented the knowledge in Lainey's mind that he was the father.

"We watched the tennis until your interview came on,"
Lainey informed her boyfriend. "Harper loves watching his Auntie Pipes play. She beat Venus Williams," Lainey said proudly. Even if she couldn't play the sport she loved anymore, and even if that made her heart pine every day, she still followed her brother and sister's careers religiously. There would never be a day where she didn't support the both of them.

"He thought Piper was me," Lainey chuckled, reaching over to gently squeeze her son's little foot. "We are identical, after all." Lainey turned her head and kissed Mason on the cheek. "And then we watched your interview."

She licked her lips and smiled softly. "I love you," she reminded him, kissing him on the side of the head and then the lips. "I love you so much, I don't know how I deserve someone like you in my life."

She said those words not sadly, but rather in awe of her luck, of the amazing and beautiful man laying beside her who had saved her who she loved more than anything. And the perfect little infant laying between them, who had come from a bad time but had ended up blessing her life more than she could believe. Lainey was so happy with her little family.