Nightraven High School (Full)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Knife Dodgeball?

Also, are the new guys going to post character sheets?
Knife Dodgeball?

Also, are the new guys going to post character sheets?
Fijoli sent her CS to me through PM. If you want her information you can ask her I suppose.
As for the sport you're playing... Well it's lighthearted. And it's definitely got a human feel to it.
Name: Navi

Age: 15

Grade: 1st year

Gender: F

Power: Produce Light/resurrect small creatures (one secret power with a heavy price)

Appearance: 2014-04-21 16.28.31.jpg

Personality: Navi is a serious girl, observant and reserved. She does not speak unless it's absolutely necessary. She is constantly watching others and reading their needs. Navi is chaotically neutral and aids anyone regardless of what she may or may not gain from them. alignment does not effect who she chooses to heal.

Biography: Nothing much is known about Navi, she was found wondering around bring mice and birds back to life and before she can remember she has been roaming the High school after being found and raised by Janna. Her past is a complete mystery but the teachers may know more about Navi than they have let on over the years.

Navi spends much of her time in Stave practice, producing distracting or blinding lights, or resurrecting small animals or insects but every time she does she pays a price. She doesn't exactly know how to act around people, socially she doesn't respond to anything other than someones pain, having somewhat of a sixth sense for it.
Parser rushed me so the art is unfinished lol :p
That's the part you'll have to role play to find out :)
she isn't bleeding right now though so no ones character knows about that yet.
Physical education was one of Trent's favorite calsses back home. He enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by other boys and playing with balls.

Matt would just call you gay, but know that you have my undying admiration.
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Fijoli, would you mind not formatting your IC posts like that (the center align/all cyan text/small font)? It's kind of hard to read and looks pretty jarring next to everyone else's posts.
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Fijoli, would you mind not formatting your IC posts like that (the center align/all cyan text/small font)? It's kind of hard to read and looks pretty jarring next to everyone else's posts.
Agreed, Its kind of hard to read.
Er, yeah, actually. It's a good deal easier on the eyes.
I cant seem to fix what i posted already >:[
So all furture Post will be regular.
Looks like we're having the worlds most dangerous game of football
I'm still trying to comprehend the whole Co-ed flag tackle football thing here.
It would appear I'm not on a team
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