Naruto: A Second Chance

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My hair is really long so a ponytail feels like a big lump on my head.
Lol yeah. I haven't had a chance to get any supplies yet, plus I've been pretty busy, so, I haven't started practicing drawing yet. I'm kinda nervous even to practice. Lol
Lol yeah. I haven't had a chance to get any supplies yet, plus I've been pretty busy, so, I haven't started practicing drawing yet. I'm kinda nervous even to practice. Lol

You can practice with a random $1 pencil and notebook paper~ All you need to do is just do it~
Hey look at that everyone is an artist...i'm just gonna be in a corner sweating..from my eyes.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I know its just that everyone is so good..and all I can do is kill people.
I fucked that up a while ago.
I can't draw...its just something I want to put the work in to try and get decent
I can't draw...its just something I want to put the work in to try and get decent

Draw a circle

Then draw an upside down egg
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Finally another sports man I feel less lonely now.
My favorite is basketball
I would participate in fencing if my school had been cultured enough.
I tried fencing once it was fun just didn't have the time to do for a long time.
...go to your corner.
Do we know if senjutsu is allowed? I thoroughly enjoy the concept of it.

Maybe I should just make another genin with that goal in mind. Aoko already is a Jinchuuriki, no need to give her another really good boost. Then again...meh.
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