Naruto: A Second Chance

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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While we're having you do this, mind rolling for the Tsuchikage? :P
All the kages today and there he goes jutsu and all.
Lightning Release: Shadow Clone is 200 Chakra per clone, More Chakra = More Clones, more Lightning inside said clones.

Lightning Release: Black Panther is 500 Chakra, More Chakra = Large/More Powerful Panther.

Laser Circus is a Storm Release Technique, so he can't know it >_<.

Water Style: Great Vortex Jutsu is 400 Chakra, More Chakra = Large/More Powerful Vortex.
Darn you Gale Circus you will be mine one day.
Okay found him another jutsu.
Wind Release: Rising Dragon is 400 Chakra, More Chakra = More Power.

Also, why do you always take the Academy 3 out of your characters Jutsu section? You do know it's the Academy 3, Shunshin, and Silencing Technique, that don't count towards your total jutsu count right???

Also, you can still have an S-Rank jutsu if you want :3.
Oh i didn't know that I just thought they were guidelines...welp it helps me be original.
You bet it does XD.

@Yaoi Master Gavin Are you going to be posting again at any point tonight? I just need to know so i can do a combo post for Tsuki and Naka :3.
I'm working on it now that I got out of the shower.

P.S.- Got my last Jutsu
Yea, head isn't take, he rolled Earth and Lightning. Which, ironically, makes Explosion Release, so if you find the Syringe/Bloodline for it, you get twice the explosions! :D
Female Tsuchikage confirmed!
So far i'm the only male Kage.
Pasta plz. I don't send nudes.
Well since its a Kage party why not make one for Konoha.
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