Naruto: A Second Chance

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Hmmm, due to how hard you guys are battling i might give you guys something special. Though for Neji i cant give him lvl3 sharingan because he hasnt been in any exetreme danger so far.

@thirteenorphans sry for not posting, i hit a blank spit for a long while. I'll be postung once i get on my comp.
-raises hand- I can fix that.
Feel free, i'll wait ^^
Hmmm, due to how hard you guys are battling i might give you guys something special. Though for Neji i cant give him lvl3 sharingan because he hasnt been in any exetreme danger so far.

@thirteenorphans sry for not posting, i hit a blank spit for a long while. I'll be postung once i get on my comp.
It's fine. I figured something came up.
Once @Yaoi Master Gavin makes his post, i'll be making mine and the 'special' post all in one. It's also a sort of thank you for keeping this alive and for being patient for me >_<.

@thirteenorphans I'm trying to think of which of the 7 swords of the mist would suit your character more. I have been planning on giving your character one of the swords originally, but i don't really know enough about your char ICly yet. All i know are that Samehada, Kabutowari, and Shibuki won't suit her. The Kiba Blades, Hiramekarei, and Nuibari i find would be better suited to her, mostly Hiramekarei.
When I looked over the swords before, that was my same conclusion with the Kiba blades or Hiramekarei working the best. Either one would probably work great.
While we wait for @Yaoi Master Gavin i was wondering if @Jessica2477 @Timv9 and @thirteenorphans you three's characters (all 4 of them) would grow up to be the strongest in the elemental nations? If so than training and finding rare stuff would be easier for you guys, but ALL of you have to agree. Im asking because their is a sort of, i guess you could say a power vacuum in the RP currently. Yes we know that Kage are supposed to be the strongest, but as we've seen in the Anime and Manga that didn't prove to be true most of the time, as it seemed missing nin, evil characters, and a few choice good characters were the one's who were really strong, stronger than Kage. Whether or not your characters turn evil or good doesn't matter to me (my character, maybe) i just want to know if you guys want to be the 4 who become the strongest in the Elemental Nations?
Also i have to know, @Ash Mortis @Shoske @Phantom Zero @Skeie are you guys still participating in this RP?

Just so everyone else knows, as i'm just putting this out there, until a bijuu is sealed inside of a person, that bijuu is sealed inside of an Object. I'm going to be cleaning up the Character List so i need to know if those guy's are still participating or not so i can open up the Bijuu Spots and put a banner up for this so more people join, since more people are active in this site.
While we wait for @Yaoi Master Gavin i was wondering if @Jessica2477 @Timv9 and @thirteenorphans you three's characters (all 4 of them) would grow up to be the strongest in the elemental nations? If so than training and finding rare stuff would be easier for you guys, but ALL of you have to agree. Im asking because their is a sort of, i guess you could say a power vacuum in the RP currently. Yes we know that Kage are supposed to be the strongest, but as we've seen in the Anime and Manga that didn't prove to be true most of the time, as it seemed missing nin, evil characters, and a few choice good characters were the one's who were really strong, stronger than Kage. Whether or not your characters turn evil or good doesn't matter to me (my character, maybe) i just want to know if you guys want to be the 4 who become the strongest in the Elemental Nations?

I say yes..
Well I was gonna post yesterday but things came up. First thing I'm doing after I have brekkist though.

Also, Hibiki's only 22. Still plenty of time to become a legendary ass kicker.
Hell, if we're gonna start making raids as Team IDGAF, we could be come a crack team of assassins with the force of four bijuu and murder everything -evil laugh-
While we wait for @Yaoi Master Gavin i was wondering if @Jessica2477 @Timv9 and @thirteenorphans you three's characters (all 4 of them) would grow up to be the strongest in the elemental nations? If so than training and finding rare stuff would be easier for you guys, but ALL of you have to agree. Im asking because their is a sort of, i guess you could say a power vacuum in the RP currently. Yes we know that Kage are supposed to be the strongest, but as we've seen in the Anime and Manga that didn't prove to be true most of the time, as it seemed missing nin, evil characters, and a few choice good characters were the one's who were really strong, stronger than Kage. Whether or not your characters turn evil or good doesn't matter to me (my character, maybe) i just want to know if you guys want to be the 4 who become the strongest in the Elemental Nations?
I say we go for it. Are we taking bets on who goes evil?
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@Jessica2477 None of the eye kekkai genkai can see if shadow clones are fakes or not.
So, you're saying that clones also has Chakra points? Because they're just Chakra, last time I've checked.

Screw what I said. I found the answer to that question.
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Well, that's all 3 yesses, so YAY. Just keep in mind it won't happen instantly. Anyway, i'm post now ^^.
Well, that's entirely up to you 3 XD. But, uh, @thirteenorphans i do have to warn you, something unsavory might happen to your char, maybe, perchance, beingforcefullyturnedintoajinchuurikiofthe9tails- or something >_> if your not okay with it than thats fine, i won't do it than.
Haha, go for it.

For a moment, I thought that was going to be a 'you better not leave the village' threat.
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