My specifics

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Original poster
I am new here, but I wanted to start off by letting everyone know that I am looking for more realistic role plays rather than over the top fantasy role plays. I am not a huge fan of the superhero/mutant genre, so that's fairly out of the question for me. However, I think that I would be interested in something similar in concept of having superhuman abilities if it was in a more realistic setting. I like horror role plays, or old school war role plays the most. I also enjoy romance/comedy or anything along those lines, but mainly in smaller settings. I love paranormal genres. Also, if anyone has anything open that involves philosophical discussion or law/justice themed, I would love to try that out.

-Hatesmith and justice themed..I've been wanting to do several of these ideas actually

Have you seen the show Elementary?
I have an original character that I made up for that show.

I also have a original character for the Criminal Minds series.

And I've come up and made several original characters for both the Law and Order: Special Victims Unit series and the Law and Order: Criminal Intent series as well.
I haven't seen Elementary, but I have heard of it. Something like that would be interesting.

I was also thinking along the lines of something like Law and Order. I've kind of been craving a detective type story.
Okay cool.

So which show would you like to use for the RP?
I am new here, but I wanted to start off by letting everyone know that I am looking for more realistic role plays rather than over the top fantasy role plays. I am not a huge fan of the superhero/mutant genre, so that's fairly out of the question for me. However, I think that I would be interested in something similar in concept of having superhuman abilities if it was in a more realistic setting. I like horror role plays, or old school war role plays the most. I also enjoy romance/comedy or anything along those lines, but mainly in smaller settings. I love paranormal genres. Also, if anyone has anything open that involves philosophical discussion or law/justice themed, I would love to try that out.


Hello Hatesmith,

I have a realistic role play that borrows some biopunk and ribofunk concepts. I'm unsure if it's over the top, but it's centered around 1920s time period in a united states underground city with art deco architecture. There are superhero/mutant powers, but they are called plasmids, and they require ATP, adenosine triphosphate, for them to operate. I have an elaborate biological explanation for them that goes beyond the game, Bioshock. It's a horror roleplay mostly, and it doesn't get into the war aspect until later on. I'm only looking for a maximum of seven roleplayers, so it's a smaller group. There is telekinesis, ghosts, and other paranormal activities caused by genetic engineering. You're free to encourage philosophical debates about law/justice in this RP, as it borrows heavily from philosophy and politics. Just specify which ones you want to focus on and I'll make sure it's incorporated in the RP. For more information, check the link below.

OPEN SIGNUPS - Bioshock:Fervor || Sign Ups || Character Sheet || OOC

