My Hero Academia IC

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Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Cupie, Amaris, Various Unnamed

Interactions: @Thaleko


Deadpanning slightly, he didn't expect the girl to bring up one of the many, many things wrong with that fight. For someone who didn't understand the vampire aesthetic she had, she sure was quick to nibble on someone's neck. Though while biting anyone would've been a bad idea, biting Aurora of all people was possibly the worst.

"Yeah... I bet," Masaru said with a nod.

While it was good that the girl was fine physically, that wasn't the entire purpose of his question, though considering it was Amaris he wasn't surprised she didn't respond in that way. What was surprising was that the girl asked about him. She was normally very to the point, responding solely to what was asked and inquiring only about things she didn't understand. The more she spoke, the more it aligned with what happened during the match and led to the assumption that she did feel, some things at least.

Apparently, she still struggled with the idea, however, as her tact was still lacking. At least her questioning about his fight was genuine and not in the same manner as Cupie and Charlotte.

"Yeah... I'm sure they do... It was embarrassing, for a couple different reasons." Growling a bit and his eye gaining a slight twitch, Cupie had come up with several nicknames in the span of time of his fight and now. He was sure the others had as well. "But no, I'm fine. I look worse than I am."

He was still a bit scuffed with a couple patches and bandages on his face, though that was about it. He wasn't worried about his own injuries though. Rather, it was Amaris' next comment that caught his ears.

Glancing at her with a look of slight confusion, something was certainly different with the girl. She was sorry? She would never say something like that. It would probably be more in character if she were to hear someone who said that, then question why someone else was sorry.

"Thanks... but when I asked if you were okay, I didn't just mean your injuries," Masaru clarified with a slight sigh. "Though that's probably a stupid question."
Amaris Alucard


She heard the boy's growl and saw his pained.. Or was it annoyed look? It was difficult for her to determine the emotion being conveyed by face alone. She gave him the once over. "You look fine," she said. She followed up with a question, "What 'reassons'?" She was new to embarrassment, and still did not understand the emotion one bit. Maybe he could give her insight.

She cocked her head. It did sound stupid. What else could he be meaning? Yet she held her tongue in agreeing. If he did not mean her injuries.. She once more lowered the meat from her mouth and asked. "Thhen, for what elsse are you meaning?"
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A Collab Of Mice and Panda.

Wandering the halls of the UA academy, or rather of the stadium, Ayame had found Ichirou's shirts but she had not found him. Wanting to cash in on her detective work, she knew it wasn't that long till his semi-final fight would start, and who knew who would win that. Nevermind the Final itself. Having visited a few of the wounded she was back to her usual self though pouting a bit with how unexpectedly hard this was..

"Why the long Face kid?"

"Huh?" Turning around it was Grimjaw smiling as he ran a hand in her hair, behind him was her Uncle and the Mouse.

"Huh.. Oh! Hi guys! Where is Vector and Papa at?"

"Oh somewhere another, heh. You did good Kiddo. That Miko went down, so we were just out for a bit stretching our legs till the next fight. So what are you up to?" Grimjaw says, smiling a bit as the other two look on.

"Oh uhh.. I'm trying to find Ichirou, someone stole his shirts but I found them, but he's proving harder to find than the shirts."

"We could ask Vector to do a running look for us." The White Wind chimes in.

"I have a better idea, let's give him a proper welcome." Mister Otaku says, pushing up his glasses as a glare shines across the lenses.

Ichirou was in a good mood now that he had spoken to his father, and with the semi-finals on the way, he was pretty nervous alongside his happiness. The shirt issue wasn't really a problem (at least to him), but he did wonder how far into her "detective work" Ayame was. She wasn't really going to go find his shirts for him, was she? Naaah, maybe she had more important things to do…

But then again…

Well, maybe he could ask Aurora what she liked and get Ayame something. In a friendly way of course.

However, on his way to the waiting room for the arena, Ichirou stopped as he felt like something was still caught in his throat. Had one of his pills not gone down right?

Well, a quick stop to the water fountain should work…

"Ah, hello there! Getting a Drink of this shit? Bah, Come with me kid, I insist." Grimjaw says coming up behind him, laying an arm over the youth, while the Mouse eared medic smiles and Mr Otaku Grins from the side. "Got someone for you to meet too.." Nudging him over to a Janitor's room, he seemed all friendly and smiles, though in the 'we just want to kick your ass' sort of way. "We Insist." Adds in Mr Otaku.


Ichirou knew better than to follow three grown adults into a closet, where he'd be in close quarters and quite prone to whatever they wanted to do with his supple young body. However, he did know that these were aunt Misoka's sidekicks, and whatever they wanted from him meant something not good. Especially with all of them smiling at him like that.

He couldn't help but be skeptical.

"Do I have to?" He asked them.

"Yes!" With that Grimjaw clicked his jaws of life tool and blindsided the Youth into the room. "You beat our precious Mascot, so you wanna be a winner huh, we'll we're gonna treat you like one! Yah little shit!" Shoving him inside it was then that the Mouse eared girl busted out giggling as she dumped a bucket of Gatorade on the boy.

"I think you Broke the poor boy Grimjaw." Says Mister Otaku as he smiles, pushing his glasses up again.

"Heh! I hope not, his ass better win. I'm gonna be so Fuck'n Pissed if that floaty bitch wins again the same way!"

With that White Wind offers him a towel, her mouse ears twitching as she tries to contain her giggles. "Uh.. Ayame was looking for you, we decided to have a little fun. Ayame! You can come out now!"

Ichirou, being blindsided, was pushed into the room without choice. He quickly recollected himself, but was soon met with a bucket of Gatorade and the smell of artificial fruit.

"Wh-?!" Hearing what Grimjaw said, he shot back. "Oi! It's not like I hurt her!" He hmphed, seeing the towel White Wind offered and took it. However, he thoroughly inspected it before he considered using it considering what just happened.

"Wait, Ayame was in on this?!"

Laughing a bit she smiles, holding out a collecting of clothing. "Your stuff! Anyways, err.. I can talk to you about it in the hall, and they don't need to hear about it.."

"Oh, something spicy huh? Come on Four eyes."


"Our Apologies, she's our second favorite Mascot on the team after all.. Though we may ambush you again should you win." With that the three were quick to leave as Ayame was left holding the clothing.

Ichirou, hearing what White Wind said, couldn't help but smile. "I look forward to it then. That was a good one by the way!"

Now that the initial shock of it had worn off and Ichirou could actually enjoy the joke, he stepped out of the closet and saw that Ayame had actually found his shirts. With a big smile, Ichirou was already pulling off the one he currently wore considering it was drenched in Gatorade.

"I can't thank you enough for finding them! Where were they?" Ichirou asked then added, "Oh, what did you want to talk about?"

"Eh, only if you got that 5000 yen.. Hahaha.. But huh…"
Ayame says, heading back outside.

"Okay." Ichirou answered, "I'll get you that money if you tell me."

"I'm not that dumb! But hmm, it was Charlotte, I'm not sure if she did it with something too bad in mind, they were a bit difficult to track down, but if I had to guess she moved them with those mind powers of hers. Maybe just a joke or she's one of those stalker types, haha.. Well no point taking all the shirts if for that.."

"Charlotte? Huh. Actually, she pranks Masaru like this all the time; I think she might have set her sights on me too." Ichirou grinned, putting a fresh shirt on then tossing the torn up and wet one into the trash.

"Oh hey, before you go."

Ichirou reached into his wallet and pulled out the required amount of yen, taking Ayame's hand then putting it in her palm. "Thanks! This'll cover my two favors by the way."

With that, he took his fresh shirts from Ayame and took them with him to the arena waiting room. He'd put them in his locker when he could.

"Two favors.. Oh that! Hmph, the Fire boy only likes the big ones.. Well he is fire so it's a bonus to me that he can't appreciate a small woman and I now can buy something from the store! Hahaha! Panda Success!"

Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


"Because through dumb luck or something else, Ichirou somehow manages to get far too close for comfort," Masaru said vaguely with a sigh. "The same way you and Aurora got too close for comfort."

Explaining exactly why weren't details Masaru was willing to go into. Instead, he'd sooner forget the whole thing. Though perhaps she could grasp the idea given what she went through in her match. He wanted to make sure she was fine emotionally, not use his bad luck and nicknames as a lecture on embarrassment.

"Well... The way you acted... wasn't how people without emotions act. Not to mention things... happened..." Amaris was behaving strangely even before the break up, not to mention all the other stuff that fell in the same box as his fight with Ichirou. Scratching the back of his head, he wasn't trying to be extremely specific for the sake of awkwardness and embarrassment. "You just seemed down is all... which isn't usual for you. I wanted to make sure you were doing fine emotionally."
Heisuke Hamada

@Jessica2477 @TheSly

The male was a little confused when Octavia mentioned that they would have to speak somewhere else, was it that secretive that he couldn't say it in front of everyone? Heisuke thought to himself. "Well alright, let's go." As the two rounded the corner, Heisuke suddenly jumped back when Octavia and another boy who he didn't know collided, causing the two to hit the ground.

"You okay Oc?" Heisuke lent out a hand to help pick up the girl, looking to his left to see Fosc on his shoulder then looked over to see who the person was that knocked her to the ground. "Hey, watch where you're going greased lightning." Even if the male did do it on accident or if it was Octavia's fault, Heisuke was really defensive with his friends especially Octavia, so he was not going to let it go easily.

"Maybe you should take that music out of your ears man."
Amaris Alucard


"In battle, oppossing forcces offten get too closse for comffort. Ifh you were comffortable cozzying up to your foe, then ssomething might be wrong. Or you were ussing a diffferent tactic.. Unlesss it was your foe ussing the tactic againsst you.." Amaris said in understanding, or maybe, she was not understanding. Or was she understanding a little too well?

In fact, it was exactly so! She glanced away, nibbling on the meat. He was talking about that very tactic she used against Aurora.. Suddenly pinkness rose in her otherwise pale cheeks. It was quite obvious as they were usually stark white. Just thinking about what she had done to Aurora made her face heat up and her heart quicken! Blinking, she frowned, then mumbled, "It.. it jusst seeemed like a good tactic to employ in the moment.." Aurora had grappled her! What could she have done to escape?!? She nommed some more, but the meat was getting small. She proceeded to explain her reasoning behind the tactic used. "As-s Aurora findss me attractivve.. or at leasst I asssume sso, ssince we are togethh -.. were togethher. I jusst figured I shhould 'attack' her in thhat way.. I-in the physsical in-intimate sensse.. I-I mean."

Her cheeks lit up even more and she instinctively bent away, trying to hide her face -for reasons she did not know or understand. "It worked, more or lesss, didn't it?"

This time, she turned back towards him, still red in the face. "'Down'? Me? What evver do you mean, Massaru?.. " What did it mean to 'be down'? "Fine.. emoshunally.. " Her eyes lowered once again, then she whipped her pigtails as she glanced away. "Ofh coursse! Why would no.. wouldn't I be?.." What did that even mean? "...I do not get emoshunal, Massaru. I thhought you knew thhat.."
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Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


"Yes, intimate. Intimate is what I meant," Masaru clarified with a tired sigh, having wanted to avoid speaking directly about it.

Regardless, as Amaris explained her logic, there was no question about it. She was becoming flustered. The reddened face was one thing but paired with the stutter and hesitation made the whole thing fairly obvious. Plus, though he had indeed asked her about it, the girl seemed to be attempting to rationalize it more to herself than him.

"Considering the results... No. I don't think it did..." Masaru replied matter-of-factly.

Now she was trying to hide her face. It was very odd to see Amaris suddenly bashful, but that just provided more evidence. Even if she didn't fully understand, she was experiencing emotions. Unfortunately, her first experience was—Whatever the hell happened down there followed by a break-up.

"Down... it's an expression." Sighing, Masaru silently chastised himself for not being as precise as he could be. "Sad, depressed, unhappy, grim... Like I said Amaris, how you've been acting and are acting isn't how people without emotions act. Whether you've noticed or not, I'm pretty sure you've you're passed the whole no emotions thing."

Surely she was feeling something. Her behavior was way too much to be an act. Maybe she just didn't know how to connect the emotions she was feelings or how to acknowledge them? In hindsight, he was probably terrible for this whole situation. Exactly where was he even planning to go with the conversation anyway? With anyone else it would've been simple. A 'Yes, I'm fine' or a 'No' followed by some venting. With Amaris it wouldn't be nearly that simple. Where was that damned ice cream head when he actually needed her?

"Or are you telling me you don't feel anything right now? Or back during your fight?"
UA Sports Festival
Mentions: @Yzmael @Mr.Scales ⚖

Isamu awoke in the infirmary. How long had he been out? He groaned, sitting up while rubbing his head as if that would send away the headache he was currently experiencing. If the backlash of his attack colliding with that Empress girl's hadn't been enough, the loss of energy from his overcharged bombs did the job.

He sighed as he checked one of the monitors in the room. He'd missed a few fights. More than just a few. "So much for Bombs Away's debut." He said with a slight chuckle as he swung his legs slowly over the side of the bed and hopped off. He dusted himself off and took a deep breath to hold back from wincing as his hands ran roughly over bruising skin. He vaguely remembered the end of his match, the girl carrying him off away from the arena.

"Wha?!" Isamu's cheeks lit up as he caught a brief replay between battles of him being princess carried off the stage. "So embarrassing," he huffed as he shook his head, making his way out of the room he'd been in. Many thoughts were running through his mind. But the biggest one… One of the many things he'd been avoiding since the death of one of his best friends… Isamu slapped his cheeks, steeling himself for that was to come.

Collab with @Jessica2477
"Hey Cupie," he said, having made his way to the observation deck. "Um… D-do you…" He paused noticing she didn't seem to be doing too great. "Are you okay?" He asked much less nervous when it came to a friend being upset.

Cupie, since she returned, had gone full circle except this time there was no plate of food with her to scarf down. Her feet were on the table again, leaning back in her chair. The mask she had worn was in one hand, Cupie blankly looking up at the ceiling as her thoughts replayed her interactions with her parents.

Though she wished it could have gone better, she knew the only way that would happen was if she let them control her life. Her life was her own, dammit…

Suddenly she was approached by someone; a familiar face who used to hang around someone she had cared for.

Cupie smiled, "Hey Meatball, long time no see."

She righted the chair, then turned both the chair and herself in one fluid motion so that she sat backwards with her arms resting on the chair's back, her body facing Isamu's.

"Yeah, doing fine myself; not hurt or anything as far as I know. What about you? Looks like you've gotten better at walloping." She answered him, clearly not getting what he meant by "okay."

Isamu took a step back as Cupie adjusted herself in her seat. He listened to her, not quite sure what to say at first. She definitely hadn't understood what he meant. He took a breath. "You don't seem the type to get riled up over a fight. Even if the loss was to… Well.. Heisuke." Isamu rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. He was beating around the bush a bit for sure. After all, this wasn't what he'd initially come to talk to her about. But he was finding it harder to bring up the real reason.

"U-um yeah, I'm fine. A little beat up. A little stronger," he finally said with a small sigh. "I've just been thinking… you know… about things. But that's… that's not too important right now." Isamu gave her a half smile, almost sympathetic. "Y-you look a little down," he said being a little more direct about his earlier question. "D-did something happen?"

Didn't seem the type to get riled up over a fight, huh? Well, if slapping the shit out of Heisuke wasn't "riled up" then Isamu must have not seem the remainder of it.

Seeing how he behaved, Cupie could already tell that he wasn't just here for small talk. Hmmm…

At his question, she shrugged, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just spoke with my parents and they weren't happy I lost so quickly. That's all." Cupie assured him, getting up from her chair and gesturing him to follow. "Come on Meatball. Don't ask questions, just follow."

She would lead him to a more secluded location, somewhere away from prying ears.

"Alright, what's the matter Meatball? I can tell there's something more on your mind and it involves me." She said to him, waiting for his answer. However, it took her a moment before she realized something.

"Wait… Don't tell me… This is about him, yeah?" She asked.

Isamu was sure that the talk with her parents had affected Cupie more than she'd admit. But he wasn't going to pry. Still, he was a little surprised when she asked him to follow her. He did of course. In a way, this was for the best. It was better to be somewhere more private. But putitng it so bluntly, he was a little unsure of how to continue still.

"Y-you got me," he said with a nervous chuckle. He fidgeted with his fingers. "I just… I mean, I guess… I wanted to…" Isamu sighed unsure of how to continue at first. "I guess I should have brainstormed or written something down before coming to talk to you."

Isamu took a deep breath. "I never tried to reach out after… Everything. I kind of closed off. Like I was the only person to lose someone. And I… I regretted it. Ya know?" He looked up, the best he could do to meet eyes with Cupie. "I felt like I was alone… I'd lost one of my best friends. The first new real friend I'd had in a while. And I wasn't sure what I was gonna do." Isamu looked away again as he continued. "I saw you sometimes, hurting… And I wanted to reach out, but I couldn't work up the courage. I don't know… I guess I wanted to say… Sorry? No… Not sorry… I don't know what I wanted to say…"

Isamu was quiet for a second trying to find the words. "Fuck… Sorry… I didn't… Shit... I'm gonna shut up now…"

Cupie listened to him quietly as he spoke, not giving any sign of emotion until halfway through his words when her mask was beginning to break. She understood all too well, as Makoto had been a great friend of hers as well. The more he spoke though, Cupie was beginning to feel the dam crumbling, her demeanor lessening and her legs feeling weak just as they had been when she first learned of Makoto's death.

She took to leaning against the wall for only a second to catch her bearings.

"It's okay dude… I get it… You don't have to say it to get your point across."

She approached him, contemplating whether she should slip the mask back on for this moment. Cupie knew there was no way she could keep her composure with this conversation, but at the same time, it was inevitable.

The bottled up emotions needed to come out. She thought she was done crying, but no, she wasn't. At the rate she was going now, she would never be done.

Cupie stopped right in front of him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I have my regrets too… You know… He revealed himself to be a traitor to me, Octavia, and Masaru. He was shaking, crying, just a complete mess… If I had to describe "remorse" in a way, it was just like that… The last thing I told Makoto was for him to get the fuck out before I killed him myself…"

Cupie paused.

"Everyone hated him, but… I couldn't bring myself to do it. I should have been pissed at him, but I wasn't… I wanted to forgive him that night, but he left the hospital and I didn't have my phone, so I thought "I'll see him tomorrow…." Tomorrow came, nothing... No answer. The day after that, the day after that, and the day after that, nothing…"

"All that time I was waiting to see him so I could forgive him, and instead… I had a fucking detective telling me he was dead… Murdered…"

She shook a little in her spot before collapsing to the ground on her hands and knees, face staring at the floor as the tears fell.

"It took everything out of me to not cry like a fucking baby in front of his mom and his brother… I have to lie about where I'm going at night so I can visit his grave in peace… I have to bring cleaning stuff to his gravestone to wipe off all the shit people vandalize it with… I can't tell any random person at school just how much of a good person he was without them thinking I might be in fucking cahoots with the Villains.... Hiking makes me sick to my fucking stomach because it was something he and I did together… I'm trying to do it again, because I know he would want me to continue with or without him, but… Fuck, dude… I-I'm trying… M-my quirk developed black hearts because of his death; like it's a fucking reward for my suffering…"

Cupie tried to take a breath, but due to the strength of her crying, she only managed to hiccup. "I miss him so much! I wish I could see him again, for just 5 minutes so I can say goodbye! I-If he had just stayed in the hospital… If I hadn't been such a bitch to him… H-He could have still been alive! The Heroes-they could have protected him if it wasn't for me running him out of there before they could get to him...Gnnh! Mmph!"

She wanted to yell, but Cupie pressed both hands against her mouth to keep her from doing so. No way did she want to cause a commotion.

Isamu clenched his fist listening to Cupie. He wanted to say something, to interrupt her, to help… somehow. He remembered hearing the news himself. He didn't know what to think or what to feel. Everyone was going on and on about Makoto. It was all traitor this or traitor that. But he only knew Makoto as his friend. He'd spent so long feeling sorry for him, sorry for himself. And then there was Cupie.

The young boy swallowed hard. Tears rolled down his cheeks like streams of lava burning his cheeks. "I-i'm sorry Cupie," he choked out, placing a hand on her shoulder as he knelt down in front of her. "I had no idea you'd be dealing with… with all of this… on your own." He couldn't help but feel like he should have been there for her, should have tried to be there for her. He should have tried. That's all it would have taken.

"I… I can't change what's already happened, but…" Isamu took a deep breath trying to stop the tears. Trying to figure out the words. Trying to put himself in her place. Images of him and Makoto flashed in his mind. He remembered long nights hanging out in Makoto's room. He remembered his friend trying to help him train to use his quirk better. Coming up with combination attacks that they'd never be able to use now. He could understand wanted to scream because he wanted to as well.

He wanted to shout everyday he heard someone badmouth the traitor of UA. He wanted to get into fights even though it'd never been his thing.

"Maybe I can… I mean… If you want… we can try hanging out more," he finally said. "I kept telling him I'd go hiking with him… Kept thinking I had time. I put it off so many times, but I never… I never did."

"And maybe I can go with you to his g…"
Isamu didn't wanna say it. He hadn't even visited on his own yet. "I can go to his grave with you…" He forced it out before crying again, harder, pulling his shirt up to cover his mouth. Squeezing his eyes shut. He'd been holding it back, but he couldn't anymore. He just couldn't no matter how hard he tried. "S-sorry… I wasn't trying to… but… but…" He quieted himself before he could shout. She would likely understand anyway. Right?

Cupie stayed where she was, letting the tears go as memories of her time with Makoto. It felt good to let loose again… The vacation didn't do shit for her since most of it she wished she could have spent some of it with her deceased friend… But, the tears soon started to dry up and a weight on her shoulder seemed to have lifted. Talking to Isamu did help make her feel better, because he understood completely.


She wiped the tears from her cheeks, an apparent redness still present.

"If I didn't know any better I'd have thought you were using this to score with me, then I would have kicked your ass for playing with my emotions."

Cupie smiled at him, "Lucky for you, I know you're not that kind of person… Yeah, you can go hiking with me. I invited Masaru, and we can invite Octavia so we can all rejoice and become good friends… That's what Makoto would have wanted…"

With the grave visitation offer still in the air, she nodded a few times. "I leave for his grave at around 10 PM… When we get back to the dorms, I'll knock on your door and we can go… If you're not ready by then, I'll leave without you."

Isamu smiled as Cupie wiped her tears until she finally spoke. His eyes widened, his cheeks heating to a crimson shine as he fell back waving his hands in front of himself. "I-i-i w-would never d-do something l-like that!" He stuttered out realizing how that could have come off. Even if he knew she was joking, Cupie had still caught him off guard. Still he smiled. It would be nice to do something with others now, share some of the grief. Remember his friend as he was before this mess.

"R-right. I'll be ready." Isamu picked himself up. He dusted off random bits of dirt he'd gotten when he fell and wiped his eyes. They were still a bit red, a little puffy, and his cheeks were still a shade of pink. "Um j-just let me know when you're planning on going hiking," he said softly. It seemed like he was about to say something else before he was interrupted by his grumbling stomach.

"Ugh… I'm hungry…" he half whined as he rubbed his belly. He hadn't noticed til now. Maybe he could go get a snack or something. "I should go find some food. But… um… should we exchange contact info… or something? So we can talk m-more? About Makoto, or training or hiking or anything. I don't know." He pulled out his phone. This was a bit harder to ask after her earlier comment. He looked away, his cheeks a little darker now, cherry red.

Cupie, though her face was still a shade of red from her tears earlier, couldn't help but smirk seeing Isamu get all flustered. Heh, almost as much fun as Masaru, but her good friend was more vocal about it so he still had the gold medal of "people to tease."

She tossled his hair with her hand, "Sure kid. There's sandwiches, cheese, and whatever else at the loser corner."

Cupie took out her phone, unlocking then opening the dial menu for Isamu to insert his contact information. Then, she sent him a text with one phrase.

'Thank you.'

"Alright Meatball, I'm gonna head to the locker room. See ya whenever, alright?" She said, and with that started walking away looking and feeling a thousand times better than before.

Though the pain of loss still hurt, at least she had some friends to help carry the weight of it. She didn't have to suffer in silence...

"Right! I'll see you later!" Isamu called out to Cupie with a wave as she left him. He sighed once she was gone. That was harder than he'd expected, but he felt better now at least. And she did too if the text was anything to go by. He smiled... until his stomach growled again.

"Okay okay..." the small boy huffed deciding to listen to Cupie and make his way to the observation deck.
UA Sports Festival - Observation Deck
Interaction: N/A
Once he'd made it to the Observation Deck, Isamu was quick to find the refreshment table. After fighting and losing himself, he'd figured he might as well treat himself to a losers meal (on a budget). He couldn't help but think about his opponent for a moment. He tried to shake her from his thoughts, but she kept coming back. The sadness and despair he'd felt was so strong, so intense. He hadn't even gotten her name. He shook his head taking a bite of a small sandwich he'd picked up. One of many. They would do very little for his energy storage, but it'd build up. Plus he could always eat other materials later. Right now he needed stuff that tasted good.

"I wonder what I should do now," he said to nobody as he continued to snack on some of the food that had been put out. Lucky there was so much. Although some of the catering staff seemed to be complaining about having to refill after multiple visits from a purple haired glutton.

Of course Isamu would continue to watch the remaining matches, but that could only serve as entertainment for so long. Maybe he could meet up with or talk to someone else? Maybe he could talk with Masaru, or Octavia. It seemed they would be spending a bit more time together if things worked out. At least with hiking. Or maybe... He swallowed hard. Heisuke? Where was he? He hadn't had a long conversation with him. He hadn't had a conversation with him at all. He'd seen him from afar. He heard that he got on people's nerves. He knew he won against Cupie, but lost to Kanna. Isamu sighed. "Maybe..."

UA Sports Festival
Interaction: N/A
Shunsuke gave a sigh of relief. He'd eaten his fill, had gotten the chance to view a few awesome fights, and perhaps one strange one. The shadow girl and the blonde(?) beauty. Hmmm more than one "controversial" match involving her. It seemed that there was more to the match than met the eye. But he wasn't really sure. He didn't know them. Guess it was just something he'd have to let go. Shunsuke shrugged. Hopefully everyone was alright following this tournament. It was supposed to all be in goo fun after all. It had been for him so far. He'd even met a few of his new classmates.

"I wonder what I should do now," It was a tough thing to plan. He wanted to look for Shizui. Was she still here? He was sure after her loss that she'd need a friend. Even if she wouldn't admit it. He chuckled. "Yup, gotta find her," he said softly as he threw out a few final things and began to roam the stadium. If he didn't find her soon, he'd probably end up calling out her name. If that didn't work he'd just have to find her at the dorms later. If he bumped into somebody else in between, that'd be just as good to him. One could never be to picky with how they spent their day after all. Well... At least in cases like these where the consequences would be minimal. So, he laced his fingers behind his head where they rested as he continued his stroll through the grounds of the Sports Festival.
Amaris Alucard


"Yess, I havve heard the expresshion before." Regardless, that didn't mean she knew what it was like to be 'down', having never experienced it before. What could get Amaris down? She once more looked away from him, finishing up her meat, and frowning having nothing to absent-mindedly focus on during this conversation. Nothing that would help with the anxiety.. This was what it meant to feel 'anxious', wasn't it?

"I-it iss not thhat I do not feel emoshuns.." She had felt emotions before, obviously. While it was true, she did not normally feel emotions, but she had another 'form' that felt many emotions. Was always inundated with them, actually. "It iss thhat I do not undersstand them.." She whispered, "Or how to react and handle them.."

"And worsse, they feel pointlesss. No, they seeem to be nothing more than an obsstrucshun; to impede and disrupt more than anythhing. Their purposse is flabbergassting." Looking at Massaru she announced, "I do not thhink I want them. They only interfere with productivvity and get in the way of successs. Iss it not better to renouncce emoshuns Masaru?" She paused, realizing he'd need to hear her argument. "You could havve won your fight with Ichhirou, ifh you had not been embarrasssed. Heck, you could havve done ssomething ssimilar to Ichhirou on purposse, to throw him off, and make him losse." Basically what she had done with Aurora, but Masaru could've had more luck and won. "Yet you would nevver try suchh a thhing, now would you Massaru? You're too eassily flusstered. Thhat muchh iss obviouss. It iss a weaknesss."
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Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


"Right..." That made things even worse. She wasn't inaccurate when she said he wasn't the best example of someone in control of his emotions. If it was how to react or handle them, he definitely wasn't the person to talk to. Yet, here he was.

As she explained her thoughts on the matter, Masaru could help but letting out a short, amused huff at her words. It wasn't odd or strange, but someone saying that they didn't think they wanted these feelings was somehow amusing. Still, he knew firsthand how wrong the idea was. He knew what it was like to try to shut oneself off. It didn't work for him, though he at least had someone better than him at words to pull him out of it.

"Maybe. Honestly, I'm not sure I have much that could put Ichirou down for good. His endurance makes him like a tank and mine is lacking. But maybe." He wasn't going to say the whole thing wasn't embarrassing, but it didn't take his guard down that much. "Yes, they're a pain a lot of the time. But, there's not much you can do about it. As we've seen, even if you try to block them off, even if you try not to go to that... form, psyche, whatever you want to call it, you can't."

Sighing, Masaru recalled trying several different tactics to avoid what he was feeling. He tried blocking it off and ignoring it, pushing others away if they tried to talk about it, but then it just boiled. For a time he even tried taking it out on others, but that helped little and less.

"Doesn't matter if we want them or not. We get them and in my experience nothing really works to stop feeling... everything," Masaru said, pausing to think on where to proceed. "You've just gotta work through them... and they can be nice at times too. Friends and family, fun, accomplishment and pride, even... Well, what you and Aurora were... It comes with the good and bad. Emotions can get in the way, but they can also push you passed your limits and motivate you. You shouldn't be so quick to try and get rid of them."
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Amaris Alucard


He refuted every point, while making a case for having emotions. She frowned, wondering if what he said could possibly be true. 'Shadow Amaris', as she was called, often was better at combat than she was, taking risks and doing absurd attacks with her shadows. And yet, she was often more trouble than she was worth. And for whatever reason.. Amaris could never stand being 'Shadow Amaris' around Aurora.. it had always made her quite miserable, and she never understood why.

Her stomach growled, indicating that piece of meat had not been nearly enough for that last battle. Her hand placed itself upon her grumbling stomach. "Yeah, well.. I am lucky.. 'causse I do not havve to worry about thhat.. Or debate the issshue. I lack emoshuns thankss to my quirk.."

She was going to go find something to eat. "At any rate, Massaru. You do not havve a good handle on your own emoshuns. While they can be beneficcial -allegedly- yours are often not. Quite often yourss get in the way. You do not handle them well. That new portal girl seeemed to have isshues with her emoshuns, too. And Kanna.. Well, shhe clearly hass anger isshues, but maybe this is the one casse where havving emoshuns iss beneficcial? Her anger seeems to empower her. Though, who can ssay, if her anger isshues really help or hinder."

"Your argument that emoshuns can be good, in my exxperiencce, and from what I havve obsserved, is not ssubstantiated."
She held out her hand in a gesture as she spoke, "Sso, shhow me a casse where havving emoshuns without-a-doubt helpss. Then maybe you can convincce me."

Her hand fell back to her side, brushing her pleated skirt. "Though, it iss not your job to educate me, or convincce me of wild theoriess. Sso, feel free to not do thhat -shhould you not care. It.. doess.. not matter.. I supposse."

She turned to begin walking away, over to the bar of free food, wondering if there was anything there that catered to a 'freak' vampire girl that only scared and pushed people away.
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Katsu "K'" Sanada
Mentions - @Mr.Scales ⚖, @Jessica2477

"Yes, a transfer student... but what do you mean, another? How many transfers are there?" K' asked the other teen, he thought he would be pretty much alone as the new guy in class. At first K' paid no attention to the other guy that was with them, only noticing him after he had said something.

'What does that asshole want? Is he her boyfriend or something? Try to be at least decent one time and somebody else does the job of being the asshole for you, great! Just try to stay calm and not turn this guy and some of the other people here to cinders.' K' thought to himself as he looked the other boy up and down. About the same height as him, short dark hair, brown-blackish eyes and pretty well built.

"Already tried to apologize, didn't I? Probably woulda bumped into her even if I wasn't listening to music. Why so protective anyways? Are you her boyfriend and afraid I'm coming onto her? Aren't hurt either, are you?" K' directed the last part toward the girl he had idiotically run over. He tried to keep his annoyance of the other male out of his voice as best as he could, though he was sure it still showed plenty. God... trying to be nice really didn't come with any benefits, whatsoever, did it?

Killian Eisenschmied and Ayame Dachi
In collaboration with @RedArmyShogun

Losing itself would already have been frustrating enough, but losing without even being able to make a dent? It couldn't get much more embarrassing than that, could it? Killian was only happy that he was let out of the infirmary fairly quickly. The fall didn't break his arm and luckily only badly bruised it and the kick to the head had only busted open some parts of his mouth right above his teeth. Considering what he had been up against, this could easily be considered a best case scenario, Killian was just not happy with it.

Now he was stomping through the halls of the school, looking for his new room. He had been given a rough description of where it was, and even if he hadn't forgotten it he would probably still not know where it was. His hands were clenched into fists, his nails digging into his skin and despite it being rather painful his teeth were clenched. He was angry as all hell, but where was he supposed to go with that anger? Not like he could just bust down a wall in the building all willy nilly. He tried to calm himself, telling himself that it was nothing but a bad match-up and that he wasn't as useless as it must have looked.

'Bullshit. There are no bad match-ups if you are a professional hero. Then it's either win or be killed and if she would have been a real villain I would be dead, at least twice over.'

His anger wasn't helped by the fact that his search for the A1 droms was still going nowhere, at least the halls were fairly empty with most people focused on the ongoing tournament. He just wanted to get to his room so he could have some space to deal with his frustration. Eventually, he saw a girl down the hall that seemed vaguely familiar to him. Maybe she was a student here too? Maybe she was even a student of Class A1 and knew exactly where their dorms were.

"Hey! Sorry," he called out, putting on a short sprint toward the girl, "Could you help me out? I think I might be lost in here." Killian asked rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, trying his best to sound as chipper as ever.

"A-a-ahh!" With the strange boy running at her, Ayame stands her ground about to scratch him till she hears the rest. "Huh? Oh!"

He was one of the fighters wasn't he? A Transfer Student from one of the other classes, though she had not seen him in action, with her own fight happening at the same time. He seemed a bit flustered..

"Umm, Well I know the school almost as well as Mom, she found more of the tunnels than I have.. hmph.. So uh, yeah, I'm Ayame Dachi, umm what are you trying to find? I was going to the little food stand they have!" She says Cheerily.

"Ayame, I'll keep that name in mind. I'm Killian, really nice to meet you." Though he was a little thrown off by the girl's first response to him, he tried not to think about her surprise to much. He did come running at her out of basically nowhere after all.

"Wait… Sorry, I can never get used to this. It's Dachi, not Ayame, is it? Sorry." Killian apologized after realizing that he had made his favorite mistake again. You don't just call someone by their first name here, stupid.

"I was originally looking for the A1 Dormitories… but, actually, if you know the way to food, I will gladly follow you, if I may. Food sounds good right about now." Maybe that way he could get some of the frust off his chest. Eating to deal with these things was never good, but maybe he could let it slide one time.

"Huh? No you can call me Ayame, Momma is a teacher here, so you'll be calling her Dachi or Dullahan's Flame afterall. So it's fine if I'm Ayame. I lost my second fight but I wanted to see the ending after I visited everyone in the medical ward!"

"But ah yeah, the Food, ha.. Hmm.. Just follow me! I was going to go get Kanna, but she's already gone.. Killian..that's an odd name, are you another of the overseas students?"

"Oh good, I always forget that you can't just call people by their first names here. Yeah, I'm from overseas, I'm from Germany, that's also why I can't get used to calling other people my age by their last name. We usually onl- WAIT! WHAT?! You… you lost your second fight? At what round are they? I've been out since the first round! How long have I been looking for those damn dorm rooms?" Killian sighed, both to stop himself from freaking out at his horrible sense of orientation and to give himself an opportunity to breath.

"If you know your way around, then that's really good for me. Because, I still can't find my way around this building at all. I've never heard of a hero called Dullahan's Flame… who is she? Someone I should know about?"

"Huh? Well you aren't from here..makes me wonder why so many outside of Japan are here now, I mean not like most of you can even be a hero here.." Ayame says then shrugs. Wondering how best to explain who her mother is.

"Well, she was the 9th best Hero in Japan, now it's 7th. She teaches one of.. well no, several of the classes here switching off with some of the other instructors. Just look for the lady who's body is engulfed by blue flames and can detach her head and flies around a bit! Though you worry me a bit, I wonder if you know the Number One or Alloy Surge.. Wow you really do need help huh? I'll get you a book on all of the stuff you need to know and bring it to you later." Ayame says with a smile, at least he could carry a conversation with her, still..

"What made you come here? Anyways keep following me and I'll show you the way to the Food!" She says starting off with a step. Killian followed behind her, trying his best to remember anyone named Alloy Surge.

"I'm afraid I know neither the number one hero in Japan, nor do I recall someone called Alloy Surge, though I think I heard that name before… I was never one to get super excited about other heroes like most people." He was trying to think as hard as he could… Alloy Surge… He had a feeling he had at least heard the name but didn't bother committing it to memory.

"As to what brought me here… Well, it's a really, really long story. I guess I'm a bit of a care bear and a little too nice, because I just like helping people s best I can and coming here, or working as a firefighter, or policeman and so on was just the logical step. I also came here thinking my quirk would make for a good hero's quirk… though ever since I came here I've more and more gotten the feeling that that really isn't the case." Killian drifted off a little into his thoughts the more he spoke, almost accidentally bumping into a wall as he followed the racoon looking girl.

"I..can understand why, but Why here and not err.. Germany wasn't it? I mean you don't know much about the people here, so I doubt you'll know much about the Culture, you might be in for a few shocks you know?" This boy, while he had emotions, was equally as strange as Amaris and the American from before, Lucien.. "Well when in doubt, when sad or confused do like the Red Panda's and Dance!" She says shaking her hips a little as her tail sweeps up. "Maybe I should see if Kanna would help you too, she's in a good mood now..I think."

"Red Panda- what?" Killian couldn't help but laugh a little at the display in front of him, "You really don't want to see me dance. Y'know, the people who have seen it are said to have never returned from a place of eternal darkness… and bad dancing." The question she asked was a little harder though, why did he come to japan of all places.

"I honestly applied to UA on a whim… I'm kind of a nerd, so I had already learned quite a good amount of Japanese back at home, and UA is one of the most well known academies for heroes. Plus, I guess I just really wanted to see something other than the green fields and grey rainy sky of the german coast. People say its picturesque but it loses its charm rather quickly if you were born and grew up there. Japan on the other hand is very different from Germany, I kinda love that. It's new and fresh and I finally get to breath something else but sea salt air." This was now the second time he began trailing in thought as he spoke… she was really good at getting the gears in his head to turn.

"Huh.." Listening to him she stops briefly, turning around to nod with a tap of her chin. "Oh well, it's happened now! But I do think you'll find this country is the same, but till then, might as well do you training then you could work across all of Europe! But hmm…. Ah, yes, the Dance..hehe.." Looking at him her eyes seem to flash briefly. "I'm a human! But also Red Panda, the only True Panda! The So called Giant Panda is a Fake and a liar! It is a bispectial colored bear! Which isn't even a bear! A double Liar!" Excitedly she motions for him to follow.

"Well, nerd or not you still should get to know others. We had a student from overseas not so long ago who spent all his time in his room and being Moody, I hope he's doing better now.. they haven't told us much after he was sent back to the US. Either way I would like to help you meet some of the others so you aren't alone."

Killian was having some trouble keeping up through his laughter. A panda bear? Double liar? This may just be something that only someone who had panda literally in their genes would understand. He on the other hand only found what she said and the accompanying motions incredibly cute and hilarious.

"Alright, giant pandas are no true pandas and double liars... duly noted." Killian said stifling his laughter, "And I think you have the wrong idea. By nerd I don't mean I hole up in my room a lot, I just like certain niesche things that most people think are weird or strange. I'd gladly take you up on the offer to introduce me to others in class, I'm actually not all that good at making good first impressions. Shocking, I know. And I hope I am not too much of a bother, since I'm basically using you as a sort of pseudo tour guide right now. Anyways, where is the food? I'm hungry. I'll treat you as a thank you for helping me out too." Now Killian was actually hungry, rather than wanting to do something to deal with the frustration from the rather humiliating loss. The girl certainly had an aura around her that cast that away.

"Hehe.. Sure I'll show you there, but first a little game!" With that she darts around a corner where she summons two of her clones, they could not be physically interacted with too much at least. They were the same ones from the fight. "Find the real one, hehe." Ayame says calling out to him, she had to have a little fun at his expense, though she planned to lead him there either way.

"A game huh?" She had a quite interesting quirk, not just a mutation that made her closer to a red panda, but also the ability to create doubles of herself, which Killian assumed were just illusions.

"Alright… I could make this really easy for myself." Killian said, playing as if he was some arrogant snob from a movie, letting three of his chains extend from his neck and hover close to each of the three Ayames.

"But that wouldn't be fun… so, that one!" In a flash the three chains had intertwined and tried to give the rightmost Panda Girl a boop on the nose.

"Nope." Says the Leftmost one as the other vanishes in a puff of smoke, the center joining it soon after. "I did think of climbing into a vent or onto a box and putting three fakes up just to make the game unwinnable, but there was nothing in this hall I could hide on or in, hahaha...ah.. Oh!" Motioning for him to follow they didn't have that far to go. "Let me show you the way. I mean you only had a one in three chance of winning that and I'm not a Carnie. Plus I want more of the apples." She says starting off on her walk again. "That Quirk of yours could be very handy you know. It just depends on who you work with and how its used."

"Yeah, might be useful someday. And I guess just as a little punishment for losing that game I should offer to treat you to... whatever food they have wherever you are leading me. You're a tricksy one, aren't you? Already wanting to cheat someone who you've just met." Killian would lie if he said that she wasn't any fun. If this was what he was supposed to deal with on a day to day basis for the next couple of months and years, then it certainly wouldn't be boring anytime.

"Haha. I'm the more friendly of the Trickster duo in this class at least. And huh? Oh no, it's all free! Plus I already made 5000 Yen. So it's not like I'm hurting for money. Well not that 5000 Yen is all that much.. Think it's like, 50 USD now.. But no, you chains could be useful now, I'll explain more in training if I see a chance to make use of them. But yeah, I'm like Momma, in most terms we can't hold up to a stand up fight, so we both make use of working with others or creative tactics and techniques.. Though Momma is pretty strong. Anyways just down this hall and we'll be at the observation deck."

"I have a good feeling of how much Yen is, at least I think I do… US Dollars, however, mean absolutely nothing to me." Killian said as the two arrived on the observation deck. He split off from Ayame for a bit to get the food for the two and rejoined her after a short while, now leaving the two to watch the rest of the tournament on the observation deck.
"So is this the first day you have ever used your madness Aura," Allo asked as he guided his student Kanna to the infirmary through the long hallways of the school stadium.

"No." She says simply as they walk along. "It is always active in one state or another. I used to use it when seriously hurt, or when angered too far out of control. Normally I break bones from it. Or it happens to switch on to save me, like when I dug out of that rubble. The wounds left by Jet and the constant battle however.." Well she couldn't tell him all the details after all.

"Ya that fight will stay with the record books for sure right next to my fight with Eisuke. That's why his hair turned white… cause apparently I pushed him so hard that he went nuts for a bit," Allo joked as he watched Kanna's body language.

"That's good to hear though it means you have a good grasp on it currently," Allo pointed as he rummaged through his thoughts.

"I am sure Jet didn't mean to push you that hard. Don't feel bad about it, such a ability can be used positively in the right hands. Or if you train hard enough you can perfectly direct like your mother," Allo suggested as he turned his head to the shrine maiden.

"So what's on your mind?"

"I don't hold it against him. I should go see him. I am afraid of this quirk a bit, Do you know how it is to be so angry, that you break the bones in your body from the force put upon it? And then to keep control over it. If not for what I get from my Father and Faith, it would be all too easy for me to follow my mother, the blood calls to me, always whispering, always seeking glory and battle..and I too like those smells and sounds.." Clenching her fist she stops briefly and slams her right fist into the wall.

"I cannot accept that match! I am still standing! I am still moving! She won with Trickery! And Won What?! A Contest for the masses who cheered on the blood and the destruction?! What is there to be won from such people!?" Slumping her shoulders a bit she carries on the route they were taking.

"A battle should end only when the difference in power is great enough that you should run, or when one has been beaten into submission.. I mean I could see if I knocked myself out like that one girl, but the wall took too much weight with the floor and I went with it. You know, my mind screamed at me to destroy her, but after Misoka jumped in, I turned away. I'm not sure how to face her again, her personality irked me at times before, but still.."

"That's a good idea you should see him. He should be in the infirmary at this point and heard he tried to walk about only to end up coming back… heh stubborn kid. True, but you must give yourself credit to Kanna," Allo pointed out as he smiled at the girl.

"Your father's quirk makes it easier, but your own faith comes from you, and your temperance of your temper. Your a hard working student Kanna you never relax too often, but make sure to rest when you can. It's like the big bear said you have massive potential to end up in the top ten some day. Liking battle isn't a bad thing Kanna hell I enjoy a good fight as well its… though it's probably why many people call me insane," Allo noded in thought as he shrugged knowing their were a thousand other reasons people called him insane.

"Using the luster of your quirk is a double edge sword, but it can pay off. You will have to balance out your options when those days come. Suppress it, or unleash it… its will be a tool for your heroing days regardless," Allo spoke as they neared the final corner towards the infirmary.

"Ya it is hard to accept such a defeat isn't it heh, if you ever get a chance ask Eisuke about that. He'll definitely bad mouth me, but he knows that feeling well. There are sometimes parameters to a fight that will go against your field of belief, and those people out there… they will shred you apart for your reactions. The masses can flip like a switch on you… in the days to come you will see the people I and other hero's have protected turn on us quite a lot," Allo sighed knowing well the hell that was coming for him soon.

"Balance tips quite often, and the most dangerous tips come after a long period of perfect balance. Same can be said of your quirk the more you suppress, and fear it the more when you do use it you'll craze it," Allo explained he was clearly talking from experience or from someone he knew who had a similar problem.

"Charlotte and you are definitely opposites. Different perspectives, and definitely different viewpoints… heck I can understand you not liking her. Yet i can tell you how you can accept her if you like," he offered at the end of his chat with her as they arrived at the entrance of the infirmary.

Listening to him as they walked, it all seemed so pointless for the most part, though she didn't much like being told to use it more, but maybe there was something to consider there.

"I assume you had some reason to come here yourself? I'm not that hurt.. Though I do wonder if the little mascot has found her way here as of yet."

With a twitch of her jaw she nods her head slightly. "I thank you for your praise, but I have done nothing to earn it I think. And I don't know if I should speak with that fellow, he was the other announcer, I can tell the pain in his voice.. So far you and Misoka are the only ones from that group that treat me without a look at the past."

"Heh, it's not hard to. We settled our score with your mom a long time ago, and we got past such things… Well I did Misoka was a bit troubled by it for awhile. Yet beside the point we see you the same way you are like a second daughter, and a promising hero to boot. Your a good kid Kanna, and like I said before I can't wait to see the amazing things you do," Allo chuckled with his usual smile before tilting his head at Kanna's mention of Eisuke.

"Ya Eisuke and the others never got over your moms rageful aura. Yet you can still learn a lot from him, and them if you ever get the chance." He shrugged knowing she wasn't all that interested in what he had to say being a more direct person herself.

"Ya checking on my daughter her fight with Amaris took a heavy handed turn… however I am sure she would like to see a friend heh. If you see Ayame point her in Aurora's way. For now though go chat with Jet he should be a few doors down," Allo recommended.

Narrowing her eyes a bit in anger, or something else, more like irritation, she scoffs a bit. "I Had planned to do so, but still to think you are a mind reader.. As to Ayame I wouldn't be surprised if she's around here someplace checking on the wounded. If I see her however I'll send her to you.. Well If I can find you, I think she would show up for the asking though."

With that, Kanna heads towards Jet's room, where it seemed Ayame did stop by for a visit.

After being forced back to the infirmary by Cupie Jet had simplys accepted his fate, and rested on the bed given to him as he watched the tournament. Kanna's fight had gone a different way than he had expected though he had to give Charlotte credit for using her opponent's momentum against them. She was lucky using the same tactic twice had not backfired horribly on her. The next fight would show who faced the ice cream girl at the finals two opponent neopolitan would not be able to ring out like her earlier opponents. Though his made quickly came back to Kanna's reaction at her lose… he had to admit he understood her rage he wouldn't want to lose in such a manner either.

".. Heh…. come on in," Jet smirked at the irony of the footsteps coming to his door. Kanna did have a unique scent so it was hard to see her coming for him. As he turned off the tv he looked over his bandages, and cracked scales grabbing his shirt to put back on so that the wounds need not be a conversation started. He had been fine with Ayame seeing cause she was more simple in nature, but Kanna was a bit of a different beast.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Upset still and hurting elsewhere. Ayame, Allo wanted to see you, he's a couple rows down.." With that the Panda eared girl shrugs, hopping down from her seat as she hums, patting Kanna in passing. "K! But I'll be back to see you two later!" With that she would make her way to Allo and unknowingly to her, Aurora.

"I'm still hurt from your cut, the back to back fights haven't helped in healing. I kept enough sense to shove that one guy out, but the building turned against me. Everything else is superficial, just on the surface.. I might get a few scars from all this, who knows.. More importantly, how are you? You do know I came very close to killing you yes? What provoked you to go that Far?"

""Heh, you can say got the big one from exorcising a dragon," Jet surprisingly joked as he motioned for her to take Ayames' original seat especially given her next question would lead to a long conversation no doubt.

"..Kanna you were entered into class 1-A directly. I, on the other hand, was a substitute fill in for student's who couldn't handle it. You can say your holding back sort of triggered that insecurity upon myself. Also like I told you at the beginning of the match I was honored to fight you, and you seemed to not act equal in thought," he explained huffing a bit at his own childish like actions.

"I know you see your power as alarming to go all out with, but truth be told you clearly have a good hold on it cause I am still alive. Besides if anything you were a good rival to test out some new techniques on the field of battle. Though i should probably lay off trying to create natural disasters like wind tunnels," he shrugged leaning over a bit towards Kanna in a proper bow.

"Besides were friends the goal is to better one another is it not?"

Shutting her eyes at that, she smiles thinly. "It's your Funeral… Though maybe someday I'll explain the details to you. Either way I haven't broken any bones of my own this time. Allo..err.. Surge Alloy seems to agree with you mostly. Either way I wasn't trying to hurt you that badly.. Well you hurt me badly too, so I guess we are even, I'm sorry… I also think I scared the piss out of Charlotte..haha.. Ah I'm still mad at that, but I think I'll try wishing her luck, but I need to find a bed for least none of the more filthy minded are here.."

"Indeed I think we are very equal on this matter. It will be a tale I will be awaiting happily. Ah, the chatterbox girl will be fine I am sure. Though be on the lookout Ayame worries very much for us it seems."

"Yeah, we'll talk more later, I'm sure we both will try and see the final at least."


"Ayame over here," Allo called out as he sighted the panda girl coming down the hallway. He had been waiting for a few minutes. Having spent the time helping his daughter calm down, and get her head straight for the coming fight. He had suggested she could check out, but she would not have it.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" The much shorter girl asks, gazing up at him, sadly or thankfully depending on one's point of view, she was not likely to get any taller. "I've been busy wandering around the grounds."

"I was hoping you could cheer Aurora up… she just broke up with amaris, and well a parents words can only do so much in this situation. One of her girl friends would be a bit more effective. And seeing how you hung out with her just as much as Amaris i was hoping you would try to help her out," he asked kindly with a soft parental smile pleading for her assistance.

Looking at him with a flat expression that was clearly not hiding any of her expressions or her lack of.. Enthusiasm at the idea, Ayame lets out a sigh. "I'm not sure why they would be a couple or why you all allowed it, but I will NOT take Amaris place. I don't swing that way and I like to keep my physical body intact!" She says at once before letting her shoulders drop.

"B-but.. I need to try and help her out a bit, I want ice cream or some snacks for the crushing my poor little body must endure from those arms and hugs.." She says as a means of protest, not really asking for much. "You should go get it for us both, then she's none the wiser!" With that out of the way, Ayame enters the room, peeking her head around. "H-hello?"

"Cause I wasn't aware of it until recently. Besides, no one asked you to bat for the home team goofball. Heh, alright fair deal I'll be back in a bit to recover the remains," Allo joked back as he headed out. It didn't take long for Aurora to notice the opening door… though she was surprised to see who it was. She was currently laying down with her hair tied up to some generators as she replenished her strength. Unplugging to sit up straight she sighed.

"Ayame, you eventually have to forgive me for thinking you were a pet as a little kid, I haven't "death hugged" you in years," Aurora pointed out with a weak smile as she watched the timid girl.

"Your fight with Adelaide was pretty tight. Sorry about the Ichi turn out. I would say i will avenge you, but looks like you are rooting for Ichi," she chuckled giving Ayame enough space to sit next to her if she was comfortable enough.

"I bet Auntie Misoka's peeps "attacked" Ichi by now? Otaku was by asking for gatorade in large amounts," Aurora conversed.

"Haha, not yet. I was trying to find him. Plus he was nice to me mostly. Sadly not my type.." Entering the Room and Addressing the first bit she sighs. "You weren't the only one to do that.. It happens a couple times.."

She didn't think it would be a good idea to mention Amaris, this is why a school would have rules on public displays of affection she thought. Human emotions were prone to changing and turning against one another.. And at times they weren't a simple matter of saying 'Sorry.' They had to fight together and watch one another's backs in battle and training. Any Grudge, dislike or a preference of one at the expense of all the rest was a disaster waiting to happen. Ayame as a result of knowing this and how often her parents moved about never formed true bonds past a point, she was always happy and friendly and care about those around her.. But that was the problem she cared equally and was always ready to bring those feelings elsewhere, she was more happy with telling others what to do or with paperwork, than in taking things into her own hands.

"W..Well, a Red Panda never forgets! Like an Elephant! Do not belittle my size!" Walking up to the other, Ayame sits at the foot of the bed in a chair, with her ears and tail wiggling. "I Will Allow you a petting! So don't be so Sad! There are Plenty of Apples in the Trees! Or was that Fish in the Sea.. I prefer apples…" Turning her head up she smiles. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Pffft," Aurora laughed lightly as she patted Ayame's fluffy ears as she sighed tilting her head at the girl. Ayame wasn't wrong though Aurora's goal wasn't to remove Amaris from her life just downgrading their current relation status. Amaris would be forgiven eventually, but her actions on the field would be a sour reminder to why Aurora couldn't date her now.

"Thanks Ayame… I'll be fine… though I didn't say anything about you liking Ichi. Probably for the best I think Ichi currently has Kanna's attention if not Masaru heh poor guy. Ichi seems to be his misfortune," Aurora conversed as she closed her eye's, and started to grow out her hair to its normal long length.

"That's better," Aurora chimed.

"Ayame you do know your normal size right? I am an unnatural height after all," Aurora pointed out.

"Haha? Me liking him? He's...easy on the eyes I think, but he likes 'big' women. Like Kanna or Octavia, I would say you but he might find that strange how close your families are.. And Two, he's made of fire.. I hate heat.." She says in regards to Ichirou. Before sighing at the part on height.

"I'm the shortest or second shortest in the class, barely past five feet. I likely won't get much taller. Masaru isn't like that though, he just has crazy luck around Ichirou and he's a big prude if you ask me." Watching the other's hair grow she tilts her head a bit. "Are you already getting ready to leave? Hahaha.. I bullied your dad a little into getting us ice cream."

"Oh? Sounds like Ichi is your base line for looking at a guy. Heh, ya guess you can blame his mom for that. So then who is your type," Aurora asked using the conversation to distract herself as she flexed her hair.

"Hmm.. I haven't seen anyone yet. I mean Masaru has the cold going for him, but his personality isn't like me..or rather what I want. I guess maybe something like Papa, to pick me up to the higher shelves and who can help me with things I can't do. But I'm too young to worry about that, plus I don't think I care to get close to anyone in the class, that's just a conflict waiting to happen." She says in response.

"Touche i guess. Oh really heh was wondering where dad went," she chuckled smiling at Ayame.

"What about Jet, or Isamu. They more your type," Aurora asked, suggesting a different personality a bit more curious to Ayame's setting of her so called perfect guy.

"Couldn't hurt to go out on a mock date get a little use to such things. Heh, maybe I should tease Octavia to help you out," Aurora joked as she petted the panda girl.

"Ehh? Jet is too active I mean we might want to go to the same areas, but he wants to hunt, I want to spy or sleep. So I think he would lose interest. Isamu seems kind but.. He's a bit on the heavy side, I would worry about his health. Hmph I don't need a mock date either! I rather do like Momma when she got serious and do the paperwork around me."

"Heh. Makes sense," Aurora chimed as the door opened again as Allo brought in some snacks, and ice cream.

"See your still alive Ayame. Get ready Aurora the next match will be starting in twenty minutes," Allo spoke as he handed the good to Ayame before leaving the girls alone again.

"...I think I just jumped the gun, and thought it would go as well as dad's relationship with mom went during their school years," Aurora mellowed out as she turned back to Ayame it seemed she was finally willing to talk it out.

"Though from what mom tells me she really had to beat it up side dad's head her emotions for him.Maybe one day Amaris will understand my emotions better, and will be a more solid person, but for now i am just going to let it go… and scare the hell out of Ichi since i need to direct this rage, and emotional burst at someone," Aurora chuckled a bit intimidatingly.

"I'll still think the way I do, no one deserves more care from me than the rest. Maybe one day, but like Momma I'm in no rush. Either way I'll be watching, hahaha, I'm afraid I can't cheer for one of you over the other.. It'll be interesting either way, Kanna is still a bit upset, but she lost to a ring out. So good luck to the two of you, I'm sure it'll be a good fight either way!"

"See ya Ayame… ugh i was hoping to fight Kanna."

1577849604973.png & 1577849639854.png

Kanna Tanaka - Ayame Daichi - UA Observation Deck - Arena

Kanna was already here, watching the next Semifinal match. Only Aurora or Ichirou could go on from here to face Charlotte, that defeat was still sour, as least when she ringed out Heisuke it was to keep his own attack plan from smashing him. Still though, least the Tea up here was nice.

It was then movement caught her eye, Ayame had lead another boy out onto the Deck. One of the new students if she recalled correctly​

"Ah, Ayame, found a friend?" Ayame Laughs at that, snatching up an apple and more than a few of those little cake squares as she sits down, offering some of them to the other. "That's Killian! A new Student, of them, from Germany, a little odd, but that's true of us all..w-well some more than o-others.. He's alright though but he was lost, I figured he could go back to the dorms when the festival is over, or our part at least, I just wanna go curl up on the Terrarium and sleep.."

"hahaha, I bet.." Taking one of the cakes she takes a bite looking at the other. "Either way some of them are interesting but so far I've only seen a few I can fight without restraint.. Instructor Allo wants me to fight without restraint but I'll need to think on it some... He is right on me being unable to run from this though. But facing uncertainty..."

"What? That's all? The only certainty in life is uncertainty."

Smiling at that Kanna pet's Ayame on the head and scratches her ears. "Hmm.. You aren't Wrong. That is a Lesson I forgot. I must Keep Faith in the Kami and the Path that is before me. I must Walk it and see where it goes.. If you get too tired let me know, I don't mind letting you ride on my back to the Dorms afterall."

"Haha. I'll consider it..but god do I hate Summer.."
Last edited:

Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


Looking at her with a deadpanned expression, even he could tell she was either trying to push the emotions away or was in denial about having them. Either way, now she was back to the old not flustered Amaris, so explaining why emotions could be beneficial was back to being a nigh impossible task, or so he thought. With the shenanigans the class had been through, there was far more ammunition for how they could be a burden. Plus, the two didn't exactly know each other well enough for Masaru to feel comfortable lecturing her or pushing the issue too much, at least until it became a major problem. Then again, given the day's events, perhaps that time had already come.

"No, I don't really. I'm better with some subjects than others, but you're not wrong," Masaru admitted calmly.

He certainly could stand to act a bit more calm. Perhaps if he had remained composed in the fight, he could have gotten an attack off on Ichirou while he was flustered. Either way, while his emotions might be a source of amusement for others, they also served to motivate him and keep him moving forward.

"Amaris, I'm not going to lecture you, or try to shove some ideology or thought process down your throat; expression." Making sure that his phrasing was understood as something not literal to avoid a whole derailing of questioning, Masaru moved on to what he hoped was his final point. "I'm not here to make it big or make money. I'm here because I care about the people around me and I want to keep them safe. Those emotions keep me moving forward and getting stronger and they keep me fighting when I'd rather not deal with any of it. Either way, you can't exactly say your emotions are all bad. Have you ever even given them a chance?"

He couldn't say he paid much attention to Amaris' business, but he could count the number of times she had really just let herself feel. Typically it was circumstantial from the use of her quirk. Once it was no longer necessary, she went right back to feeling nothing, and if Aurora was around that retraction of her other form was on the double.

"You haven't exactly let yourself just feel, and when it happens involuntarily, it looks like you try to shove it away." Sighing, he could feel himself becoming a bit too preachy as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Either way, like I said, I didn't want to preach. I just wanted to check up on you. Try to take it easy until you're back to one-hundred."

Finishing his little speech, Masaru turned to go find a seat to relax in until the next fight started. Regardless of if she found some logic or wisdom in what he said, he figured best to call it quits while he was ahead, or before he said something wrong or stepped on any toes. He wasn't sure that was possible with Amaris, but given her recent empathy, he didn't want to be the one to discover if it was.
Amaris Alucard


She paused when he began speaking again, giving him his due as he chose to respond. Facing away from him, she craned her head back to listen. There was a small frown when he mentioned shoving something down her throat, but let it go, realizing it was a metaphor. Stepping back once to side-face him, she frowned further. His reason for fighting was caring about others. That sounded crazy to her. "Irrelevvant. I do not know the millionss of people out there. And neithher do you. Yet heroess savve them all the ssame. Probably savve people they disslike, though I do not know what it meanss to 'disslike' ssomeone. What doess 'caring' about them havve to do with anything?"

Anyway, she left the question hanging, suspecting there was no real answer that would satisfy her. She instead focused on his next point. Her dead eyes glanced down. She had often tried to give her emotions a chance. In fact, she had tried her hardest to pull them out of the darkness. She used to sit for hours staring at the shadows, doing just that. "I ussed to.." The only time she ever could reliably feel was when she was in 'Shadow Amaris' form, but in that form it wasn't the same. Seeped in the shadows that held all of her emotions, it was like she was drowned with emotions through her entire life. It was hard to parse, to even think straight.

She tried to shove it away?! "Why would I do that!? Why would I 'shhove' them away??" She had raised her voice. Actually raised her voice.

Check up on her?? Why? What did that mean? Only Aurora had ever done such a thing. Well, and her maids. But that was their job. So that made sense. Someone other than Aurora was checking up on her? What could that mean? For what purpose? Was there an ulterior motive?

Once more, she fell silent. "Thhank you, Massaru."

"I don't know how,"
she muttered lastly, with no reference, before strolling away.
  • Sweet
Reactions: Azurian Dream

This arena sucked. It really did.

Ichirou swallowed the lump in his throat, not just from who his opponent was but his circumstances. A snowy environment which could put his fire out if he wasn't careful. It didn't help that Misoka's sidekicks' prank still left a bit of a sticky sensation due to the Gatorade, so now he would have to think of his plans around his blatant disadvantages.

If Aurora could keep him at a distance, she would win.

If he could close the gap, then he stood a fair chance.

Considering her intelligence, she most likely realized this too. This would definitely be a hard battle, but his dad was in the stands watching him. He needed to give this everything he had! He wouldn't give up no matter what!

"Ichirou Mizushima, ready!" He introduced himself after the announcer's go-ahead to do so. "Can't say I'm surprised to see you here Aurora."

"I could say the same for you Ichi," Aurora emotionlessly responded with a sour smile as she walked onto the field her hair at full recovery, and back to its normal length. While it seemed she had gotten over the emotional shock of the day her anger was still there, but thanks to this match she had a use for it. Ichi was one of the few she could go all out with… and she planned to do as such.

"Try and ring me out Ichi, and I'll never let you live it down," she called out as she popped her knuckles her long flowing hair surging a little as if to be a warning to her threat, her eyes zeroed on him, and only him. She had taken in the environment, and knew how she could use it against him. Ichi was a speedster type who could hit heavy. Yet he was more squishy then her, he couldn't take as many hits. While his fire ability was troubling Ichi had to concentrate his shots if he wanted to hit something. Though he could recklessly throw it about to. The biggest pain was his teleport tactic... Yet with this environment, she had a plan to upset that card.

"Show me what you got big boy," she said with serious eyes that could easily unnerve most.

Hearing the way she spoke made his eyes widen a bit. The lack of her usually chipperness caught him a bit off guard, and the look in her eyes was one that occurred only when she was pissed off. The only times he had been on the receiving end of that look had been when they were kids, and he had apologized profusely.

But… He couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Ichirou didn't get to see any of the tournament fights yet, so he was a bit out of the loop as to what the hell happened to Aurora.

Regardless, he would fight with everything he had.

"Let's do this."

When the start was called, Ichirou's fire activated quickly and the searing pain rushed through him once more. He aimed his hands at Aurora, moving quickly as he fired large streams of blue flames at her. However, while this was the primary attack, he was also aiming to melt the snow around them to give himself more landing space. Getting dunked in the snow was his primary concern, and he would need to do everything he could to not let that happen. He would also have to be wary of Aurora's lightning.

All in all, the more he kept his feet off the ground the better. Aurora, however had known well this would be Ichi's first tactic. He was trying to ride the field of the snow… the problem was the whole field, and the buildings in the field were covered in it. For now though Aurora would aid his tactic running from the flame she luckily at a good distance to have her speed not be an issue avoiding the fire.

"Right then enough of the pyro ego act Ichi your dad gets it," Aurora taunted as her hair shoveled up one of the rock piles, and with precise aim shot towo at Ichi, and two more at the snow covered roofs behind him aiming to chill him out, or at least make him panic for his weakness on the field. In turn she rolled out of sight into one of the buildings disappearing from one to another while Ichi would be forced to relocate himself.

Ichirou quickly moved, dodging the pile of snow and the rocks Aurora sent after him. He quickly started thinking of a plan, watching (or at least listening) to his friend's heavy footsteps as she ran into one of the buildings.

He quickly threw two fireballs, one towards behind the building and one at the front. He warped to the front, completely coating the door and windows with fire before warping to the backside to do the same for any exits Aurora could take.

Ichirou knew, however, that Aurora would figure some way out of this, so he threw another fireball to warp himself to the roof of a nearby building to ready himself for her next course of action, and right he was.

With each fireball crashing and burning in sizzling fashion Aurora moved using his attacks as brief moments to move silently. She had let Ichi know what house she was in on purpose knowing the boy would simply move immediately if she went for any straight attacks thus the insane move she was about to pull as she reached the roof inside taking a deep breath as she planned her next attack. Outside Ichi would probably be in suspense ready to attack Aurora with his fire fetish until a massive series of wood cracks signaled the tip of the roof coming off flying into the air followed by a second bigger piece of roof being flung at him.

Ichirou, once more, had to move quickly. Aurora threw pieces of the house's roof at him and he had no choice but to either dodge or take the risk. Of course, Ichirou knew if he didn't attack more there would be issues.

He braced himself, dodging the first pieces of wood before putting his hands out and catching the piece of roof that came at him. Using the momentum of the throw, he spun around, throwing the piece of roof back at her at twice the speed. Ichirou quickly moved again, tearing a piece of the roof off of the house he was standing on and threw that at her as well.

The only problem was as Ichi went in for his attacks he would quickly learn… Aurora was not in the house anymore… nor was she during his counterattack at any point. In fact, she had removed herself with the first throw hiding inside the piece of roof with the second made possible with her hair hooking into the second piece letting go with the first heavy jump. Ichi would find this out rather fast as one heavy jump step would be his only warning as Aurora made her way to Ichi smashing the first roof piece intop him sending him flying away from the burning house as She jumpo again destroying the roof she was now on as she caught him mid air her hair grasping his legs as she voltinghim hard spinning mid air as the electrical current built up as she threw him not wanting him to have a chance to counter or teleport. Of course with the throw Ichi was free, but that was fine for now. Landing with aggressive force Aurora skid across the pavement as she pushed off oddly heading back to where the fight first started… enough time should have passed.

"COME ON ICHI," Aurora screamed as she caught up to the landing Ichi throwing a heavy fist at him.

Ichirou didn't have much of a chance for a counter or to warp, so he was forced to relax his body and take what Aurora swung at him. Midair, he quickly checked where he was, how far the boundary was, and created a plan on the fly.

'Closer… closer… There!'

With Aurora swinging a heavy punch at him, Ichirou reached and grabbed her wrist, throwing her hand off direction as he used the momentum to twist himself midair. He pushed his palm forward, shooting another stream of blue fire in Aurora's face to momentarily blind her as he executed his plan.

He landed on his feet, swinging Aurora over his head and slamming her against the ground. Ichirou braced himself for the small tremor her body made upon contact. He then caught her by the neck, throwing her as hard as his enhanced strength allowed him, making her crash through another house. Ichirou was quick to catch up with her, aiming for his own heavy fist attack despite knowing that her metal skin would hurt his knuckles as well.

"GAHH I AM NOT YOUR WELDING PROJECT ICHI," Aurora yelled as she was met with a face full of flames as Ichi threw her by the neck thankfully her hairs clamped in avoiding any neck injuries Using her hair to reorient herself to the ground with aggressive force she was quickly caught up to by her opponent who was now aiming to use his own heavy hand hit. Her hair and face hissed with steam as she met with Ichi a x cross shield with her hair as she delivered a upper gut punch to Ichi interrupting his comba as she used that same x cross hair to latch onto his hand before pulling it down as she knee'd him in the face before grasping said face with her other hand.

"BET MASARU WILL APPRECIATE THIS," Aurora yelled with delight as she slamed him into through the wall outside into the snow, and proceeded to drag him along the cold tundra as she used her hair to rattle off snow piles into them with each passing of a house. With her opponent covered in chill she lift him up pushing him back as her hair let go into a concentrated bundle upon her hand like a arm guard pulse Ichi forward with an electric shock right back to where the fight had started. Colliding her fist to create sparks she called out.

"No more BS Ichi let's settle this like we used to," Aurora taunted goading for Ichi to come in for a fist fight as both could easily be seen breathing heavily from the heavy end combos they had been throwing at each other. However there was a specific reason Aurora wanted Ichi here… it was time for his flame on move to be his hubris in a snowy cold terrain.

Ichirou, after all that, quickly got up and recollected himself. Though a chill coated his skin, his flames were present though not as powerful as before. Aurora called for them to finish this like they used to; hand-to-hand combat. His specialty.

"Fine. Let's go!"

He rushed forward, dodging her punch and swinging his knee straight into her gut. Using this opportunity, he quickly uppercutted her, then delivered another downward punch. His fists moved quickly, punching Aurora in this pattern a few more times before finishing the combo with a hard right hook to her jaw. He readied himself for more, and despite the metal skin making his knuckles ache a bit, he would still press on. Ichirou already had a plan; he just needed an opening.

"Better," Aurora smiled as she spat out a little blood from that last punch before grabbing Ichi's head and skull bashing him straight on as she then brought his head down as she step backwards greeting his head with her knee as she kneeled down before sliding him behind her to land him flat with a pile driver with enough force to crack the ground as her hair flung snow onto his body like a spider weaving a web.

Ichirou growled, refusing to let Aurora humiliate him further. He swung his leg, tripping Aurora as he got up on his feet. His only saving grace was that some fire still burned on him, only because he was pushing himself further to keep it alive.

He grabbed Aurora's ankle, shooting fire up her body and swinging her over his head to slam her against the ground. The impact was enough to shake the ground, but Ichirou didn't stop there. He was going to even the score.

Ichirou swung her over his head again, and again, and again. Each impact of Aurora's body to the ground caused a small crater and a clearing of the snow. He would finish it off with one more slam, putting all of his strength into this one to the point that the crater that was made was a couple inches deeper, with pieces of rock being flung to a ways away.

With her body thrown around like a ragdoll Aurora's hair started to swivel into its braids form creating four braids before Ichi slammed her hard into ground with all his might. While her body held even she had to admit that it had hurt. Yet much like Ichi she was unwilling to back down as the boy had placed himself right where she had been aiming for him to be. In his first attack of the match Ichi had unthawed a massive amount of snow, but in an environment where the snow was being kept up with an artificial cold weather system the snow would clearly just turn to ice if left alone. With her eyes open to the affirmed effect behind him she grabbed onto his attacking arm with an intense grip as her four braid slammed into key locations of his body with on at his diaphragm, one into his gut, on at his forearm of his attack hand, and the last spiking his forward leg she unleashed a for prong volt shock to his system to upset his body. With his grip broken, and his footing disoriented Ichi would be forced backwards right into the slipper ice that would further disorient his balance as Aurora swung her feet upwards before hoisting herself back upright. Two of her braids caught Ichi from falling tightening on his torso as they pulled him back. Her other two braids burst apart into single strands wrapping around her arms as she fed them constant electricity. Once Ichirou was in range Aurora started to deliver an alarming pummeling of haymaker punchers all over the boy with each sending small volt's throughout the parameters of impact. When she could no longer keep up with her flurry of punches before with a rather dangerous yet of eyes went in for the ending of her combo As she pulled him in tight flipping him backwards as her arms wrapped around his stomach, and flung backwards german surplexing the boy shattering the ground in equal force as he had done with her.

His whole body was hurting, and with his flames barely alive Ichirou knew that the end of this battle was coming. The attack had barely registered until he found his body screaming in pain, a metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and sheer disappointment in himself surfacing. However, another feeling was overshadowing it all.


'I'm disappointed in you, Ichirou.'

The words he never wanted to hear from his parents, especially his father. If he let this end like this he would never forgive himself. It didn't matter that the person who beat him was strong; if he didn't get up and push to his limits then he was no better than a pathetic, weak coward.

From his position, he made a fireball and flicked it upwards, using the last bits of his energy to warp himself next Aurora. He released his own flurry of haymakers on her, aiming for her jaw but Aurora still proved tough. He grit his teeth and kept swinging until he was left panting heavily.

Exhaustion was catching up and so were his wounds. Everything was screaming, he spat out blood, the dim flames on his skin slowly dying but his determination drove him forward. Just one more punch… He can do it...

"No matter what... do your best. Regardless we will be proud of you."

"Ya, but I want to prove myself to you both. Besides need to be my own person," Aurora sighed remembering her own parents word's clearing her head a bit as she smacking her cheeks getting back up. Her thoughts on Amaris had dissipated during the fight. This was her time to prove herself a stand alone person. Ichi was already charging towards her his fist engulfed in flames. In agreement to how this n needed to end. Aurora's hair collected to one arm bursting with electricity. Once Ichi was upon her Aurora screamed throwing everything she had like her opponent into one punch.

The impact furiously came to life as both fire, and electricity surged party both teens canceling out as both started to fall backwards. Yet in perfect sync their non attacking hands reached out grabbing the others as the two extremely warned out heroes in the making pulled hard. The result was a raging series of headaches for both as they headbutted each other. Both slowly started to slide down barely holding up their knees to keep their bodies up. It was now anyone's game one hit to end it.

The final clash was the moment that the two were forced to stop, both of them attempting any way they could to get that final punch in. Their energy was almost completely depleted, and yet still they pushed on…

Or at least, Ichirou tried to.

His vision was swaying, the fire on his skin, though present, had dimmed out significantly. His entire body ached in agony, with no energy left within him to even scream. He panted, the blood dripped in his mouth, images of his father, his mother, and reminders of all the expectations everyone has every thrown at him crossed through his mind.

He wanted to keep going, but in the end, his own body betrayed him.

Ichirou slumped forward onto Aurora's shoulder, his flames dying out the moment he fell against her. He was still, almost deathly so. With so little energy, Ichirou's body couldn't even muster the strength to close his eyes before succumbing to the shock and passing out.

The only sign of life to him had been his faint breathing.

Aurora caught the boy resisting falling herself as she patted the boy on the back...both had fought hard, but the fight was over thus the intensity subsided.

"I gotcha Ichi," Aurora grunted as she slung his hand over her shoulder proceeding to limp drag him out of the ring with her hair barely able to act like a crutch.

Watching the match Kaz couldn't help but feeling his blood boil. It was amazing. His son was amazing. But of course, Allo's daughter… Aurora was amazing as well. Both of them fought fiercely and with reckless abandon. He missed that. Not having a care in the world. Him and his friends. Before everything got all… Wait…

Things were getting brutal. He wasn't sure this was the best. "NO!" Kaz stood up, failing to stifle his voice. Everything was quiet for a second as Ichirou fell still. Almost too still. Then… "MY BABY BOOOOOY!" Kaz shouted, his voice booming through the stadium as he leapt from his place in the audience all the way down to the arena. It took every bit of self control he had not to accidentally mow Aurora down as he took Ichirou from her arms inspecting him for signs of life.

When he found the faint breath. A sigh of relief. "Aurora… You shouldn't overexert yourself. You need to rest." He said, slightly regaining his composure as he watched over his boy like a hawk. Once the medical team got to them Kaz stared them down, daring them to take his child from his arms. He would be escorting Ichirou to the infirmary himself. Aurora simply followed her unconscious friend to the infirmary.

Misoka calls the match, victory to Aurora.

Eisuke whistled, "Hey, touch my chest; I think my heart is still pounding right now. Clash per clash, these two really stuck to their guns and fought until they couldn't! In the end, Ichirou's own body just couldn't keep up anymore, and in the end, it betrayed him. A round of applause for those two and a fight well done! Aurora will be moving on to the finals against Chevalier! Congratulations to them!" The mic quickly cut out as Eisuke couldn't keep his composure anymore. He burst out laughing at his friend's Dad moment, knowing full well he would have done the same thing if Chiaki had been in Ichirou's shoes.

"Indeed it was a fantastic battle!" Gregori says from the ground level. "Being up close to these fights is something else, a truly close match. Mi...Err.. Dullahan's Flame! Bring up our Final Stage for Class 1A! Let's see who fortune favors this night! And I see that Number one is concerned about his son, rather touching!"

Misoka Daichi - Dullahan's Flame - UA Arena Floor

Watching the Fight with some Interest, Misoka could afford to Focus on this one, like she could the other before it. As Ichirou and Aurora went at it, it was hard to tell who would come out on top and portions of the Arena had been broken. Ultimately it seemed Ichirou's heat factor had gotten the best of him. Charlotte however, may soon wish she lost to Kanna. This would not be Pretty. After calling the Win, Misoka signals the blue haired girl as images scroll across the screen.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Now for the Year one Class 1A Final bout! Now let's see who fortune favors!"


"Well now, look at that! It will be rather difficiult to say who this stage aids or harms. I dare say it's a doubled edged sword."

Arrayed into three floors and a U Shape formation, many of the shops were at best stalls with a limited space, the opening of the U was nothing more than a pool of water, or to be more spot on, this was a shanty Dock town, a slum haven with it's gaudy lights and endless advertisements. It was also a real thing that could be seen in parts of the world and even Japan. While the businesses in such a thing were legal, it was arranged in such a manner as free space in some regions was at a premium. The shops and the Items in it were varied, two ramps were located on each arm of the U for access up and down, the rop of the 'mall' had a tiled roof that had an arched covering along the entry that would lead out to see, a couple of small boats could be seen there, and along the face was a pet shop and eatery as well as the nominal street entrance, it's iron doors shut and barred. In some places the halls were big enough for four people to pass, and in others only for barely two. Mostly given the shop wares littering the halls like the Bazars of old, where Merchants would hawk their wares.

The Stage offered both fighters great help and great harm, who could make the best use of it would have an overwhelming advantage.. The question was if either could or would.

" that Parrot real..."


Kanna Tanaka - Ayame Daichi - UA Observation Deck - Arena

As the two watch the second Semi-Final bout, Kanna grips the guard rails, the sound of metal groaning and popping could be heard, as if to be a Submarine from an old war film. Removing her hand, the metal beneath was badly mishapped. "Impressive. That is what I had hoped to face.."

Ayame looks on, nodding, a bit timid at the displays from the two on the field and Kanna next to her. She knew a few were worried of Kanna but from what she seen, all in all, six of the students were major powers. The Rest of them short of through team work could not hope to compete. The difference in Raw power was something else. Course Tactics and Teamwork could circumvent that. As Charlotte had shown, but Ayame still was worried for the girl. Aurora could be dealt with here, that was true, but she also had several ways to make use of this field. Either way it was information that she could file away for later.

"Y-you did? Why is that?"

"Because I had wished to face those I don't have to hold back on. That is the only way I can grow and only a small handful of those here can I get that from.."

Looking on Ayame nodded her head. "I doubt I can ever be one of those, but I want to be useful too, so far all I can really do is ambush things and I know a bit about most of you.. B-but..still.."

Patting her on the head, Kanna smiles thinly. "We all have our strengths and abilities. I prefer to lead the Charge and have noticed your understanding of others. That is no weakness we all must work together.. Still I am disappointed.. Ah how I would have loved to leveled a level or two of that building and took on of them into that pool.."

"…yes. I'm happy to have not made it through, well, Charlotte maybe.. But you three? I was Dead meat either way, plus you and Ichirou get the same medal so not like you go Empty handed?"

With that the two girls peer back out at the field as the other quirk users and prop masters get to work hurriedly building the stage.​
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UA Sports Festival
Collab with @Yzmael


After the entire chaos caused by Satori, Shizui found herself roaming without much of a reason or aim. For her time, she was mostly deep in thought, considering both the principal's words and her father's orders. This school was truly a different environment. Shizui hadn't even enrolled in actual classes and she was already having completely different things happening around her.

Eventually stopping, she would notice that she was now in the middle of several food stalls, which caused her to realize just how hungry she was. Stopping by a stall to get some takoyaki, Shizui would begin to wander around the outer areas of the stadium that she found herself on.

Shunsuke had been looking for his best friend for god knows how long. He'd just about given up when he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. "Oho?" A cat-like grin spread itself across his face as he lifted his hand to just barely cover his mouth. "Target acquired~" He cooed as he began to weave through the crowd with expert timing and gracing. He wasn't about to pass up this opportunity. He could tell almost immediately, even without a look at her face, that his dear friend was deep in thought. And given everything she'd been through on this day, having lost her second fight, he knew she could use a friend.

Once he was close enough, his pace came to almost a crawl. He took the time to sneak up behind her. "SHIZUI!" He shouted with a big smile as he threw his arms around her from behind and pulled her into a hug.

"Wawawawa..." Shizui's surprised voice almost wailed out as she struggled to hold the food that she had in hands, only for it to fall on the ground. Immediately reaching her hand to the ground, a small door formed where the takoyaki stick was to fall. The result was the food being catapulted upwards to the sky in a fantastic fashion, flying upwards into the blue sky and practically disappearing from sight.

Sighing, the blond girl turned her face around to see her "best friend" Shunsuke. "Shun. What is the reason for this?" She asked in a rather annoyed monotone as she pushed his arms from her.

"Really, that was unnecessary, you just made me lose my lunch." She said, her expression twisting lightly into a scowl as she pointed to him accusingly. Sighing once more as she closed the door below her feet, Shizui would once more turn to Shunsuke. "Well, it's good to see you're at least enjoying yourself among this rabble. I take it you saw my fight… Not exactly my best, I'd say." Despite stating it with her usual cold confidence, she was certainly saddened by her loss. Furthermore by her father's prodding later the day.

"I was just having a bit of fun is all~" Shunsuke couldn't help but laugh at the debactle that befell Shizui before him. She'd tried so desperately to save her takoyaki. Poor thing… Shun would just have to get her a new lunch to make up for it. Still, as he listened to her he couldn't help but notice how down she actually was. She could wall herself off with as many metaphorical, and actual, doors as she damn well pleased, but Shunsuke could read her like a book after all these years.

He took a few steps around her, almost inspecting her. He knew she wasn't a fan of this, which was often why he did it. "Well, I can't say it hasn't been fun. Although I do wish I could have fought too." He stopped once more, this time beside her. He rested his elbow on her shoulder leaning a bit closer. "These UA kids are really something though huh? A bunch of our classmates couldn't compare," he smirked, though a few exceptions jumped into his head for sure.

"Besides, if you lost, it just means that we've got a little catching up to do doesn't it?" He smiled and straightened himself up once more. "Regardless, after that first match, I think you might have been a little off. The small guy had a bit of an effect. I could see it." He said a bit more seriously before interlocking his arm with hers. "Come on, tell Shunsuke-sensei all about it. You know you wanna," he said with a playful grin as he began to lead her toward another food stall to get her a new meal.

"I even promise I won't bring up how I totally would have won that fight in your place," he teased knowing she would understand he meant no ill will toward her. Although, without knowing she'd had a run in with her father, she might have reacted a bit more harshly than he'd expect.

Watching Shun do his usual repertoire of walking around her, Shizui crossed her arms as her expression quickly turned sour. Even so, she didn't word out anything. Not much of a point to since he would do it regardless of rather she was angry about it or not. Eventually as he stopped beside her, she would just sigh in response.

"Really? I don't think this school is any different from what we've seen in Shiketsu. They were attacked by a group of villains, so it's no wonder they're more on guard than our classmates, but they're nothing that out of the ordinary."

That's when he brought up the topic of her losing all over again. Shizui's crossed hands strongly gripped her arms, almost enough to draw blood. Given how much this loss meant to her, Shizui was taking it hard. Way too hard. Shaking his elbow off of her, she'd walk ahead of Shunsuke, head for another stall and buy her another takoyaki set without as much as a word. When Shunsuke tried to pay for her, she'd simply shush him and pay for it herself.

Turning back to him once more, she'd have her typical expression on: A pissed off scowl. Although it was clear that she was more pissed off than normal even.

"Don't go thinking that just because I lost means I'm weaker or that these pieces of shit are any better than me. I made a mistake during my fight and that's on me, not on my foe. She won't have the same luck next time we face each other. Also keep in mind, Shunsuke, you weren't allowed to fight because you weren't considered good enough for it." She would say in a harsh, somewhat angrier tone as she took the lead of the two's little adventure through the outside of the stadium.

Shunsuke nodded along, listening to Shizui. This must have been more serious than he thought. Normally, his metaphorical poking and prodding didn't bother her this much. She'd almost drawn blood squeezing her arms. He tilted his head in confusion. Had something else happened beyond the fighting? That must have been the case to deny him paying for her meal. Then again…

His thoughts stopped as she grew angrier once more. More angry than her usual tsundere demeanor. "Hey…" he said softly as he as she walked ahead a bit. Something must definitely have happened. But what? Questioning her would yield about as many answers as questioning a brick wall over who'd colored on it. So, he had to dig for clues. He shook his head running to Shizui again so as not to lose her once more.

"That was harsh. Harsher than usual," he said as he overtook her just enough to turn around. He walked backwards, directly in front of her. "Even if I did deserve it, which we both know I didn't, because let's face it, you love me," he laughed a little before continuing, "the fact of the matter is, I'm every bit as tough as you. And so are these UA kids." Somehow Shunsuke managed to avoid each and every person or thing that may have served as an obstacle.

Underestimating was a bit of a habit for Shizui. At least, that's how Shunsuke saw it. He knew she was strong, and he knew that she knew she was strong. So what… "No," he narrowed his eyes at his best friend. "Who came Shizui? Was it someone from the school or someone from home?" The likelihood of getting a straight answer, was almost nonexistent, but he would always try anyway.

As Shunsuke took to walking backwards in front of her, Shizui merely observed, eating her lunch with a quiet scowl on her face. As they reached the entrance to the stadium, Shizui would create a door directly behind him, which would ironically lightly push him away to stop directly in front of her. Digging her teeth through another dumpling she would face him with a rather cruel expression on her face.

"Tough as me, you say. No, Shun… I don't think you are." Although she worded it in the same usual cold tone, there was a tinge of sadness to how she spoke those words. It wasn't that she believed Shun was physically weak, but rather that he wouldn't have handled the same weight that she was having to deal with. The reason why they chose Shun to follow her around was none other than to keep a positive eye on her. Someone who could watch her and offer some degree of support, even if unbeknownst to her.

However, Shizui was already every little bit as emotionally wrecked as she could be. In the end, she probably sapped more from him than he could offer. Turning her face away from him as he questioned her regarding who had come, she simply sighed in response. "It doesn't concern you, Shun." Was what she would usually say. "Come on, let's watch the final battle. I need to study my opponents to make sure that I can crush them when I can finally face off against them." Most of the anger had vanished, despite the ever present scowl on her face turning into a blank expression for the most part.

Shun stopped himself before he walked into Shizui. She was close. Almost too close. She knew he hated that, but that just showed how serious this was affecting her. Cause she hated it too. Being so close. Still, it was Shizui. He was able to snap out of it relatively quickly, despite a light blush on his face. But then she did something she had never done before. She changed the subject.

He stared at her for a minute and then did something he'd never done before. He got in front of her and got even closer. "You... " he paused. Right now, was anything really worth saying. Maybe not. He stepped away. "You're my best friend Shizui. I'm gonna want to be there for you... even if it 'doesn't concern me' or if you try to push me away." He smiled and threw his arm around her, turning to guide her back towards the stands of the audience to watch the final battle. "Now lets go witness some mayhem!" He cheered, thinking she wouldn't wanna focus on the more serious stuff right now.

"And while we're at it, we'll try and find you another friend," he teased, grinning again. "Maybe even a giiirlfriend~" Shunsuke added in a singsong kind of voice.

Hearing Shunsuke's confused yet firm response, Shizui simply nodded. She didn't know what else to say, after all. No matter how many times she broke apart or lost herself, Shun would never give up on coming after her. Even now that she was in an alien place, with several unknown people around her and even more mysterious future ahead of her, here he was being dragged along… For no reason other than that he liked her.

How stupid, really.

"Best friend… Huh…" She murmured under her breath as he started to walk along with her towards the stands. Upon hearing that she might make new friends or a girlfriend, Shizui scoffed. "Don't be stupid. You really think anyone would be able to keep up with me other than an idiot like you, Shunsuke?" She said with a smug smirk across her face.

"Yup, the best. You should know how lucky you are to have a guy like me around," Shunsuke said nudging Shizui softly. He rolled his eyes soon after though at her comment. Maybe he was naive, or an idiot like she said, but Shizui was cute, she was strong, someone would surely like her. Right?

He shrugged. "I'm sure you could find someone you'd want to protect." Once they'd found seats to watch the next match he dropped down. He looked at her and laughed. "I'm sorry, I just imagined the mental fortitude needed for someone to date a tsundere like you," It was quite obvious he was joking. A common joke, mostly cause he knew how she reacted to being called a tsundere.

"So, what do you think? Some of the class is pretty intense," he said as the battle heated up. Literally. Fire boy and lightning tank in a field of snow. WHo would win? Nobody knows. Shunsuke could barely contain his excitement with each action until it ended. And then the unthinkable. The number one hero calling out for his kid. Shunsuke burst out laughing immediately. He couldn't help himself.

"That'll be you once you find that special someone." What was it about Shizui that made him adapt this sort of teasing persona. It wasn't common at all except for her. Maybe it was cause it was so rare anyone did.

As Shizui sat down, she would clasp her hands together and sit in an almost royal manner. To some this may seem unnatural, but to Shun it was likely more than normal. If anything, it was something that she had learned from her adoptive parents. Especially akin to her father, in fact, was the form that her hands would take. The golden-haired girl's eyes glued themselves to the battle, seemingly analyzing every little bit of their movements and quirks. It seemed indeed that the girl possessed the advantage in this battle, all things considered. The arena favored her and so did the fact that her quirk provided her a possibly unbreakable defense. Sneering at the girl, Shizui wondered just what would happen if she tried to breach her doors… Certainly it would produce an interesting effect…

But her mind's wanderings would be put to a stop thanks to Shun's voice, pulling her back to dreaded reality once more. Turning to face him, she would make a rather annoyed expression at his comments. "I-I'm not a tsundere!" She protested. "I just don't want anyone misunderstanding my k-kindness for ulterior motives." The girl added, huffing and turning away from Shun as he continued his teasing.

Much to her displeasure, the fight ended as she predicted. "I wouldn't say intense is the correct choice of words… If anything, they're motivated." She retorted to Shunsuke as she eyed the number one hero's reaction to… His son…

The girl would observe with a keen eye, her expression shifting to a more than analytical gaze… Her stare was filled with emotions stirring among her features to show themselves. "No. I'll never treat anyone as weakly as that." She immediately responded to Shunsuke after his remark, her voice terse with a degree of veiled rage. However, even then she would just sigh and retake control of herself.

One thing was forever burned in her mind: She would never treat anyone with such weakness… And this filled her with jealousy. Deep inside, the girl wanted to have had such figures in her life, but she knew well enough that they would never appear. Shunsuke was her friend, one who almost begrudgingly followed her for her own sake, not out of the same emotions that caused the Number One Hero to reduce himself to such a state. If anything, the laugh coming from her best friend only served to further prove her point. It was a weakness. With all emotions subsided, the girl recomposed herself and once more spoke.

"There won't be any special someone. If anything, I'll just soar to the top while placing weaklings like the number one hero right there under my heels. These weaknesses are why his son lost." An almost identical copy of her father's speech… She hated it. She hated herself for saying that… But it was the unfortunate truth. As her mind once more delved into thought, the arena's shift began once more.

"The girl who defeated me… I believe she will rise victorious from this…" She worded out as she turned to face Shunsuke.

Shunsuke scoffed at Shizui's response as she went on about the number one hero's outburst. He had laughed for sure, but not because he thought it was weak, but because he thought the words he'd spoken were funny. If anything, the laughter was because that boy who'd lost was gonna be so embarrassed and it reminded him of Shizui. He thought about commenting on it, but he didn't think that would go over well with her. But that'd never stopped him before!

"You're wrong Shizui." A simple but firm statement indeed. Maybe it was knowing something was eating at her, maybe it was how she was belittling people she knew nothing about, or the bond of family, or the fact that he could probably feel her doubting his intentions as her best friend. The reason didn't matter. Shunsuke was a little annoyed, visibly. Almost as annoyed as he could get when fighting. He didn't like judging people. At least not so cynically. Not in anyway that wouldn't bring about humor, fun, or entertainment of some kind.

But he sighed, any hint of frustration subsiding almost instantaneously. "I probably would," he said softly as he watched the hero walk his son to the infirmary before continuing, "Treat someone with such 'weakness' I mean." Shunsuke added air quotes around the word weakness. "If you or somebody else I cared about were hurt, or worse," he paused, clenching his fists tightly, "I don't know what I'd do," he finished, his final words almost inaudible as he stood up.

Still, he mustered a smirk as he turned to look down at his friend once more. "But, if you think you'll be heading to the top alone, I hope those heels are strong enough to go the distance. Cause I won't be stepped on and neither will anyone out there." Shunsuke stopped out into the aisle of the audience and stretched a bit. "Now, I'm gonna go get a drink," he laughed and bowed before her in a dramatic fashion, poking fun at her Empress persona perhaps. "Does m'lady require refreshments?"

Tilting her head to Shunsuke's speech, Shizui would smile in a manner that most would consider unnatural. A challenging smirk that seemed to engross most of her hurtful wish to be hated. It destroyed her, but at the same time eased her fears. Her means to defend herself from the emotions she hated more so than what she was feeling right now… Deception, misguidance, rage… Sadness. How difficult it was for her to face herself.

The truth hurt. It hurt more than anything. "You would, wouldn't you, Shunsuke? You'd abandon everything to protect a friend, even if that friend is undeserving." The way she said it matter-of-factly pointed how she knew him well. When Shizui would use the students of Shiketsu to prove herself superior, Shun would scorn her. Her beliefs clashed with his in such a way that some would say it was impossible for them to be friends… Sometimes Shizui wondered herself.

Of course, she didn't understand. She never had a family like his nor a social group that enjoyed her presence. If anything, Shunsuke's friendship was the closest thing she ever had to a positive relationship. Everyone else she saw as tools or means to an end.

"Oh, I'd be surprised if you did. In fact, I'd be disappointed if you did. I can't grow stronger and more powerful if all the enemies I face lie down and surrender." She stated, her voice filled with a degree of desire. "It's why I fight you still, Shun."

With that, she eyed once more the arena. "Yes, please… I'd very much like some coconut water. Thank you for the kind offer, Shun." She responded, seemingly unfazed by his teasing.

With nothing left to say, Shunsuke smiled and nodded. Anything he'd said would only have belabored an argument and he didn't think now was the time. Maybe he'd never see eye to eye with Shizui, but he could at least pick his moments, be there for her and try to understand... Even if he didn't always. So off to the stands he went, whistling as he walked, more relaxed and prepared for the final match of the festival now that the combatants were known.

"I wonder if I'll run into any of my other future classmates," he spoke to himself softly as he kept moving. He smiled and and waved to various spectators. He was personable, for sure. He was sure that his friend knew he wouldn't be in a particular rush. He would get back to her in time after all.

@Mr.Scales ⚖


Octavia had anticipated her friend to say something, and honestly, she couldn't blame him. However, the transfer student apologized and that's all she could ask for. She was thankful that Heisuke said something but she should defuse the situation before it got out of hand.

She stepped in front of Heisuke, putting herself between the two as she gave K a gentle smile.

"I apologize on his behalf. That's my friend Heisuke; he and I have known each other a while and he tends to get very protective." Octavia explained to the other. "But yes, there have been quite a few new students along with yourself; it's great to have you and them in our class.

Oh, I'd like to know your name, if you don't mind."
Stepping out onto the field, Charlotte glanced at the field before her. It was an urban playground, an amalgamation between a mall with several levels, plenty of stores and items within it and a small body of water in the middle of it with a partially removed roof. There were plenty of electrical appliances and even the stores were stocked. The indentation in the flooring that led to the water below seemed somewhat deep, indicating it could be a possible knockout spot.

Huffing to herself, Charlotte didn't appear as awestruck as her past battles but rather carried a more serious expression on her face. She had never expected to make it this far and honestly just planned to come in, give it her best shot, then console the other losers and watch the remainder once she was eliminated. However, now there was more pressure. Her father was here watching and cheering her on. No longer was she simply fighting for herself or some promise to do her best, nor was she fighting in hopes it would attract an internship or open doors down the line. She knew she didn't need to win, but now she certainly wanted to.

Exhaling once, Charlotte inhaled with her typical smug persona seemingly repaired. Twirling around slightly, she performed a slight bow as she had in introduction for her past bouts before calling herself out.

"Chevalier, ready!" She cheered, returning her posture to normal. "And good luck to you, Aurora."

This stage was surprisingly balanced as if someone had tried to think of both Aurora, and Charlotte's capabilities, and weaknesses in one solid stage. The metal girl walked up the stage steps for the first time experiencing an awe at the resounding massive attention the state of japan was giving to this fight. Of course she had just experienced heartbreak, but at this moment all of that was minor. For the majority of the match Aurora had been going full force for fun, and experience. Yet now? She knew she had to take this serious… taking in a deep breath as she closed her eyes, she thought of how hard her parents had to work to help her get this far. How her grandpa had restlessly trained her in wrestling combative tactics, her father trained her to use her mind and her body to full advantage, and her mother showing her how to get underneath her enemies skin along with a few special moves she planned to unleash upon "Chevalier".

"Heh, this is Iron Volt ready. You you as well Chevalier," Aurora chimed happily with a competitive smile to her final opponent of the day. Right as Misoka was to walk up to call the match Surge Allo rather unnecessarily landed in hard a few feet away from the arena as he ran past Misoka who gave him a blank look, but simply shrugged her shoulders as he got up to the two girls smiling as proud as any parent could.

"I wasn't going to miss announcing this bout… I am so proud of you both," Allo smiled as he patted them both on the back taking a fe step back as he raised his hand.

"Alright ladies, and gentlemen. It's time for the final match CHEVALIARRRRRRR VS IRON VOOOOOOOLLLLTTT," the crowd went wild as the stadium beamed alive with energy as Allo signaled the match to start as he burst off the arena. Without wasting much time both girls were ready for the match of the year.

As the fight was called, Charlotte was quick to shoot up into the air towards the second floor balcony. At the same time, the buzzing of electrical wires and creaking of metal signified that falling back from the start wasn't the only one of her starting moves. The signs hanging over the water at various positions of the building began to rip and were quickly drawn from their confines down to barrage Aurora as the girl herself left from the front of the balcony to retreat out of sight.

Perhaps it was predictable that Charlotte would attempt to draw distance and leave Aurora's sight, or at least on a chase, but it was a tactic that the girl needed to maintain.

"CHEV… AL IER," Aurora called out singing rather delightfully as she responded in an unorthodox manner using her hair to jump toward the oncoming attack, and then rather insanely used the signs as stepping stones. As she gave chase to smugs obvious create distance tactics. Unfortunate that the tactic had turned against her as the metal girl used the last one to pole vault allowing Aurora to go high quickly relocating Charlotte as she threw one of the signs right back at her. Landing hard she chased after chevalier throwing numerous small items at her to halt her from rising up, and to distract her lifting other things to attack her with.

"I don't care for the implication of that tone!" Charlotte chimed back.

Thankfully, while others would have to worry about stumbling, she didn't need to be on her feet to keep moving. As Aurora threw one of her signs back at her, Charlotte used all her force in an attempt to redirect it, causing it to crash into one of the second floor shops. The girl was quick to pursue her, launching all manner of minor projectiles at her as she advanced. However, as Charlotte continued to run, or float in this case, her smile could be seen gazing back at her opponent.

The smaller objects were less of an issue for her to redirect or even to catch. However, even as she did so to a few, Charlotte was more concerned with the stores that lined their pathway. Aurora had to actually take hold of items to utilize them, Charlotte only had to see them and with her quirk, that wasn't an issue even if there was a barrier.

As Aurora pursued her, the items and inventories of the shops were yanked out as the metal woman passed them. Stands, toys, knick knacks, clothes, books, and even some of the shops' cash registers, basing and countertops came flying through glass to impact or even hopefully to trip up the girl. However, she didn't expect much from that aside from perhaps a few moments. Whatever wasn't shredded would be used later.

Aurora had expected this subpar attack as such she hadn't braided her hair in any manner simply using her single strands style to rip, and tear through smugs roulette attack. That was until Aurora was randomly smacked by a random pair of panties causing both combatants to halt completely.

"...Haven't I suffered enough today," Aurora almost darkly hummed simply taking the panties off her head, and surprisingly curveballing it onto Smugs face.

Covering her mouth as if to hide amusement, the underwear in question was thrown at her face, impacting it with some force before it was telekinetically removed and held in the air. Humming, Charlotte still wore a smirk on her face in contrast to Aurora's chagrin.

"I mean, it wasn't intentional but I think they'd suit you," Charlotte said before shooting them back and continuing her escape.

As she rounded the corner, the section of the building adjacent to the balcony was evidently a multiplex store selling all manner of items from clothes to appliances and furniture as well as jewelry, divided by level. It appeared as though Charlotte's plan remained the same as before, drawing in the items from within, these being racks of clothes as before but mostly refrigerators, washers, couches, chairs and cabinets. Whatever materials that misses or survived impact with Aurora would continue their flight outward as with the others.

Huffing as the items peppered Aurora's position, Charlotte dropped from a float to a run, her face straining slightly to signify the burden of her quirk usage. This was quite a numerical test on her ability, but hopefully if she could keep it up, she might have a chance.

And thus Aurora's turn of attack came as Charlotte dropped on her feet. Without much a signal of warning Aurora change route as she ran into one of the shopping buildings the sound of property damage very clear in the air. To be followed by the wall shattering sounds of the building on Charlotte's left signaling a massive piece of building falling right for her. This would also be followed by the sudden areas around her going dark as the lights went pitch black.

Glancing over to the section of the building's interior, Charlotte looked around for Aurora using her X-Ray. It seemed as though the woman was trying to go through the building rather than target her directly. Though it wouldn't do her much good. Even if it meant she would avoid most of the debris unless Charlotte micromanaged it, the girl just needed the debris out of the building for her plan. Then the lights went out, which proved to be an issue.

Aurora must have guessed that Charlotte could see through barriers, but not in the night as if it were day. Scowling a bit, she had to admit it was a good plan, but now they were both sitting in the dark.

However, as the section of the building began to topple, Aurora's plan became very clear. Clicking her tongue, as some final debris came flying out a couch lifted Charlotte off the ground and carried her off the balcony, rising up and away to avoid the collapse, at the same time looking around for Aurora, which she found using the debris as a surfboard.

Was she going to launch at her? Charlotte had been prepping the inventory of the various shops and keeping them hoisted away after they initially shot out, floating above the arena. However she needed that stockpile for later.

However as Charlotte arised with her couch a rather strange luminescence would come into view reveal where Aurora was as the wall fell flat she had already moved, and thus her placement was discovered atop the roof near Charlotte's floating couch one of the move sign filled building to boot. Aurora appearance was… different as noted her hair was strangely glowing not that brightly yet directly noticeable. Atop of that at first glance it seems like Aurora's fingers had turned into knives… but upon closer inspection her nails had hauntingly grown out into a sharp appearance. The last change of note was her eyes… where as they were usually peaceful they seemed piercingly mellow in a rather disturbing fashion.

"Hmmm what could little Charlotte be up to with all that debris I "wonder"," She hauntingly hummed slowly walking in a predator like encirclement of her opponent. Twirling strangely here' and there Aurora scoured the field outside the initial fight little smug was clearly preparing for something big, and now the metal tank was acknowledged to it. Yet with a small chunk of the arena now dark the field's advantage was now tipping away from smugs advantage.

"Such a little tease poor masaru must be rather sick of it with that little leash around his neck you have so harshly worked onto him. You must be quite enamored with him," Aurora oddly brought up watching Charlotte's bodily reactions.

Her scowl intensifying slightly, this was a new side of Aurora that Charlotte was seeing. She was becoming quite talkative all of the sudden, so she had either lost her composure or was planning something. Aurora spoke momentarily about Charlotte's plan before shifting the topic of conversation to Masaru for some odd reason.

Honestly, Charlotte's plan in this case was probably the most brute force out of her others. It wasn't necessarily crafty, she just wanted more ammo to make sure it would put Aurora down for good. Either way, the fact that it wasn't all that complex of a strategy would perhaps help disguise it with Aurora expecting more.

"Ew, gross, no."
Charlotte's reply was concise and quick, with a look of minor disgust on her face as she positioned herself to sit on the floating couch. If Aurora was going to start a conversation and give her a moment of respite, then Charlotte would take the breathing time so long as she was ready for a sudden lunge. "I didn't know you were one to rebound so quickly Aurora."

"Oh come now little neo deflecting doesn't change the daunting efforts you take to keep Masaru from having any chances with anyone else. You embarrass him to know end. Belittle him beyond recover with Ichi. I mean why the obsession that you gotta harm the poor boy," Aurora asked with a shrug clearly unaffected my Smugs minor counter.

"I've tried to help him, he just can't take good advice," Charlotte replied with a light huff. "I think I've done a fairly good job too, most of the people he's hung out with in class have been the girls. Now one of them just needs to ask him out; I'm not a miracle worker."

Raising a brow at Aurora, her personality sure had changed. She wasn't dumb by any means but she certainly wasn't acting like herself. "And I embarrass him because it's funny, not because I like him. Ew."

"Then who does little smug like I wonder… maybe Ichi," Aurora chimed before knifing her fingers into the generator next to her overloading with electricity as it caused a chain reaction of blow outs throughout the building leading right to the Sign next to Smugs couch. Like a shotgun blast the sign bursted in session as Aurora punched a whole into the roof disappearing into the dark forcing smug to now play the cat, rather than the mouse.

"No comment~" Charlotte replied, sticking her tongue out momentarily at the woman.

However, as Aurora struck the generator, the whole place truly had become dark, save for the occasional shorted electrical signs and whatnot bursting with sparks, such as one of the signs near her. Covering her face, by the time she adjusted, Aurora had retreated into the darkness. Scrunching her face, Charlotte wasn't sure what the point of this was. Her electrified form stuck out in the darkness quite well and even if she didn't, there was only so much the girl could do at a range.

Using her X-Ray, Charlotte scanned the surrounding buildings as the couch slowly lowered over the water. She couldn't see too deeply into the darkness, but if Aurora kept up her form, she wouldn't have to.

"Do you think I'm going to come looking for you and make it easy, Aurora? No… I'm aware quite well of my shortcomings, and if I could knock out you or Ichirou with in a fist fight, I wouldn't have ring outed my last opponents," Charlotte stated, continuing her scan of the surrounding shops, however keeping leveled with the first floor over the water. "If I get too bored I might just try and topple the whole thing on you… It would certainly be safer than investigating, don't you think?"

Her response would come in the form of four massive braids smashing through the glass and latching onto the couch. Giving no time for reaction smug would be completely pinned as the couch was pulled into the building causing the girl to smash through what was left of the glass as the couch was ripped from her, and sliced in half revealing a rather devious Aurora who spun past Smug dispatching quite a few slash attacks all around the girl as she ended the nerve ending combo.

"I agree that's why I not only took out the lights, but started to damage the structural integrity of the building. What you thought that first wall drop was simply to attack you," Aurora sung as she threw Smug further into the building as a collection of cracks, and the now more obvious rips and tears from Aurora's first crash into the building were made clear… while smug thought she had been distracting Aurora… it was instead her who had been completely distracted as the building began to cave in.

"Wah!" Charlotte yelped as she and the couch were tugged into a nearby room.

Her surface was ripped in two, she was cut by glass and Aurora had followed up with a few slashes that Charlotte narrowly evade with cuts and scratches tearing at her uniform and skin. Some blood was obviously drawn as Charlotte tried to crawl back.

"Ah… You don't say…" Honestly, the supports weren't a bad thing. Charlotte had planned to lead Aurora around and use her to help weaken the structure. The problem now was that it was collapsing on top of them both. However, she still had a shot. If she brought her arsenal she had been keeping stowed in the air down on their position and Charlotte focused on surviving, she had a chance. Well, maybe. The girl was a tank like Kanna, but it was her best chance now. "Honestly... why do I always get paired with the death glares? I wanna go back to fighting the pink boy..."

"How about Izou? You want him to come back maybe," Aurora guessed tilting her head in this rather inappropriate time. Aurora had noted a while back that the two were hanging out quite a bit as she waited for her response Aurora's hair started to change up hairstyles.

Frowning at her next question, it was obviously an unwelcome one. Izou had practically vanished after the little vacation. He hadn't called or texted or reached out to anyone since. No one really spoke about him either. Of course she wished he was still around, but she'd settle for even just knowing he was okay. Everyone else who left at least had some explanation.

However, there was another question as to Aurora's motives. She was cornered in a destabilised building with Aurora in check position. Why was she still keeping this up? Was she trying to distract or aggravate her, or was she just trying to be mean?

Huffing lightly, Charlotte narrowed her eyes at the imposing girl before her. "Why wouldn't I? I'm not heartless, Aurora. I do care about people even if I try my best to keep them from knowing what I'm really feeling at the time. Either way, you should tread lightly. I'm far better at this little game than you are, and after your second match I have plenty of ammo if I chose to use it."

"Oh I know… you were going to trick me into a building pepper spray it with you little meteor shower, and collapse the whole building on top of me. If that failed then you were going to use that debris to slip me right into the pool, and drown me," Aurora listed out every way the rest of smugs tactics could go.

"And I disagree your good at hiding yourself… not reading others. Yet don't be so pissed he's fine Charlotte," Aurora stangely added to the end of her light growled sentences. With that Aurora pointed her darkly loomed fingers at Charlotte.

"Will the same be said of you I wonder," Aurora smiled darkly before her hair shot at her catching the smaller girls legs tripping her as Aurora grimaced at treating Smug this way when she couldn't see. Yet with how smart smug was Aurora had to change up her approach thus the nasty act. She couldn't just hit Smug either… thus this had to be psychological. Yet now that it was close quarters she could now end this just as much as smug could.

"Really? Because you were so chummy with him?" Charlotte inquired, her scowl intensifying somewhat. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a bit irked, however this little chat wasn't just for the sake of rebuttal.

As they argued, the debris began to shift from the middle of the field to levitate the building they were both in. It was a ballsy maneuver and a gamble, but one that was needed. Aurora predicted all her other venues of attack and was likely confident that she was cornered. In many ways, she was, but she probably didn't expect Charlotte to be willing to bring the building upon both of them. She was straining before, but that was as she controlled the debris in the air still. With it let loose, she could focus on defending herself amidst the collapse.

"Regardless, congratulations. That is indeed my plan," Charlotte said, putting an emphasis that she hadn't abandoned it.

As she said so, the section of the building was rocked by impact. A few of the debris crashed through the floor while others simply smashed against its exterior to accelerate is toppling. Charlotte, despite being wrapped up by the legs, held a smirk on her face.

"Your choice Aurora. You can focus on your own safety or try to drag us both into a pin."

"WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU. YOU CAN'T SURVIVE THIS," Aurora's dark act was completely dropped not for her own safety or even for the fight. With how accelerated smug had used her quirk this building would literally become a death trap for Charlotte with how dangerously fast the debris was falling in. With a quick swing of her Hair she grabbed the Neapolitan girl tightly using her hair to take out as much debris as possible as she charged to the closest wall. With a swift grab of a metal table Aurora prepped it like a shield, and shatter through the wall with smug in tow as they both rang out simultaneously from the arena. Her hair having cocooned smug as best as possible protected the girl through the act as the two wildly rode the table through the dirt as the arena stage behind them fell completely on top of itself with a dangerous destructive sound. When Aurora could finally catch her breath she released Smug from her before shaking her with much concern.

"I DIDN'T MEAN ANY OF IT YOU CAN'T JUST ENDANGER YOURSELF LIKE THAT WINNING ISN'T EVERYTHING," Aurora nearly cried for Smug intensely feeling bad for pushing her to such a point. As she pulled her in for a tight hug.

The panic on Aurora's part set in, which was a plus for Charlotte. It meant she might slip or freeze up. However, instead of doing either, the girl squeezed her tightly, intensifying the hold she had on her, and rushed at the nearest wall. Wait, but that was.

"What are you doing! That's out of bounds!" Charlotte warned, however, it was too late. Aurora crashed through the wall with her still in tow and they were both out as the structure collapsed inward, and Aurora's hold only intensified as it did.

"A-Aurora… Too tight. Aurora too tight!" Muttering that out, the much larger girl had now pulled her into an embrace and was practically weeping. "A-Aurora thank you but I wouldn't topple something on myself without a way out… And you're too strong."

" TRUE BUT I SET THE BUILDING TO EXPLODE AND YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT GAAAHHHHH," Aurora cried clearly happy she had gotten Smug out before… a massive secondary explosion was let loose on the stage with the barrier thankfully holding the debris off.. She had not been kidding. As a small fire could now be seen the response defense mechanics of the stadium kicked in immediately taking out the fire. As Smug was strapped in her death hug Allo had ran up to make sure they were fine seeing that whatever had happened was simply to girls talking out their minor bad blood he chuckled activating his mic.

"Well then while that may have not been how these tournaments usually end. I think we can give points to it being prominent one knows when to stop for the safety of another… the match is a draw," Allo called pretty sure neither girl was going to fight over this finale any more then they had. Turning his mic off as the fans cheered albeit a bit confused at first until they accept the reasoning as the fight had still been well fought.

"Generator bomb," Allo asked as Aurora nodded.

"A-And you're mad at me for overkill…?" Charlotte inquired, squirming slightly in the iron giant's grasp. "So it's a draw then…"

The smaller girl was a bit disappointed at the state of the finale, but she supposed it was better than a direct loss. Furthermore, she had no way of dealing with the explosive save for if she kept the debris to act as a shield.

"Either way, Aurora it's fine… please don't cry… and please loosen your grip a bit…"

"I was going to taunt you out of the building , and scare you with the building blowing up… to be fair if you hadn't brought the debris down it wouldn't have been an issue. My whole game was to scare you out of the fight. That's why I used my nails to attack your cuts are only superficial I couldn't legitimately hit you without critically harming you… so I was hoping to make you faint, or tap out," Aurora explained loosening her grip, but not letting go of the smaller girl.

"Eh if it makes you feel better Eisuke forced me into a draw on our third year final match. AIN'T THAT RIGHT WHITE SNOW GLOBE," Allo yelled up to Eisuke in taunt.

"Aurora, you're a sweet lit—big metal girl, and I've fought a creepy blood villain. You can't get me to faint, and that's a good thing," Charlotte replied, breathing out a deep exhale as she now had room to. "And I couldn't tap out, even if I wanted to… For the same reason you couldn't."

She had promised to try her best, but Charlotte would think that maybe she would tap out if the odds really were stacked that much against her. However, she couldn't do that here, not with her father watching.

"I had to try, even if I got beat up a little bit… or a lot… I hoped it wouldn't be a lot."

"I understand," Aurora smiled Shortly standing up as she raised Smug with her before raising her hand with hers to the audience earning quite a massive camaraderie cheer out of them.

"So let's do are best to get better… and to find a way to hit squish opponents," Aurora had mumbled that last part but her words were genuine.

Watching with a hand over his face, the principle didn't have words..well words fit for public. Leaving to set up the Podium he curses to himself briefly, leaving Misoka there to deal with the situation.

"That was the only way to get you off of me." Eisuke said, knowing exactly what he said would inspire more fanfictions from the crowds of obsessed teenage girls. "Not my fault you wouldn't give up without making me tackle you." He answered Allo.

"Errr.. What a fantastic fight! A moment please.." Holding an ear to the side of her head it seemed someone was speaking to her. "Would the Third place Winners go to the Podium, the Headmaster has need of you. Seems he has a special plan in mind for all of this. Ladies and Gentlemen what a fantastic battle and a very rare double ring out in our finals, please remain calm while the Headmaster decides this with some of the other staff. The Podium is being set up now."

UA Final - Awards Ceremony

Gathered on the platform were Ichirou, Kanna, Charlotte and Aurora. Calling them up one at a time by whatever name they went with upon entry, Gregori has the later two stand on a normal platform and the two third place winners on the ground. Now one was on the normal podium stand. As to why, it would become a bit more clear as the old man goes into a speach.

"Greetings! What a wonderful showing out of our first years eh?! Allas I only had a gold and a silver, part of me wanted to give the gold to Aurora given her sportsmen ship, but then she blew up the field.. Far too many destructive ones this yeah eh?" He says with a laugh to the crowd.

"So I had these two help me, with strength and fire, we broke and reforged the two metals. Half of gold and half of Silver for them both." Handing over medals with jagged cracks running down them that were bit pummeled and scorched he claps lightly, before handing over a bronze to the other two. Allowing the four a brief lime light he moves on. "Now then! Let us see what out other classes can do!"

And with that the day would pass into night, with a strong showing from some of the rest and an interesting demo from some year 3's. Though most of them seemed to be going about other activities elsewhere. Students were free to come and go as they liked, with Ayame helping the new students back to the Dorms. She had very little interest in the fights and wanted her nap, reaching her favorite napping spot atop the terrarium Ayame would drift off into slumber...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Months Later 1A Home Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ayame.. ak..u.."wuh..its..nice..he.". WAKE UP! AHHH! "Er Yes!"" Came a shout from Misoka at her Daughter. Going as far as to throw and eraser at the sleeping girl, who was seated at her desk.

"As I was saying, class. I'm taking over your home room for today. Instructor Allo, or Alloy Surge if you prefer, is needed elsewhere. This relates to you all directly. I have two announcements, but first, a few words. It has been Three Months since the UA Tournament, Four since that Dark Day. Many of you have grown from the spare time you had with your Mentors. Some of you had some exciting adventures from what I can tell from these files. Don't get Cocky, you still got a lot to learn.."

Walking over to the black board, Misoka starts to jot down a couple of dates, one was very soon, the other a couple days past it. Then there were a couple other things she seemed about to write but stopped on. "Well I did say two announcements, the rest can wait. The first date which is as you can tell, tomorrow, is something of a Surprise. The Headmaster has decided to allow for interclass bonding of a sorts by hosting a formal dance. So yes, that means a Dress and Suit are needed. You also are allowed to ask someone to the dance with you. Food and refreshments will be provided, Ayame."

Continuing on the points to the date soon after. "After that you'll be getting your hero costume prototypes and your hero names. Beyond that, well, it's still being debated, you are very promising first years for the most, but you are still first years. Either way do enjoy tomorrow night and if you don't have a suitable suit or dress, head down to the electives hall. A couple instructors can easily fashion you up something. Well, that's all."

Waving at them, Misoka was quick to back up into the blackboard, which switched and spun, taking her to who knows where. Long ago having learned all the tunnels and secret passages, she smiled thinly knowing it wasn't likely any of them would be able to follow, plus they needed some time to worry and rush about.

Kanna for her part had no intention of asking a male out and gets her things, if she was invited that was nice, if not she would be perfectly at ease listening to her ancient radio and drinking tea. Ayame for her part didn't expect a date, but the offer of food was good enough for her to go either way. With that both girls start to rise from their seats, reflecting on their on training or seeing how the rest would react to these events.

*A post for said training will be SOON, a venue for said dance will be SOON as well once a few posts are up*