My Hero Academia IC

Amaris Alucard

Collabs with: @TheSly

It had already been annoying enough to K' to play it nice in the observation deck. He did it not only to keep his promise to his mother, but also to make sure that he didn't start a scene. In other circumstances he would have loved to start a good brawl, but there seemed to be less than advantageous.

He had to get some clean air and get out of the loud and hot arena. It wasn't like his quirk coupled with his fashion sense didn't already make it warm enough as is. The very second K' got out and away from the people he took a deep breath, calming himself. He decided it was for the better if he wouldn't go in there again, unless he was planning on having the staff call ambulances as well the local fire fighters. He leaned against a close bollard and squeezed his eyes shut. K' was already tired, wasn't there any place here he could get some rest?

Turns out, no, the people who staffed the lunch didn't have a proverbial vampire in mind. There were meats, sure, but nothing that particularly struck her fancy. Still weak from her fights, feeling the stitch of lethargic pain through her, she knew she needed to find something else more filling.

That's what brought Amaris out just behind some boy she did not recognize. Her eyes flicked over to him as he leaned against the bollard. Seeing as how she did not know who he was, however, she did not really feel the need to give him the time of day. Yet, she had spotted him up in the observation place, right? Anyway, she made move to go passed him.

While he didn't bother to move much, K' did make sure not to be in the way of whoever this scarily pallor, almost ghostly figure was. He would just have let her go, paying no more mind than he needed to her, but something seemed strange and somewhat interesting about her. Had he seen her before? Maybe he caught a glimpse of her on the observation deck, or maybe he had just come across her by random chance before.

"And what is it that is urging a young lady like you out here? The fights inside not givin' you any entertainment?" K' spoke up just as she was about to pass by, hoping to catch her attention and stop her from going further.

Amaris stopped, hearing words spoken towards her. Turning slowly, she fixed her otherwise dead eyes on him. She slowly shook her head, rubbing her arm. "I shhould be watchhing. I will not misss the final, at leasst," she answered. "I require susstenancce."

She paused, then looked back towards the arena. "Can I help you withh somethhing? I do not recognizze you, but I thhink you were in the obsservation deck." Well, at least his little show attracted some attention, though K' wasn't really sure whether or not he should be proud of that.

"Sustenance? What are you some machine that you talk like that? I thought they had free food in there." Though K' couldn't really tell somebody else that they should be watching, since he missed every single match ever since the tournament started.

"I thought I might know you from somewhere. Have we met?"

"A machhine? Far from it. I am, mosst ccertainly, alivve." She nodded curtly. "They do. Jusst not the type I require." She shook her head. "I do not believve sso. My memory iss quite good. Or it iss more appropriate to ssay, I make it a priority not to forget thhings I havve learned. I am Amariss Alucard." She introduced herself, giving him a slight dip of her head, then extending her pale hand with the rich black nails.

"Just K' is fine." He reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze, finally taking off his tinted shades, "You aren't from here are you?" He gave her a slight bow. It had been a really long time since someone ever really asked for his name, without accompanying the question with an insult directed at him. This was now the second time this had happened today. Must be something in the air.

There was something odd about this girl. She felt colder than most people, not as cold as his sister's skin would feel to him, but it was still rather eerie and made K' feel a little uneasy. Who knew? She might actually be a machine programmed to behave like a human. Her rather cold body temperature set aside, it almost immediately jumped out at K' that her tone and behavior was similarly cold, sort of monotone. He might not be the smartest person, but he sure was perceptive when he wanted to be.

"Sorry 'bout me being nosy. You seem very odd, you're cold and you seem eerily calm. Most other people would have either left or at least gotten very annoyed with me… what about that? Are you dead on the inside or something?" This wasn't just K' trying to pick a fight, he was legitimately curious, even people with a lot of patience usually got annoyed with him pretty quickly, especially after what he had just said, but this girl seemed very different and calm to a point were it was more creepy than anything else.

When he released her hand, it fell back to her side. She lightly shook her head. "I wass born here. Althhough, my mothher iss Romanian," she explained.

Calm? She supposed that was a way to describe it.. Though at the mention of being 'calm', she felt her heart skip a beat, and her mind flashed back to the fight moments earlier. It didn't change her attitude or demeanor though. "I havve told you, I am alivve. Here, ifh you do not believve me, perhapss you require proofh." She reached out and grabbed his hand with her cooler hands and unbuttoned the top part of her shirt, to place his hand on her bare chest, with a bit of her white bra showing. There, under his hand, was the faint beat of a slowed heart.

This was certainly not the way K' had been expecting this to go down. He could feel his face heat up around the cheeks and ears, if that was even possible and he had to try his best not to break eye contact. Something really had to be up today, maybe he missed that there was an announcement to behave exactly the opposite way from your normal everyday self.

"You know," as he began speaking he finally pulled his hand back to his side, "I've never been the best when it comes to philosophy, but I don't think a beating heart is exactly prove that someone is alive, at least as long as we aren't speaking about being clinically alive in particular. In that case, sure you are alive, you may need to do some more cardio, but otherwise alright." K' hoped she wouldn't notice him trying his best to hide his embarrassment.

Amaris released his hand when he yanked it back. Staring up at him, she blinked, then cocked her head. "It iss not?.. A wonder. How elsse would I provve it, then? Oh, I know." She took one of the many bandages she had on herself, ripped it off, exposing a cut, then agitated it enough that it began to bleed yet again. A few droplets of red dripped to the ground. "Cardio. I will work on thhat." She held up her bleeding arm. "Doess thiss sufficce?"

That gave her pause. He did not seem to recognize her by name. "You question my livving. That impliess you do not know me by name. Iss thiss the casse? A wonder. You do not recognize me? My fhamily name?"

"Oh no, no I do recognize your name. But what of it? Lots of the children of heroes come to schools like these, after all, Quirks are genetics and if you're already a good hero than chances are your child can be a better one. But just your name doesn't mean your alive, and it also isn't what made me question that. Most people'd say you only really live if you experienced and feel the hardships and the joys life can throw your direction. But something tells me that that is exactly where the problem lies, doesn't it?" K' was leaning far out the window with wild guesses, but he was very comfortable making assumptions about others, just like how he was comfortable having others make assumptions about him. Maybe he hit the nail on the head with his wild guesses, if so, lucky him, if not… well, who'd give a damn then anyway?

Amaris lowered her arm, listening, and frowning. She was not sure how to respond, so she replied simply, "Iss that sso?" She leaned up towards him, asking, "And do you know of the joyss of lifhe and the hardshhips of lifhe? What are thhey?"

"I'd say I've seen a few here and there. Nothing too major, though. Joys and hardships… aren't they self-explanatory? A joy of life, something most people eventually encounter in life that brings them joy, the other is simply the opposite to keep checks and balances." But that wasn't really what he was getting at. This girl seemed like someone to just ask questions outright, so maybe if he hit the right buttons he could get to learn a little more about this curious person. Though, her asking what joys and hardships were in the first place basically confirmed his suspicions.

"Have you really never had those? A time when you felt really happy or really sad? A time when you thought that the world was unfair, or a time when you thought that you didn't quite deserve all the happiness fate was showering onto you?"

"Oh, sso you are sspeaking generally. I thhought you had perssonal experiencces you could relay.." Amaris replied, stepping back and looking down at the gravely ground. She looked back up. "Nope. None. None at all. Thhough, that iss the casse for the 'me' now you are sspeaking to. I havve nevver been happy, or ssad. Nevver thhought ssomething 'unfair'. Thhings jusst are." She snickered, "But the 'othher' me hass felt stuffh. Stuffh as-s you havve desscribed. The 'shhadow' me."

Amaris cocked her head. "I really do not want to misss the final. I sstill need food."

"Oh, I do have a lot of stories to… relay. I just prefer to get to know the person I'm talking to better before I start pourin' my heart out to 'em. Though, maybe next time, if I feel like it, since you shared quite a bit of yourself just now. If you wanna grab food and still make it to the finals I think you gotta hurry. And please, fix your shirt, people are gonna be staring at you otherwise, unless of course you wanna show off a little." K' was fully satisfied. He was right, there is something more than just strange about this girl and he got a little closer to finding that out, so maybe his senses weren't as dull as he thought they had become back during his blunder in the observation deck.

'Not feeling any emotion must be a tough thing, though I guess, if you can't feel anything anyway it isn't like you are going to miss it in the slightest.' K' had always been familiar with suppressing whatever he felt and he was used to replace that with the behavior of an asshole, to protect people from him and what might happen if he lost that hold of himself. But, being born with no emotions to speak of, that was a whole different thing, though he supposed the end result might not be all that different. People wouldn't understand, and through that chances were that your circle of friends was rather small or non-existent altogether.

Amaris buttoned up her shirt and gave him a nod. "Undersstandable. Humanss are known to need company, but not known for trussting. Do not feel obligated to tell me anythhing. Thiss was nothing more than idle chhitchhat." She held up her hand in departure. "Goodbye, K. Enjoy the joyss in your lifhe. Learn from your hardshhips." Those were good parting words. Cuz in her mind, they would probably not talk again. Sure, he may be a student, but that did not mean they would have much meaningful interaction. She didn't expect it. With that, she went to find a proper meal to nom on during the final.


After returning from the Sports Festival before the others, Amaris decided to visit a room other than her own. She needed this, it felt like, although the girl did not know why. Only briefly did she stop in her room, to collect the instrument. Grimacing, she could tell her body was still in recovery, but that didn't deter her. Flexing her power gave her great discomfort, if not actual pain, but something made her persevere. Her shadows unscrewed the legs and pipes of the organ and then hefted up the heavy instrument. This was a smaller organ, so transporting it was easier, not to mention it could actually fit within a dorm room.

Meticulously she carried the pieces of the organ into a room she had only visited once before..

After which, a small, haunting, chilling tune could be heard from just beyond the door.

Killian was grateful that the little panda girl had finally shown him the way to the dormitories. Who knew, otherwise he might have roamed the halls of the school in search of them way past the middle of the night. He was also quite happy that there was at least someone he seemed to get along with.

His room was pretty much as far back as it could get, having the second to last one on the third floor. It didn't really bother him, he was in good shape so the stairs shouldn't be a problem and the fact that it was so far to his room, in a best case scenario, just meant he could actually retread here without much disturbance if he needed to.

"Is somebody watching a horror movie up here?" He thought aloud the moment the music hit his ears. He doubted that any of the students could play an organ, one of the more challenging instruments to learn. So somebody else likely just had the volume on the TV way up. It took him a while to realize that the sounds he had thought to be from a movie actually came from the room he was supposed to stay in. Did the other students have access to the room and turned it into some sort of communal room while it was empty? Only one way to find out. He gave the door a short knock and then slowly opened it, only letting his head peak inside.

Objectively, she was playing well. Just like she had learned. But something about it.. was not rewarding. Amaris had recently learned what being 'displeased' was like, and she was displeased with her own playing. Yet she continued, as if that would magically 'fix' it.

Looking up when a sudden knock was heard, she watched as someone poked their head in. A boy who she did not recognize. Instantly she prickled, readying for anything, but she remained sitting on the bench before the small organ. This boy did not seem threatening.. but you never know.

She stopped playing, saying, "Hello." She placed her hands in her lap, right on the dirty skirt she still wore from the Sports Festival. Her overall appearance was disheveled. A rarity for Amaris who always cleaned herself up, having learned that at an early age.

"He- Hello…" Killian had no idea what he was supposed to do. He had expected to see a bunch of students huddled up watching some horror movies or something of the sort, instead he was greeted by a single girl that reminded him of a somewhat roughed up genderbent Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes.

He was honestly a little scared of the girl. It wasn't a rare occurrence that he was a little afraid or weirded out by some of the changes a mutation type quirk could make to someone's body, but there was something extra eerie about a young pale girl with dark hair playing an organ in a room that was supposed to be vacant.

"Uhm… what- uh, are you doing in here?" Killian wasn't really superstitious or anything like that, but for some reason his mind was going through all the horrific ways that this girl might be a ghost, or a demon, or a vampire of some kind that was going to skin him alive. Killian felt as though he was supposed to run away, but he at least had enough of a grip on himself to stop himself from doing that.

She watched his face, observing it. She saw the subtle traces of fear etched there. An emotion she did not understand, but knew the definition of, obviously. Fear was useful. It helped humans survive. And yet.. he had died. Had he been afraid? If so, why did he do what he did? She lowered her head back to the ivory keys, lightly tapping her fingers on them. So light they did not make a sound. "He played it sso muchh better," she muttered suddenly.

Then, realizing he had asked something, she looked back up. "Playing, what doess it look like?" she answered in a bored tone.

The muttering of the girl did not help Killian's fear one bit, 'He played it better? Who? What happened here? Is she a ghost waiting for someone?' It took him a while to get a grip of his thoughts again, or at least as good a grip as he could get.

"I see… uhm… why- why are you playing in here? A-are you just here because nobody else was or…?" Killian prayed that it was the latter and not because of some horrific murder that had happened decades ago in this building, leaving behind a restless spirit that haunts students now.

"Becausse thiss wass hiss room." She brushed her hand across the keys. "It felt.." Felt? "Felt .. appropriate. Felt appropriate. It felt appropriate." With that nebulous answer, she began to play again, but once more, it sounded haunting and would send a shiver down the spine. She stopped. "He played it sso muchh better. Why?"

"Whose room was this?" Killian's fear had subsided a little, in favor of letting his mind be controlled more by his curiosity rather than his, most likely, irrational fear. Though, he could still hear his heart beat in his ear. He now fully stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

"And what happened to that someone that makes you come here?" Killian, at this point, didn't know whether to be frightened, curious or, for some reason, sad for whatever caused someone to come to a vacant room and play music there.

"You do not know?" She questioned. That might make sense. She did not know who this person was either. How did he come to be here? "It iss Makoto'ss room. Or I supposse, wass." She took the time to look around. Yes. Clearly it was different now. It was cleared out from his belongings, there were other new things there. Ah, he must be new. "I seee. You musst be a transsfer, here to take.. to take.. M.. Makoto'ss sspot." For some reason, claiming that.. was.. well it felt hard to do. Hard for her to say out loud. But why? She had never had issues speaking before. She nodded. "Thhat makess sensse," she said, strumming her fingers against the keys. "Thiss classs getss new transsfers a lot." She waved to the stuff around that had been previously delivered. "Are thesse thingss yourss?" They would have to be, if this was now his room.

Now Killian also took a good look around the room. He had been told that the school would take care of moving his belongings into his new room, but he hadn't expected them to be in the room already.

"Yes… Those are my things. At least I think they are. And I don't think I am supposed to take anyone's spot. It's just that a lot of things have changed around here apparently, people leaving the school and such, so I was moved here. It's not like whoever he is is dead." Just shortly after saying this it occurred to him that, if she really was a ghost, this Makoto person may actually be dead and he may have been dead for years already.

Amaris sat on the bench, staring at the male. She realized she had not fully explained what was going on. It was interesting he did not know the situation already. "He iss. He died in thiss room. Not too long ago. Wass murdered by the group he worked withh, then double-crosssed."

"Murdered…" The shock that he was dead wrong in his assumption that nothing had happened here didn't properly register. It was more like someone had sent a wave of numbness through his body. Murdered. A student here, who had likely not been any older than him. Killed in cold blood. She must have been close with that Masaru if she came here to play for him.

"I'm … sorry." His mind was blank, he didn't know the boy who had lived here, but he had enough empathy for an entire army of people, so he couldn't help but feel sad for the boy's death.

"You were his… friend? It's nice that you came here to play for him." Killian tried his best to lift his voice into a somewhat happy and consoling tone, "I… should I leave you to it, then?"

She visibly slumped in front of the organ, staring at its expert craftsmanship. Sorry? What was he sorry for? "Sso, am I.." she found herself saying, strumming a few notes. "Suchh a wasste. Suchh loss." She shook her head. Then glanced up at him with a cocked head; what a strange question. "Friend? Me?.." She could count the number of so-called friends she had. Aurora, though, after the fight, who could say? The AI from the aquarium. And Ayame, sorta. Was she friends with Makoto? Had that been true? She never even considered it. Had he?

"Leavve? Why? Thiss iss your room, no?" She began to play again. "I am ssorry for the loss of hiss play. I told him.. I told him he shhould be a musiccian. He claimed thhat wass hiss dream. I told him he shhould be one." She played gently, staring at the organ's keys. "He played sso well. And wass soo modesst. I do not undersstand it. My mussic paless in comparisson. He alwayss praissed me, but mosst.. Mosst say my mussic lackss ssomething."

It did lack something, from the short time that he heard it, he could tell it was a little monotone. As if it lacked some emotion. Killian's was an instrument that usually did not have much emotion in it, since it was usually only used to keep time and even though he could play the piano, like most musicians, he was aware that playing an organ was vastly different and much more challenging. But he did have enough of a musician's ear to hear that.

Killian sat down on the bed, if she did not want him to leave, then he might as well listen. Plus, he was curious about the boy that had lived here before him. Though, his curiosity could not stop his throat from clogging up a little, hearing about someone's dreams after they died, knowing that they could never even try to fulfill those only added to the weird mix of feelings that stirred in him.

"He sounds like a nice guy… what a shame." What was he supposed to say in a situation like this? If the boys death wasn't so long ago and she still came here to play, then she was probably still in the process of grieving the loss of a friend. He never had much contact with death, or people who had just lost someone and he had no idea how he was supposed to deal with this.

"Did- did he teach you to play?" In the end his mind defaulted to just asking questions, hoping desperately he wouldn't dig up painful memories.

"He played sso well, and wass so modesst.. Why did he always praisse me, and downplay hiss own talentss?" She simply could not understand it. It was unfathomable. "Yess, sso nicce. I told him he wass not cut out for the hero world.. Why? How? How did he get involvved withh thosse people? Why? Hiss mussical talent.. now no one will hear it. Only I know." Her face furrowed as she touched her forehead. "In here. It iss in here.. I.. feeel privileged to know, to recall hiss play. Suchh a shhame no one elsse will.." It was obvious she was talking absentmindedly, as if the new boy was not even there. "He shhould havve quit and become a musiccian."

Suddenly, she snapped back and shook her head. "Hhh?.. Oh. No. He did not. I learned on my own when I wass younger. Tutors, musical books, I had many avenues to help. Yet, thhere iss ssomething I lack when I play.. Ssomething Makoto had. But I do not know it." She brushed her hand across the keys, then looked over to him. "Do you play? Want a go?"

The clogging in Killian's throat only got worse and worse as she continued talking. She spoke so fondly of him, drifting off into thought even. They must have been very close friends, maybe they had been a couple? If so, then he probably should not say another word, that subject would be much more delicate than what he could handle.

"I… never played organ. I play drums and I can play the piano. I know that with an organ it doesn't matter how hard you try to play piano or forte, it will always come out the same and that it is really hard to play. I don't think I should try. I would sound horrible and if you are here to play for him, then me butchering it sort of destroys it more than I already have, doesn't it?"

She blinked, then nodded. "I undersstand. Knowing how to play anythhing iss commendable. However, insstrumentss can be very difficult to get a handle on, and jusst becausse you know one, doess not mean you know anothher.. Regardless, you could learn to play the organ. I've heard it can ssound sso beautiful. I nevver really knew what that meant. Until I heard Makoto play. I have a drum sset. For dealing withh me, I shhall givve it to you." Her dead gray eyes glanced around, "I do not seee one around here. Or perhapss you would prefer a piano? I can phone mothher to bring one."

"Pluss, thhat iss incorrect.."
She brushed the organ. "As-s muchh as-s I know, for whatevver reasson, I cannot bring out the ssame soundss, melodiess, and notess that Makoto could. Perhapss you could. At a latter date, anyway, after you learn." She began to play again. And while it was no Makoto, it was clear she did have mechanical skill, as her fingers quickly tapped at the keys. Once again, his room was filled with a melancholic tune.

"You don't have to give me a drum kit… I do have one, I just had it built up in a music room, so I don't annoy others if I play and sing. Plus, drum sets are expensive! I can't accept something like that. And I do have a keyboard, they must have it stored somewhere in here." Killian began speaking after listening to her play for a while. She really was missing some emotions to her play.

"Well… no-one is perfect in anything. I think the gesture of playing for him in the first place is what gives it some value. I would be happy in whatever afterlife there is, if a friend of mine came to the place I died or my grave or a place that was important to me and played an instrument there that I had played when I was alive."

"I seee." She shook her head and stopped playing, "Money hass no meaning for me. My family iss very wealthhy. It would not be a hasssle to buy you literally anythhing you want. Well, I supposse I cannot buy you like a ccity or ssomething. Withhin reasson. Call it.. A welcoming gift."

"'Gessture of playing for him'?"
She cocked her head once more, "I do not follow. What do you mean?"

"I mean… well, if I bonded with someone over music and one instrument in particular, then that someone coming to a place that was connected to me to play that instrument there, then that just shows how important I would have been to that person. Something a lot of people are afraid of is that they will be forgotten when they die, so something like this shows that he is going to stay in at least one other person's memory, which is a niche gesture, I think anyways." He never had to explain things like this to somebody else. Maybe she was just a little sheltered to all of these ideas, or maybe she just didn't want to think about it too much. Killian really hoped he said nothing that would upset her.

"I seee.. " That had not really been her intention for coming here. Or was it? Still, it was a nice sentiment. "Thank you for exxplaining. I do thhink Makoto shhould be remembered. Hiss mussic mosst espechually. Ssomeday, I hope to play mussic like he did. Sso othhers can hear what he let me hear." With that, she began to play the last song Makoto had played. It went on for some time, filling the air with a lovelier sound than before. It was like she was feeling at peace for a brief time and able to translate that through the organ.

Finally, she finished playing. After a brief respite of silence, she stood up. "Forgivve the intrushun," Amaris said, with a bow to the boy. She looked around, specifically at the door and the organ. "I thhink I shhall leavve thiss here, if you do not mind. It took a lot from me to bring it here." She rubbed her arm, and could feel her wounds aching. "I am not at 100%; sstill not fully recovvered. Removving the organ would be quite diffficult for me at the moment."

She stepped towards the door to leave. "Feel free to play, to learn. You may not know now, but I susspect you could be an exxcellent organ player."

"Alright, leave it here. You can come by anytime if you want to play too." Killian said this as he had his chains pick up the small organ to move it into a free spot, "I could also carry it back for you, if you would rather have it that way."

She shook her head, "It iss besst to leavve it here. Thhank you, I will. Good day." With that the girl in the dirtied gothic dress departed.

Julius Alucard

Despite her display of her quirk, she received really no interest. Although Amaris did not know why, it was largely impart due to her conduct during the tournaments. This left her without prospects for the mentorship. Any other person this would be disheartening, but this was Amaris. Still, she could not go without being mentored, so.. she sought out the one that made sense. -Her grandfather. Head of their rich empire in Europe, Julius Alexis Orpheus Alucard.


She was home. The short girl set some things down while looking around. No servants had met her at the door, or at the gates, or out on the grounds. Which was odd; uncommon practice. She had been dropped off, forced to lug her luggage herself, and found herself pushing open the massive doors into the large gothic castle, stepping into the empty foyer all alone. Looking around this massive place, from the huge ceiling to the endless hallways, and the vast staircase just before her, made one feel so small and insignificant. It felt oppressive.

"Welcome home, my granddaughhter," came a booming, imposing voice, but one with a silky smooth feeling as it slid through her ears. It was the silkiest voice her ears had ever felt.

There at the top of the staircase was a tall, lean man in an elegant silk outfit. Handsome with a youthful appearance. Not like your typical grandpa. He gracefully glided down the stairs and came up to her. He was easily a foot taller than her, but dwarfed that by a few more inches. Grinning down at her, he leaned down, hands brushing her cheeks.

"It hass been too long, Amaris. Look at you, as youthhful as the day I lasst saw you. Pehrfect. Yes, pehrfect. My daughhter produced suchh gorgeouss offhspring. One day, yess, one day, you will have all thiss." He monologued, holding up his hands and spinning around to indicate the castle they stood within, his cape flaring out from the motion. Then he stopped and snapped back to her, "But not any time sooon. Come! We havve much to dissscus, much to do, and you havve much to learn." He spun around, whipping his cape, and glided away into the castle. She had been here before, but it had been years. If you did not know the map or follow someone who did, you could easily get lost within.


They were in a large circular room, with Julius standing up on a podium, overlooking the group below. Amaris stood below, with a handful of servants who stood poised, unfaltering. She glanced between them, recognizing a few. One, Ferdinand, was an excellent butler, who always treated her with respect. If she could be fond of something, she figured she was fond of him.

Suddenly Julius spoke, "There exissts in all livhing things a force, powerful, all-encompasssing. It resides withhin all thhings; it iss the very thing that brings life. The very thing that you or I, or anyone, must thank for being here. For being alive. Thiss Lifeblood brings life. It coursses through you, through uss all. I havve accesss to that very Lifeblood. Thiss iss proof of my dominion over othhers. Proof I am superior. Proof that we Alucards are superior and meant to rule the resst. Allow me to shhow you. To prove to you."

He held out his hand and commanded, "Kneel!" Suddenly, a powerful wave of some force was felt over the group. Instantly, the servants around all dropped to a knee, kneeling, bowing their heads reverently to the man above them. Amaris, though, stood there, bending down, struggling to remain on her feet. It felt like gravity itself was trying to pull her to the ground. Her body was being held up by her own strength and pulled down by its own self. She felt like she was about to begin ripping apart.

"Oho~ You can resisst, can you? That iss impresssive. Proof, again, of your superior nature. And yet.. Still. So.. Weak." He began to exert more force and Amaris squeaked in pain as her body began to bend even more, arms pulled straight down, feeling like they were being pulled from their sockets. "I. Said. KNEEL." After that, she fell to her knees just like the others. Then the power was gone and she was able to breathe once more.

"Amariss. Do you see? You have thiss power, as well." He waved his hands to the group. "Go on. Shhow me. Shhow uss all. Prove to uss your superiority. Command the othhers. Make them do as you wishh."

It took a moment, but she was able to stand up on her feet once again, glancing over at the others, who also stood upright. A few looked over at her, others continued to stare forward, as they had not been instructed to do anything else.

Briefly, Amaris felt.. Worried. "I.."

"Do not make excusess! Jusst do it! You are an Alucard, thuss, you are able."

She winced at the harshness of his voice, then held out her hand like he had at Ferdinand, trying to impart her will on him. Trying to force him to do what she wanted. "Kneel." She commanded. He remained upright as he had been instructed to resist her orders, unlike usual when he was meant to obey. "I ssaid.. kneel." Again he remained upright. While Amaris tried focusing on her hand, on Ferdinand, on her command. She began to falter, hand shaking.


"Nk~!" Amaris stared, hand outstretched, trying to force him down. "Kn... kneel.. I ssaid.. kn-kneel! Kneel! KNEEL!" Finally, her hand fell and she nearly collapsed, breathing in heavily.

Up above, Julius frowned in disapproval. "My blood flows through you. Try using your quirk."

She glanced up at him, then tried to think of how. She suddenly slipped into Ferdinand's shadow.

"Good! Your quirk draws your emotions, draws your will. It doess so for you. It can do so for othhers. Make it so!" Julius instructed.

Wading in Ferdinand's shadow, she heard him. That made her think. She looked up at the rigid butler she was trying to command, her grandfather's voice in her head. Suddenly, she began to exert her shadow, seeking to draw in his emotions, to make him susceptible, to follow her orders instead of thinking for himself. In his shadows, Amaris focused heavily on this task, staring up at him intently. She could feel the shadows around her beginning to churn, to heat up.

"Use. Your. Shhadows. Amariss!"

Amaris suddenly came up out of the shadows, latching onto Ferdinand's back, splashing his shadow all over him, as if dousing him with it. He finally turned his head to look at her, bright caramel eyes slightly worried now, a frown on his face. Maybe even anger hidden behind his gaze. Kneel. Kneel. She thought vehemently, as darkness dripped off him. "Kneel!" Color began to drain from Ferdinand's face. Suddenly his eyes lost their caramel color, going to a dull brown, while he became ghostly white. "KNEEL!" Finally, he dropped to his knees. And Amaris couldn't believe it. He had lost any care to consider his own will, and willingly bent to hers.

A raucous laughter sounded from above, startling the girl who had been so focused on her task, she had almost forgot what was going on around her. Still latched onto the butlers back as he bent over, she looked up. Julius clapped. "Very good, Amariss! You have done it! Seee? Do you seee? We Alucards are different. We have the ability to impart our will ovver othhers."

She slid off of Ferdinand's back, staring at her hands. She couldn't believe it. She had done it. She had made Ferdinand do as she wanted. He had been ignoring her orders, instructed to do so, she realized, and yet...

"Now!" That word drew her eyes back to Julius. He waved his hand. "Do the same to the othhers. Make them do as you wishh. Order them. Control them."

Amaris looked around at the other servants in the room. She swallowed. Then realized she was breathing heavily. How hard just one person had been.. He expected that of all of them?



She hurriedly leaped into the shadow of the maid Meresa. To do the same to her...


Amaris was balancing on a acrobatic's beam, with a few people watching, including her grandfather. He stood beside her. "I watchhed you in the fesstival. You had potential, but ultimately did not succeeed where you shhould havve. Your limberness, your athhletic form leads itsself well to acrobatics and agility. If you had been more limber, perhaps you would have fared better against that brute of a girl. We will pushh you. We will draw out your strengthhs and hone the prime skills your body shhould dissplay." By 'we', he meant the slew of expert acrobats, master gymnasts, trapezits, fitness artists, stuntmen, and their instructors, that he had hired for her. Then tapped her feet, pushing her forward so she did a cartwheel up to balancing on her hands.

"Come!" he ordered to the group. They all walked over, to begin to instruct the lithe, pale Alucard girl in a leotard balancing on her hands. For the upcoming months, when she wasn't influencing others, she was practicing balancing, deftness, dexterity, and acrobatics. She was put through the ringer, and shown no mercy in the gym.


Months later, Amaris stepped out of the shadow of Ferdinand, having learned to use this trick much much better. He had been dancing like some goofball, flapping his arms like chicken wings, and not giving a shit about his own dignity. Again his skin was pale, and he did not care what was instructed of him. The others were in similar states of undignified positions. A few were naked. They all had been drained of their emotions and had fallen to her will to do things none of them would normally do. Slowly their color was returning, as was their own mental fortitude and will. They all began to scramble to reclothe, or stop whatever degenerate act they had been made to do. This was a common scene over the past few months.

Julius was down beside her, clapping. "You havve mastered this skill, Amariss. I musst say I am impresssed. You always were a quick learner. Capable of grassping othher ideas and putting them into effect. Unlike your dissappointment of a mothher. Very good, very good! Sha ha ha! I am very proud of you and your progresss! Poor Ferdinand; go, resst up. Take the day off. All of you! You deservve it!" The servants all scrambled after that, with Julius laughing in merriment at their embarrassing misfortune. He placed his hand on Amaris's back and grinned down at her.


The day came to leave. Amaris was once again at the massive front door to the Alucard castle. Julius stood at the top of the stairs, like the day she arrived. "So, you shhall return to them, then." It was more of a statement than a question. There was obvious disapproval in his voice. Amaris nodded, picked up her bags and turned to go.

She was stopped by his voice. "Remember thiss, Amariss. We Alucards are superior. We do not mix well with them. You belong here. You and your mothher bothh. She plays hero, as are you. But remember, your placce iss at my side. We Alucards are not like them. They call uss monssters. We simply do not fit in. I know you know it. I know you can feeel it."

She turned back to stare at him. She had heard this before.

"You and your mothher will return. I havve no doubt. Remember what I said, when you begin to feeel it." He paused for dramatic effect. "Your blood boiling. ..The hunger."

At the mere mention, she felt her stomach growl, placing a disconcerted hand over it.

"Anyway, you havve learned a lot. But there iss muchh you still need to learn. I, and only I, can teachh you. No one elsse understands." His eyes changed from their usual green to glow bright red. "When you remember, return to me, Amariss."

"Farewell. For now, granddaughhter."

The door shut at that word, she still staring back. "Goodbye, grandfathher." Then she regained herself and turned to go, walking down to the limo that was waiting for her. To take her to the plane which would take her back to UA.
Last edited:
Sometime during the Timeskip
Collab with @Thaleko
A limo pulled up to the curb, and two doors opened, with a girl in a maroon dress, with a laced up bodice, and a taller, slinky woman, with bags under her eyes, getting out.

The girl immediately unfurled her black umbrella and turned to face the woman who came around to her.
"You going to be alright?" the woman asked.

"Yess, mothher, I'll be fine," Amaris replied. "I can handle mysself."

"Like you did in the Ssportss Fesstival?" she retorted.

"Yess, mothher, like the Sportss Fesstival."

"You thhink you handled yoursself thhere?" Ramiris questioned.

Amaris looked up, peering up from the umbrella just enough for sunlight to touch her face. "Well.. Yess.. I thhink I did alright.."


".. Y-yess.. I mean.. I thhink I did okay.. Maybe not." She hid her face under the umbrella and shook her head. "I thhink I may havve went too ffar.. I didn't.. It did not evven matter. I failed. Utterly. I do not thhink I did too well.."

Ramiris suddenly felt bad for teasing her daughter.
"Aww! Honey!" The tallish woman cooed, pulling her daughter into a hug. "Nonssensse! I'm jussst joking! I thhink you did fine! You were great!"

"Really?!.." Amaris whined from the hug. She was surprised to hear that. Especially after the scolding she and her mother received.

"Absssolutely! I'm alwayss proud ofh you, my sweeet fflying, bloodssucking rat."

"I havve told you thiss many timess, I am not a rat, mothher."

"Wha? I know! I wass jusst.. Honesstly, Amariss, you shhould know what I mean by thhat by now.."

"I wass kidding mothher."

"H~? Oh! Haha! Shishishi! Thhat'ss my offfsspring!" Ramiris purred, playfully brushing her hand through her daughter's otherwise well-done hair, fluffing it, and leaving it out of place, looking like she had just stepped out of bed.

Finally the two broke apart.
"Well, okay thhen. Enjoy your day, ssweet flying rat! Do you have your ID and money?" Amaris flexed her purse hanging by a thin string. "You can find your way back?" Amaris nodded. "Very well. I would oh-sso lovve to join you, my adorable offsspring. But, alass, I cannot. I havve bussinesss tonight, and need.."

"You need resst," Amaris interjected.

"-Yess.. Abssolutely right. Now, goodbye, Amariss~" she purred, running her hand down her daughter's face and off her chin. "I lovve you, sso muchh."

Amaris stared. Then opened her mouth to speak, trying to say the same. "Mothher, I.. l..lo.."

Ramiris stopped her,
"It'ss okay. Ifh you can't ssay it, do not forcce it, my sweeet." The woman sounded understanding, but there was obvious hurt in her eyes, as she looked down at her daughter.

Suddenly shouts and cheers could be heard. "Is that Number Four!?!?!" Someone cried. Frankly, it was surprising it took so long for them to notice. Though the interaction had been but a few minutes. Others followed suit, shouting and screaming, bolting over. And suddenly a whole group was rushing over, with paparazzi just behind them.

"Ssss!!" Ramiris hissed in frustration.

"We need to go -now, Number Four!" the man behind the wheel called.

"I told you, reffer to me correcctly, or I'll riiip your sspine out, worthhlesss cur!" Ramiris hissed to her driver.

"A-ah!! Y~yes, so-sorry ma'am! W-we need to leave, oh elegant Queen of the Night!"

Ramiris released a pleased hiss, then waved to her daughter. She just slipped inside just as people came up to her; a few flashes of cameras went off just in time to snag some pics of a slender leg under a dress disappearing into the car, before the door was slammed shut and the limo sped off. Leaving Amaris standing there staring at the departing car, and the crowd. A few gave her a few quick looks, most judgmental and disapproving. A few the opposite, eagerly taking pictures of her as well, though she ignored whatever attention was given to her. Especially if any of them tried speaking to her.

Shunsuke had been experiencing something of a whirlwind of events as of late. Much of his time had been spent getting settled at UA, both in his new classes and in the dorm. He'd already made a few acquaintances which had helped a lot, but it'd still been a bit of a jarring experience. Shizui being there had been good as well even if things involving her tended to be more rocky than not.

Today Shunsuke had been especially productive though, not to mention he'd been given a little bit of a break from his training with TItan. He had gotten up early, gone through some of his usual morning exercises, had showered, and had even finished some homework he'd had as part of playing catchup with the UA curriculum. This is what happened when you pay more attention to training than studying. Maybe that was why he'd felt it would be good to treat himself a bit. Food was usually a go to treat, but he'd have gotten that no matter what. No, he had planned to go out and buy something for himself.

Shunsuke had thought about inviting somebody to go with him, but Shizui wasn't much of a people person, and he'd be around people, and he hadn't seen anybody else that morning. So, he'd resolved to go it alone, finding the proper transportation, and getting himself to the mall. The mall. He couldn't say it was his favorite place in the world, but he would have had to come here eventually.

Still as he arrived he was met with a most interesting sight. "What's going on?" He couldn't help but question the scene before him with as a limo drove off leaving a crowd of people in its wake. Pictures flashing, questions being bombarded onto… a girl? Wait… He knew that girl didn't he?

"Oi! You vultures! Don't you know it's impolite to swarm a young girl like this!" Shunsuke called out as he waved towards the little vampire girl, pushing and weaving his way through the crowd with relative ease. Once he'd reached the girl's side he could confirm that he did indeed know her. He was in her class now. Right? He could have been wrong. "Well?! Go on! Shoo!" He raised his voice just enough to hopefully shock the people away with as little confrontation as possible.

"Yo, asshole! We were just askin' the little girl a few questions!"

"Yeah, get away from her! Go back to school, bub. Let the little lady handle her own affairs. Who are you? Her bodyguard??"

"Go on, get! She's Number Four's daughter. We just want a word!"

The "vultures" as described, wouldn't let up, repeating such similar things. Eventually a few shoved Shun, trying to get to Ramiris's daughter. They wanted an interview, at the very least. And this asshole was getting in the way of that.

Amaris merely stared.

Shun put his hands up, open palmed, trying to avoid any violence at first, refusing the answer much of the comments being made. Any other time he might have tried to answer everyone of the people before him, but this was annoying. Mostly the shoving.

"Number four's daughter, huh? Fans I take it? Paparazzi?" He chuckled a bit, but as another man tried to shove him again, he turned sticking his foot out just a bit, shifting his hands to press into the guys back and pushing him just enough to send him toppling to the ground.

"At least use the names of your heroes if you're gonna go to these lengths," he glanced over the crowd again, "vultures."

It seemed the label for these people would be vultures as shunsuke stared unapologetically. It was almost like he was daring them to press on. If they didn't, great. If they did, even better. He didn't need his quirk to handle something like this.

"By the way, do you want to head inside or something?" He asked shifting his attention to Amaris for a brief moment.

"She's a queen! Queen of the night!" one of them shouted. "We dare not speak ill of her! You'll show some respect!" was the man's reply -with a supplementary shove.

"Maybe he's not her bodyguard, but her boyfriend!" One was heard saying, before Amaris could respond to him. The short girl shut her mouth, only to look back at the boy at her side.

"Wait a minute.. That's not right, wasn't she with Aurora?" one of the paparazzi replied.

"Didn't you see her fight in the Sports Festival? Needless to say, Auroris is done!"

"And got herself a boytoy, huh? Rebound quick, don'tcha?" A woman replied, a bit judgmentally.

Amaris stared at the woman, then tugged on Shun's shirt.

"Wha- I'm not…" Shunsuke's cheeks heated up a bit, turning a light shade of pink. He continued to stare down the group. They didn't know him, his classmates, or just about anything by the looks of it. All these fanatics were the same. But clearly he hadn't scared them by toppling one goon with a gentle push.

And almost as if on cue, the moment the thought crossed his mind another came to push. He grabbed the perpetrator by the wrist, twisting it enough to hurt without breaking anything.

"If the hero is a queen, then her daughter would logically be a princess," Shun began his little lecture. "And disrespect toward the daughter would be just as much a slight against her mother, wouldn't it?" He barked at them as the person fell to their knees. He ignored plea for him to let go. He knew how to hold back, it was nothing serious.

However, as Amaris tugged on his shirt, Shun came back to his senses. "Huh? Oh, right." He released the person and turned his back to the small crowd. "We should go," he said as he took her hand and began to lead her to the mall. It seemed mostly confident, but a look as his face would confirm his embarrassment as he'd grown a bit redder. Hopefully that was the end of it.

"You're not, huh? Just a handsome knight coming to the aid of his princess, is all? Poor thing, she must be hoping for more with her valiant knight~" Another woman reporter regaled, as if spinning some tale to put on the tabloids the next day. All while pictures were taken when he twisted the wrist of some other guy and tripped one over.

"You must not know the princess very well, then, sir knight!" a man called. "This doesn't bother you at all, does it sweetheart?"

Amaris looked from him to Shun as she was tugged along. "I do not havve all day; I havve thingss I need to purchhasse. ..But I supposse not."

Not that her answer mattered, since Shun pulled her away from the vultures towards the mall. There was much grumblings and complaining coming from behind the two, but it seemed they cooled down, and stayed back as the two left. The woman reporter snapped a picture of Amaris clinging to Shun's arm and a red blush on his cheeks, and chuckled to herself.

Shun was sure that this would probably be a thing later, but for now it wasn't something that he needed to dwell on. At least, it wasn't something that he wanted to dwell on. He was just trying to get out of sight of the vulture as quickly as possible. Still, that didn't stop his deepening blush as Amaris clung to his arm.

"So, does that really not bother you?" He couldn't help, but ask as they finally made it into the mall. Maybe he felt a little bad if it was possible he would have just been needlessly interfering. "Sorry if I was just in the way," he smiled a bit awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head.

"Guess this isn't a great first impression," he added, looking ahead, momentarily forgetting the pretty girl on his arm.

"Oh yeah, I'm Shunsuke, by the way," he chuckled a bit, "We've never really talked, but you're Amaris, right?"

"I do not know. I supposse it iss appropriate for me to ssay, I do not l.. -It iss a hindrancce to be held up by the paparazzzzi and journalistss. Or 'vulturess' as-s you call them. There iss not infinite time in the day." She shook her head. "You ressolved it efficciently. I would not ssay you were in the way." She shrugged. "I would not know what ifh I had ssaw one." She thought it over, realizing he was a new transfer. Due to that, she had not had properly learned who he was, and since then had not had much interaction with him to know much about him. That was a problem. She would rectify that now. "Hi, Shhunssuke. Yess, I am Amariss Alucard. It seeems I do not need to introducce my mothher, conssidering."

"No, you don't need to introduce your mother," Shunsuke responded calmly as he looked around at some of the shops. He could have sworn that she was going to say something different before shifting to the use of words like hindrance and being held up as opposed to whether or not she liked it. Maybe it was just her preference of speech, like Shizui.

"It's nice to meet you. Even if the circumstances were odd," he smiled at her. "And thank you for the compliment. Although, I do think I could have handled that better regardless." He shrugged. He was silent for a moment. Maybe because he wasn't sure what to say. Maybe because after he looked at her he was suddenly, once again, very aware of her being so close. His blush had never completely receded, but now the redness of his face had become more prominent once more. "So, what did you come to buy today? If you don't mind my asking."

"Yess, maybe asssaulting ssome of them wass not ssmart. But I supposse you could chhalk it up to proteccting me. Sso fair iss fair. Regardlesss, it posssibly could havve gone worsse. Though, it could have gone better, ifh you had just left me to my deviccess. I would probably sstill be ansswering queshtuns. I guesss that means I shhould offher you my gratitude." She waved her hands around, finally releasing him. "Assk of anythhing. I shhall buy it for you today."

She glanced up at him. "Oh. Many thhings. Girlss are known for thheir shhopping, are thhey not?" She flashed him a kinda eerie fanged grin, to show she had joked. "Namely, however, thhere iss a dancce coming up. I figured it required a new gown, pluss acccesssoriess."

Shunsuke couldn't help but laugh a little bit when she critiqued how he handled the situation a bit more honestly. "But if you were still answering questions you would have a lot less time to shop," he replied as he thought back to how some of the people spoke to her, spoke at her. Worse was how some of them looked at her. "And thank you, but you don't need to buy me anything Amaris. I didn't do that for a reward. Just to help someone."

As she released him, Shunsuke slipped his hands into his pockets. He paid attention to where he was walking, but his eyes consistently found her. He couldn't help but laugh at her explanation about what she'd come for. "I have here that girls love to shop. But do you like shopping?" He asked calmly. "Wait… A dance?" Had he missed something? Had he not been paying attention? More than likely it was the latter. And yet, part of him was excited.

"Huh… I may end up needing to get something to wear myself. I'm pretty bad at that stuff though."

"Are you shure? I probably possesss a lot more money thhan you. I could buy you many thhings. Wonderss you havve only dreamt of. Or maybe somethhing ssmaller? That you wishhed you owned?" Amaris offered. "It iss agreeable to purchasse thhings that are usseful and that I need," was her answer. That sounded as close to "I like it", as Amaris would probably get. She gave him a nod, "Yess. A dancce. So you need somethhing to wear? Perhapss I can buy you that."

Although Amaris's offer was tempting, it was almost a bit too much. Enough to make Shunsuke laugh a little again. "You're cute Amaris," he said in response to the notion of all the things she could buy him. "But really, you don't need to get me anything," he said calmly. "I'm more than equipped to take care of my own shopping. I'm happy just hanging out with a new friend." He said nudging her gently. Maybe his initial plans had been to get in and get out, but this didn't seem like a bad alternative. Besides, there were worse ways to spend a day. "Now, which store do we go to first?"

"Am I? Why?" She shook her head, "I did not mean to offend. I do not doubt you arrivved here with proper cashh for your dessired purchasses today. What I am offering iss somethhing you havve previoussly dessired and could not afford." She took a single step back when he nudged her. Then she looked up at his face. "Friend? We are friendss?"

She glanced around, then pointed at a clothing store. One, of course, that catered predominantly to women. Then Amaris paused, and gave Shun a once over. Well. He had asked.

Shunsuke tilted his head in confusion as she asked why? Was she referring to him calling her cute? "Well, I think most people would say that you are cute. If not because of your manner of speech or behavior, then because of your looks." He said trying to pick his words carefully in order to avoid potentially offending her. Thinking about it though, her behavior was odd. At least for him. Why was that? Was it a choice? Was it something else?

His eyes found her once more after scanning the stores as she continued to speak. "You didn't offend me Amaris. I'm sure you could and would get me anything I could think of. Buuuuut-" Shunsuke trailed off as she settled on the first shop. "Alright, well I don't wanna waste your time. So let's go," he said continued to walk toward the store.

Amaris cocked her head, then after a moment said, "I do not thhink you are correct. I havve heard things people call me. While ssome ssay 'cute', thhat iss not all I am called. Or even the mosst common." She plucked at her dark hair and rubbed it, "I havve been shown how to besst take care of my looks. I apprecciate that they go apprecciated."

She held up her hand. "You are not wassting my time. You savved me time. Where do you wishh to go firsst? A girl'ss shhopping can take awhile." Once more she flashed him a teefy grin.

"What would you be called other than cute?" Shunsuke asked as he took her hand to pull her into the store. "But it's not just your looks that make you cute. You're very kind and compromising from what I can tell," he added with a grin of his own. He didn't want her to put off what she wanted to do after all.

"Even if a girl's shopping does take a while that's all the more reason for her to go first." He smiled at her. He didn't seem to be the most at ease in the women's clothing store, based on the red tint of the cheeks, but he didn't mind. "Wouldn't want you to feel rushed if my stuff, for whatever reason, did take too long afterall."

"Me? Kind?" Amaris repeated, as she was pulled into the store. Things this boy was saying was nonsense. Or it sounded like. He said things to her, she didn't think she had literally heard from anyone. People always said the opposite. Especially since the tournament.

Entering the store, she could accept what he said. "I do seee the logic in thhat. I would not mind it, eithher way." She looked around. "Anyway, we are here. Might as-s well do thhis shhopping now." She paused once more. "Actually, you do not need to be here. If you do not want me to buy thingss for you today. You do not need to be besside me anymore. The paparazzzi havve left me alone." She said as she began to peruse, pushing various shirts on hangers and picking at a dress here or a dress there.

"It's totally fine Amaris. Spending time with you has been nice," he replied as he looked around at some of the clothes in the store. "I wouldn't mind hanging out more," he paused for a moment before continuing, "Um… Unless you don't want me here…" Shunsuke laughed a little bit. "I can go if you'd like. I just figured you might enjoy having a friend around. To talk to, hang out with, maybe grab a bite to eat a little later."

Shunsuke smiled at Amaris as he picked out a dress. "This might look nice?" It was a terrible dress, one he'd picked as a joke. He held it up in front of himself. "What do you think?" he asked, laughing more.

"It hass? Well, then I know to be pleased that you have felt your time wass sspent worthhily," she said, picking a short black dress off the rack, fluffing it out in front of her. "Really now? 'Hanging out'?.. Withh me?.." Again, he said something unusual. She chuckled, "Heh."

"I do not really dessire anythhing, Shhunssuke. You are welcome to sstay. Your presencce iss agreeable."
She peered at him over the rack in front of her. She vaguely recalled the date she went on where the boy was terrorized by her eating. "Are you shure about that? It could traumatizze you."

She came out in a slinky lime green dress, that was probably meant for someone slightly older, but like.. this was Amaris, she likely didn't care. It showed a lot of milky white thigh. "How doess thiss look?" The green was not her usual color obviously. "I havve been told I shhould branchh out."

Shunsuke smiled, somewhat glad that she didn't just send him away. It would have been a pretty boring day otherwise. And if nothing else she seemed to enjoy his company. "Traumatize me? Are you gonna eat me?" He said with a goofy laugh. "It would take a lot to freak me out." That was a half truth. Some things could probably get him a little anxious quickly, but that was usually things about girls… being too… close.

"Wow," was most of what he could muster when she came out in her dress. "It looks really good on you," he paused briefly. "Um, y-your legs look nice." Shunsuke looked away at some of the other things in the store. Mentally he screamed at himself. Her legs look nice? Why was that the thing he said. Maybe he should change the subject? But to what? What would he say?

"Ummm… So, your quirk? It's um… Vampiric in nature?" he asked once it came to him. He'd been curious enough since the sports festival anyway.

"Are you offhering?" Amaris genuinely asked. Then she waved it away, "No. Mothher ssaid I shhould not 'nom' on my classsmates." Her eyes fell when she admitted that, as if this was Amaris being 'disappointed'. "Anyway, very well. Good to hear. Becausse it hass happened before."

Amaris glanced down at herself, wondering if the green suited her. "I apprecciate the praisse, Shhunssuke. Thhank you for your compliment. As-s long as-s my appearancce iss titillating to admirerss." She shamelessly stated.

She began looking for accessories that went with the dress. She plucked up a pair of curled silver snake earrings holding them up to her ears. People always thought bats were more her motif, but a girl could change styles whenever she wanted, right?

She lowered the earrings and looked over. "People keep ssaying that. But I thhink that iss a weird thhing to ssay. Vampiress do not exisst. Anyway, if you want, yess, you could ssay my quirk iss like your typical vampire. I shhare many ssimilar traitss with thosse bloodssucking mythhical monstters."

She paused, looking away. "Sso muchh sso, thhat many thhink I am a monsster."

Shunsuke cocked his head at the question and subsequent admission. He couldn't help but laugh a bit. It was an interesting statement, but given her quirk, he could see she was a bit more serious than most would expect. Still, he smiled.

"Right, still, I think the green looks good on you Amaris," he spoke, looking her over again before she began to talk about her quirk. A monster? "You're not a monster. In fact, a lot of vampires in fiction aren't monsters." He took a deep breath. He was focusing on the wrong thing. It seemed to bother her too. Even though she didn't seem to be the type to express much in the first place.

"Snakes huh?" he asked as he looked over some of the other accessories. He picked up a few. "Look, green butterflies," he chuckled a bit picking up something else. "Snake bracelet." There were so many that he could hardly focus on one thing that she might like. If she liked anything. He barely got these things when they were blatant. He probably wasn't much help now. "I do hope that you don't really think of yourself as a monster. So far, you've been really kind to me." Unless that was a ploy to get his blood. No. That wasn't the case. Although he was sure he'd let her have some if she really needed it.

"What else might you be looking for. Maybe I can actually help with some direction," Shunsuke laughed a bit. It wasn't like some of his more casual jokes would receive actual laughter so this was the better alternative.

She had been called monster many times. Her entire family had. In fact, she could recall her grandfather saying she was, saying she didn't fit in. She chose to ignore it in the moment, and give him an affirmative nod. Kind? That seemed like a new concept to her. Sure, she knew what it meant, but her..? Kind? It wasn't like she went out of her way to not be kind, but being called monster and with others typically wanting her to make herself scarce, she never really thought others saw her as a kind individual. Could monsters be kind?

"Hm, yess, snakess may be too ssimilar to the bloodssuckers that I am normally assocciated withh.." She peered at the butterflies he directed her to. They pink patterns on them. He said this green dress was nice, but perhaps she could find a dress that matched the emerald butterflies with the pink patterns more effectively.

"Anythhing that iss vissually appealing. Ifh you find somethhing that titillatess you, suggesst it to me," Amaris answered. She went off to look on her own for a bit, picking out various things. She finally gathered a pile of things to try on at the dressing room, waiting to see if Shun would show up with anything.

Shunsuke looked the girl over. It seemed like she was in deep thought over the notion of being called a monster. He couldn't imagine being considered that just because of his quirk. Though he was sure some might think that regardless of what one did. "Just worry about what you think you might like. Stuff that you might find interesting," he responded calmly, though he did begin to pick out a few things. She said she was trying to branch out, but from what she wasn't sure.

"Maybe some of these might work?" He said somewhat unsure as he handed her a small pile of dresses and various accessories. Shunsuke believed that these things were a bit different. There were more colors than he assumed she probably wore, but he didn't know her all that well. He even tried to make sure each dress had an accessory that would go with it. Though he wasn't too sure on any of them himself. He just hoped she liked them.

Amaris looked at the small pile he presented. She immediately picked one up, it was a short fluffy pink thing that looked like something a pixie would wear, with a very poofy, lacy skirt. It even came with a fancy pink-jeweled tiara. She shrugged, took it back in the changing room, and came out a moment later, with the addition of white lace tights with flower patterns on them on her legs and a pair of 2-inch pink shoes. "Sso?"

Shunsuke had never really expected her to wear the pink dress. It didn't seem her style. But he had to admit that she looked very cute. Like a porcelain doll, only a lot less creepy. To him anyway. "You look really pretty Amaris," he said softly as he looked her over. "Like a fairy tale princess," he added with a big smile. "But how do you feel about the outfit is the big question. Do you like it? Dislike it?" He was curious to see if he could get an answer like that, though he was sure he wouldn't given how the rest of the day had gone so far.

He had questions, many questions. Shizui chose to try and rebuff emotions. Was it the same here? How many times would he ask himself that. He shook his head. "I hope you do. Otherwise, we should pick an outfit you do enjoy wearing, or at least personally find aesthetically pleasing," he said trying to mimic her speech pattern a little to see if that yielded a better answer.

"Apparently, I am a princesss.. Sso thiss might matchh," she mumbled. Holding up her hands, she looked herself over, then shrugged. "I have no opinion on it either way. Other than it being slightly uncomfortable." She nodded, "I will seeek anothher." She took another outfit and accesssory with her into the dressing room, only to ask. "What about you? Thiss cannot be fun; waiting around for me. You shhould do somethhing, too."

"It's not as boring as you might think," Shunsuke answered pretty quickly. He still looked aorund for a moment though. "Besides, what would I do here? Try on dresses?" He couldn't help but laugh at the idea, perhaps a little too loudly. "Now hop along. We're focusing one you right now, aren't we?" He smiled as he found a place to sit while he waited for the girl to change into the next, hopefully more comfortable outfit. It seemed that was the closest to self affirmation he'd be getting from her. At least on this front. Maybe on any front? Oh whatever. It wasn't a big deal. As long as she was okay with everything.

Not hearing the joke that was intended, she responded seriously before she disappeared into the dressing room. "You could. It would be somethhing to do, would it not? It would at leasst be interessting, would it not?"

It took a moment, but she pulled aside the current and stepped out. "How iss thiss?" This time she was just in lingerie, nothing but women's underwear. It was a red lace one-piece with a strappy bustier, for her small bitties, that connected to a red choker around her neck. A pair of red lace stockings encased her legs, and she had a pair of red princess gloves on. Most of it was nearly see-through.

Shunsuke laughed a little more at how literally Amaris took his joke. Unless she was just really good at messing with people, the chances of this being an act were minimal. Unless it was a very elaborate act. "Yeah, dresses aren't really my things. Besides, I don't think they'd even have anything in my size here," Shunsuke said as he looked through things in case he found something Amaris might like more.

His back had been to her when she came out of the changing room. So, he wasn't prepared for what was awaiting him when she asked for his opinion on the next outfit. As he turned to look at her his jaw dropped. "Amaris?! What are you…" He attempted to turn quickly to look at anything else, but misjudged his proximity to one of the clothing racks. Needless to say, he toppled over like a house of cards. He was a mess of women's clothes. "Amaris, that is not…. You shouldn't…" He knew what he needed to say to explain, but his brain wouldn't allow the words to form.

"You can't wear that to the dance," he finally manages as he tried to untangle himself from dresses and the like. "It's inappropriate!" He didn't seem very stern or convincing considering he was losing a battle with a shawl.

Amaris watched him throw himself at a rack of dresses and topple over with it, making a huge racket that drew a lot of attention. There were looks of disapproval from many of the women in there. At both the girl flagrantly displaying herself, and the boy on the floor who was wrapped up in women's things, while apparently getting to indulge himself by staring at a half-naked Amaris. Though beyond some disapproving mutters, no one bothered them.

"Too muchh?" Amaris mumbled, then nodded, getting the picture. "Well, I would havve a dresss on top ofh it," she stated, but understood. Though wasn't wholly understanding of what made it 'inappropriate'. "Why iss it inappropriate?"

She reached down to help him up, then flicked him too his feet with her shadows, when she didn't think using physical strength was a good avenue to get him back up. He had a dress draped over him, one that was a royal purple, lengthy, and regal, and she stared. "You never know ifh they fit, unlesss you try it on. Hencce why I am trying thingss on." She said that so matter-of-factly it was like she thought he did not understand that. Did she think him an idiot?

Even as Amaris helped him up, Shunsuke squeezed his eyes shut. "Umm right, I mean, it looks good… But.. It isn't something you should let people see… Like unless you have a physical attraction to them… Or… They are your boyfriend, or girlfriend, or lover? Significant other," he tried to explain as he lifted the dress off of himself. He didn't even look at it. Still she was on the dress thing. If it helped her drop that he supposed it wouldn't be so back. Although, there had to be better ways of spending his time.

"Um… Alright, if it'll help us move on I'll try one dress on, but while I do that, just try on another preferably over that, or without that entirely. Whatever you prefer…" He didn't move from his spot. He would wait for her to go before even opening his eyes. He was sure this would confuse her based on the course of her and his previous interactions throughout the day.

She noticed he averted his eyes, even after saying it looked good. That was strange. He then went on to talk about significant others, and only showing them. Obviously she had heard something like that before, but like before, failed to see why it mattered. Regardless, he acquiesced to trying on the royal purple dress, so she decided to focus on that, plucking a similar purple dress off the rack, that was more lavender in color.

"Let uss try them on togethher," she said, stepping into her dressing room, to put this one on. It was a simple, if not elegant, dress with a girly fringe, and straps criss-crossing the back, with a flower pattern embroidered on it. It was quite cute, and a far cry from the sensual stuff she had just had on. It was conservative, but the hem was flared and stopped a few inches above her knees.

Inside the dressing room, Amaris wondered something, while hearing the boy in the room beside her possibly struggling with his dress. Boys did not typically wear dresses, though she couldn't figure out why. Suddenly she got a sly idea. Slipping into the shadows, she allowed herself to be overcome by emotions. Popping out, there was a sinister smirk on her face.

She stepped out, waiting on him. "Shhunssuke?.." her voice came in a new tantalizing tone he had probably never heard her use before.

As soon as he was sure Amaris had gone into the dressing room Shunsuke made his way into one of his own. He was a little nervous as he did so. He didn't imagine this would fit properly over his clothes. So, he began to strip. He had been lucky there wasn't another sort of "incident" due to Amaris's former attire.

He groaned and grunted trying to figure out how to get the dress on properly in his room. He bumped into the walls a few times before finally feeling like he'd gotten the job done properly. "Why… Did I…" He stopped as he heard… Amaris's voice?

The girl sounded different. Really different. Had she done something? He sighed looking down at himself in the dress. He wasn't looking forward to this bit much. "Coming…" He said as he slowly opened the door to his dressing room. "I guess it's my turn to ask how this looks, huh?" He tried to work out a smile as he stepped out of the room to find Amaris. "Hey," he chuckled a bit pointing at her, "we're matching." It was an interesting, if not funny sight for him. It wasn't so bad at least. Maybe.

"Come on! Come out here! Shhow meeee!!" Amaris begged. That's when he opened up the dressing room and stepped out. Her eyes lit up, and were obviously a rich shade of purple now, just like his lengthy dress. She wolf-whistled, leaning back placing her hands on her hips, appreciatively looking him over in his gown. "Lookin' hot!" she complimented him. "Well go on then, ssweetheart. Shhow me. Give me the full tour. Model it. Rock that dresss! Posse for me~!"

Shunsuke looked a bit perplexed upon receiving a not only a wolf-whistle, but one seemed to be… cat calls? "Um… You're acting a little…" He stopped as she continued. He supposed he wanted her to give her a spin or something? He turned, as she wished, albeit a bit unenthusiastically. "Sorry if I'm not as into it as you may want?" He apologized, though it came off like more of a question. He was still so confused. Had everything before been an act. "What's going on here?" He asked a bit more seriously.

"Hmph!" Amaris pouted, seeing as how her playfulness was not being reciprocated. "Truthhfully, you look better in that dresss than you thhink!" She cocked her head, "What'ss wrong, lovve? Feeling self-consciousss? How am I acting, huh?" She shrugged, "You tell me! A pile of clothhess, a boy in a dresss! What iss going on here??" She folded her arms, "Thhought we were havving funn~" Amaris whined.

Shunsuke laughed a bit at her reaction. He couldn't help but think it was cute. It almost made him forget about being in a dress… Until she brought it up again. "It just wasn't what I was expecting to be doing today," he said with a small chuckle. "Wearing a dress I mean." Well, to be fair he handn't expected to hang out with her either, but… "I mean, don't get me wrong, hanging out with you has been a happy little surprise. Even if you do confuse me a bit." Shunsuke took a few steps closer to Amaris and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You're a pretty complicated girl Amaris," he paused as if searching for the right words, "but you're fun. I don't get the personality shift, but I'm having a good time with you."

"Oh, and you're looking pretty great in that dress," He said giving her a once over. "Between the two of us we could turn a few heads at the dance," he said mostly joking. She couldn't expect him to wear this beyond this place. Besides, this dress was a little snug in some areas. He wasn't happy about that.

"Lifhe often goess unexxpectedly," she reasoned. His words made her grin wickedly. "It hass been, hassn't it? Aww, why thhank you!" She paused, and looked herself over, posing to the side, and then turning her butt towards him, teasingly fluffing the dress to maaybe flash him her behind, with a giggle. "Wanna havve an evven better time? How bout you wear that dresss.." She noticed he seemed a bit uncomfortable in that one, as it didn't seem to fit him particularly well. "-Or a dresss, to the dancce? Y-you know what, hell ya! Do that! Kiki! I bet you'd turn HEADSS! No one would exxpect it! In fact, I dare you! I daaare you! Wear a dresss to the dancce, Shunnykinss! Kikikiii~!"

Shunsuke saw as the cogs turned in Amaris's mind, swallowed hard. He immediately attempted to try and stop her before she could get going, but was surprised once more by an unexpected flash. He glanced away. This Amaris was certainly different… Interesting for sure, but… He sighed. He wasn't gonna win this was he. "Amaris… I don't think… Why would I… How could… Shunnykins?" He had been completely pulled into her rhythm. Now what?

"Might as well steer into the skid," he said shaking his head softly. "Okay Amaris. I'll take the dare. But you're gonna have to go with me." He said with a small laugh. "Otherwise, I won't look nearly a cool," he tried to look at this as optimistically as possible. "So what do you say? Will you be my date to the dance Amaris?" Maybe date was a strong word. But Shunsuke had found it best to be direct in life. Especially with Amaris today. "Well, a date between friends at least."

Amaris sneered with her fangs on display, hand held up delicately to her face, looking so smug. Yes! She had snared him! What a play! Getting this boy to go to the dance in a dress?!?! Kikiki! How funny!! Such an amusing situation would prove endlessly entertaining!

Then he asked her to the dance, and it was almost like the entire table had been flipped. She should have seen this coming. Damn! He used her own play against her! Smart boy!.. Smarter than she had initially given him credit for! As she was asked out, a blush rose to her cheeks, and she froze. "D-dateo?.. Oh, um.." No sense backing down now! She couldn't, that would seem weak and pathetic!

"Heh!" she began, fluffing herself up, though still nowhere near his height. She stood proudly, hand before her face again. Dramatic. "I thhought you'd nevver assk, my sweeet sweeet boy! Ki ki ki! I will gladly accompany you to the dancce! But, I will outshhine you! You may look hot in a dresss, but you cannot outdo the great Amariss Alucard, daughter of Ramiriss Alucard, the Queen of the Night!"

Then she heard the 'as friends' part, and lowered her hand. Chuckling softly, she felt a bit foolish. "R-r..ight.. As-s friendss. Of coursse. Shure."

In truth, Shunsuke had not expected her to accept his invitation. It was like a game of chicken. But neither had backed down. At least they already knew they enjoyed each other's company. "Maybe we can try finding another dress though. Something… a little…" he was stifling his laugh at her use of her name, title, and role as Ramiris's daughter. It was so dramatic, like that one anime he'd watched a while back. What was it? Gogo's Strange Odysseys? No that wasn't it. But it wasn't the focus now anyway.

Still, as he watched her deflate a bit after his wording, he sighed. "We are friends. And we basically just met today. Plus, didn't something happen between you and another student recently?" He asked calmly not wanting to think he couldn't see her as more given different circumstances. "Ah, sorry for bringing that up… people talk around the school. So many gossips…" He shook his head, placing his hands firmly on her hips. His cheeks were redder now, once again. "Friends give less pressure. And we can have more fun that way!" He said as he lifted her up to try and get her cheery again. It was interesting, confusing even, but still a nice look for her.

"Right?" he asked as he looked up at her. Maybe Shunsuke was just trying to make sure she didn't feel bad. Although up until just recently, he hadn't believed that was a possibility.

In truth, she was surprised to hear they were friends. That was jarring. In his own words "they had just met today". However, a small smile played on her thin, gray lips. Having a friend.. felt nice. Didn't it? She had friends.. Sorta. Why was this the first time she was feeling pleased from it?

Then he had to go and ruin it by mentioning that. Immediately she withdrew. Just hearing that failed relationship mentioned made her flinch in.. pain? Was it pain?! How could that be? She was in optimal physical condition! Regardless, Amaris pushed it all aside, not wanting to think about it. Luckily he apologized and she gave him an affirmative nod, only saying in her defense, "Sstatisstically.. highsschool relashunshhips do not lasst. People typically havve many relashunshhips thhrough their livves.."

she squeaked when she was lifted up. Blinking down at him, a smirk reappeared on her face. She placed her hands on his shoulders and then patted him. "Shure. We can go as-s dresss buddiess! Kikiki!" She took a quick glance around. This place catered to women, meaning they had plus size dresses, which she pointed to. "Ovver there. We might find you a more ssuitable dresss. Ifh not, I will have one speshully made for you."

"Weeeell~" Shunsuke drew out the word as he lowered Amaris to the ground. He felt they had probably had more than their fair share of fun in this store for the time. Plus, he'd already ruined one rack of clothes. "How about instead, I change, we pay for whatever you have decided on, and we go get a bite to eat. We're still got plenty of time to shop for new clothes after all."

Shunsuke smiled, hopefully this would be an acceptable agreement for her. Right now, he really wanted out of this dress. And also, out of the store before he knocked something else over or tore something. Highlight of the day though, he'd made another friend. He'd have to bring his friends to the family dojo at some point. At least to the hot springs.

"Sound good to you?"

She smiled, then said, "Very well. I do require susstenancce." Her voice began to revert back to monotone, as she had been out of the shadows too long, they finished sucking back the emotions she had been teasing him with for the past couple minutes.

After that, they finished up in that store, with Amaris purchasing a bit too much, and then they headed to find something to eat.

Back at the UA Sports Festival

Collab with @Mr.Scales ⚖
Isamu had finally eaten and was more ready to enjoy the festival. Maybe he could meet with a few more friends or get himself reacquainted with old ones. He just needed to make a game plan. Yeah, a game plan. He just wasn't sure where to begin though. GAH! Isamu mentally shouted messing his hair up as he tried to think of what to say or who to talk to. He grumbled as he walked, his eyes closed until he found himself falling backward.

"Wha?" He must have bumped into something. But it didn't really hurt. He opened his eyes to look up and much to his surprise… It was Heisuke. He hadn't really spoken to the guy aside from in passing. In fact, he aside from what he'd heard, he knew next to nothing about Heisuke. Aside from that they both shared someone important in their lives at one time. Isamu swallowed hard with and audible gulp as he looked up at the boy. "Um… Ah… I… I'm sorry…" he said as he got himself up and dusted himself off.

"Y-you're Heisuke, right?" Isamu asked not wanting to lose this chance to learn more about the boy.

Meanwhile with Heisuke he was a bit somber, things were much less complicated back when he was in juvy or on the street, having to get to know others and make good impressions wasn't the males strong suit, especially since most students have pre advised thoughts about him and his interactions with Cupie and Masaru, if only Makoto was there to help him get into the flow of things, Makoto was always one to look on the positive and never let things get to him, one of the attributes he missed most of the boy, along with his heart.

As he was walking his eyes were mostly shut, his mind wired with all kinds of thoughts of his cousin and the day in general, that's when he felt something hit him which made his eyes suddenly open to see what had happened. What the? Heisuke looked down to see a smaller boy on the ground, Isamu he thought his name was.

"It's uh no problem, kinda my fault anyway." He was about to walk away from the boy until he heard him ask Heisuke something. "Yup, probably heard I'm the demon spawn, if you talked to basically any student who knows of me." Heisuke paused realizing how much he was going on about his problems. "And You're Isamu, I believe yes?"

Isamu tilted his head as Heisuke spoke a bit unsure at first but feeling like the guy was a little off. He narrowed his eyes for a moment as if trying to find something, trying to figure something out. That is until Heisuke spoke, pulling the smaller boy out of the space he'd been inhabiting mentally.

"What?" Of course he had heard some bad things about Heisuke already. He hadn't made a great first impression with many people. But he didn't seem so bad at the moment. "Oh… weeeeeell…" the small boy trailed off for a moment before shaking his head. Airi came to mind for a second before he sighed. "I've heard a few things," Isamu said with a sigh.

"But I prefer to make my own mind up about people before I judge them," he said before looking Heisuke up and down. "So," Isamu pauses for a second before chuckling softly and continuing, "are you a demon spawn?"

A chuckle left Heisuke's mouth after Isamu's response, usually he expected someone to lie and act nice but Isamu was full of honesty and wasn't afraid to speak about what he wanted to, he was an odd one. "Wouldn't I be a biased narrator? Even If I said yes I don't think you could truly believe it." This gave Heisuke something to think about, how he really thought of himself and if he was really being honest with himself.

"But I'd probably say I am, though I do have my good days." Heisuke crossed his arms in thought, then said. "So what's up with Isamu? You seem a little anxious about something."

"I think that if we pay attention, most narrators are biased, if not completely unreliable," Isamu replied with a small sigh. The fact of the matter, was everyone saw themselves, or others in a particular way. It wasn't always good. In fact, Heisuke was just as likely to label himself a monster out of some repressed sense of self loathing as opposed to actually believing such a thing.

"Why do you…" The boy couldn't help but paused, listening to Heisuke once more. Was he anxious? Maybe he was. He couldn't get his mind of certain things. He thought about Cupie for a second. Maybe he was beating around the bush too much.

"Most people think or say you're some kinda asshole or whatever," he said with a small sigh. Maybe that had him nervous. He was always the more cowardly type. He'd bumped into Heisuke and immediately had gotten scared. Why? No… Was it fear? Maybe… Isamu groaned and crouched down for a second as he audibly expressed his frustration with… himself? "I don't believe that. I don't get it, but I don't believe that's all there is to it. Whatever you've got going on I don't think it's just about being a jerk who wants to hurt others. Maybe you think you have to keep them at a distance. Maybe you blame all of us for Makoto… I know I sure as hell blame myself. A lot of us do…"

Isamu clenched his fist as he stood up straight. One tough situation to another. His eyes were watering a bit. "Makoto said you were a good guy… I wanna believe that's the case." He just didn't know Heisuke yet. And maybe it was that link that made him unsure, maybe even unable to properly reach out.

Heisuke was somewhat stunned by the boys attitude and general confidence, nothing like he was expecting from a kid like Isamu but a welcoming surprise. Well this kid is pretty damn wise.

"I guess you could say that, every point of view is biased since they only see it from one side and not the whole story, good catch kid." A proud smirk revealed from his lips.

When Isamu began talking, he was expecting him to go off on him about stuff Heisuke had done or things he heard but Isamu bringing up that he didn't believe that was all there was to Heisuke and then talking about Makoto, his face was obviously looked stunned by his comment since he didn't think he knew Makoto but it looked as though he was really close with him.

"I-" Pausing, Heisuke began to think about the next few words that would leave his lips, a part of him definitely blamed the school for what happened and maybe even the students, but the other side of him knew better to not blame kids for something they didn't have any part in. "I don't blame you or everyone else, back when I said those things I wasn't in my right mind, I now knew who to blame, you should too, the only ones to blame was that killer who did the crime, and-" Heisuke completely paused, a look of complete fear was written on his face thinking about what he said but he quickly reassured himself. "Just don't let that get to you alright?"

"He mentioned me? I'm glad he still thought about me, we hadn't talked for a long time before he..y'know."
Ever since his death, Heisuke had to constantly pull himself out of his thoughts when it came to thinking about his cousin. "He gave some great impressions on those he met huh? I'm glad he had a friend like you around, you're a good man Isamu."

Isamu was glad when Heisuke agreed with him. He hated the idea of sounding preachy. He ran each thing he'd said over and over in his mind. And as a brief silence befell the two he swallowed hard. He wasn't sure what Heisuke was thinking until he began to speak. He closed his eyes. It seemed Heisuke had thought about a lot. More than he would likely let on. What were the chances of him ever actually apologizing for anything? The better question was probably whether or not the others would actually give him a chance to apologize.

"You…" he stopped. Isamu wasn't actually sure where to even begin on that front. Maybe it was better not to. "Makoto mentioned you here and there. You were a little rough around the edges, had been through a lot, etc. It was usually pretty vague. But he always followed up with good things," he said softly. That was neither her nor there though. "I'm not gonna tell you what to do. Not gonna tell you to try and let things go or apologize, or whatever," especially since he wasn't gonna let things go. "But I think Makoto would be happy to see you get along with all of us. So, maybe try to do that. Even though I'm sure we'll all be getting on each others nerves." Isamu rubbed his temples, it was exhausting just thinking about it.

"And if you can't, try not to make anymore enemies," he laughed a little, "at least for now."

The males eyes lowered to the floor, Makoto was right about a lot of things, it hurt him thinking about how Makoto must have felt when Heisuke went to juvy, it never came up in his mind up until now. "I mean he is right, sometimes I regret not getting the chance to talk to him again and explaining what happened, I could've I just…" If Heisuke could go back and change one thing, he would want to have connected with his cousin again, maybe if he did he could have helped Makoto. "I think you're right, If there was one thing he would want it would be for everyone to get along, I guess I could try."

A sigh let out of his mouth, It was difficult to admit that he was wrong, but talking with Isamu it seemed to come naturally since the boy never judged him. "I guess making one new friend is a good start right?" Heisuke smirked at the other male. "But yeah, I'll try not to make too many new enemies, at least the ones that don't deserve it right?"

Isamu smile. He lifted his arm and pat Heisuke's forearm. Maybe if he hadn't been so short, he might have grabbed his arm or shoulder, but that wasn't an option as he was. "You're a better person than you think," Isamu said softly before letting go of his arm. The fact of the matter was though, they were all going through things. But even if Heisuke did turn out to be a jerk, Isamu didn't think it would be right to just ostracize him or act like her didn't matter.

"And you're right," he added with a big smile. "Sometimes one friend is as good a start as any. So, if you ever need to talk just let me know," he paused as Cupie and the others flashed in his mind. He sighed. "And if you ever need a little extra help trying to get on the other's good side…" That was a long shot no matter how he looked at it as things were at the moment. "Baby steps."

It was just easier to take things slowly if possible. Still, as he looked Heisuke over, and thought about everything, he just knew that it was gonna be a long haul. Isamu really did believe Heisuke was a good person. But he also knew that Heisuke was probably really stubborn and stand offish. It was enough to make the boy laugh a little bit. "Sorry, I can't believe how weird things have been recently. And recently… today… it's almost like so much is on its way to being something resembling normal. What the hell, right?"

Isamu sighed and relaxed himself. "I guess I should probably get going now. Not take up much more of your time," he said softly. "Despite what anyone says. It's been nice talking to you Heisuke."

While Heisuke wasn't always great with talking about his feelings, he was glad to be able to talk to Isamu, he still wasn't sure if he deserved an equal shot like everyone else and Isamu being there for him without any prior prejudice, it kind of made him feel warm inside.

"I think we can both agree on that, but when is anything ever normal right?" Even with Isamu's inspirational works, he couldn't help but think of what he had said, baby steps... Maybe that could be what he needs to think of when it comes to the troubles he must get through, he just needed to take baby steps. "I'll keep what you have said in mind, you've given me a lot to think about, this definitely wasn't something I'd expect to talk about today, but I'm glad I did."

Lending out a hand, Heisuke should the boys palm, even with this explosive day at least he had something positive to come out from it. "It's been nice talking to you too Isamu, I'll see you around?" Heisuke gave the other male a nod and a smile to show that he appreciated everythin they talked about as well as a wave goodbye.
Heisuke Hamada
U.A Sports Event
With: Octavia @Jessica2477 & Katsu 'K' @TheSly

At first, Heisuke felt a little triggered by the male's comment, though it quickly set in that the new guy was trying to get at him, plus the jokes at him and Octavia dating are rather stale to him since he got that joke so much. Heisuke had a problem defending her too much, even to the point where it becomes obnoxious, sometimes he doesn't realize she can fight her own battles.

"Were not together but If you think this is your chance then your mistaken, she's way outta your league." Switching back to Octavia, he was a little upset that she apologized for him even though he knew where she was coming from. "I'm gonna have to go, we can catch up after? and new kid try to look around before walking into others okay?"

Kanna Tanaka - Ayame Daichi - UA Home Room

With the end of the sports festival and her studies coming and going as they were wont, Ayame found herself in a bit of a predicament, she needed a Mentor for the next month or two. While her Mother would have been her first choice, more so with all of her sidekicks, she didn't want to just rush off into such, in case her mother had more he needed her attention and if there was someone that had a quirk remotely like hers that could offer guidance. With that in mind she sets off to find the Principle, afterall his quirk was sorta like hers, though would he?

"...Oh...just doing this makes me want to find some place to take a nap and let the month pass.."

"You just can't nap all the time Ayame. Heh, hero work is twenty four seven after all," Allo chimed behind her surprisingly sneaking up on the girl as he pulled a rather curious heavy metal case on wheels. He had been passing by when he had heard her laziness kicking i again.

"Your mom won't take well to hearing that neither would the principal he would whoop you into shape for just thinking it with a tundra run," Allo joked as he halted next to her laughing a bit as he tilted his head at the red panda girl.

"So decided on what you're looking for in a mentor yet? Your best options would probably be either someone to help spread out your illusion techniques or of course start formatting a unique fighting style to go with those claws. Don't want to be a predictable animal fighter right," Allo asked as he paused for a moment checking his list on what he had currently all in the case.

"Heh been busy myself prepping all your classes gear that I got a little creative and made some extra recon/soldier type stuff," He explained before placing the list back into his pocket.

"I don't know.. I was looking around, I think Mama could help, but she's busy. So I was going to ask the Principle or go look at the Directory." Frowning at his mention of it being 24/7, she wasn't up to that sort of work, it was better to fight smarter, not harder. "Gadgets huh? Well is there anyone you would recommend I could go? Though a Tundra run doesn't sound bad, it's cold there."

"Well I can easily go through your list of offered mentors and see what pops up. However would you like to field test this weird stuff with me," Allo offered.

"Huh.. w-well..some of it looks interesting, but I mean I'm pretty weak, why not someone with powers?" She says eyeing over the collection of gear. He was the one that said she should find someone with powers more like hers, though testing these things out could be interesting, given a few of them might go to the other students. "..uh.. Well would it help if I did it?"

"Well of course." Allo says with a smile. Truth be told he could use a tester, and the Red Panda girl did seem to know her classmates well enough to give her opinions on his other and more important job...

Going along with him, Ayame would spend the next few weeks helping Allo with his work, or more like the testing of devices. Bit by bit he would tailor items towards her use and small frame and love of Ambush tactics. From Flash Grenades to Tasers, Stun Batons and Stun Grenades and even some fire arm training. Bit by bit he ran her through the ringer with things more suited to a Swat Cop or Assassin than most of the real Famous heroes... Things became even more hectic for all the wrong reasons once he learned about her lock picking hobbies and spying. It seemed her mother had done much the same, well she still did..

Taking her naps when and where she could, the most interesting and useful item she gained was a Wing Suit or a cape that could be attachted to the arms, with her tail acting like a Rudder she could glide from high up places. It was hard and Allo seemed to have more and more to ask of her. Bit by bit she was regretting this, the Combat drills were fairly constant with him chiefly having her to try tripping him up. She also did get to shock a couple of people.

"Huh, getting better Kiddo!" Ruffling his hand in her hair and over her ears, he smiles a bit. "I see why they want to pet you so often. Either way you should be a bit more dangerous now and I need to look over this test data, see what equipment to kit you out with!"

With that Ayame was happy to be free, she could collapse onto her napping spots...

Thinking back to that, she wondered what she would end up with ultimately.. Still though, back to matters of the Present. What was that about the dance? Oh yes, the food. With all the other bombshells she wasn't expecting to be asked to the dance, she would just show up either way. Plus there was no one for her to ask out. Masaru was a possible consideration, but he seemed to have more than a little bit of attention on him as of late. Blind as he was to the fact...

"Well, I'm gonna head on out! See you at the Dance!" With that she Hurries off to the dorms. She didn't have much more reason to stay here and they could see all the new toys once the uniforms were out. She knew more about those than most of the ones who were getting them and helped play a hand with the tests on them alongside Allo, so she was fairly sure they all would be okay once they were issued, that man didn't know how to pull punches. She could also see about getting a dress, question was what..


"I do hope everything is to your liking," said a young woman as she glanced back at Kanna for a brief moment before returning her eyes to the road. She'd introduced herself as the pro hero Foxfire. She was one of Kaz's most loyal and trusted sidekicks. She'd been with him for a number of years now. He'd participated in the UA mentor program a few times upon request, but had had very few students who piqued his interest.

"We'll likely be arriving at Nova Master's hero agency soon," she updated the young girl as their car moved through the light traffic. "I must say, you were most impressive in the tournament," she said softly. "If I may ask, what prompted your choice to join us? This may be the number one hero agency in Japan as of right now, but I'm sure somebody who exhibited your skills must have had plenty of offers."

"Well, he was first to ask, it would be rude to say no. Alloy Surge also offered." Nova Master? Ah, that was his hero name wasn't it? She would need to start remembering these for when they were in public. "Either Way I do think Nova Master would understand my… Family quirk first hand, so I might be able to take something useful away from all this. Ah yes, Kanna Tanaka of Class 1A." She says in means of introduction, at least this car was comfortable enough to ride in.. It made her wonder how Aurora typically got around.

"Ah really? That's great! I hope you're able to get everything you can out of this mentorship," Firefox smiled. She was certainly a kind woman. "If there is anything at all that I may be able to do for you throughout the course of your tutelage, please do not be afraid to ask." With that, things became quiet. Firefox pulled the car into a building which seemed to take up the majority of the city block. The parking lot was somewhat dark and gloomy due to the lighting.

Once the car was off and things were situated Kanna would find Firefox standing at her door, opening it for her. She would lead her out of the lot and up to an office where Kaz would be waiting for her, adorning his Hero outfit. He was sitting at his desk. This was uncommon. He was often out patrolling, which Firefox would explain as she brought the girl up.

"Kanna, you're here." Kaz said as he looked up from a bit of paperwork. "Have a seat, would you like anything to drink?" Perhaps this was all a formality, but Kaz wanted to make sure Kanna felt welcome, and possibly discuss a few things with the girl.

"No, I'm fine. What would you ask of me? I'm more of one to make tea than to ask for it after all." She says with a thin smile, curious a little about the questions he had, Kanna would look around his office a little with her eyes as she waited for an answer.

There were many things Kaz wanted to discuss. Performance wise, she had been pretty incredible at the sports festival, but there was the problem of her quirk. Ultimately, it was best to be direct. Personal talks like asking about her mother, seeing if she was enjoying school, etc. we're all things that could take a back seat. The main thing to acknowledge for the best results though… that was her power. And how she may or may not have felt about it. "Are you afraid of your quirk?"

"When I use it fully, yes. Me or something else ends up broken, but a couple of others have made me see I should make use of it more." Kanna says flatly in response to Kaz's question.

Kaz nodded along. He'd had a similar problem when it came to using his powers for a long time. Worse after… He was trailing off. "I understand. Your mother's quirk was quite powerful, and if yours is anything like that, I can resonate with the worry and fear. I also had similar issues when I was younger." Kaz stood up from behind his desk and walked around, motioning for her to follow. "Throughout the course of this mentorship, I'll provide a space where you can use your powers to their fullest without worry. A big part of that will be training together as I'm sure not many could handle you at your best."

Kaz laughed leading her from his office to an elevator, and down to a sublevel of the building. "Everything in this room is reinforced to withstand just about anything you through. I've tested it myself. So we should be able to fire on all cylinders without worry. We'll also have a few field trips throughout our time together. The goal is to get your sturdy enough to avoid breaking yourself, and in control enough to use your full power without fear of accidentally killing someone. If you understand, and are ready for a little pain we can begin right now."

Nodding along with his words, that wasn't the main thing that bothered her, but there was no point in dwelling on it, she might even learn a thing or two that was useful from it all. Spending the days either sparring with him, or helping out on his field trips, bit by bit she learned his story, well, no she always knew that story in regards to her mother. At one point she even took the time to point out she was sorry for those days and he could visit her if he so wished.

Most of the exercises were about like back home, though the man seemed to enjoy prodding her a bit in the personal sessions for her to unleash more power. A time or two her limits would be pressed with the fracturing of bone putting a stop to the battle, till she healed and was able to continue. Days would pass as such till her Aura form would leak out more and more, in the terrifying form of her mother, when her own face became twisted and deformed from the Demonic like rage, she would continue fighting if it were just he, though in talks with Fox Fire she obtained a Keaton Mask, to where when around others. Today in fact she had the mask clipped to her side, though not enraged fully to that extent, the aura was starting to flow and bubble with it's dark black and red, her skin slightly tanning.

"So. The Final Day is it? Heh, Nova Master." She says with a bow.

"It is," Kaz couldn't help but laugh a little being referred to as Nova Master. It was his chosen name, but it still felt weird sometimes. Kanna wasn't a reporter, a civilian, or otherwise. But still, keeping with the formality, he smiled. He thought about the time they'd been there. How many times he'd told her he didn't hold grudges. He believed in second chances. How many times he'd expressed happiness for her mother's new take on life. The time spent training with Kanna had even seen the pro hero debating showing her his "altered" form. A result of one of the darker times in his life, something he never used unless the situation absolutely called for it. He'd believed it would help give her something to relate to as well.

Still, he could tell there was still something more she might have wanted, but communication did go two ways. "So, today we'll end things with one final sparring session, a brief new technique that I believe you should be able to pull off by now, and one extra thing."

Kaz took a deep breath. Pressure began to build around him as his skins darkened, heat building over his hands, his hair lengthening and becoming more flame like. Machine like protrusions began to form at specific sections of his body. Once his "transformation" finished he stood before her his eyes glazed over with an orange glow. "We'll focus on further enhancing your performance," his voice seemed deeper, "So, I hope you're ready."

"Well, I don't expect to win, but let's see how far these refinements of yours have went." Putting the mask down and over her face, Kanna takes up her combat pose and actually waits for him to make the first move, she wasn't recklessly rushing in. If anything that was an improvement. While she learned nothing overly flashy, she was able to keep a cool head longer and was starting to unlock what she should be capable of, bit by bit. With his offer of ever helping her if she needed it, Kanna bows, heading back to her classes with FoxFire, thanking him for the instruction.

With the end of class and the bell, Kanna's thought had not much changed from the first annoucement. She found herself wondering how Kaz and Foxfire were doing. Either way she didn't expect to be asked to the dance and had little interest in going, if anything right now while all the rest were in a rush prepairing, it gave her a golden oppertunity to clean up the dorm more than usual, with that in mind she gets up from her seat, bowing lightly. "If anyone has need of me, I'll be at the dorms, or my own room."

Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko



Shrieking, a small girl fell onto her backside, stalling in the air slightly before impact to soften the fall. The tri-colored haired girl rubbed her back with a scrunched expression of frustration. As she grumbled to herself, a darker skinned foreigner stepped in front of her, arms clasped behind his back.

"Miss Charlotte, you need to improve your physique if you want to reach the next level," Afonso stated simply. "You have impressive control for your age and your intellect and tactical sense is very impressive, but you must have a fallback in the case those barriers are broken through."

Charlotte grumbled in response as she pushed herself up. Afonso had offered to mentor her, stating he believed he could help enhance her abilities. However, thus far, it has been lackluster for her.

"I know I can't fight, and I'm not strong, or built. However, I've literally never trained for this in my life! I don't think a month is enough time to grasp the proper foundations of combat," Charlotte argued with a pout.

Afonso at this hummed, bringing a hand to stroke his moustache as he thought.

"Miss Charlotte, when you take hold of someone to lift them, how does it feel?" He finally inquired.

Charlotte blinked at this before tilting her head, somewhat confused at where he was going with it.

"Well… I suppose it feels similar to grasping with my hand… Sort of. I don't feel texture or pain or anything, it's more of… a density or pressure all around someone?" Charlotte explained almost in the form of a question.

"In that case, your quirk works similarly to my own," Afonso at this seemed to huff in amusement. Taking his hand off his face, he began to move his arms side to side, motivating the air to flow in a current, almost appearing as Tai Chi or something similar. "By using the currents of air around me, I can feel in the same way you can. I can tell where my opponents are, their general density and weight, shape and most importantly, where they will go or do. It is how I am so elusive in battle."

Seeing the small French girl's brows crease in confusion, the man chuckled and continued, returning his posture to normal and his hands to his back.

"You are skilled at feints Miss Charlotte. However, a feint is only a deception to the eye. As someone who can feel their opponent, you can easily see passed that," Afonso explained, readying himself into another attack form. "Use your Telekinesis and take hold of me, as if you were to lift me. Your grip must be firm enough to feel my movements as I commit to them, yet so loose that your opponent will question if you are doing anything at all. Then, feel their next actions. With foresight such as this, even with little combat training you may dodge an adept!"

Charlotte paused before nodding and narrowing her eyes in focus. She took hold of Afonso as if she were going to raise him, however loosened the grip, struggling to keep her grasp strong and complete, yet loose. Then, as Afonso moved to kick, Charlotte dodged to the left, barely evading and stumbling as she did so, but unlike the prior attempts, she wasn't on her butt now.

Chuckling victoriously, Afonso gave a nod of approval. "You're a natural, Miss Charlotte! If we can hone your reaction time, you'll be quite the elusive target!"

So, Charlotte's mentorship continued. Throughout the month she trained in combat techniques, though she still wouldn't trust herself to win in a quirkless fist-fight. However, Afonso's teachings aided her in becoming an even more elusive target than she was before. Training day in and day out trying to evade the Tempest's blows made her far more reflexive, and training her dodging ability with Afonso's technique also trained her grip, allowing her to forcefully push or pull people like she does objects. Maintaining a grip on an unwanting being, however, is still troublesome and while her prediction works for physical attacks, the feeling of muscles and movements only tell her so much about non physical attacks and expelling of certain quirks.

As the bell rang, Charlotte held somewhat mixed emotions. On the one hand, she was getting her costume and equipment and even more fun there was going to be a dance. The unfortunate nature of it all was that her choice in partner would unfortunately be indisposed for the event. She pouted at the thought of missing out, but then smirked at the thought of taunting him with pictures, and that was only one way of fun.

Looking as several people scurried off, her eyes landed on Amaris. She and Aurora were no longer together, maybe the two could go together as friends. Unless she had another date. For a girl who felt nothing, she wasn't exactly ever lacking in suitors.

"Amaris!" Charlotte called as she approached her desk. "Are you going to the dance?"
Amaris Alucard


She hadn't been back long, after visiting Romania to learn from her grandfather. When she had departed, she had wondered how fruitful it would be. Her mother did not speak highly of her father, and Amaris only had faint memories of him when she was young. Personally, she had never had any reason to distrust him, or think ill of him. He had an immense reputation. Most of which was agreeable. Some, not. With a position like his, there was always bound to be certain.. rumors. Rumors of ill repute. Of ill business practices. And frankly, neither she nor Ramiris really knew just what he did. Amaris had no positive or negative opinion of her grandfather. And yet, she had always considered him with a reasonable amount of trepidation.

However, she had found the trip very worthwhile. Now she was far more limber. She better be, after all those falls from the gymnastic equipment. Many of which had left bruises on her pale body. Most importantly, she had learned a new way to use her power. That had been the prize from the mentorship.

She sat at her desk, rigid as a statute, eyes closed. She was reaching out to feel all the shadows around her. Namely the ones of her fellow classmates. Intently she focused on them, taking in each one, learning its shape, its movements as its host moved, the 'weight' each one had. A few weak-minded servants who already took orders from Alucards were one thing, but what about them? Her classmates. Could she do to them, what she did to Ferdinand and the others? The concept was daunting, but also intoxicating.

A shadow neared her. This one was small. As small as her own; actually smaller. There was one girl smaller than she was in class..

"Hnh!" She opened her eyes with a start; the purple pupils blinking, then dilating, turning gray once more. "Ah, Chharlotte. You star-"

She cut herself off, focusing on the other girl. "What do you want?"

She had already said. Obviously.

"Ah. The dancce." She stared into the whimsical girl's eyes. "I supposse I am. I havve no reasson not to attend. Are you going?"
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Reactions: Azurian Dream
UA Classroom 1-A
Interaction: n/a

Collab with @Azurian Dream
Since his loss in the festival Ismau, no even before that, Isamu had been feeling like he had to work much harder if he was going to reach the same level as his classmates. The extra exercise and training to this point had helped him a bit, but he should have been able to perform much better. He had an idea of what he needed, but making it all happen, but going to be difficult. He needed the extra help. Luckily, with the mentorship coming, he knew what to do.

"Okay, be strong. Be confident." Isamu tried to pump himself up as he stood outside the door to the teachers office. He could feel his legs trembling. He had no reason to be scared, but that didn't stop the fear. "But I need to get better," he said softly as he opened the door. He was quick to find Allo's desk.

"S-sensei?" he swallowed hard. It felt like there was a lump in his throat. "A-about the m-mentor program… I was wondering… I-if you could… could um… introduce me formally to Chimera." He said. He'd done a lot of studying over the course of the time leading up to this. She was likely the best to help him improve. He hadn't been sure if that would be allowed though as she was a sidekick and did not have her own agency. Still, it was worth a shot. Wasn't it? Anything to help him become a better hero. Right?

"... Alright Chimera I would like to formally introduce you to my student Isamu the future hero Bomb's Away I told you about," Allo instantly smiled as he directed Isamu's attention to the fact that the woman he wanted to meet was literally right next to him on his right sitting in a chair. Luckily for the boys nerves she was currently in her lab attire, and not in her more r rated hero attire. Looking right at the boy Chimera immediately sized him up clearly gauging her thoughts as she nodded.

"I see," she simply spoke as Allo turned back to Isamu.

"We can arrange that if it's what you want seeing as I own the hero company Chimera works for… I am sure I can get Gregori to be alright with it," Allo recommended as he got up patting Isamu as he walked past the boy.

"Alright first i need you to fill this cup up," Chimera spoke up with an emotionless request as she handed him a cup.

Isamu's eyes widened as Allo pointed out his sidekick. He looked at Chimera and then at Allo, and then back at her. Emitting a sound that could only be described as a low drawn out squeal of some kind, one could easily note his distress. The look on his face was of sheer shock, horror, and somehow of awe all at once. A mix of emotions to say the least. And yet, the two moved on so quickly. He didn't even have time to apologize.

Allo-sensei didn't seem to mind, which was good, but Chimera hadn't exactly given him a yes. So when she asked him to fill a cup, her was unsure to say the least. With what? Was it a medical cup? Was there a reason for this? Why did she need this?

Paying attention one could easily tell the boy was confused. More than that. He looked at Chimera and then the cup. "Um…" It looked like he wanted to question the task. But how would one go about that? Would she turn him away if he did? Isamu glanced at Allo and then at Chimera again, and then back to the cup. He looked so desperate to understand, but was too fearful to ask and even more fearful to ask about asking. What was he to do?!

"Aight you two have fun," Allo chimed as he walked off Chimera stood up placing the cup into Isamu's hands as her snake tail watched him.

"We will begin by analyzing your stomach fluids so I will need you to fill the cup up with your saliva it will take a bit to fill the cup up so please do not stress yourself," Chimera spoke clearly stating she was accepting the charge of being his mentor.

"It makes sense you seek out someone close to your quirk, and seeing how we both work of a chemical biology type quirk I can indeed help you. So first we must understand your quirk. We head out for Surge Alloy's HQ tomorrow to start analysis on your stomach so do rest well for your first day will be filled with examinations. Do you have any questions," Chimera asked throwing quite a bit at the boy rather fast.

Maybe it was because he'd had a tiny bit of time to process, or maybe it was the clearer instructions and detail that Chimera had given him, but Isamu found himself a bit calmer. He shook his head. She'd agreed to mentor him, to help him. And luckily what she wanted, wasn't what he'd initially thought. That might have been a more than embarrassing misunderstanding. He took a breath and looked up at Chimera, clenching the cup tightly in his hand. "R-right. I can do that."

The beginning analysis was a bit unorthodox, but Isamu believed that Chimera knew what she was doing. Besides, he'd never taken the time to understand his quirk beyond what his grandfather had told him. There was a world of hidden possibilities open if he could learn more about it. So, he began. He couldn't just spit, so he would have to slowly syphon the saliva from his mouth and into the cup.

He help it close, sticking out his tongue, allowing some of the bodily fluids… groooooosss Isamu squeezed his eyes shut as he essentially began to drool into the cup. This would ensure that he didn't accidentally release a bomb or two. "Dis colf dake a hile," he said in muffled half words as he opened his eyes briefly, looking up at the pro. Hopefully she was patient…

A Day Later…

After poking, prodding, scanning, and at one point trying to strip the boy to do a physical study which Isamu refused to do with her for being a woman so she had to get a male worker to do the physical. Chimera now had all the info she needed and was displaying the results in one of the HQ's meeting room advanced projectors.

"After thorough analysis you can see your stomach is much more advanced than you probably originally thought. I do not know how much chemistry you have taken, but as a start to our training I will have you start hitting the books. These will be advanced college level books as we must burn into your brain all the potential of these findings. As it is your body i will have you discover what you can do on your own, but will guide you on the applications of creation for new methods of attack. I will give you a cookie to sweeten the deal," Chimera motioned to the plate of cookies she had been told warming up a student to teacher relationship needed some kindness to it thus the cookies.

"Case in point I will give you one free bit of knowledge free. Giving these reading you should be able to ingest chemicals toxic to others that could change the attributes of your bombs… though to be sure we will have to test, and make formulas designed to bring such things out," Chimera concluded looking at the boy as she placed a massive pile of books in front of him.

"We will begin proper testing next week this week I will be teaching you pure chaotic chemistry. Are you ready… do you want some milk for the cookies," Chimera asked with her unnerving stare.

The entirety of the testing process was arduous, but it would pale in comparison to what was to come as Isamu would soon discover. Chimera's brief introduction to what he was looking at in the results of the various examinations as well as her breakdown of what they would be doing going forward was appreciated. However, he did still find it a bit difficult to look her in the eye after the attempted stripping.

At the very least she'd distracted him with cookies. He was going to need them too if he was going to spend so much time studying college level chemistry, higher chemistry than that even by the sounds of it. He nodded when asked if he was ready and if he wanted some milk for the cookies. Who would say no to that?!

~~~~~~3 Months Later~~~~~

Isamu had spent the course of his mentorship eating, breathing, and sleeping chemistry. When he wasn't studying, he was being lectured, when he wasn't being lectured, he was experimenting with various chemicals, and when he wasn't doing that he was trying to avoid embarrassing situations with Chimera. She was too calm with things that would generally make people, like Isamu specifically, get flustered into submission.

But, having recently finished a training session, using some of the techniques she'd helped guide him to coming up with, Isamu found himself hunched over. He was breathing heavily, supporting himself with his hands on his knees.

"I… I can't believe... I did it…" Isamu said between breaths. He'd managed to create various effects with his bombs. No longer did they have to explode on impact. He'd created sticky bombs, incendiary bombs, ice bombs, acid bombs, and more. Not only had his use of his quirk evolved, his understanding of it had. That was potentially more important than anything. And yet, something felt off. "D-did I do okay?" he asked the pro hero before him. She'd never not had notes. He found himself constantly vying for her approval and that hadn't changed.

"You did wonderful Isamu you have accumulated all the knowledge I can give you, and used it to better yourself for the right reasons," Chimera nodded in response to the teen she had a hard time showing emotions like pride in someone else but her small smile proved she was indeed proud of his hard work.

"From this point on you have to learn things yourself, ask questions, test theories, keep your mind constantly expanding. Keep that up, and much like myself you will find yourself expanding, and flourishing your potential," she spoke a bit strange whatever she meant at the end about herself, but clearly she meant it.

"Just remember why you do it that's the most important thing. To protect others from harm is my cause, and to heal their wounds is my battle. Now I am sure you need to gather your things from your locker, and temporary room here so i wont keep you any longer Isamu. However if you ever need a refresher you know how to get ahold of me," Chimera finished her snake tail grabbing her lab coat and putting it around him one last time.

"Keep it as a reminder of what you have accomplished here," she finished nodding for him to head off back to U.A watching him with her small smile all the way.

Isamu listened closely to Chimera's words of encouragement. He'd gotten to know her quite well the past three months and though she had trouble showing it, he could feel the pride in his voice. He swallowed hard, his eyes watering as she placed her lab coat around his frame. He didn't know what to say. He reached across his body with his right hand clenching the coat.

"T-thank you!" Isamu bowed to the pro, squeezing his eyes shut to try and hold back the tears. He didn't want to waste her time, but he couldn't express it any better. Any more and he might have bawled. So, without another word he rushed out of the room to collect his things and prepare for the journey back to UA.

Whenever there had been a lull in the lesson Isamu had found himself furthering the studies that had begun with his mentor Chimera. He knew he had much more to learn and figure out, especially if he was to make the most of the specialized equipment Allo would be providing with his hero costume. Still, one thing had stuck out to him. A dance? A dance?! How?! When?! TOMORROW?! Isamu gulped. He looked around the room. Chances were most of his classmates could and would be getting dates for the big night. He on the other hand... He shook his head. Probably better not to worry about it.

And as class was dismissed, he stood up from his seat. He took a few minutes to pack up his things. A quiet night wouldn't be so bad. Right? Once his things were together he headed out of the room, his mind once again on chemical mixtures, equations, atomic numbers, and much more. Wait... what was he going to do tomorrow? He shook his head. Now was the time to worry about that. He ad some things he wanted to test out in one of the training areas. That's where he'd be heading right now most likely, unless someone stopped him.

UA Classroom 1-A
Interaction(s): n/a
Collab with @Jessica2477
Shunsuke strolled through the stall looking for what might appease his appetite. His smile was on and off as his as thoughts of his conversation with Shizui flashed through his mind. Of course, there was more than that. He sighed and shook his head as he finally found a stall he hadn't yet visited. He smiled ordering a few taiyaki for himself. Walking away from the stall with a paper bag almost full, and one in his hand that he was currently eating he couldn't help but look around.

"Hmmm now to find…" Shunsuke stopped as a bird landed on his hand. He blinked a few times as the bird looked from him to his taiyaki. Then, Shun let out an audible gasp as the bird, seeing it's opportunity, snatched a chunk of the pastry and flew off. Shunsuke gasped unable to to comprehend for a moment. Did the bird just need a snack? Had the bird seen him as an easy mark? "Wha?! You little!" Either way, it'd picked the wrong guy!

It was a short run, chasing the bird. It was fast, but Shunsuke was determined not to lose it. And yet, just barely two stalls away, separated by a small crowd was a girl who'd seemed disoriented at best. "What is going… Wait, you're in class 1-A, right?" Just like that, the focus on the bird had been lost.

-A few minutes prior-

Octavia was walking around the food stalls, searching for some sort of treat for herself and for Fosc while navigating through the group of people surrounding them. They were both hungry, and since Fosc had no desire to eat cheese or sandwiches, she was forced to head towards the stalls and make a selection from there.

Unfortunately, Fosc had decided he had had enough waiting and flew off towards a particular snack that caught his eye.

Whether it was the person or the taiyaki, she'd never know.

"Fosc?! No! Fosc! Come back here!" Octavia demanded, seeing that her bird had robbed a piece of pastry and was heading towards one of stalls' rooftops to eat in peace.

Octavia was left to carefully take steps, the noise of the people around her made it difficult to decipher what was where and how close she was to another person before bumping into them. She apologized and continued on her way, trying to figure out through Fosc's eyes where he had gone.

A voice spoke to her, male, and he recognized her from Class 1A. She reached out a hand, touching the person's chest before sliding it down and taking hold of the hem of Shunsuke's shirt; almost like a child not wanting to get lost.

"I'm from Class 1A yes," She answered, quickly realizing that this was the same person who had his food stolen through his voice, "M-My apologies! I'd be happy to repay you for the food! My bird, he's stubborn. He didn't like that I took too long picking something and decided to be a thief..."

Shunsuke recognized the girl a little better once he'd gonna a better look at her. She'd fought the small vampiric shadow girl. She was a little all over the place. But, remembering the match, he understood why. It'd been the bird. He didn't know for sure, but he thought that it might…

"W-wha?!" Shun's eyes widened when he felt her hands on his chest. His face glowed red as her hand slide down. Had he seen it coming, or had been prepared, he might have reacted a little more calmly, but sadly that wasn't in the cards.

"No! Don't um… Don't worry about it," he said as he took her hand in his own, partially to remove it from his shirt, partially to spare himself the embarrassment. Her explanation made sense. Clearly the bird had had a hankering for taiyaki. It was funny really. Funny enough to make him laugh the more he thought about it.

"Honestly, I might have overreacted chasing your bird." He smiled, glanced up to find the bird. He held up what was left of the initial taiyaki hoping to get it to come back down. "Besides, I bought more than enough. In fact, why don't you have one. We can just move on from this little incident of thievery." He didn't want her to feel like she had to be sorry or make it up to him over something so silly.

"Oh, you're one of the new transfers yes?" Octavia felt his hand take hers, making her realize that he was most likely not familiar with the condition of her quirk. She felt the need to explain before Shunsuke thought she was some touchy pervert. Octavia blushed a bit in both embarrassment and shock from the sudden contact.

"I'm sorry, I didn't explain the circumstances. Ah- No thank you, I prefer to buy my own." She smiled at his offer before she began her explanation. "I need Fosc to see. Without him, I'm completely blind… Right now, I can see him eating the taiyaki he stole somewhere… but I can't figure out where exactly… I tend to grab the ends of shirts to not get separated from the people I'm accompanying; especially in crowds. It's far too easy for me to get lost."

Octavia held Shunsuke's hand with both of hers, giving his hand a slight squeeze. "Please be my eyes until my bird comes back. I'm willing to pay you for the trouble, especially when you've done nothing to deserve being part of this problem in the first place."

"Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Octavia Daulfern, and the thief bird is Fosc; he's part of my quirk and my companion."

Shun listen calmly, nodding along as she spoke. He had watched her fight and had gotten a bit of an idea of her condition, but he hadn't expected it to be so important. His ploy of luring Fosc back by holding up his taiyaki hadn't worked, but at least he had avoided a misunderstanding. On his part. He'd probably made her feel a bit awkward. That hadn't been his intention.

"O-oh-" Shunsuke shook his head, his blush deepening as she held his hand in both of her's. This felt almost like something out of a drama or an anime. Like a big confession scene. His mom had had a bigger influence on his tv watching than he'd thought. "I'm Shunsuke Saito," he said as he shook his head. Of course he would help her!

"We're gonna be classmates, and if I'm lucky we'll be friends. Don't worry about paying me back about anything," he said with a big smile, though he knew now that she couldn't see it, "I'm happy to help." Shunsuke gave her hand a light squeeze. "You can grab my shirt again if that'll make it easier for you, by the way." He turned to look around again for Fosc.

"Shunsuke Saito, nice to meet you!" Octavia smiled despite not seeing any reaction or body language. Judging by his tone of voice he wasn't displeased or anything, so she hadn't crossed any boundaries. Well, more like she was assuming she didn't.

"You're very kind Shunsuke, it would be an honor to be your friend." She said to him, still holding his hand as she tried figuring out where Fosc might have gone. "Well, I have no preference. Your hand or your shirt, I will hold whatever you're most comfortable with.." Octavia answered, trying to catch a glimpse of either of them with Fosc.

She caught… something. Fosc seemed to be leaving behind crumbs, the bird peeking over the rooftop of one of the stalls.

Octavia catch a glance of Shunsuke, and then herself. She turned her eyes, trying to align the direction of her gaze towards where Fosc was located.

"He's somewhere over there," She pointed in the general direction. "He's higher up, so on one of the rooves."

"Thank you," Shunsuke said softly to his new travel companion as he walked with her, searching for the bird that served as her literal eyes in the sky. He wanted to make sure she was okay in case he had to go at any point. She'd been a bit off without Fosc. So, he wanted to avoid that if he could. "Although there's no need to my kindness," he said as she continued to look around, "after all, mom and dad always said helping people was important."

Having said that Shunsuke couldn't help but laugh a bit more. "And dad… He always said it's especially important to help beautiful gir-" he stopped a sudden wave of realization hitting him. "Um... not that I'm saying you're beautiful… I mean, you are, but…"

Almost as if throwing him a life line she got a whiff of the bird. "Alright! Let's go get him!" He said cheerfully moving a bit quicker in order to make sure Fosc didn't have a chance to leave. "Um, but how do we get him to come down? Or should I go up and get him?"

Octavia listened to him when he spoke, being as attentive of a listener as she could while she had been searching for Fosc. Now, though, it was her turn to blush as Shunsuke had complimented her the way he did. She wasn't sure if he was trying to flirt or not, but regardless, she still appreciated it.

"Thank you, dear. I know what you meant." She assured him with a giggle, following him towards the roof of where Fosc was located.

"Hmm… Do you have quick reflexes? I can chase him off the roof as a bird, and if you can catch him in your hands then we'll be good."

Shunsuke's flustered face grew a shade of red that rivaled his eyes, unsure of how to process what had just happened. Was that flirting? No, he was pretty sure flirting was usually much more deliberate. Right? Or were people just liars? He shook his head. There were more important things to deal with. The bird. Fosc. He needed to be caught so Octavia could see again.

"Um, I do think I have pretty good reflexes," he answered honestly. He looked in Foscs direction. He was sure if she could herd the bird toward him, capture would be fairly simple. "I've trained in martial arts since I was a child, and my mother would kill me if I couldn't catch on bird, even if the bird was more cunning than the average." He said as he prepared himself. "You just need to let me know when you're ready."

"Impressive! Okay, here we go."

Octavia, with a slight black mist, turned into a crow about the shape and size of Fosc. She birdy hopped around towards the back, where she spread her wings and flew towards the rooftop.

Two identical caws simultaneously began, sounding what could have been a bird argument as wings flapped and a small battle commenced. One bird pecked at the other, pushing it off of the roof and forcing it to fly. The other bird followed suit, pushing its opponent towards Shunsuke for him to capture.

However, last second the bird closest to Shunsuke nose dived and maneuvered out of the way, forcing him to grab the only bird left in front of him.

Octavia reformed in Shunsuke's hands, "Fosc!" She yelled at the bird as he flew away towards another location of the food stalls, the bird cawing as if laughing at her. "Why that little-!"

Shunsuke thought he'd been ready. He had thought that there was just no way that he wouldn't catch Fosc. But just as soon as he moved the little guy nose dived and dipped out of the way of his hands. He looked wide eyed as just at the moment he found himself with Octavia in his grasp.

When she reformed, one could only describe his face as a deep shade of vermillion. "Um…" He squeezed his eyes shut. He gave gave a small squeeze but stopped immediately realizing what he was doing. He contemplated dropping the girl who he was holding firmly, but he didn't want her to get hurt by the sudden drop. But that was precisely the problem. When she reformed, he'd quickly found his hand with a tight grasp on her rear. He wanted to count himself lucky that he hadn't fallen with her, that could have been even worse. But as he opened his eyes he realized that his hands weren't the only problem. He, his head anyway, was also in a fairly fortunate position. "I swear that I did not plan this," he said, his words coming out quicker than his usual pace.

"Um… That bird is much smarter than I thought…" Who would have believed that the one time he'd underestimate an opponent it would be a bird. A bird! He couldn't say he didn't enjoy the outcome… but that was neither hear nor there! "I'm gonna put you down."

Hearing Shunsuke, Octavia hadn't realized their "predicament" until she focused and really felt where the placement of everything was. Where his head was, where his hands were… Octavia blushed furiously, realizing that she was trapped in this position until Shunsuke decided to let her go.

Why did this always happen? Should she begin wearing a chest guard or something?

When he put her down, Octavia couldn't help but laugh at the situation. The awkwardness of it all was so much for one person to bear, and if neither of them did anything then the silence may end up drawing out longer than comfortable. She reached and put a hand on his chest, tracing the shoulder, neck, then head so she can give him a few reassuring headpats. "What a way to make friends, hm?" She joked with a smile, trying to make the situation better though she couldn't help but wonder if Shunsuke was dying on the inside. "Yes, Fosc takes after my intelligence~ Let's get going before we lose him. He's hiding in a bush somewhere; I think near the food stall entrance."

Shunsuke cleared his throat after putting Octavia down. At least she was able to laugh about it. It helped him manage not to run head first into a moving vehicle without using his quirk to save himself. He even managed to laugh himself. "Well, certainly beats how I usually make friends," he retorted trying not to sound hopelessly awkward and unsure of himself. Still, it was refreshing not to dwell on the back. Yeah, he was gonna have to catch that damn bird fast not. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

"Right, stick close." Shunsuke took her hand again, trying to ignore the people around them in favor of finding Fosc. It was relatively simple with Octavia guiding him. And so, they came upon his hiding place. "Now, you're sure he's in this bush?" He had just wanted to clarify. He didn't want a repeat of the previous predicament. Well… It wouldn't have been the worst in the world, but that wasn't his aim!

Octavia nodded a few times, "Yes, I can see our legs." She answered him, taking another moment to decipher where in the bush Fosc was hiding. Octavia knew he wouldn't try moving just yet; he was surrounded right now and it wouldn't take much to stop him mid flight.

"We can try capturing him with our hands at the same time. You taking one side and I taking the other, unless you have a plan yourself?" Octavia knew her plan wasn't the best, but they didn't have much of a choice at the moment.

Shunsuke looked as Octavia. He smiled and tightened the grip on his hand. On his own, there was a chance he could catch the bird, but he worried about hurting it. He didn't wanna risk that as it seemed fairly important. It allowed her to see, right? With her helping, it would likely remain calmer and be more at ease to capture. Her plan was probably the best. "You just say the word and we'll go for it." Whatever happened, Shunsuke would trust the girl. What were the odds that something could go wrong? After last time, the chances of failure had to have gone down! So, why not give her plan a go?! He was ready!

She instructed him to take the opposite side of the bush from her, while she stayed where she was since she wouldn't be able to properly change her position.

Fosc looked around curiously, wondering what the humans were planning until suddenly, it happened.

Octavia gave the silent go ahead, and suddenly 2 pairs of hands dog piled Fosc. The hands held each other, but stuck between them was Fosc trying to struggle out of their grasp. Octavia pulled both Shunsuke's hands and her own out of the bush, the bird completely trapped.

With Fosc still in their hands, Octavia took the opportunity to remove one and reached into her pocket to pull out a band. The black band was tied around the bird's body, keeping the wings together to prevent Fosc from flying away.

"Thank you so much Shunsuke! Is there any way I can repay you?"

With Fosc caught, Shunsuke couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "Ya know, if you had returned earlier I might even have given you some more taiyaki." He gently let the birds head. He smiled and turned his attention back to Octavia.

"You don't need to repay me Octavia," shunsuke said calmly. "Mom always says helping a pretty girl should be its own reward." It was important to note that this had been said by his mom to dad in jest, but if there was ever a time it applied.

A light blush crept its way onto his face all the same after realizing what he'd said. "This has been fun Octavia.a little odd, but fun all the same. And if anything, I've made a new friend." With nothing left to say on the matter Shunsuke smiled at Octavia. "Anyway, I've gotta get back to my other friend. But I'll see you around Octavia! Until then, I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival," he said cheerfully before running off.

Collab with @EmperorsChosen
With the announcement of the UA mentoring program, Shunsuke had an immediate idea of who he'd want to work with if anyone. He'd learn about a particular hero from his parents and he'd been lucky enough to end up classmates with the heroes granddaughter? He remembered the day Titan visited. He'd lifted a girl who was 900lbs with ease. Like she was a feather. Shunsuke was by no means weak, but he couldn't imagine doing that. He was a hero though yes? He hadn't thought it'd be an option at first as he hadn't been on Shiketsu's "approved" list of heroes, but Shunsuke wasn't at Shiketsu was he.

So here he stood at the man's door. He swallowed hard before ringing the bell. Shunsuke wasn't one to get nervous so easily. But he was about to meet a hero. Not just a hero, one of his personal heroes. Someone who might be able to help him inch ever closer to the pinnacle of his karate and quirk use.

"Sir! My name is Shunsuke Saito! I've come to train under you as part of my UA mentorship!" Maybe Shunsuke could have been more discreet, but he was too nervous… too excited? Either way, he was ready!

As the door clicked and the knob turned, the barrier opened inwards to reveal a towering man with shaggy yet short black hair, a full beard to match and piercing red eyes. The man, despite being on the older side, was evidently built even through the black leather jacket, white long-sleeve shirt underneath, dark jeans and gray boots.

"Right, you're the runt Aurora told me about… Hm.." Humming at that, the man seemed to give the boy a once over before stepping aside. "Alright kid, come on in. I have a training room we'll be using. I hope you don't regret this, it's been a while since I really trained someone."

Inviting him in, Aurora had originally extended the prospect of mentoring him. He was curious, considering he was asked for rather than offered on behalf of his granddaughter. He almost considered declining, he was retired after all, but then again even Takagi was taking a protege from the class, the other transfer if he recalled. If they caught an interest to motivate her to take a hand with them, perhaps there was a reason for him to as well.

"So you're an exchange student from Shiketsu, right?"

Shunsuke swallowed as the imposing man met with him. "Right! I entered UA's class 1-A with my best friend Shizui at the request of the Shiketsu administration!" Maybe he was a bit too loud, he was having trouble calming his nerves, even as he was being invited in. He was slowly getting quieter though. But the prospect of being disappointed didn't cross his mind in the slightest. He looked around the man's home as he walked through. He was lucky Aurora had agreed to pass along his wish to train with his grandfather.

"I'm more than prepared to take anything you will throw at me," Shunsuke said, though he had no idea what he was in for. But his parents had told him nothing good came free. The best things in life were worth fighting for, worth all the work he would need to handle. "I just hope I can prove a good student for you Master Titan."

"Christ, you are from Shiketsu," Titan said aloud with a slight scoff, almost sounding amused. "Respect is fine, kid, but I'm not your drill sergeant. Save the posture control for when you're throwing a punch, same with the volume."

Chuckling a bit, the man waved for him to follow, leading him through a building. It was obviously quite large and well-furnished, signifying his success in his work despite never having played the spotlight. As they proceeded through hallways, eventually the building took them lower which opened up to a large basement area, one filled with all manner of training equipment, food stores and computer equipment, likely from back when he was an active Pro.

"This is where you'll be training, Shun. I've heard you've already got some decent fighting ability, so why don't you give me a rundown of your quirk," Saying this, he turned around and folded his arms across his chest expectantly. "Then I want you to give me your best shot. Hit me hard as you can, wherever you want, however you want. I need to see what I'm working with."

Shunsuke was in awe of the pro hero. Still, his resolve to learn, to grow had been sealed the second his request for mentoring had been accepted. He slapped his cheeks as he was led to the training room. Titan was right. He was too stiff. His nerves were too damn high. He was better than that. Never had he been so uptight with his parents. What was Shiketsu doing to him?!

"Osu!" With newfound determination he turned to Titan. "My quirk allows me to harden my skin, hair, just about all of me to potentially limitless degrees," he began his explanation. He continued, doing as Titan commanded until it was time to begin. He launched an all out assault on the pro hero, but by the end of it, he'd see it had done little to nothing. It should have been disheartening that he couldn't take down a man who was well into his senior years, but Shunsuke was just more excited.

~~~~~One Month Later~~~~~

A month later and Shun found himself heaving on the floor. He was drenched in sweat. He felt like he could throw up his insides with how far Titan had been pushing him. Every fiber of his being was screaming for a break, begging for him to run. Shun's arms shook as he forced himself up off the ground. He could hear Titan, just barely, asking if he was ready to give up; is this as far as his resolve would carry him. Maybe that was it? Shun really couldn't tell worth a damn. He was just picking up a few words here and there.

"No…" Shunsuke growled as he pushed himself back to his feet. "I'm not ... done yet."

"Then come at me!" Titan demanded.

"OSU!" Shunsuke's muscles screamed for him to stop as he forced them to harden once more for another charge. He could just make out a grin on Titan's face as he prepared to lay the smackdown on the young martial artist once more. But still Shunsuke pressed one. One way or another, he was going to make it through to the other side a better hero, a better man than when he'd started.

~~~~~Two Months Later~~~~~

Shunsuke blocked a blow from the retired pro hero delivering a powerful haymaker to the man's abdomen. He felt the impact of a powerful counted from the man's other massive fist against his face. He'd really taken the blow to deliver one?! Was the old man nuts?! No… Cause Shunsuke had done the same. He turned his head, gritting his teeth as he glared at the older combatant. He exhaled, the breath leaving his mouth seeming more like steam.

"2nd Stance," he growled through grit teeth. "Phoenix Kick." He swiftly brought his leg up and stomped it back down sending a shockwave through the ground to offset Titan's balance. "Osu!" It was a fraction of a second. From the start Shunsuke knew it wouldn't work for more than that against a veteran like Titan. So he didn't waste a moment. Leaping forward as his mentor took a single step back. "Morote Enpi," he said as his launch a powerful knee strike to Titan's chest while continuing, "Tobi Hizageri," as he brought his elbows down on the man's face.

Shunsuke of course was shocked as he found his knee and one of his elbow's blocked. It was clear that Titan had taken some damage this spar, but nowhere near as much as Shunsuke had. And as Titan knocked the stunned teen to the ground he laughed. Shunsuke took deep breaths, his chest heaving as Titan called for the end of this session, their final session. He clenched his fist. He would have loved to win a single battle. He'd come so far, and in the end… He felt no closer to his goal than when he'd started.

"M-master… I can still… Fight…" He said as he forced himself to his feet. It was clear he couldn't, but his determination was unwavering. He was a far cry from the nerve wracked boy who'd come to the older hero's doorstep three months ago.

Staring at the boy, the man began to laugh in amusement. His arms, which were slightly bulkier and had changed color to resemble a black and red material, began to reform to their normal robust size as well as take on the color of his typical skin.

"You should learn when to call it quits, kid," Titan replied with an entertained huff. "You've got balls, but killing yourself won't do you any good."

Rotating his neck from side to side, a few cracks could be heard as the man loosened up from their sparring session. Looking back down at Shunsuke, he let out a hearty chuckle and approached him, slapping a rather rough palm on his back.

"I guess it has the opposite effect with you, huh?" The man questioned vaguely. "You know, when I started teaching Takagi, she didn't want to try. She was afraid she'd hurt me. You probably would've liked to see a little damage at least, wouldn't you?"

Laughing at that, the man folded his arms as he took his place in front of him.

"I made my living as a Panzer, Shun, one that could swap out its main gun for whatever the hell else it needs to get the job done. My defensive armor is one of my highest points, even among the mainstream heroes and fancy listed ones. You didn't do much damage to me, sure, but to someone like me at your age?" Leading Shun onto the point he was making, he grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him a bit. "You're going to punch right through their hide. Hell your skin might even get thicker than mine eventually; it isn't that versatile in and of itself but those quirks usually excel at the few things they can do, get it?"

Shunsuke listened closely to his mentor. He nodded in acknowledgement of his master's words before taking a hachiji dachi, or "ready", stance, his feet shoulder width apart, his fists spread before him in a similar manner. "Osu." he said calmly in understanding before relaxing his stance. "I'll do my best to make you proud master. Thank you for everything up until now." Shunsuke smiled knowing he had made substantial progress even if he hadn't quite gotten to where he'd wanted. But if nothing else, he knew he'd remember this for a long time to come.

Shunsuke had initially been dreading the dance. The dress dare, his little date with Amaris (as friends, but still), and his own wish to focus on growing stronger had melded to form a pit in his stomach. At least at the time. He'd gotten over it. It wasn't like he was any less himself just because he wore a dress. Besides, a man always stuck to his word and he wouldn't be going back on it now. So, as class ended he stood and stretched. "Looks like tomorrow's gonna be a big day after all," he said to nobody in particular as he yawned. He had gotten up extra early today to do a little extra exercise, had joined Kanna for a morning workout, and had helped stop Isamu from falling down the stairs. That boy's attention had been getting away from him since he'd started carrying those different books with him.

Luckily, the rest of today was his own. What would he do first? Eat? Probably eat. He was hungry. His breakfast hadn't been the heartiest after all, as he'd been a bit late after showering and getting ready for class. One of the pros of UA, and there were many, was that the uniforms were more comfortable overall. Still, he took his time packing up his things, giving his notes one more look. "Hmmm~ Maybe I should rewrite some of these tonight.," he said, critiquing the fairly well written notes. He took his studies as seriously as his training. "Or maybe after lunch?" he pondered as he finished putting things away.

Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Ichirou, Amaris, Charlotte

Interactions: N/A


The mentorship was certainly an interesting experience. What Masaru thought would be a simple training trip turned into months of seclusion in the mountains where Ichirou's grandfather trained the two of them. He couldn't say he was prepared for the getaway, nor did he really enjoy it, however he had to admit that the old man knew what he was doing. The training regimen and trials of survival had helped get Masaru on the same athletic level as his classmates and doing so in the permanent winter of the mountains had helped advance his quirk far more than he did alone. He was still cold, as he was always, but it wasn't uncomfortable anymore and his limits regarding his quirk usage had greatly increased. On top of that, he had managed to solidify his grasp on the glacier grenade technique he had been working on.

Now, he was back at school with the rest. The teachers welcomed them back and suddenly told him that a dance was tomorrow. This caught Masaru off guard, but while he looked a bit different between the months and the hair, he still didn't particularly think a dance was his thing. Though he surmised through one way or another someone would drag him to it.

Sighing as he watched Charlotte go over to pester Amaris, he couldn't that as a blessing, took his bag and didn't waste much time leaving the classroom. As of yet, he didn't have any plans going to the dance.


Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


Seeing Amaris jump, Charlotte raised a curious brow before her mouth cracked into a grin. That was odd, Amaris being startled that is. As she recalled, the little vampire was the one to critique Charlotte's sneaking skills when she startled Cupie. Yet here she was, being taken off guard when Charlotte wasn't even attempting to do so. What was the cause, she wondered. Was she lost in thought? Perhaps it was something to do with the mentorships they had just returned from.

"Heh~ It's so unlike you to have your head in the clouds, Amaris," Charlotte teased a bit before softening her grin into a smile. "Of course! I was just wondering if you had your look picked out. I thought we could help each other choose."

Just because Charlotte didn't have a date didn't mean that she wouldn't have fun. She could still hang out with her friends, turn some heads and tease a certain someone about it.

"So, you want to? It'll be fun~" She cooed attempting to persuade the girl, not that persuading Amaris was usually difficult. She was often like Masaru in that they would mostly go with the flow of things. "And we can talk about our mentorships too!"
Last edited:
Amaris Alucard


"Head in the cloudss? You are aware mosst people cannot fly as you, are you not, Chharlotte?" Amaris replied. Then her pale blood-red lips curled at their edges, to signify she was responding with a joke. "Kidding; I know thiss ssaying."

"Help eachh othher?"
Amaris thought about it. "I havve bought a few new outfitss to conssider for the dancce.." she admitted. But then realized something. Like her impromptu daytime date with Shunsuke, this could be a similar situation. Turning her gaze back on the shorter girl, she nodded. "Thiss iss a 'fun' activvity, yess? I would like to choosse thesse lookss withh eachh othher." She paused, and cocked her head. "Shure, Chharlotte. Ifh you want." Why was that, she wondered? Amaris did not figure her mentorship would be very interesting to Charlotte, but if that's what she wanted to talk about..
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Reactions: Azurian Dream
Adelaide Boucher
U.A Dorms
Talking with Masaru
Interactions: Masaru @EmperorsChosen


A soft patter could be heard following the red head's footsteps as she made her way down the sidewalk, she was rather more anxious than she usually was since it was the first day of her official mentorship with her teacher who she had previously met at the sports festival, she worried that her new teacher might reject her or see her as a failure, Adelaide had gone through too much of that in her own life, she couldn't stand another.

Her footsteps suddenly stopped when her phone pinged telling her that she had reached her location, it looked like an old abandoned gymnasium, a sign barely hanging on which read 'New-Life Fitness'. Adelaide checked once more that the location where she was given was correct, a sigh left her lips after finding out her information was correct.

Adelaide stepped up to the door and tried to look inside through the window, sadly, it seemed that the glass hadn't been cleaned in a long while so there was no way of seeing inside. After taking a deep breath, Adelaide rang three knocks into the metal door, hoping someone will hear that she was there. "Come in!" A voice could be heard from inside the building who she recognized as the man she had met at the arena, so without another second delay, Adelaide pulled open the door and took steps inside the building.

While the outside may not have looked promising, Adelaide was shocked by how different the inside looked, it seemed that the gymnasium was rejuvenated, a reason she noted not to judge a book by its cover.


"Hey I'm just cleaning some machines and I'll be right there, take a look around if you'd like!" The voice from her mentor could be heard from a distance, most likely in one of the back rooms.

Adelaide took a tour around the warehouse, most of everything was machines and extra workout equipment that didn't really interest Adelaide, though what did catch her eyes were the many framed medals and pictures around the walls, it seemed whoever owned this gym had previously won a lot of sports awards such as gold medals in wrestling and other awards in basketball and other competitive sports. Her eyes finally landed on a box in the corner of the room which held a bunch of awards as well as a dusty photo frame, Adelaide gently blew on the glass which made some dust fly off the frame. The picture was of two men, one of a younger man with brown hair and the other with shorter black hair.

"Hey, I'm glad you-" A voice came from behind the red-head which made her turn quickly towards the figure who she knew was her new mentor, Kaori Kojima. "Where did you.." Suddenly Adelaide felt the picture being pulled from her grasp and dropped it in the box which was quickly grabbed from the ground. "Was that you? Who was-" Adelaide was perplexed by why Kaori was so defensive of the photograph seeing him walk away with the box.

"It was...Nothing you should worry about, let's just get your training started." A frown dropped on the girl's face, she felt bad that she had gone through his stuff and maybe he may have judged her for it but also about how sensitive he was with the photo.

"Alright follow me." Adelaide followed the older male around the gymnasium until they stopped at two black mats in front of each other. "Now, sit." Adelaide crossed her legs and sat down across from her mentor, her fingers twiddled in her hand as she waited for Kaori's next order. After a couple of minutes of waiting in silence, Adelaide spoke up. "Are we goi-" A quite shush let out of her mentor's mouth before he spoke. "Until I say so, we will sit here in silence, eyes closed and keeping our thoughts quiet."

So for the next several hours, Adelaide and Kaori sat there in silence, every now and then Adelaide would speak up but Kaori would shush her, she felt a little disappointed that this was all they were doing. After four hours, Adelaide's eyes opened when she heard the sound of something moving, which turned out to be her mentor standing up.

"Okay well that'll end our session for today, please be here by 6 a.m on the dot, We'll continue our training then." Adelaide's smile frowned after realizing that their training was done for the day, it felt they did nothing all day and that her training today was meaningless, though instead of complaining she gave her mentor a nod. "Okay thank you, Master Kojima." Kaori's head shook from side to side, a slight chuckle let out. "Just Kaori is fine, I'll see you tomorrow Ms.Boucher."


Over the next three weeks, Adelaide and Kaori would be doing the exact same routine, the two would sit inside the gym with eyes closed only listening to the air and small noises around them for several hours a day.

Over the course of her mentorship, Adelaide began to feel more and more frustrated, every time she would try and speak up she would be shushed, she felt like she wasn't going anywhere with her mentorship and began thinking that he may be a fraud.

"Kao-" Yet another shush stopped the girl from speaking, but rather than sitting there and taking it, finally Adelaide had enough. The girl suddenly stood up which shocked her mentor. "Look Kaori I've had enough, for the last couple of months we have just been sitting here, doing nothing, when I heard about this mentorship I thought maybe I would learn something new, control my powers or at least find some common-" The girl was suddenly caught off, which worried her thinking of his reaction.

"Do you remember that photograph that you looked at the first day we started?" Adelaide was in a wave of confusion by the question of why he was asking this? She was about to reply before he cut in. "His name was Ichiro Suzushima, a very smart man, much smarter than I am, that was a photo we took at our honeymoon, he was my husband." The girl suddenly sat down, intrigued by his story. "He passed away a couple of years ago, he was a hero like I was, my partner in crime…" Kaori paused for three seconds before continuing. "I am the reason he died, we were fighting this villain and it was up to us to stop him, but when he needed my help...I couldn't control my quirk, I couldn't stop it before it was too late…"

Adelaide could truly see the remorse in the man, a man who was still grieving from his own mistakes. "The reason I'm telling you this isn't only because I trust you, but also because I don't want you to suffer through my mistakes, I saw your fight and I saw the fear in your eyes, the same face I made when Ichiro died.., for the past few weeks you needed to learn patience and control, sometimes training isn't as exciting as others make it out to be."

"I'm sorry Kaori, I really didn't know…" The male let out a sigh, a slight smile on his lips "I didn't tell you so that you would feel bad, you need to learn patience, this training will not go well if your not patient, so tell me now before we go any further if you want out." Adelaide quickly shook her head no, then cleared her throat. "No! I'm In, I'm sorry and I will entrust in your Kaori, I won't complain anymore."

The next day Adelaide walked back inside the gym expecting the same routine once more, she felt more optimistic after hearing Kaori out and was up for more of the same meditation but was pleasantly surprised to see Kaori standing next to a stool with a cup of water.

"I think we took a good enough time with our meditation, so now we are moving onto our second piece of training, I want you to hold this glass of water and cause the water in the cup to move without breaking the glass, think you can do that?" The girl was now elated to know that she would be moving on to the next stage. "I can do that!"

Kaori stepped back a couple of steps to give her some space, the girl walked over the stool and picked up the glass, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Slowly the glass began to shake and the water started to bubble but before she could process what she was doing, the glass shattered into hundreds of pieces making her jump. "Dammit." She was about to pick up the pieces before Kaori dropped a second glass on the stool again filled with water. "Don't worry about the glass, do it again, and again, and again until you can move that water without destroying the cup." After being startled by her quirk, she was still scared about doing that again with her quirk, though after a deep breath she took another shot.

Over the course of the next couple of days, Adelaide continued to use her quirk on dozens and dozens of glasses, each time shattering the cups she used. It was now five days into the second stage and Adelaide continued to go through cup after cup, this lead to Adelaide holding a cup into her head and lightly closing her eyes, taking multiple breaths before she started once more. Kaori on the other end was sitting a couple of feet away with a cup of tea and a book in his hand, casually observing the girl. "K-Kaori!" The male slowly looked up from his book and smiled brightly when he saw what Adelaide was doing, she finally was able to shake the water without breaking the glass.
"Great job Adelaide, learning to be able to concentrate on where you want to use your quirk and not causing more damage than necessary is important in becoming a hero, your on your way Ms.Boucher."

Over the next two months, Adelaide and Kaori continued their training through different stages and trials, learning more techniques and ways of controlling her quirk and beginning to learn about how to channel her wavelength. By the time their three-month training ended, the two had started to grow closer, still, Kaori felt a good amount of guilt about not telling Adelaide the truth which always stuck in his mind.

"Seeing as our training is sadly coming to an end, I'd like to give you something." Adelaide had felt surprised that she was gifting her something, she didn't think of getting him anything mostly because she didn't think he'd accept it. "This necklace was given to me by my mother after she passed away, she was a great woman who entrusted me completely and for you giving me this chance on training you is something I'll cherish, please take it."

Adelaide's mouth was left ajar after hearing Kaori express his thankfulness, she didn't realize how much this all meant to him, an overwhelming sense of love, she wasn't used to that feeling. "Kaori, I'm not sure I could take this…" Kaori gently laid the necklace into her palm, she was barely able to grasp it. "She would have wanted me to give it to someone who I trust with my life, you are that person." Suddenly the male felt a jump in his chest and his eyes peeled down to see the girl hugging him, his first-ever hug with his daughter. "Now go use your powers for good and always remember to trust your friends, those are the ones you need in your life and how you will grow, it makes things a lot easier, trust me."

"Thank you Kaori, I will never forget what you did for me, you were a great sensei, the best I've ever had." Kaori guided the girl to the door and watched as she went out the door. "And Adelaide…" The father struggled whether to tell her the truth or not at this very moment, though he feared more of losing his daughter again by telling her the truth. "Good luck."

Over the course of the last several months, Adelaide hadn't felt this great in a long time, she was now just starting to hide away her pain caused by her childhood thanks to the support of her peers around her but also from her new Mentor, Kaori. She had never felt such care and love from someone else, it almost felt like she had a father figure for the very first time in her life. She learned many new things with her mentorship, mostly ways of control at which she lacked before and being able to take her emotions of the equation when it came to a fight.

Today left Adelaide with less to worry about other than what to wear for the dance, well and if she should ask someone to go with, she wasn't close with too many boys in the class besides Ichirou, though she clearly enjoyed their friendship too much to ask him out and ruin what they have, then she thought of someone else who she was on good terms with and who might be fun to go with, plus she also found him to be cute.

Stepping outside her dorm, Adelaide made her way down the stairwell and was about to go get some food when she saw a friend who she was needed to speak to, Masaru. "Hey Masu! How's it going?" Adelaide was truly glad to see her friend. she knew if she needed to talk to anyone he would be there, that's when Kaori's voice sounded in her head, trust your friends. "So are you going to the dance? I was thinking if you don't have a date maybe we could go together?" She suggested to her friend.

Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Ichirou, Amaris, Charlotte

Interactions: N/A


As Masaru made his way to back to his dorms, he was caught by a sudden voice directed at him. Lifting his head slightly to look at the source, it was Adelaide. She seemed to be in a pretty good mood, then again, most were given the upcoming festivities. Raising his hand in a stationary wave, he returned the greeting.

"Hey Adelaide, been a while," He replied, noting the time they had all spent away. "I'm okay, I guess. Everyone's pretty focused on the dance, so it's pretty relaxed."

The conversation seemed to continue towards the subject as Adelaide asked whether he planned to attend, as well as inviting him after. Masaru seemed not to process this at first, simply staring with his usual scowl as if he was waiting for more words to come out but none did. Then his face shifted to that of slight confusion and surprise as he pointed at himself, seemingly for clarification.

"W-Wait... Me? Really?" He inquired, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. Masaru had known Adelaide for a while now, though she was probably the girl that was most at ease; the others often tiring him out one way or another. So, her asking him to the dance was unexpected to say the least.

Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, he knew it was a simple question that warranted a simple yes or no response, however it still left him somewhat speechless. Still, he knew he needed to answer.

"W-Well... I-I wasn't really... planning to go... B-But if you want to..." He stuttered out, the act of simply responding to her taking far more effort than he thought and only adding to his flustered expression. "...Y-Yeah... Sounds fun."


Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko


Pausing at Amari's response, Charlotte was visibly caught off guard by Amaris' supposed joke. Charlotte was fully prepared for the conversation to get sidetracked and for her to have to explain various phrases and expressions to her peer, but apparently the vampire's mentorship had come with a sense of humor.

"So, you're distracted and you kid, something's definitely up with you," Charlotte said with a light chuckle. Smirking, the smaller girl hooked an arm with hers to pull her up, ready to lead them off to go pick out outfits and styles for the dance. "Of course it's fun! We can help each other out and catch up! So come! Where did you go and what did you do, hm?"
Katsu "K'" Sanada
Mentions - @Demon Shinobi, @Jessica2477
Much like she'd done with Kanna, Foxfire had picked up K. If she hadn't known any better, she might have assumed that the individuals, her boss included, had chosen each other solely because they were powerful and their names started with K. Still, as she had done with Kanna, she attempted to interact with the young male. He wasn't much shorter than her boss. Why were so many heroes so tall?

"So, K was it?" She questioned, her voice soft, almost motherly, as she glanced back at the tanned boy. "What was it that made you choose this as your mentoring site?" She was certainly straightforward. "Obviously, Nova Master is the number one hero right now, but I assume there was more to it than that."

"I just heard a little something that made me want to pick him specifically." K' wasn't exactly feeling up for conversation, as always. He was already on edge having to go with someone always meant having to keep them in the possible blast radius and that was about the opposite of what K' wanted to do. But since he didn't have much of a choice, he might as well make conversation so he could pass the time, "Hopin' he can help me with a very particular problem of mine."

"Ahh, I understand that," Foxfire glanced back again, a playful smile. "I guess it doesn't hurt that you're both hunky guys with fire quirks either huh?" she teased, poking a bit of fun at the new mentee as she drove. It wasn't long before they were pulling into the parking garage of Nova Master's hero agency. She smiled once she found her spot and left the car to open K's door.

The woman would lead the boy, not up to the office where Kazuo had met with Kanna, but to the sub basement training room. He'd recently finished a session with Kanna and had sent her to do other things for his time that his sidekicks would be helping with. He took a drink from a water bottle before glancing K and Foxfire entered. "You're here! Good." Kaz's voice was calm. You'd hardly think he'd been training.

"Mr. Mizushima… I'm glad that you accepted my request to take me up for the mentorship. Thank you." K' would lie if he said he wasn't honored to be there. He was standing in front of the number one hero of japan after all. K' was also a bit of a fan of his, though considering the similarities their quirks had, he always figured him looking at the hero Nova Master as a role model was the only logical course of action.

"Is there anything that you need to know or do before we can begin, and more importantly, when and where can we begin with the training? What am I supposed to do?" K' had been dying to get some movement back into his bones for once and this whole mentorship program had just reawakened old memories of him training with his mum and dad, which had really only helped to add fuel to the fire that was his excitement and eagerness to finally get going.

Kaz smirked. It seemed that K was more than eager to begin. He waved Foxfire away who left to go help direct the other sidekicked along with aiding Kanna in her shadowing of the other patrolling. "K, if you have any specific requests on what you'd want to work on, now would be the time to tell me." Kaz smirked rolling his head around his shoulders, cracking his knuckles. "Oh, and we'll be training here. We can even start now if you want," he added calmly as he burn looked the young man over. K wasn't much shorter than him. A little less bulk, maybe a little more attitude. He laughed. This would be a welcome bit of fun. Of course, he thought that with Kanna as well.
"I'm alright with startin' now. Why waste precious time standing around talking?" It seemed to K' as though Kazuo was challenging him. Although, "Challenge" was likely not the correct way of putting it. It was more like he was inviting K' to get a beating on the house. K' suspected that this was to test what he could and could not do, so he might as well try his best, even if he knew for a fact that he couldn't hold up.

- One week later. -

Another training session was finished and K' was left in a weird state of angry, disappointed, afraid and annoyed again. It had happened numerous times now that, while he was fighting Kazuo, the mentor's taunts had riled him up so much, K' had gotten close to that breaking point of his own quirk again, that point when he could feel all the fire build in him, trying desperately to get out, and eventually, if he didn't do anything, he would just level the entire place.

Every time this happened, K' found his memory flash back to the only other time this had happened. When he was just a child, when he had made the house of his parents come crashing down on him and his sister, how he and Kula were huddled up together beneath the rubble and debris. And then, when all that came back, along with it came the fear and before K' knew it, he had gotten so afraid that his quirk just turned off on its own again.

"I- I believe I have to tell you something for this training to be effective." He finally blurted out toward his mentor. He had to swallow his pride for this, he really didn't want to tell someone he had met only a week ago about what was in his head, but this had to be done, otherwise this was going nowhere.

"But, I need you to promise me that nobody will ever hear this from you. I don't care if you forget about what I tell you the very second the mentorship is over, as long as nobody here a word."

Kaz exhaled a bit of fire escaping his lips. He saw K was holding something back, trying his best to keep up. Between him and Kanna, Kaz hadn't been sure who had more potential. This crop of UA students was a bunch of diamonds in the rough. "Anything you want to say will stay between you and I," he answered with a small smile. "But don't count on me forgetting."

"It's something I usually don't tell anyone. My Quirk's heat and fire is dependant on my emotions. If I just have a neutral mood, I can create regular fire that for some odd reason can exist without any fuel for a while, however, the more angry I get, the hotter the fire becomes and the faster it spreads. Maybe you've noticed it? The further a sparring match goes on, the worse the fire becomes. That works the other way around too… if I am scared, then the fire becomes colder, hell, even my body temperature drops, and if I am too afraid, then my quirk just up and shuts off. The flames extinguish and I can't seem to manage to create anything but the tiniest ember." K' really couldn't believe he was saying all this, but now there really was no going back anymore.

"If I get too angry, then…" K' snapped his fingers, creating a small explosion of fire, "Boom. I blow up and take anything in the vicinity with me. I'm not hurt by my own fire, so I'll always be alright, but there's always others involved. Maybe if I let my Quirk go now, you would be alright, you seem to be resistant to fire, but I would still level this entire place…" K' took a deep breath. Moment of truth.

"This only happened once, when I was very young. I was in my room with my sister and my parents were somewhere else in the house. When it happened, I somehow managed to save my sister … but ever since then the both of us lived with foster parents. Back then I could barely destroy a house, but my Quirk has undeniably grown stronger since then, I don't want to know how much it could wipe out now. So, everytime I feel that fire starting to boil over in me, I get taken back to that place again, back underneath the debris of my parents' house, holding on for dear life to my little sister. And then I get scared. I'm afraid that I will take someone's father, or daughter, or wife away from them and then, all that fire is gone in a snap." That was the entire story. There was nothing else to it than that. He was a walking ticking time bomb, he knew it, he was afraid of it even. Yet, he still tried to be a hero, like an idiot who doesn't know that some things are just impossible. K' was glad that he still had his shades on, otherwise Kazuo might have been able to see the tears he was trying to fight back.

Kaz listened closely, nodding along as K spoke. The boy was trying to hide behind his shades, but Kaz could hear the pain, the sadness in his voice. He walked closer to him and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "K, the courage you show each day while striving to become a symbol of hope for the people of Japan, maybe even the people of the world is more than commendable," he said calmly squeezing K's shoulder. Kaz had a secret himself. Something nobody outside of his former classmates, outside of UA's old faculty, outside of a handful of villains who were either long gone or no longer a threat, knew.

"When I was younger, I was… Let's say corrupted. I was made to do terrible things, and while I was under, hell maybe a part of me liked having all that control and freedom. I hurt my friends, I hurt family, I hurt innocent people…" The number one hero stopped. He knew K knew not to speak about this, but it still brought up a torrent of old memories. "It changed me. I feared my power, my emotions. For someone who already had trouble with that… But I learned something crucial. You need a support system; everyone will tell you that." Kaz looked away for a second.

"But that won't always help. That's what they won't tell you." Kaz place his other hand on K's free shoulder. "You need to learn to embrace your emotions. Manage them. Don't control them. Don't bury them. Until you can get over that hurdle, until you can move on from the pain of what you did when you were younger and had no control at all, you'll always be afraid." Kaz pulled K into a hug. Maybe it wasn't K's thing, but a show of concern, of openness from someone other than his family, maybe it would help him. It'd helped Kaz many times. K' eventually gave a light squeeze back, it had been years since something like this happened and while he wouldn't admit it, he probably needed it badly in that particular moment.

- 11 Weeks later. -

The last sparring session K' would have with Kazuo, at least as part of the mentorship program, had just ended and while K' still couldn't get the upper hand over his mentor the sparring sessions didn't end with his subconscious turning off his own quirk anymore.

K' was still breathing heavy, adrenaline still flowing through his veins. He had gotten a better grip of his quirk, certainly. Little purple flame-tongues and sparks crackled across his skin. Especially the past couple of weeks, any time he would have gotten to that point where he could feel the fire push against his skin from the inside like before, that feeling didn't come. His own body only began to heat up more and more and he could tell that his fire had gotten much hotter and much more dangerous as well. He had pushed the boundaries of his quirk once again, like he did many years back with his father.

However, K' knew well enough that this was a double-edged sword. Sure, he had a better hold of his quirk, but better was not perfect and he knew that it would not take him a lot of time to be wandering that fine line between an annoyed prick and a walking thermobaric bomb again and once he did come close to that line again, he had to be even more careful because now he really did not know how much he would destroy when it came down to it. Who really knew, maybe it wasn't much stronger than it was before or maybe he would level an entire city block now, he couldn't tell and he really wasn't keen on finding out, especially when it would be at the cost of other's lives.

The little flame-tongues and sparks had been gone for a while now, and K' could finally feel his body temperature normalize again. Between this training and the patrols he did with some of Kazuo's sidekicks, it wasn't just the boundary of becoming a walking WMD that was pushed farther, K' also noticed that he cooled off much faster than he used to, both literally and figuratively.

"Hey, Kazuo…" K' turned back to his mentor, "Thank you." Shortly after saying this, K' had his face crunch up, like a spoilt child eating something they didn't like.

"That felt really weird. I haven't said those words to anybody… probably in a good number of years. Still need to get used to that again."

K' was sent off back to school again, but not without being assured by his mentor that he could always come to him whenever he needed help.

A dance? Part of K' wanted to go, just to see how it would be, but the other part immediately went into red alert. A lot of the teachers and most of the students would likely be there. If he had a wipe out there… He didn't finish the thought, he didn't want to think about having that much blood on his hands for any longer than absolutely necessary.

After some consideration he decided that he should still go. Though he doubted that he would enjoy it that much, he may meet some new people there plus, if his mother ever found out there was a dance at the school and he didn't attend, she would probably show up herself to whoop his as across campus and back.

The thought of going with a date was one he hung himself up on for a little. The blind girl he had met at the sport festival, Octavia, maybe he should ask her. She seemed nice enough and didn't seem to mind his … rougher side, to put it lightly, too much, which was a rarity K' knew to appreciate.

His mind spent only a little on the thought of asking the other girl he met outside the stadium. Her cool skin might be a nice refreshing sensation when you're moving among a lot of students and she was interesting, it was just that K' could think of a lot more fun things to do within the same second he had the idea to ask her.

'Sure… I may go ask Octavia if she's still free. What's the worst that could happen?' Then again… was it smart to try and make friends? Was it smart to try and get closer to any of the students than just having them know him on surface level? After all, he was an insane danger to their life, no matter what.

K' had spent a little time considering if he really wanted to go into a closed off environment with lots and lots of people around for him to wipe off the face of the earth if the worst case scenario came to pass. Ultimately he had decided to go and also to at least try to ask Octavia if she would come with him. The worst that could happen was that she would say no, which was fair in K's opinion, he wasn't exactly to most charming or charismatic, really the only thing that could help him a little with his non-existent love life was the fact that his body wasn't anything to scoff at, however, the same could be said about a lot of people here and even if that wasn't the case being a looker can only get you so far if your personality was that of someone whose heart had been frozen and was filled with rotten dog teeth.

There was one problem with his plan of asking Octavia, though. He could not find her anywhere around campus. It's as though fate noticed it had been a little too nice to him and decided that now he wanted to try to be nice the time had come to give him a running punt kick right where the sun don't shine. After another twenty or so minutes of running around on campus without finding her, he had one last idea for a place he hadn't checked yet. The music rooms. He had no idea whether or not she had any interest in playing music, so the idea didn't come to him until now.

It took him a little to find the music sections, but once there, it should not be too hard to find where she is. One of the rooms was clearly occupied by someone with a fondness for drums, he could hear them play even a few steps away from the door. He continued down the hall, pressing his ear against the doors to see if someone was inside the rooms, most of them were empty, but one of the ones quite a ways removed from the drummer had someone it it, playing piano and singing quite nicely along with it.

K' opened the door as silently as possible as to not disturb whoever was in the room and as luck would have it actually did find Octavia, though her hair was much shorter than when he first met her. He closed the door just as carefully and leaned against it for a while, listening to her play and sing. Eventually, after a good ten minutes or so, he crept up behind her, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Remember me?" He whispered into her ear, trying to startle her a little.

Since her return from Aoi Oni's training, Octavia had been trying to get herself back into the habit of technology and instruments. Her voice was still in its prime, since it was one of the few things she could do for entertainment, but she needed to resume practice.

Her mother still believed that Octavia was away in Japan at a prestigious performing arts academy, and expected her to be at her very best when they next saw each other. Octavia couldn't allow any slip ups. She wanted to prove to her mother that she could take the path of music while also being a Hero… Maybe one day she would approve.

Octavia's fingers danced along the keys, singing and humming softly to herself while Fosc sat atop the fall board, his body swaying side to side in a figure 8 as if he were dancing to the piano's tune. The bird's eyes were focused on the keys to help his host hit everything properly. Despite Octavia's vision of the keyboard being a bit strange, she still played incredibly well.

That was, until a voice came up from behind her.

She jumped a little in her seat, Fosc nearly falling off the board and flapping his wings to keep himself upright. He looked at the person, then Octavia smiled.

"Hello K! How are you?" She asked, turning in her seat to 'look' at him with a smile. "Did you need me for something?"

"I almost didn't recognize you when I snuck in. Can't put my finger on it, but something about you has changed… did you get new shoes?" K' said, obviously joking, twirling his own hair between his fingers to show he was joking even more than his voice was already telling.

"That aside. I did want to ask you a little something." K' could feel the tips of his fingers heat up just a little, then the warmth slowly crept to his arms and eventually spread throughout his entire body. Was he getting a little nervous? At least his Quirk seemed to think so and was kicking in to let him know.

"It's about that upcoming dance. You can probably guess what I want to ask, can't you? I'm normally not one for those kinds of events, but I think if you'd tag along it might at least be a little fun. Don't you think?" As K' spoke he took off the shades and put them into his jacket. He badly wanted to take the damn thing off, since his body temperature kept rising more and more and more, little by little.

Octavia smiled, listening quietly as K had begun talking. She blushed a bit by the end, noticing that the other was starting to look a little uncomfortable. Was he just nervous? Poor boy~

"Yes. Of course I'll go with you." Octavia answered him with a nod of her head, her smile a bit bigger than before. "I had planned to go alone, but with you, I think it'll be more fun~ Plus it gives me the opportunity to get to know you better."

Octavia got up from her seat, approaching K then taking one hand into hers.

"Thank you for asking me; it's an honor to be able to go with you." She let go of his hand. "Have you already decided on what you're going to wear?" She asked him. Octavia did have a brief thought if he wanted to do anything special, but she dismissed the idea. She already had her dress, accessories, and shoes prepared for the event, she wondered if K was ready too.

"Honestly…" K' chuckled a little as he began, "I'm awful at accessorizing or at anything related to fashion. If the full leather get-up and the shades weren't a dead giveaway from the very beginning. I probably would've just gone with some dark button-up and matching pants and shoes." He paused for a second, thinking on that a little.

"I mean, I honestly think my appeal in fashion comes from me being practically forced to wear a V-neck that's larger than any girls cleavage will ever be." K' spoke his thoughts aloud, breaking them up with a bit of immature chuckling.

"Though, if you have a better idea. I'm all ears."

Octavia lightly shook her head in disagreement. "I think the leather jacket and sunglasses look is great on you. You pull off what a lot of people can't do." She complimented with a smile.

"You can dress the way you want; the extra cleavage may make quite a few girls happy for the eye candy. Myself included." Octavia giggled a little at the last part, "I asked because I wanted to ensure my planned outfit wouldn't clash with yours. My dress is black, though it shows a bit of eye candy as well." As she referred to the last part, her fingers traced her chest area of where the top of the dress ended and just how much would show. It was riding the line of modest and provocative. "If that makes you uncomfortable, I can choose something else. I have plenty of dresses."

"Wouldn't it be a little unfair if I got to show off and you didn't? And it's not like you don't have anything to show off either, you probably attract some guys' attention just by walking by… or occasionally if they run into you too, I guess." K' said with a sheepish grin, obviously referring to himself.

"The giant cleavage has its reasons though. My Quirk happens to make me literally hot." 'Now even more so than usual even, because I can't get a hold of myself.' He added in thought. He placed the back of his hand against her's.

"See? If I would run around with that thing zipped up to my neck, I would probably have gone up in flames by now. You should see me in the middle of summer. Sometimes I feel the urge to just walk around without the jacket to begin with." It just occurred to K' that it might be a bit uncomfortable to her if he was as warm, "I hope you don't mind it. I know it can be a hassle to be around someone who is practically a heat battery. My mother never passes up a chance to mention how she couldn't stand getting a hug from me in summer for more than a few seconds when I was a kid and how I ruined her when I did." He added, laughing a little. His sister always had the opposite effect and god forbid both of them happened to touch you at the same time.

"Actually, speaking of seeing… I hope I don't intrude too much, but I had wondered about this ever since I saw you the first time… are you… uhm, are you blind?" He just blurted out the question eventually, he hoped that it wasn't half as awkward for her to be asked so directly than it was for him to ask in the first place. He also hoped she wouldn't notice his hand jump up in temperature by a good few degrees for a second. 'Wait, am I touching her hand for too long?'

Octavia giggled at the reference of how they met. Yes, she did wish things had gone a little… smoother, but at the least she was able to meet him, so that made her happy.

As he spoke, she listened to him quietly, obviously interested as he talked about his quirk. K' already felt warm to be around, but hearing about just how warm he can be from his quirk was something new and different for Octavia. She didn't meet a lot of fire users, even when she was traveling to different countries. She saw quirks of all different kinds in person, but fire… that was thanks to Ichirou and K' that she was able to add that to her list.

He took her hand in his, and Octavia couldn't help but blush. However, she was able to understand what he meant by the warmth. He really would be amazing to bundle up next to during the winter, but she had to agree with his mother… Octavia could already imagine the discomfort of being sweaty only to be next to someone incredibly warm to the touch. It reminded her of the uncomfortably warm environments parties gave due to so much body heat in one place.

"Hm?" Octavia awaited his question, and when he asked, she smiled to reassure him it was fine. Oh dear, his heat really jumped… "Yes I am. Well, my person is. Fosc," She gestured to her bird, who'd been looking at K' the entire time, "is how I see. Where his eyes are looking is my line of sight. Thanks to my training though, I don't have to rely on him to determine where everything is anymore." The last part she was particularly proud of. She never thought the day would come where she didn't need her companion to map out her surroundings, and yet here she was, able to do just that. "Please don't worry yourself about asking. I've had many people ask me in the past, so I've grown accustomed to it.

"Oh, I wanted to ask too. How did your training go?" She asked, taking her hand back from K'.

K' was a little confused at first when she told him that the bird, Fosc, was how she saw. Eventually it clicked with him that it must be her quirk that allowed her to do this.

"So… uh, who do I look at when I talk to you? Do I look at you… or do I look at Fosc?" He hoped it wasn't the latter, talking to a bird would be something that would certainly take a lot of time to grow accustomed to. Although, he supposed that he wasn't really talking to a bird, but rather to a person while looking at a bird. 'Does that make it worse or better?'

When she began asking about his training, K' couldn't help but sigh. He had a great time training, though, if things would have gone the way he wanted, he wouldn't have to worry about going to a crowded place anymore. In fact, he wouldn't even have to be worried about being in this room with just one other person. To be fair, what K' had hoped for was likely impossible, but he had still thought that of all heroes the number one of japan could help him.

"It was… enlightening, the training I mean. Actually, no, it wasn't really enlightening, it was more relieving than anything else. I probably haven't learned fewer things, yet something so important in just a few weeks, ever. Maybe except for one single time." For a second, K' lost himself in thought, reminiscing about his training with Kazuo and his training with his father. He barely noticed how his right hand clenched into a fist, little purple sparks and tiny flame tongues soon appeared around and from within it. Luckily he caught himself soon enough. He took a deep breath, trying his best to calm himself down again until he finally noticed that his temperature had dropped… far below the usual actually. 'That was way too close.'

"Sorry." He turned back to Octavia, putting a smile back onto his lips, "I got lost in thought there." He had no idea how much time he had spent trying to calm himself again.

"Kazu - Nova Master, I mean, is certainly not a mentor to take lightly. He really showed me up every way to sunday." He was faking his chatty mood now. In reality, he was scared. How many people were in the building right now? How close were they? And eventually he also found himself hoping that he hadn't scared her off with his little unintentional "fire show", his temperature dropped another few degrees at that thought again, "Though, he does know how to get information out of you. I'd hate to be a villain that had to be interrogated by him. Probably wouldn't last a second if I was." He jokingly added at the end.

"When, uh, when did you decide to change your hair up? It's quite a drastic change to just make just like that isn't it?" He tried desperately to change the topic, probably with a fair amount of desperation shining through his voice, too. It wasn't the smoothest he had ever been, but then again, when had he ever been smooth in the first place?

"You may look at me," Octavia pointed to herself, "I'm more accustomed to people looking at me over my bird."

When he started talking about his training, she got the feeling that she made a mistake. She listened to him, having thought that maybe K' would have been as excited about his training as she had been about hers, but… Something was wrong. His hand clenched into a fist, and soon, flames had sparked from it. Octavia was quiet, at a loss, but she remained composed. Aoi Oni had always told her to remain relaxed even when a situation seemed shocking or sudden. Keep her thoughts together, and decide the best course of action…

He was nervous wasn't he? Did K' not have as much control over his quirk as she thought?

Regardless, she approached him and gently put a hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him, understandingly and reassuringly.

"There's nothing to apologize for." She assured him. "As for my hair… When I was training, I allowed my sensei to cut my hair with his sword as a sign of trust and to disconnect myself from the old Octavia. The short hair made me feel… reborn, at the time. But now, I find it more convenient since I'm not at risk of stepping on it or anything. Plus I'm saving thousands on shampoo." Octavia said jokingly, still keeping close to him despite the little fire show he gave.

She wanted to reassure him about it, but Octavia was certain trying to bring it up again when he was so desperate to change the subject would spell trouble. So she asked instead.

"You said you weren't great at fashion, right? Do you mind taking me to see what you planned on wearing? I'm curious to see what you have for outfit choices." She, out of respect, was going to avoid the touchy subject as well. For his sake.

"I think I like your hair better the way it is now." K' said silently, looking down at his lap. He was angry with himself, he should have a better hold on himself than that.

"Sure… I'll take you. Just don't laugh at me when you find out I have multiples of the same outfit, like some cartoon character." He joked, breaking up his train of thought. He stood up, pulled his shades back out from his pocket, put them back on and extended his hand to Octavia, as if to help her get up. He thought he could recall that his father used to do that with his mother.

He should really get a better hold of himself. He was already out of his depth trying to meet new people and make friends, but those were impossibilities when his quirk acted up on every single occasion something related to a painful memory was brought up. He could count himself lucky that she either didn't mind it or was just pretending and playing along until she could get away from him, and then she would try her very best to never talk to him again. He remembered how not even a year after Taliesin had taken him and his sister in, he got upset in his sister's presence again. The sheer terror she had on her face was a sight he wouldn't so easily forget, and even nowadays she was afraid of him when he got angry. This was just the same thing happening all over again, except this time, the other person could easily get away from him, unlike his sister could when they were kids.

'You are just a massive idiot.' He scolded himself in thought, 'Get a hold of yourself.'

She looked down at her arm when Charlotte hooked theirs together, as she was pulled up out of her seat. She quickly snatched up her book bag as they departed the classroom. Where was Charlotte leading her? "You really wishh to know?" She wondered if this was even worth saying. If she would even find it interesting. Then again, she wouldn't be asking, if she didn't care to know, right? Staring at the other girl, she began to answer. All the while Amaris wondered if they were friends. And if they were, when did they become friends? Charlotte had always treated her nicely, but Amaris had never sensed anything more than a mutual understanding as peers.

"I left for home. For Romania. There I mentored under my Grandfathher. The head of the entire Alucard esstate. He iss very affluent. Sincce I misssed sschool, I had to do my sschoolwork there. Admittedly, I wass not exxpecting to learn much, but I wass wrong. My Grandfathher taught me quite a lot. He iss a geniuss when it comess to mentoring. He undersstands my quirk more than anyone." She realized that suddenly. It seemed strange, that he knew so much, but not her own mother. Ramiris didn't seem to understand her at all. "I enjoyed hiss mentorshhip. Namely, he taught me how to bend people to my will... Um.. Are we going to my room, Chharlotte?" she asked. "Shhould we find anyone elsse? Shhun invvited me to the dancce. He'ss exxpecting me to bring him hiss outfit."

Suddenly when she realized what she had said, Charlotte would continue to see something different about Amaris, when the very lightest, faintest of blushes found its way to her pale cheeks. But upon her deathly pale cheeks it was quite noticeable. "-Ah, a-as-s a f-friend. He ssaid."
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Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Amaris, Shun, Masaru

Interactions: @Thaleko


Charlotte nodded, several times, making her interest fairly obvious while wondering why Amaris thought it was so odd to warrant asking so many times. This was the same girl that could come up with a thousand different questions about talking to people, yet wondering what she did was unusual in a way?

Humming as Amaris explained her little vacation, Charlotte nodded every once in a while paired with some 'Oh's and 'Ah's as evidence she was listening. So Amaris had visited her grandfather? The girl had forgotten that Amaris had roots in Romania. She spoke very highly of her grandfather. Was he a hero? Or was he just gifted with his quirk?

"Your grandfather hm?" Charlotte murmured aloud. "Is he a hero in Romania?"

However, while she was curious about the man in question, he was hardly the most interesting thing about what the girl had said. Bend people to her will? Was that always one of her powers? How did that correlate to the shadow quirk she had used up till now.

"Wait, like, mind control? So you can give orders and people will have to follow?" Charlotte inquired curiously, somewhat jealous. The things she could do with a quirk like that. She knew Masaru would hate it, and the thought brought a chuckle from her lips.

But that wasn't the only thing. Speaking of Masaru, he had shared some of his worry for Amaris from the Sports Festival, and here was evidence he wasn't seeing things.

Charlotte suddenly paused in her step and cupped her hands on Amaris' cheeks, squeezing them lightly with an expression all too smug to not be unnerving.

"Is that a blush I see? Is little Amaris blushing~?" Giggling a bit, she removed her hands and gave a nod. "Of course, of course. Friends. That's so cute~ You even picked an outfit for him?"
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"No. I do not believve sso," she answered. Although she did not really know what it was he did. He just had a lot of money, for some reason. Her answer to the conundrum was.. "He iss a politiccian. That'ss all I know. I do not believve Romania hass the ssame hero socciety thhat Japan doess." She paused. "If it did, it iss posssible he would be conssidered a hero, thhough. He is a prolific person of interesst, and he hass a very powerful quirk. Though, what you see here -" she indicated to the physical part of her quirk, the mutation part, "-iss carried by hiss bloodline."

"No. More like exxtreme suggeshtun."
Explaining her quirk -especially this part of her quirk, could prove to be a negative thing. Abilities like this were best when they were hidden. However, Charlotte was an ally. A close ally. She deserved to know. If her allies knew, then they could plan around this part of her power easier, too. "My shhadows can suppress the dessires and removve inhibitionss of my target by abssorbing emoshuns. Then they are sussceptible to obeying my orderss." She added. "It can be resissted though." She was not sure how well a handle she had on this particular power. Or just who would fall for it. Her grandfather had trained her hard at it, wanting her to master it, but she knew servile people were easy to overcome. Strong-willed villains might not be so easy. Or her fellow heroes, for that matter.

She was forced to shut up when Charlotte suddenly cupped her cheeks. Blinking, she stared at the other girl, as Charlotte played squishy on her face. Blushing? Amaris? That sounded ludicrous. But she knew better than to deny it. "A physsical reachun in my body. Blood rushhing to the chheeks. Uncontrollable. Thhat iss all." She attempted to explain it away, still staring at Charlotte.

"Yess. I had somethhing in mind. He wanted my expertisse. Now, withh you, we havve a better chhancce at finding him somethhing unmatchhed. Your expertisse in thiss area, Chharlotte, is mosst apprecciated." She pointed. "As-s muchh as-s I enjoy you squeezzing my chheeks, Chharlotte. Shhould we not be going?"
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Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Amaris, Shun, Masaru

Interactions: @Thaleko


"Ah, a politician, hm?" Charlotte inquired. So Romania was different from Japan in the sense of heroes, and her quirk was inherited from the bloodline.

Charlotte knew that Amaris' mom was one of the top ten with a strong quirk, but apparently her grandfather was just as strong. So her whole family line passed down strong quirks, a true bloodline quirk. It was certainly a difference from Charlotte who gained an enhanced version of her father's quirk and her mother's quirk. It was even different from Masaru's, who's family particularly tried to mix quirks.

She also explained her mind control, or suggestion as it was called. Going off Amaris' explanation, it seemed to be more like intoxicating someone that controlling them. Clouding their vision and sapping their emotions, such a thing was possible?

"A physical reaction, yes, but why? Hm? Is little Amaris embarrassed?" Charlotte inquired with a snicker, though she was glad the girl was finally scratching at the surface of feeling considering her interest in it.

Hooking her arm once more, Charlotte continued leading them towards Amaris' dorm room. "Yes, yes~ There's no time to waste, let's go!'
Adelaide Boucher
U.A Dorms
Speaking with Masaru
Interactions: Masaru @EmperorsChosen


While she tried not to show it, Adelaide was incredibly nervous to ask her friend to the dance, although they didn't talk in a while because of the mentorship, she saw Masaru as a great friend and someone she trusted, even though a thought came into her mind before that maybe he was thinking about not going. "Yeah! It'll also be a great way to catch up, I've missed you Masu!"

She couldn't help but smile in glee with Masaru's answer, his nerves calmed after getting the answer she most desired. "Okay, um awesome! I guess I'll see you tonight?" Over the course of her mentorship, Kaori helped the girl feel more confident in both herself and speaking for what she wanted, feeling even more independent than she already was.

Adelaide gave the male a wave before going back into her dorm, she now had to figure out what to wear tonight, whether it would be something more casual or dressy, she still had no idea. Shuffling through her drawers she tried to find something that would look nice, only instead she found an old crumpled up paper. "Huh, what's this?" She said to herself.

@Azurian Dream

"Oi! If you don't want to eat shit you better hustle!"

Cupie yelled out to her companion, vaulting over a pipe and landing with ease as the two ran along the tops of a few buildings of different stories within the city. The sun was setting, the sky holding a warm lavender pinkish glow with the approaching night. They still had a few hours before they needed to head back to the academy and get ready for bed, but Cupie was feeling rather… energetic tonight. She picked up the pace, preparing herself for the upcoming leap of faith.

Just at the edge of a five-story building, she put all her strength into her jump and landed on the four-story building next to it. With a tuck and roll, she pushed herself off the ground and slowed down for a second to check on her friend.

"You had a delay in your jump," Jet called out already in front of her having used the satellite dish on his side to climb more air for a quicker jump. The biggest factor of him getting ahead though had been her tense up of her final jump. Honestly if not for that she would have smoked him.

"I do believe your speed has drastically increased as well as your reflexes. You might even be able to dodge a falling steamroller with time to spar," the dragon boy taunted light heartily as he gave her shoulder a soft shove with his hand. Grinning as he sat down taking off his backpack pulling out the map he brought.

"Seems we took a different route completely off our mapped one," Jet paused realizing they were nowhere near their original targeted landing spot. Yet as he looked out this new building had quite the ocean view mesmerizing by the added sun setting. The waves could be seen off in the distance as a small ocean filled smell came in with the gentle breeze.

"However that might not be so bad this time."

Cupie tsked, "Dammit, that's what I get for caring."

With Jet taking off his backpack and sitting down, she plopped down on her butt near him to start taking her break. Cupie panted roughly, tilting her head back as she looked towards the sky. Though this sitting position wasn't the best for her lungs, actually getting to sit down and rest from the rooftop jumping felt awesome.

"Welp… No point staying on track now. Heh, let's see if we can piss off a security guard and get a rooftop escape going." Cupie said with a mischievous grin, a bit eager to actually get a poor security guard to chase after them; or at least try to. However, given the sun's position they probably wouldn't get the opportunity to until next time.

She looked over at the view as well, the moment peaceful… before she started lightly and continuously poking Jet for a bottle of water. She would keep doing so until he gave one to her.

"I noticed you've gotten faster. How much training have you gone through?"

"More than I expected to be honest. Senpai keeps me rather busy that these sessions feel like the easy days," he answered as he was prodded until hu pulled out a water bottle for his running partner. He softly smirked at her comment to abuse a poor guard to try and catch them. He was starting to understand her a lot from these exercises one bit at a time.

"Knowing you you're hoping it's a poorly obese man who has no business in the job field I take it," Jet chimed in question as he watched her he was rather relaxed given how on fire his lungs were. Each breath was well earned as they got to enjoy the sunset, and he got to enjoy it with his friend… he temporarily found himself staring for a moment before looking away before she could see as the sun finally settled with the land going dark, and only illuminated once the mother moon had arised.

"How did your training go sharp shooter," Jet asked doing his best terrible western gunman impression with his hands.

Cupie listened to him talk about his training, taking a drink from her water. Jet must have had it rough if this was considered easy. She'd have to push him harder on these runs if that was the case… Maybe a construction site. The sun was gone now; they'd better head back soon before curfew struck and Surge Alloy had a dad fit.

"It's even better if he's chasing on a segway." She added to Jet's correct comment, a certain American mall cop crossing through her mind causing her to giggle.

However, as he gave his impression Cupie couldn't help but burst out laughing. Jet's impression was something else, that was for sure!

"Sheriff was a hardass, but dang good at what he does I'll tell you what. Our training mostly involved an obstacle course and lessons mixed with it. You had to learn how to dodge paintballs before he even considered giving us a gun. Check it out I still got some scars from it."

She lifted a bit of her shirt to show part of the skin on the side of her waist; a few circular scars present next to some others. Once he got a look she put her shirt hem back down. She layed back on the roof, arms folded behind her head with one leg crossed over the other.

"Man, his damn accent was contagious. I've been talking like a hick sometimes, and I have to consciously watch what I'm saying so it doesn't slip out." Cupie yawned, "But it was fun. The hands on experience was awesome. Did you learn anything new with your quirk while you were out?"

"Ramiris Senpai was a very strange woman, but she did teach me a new capability to my quirk that I originally thought impossible," Jet answered that she was indeed a hard worker, and ran him nearly to the ground, but it was worth the pay off in the end.

"Started to incorporate some of my hunting style into my fighting style to," Jet added as he paused… he had wanted to ask Cupie something rather specific ever since Misoka's Senpai's announcements… the problem was… he didn't know how to.

"Heh, true we don't want Allo-senpai on our backs much less, Misoka Senpai who's on shift tonight," Jet just remembered as he got up placing their things back into his backpack. Allo would simple dad talk them Misoka would definitely raise billions questions why they were out late.

"We have twenty minutes before clock in… want to make a bet on who gets their first," Jet offered to sweeten the deal in a manner designed specifically to Cupies nature.

Cupie had listened, and despite knowing it was a bad idea she closed her eyes while Jet talked. She took note of everything he said, wanting to keep it in mind for later in case she and Jet decided to spar in the future.

Just as she was dangerously close to falling asleep, Jet made her an offer that she just couldn't refuse. She opened one eye, smirking at him as she got up from her laying spot and started to stretch.

"Hmph, gotta get me while I'm all cooled down huh? Alright, you're on. Anything on the line, or is this just for fun?" She asked him.

"If I win I get to take you to the dance," Jet immediately placed on the table. It was true he couldn't bring himself to just do it so instead he would switch it to a way he could do it.


Cupie was, admittedly caught off guard at Jet's proposition, her cheeks a soft red. Her? He wanted to ask her? Seriously? Jet must have shit taste in girls if she was the one he wanted to take, but regardless, if he had shit taste then so be it.

She grinned.

"Okay. And if I win you have to confess your undying love to Surge Alloy, in front of Grudge." She put on the table, sticking her tongue out at him in a playful manner. "We got a deal?"

"," Jet was confused by her side of the bet. Yet it had set him up to have extreme reason to win if not to chance to see if Cupie had any similar feelings for him… at least he would not very mauled by Grudge senpai. So much was this a boost that it would probably take a second for Cupie to realize he just swan dived off the building using his quirk to make a slide to the next building. Jumping off the end of the slide Jet leaped onto the antenna pole near him to swing off to the next rooftop clearly gaining the edge rather fast.

"O-Oi! Tuck and roll dammit! You'll hurt yourself!" Cupie yelled at him, taking off full speed after him.

Instead of swan diving like a fucking loon, she created platforms for herself to get back onto the next building; needing to constantly be aware of her surroundings now that the sun was gone and there was nothing to really light these rooftops.

Thankfully, Sheriff made them practice at nighttime too.

She watched for Jet, taking note of his lead and quickly picked up the pace as she vaulted over pipes, swung from antennas and even took a shortcut through a building rather than over it. Her training showed, and Cupie was catching up to her classmate very quickly.

As the girl started to catch up Jet had to admit the impressive improvement overall in her methodology, and execution of how she handled herself movement wise. No doubt her combative capability had improved drastically as well.

"Alright let's get serious," Jet grinned not about to lose as he puffed out quite a bit of his mist. Extending his hand or he jumped of another roof with his quirk forming into a pole towards the next building yet as Cupie would probably panic she would learn the actual fruits of dragon boys training with Ramiris as instead of solidifying the pole turned elastic and acted like a whip allowing Jet to swing into a wall run at the next building before jumping and rolling onto the next.

With a running man's pose Jet took off blazing through the jungle of metal before him as they both got past the halfway point. Jumping, sliding, rolling, and well executed running saw the two wildly towards U.A.


Cupie pushed herself harder, going as fast as her legs could carry her as she navigated the rooftops, sliding down a pole when it was time to hit the ground. Despite all of Jet's impressive movement, Cupie was still keeping very close; close enough to the point that they were neck and neck as they approached UA.

"What the fuck is your Tarzan bullshit?!" Cupie asked him as they ran, the finish line quickly approaching. She got an idea, and a smile crossed her lips as she waited for the right time...

Just as the two were approaching the finish line…


Cupie slowed down a bit and reeled her hand back, shoving Jet forward to give him a boost past the entrance gate and winning their little race.

When the two stopped, both hands went to her cheeks.

"Oooh nooo! I lost!" Cupie said with false dejection, a smile on her lips. "Looks like you'll be taking me to the dance… On one condition though."

She then approached him, looking up at him with their faces only a couple of inches apart.

"We go buy you something to wear. I am not going with you if you show up in a medieval tunic or some Unga Bunga shit." Cupie told him, giving his shoulder a few pats before she gave him breathing room again, heading towards UA's entrance. "See ya tomorrow!"

Unexpectedly right at the end where it seemed like their race would end with a tie, Cupie had slowed down, and unorthodoxly pushed him to victory. As he slowed down rather confused he turned around about to ask what had… she was now right in his face. Jet somewhat froze with how close she was as she flamboyantly proclaimed her lose with a clear as day smile on her lips. As she made her other requirement very well known Jet just stood there as she walked away. Clearly happy that he couldn't blush he stood there for a moment as his brain jump-started him back to life as he looked around for a moment.

"...I ... am very confused," he spoke to no one in particular as he headed for the dorms as well.

Cupie nearly fell asleep in her chair when her teacher explained the dance. The only reason she didn't was because she knew the consequences and didn't want to listen to Alloy's nagging or get a faceful of Dullahan head. At first, she thought about going to the dance alone and just enjoy all the free food, but now that she had a date, she was going to take the dance a little more seriously.

She made plans with Jet to go and get him an appropriate outfit for the event. Cupie already told him she wouldn't want to show up with Jet looking like he stepped out of a medieval blacksmith's, and well, honestly she didn't have faith that he would buy something suitable. So, she would take a few hours out of his schedule and get him something that'll look good.

With class dismissed and limited time, he hopped up from her desk and went straight to Jet, "C'mon. The sooner we get you something the better."


Thanks again for helping me with this choir Ichi my hair can only grab so much," Aurora sang as she and Ichi carried a massive bushel of groceries from the foundation truck. This was supposed to last the class a while seeing how they had built up quite a bit of lunch money from very few of them staying at the dorms during the mentorship program. Kanna would be over at the fridge setting up the kitchen station placing groceries away. Jet tow as hard at work collecting the meats, and taking them out back to properly cut them up into containers to split up for various cooking projects he, and Kanan would take turns making.

"Oh hey Kanna before we go getting our next batch Ichi wanted to know if he could take you to the dance," Aurora blurted out of nowhere not even giving Ichi a warning that she was going to place him on the spot so suddenly like that. Humming innocently she placed the bags she had brought down, and headed out to get the next batch leaving the two to talk about the now awkward silence in the room.

"Huh?" Kanna stops putting away a few things, as if listening to the words again. Turning to face him, she sighs lightly, fairly sure it was Aurora just trying to be helpful, still, it wouldn't hurt to hear Ichirou speak for himself. "Are you sure of that, or is that another speaking for you? You are a very popular student and surely do not lack a line of people looking to ask you out." Smiling a bit at that, she tilts her head to the side slightly. "Ah, or is that why you may wish to ask me out as something of a bodyguard for the onslaught of people wanting to get close to your family through you?"

Ichirou had been getting ready to set down the groceries he carried when, all of a sudden, Aurora betrayed him. He immediately stiffened up, caught off-guard and nearly dropped everything he held onto his feet, but his reflexes allowed him to stop it before that happened. How could Aurora put him on the spot like this? He looked her in the eyes, sending her silent signals of 'WHY?!' before Kanna started talking to them.

Well, fuck. Guess it was time to go all in.

He turned to look at Kanna, "Well, I was going to wait to ask you at an appropriate time; thank you for ruining it, Aurora." The last part he looked towards Aurora with a little bit of a stink eye before looking back at Kanna. "But yeah, I wanted to ask you to the dance all the same; as my date."

"Oh?" Kanna says with a smile, still not 100% convinced. Moving over to help him with his bags, she stops in her motions briefly. "Very well, maybe I'll go have a dress made, unless you are partial to Kimono. And worry not, dance with who you like while there. Unless things go too far. Otherwise I didn't much care to go." While it was nice to be invited, she still was partially unsure. "I guess I can take the first dance and look pretty. Otherwise I'm sure you had other things to do, hmm? Or I could be greedy and ask for the last dance as well.. Oh there's an idea. Well, can I ask why me?"

She said yes to him? Huh.

That was good for his self-esteem, though her tone of voice didn't sound entirely convinced that this was, in fact, Ichirou's idea and Aurora just happened to completely expose him before he was ready. He listened to her, taking note of the permissions the two had as well as what she planned to wear. Ichirou would need to ask her about her set decision later.

For now, he had another question to answer.

"Well," He began, "Every time I've spoken to you, it's always been a joy. Plus, I think you're pretty cute too, so why not ask you?"

"ICHI USE BETTER VOCABULARY, Aurora could be heard yelling from outside as shebroth another set of groceries in before heading back out just as fast.

Ichirou could only look towards where Aurora had yelled from, "Beautiful, gorgeous, and amazing aren't words I'm just gonna throw around! They're reserved for girlfriends!" He called back at her.

Chuckling a little at that, Kanna goes back to setting things away. "That is the main reason I would, or rather have said yes you know. This is a simple Social thing isn't it? We had dances in the countryside as well. Though rarely in a fancy dress, so much as work clothes or Kimono around a bonfire." Plus in this case, Cute wasn't a bad choice. Had he said more to lead her on, then she would actually need to test him. Pausing in her work to stare at him a bit more, he almost seemed relieved at her acceptance.. Despite Cupie's tricks, her own feelings for him hadn't changed much from before and he didn't seem to be after her.. Was it to do with his resolve or self confidence?

"Ah well, I guess I'll have a dress made, likely something red I think."

"You would look good in something red with purple streaks I can totally take you clothes shopping," Aurora offered coming back in with the last load of clothes. Proud of Ichi but a bit stern with his tactic.

"Charlotte's also getting the girls together for a few beauty refinements so we can make it a girl's hangout, " she added.

"Ahem sorry continue you two," she hummed heading out to help Jet with the meat products.

Ichirou hummed softly in thought, letting the two girls talk for a moment as he started trying to think of what he would wear. He still had that dark blue dress shirt outfit, and the black vest, jacket, and pants combo he owned would look fine with just about anything. He could just buy a red shirt to match with Kanna if that's what she wanted; maybe skip the jacket since this was a dance, not a wedding.

He'd also have to clean and prep his nails later; they weren't up to his usual expectations.

"Whatever you decide to wear, I'm sure it'll look great. We can talk more about this later when a certain unnamed woman isn't around, if you want?" He asked Kanna.

"Ah well, I could go with black, it suits with most things.. And that so? I'm surprised Ayame didn't tell me about it, we should capture her as well, least she shows up in something a child would wear."

She says in reply to Aurora who quickly vanishes. "Nosey just a bit isn't she? But ah, yes, that would be fine. For now just wear what you like, I'm just used to wearing red." Bowing lightly towards him at his last mention she nods. "Very well, we can speak more later I'm sure. For now getting all of this put away is more important."

Ichirou was a bit nervous in truth. He didn't think Kanna would actually say yes to him for the dance, and yet here he was, planning on what he was going to do when the time came for it.

He needed to head to the store, particularly for shoes. He noticed the ones he had now were a bit scruffed up and, well, he's been needing new shoes anyway. That and a few other things. He'd have to make it quick though, so once they were all dismissed he got up from his desk and moved to head to his dorm first, then to the stores for what he needed.
Jets Strange Mentorship.....

Collab With: @Thaleko

As he was running in the dead of night, passing some trees, Jet would suddenly see a giant red hand extend down to try to grab him straight out of his run. The ground beneath him would also become slick with red blood coating where his feet would land. Yet whatever was attacking him would find its change to the environment rather rough as he created a platform upon his landing zone avoiding the strange liqui… it was blood. Jet growled as he realized he was surrounded by blood that he didn't recognize the sent of. With his mist spurning out of his body he looked for his attacker.

"Show yourself," Jet hissed.

"Oho~" came a sing-song voice of a woman. Suddenly she appeared over the trees, outlined by the moon, looking like tendrils were holding her up. They lowered her down, and he would see the familiar red liquid recede into her. "Very good reflexxess! Impresssivve. Do you know who I am?"

From the tree's a woman appeared in a rather risque outfit... were they under attack again? Was she a villain? Wait? Jet paused, and relaxed as soon as he noticed upon her way to flashy skin show upon her little apparel was a visitor badge. Ahh she was a visiting hero then.. Oddly she smelled… sorta like Amaris.

"I unfortunately do not know you ma'am I apologize… I take it you are a relative of Amaris though. Or what I have been told classifies as a cougar? If the latter I am sorry I am already interested in someone," Jet took a guess unaware that he was speaking to a top ten hero. He did however bow politely to her.

When he said he did not recognize her, there was a visible irritation displayed on her face, eyes flashing red. "Huh?" She cocked her head at what he said, then snickered. Ramiris brushed a long strand of silky blue and black hair. "Ooh~? Iss thhat sso??~" she purred, walking up to him with a sexy hip-wiggling walk, one foot in front of the other. She brushed her finger just under his chin, "A shhame. Cuzz I am here for you, right now." She winked, "You shhure you're sstill thhinking about ssomeone elsse?"

"Yes ma'am," Jet impressively stood his ground against one of the most attractive women in the hero industry he didn't blush he didn't stutter, and he kept a straight face.

"And I will not budge unless I learn she has no interest in me," he added rather in a perfect gentleman like manner. He had however felt a shiver down his spin upon her reaction of him not knowing who she was… seemed that had angered her to lightly put it.

"You are very pretty though ma'am. Yet may I ask what you needed of me? Did you need to be guided somewhere," he asked with a blank tilt of his head willing to help her if needed. She was a visitor after all, and like he still assumed somehow related to Amaris.

"Hmhm.." she mumbled, taking a step back. His restraint was impressive. "Hope the girl seees jusst how lucky shhe iss. Loyal men are hard to come by." After commenting, she seemed to remember what she was doing there, and what he had said previously -about not knowing who she was.

"You know my daughter, but you do not know me!?" Ramiris's voice got darker, as she began to rise into the air. "It seeems they did not mention me to you.. I'll havve to sspeak to that ssilly hero later.."

Rising before the moon, only bright red eyes glowing, a scythe formed in her hands, the woman spinning it around deftly, as wings rose behind her. "I am the Reaper of the Night! Fanged Goddesss Vampyra!"

After that dramatic entrance, she once more lowered herself before him, with a cheery laugh. She spun the scythe again, resting it on her shoulders. "I ssaw you in the tournament. Your quirk reminded me of ssomeone's -my own! I requessted you. Guesss they forgot to tell you thhat."

"Ahhh I am aware of your name you were the first one to put in a request for my mentorship," Jet said finally coming full circle to what this was about. Her name immediately range a bell to him as it was the very first on his mentorship list. He had yet to actually go through the people as they had received them today. It seemed, however, one of them had come directly to him. To take into an effect that this woman was Amaris' mom also meant this lady was the top four hero of Japan… where as a few minutes ago Jet had been thinking on how he was going to decide it seemed fate had decided to choose for him. Given her flashy show of her quirk upon attack he could easily see how her mentoring could be viable perfect for him.

"You believe I can learn to have my quirk be animated in movement," Jet asked immediately. Given how her blood had moved so fluidly thats where he guessed she was going with this… and if it was possible Jets options flourished in usability past their offense, and defensive uses. She had his full attention now as where she had stepped back he was now in her face rather close. The excitement to advance his quirk was too good to pass especially since his quirk was nothing like his parents past a few similar elements thus someone on a similar level could potentially be able to nurture him past his capabilities. It was rather exciting like a long hunt with a bear.

Oh, so he was aware. Well, good. "Tell me firsst.." She had a snide grin on her face, "What do you thhink of my daughter?.. Depending on your ansswer, I may or may not teachh you~"

"Amaris? She is a friend whos is a bit shy in an unusual way. She likes to hunt sometimes with me so she alright in my book, and she's good at helping carve the carcasses I bring back for dinners when we accidentally run out of lunch funds. She also takes care of the blood containers I collect," he finished breaking down his friendship with the girl. Of course after her break up with Aurora he had noticed she was a bit down, but wasn't too concerned since she still functioned rather the same minus a few noticeable moment of a longing look at Aurora he had noticed on rare occasions.

Well, that was precise. She hadn't been expecting it to be broken down like that. This kid was unlike her in that way. She was more of a 'doer' instead of the analytical type. He was more like Amaris in that way, actually. No wonder they got along. She smiled, "Iss thhat sso? Well, thhank you, young man, for being friendss withh my daughter! To thhink, Amariss hass friendss." She looked off wistfully about that thought.

Suddenly she snapped back. "Ah! Okay. Misster.. J-Jet, was it?" Embarrassing, she needed to remember, at least, the name of her student! Folding her arms she said, after a quick glance around, "Okay, shhow me what you got. Right here. Make it quick. Firsst impresshun!"

"Jettitare Monsera Ma'am," Jet filled in the blank for Ramiris a bit confused why she hadn't known that coming all the way here herself to make her mentorship known in person. With a small breath Jet's eyes went draconic as his body burst alive producing his mist as he funneled it into a pillared construct that raised him into the air a bit before halting. Walking toward the edge he started to create a staircase the lead right back to Ramiris. Clearly he had quite a bit of control, and could add to current creations.

"Or did you want something more combative like what I used in my match," Jet asked as he returned to the woman as his construct burst back into mist before recollecting upon his body reforming the Vibranium cutter armor on himself giving him that aggressive appearance.

"R~r-right. I'll call ya Jet. And ma'am iss okay. But I prefer Madam Queen. Or ssomethhing ssimilar. Night Mothher iss one I've heard. Thhough thhat may be a hero'ss actual name.. Eh." She shrugged, as if uncaring.

She watched him ascend above her, after becoming draconic, then step up to her in a staircase. "Firsst misstake. While impresssive you have suchh control ovver your quirk.. Nevver, and I mean NEVVER, put yoursselfh abovve me. Am I clear?"

She drew in a breath. "Beginner'ss misstake. And ignorancce. Now you know. Yess, I did mean ssomethhing more combative. Attack me. Shhow me what you got. Mr. Stair-man."

He tilted his head in confusion to why she wasn't okay with someone being higher up then her not understanding what her actual complaint was. It also didn't help that he was to dominant a personality to be subservient to another in the way Ramiris was use to.

"As you wish ma'am," Jet immediately jump back with two mist pillars shooting out straight for her aiming for a stomach hit. As he jumped forward to run up them with his parkouring tactics he swung his tail using the mist created flanged mace at the tip to counter whatever her escape plan was.

She held up her hand, a few cut marks on her arms already. A large sheet of blood came up and easily blocked the pillars of mist with a loud thud. The blood then swarmed over the pillars and caught Jet by his feet, holding him in place on his own pillars, just before he could swing enough to strike her with his flanged tail mace.

She grinned. "Good! Yess. Mosst impresssive! Eager. Good control. Initiativve taker. Sskilled and athhletic. All good qualitiess. You are muchh better thhan I wass at your age. Muchh better. I just relied on pure power. Took me awhile to get the control I havve now." Finally she released him, the blood flowing off of him and back into her, not leaving a single speck on him. "Yet. Thiss iss what you want to learn. Issn't it?"

"Yes Ramiris-senpai," Jet nodded in confirmation as he was placed down with his mist dispersing after his failed attempt. It seemed his mentor was now chosen now it would be time for the real work to begin.

At 'Ramiris-senpai' she chuckled, looking rather pleased. The vampire woman had a fang-toothed grin on her face, as her eyes gleamed. "Alright. Follow me. Do try to keep up!" She unfurled wings made of blood, leaped into the trees, and was off into the night, towards the city proper.

Displaying liberal use of her quirk as she moved about swiftly, it was clear how she navigated the city. From blood-bridges, to bloody trampolines and swings, blood parachutes, and the use of those blood-wings, she was the ultimate sensei in parkour teaching. Granted, she was a bit cheatsy with it, using her quirk and all. Jet at first had a hard time keeping up with her given she had way more options, but he thankfully was able to keep an eye on her the whole time through.

Eventually, she landed before a well-lit building. There was a maid sign on the front. A maid cafe was obvious through the windows. "Come," she said, leading him inside. There was a woman sitting at the front counter typing away. She was in a maid uniform. "Ellen," Ramiris hissed. "You did not properly prepare the kid for my arrival. He wass confussed!"

She winced at Ramiris's words, "I'm s-sorry, Rami. I'm sorry! I'll be more thorough next time!"

"Oh, itss fine. Gathher the maidss. We got ssome training to do." The way she put that was ominous. With the maido flashing him a worried look.

She turned to Jet, smiling. "Welcome to my hero agency. It doubless as-s a maid cafe. You like? Want anythhing? The maidss will wait on you hand and foot! They'll sservicce your evverryyyy neeeed~~" she purred.

"Uh, most of the maidss are out right now, ma'am," Ellen said.

That seemed to agitate Ramiris. "Oh, right! Of coursse!" Since she was in -for once- they were patrolling.

Holding onto his backpack that he had prepped quickly for his temporary lodging he looked over the rather strange set up… her hero agency doubled as a maid cafe? Technically it actually made sense surprisingly to him it was one way to get funding when the hero work didn't bring in the numbers.

"I won't be needing anything I can do my own choirs I do thank you for your hard work though," Jet politely bowed to the maid Ellen as he held tightly to his backpack pretty sure someone was about to try and take it.

Ramiris chuckled, "Good! I like that in a man! Sselfh-sufficcient! C'mon!"

She lead Jet further into the agency, beyond the maid cafe that was the front of the agency. Deeper inside she led him to a large square room that looked pretty empty. "Allo worked on thiss for me," she said, tapping the walls.

"Ellen!" she called to the maid in a room overlooking them. "Ellen will take the controlss. Thiss placce iss like a small vershun of the arena you fought on." Suddenly beneath them the floor began to change. Both with raised up on large pillars. "Okay. We're gunna train you to usse your quirk like mine. Lesss sstiff. More fluid. Ready?"

"Yes Ramiris-Senpai," Jet responded throwing his backpack as the stage started to change as his mist started to freeform a knife into his hands as he charged forward as the stage chose its form.

"Woah woah woah there, hold up tiger, er.. Lizzzard," Ramiris said, holding up her hand as he rushed with a knife. "We already know you can make knivvess." She snapped her finger and called, "Ellen!"

"Make a platform ofh your misst stuffh, then have it move along with thesse.." Suddenly the floor changed beneath them, and began to undulate like waves. The two were rocking around, but Ramiris held her balance, seeming unfazed, arms folded as she watched him. "Make your misst become wavvess. Go on, give it a try. The wavvess will only get more turbulent."

"Ah I see… you are very confusing Senpai," Jet halted instantly at her waving of the hands dispersing his knife as she finally gave actually words of what he was supposed to do… following suit he created a mist platform. At first the transferring of the waves was rather rough as Jet fought to keep the form… it proved even more difficult as the waves amplified before he could get a feel causing him to get rather overwhelmed as he fell at the destruction of his structure unable to handle the waving torrent.

Ramiris told Ellen to hold the waves in a more stable pattern. "Get ussed to it. Try again. Don't worry, we got awhile for you to pick thiss up.. Just make your platform, then meld it to the shhape of the wavvess and hold it."


A Few Months Later…

Jet breathed slowly as he sat upon his mist platform waving slowly to the motion of the rhythm to the vibrations being sent through the stage by Maid Ellen. As the speeds picked up Jet kept his platform moving as well standing up as he moved with the motions just as well as his creation. Through Ramiris' rather rough training regiment Jet had learned not only to bend his creations, but keep up with motion balance himself. He opened his eyes as he watched his tutor… knowing full well a simple shake test wouldn't be how she ended his last day of training.

Ramiris stared at the boy balancing and keeping his platform melded to the waves. He had learned well. Better than she picked up this stuff. It made her proud.. well, she wasn't proud yet. She nodded over to Ellen, who flipped on the switch. Suddenly strong winds came out of vents lining the walls, blowing at Jet hard. He had gone through this before. But she was going to crank up the storm in here to an 11 this time. "Hold your ground. Lock your feet into your misst," she instructed, reminding him. "Keep it togethher!"

The winds began picking up, really buffeting the dragon boy -and Ramiris, but she seemed fairly unfazed. The floor was rising in waves that became much more tumultuous, rising up nearly to the ceiling, simulating the storm she was creating. Next level. She nodded once more to Ellen. Suddenly lasers began firing at Jet. These were red-hot and would hurt if they hit flesh. Could he keep his platform together, stay on it, and defend himself? There was a next level, but she would wait to see how he handled this.

As the turbulence picked up Jettitare could feel his quirk resonating within his scales and horn in response. As such he started to seep into his platform as instructed to keep himself balanced. Then came the storm that now had his full attention as he opened his eyes watching the patterns of his platform, and feeling how the winds would go… yet the last bit would bring in Jets most important ability he had learned from Ramiris. As the lazers fired Jet was quickly yanked into his quirk like a knife into jello. The lasers never got close as the platform defended him… it was a unique feeling as his quirk held him inside its form… it was a bit trippy to to be honest. Once the attack ended Jet arose from the platform as he looked to Ramiris.

"Is this another training tactic I am not allowed to tell Allo- Senpai about," he asked questioning the use of lasers on a student.

Ramiris tilted her head. "Huh? What'ss?.. Oh, right. Uh, yeah. Shure. Don't tell him!" She winked one eye and stuck out her tongue. "Good! Okay." She clapped her hands. "Again! Lasst levvel!" The turbulence kicked up again, and suddenly maids shot out from somewhere, rushing effortlessly on the tossing floor, to attack Jet. "Make your platform, fight offh the enemiess!" She narrowed her eyes, waiting for her chance.

Immediately the platform came much more alive as it shot of a volley of pillars from all side easily smacking away the slowly maids as quite a few still got through. However as they got closer some would come into a panic as the pillars bent back coming in like grasping hands pulling up the maids into the platform to get fed to its jello like capability. Still their was quite a few maids left. Sure the first attacks had some laying out knocked out and others trapped inside the platform, but this third wave was no upon the platform. Grinning Jet moved his hand sto articulate massive waves throughout the platform probably creating motion sickness to the p[oor souls trapped inside, but quickly throwing off many of the girls balance as Jet swiped in delivering kicks, punches, and sinking some of the girls into the platform as the fight continued to ensue.

In the heat of it, a line of blood shot in, jabbed at Jet and threw him from his platform, right into a net made of blood, which instantly wrapped around him. Ramiris was carried over by the undulating floor and she snickered, booping a blue nail on his nose. "Good, dragon boy! You did good! Okay, that'ss enuff, Ellen!" she called.

Everything was shut down and the room settled once more into place, with the maids being freed from Jet's jelloy mist. "Thankss girlss," she purred as they all filtered out of the training room, patting down their outfits. "Washh thosse and put on new uniformss!!!" Ramiris called, to a myriad of complaints and groans.

She focused once more on Jet, smiling at the boy trapped in her web. She winked, then released him. "Thiss concludess your training, Jet! Congratss!" She hopped in place and clapped her hands. "Your misst iss now as-s fluid as the water! You may go! Or sstick around and put in a bit more training, shhould you wishh!" She leaned in and whispered, "I can call a few maidss back in, they were going eassy on you, tee hee!"

"No thank you Ramiris-Senpai I have rather had enough of maids… I can't begin to understand your obsession with them," Jet answered chuckling as he was let go. He wasn't shocked seeing as he had trained with them for awhile now. They were very able sidekicks, and while he could probably take a few down they would have overwhelmed him eventually.

"I thank you for everything you have taught me Ramiris-senpai," he respectfully bowed one last time to the woman knowing his training had garnered many a fruitful experience for him to now use on the field.

She seemed stricken, as if slapped. "What!?! What'ss there not to underssstand!?" she hissed. Her eyes flashed red, then she let up, not letting her anger get the better of her. "I shhall not hear you ssay suchh nonssensse again, do I make mysself clear, Jet?" Then she giggled after being hard on him.

"You're abssolutely welcome!! Thhough you havve learned well, there iss sstill muchh you musst learn! After all, you weren't able to sstop my attack, now were you?? Tee hee!" Ramiris giggled again. "Okay! Well. I'll see ya around, dragon boy. And pleasse, keep being friendss withh my daughter. I really truly apprecciate it! That girl needss them." She glanced away, for a brief moment showing a bit of worry on her face. Then the next second it was gone, gracing the boy with a beaming smile again on her sharp lips.

"No promises senpai," Jet chuckled challenging his mentor lightly if there was one thing his personality had built around her was a small defiance streak to her domineering streak.

"And no worries I am sure Amaris will see through to making more friends the more she learns, and thank you again for all you taught me here," Jet spoke before giving a toothy grin himself before turning around to start heading back to U.A.

Aurora's Bizarre Adventure....

Collab with @RedArmyShogun

Upon the list of people after the tournament who had put in for Aurora's mentorship program one in particular had instantly caught her attention. One that belonged to a retired hero one that had trained her father long ago in his U.A days. To add to that this hero had been quite the person of interest in many fields of technology, and science thus for Aurora who was trying to temper her brain over her brawn say it as a perfect opportunity. Though when she told her dad she had been given a strange warning about the man's musical tastes. As she walked up the street to the house on the left with immediate note was more land then house. It was definitely strange with the european house being clearly dated in artistic design. Humming as she walked the pathway up to the house she softly pressed the doorbell announcing her presence.

"Hello Hardwire-senpai I am here for your mentorship allotment," she chimed happily with a big smile waiting patiently as she stood their at the front door.

"Come in my dear, come in. Your Father said you may show up here." A Voice calls from the other side, as a somewhat elderly lady opens the door with a smile to her face, motioning towards a room from the rear, where the tune of The British Grenadiers is playing from a record player on a table, seemingly in a Study, clashing with the rustic old aged furniture was a massive TV screen, or rather several screens, with a Camera fixed on the doorway and other locations. "I do have some tea and biscuits if you would like some. Captain Hardwire at your Service." An aging man in a crisp and clean military styled Uniform says from a chair.

"That is very kind of you sir, but I have to be careful about what I eat. It takes a pretty strict diet to make sure I don't become the wrong type of fat with this body," she laughed before bowing politely to her mentor. She took in the architecture with an impressed glaze as the house was very uninformed yet had modern tech brilliantly laid to match.

"It will be an honor to learn from you sir," Aurora chimed happily as she awaited his next words.

"Ha hah. Tea However should be fine. Hmm, here I thought your Father might have sent you to steal more of my secrets." He says with a thin smile, getting to his feet. "I watched you in the Fights, you did fairly well and you are a much more snappy dresser with an orderly bearing. Very well. Let us get started at once, given your hair and electricity I can assume why you sought me out. I'm afraid you cannot control Machines as I can, but I might be able to teach you how to use those hairs in a more orderly fashion. To overload machines more effectively or to apply the correct Jolt so to speak to get something to power up, I'm not sure if we'll have the time for all that, but let's get to marching, it's a long, long way to Tipperary, but the first step will be the most important." He says holding out his hand to shake hers.

"Yosh Senpai- Hardwire," Aurora gleemed as she shook his hand.

"Now, do follow to the yard. I shall arrange an orchestra and teach you the meaning of Military Precision through the use of brass and pomp." Leading her out back, it was soon that his own wires would leave his body causing several automations to pop up from the ground, pelting her with pellets made of plastic and maybe even blasts of rock salt. "You will find pointless swings will not serve you well, finesse, control, the correct appropriation of Force and power, these will. And I shall Teach you, provided you can survive my tests. You are even welcome to bunk in my home, my wife could use some help around the house in exchange for feeding you. However, as I said, it's a Long, long way to Tipperary.. Can you reach it and finish my course?"

Having been caught off guard with the pellet attack the tall girl laughed as he was in fact correct are her natural reflex to guard barely caught any of the things she had been peppered with. Watching Hardwire with excitement she burst to life as she hugged the man.

"ANYTHING YOU THROW MY WAY I WILL LEARN TO GROW FROM," she excitedly beamed probably reminding Hardwire of allo's youth for a moment as she saluted him accepting his full offer.


Three Months Later…

Aurora was slowly backing up her things as she looked around the place she had temporarily called home for the last few months she had been hard at work hard learning what Hardwire had to teach. Not only that, but she had come to appreciate his strange military taste as well as learn from his wife some rather unique cooking techniques. On her way to the door that song was still on she at first was slowly driven insane by it until she learned why he played it… it was a very specific tempo that if one actually listened to could time out more precise movements with giving others opening to attack… it was a strange lesson, and one he never confirmed or denied to her.

"Captain Hardwire sir i am pleased to announce the room is as clean as the day I received it," she giggled a bit not completely into the military jragin, yet driven enough to use it a bit. Saluting her captain she smiled brightly proud of the things she had learned… he had even given her a new perspective on fashion.

"I would like to thank you, and your wife again for opening your home to me to teach me all you had to offer. I am happy to have learned from you," she smiled moving her hand out to shake his for one last time.

"Ha, not a problem my Dear. I also daresay from the little upticks of your head you figured out my choice in Music. The Martial Controlled Rhythm, my quirk you see, through it I can control the machines and I find this coding is so much better than feeling via 1's and 0's. Take Pride in that you figured out what your Father could not and many more aside." With that he takes her hand and shakes it. "Please no more hugs however, I'm afraid my old bones aren't what they used to be. Either way I have two bits of parting advice for you.

Firstly, our world is beautiful. Even when it is uniform and precise. Chaos for the sake of it is disruptive to the formation of natural beauty. Secondly, your power is a gift, as was mine and that of many others, some of them let that power define them, rather than they it. To Disastrous results. Thirdly;"

With that he snaps a smart Salute towards her with a kindly smile to his face. "It was a pleasure of this Officer and Gentleman to train you. You are much like your father, but far more agreeable. Leave here in pride. Also don't mention any of your time here to your father too positively. I still like the man to sweat thinking I'm about to come back and take his shop. Though he was and still is at odds with my way of thinking, I still consider him one of my top students and a worthy replacement for these old bones." Tilting his head at that he ventures a wide smile. "Well, till it's time for you to replace him, then a coup is in order, hahaha."

"Hehehe aye captain," Aurora sung as she acknowledge the passing of the torch speech with her own salute. Gently hugging the two before heading down the pavement before temporarily being halted as four of those pelting machines burst from the ground release only a few volleys of pellets before dying with an odd humming sound as they went silent. None of the pellets reached her as at first it seemed like they had burst into dust mid shot yet with the right angel of lighting it was revealed she had swatted them all away with just a few strands of hair. The machines sudden silence was also quite clear as a few other stands slowly pulled out of the machines confirming sabotage. With a smile at the fruits of her training she didn't turn back, but continued to head down back to U.A.

"Very good! The enemy can be anywhere at anytime! But carry yourself befitting a hero!" He says with a final smile, letting his wife bow to the woman with a slight tilt of her head as if to say 'sorry about that.'
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Time Skip - UA School Dance Night

The Gymnasium floor was swept cleaning, round tables were set up with white cloth, a few long tables of much the same. While the round tables had normal chairs, the long tables had various sorts of food, chiefly "finger foods" with a few notable items such as meat, rice, fruits and vegetables, even some shrimp, soft drinks, water, juice. No wine however, minus the Senior groups that would attend later, well the ones on campus still.

All in all a simple fair with music played of speakers and sound systems. For now a simple and gentle song plays. Several of the teachers seemed to be on hand as chaperons as well, some in formal wear, others in normal garb. Bit by bit the Students would trickle in, having no date Ayame was among the first to arrive, wearing a dress, red with a simple bordering frill design, that ended at the bust with a cross neck choker that had connectors running along the arms. These straps with the front chest covering were connected by a hosiery styled fabric, brown and semi transparent in nature. A black sash tied into a ribbon around the waist and long leggings beneath connected to a pair of short black heels, not too unlike her low heeled shoes. Having gained this get up in a shopping trip with Kanna and Aurora, she was as she stated earlier interested in the food.

As she rushes to sample and see what there was to see, Ayame would stand over by the punch bowl and would watch who all entered. Mostly they were kids from the other classes that she didn't know, but one stood out at once, not as she was a classmate but because of how stunning she looked and yet so out of place from her normal appearance and yet..not. Kanna had entered with Ichirou at her side, in a typical arm lock that one knew was modest enough to not cause problems persee. Though Kanna was getting more than a few stares, some of outright hatred from other females. Standing taller than even most of the males in the school she would enter in a Red China dress, with a thin black trim, it had the decorative pattern of a Sakura tree in full blossom, with black hosairy tights and long black boots. Finishing it off around the top towards the neck, leading to the shoulders and upper half of the chest, was a fishnet design paired off with two long gloves that went past the elbow and covered only the middle finger on both hands.

While she had seen the dress when picked out, seeing it in person was something else. At least she wasn't all that invested in him. As popular as he was, he likely had others to dance with, and she would likely have plenty of males to fend off. Thinking to herself, Ayame ponders if there is a need for a Red Panda Riot towards all of this.. Grinning at that, Ayame turns her attention back to the door, to see who would be in first, next...