Muvluv Ironfront RP OOC

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I only now just got Alerts from the OOC.

Sorry if there was anything in the OOC someone said to me and I didn't respond.

As it stands, Jack is wandering about. I'll be sure to get something up tomorrow, as I am busy at the moment.
The problem is its Muv. The side stuff with the politics and the like is kinda the point.

The battles in muv will grow boring quickly as its the same shit time and time again. Baring human foes.
The problem is its Muv. The side stuff with the politics and the like is kinda the point.
I get that, I do. I'm just pointing out things I've noticed from other RPs that had great promise and died. Side quests ruin things sometimes, as I said though I'm all for them it's just others may not bite as easily or at all.
I get that, I do. I'm just pointing out things I've noticed from other RPs that had great promise and died. Side quests ruin things sometimes, as I said though I'm all for them it's just others may not bite as easily or at all.
Likely, but I made this with having to kill it fully in mind. I'll just skip a day ahead or later in this day. Have to wait and see.
The problem is its Muv. The side stuff with the politics and the like is kinda the point.
That was my interpretation as well and my point in asking. If we simply rely on you for the main mission in order to post the thing will be real bare bones and all the work is on you. So, in order to avoid that I think everyone should come up with something even if simple that can be done with the crew. Personally off the top of my head I have a few scenarios for interaction based on events so far.

@FrostedCamel Sam and Kosuke could have a rivalry or mutual dislike for one another that can be highlighted by their personalities or future events. Such as Sam pranking/humiliating Kosuke deliberately in which case will cause Kosuke to retaliate in a similar manner as I doubt he would be the one to instigate things. They could even take it to the boxing ring and involve the others if able.

@EmperorsChosen I've already mentioned to you about Drago and Christopher becoming drinking pals. That's still on the table and I'm welcome to any ideas to expand on that you might have.

@Dahrinn Considering Jack I think either Sam or Rolando could find interaction with him by offering tips or advice. Both being rookies Sam and Jack would have more in common than the others. If you have anything in mind regarding that let me know.

@Akashi Considering Erika has lectured Sam before we could repeat that in the future, but expand further on it and the consequences of that. Aside from that considering the fact she bottles up her emotions she could look to Sam as a possible outlet if only minor in which case their shared interest in books could be the common ground needed to build a trust/relationship between them. From there it's up in the air as to what happens.

@RedArmyShogun Rolando would likely have some interaction with the higher ranks such as the Major or Colonel. Maybe discuss opinions on the mission's success or Rolando could bore them on details about Spain. Drago could possibly drink with the Major as we've discussed before as well.

While not involving me, @Deathwatch101 Marvus took an interest in the rook Jack during the mission so you could very well expand on that with Frosted.
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@FrostedCamel Sam and Kosuke could have a rivalry or mutual dislike for one another that can be highlighted by their personalities or future events. Such as Sam pranking/humiliating Kosuke deliberately in which case will cause Kosuke to retaliate in a similar manner as I doubt he would be the one to instigate things. They could even take it to the boxing ring and involve the others if able.
Sounds like a plan to me, was already going to have Kosuke continue to fuel his hate(Maybe rivalry is a better word?) for the little brat next time he got a chance.
As far as Rolando goes, Kosuke has no clue what to think about him so I was kind of hoping on building his frame this rescue mission. But it won't matter anyway due to rank separation unless we break that a bit.

Kosuke only knows of Drogo that he puts full faith in a supernatural being (Which he thinks is crazy) and that he enjoys to drink and brawl. One of those things he enjoys.

@Deathwatch101 with Marvus and Jack they could both take a mentor type of position, except Marvus would be the caring father kind of deal and Kosuke would be the not very caring mentor only doing it to increase chances of mission success mentor (If that is what you were implying they both take a mentor role? Or Marvus mentors them both, I'm not too sure on that because Kosuke is experienced so there isn't much Marvus could offer he doesn't already know kind of a deal.). If what myself and RedArmy talked about before still happens however.... Jack and Kosuke will be taking a very different turn in interactions.

For @Akashi , Kosuke has seen Erika in action and even kind of looks up to her just like he does the Major. Some sort of camaraderie/friendship could be possible there if Erika were willing.

For @EmperorsChosen I think our two characters (if yours doesn't die) won't really get along because they're so different but so alike at the same time. Sorry.

Those are my two cents on the characters.

Also, @Detective Zero needs to come back and add his character into the mix.
Soo... whats going on guys ?
Soo... whats going on guys ?
Figuring out how to do things without making RedArmy hold our hands through it all I guess.
Yeah... I'm aware I still need to post, just been having... Very serious issues getting one actually out. :s
I'll be moving it ahead to the conclussion of this day likely..maybe a "start" meeting of some sorts for the operation, then you can do your own things untill time has elapsed enough I feel RL that is to start the invasion. I'll likely make the post first thing when I can tomorrow. May use some of stros suggestions as well.
Also anyone that may want to post may do so before mine is up.
sorry ive been really quite busy, astros and frosted thats a great idea im happy to do that.

Sounds like a plan and im interested to see what lays ahead.
Well something of a post, I didn't do much with the others as I don't like controling others people, barebones basics, and I wanted to get it over with. Unit suggestions with the formations are okay, whatever else you have.
I for one put forth the name of "Screaming Valkyries" in German which would be "Schreiend Walküren". Or just the English one. Or "Fighting Valkyries" which would be "Kämpfen Walküren"

Why you ask? German because of the good Colonel, and Valkyrie because it sounds cool and our callsigns would be "Valkyrie 1-1, Valkryrie 1-2, Valkyrie 2-1 etc."

If someone can come up with a better word than "Screaming" or "Fighting" to go with Valkyries, or just a better overall name, I'm all ears.

Edit: Even just "Valkyries" would work on it's own.
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Feel free to bring it up in the IC if you want. Maybe some others will like it, though thats alright with me.
I finally made a post.. Hope it isn't shit, but hey, good to start with and open up better posts in the future.
Rather a shame I couldn't or rather didn't want to detail the interactions with the soviets out more, but I wanted to get it over with.
Rather a shame I couldn't or rather didn't want to detail the interactions with the soviets out more, but I wanted to get it over with.
No worries.
@Deathwatch101 damn Marvus pulling out the survivors guilt card seriously hit me for some reason D:
Hey just letting you all know that any interactions that were suggested with Erika. I'm all up for it.
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