Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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Outside of the hotel at Sirena Beach, you were greeted by the hotel manager.

"Ah, greetings! Thank you all for coming today! Welcome to Hotel Delfino, where we specialize in rest and relaxation by a beautiful ocean!"

"Hello! The police said you have a job for us?"

"Why yes, I do! Unfortunately, my poor hotel has been vandalized recently. You see, a man and woman checked in yesterday and completely trashed their rooms on the second floor! Could you all help me clean their mess up?"

"Yes, of course. But, um...did the man happen to have balding red hair? And the woman a black bob cut and red hat?"

"Why, yes! That's them! Do you know those two?"


"Well then, all the more reason to clean up! Here..." He handed each of you a map of the hotel.


"They were in the rooms on the second floor, on the west side. Please clean up the graffiti and dispose of those weird materials they left behind."

Meanwhile, the vice president had vanished upstairs as he was talking. Perhaps she was somewhere else in the hotel...?

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hotel Delfino


Yamashiro's water would clean up the goop easily, which was useful, since there was a large amount of it. Meanwhile, the Piantas were still amazed by the group. "Ernesti! Yeah, I remember you! And there's Yamashiro and Ritsuka, and Colonel everyone else at a different place?"

"Aww...I wanted to meet the silly scarf man! He's funny!"

"Well, I wanna see Hiyori! She just lost her boyfriend, after all!"

"Excuse me?! Hiyori lost her boyfriend on Gelato Beach-Yato! Yusuke is her friend, and besides! He and Alesha are sooooo in love!"

"No way! Yusuke and Hiyori are meant to be!"



A third Pianta cut in. "Will you two shut up?! Look at you, fighting over silly romances! You should be ashamed!" The two arguing Piantas looked down, and the third added, "Besides...everyone knows the best romance is between Yato and Yusuke."

Aaaaand all three got to arguing again.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Pianta Village


"A-ha!" The door to the video room would be kicked open, tranquilizer darts shot at the group. "I should have known the TVs wouldn't play by themselves!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah @Afterlife​
Everything since Yato's death was a blur. The world around her had faded into nothing but the visual equivalent of white noise, and the sounds and words of those around her were the same. Attempts at comfort had done little to pull her out of her state, and it was quite obvious no matter how one looked at her. She didn't so much as move, remaining dormant on her knees by her deceased god's side for as long as she possibly could, unable to convince her waterworks to stop. By all means and rights, she was completely miserable.

And as time went on, it only got worse.

Passive was the recognition that she should not have stayed behind while others went out to do the work. The realization that she should have at least tried to break from her stupor to listen to Yusuke and the others that had tried to comfort her and provide her solace. It wasn't a mind-boggling concept, but in her state, she simply hadn't been able to see or hear anything but... him. What used to be him. Yato, even- or perhaps especially -in death, clouded every inch of her mind. It was a thing that typically brought joy, but now? Images of blood and pain and his body falling lifeless plagued her, making her want to scream as she had when it had first occurred.

A feeling that was reenacted when the next game came about and she was dragged from her devastated perch.

This time, she was certain she couldn't handle it. She couldn't witness any more death. This time, she longed almost for it to be her that went. If that meant that the others would survive, she would be okay with that. But instead, all she could do was watch. No repercussions were in store for her for standing dormant, save for what was likely the worst possible one of all. More death. As though this alone were not bad enough, one of those marked for the kill was yet another companion of hers. Not nearly as close as Yato, having only known the man since being dragged to this accursed isle, but that did not mean she was indifferent to his death. No, every death, be it of one close to her or a total stranger, sent her heart into a fit of unadulterated desolation. The fact was just that some of these deaths hit her in more vulnerable spots, this one akin to a punch to the gut while she was trying to get back to her feet and catch her breath after just having had it knocked out of her moments before.


"Please don't do this!" she cried out, unable to help herself as it was revealed that Yusuke was the one chosen for death. It was an opportunity she had not had with Yato, an availability to plead for his mercy. But here, maybe she could get through... Maybe these people weren't completely cold and callous murderers as they seemed. Maybe they had some heart she could get through to, she hoped, as tears again pricked her eyes with a familiar sting. "Nobody else needs to die! Haven't you taken enough and caused enough pain?!" she continued, face flushing from her frantic outcries and tears.

Hiyori Iki was a good person. She made good grades(despite spurts of her soul leaving her body in classes, even), had a handful of friends, spent her time with the gods and even went out of her way to save others, even when it put her in grave danger in their place. Danger that Yato and Yukine often saved her from, of course, but that was never on her mind when she made those rash, brave decisions. She prided herself on that, and never really had the heart to shoot others down or turn them away when in the long run, it might be better for her. She saw the good in others, even when it wasn't there. But somewhere deep down, she knew there was no good to appeal to in these people. So she shouldn't have been surprised when Yusuke was lowered and his body was thus unmoving.

That did not dull the hurt that came with this.

Pinkish-purple eyes, brimmed with tears, widened. Her body tensed and quaked fleetingly, twitching with shock and horror. She stared for a long few moments with terror and overwhelming pain before her hands turned to fists, eyes squeezing shut and thus forcing out their tears in supple streams as hands went to her shaking head. She couldn't do this. She couldn't bear it. It was too much and--



At some point, though she wasn't entirely sure when, she had simply blacked out. It was unlike her typical spurts of 'unconsciousness', in which her soul left her body and she free roamed in that form. She was unaware of anything that had transpired, and came to feeling only heavy and numb. Her first instinct, formed by habit and reinforced by her lack of immediate memory of all that had happened, was a glance around for Yato or Yukine, ready to drowsily inquire as to what had happened. But all too quickly the memories crashed back into her like a freight train, leaving her originally curious expression drained away into a solemn and melancholy one.

This time, she didn't linger, though she thought little of that fact. Much akin to a stray spirit, she wandered aimlessly, mindlessly following the crowd without even fully realizing she was doing so. At some point, she had gotten onto a boat with some of the others, taking them all.... somewhere. But she didn't really care where that somewhere was.

It wasn't going to take her back to Yato. Not even Yusuke, or any of the others that she had met only to so quickly lose. As such, the destination just felt empty and pointless.

So she continued, brandishing her FLUDD for whatever purpose it might be needed for as they arrived, continuing to aimlessly follow the others with an apparent lack of spirit or mental presence. If any goop remained after Yamashiro's cleaning, she absently sprayed it, finding little joy in providing assistance. Something that usually lifted her spirits. Now, though, it just felt... pointless. But regardless of the fact, her attention was snagged by something that wasn't goop or monsters, her head all but snapping upwards from where it stared at the ground with newfound life at the simple uttering of a name. It was not her own that grabbed her attention, or even the statement that she had lost her boyfriend. These both went right over her head. No, what she was caught on was something else.


It took a moment for the conversation involving him to process, especially with the Piantas throwing out more sentences and another familiar name that also was attention-grabbing: Yusuke. But when it processed, her expression went from alarmed hope and curiosity to something else. For once, it was not embarrassment that overtook her at the implication that she was romantically with Yato, or even Yusuke. She did not become flustered or coy or go into denial. Instead, she found her face heating up with something else as she looked to the group of bickering Piantas, lip quivering with frustration and eyes threatening to tear up yet again.


"H-how could you talk like that?!" she suddenly burst out in a display atypical of her typical polite self. She couldn't seem to handle the conversation, the topic bringing her to tears borne from a mix of sadness and deep frustration. "How can you sit back and argue over who they're with when... when they...." she began, only to visibly choke on her words with intensifying tears as she tried to force herself to say what had happened.

She couldn't. Saying it would make it real. Saying it would mean accepting that Yato, Yusuke and the others were all dead, and she was not ready for any such thing. So she fell silent, teeth clenched as tears again poured down her face. She couldn't do this anymore.

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Pianta Village​
"This is how you remember our companions? You act as though it's a drama meant to amuse yourselves?!"

As if to act as the outlet for Hiyori's frustration, the khan's expression twisted in a snarling rage as she stepped forward, fists clenched as she resisted the urge to strike physically. It wasn't just the twisted overseers who saw this as a game... it was the whole damn island, thinking it was right to trivialize justice and punishment for a game of death and despair. Every one of these pathetic louts known as the Piantas...

"What if it were your people who were suffering through this disgusting perversion of law?!" She roared at the villagers as though she had morphed into an enraged beast, tongue lashing out when her fists couldn't to tear apart and scar the gossip-mongerers before them. As she spoke, her hands jabbed out at each of the Piantas in an accusatory turn, directing each sentence at a different one to make sure they focused, "What if you were arrested for a crime you had no recollection of committing, kidnapped twice over to ensure that arrest? Forced to play these sick fucking games as you're subjugated into indentured servitude, watching as those you work with and call comrades are made into lambs for slaughtering!"

"All while a bunch of pot-belly, freak people argued over your companionships, uncaring for your lives and that you've been labelled 'criminals' by the twisted system of the freak people's foreign overlords that they seem to particularly pleased to have lording over them!" At that, she fell silent, her smoldering glare doing the talking for her a few moments longer before looking to her companions, "Come on. These fattened bovines do not deserve our time. Let us complete our task and be done with them for good."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Pianta Village​

Outside of the hotel at Sirena Beach, you were greeted by the hotel manager.

"Ah, greetings! Thank you all for coming today! Welcome to Hotel Delfino, where we specialize in rest and relaxation by a beautiful ocean!"

"Hello! The police said you have a job for us?"

"Why yes, I do! Unfortunately, my poor hotel has been vandalized recently. You see, a man and woman checked in yesterday and completely trashed their rooms on the second floor! Could you all help me clean their mess up?"

"Yes, of course. But, um...did the man happen to have balding red hair? And the woman a black bob cut and red hat?"

"Why, yes! That's them! Do you know those two?"


"Well then, all the more reason to clean up! Here..." He handed each of you a map of the hotel.


"They were in the rooms on the second floor, on the west side. Please clean up the graffiti and dispose of those weird materials they left behind."

Meanwhile, the vice president had vanished upstairs as he was talking. Perhaps she was somewhere else in the hotel...?

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hotel Delfino


Yamashiro's water would clean up the goop easily, which was useful, since there was a large amount of it. Meanwhile, the Piantas were still amazed by the group. "Ernesti! Yeah, I remember you! And there's Yamashiro and Ritsuka, and Colonel everyone else at a different place?"

"Aww...I wanted to meet the silly scarf man! He's funny!"

"Well, I wanna see Hiyori! She just lost her boyfriend, after all!"

"Excuse me?! Hiyori lost her boyfriend on Gelato Beach-Yato! Yusuke is her friend, and besides! He and Alesha are sooooo in love!"

"No way! Yusuke and Hiyori are meant to be!"



A third Pianta cut in. "Will you two shut up?! Look at you, fighting over silly romances! You should be ashamed!" The two arguing Piantas looked down, and the third added, "Besides...everyone knows the best romance is between Yato and Yusuke."

Aaaaand all three got to arguing again.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Pianta Village


"A-ha!" The door to the video room would be kicked open, tranquilizer darts shot at the group. "I should have known the TVs wouldn't play by themselves!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah @Afterlife​

The Doctor lifted his hat. "Thank you for the instructions!" Instead of going to the designated room however, the Doctor would try and see if he could find the vice president for nothing else but to sate his curiosity.​


The Piantas gathered around quietly let the horrified and enraged comments sink in, before finally responding...with a resounding cheer.

"Wow!!! You guys are so lucky!! I wish Alesha would yell at me like that!"

"W-Wait...oh no! I haven't even finished episode four yet! Does that mean Yusuke..."

"Augh! No! Spoilers!! We gotta get outta here!"

The Piantas started running off, covering their ears-or where you'd expect their ears to be. "We love you guys! Good luck!!"

"...well, that was...weird. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Oh, I wouldn't let it get to you." A young man arrived, hands in his pockets.

"If anything, they're all a victim of this situation just as much as you are."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


Rita would find the second floor to have two rooms with the "room service" sign up. She could go to the left room or right one.

The Doctor would find the vice president going up to the third floor. Up there, though, she seemed to have left.

Yumeko joined The Doctor, looking around. "Where is she? I really want to talk to her..."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Kaykay @Hotel Delfino​
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Rita Hanson

" I'll start with the right room," Rita said, walking over and catiously opening the door. She had gotten more and more paranoid as this game had gone on.

@Yun Lee @Hotel Delfino

The Piantas gathered around quietly let the horrified and enraged comments sink in, before finally responding...with a resounding cheer.

"Wow!!! You guys are so lucky!! I wish Alesha would yell at me like that!"

"W-Wait...oh no! I haven't even finished episode four yet! Does that mean Yusuke..."

"Augh! No! Spoilers!! We gotta get outta here!"

The Piantas started running off, covering their ears-or where you'd expect their ears to be. "We love you guys! Good luck!!"

"...well, that was...weird. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Oh, I wouldn't let it get to you." A young man arrived, hands in his pockets.

"If anything, they're all a victim of this situation just as much as you are."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


Rita would find the second floor to have two rooms with the "room service" sign up. She could go to the left room or right one.

The Doctor would find the vice president going up to the third floor. Up there, though, she seemed to have left.

Yumeko joined The Doctor, looking around. "Where is she? I really want to talk to her..."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Kaykay @Hotel Delfino​

"Oh she just up and vanished! Quite a mystery! Yes indeed..."
The Doctor responded as he sauntered towards a nearby wall and started knocking on it. "Perhaps there is a trap door somewhere!"

The Piantas gathered around quietly let the horrified and enraged comments sink in, before finally responding...with a resounding cheer.

"Wow!!! You guys are so lucky!! I wish Alesha would yell at me like that!"

"W-Wait...oh no! I haven't even finished episode four yet! Does that mean Yusuke..."

"Augh! No! Spoilers!! We gotta get outta here!"

The Piantas started running off, covering their ears-or where you'd expect their ears to be. "We love you guys! Good luck!!"

"...well, that was...weird. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Oh, I wouldn't let it get to you." A young man arrived, hands in his pockets.

"If anything, they're all a victim of this situation just as much as you are."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


Rita would find the second floor to have two rooms with the "room service" sign up. She could go to the left room or right one.

The Doctor would find the vice president going up to the third floor. Up there, though, she seemed to have left.

Yumeko joined The Doctor, looking around. "Where is she? I really want to talk to her..."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Kaykay @Hotel Delfino​


Yamashiro felt happy at the moment; the idea of using the FLUDD to clean up the goop was working well without any unpleasant surprises, which was unlike the previous incidents here. She took a moment to look around, and the group was making good progress, and noticed the stranger saying something that seemed very mysterious. So, she turned to him and asked:

"Who are you? And I could understand that we are victims, but what is the situation?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village

Outside of the hotel at Sirena Beach, you were greeted by the hotel manager.

"Ah, greetings! Thank you all for coming today! Welcome to Hotel Delfino, where we specialize in rest and relaxation by a beautiful ocean!"

"Hello! The police said you have a job for us?"

"Why yes, I do! Unfortunately, my poor hotel has been vandalized recently. You see, a man and woman checked in yesterday and completely trashed their rooms on the second floor! Could you all help me clean their mess up?"

"Yes, of course. But, um...did the man happen to have balding red hair? And the woman a black bob cut and red hat?"

"Why, yes! That's them! Do you know those two?"


"Well then, all the more reason to clean up! Here..." He handed each of you a map of the hotel.


"They were in the rooms on the second floor, on the west side. Please clean up the graffiti and dispose of those weird materials they left behind."

Meanwhile, the vice president had vanished upstairs as he was talking. Perhaps she was somewhere else in the hotel...?

@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hotel Delfino


Yamashiro's water would clean up the goop easily, which was useful, since there was a large amount of it. Meanwhile, the Piantas were still amazed by the group. "Ernesti! Yeah, I remember you! And there's Yamashiro and Ritsuka, and Colonel everyone else at a different place?"

"Aww...I wanted to meet the silly scarf man! He's funny!"

"Well, I wanna see Hiyori! She just lost her boyfriend, after all!"

"Excuse me?! Hiyori lost her boyfriend on Gelato Beach-Yato! Yusuke is her friend, and besides! He and Alesha are sooooo in love!"

"No way! Yusuke and Hiyori are meant to be!"



A third Pianta cut in. "Will you two shut up?! Look at you, fighting over silly romances! You should be ashamed!" The two arguing Piantas looked down, and the third added, "Besides...everyone knows the best romance is between Yato and Yusuke."

Aaaaand all three got to arguing again.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Pianta Village


"A-ha!" The door to the video room would be kicked open, tranquilizer darts shot at the group. "I should have known the TVs wouldn't play by themselves!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah @Afterlife​

Deciding to go along with a shrug, Hina ended up at the hotel with a few of the others.

"Rest and cleaning someone else's mess up. Sweet."

With a sigh, Hina went to clear up one of the rooms. Since some other person went into the right room, she chose to head to the left.

@Jeremi @Verite @Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9
A-ha!" The door to the video room would be kicked open, tranquilizer darts shot at the group. "I should have known the TVs wouldn't play by themselves!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah @Afterlife

"A-ha!" The door to the video room would be kicked open, tranquilizer darts shot at the group. "I should have known the TVs wouldn't play by themselves!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah @Afterlife

"Hey-- Ack!" Yusuke cried when Bowser Jr. would kick him. The kick didn't hurt, but the pressure against his knee was enough to cause him to stumble back and fall on his butt. "How am I suppose to remember what you are?" Yusuke complained, distracted from standing up when he would hear what Starlow had to say. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, if what you say is true..." Yusuke trailed off, his mouth falling open before he would continue speaking his thoughts. "We may not have even died." The artist furrowed his brows, feeling that this may have been a believable theory. Yusuke couldn't remember dying for certain. He only recalled falling asleep from 'poison' before waking up in this building that didn't look too much like an afterlife.

Before he could say much more, Yusuke would notice tranquilizer darts fly over his head--which he would narrowly dodge because of him still being on the ground. He gasped and scrambled to his feet before turning to the others. "Risky-san was right. Someone is chasing us! We'd better move post haste!"

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Afterlife​

Starlow - Afterlife
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore

Starlow narrowly avoided the shot of a tranquilizer. She assumed that perhaps a smaller target was harder to hit.

"Yeah! Let's get out of here! Bowser Jr., you're coming too!"

Starlow flew down close to Bowser. He could hang onto her feet for a ride if he wished. Although Starlow didn't have anything as dexterous as hands, she was more than strong enough to fly while carrying Bowser Jr. Regardless, she quickly flew out of the room.​
Starlow - Afterlife
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore

Starlow narrowly avoided the shot of a tranquilizer. She assumed that perhaps a smaller target was harder to hit.

"Yeah! Let's get out of here! Bowser Jr., you're coming too!"

Starlow flew down close to Bowser. He could hang onto her feet for a ride if he wished. Although Starlow didn't have anything as dexterous as hands, she was more than strong enough to fly while carrying Bowser Jr. Regardless, she quickly flew out of the room.​
"Why do I have to come with you losers?!" Bowser Jr shouted before looking back at Krieger with the tranquilizer darts. "Grrr... fine! But you dummies better play with me later!" Bowser Jr shouted before grabbing onto her feet as they flew out.

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @York @Afterlife

The Piantas gathered around quietly let the horrified and enraged comments sink in, before finally responding...with a resounding cheer.

"Wow!!! You guys are so lucky!! I wish Alesha would yell at me like that!"

"W-Wait...oh no! I haven't even finished episode four yet! Does that mean Yusuke..."

"Augh! No! Spoilers!! We gotta get outta here!"

The Piantas started running off, covering their ears-or where you'd expect their ears to be. "We love you guys! Good luck!!"

"...well, that was...weird. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Oh, I wouldn't let it get to you." A young man arrived, hands in his pockets.

"If anything, they're all a victim of this situation just as much as you are."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


Rita would find the second floor to have two rooms with the "room service" sign up. She could go to the left room or right one.

The Doctor would find the vice president going up to the third floor. Up there, though, she seemed to have left.

Yumeko joined The Doctor, looking around. "Where is she? I really want to talk to her..."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Kaykay @Hotel Delfino​

Yamashiro felt happy at the moment; the idea of using the FLUDD to clean up the goop was working well without any unpleasant surprises, which was unlike the previous incidents here. She took a moment to look around, and the group was making good progress, and noticed the stranger saying something that seemed very mysterious. So, she turned to him and asked:

"Who are you? And I could understand that we are victims, but what is the situation?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village
Of course they wouldn't listen. They were too caught up in a lie of their own twisted desires, fed false truths by those given charge of them all...

"Victims? As if sheep could be victims when they so willing go to the slaughter," Alesha spit at the man who had approached them, setting to work spraying the goop away as she spoke, "Besides, what do you care, wanderer? You are not one of us, yet you do not share their appearance either. You are either one of the ones in charge of this game and thus should be satisfied by their idiotic dismissal of my words... or you have no part in this at all, and you simply came across us by accident."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village​

The Piantas gathered around quietly let the horrified and enraged comments sink in, before finally responding...with a resounding cheer.

"Wow!!! You guys are so lucky!! I wish Alesha would yell at me like that!"

"W-Wait...oh no! I haven't even finished episode four yet! Does that mean Yusuke..."

"Augh! No! Spoilers!! We gotta get outta here!"

The Piantas started running off, covering their ears-or where you'd expect their ears to be. "We love you guys! Good luck!!"

"...well, that was...weird. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Oh, I wouldn't let it get to you." A young man arrived, hands in his pockets.

"If anything, they're all a victim of this situation just as much as you are."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


Rita would find the second floor to have two rooms with the "room service" sign up. She could go to the left room or right one.

The Doctor would find the vice president going up to the third floor. Up there, though, she seemed to have left.

Yumeko joined The Doctor, looking around. "Where is she? I really want to talk to her..."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Kaykay @Hotel Delfino​


Yamashiro felt happy at the moment; the idea of using the FLUDD to clean up the goop was working well without any unpleasant surprises, which was unlike the previous incidents here. She took a moment to look around, and the group was making good progress, and noticed the stranger saying something that seemed very mysterious. So, she turned to him and asked:

"Who are you? And I could understand that we are victims, but what is the situation?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village

Of course they wouldn't listen. They were too caught up in a lie of their own twisted desires, fed false truths by those given charge of them all...

"Victims? As if sheep could be victims when they so willing go to the slaughter," Alesha spit at the man who had approached them, setting to work spraying the goop away as she spoke, "Besides, what do you care, wanderer? You are not one of us, yet you do not share their appearance either. You are either one of the ones in charge of this game and thus should be satisfied by their idiotic dismissal of my words... or you have no part in this at all, and you simply came across us by accident."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village​

"Well, they're gone now. I was honestly expecting them to pounce on us before heading off," Ernesti comments.​

"This wanderer might have a point," Ernesti says, "why are all those Piantas acting like that? That isn't how they usually act, is it?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu@Pianta Village​

The rooms were both a complete mess. The beds were messed up, there was trash everywhere, graffiti goop dripped down the got the impression that this was completely deliberate. It seemed they worked together to trash both rooms, as they would both look totally identical in the vandalism. However, besides architecture, the contents of the room would be slightly different. In the left room, there were some letters on the table. In the right room, there was a suitcase.

There didn't seem to be any trapdoors on this floor. Yumeko tried doorknob after doorknob. All opened except for one. "Locked...she must really be hiding, huh? Unless..." She knocked on it. "Hello? Vice President?"

"...who are you? Identify yourselves." It sounded as if she wasn't wearing her mask. Her voice was light, but held dowm by a tone of urgency.

@Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Verite @Hotel Delfino


"Just call me Axl. And you're right, I am a bit of a traveller, though this time, I was brought here."

"How conveniant..."

"I know, I know, but listen. I don't really know what's going on here, or what's goimg on with all of you. But I do know this: what you think may be happening? It's not what's happening, at all."

Mary rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that amazing input."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I do! You got something messed up going on that's beyond your control. Believe me, I know better than anyone how that feels. But trust me when I say that this entire thing? It goes deeper than you could ever imagine. At least...for now, I guess. Maybe none of you remember The Truth...and those creatures, they don't even know about The Truth. They've been fed lies just like the rest of you."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​
Rita Hanson

Rita looked at all the glass on the floor and sighed. This was even worse than the time Phil wrecked his room and that he been particularly bad. Bed against the wall, alarm clock and clothes in pieces.. and ... push the thought away. She carefully walked over to the suitcase to see what was in it. She had a feeling that it was it important. " I really hope that there is a good reason for all of this to be happening and not one that makes me want to tear my hair out," she mumbled to herself.

@Yun Lee @Hotel Delfino

"Just call me Axl. And you're right, I am a bit of a traveller, though this time, I was brought here."

"How conveniant..."

"I know, I know, but listen. I don't really know what's going on here, or what's goimg on with all of you. But I do know this: what you think may be happening? It's not what's happening, at all."

Mary rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that amazing input."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I do! You got something messed up going on that's beyond your control. Believe me, I know better than anyone how that feels. But trust me when I say that this entire thing? It goes deeper than you could ever imagine. At least...for now, I guess. Maybe none of you remember The Truth...and those creatures, they don't even know about The Truth. They've been fed lies just like the rest of you."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​

"Whatever lies they've been fed made them act that way, I assume."

Ernesti ponders.​

"And you are here to tell us The Truth?" Ernesti asks. "Or are you only able to tell us that it exists?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​
Starlow - Afterlife
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore

Starlow narrowly avoided the shot of a tranquilizer. She assumed that perhaps a smaller target was harder to hit.

"Yeah! Let's get out of here! Bowser Jr., you're coming too!"

Starlow flew down close to Bowser. He could hang onto her feet for a ride if he wished. Although Starlow didn't have anything as dexterous as hands, she was more than strong enough to fly while carrying Bowser Jr. Regardless, she quickly flew out of the room.​

"Why do I have to come with you losers?!" Bowser Jr shouted before looking back at Krieger with the tranquilizer darts. "Grrr... fine! But you dummies better play with me later!" Bowser Jr shouted before grabbing onto her feet as they flew out.

@Mason Moretti @Yun Lee @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @York @Afterlife

Yusuke rushed for the exit of the room, urging Yato and Risky to go as well. He did his best to dodge the person who had shot the darts at them, hoping to avoid being shot again. "Dammit! Being a dead man, it makes little logical sense that I am running for my life right now! Why must this be!?" the boy shouted, rushing along. Where else did they have to hide in this place? He supposed they would simply have to keep running until they either found a way to fight back, or another good room to hide within.

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Afterlife​

The rooms were both a complete mess. The beds were messed up, there was trash everywhere, graffiti goop dripped down the got the impression that this was completely deliberate. It seemed they worked together to trash both rooms, as they would both look totally identical in the vandalism. However, besides architecture, the contents of the room would be slightly different. In the left room, there were some letters on the table. In the right room, there was a suitcase.

There didn't seem to be any trapdoors on this floor. Yumeko tried doorknob after doorknob. All opened except for one. "Locked...she must really be hiding, huh? Unless..." She knocked on it. "Hello? Vice President?"

"...who are you? Identify yourselves." It sounded as if she wasn't wearing her mask. Her voice was light, but held dowm by a tone of urgency.

@Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Verite @Hotel Delfino


"Just call me Axl. And you're right, I am a bit of a traveller, though this time, I was brought here."

"How conveniant..."

"I know, I know, but listen. I don't really know what's going on here, or what's goimg on with all of you. But I do know this: what you think may be happening? It's not what's happening, at all."

Mary rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that amazing input."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I do! You got something messed up going on that's beyond your control. Believe me, I know better than anyone how that feels. But trust me when I say that this entire thing? It goes deeper than you could ever imagine. At least...for now, I guess. Maybe none of you remember The Truth...and those creatures, they don't even know about The Truth. They've been fed lies just like the rest of you."

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​
"Whatever lies they've been fed made them act that way, I assume."

Ernesti ponders.​

"And you are here to tell us The Truth?" Ernesti asks. "Or are you only able to tell us that it exists?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​
"If this Truth is so important, perhaps you would cut the skullduggery and tell us what it is?" Alesha paused for a moment in her spraying to turn her head to Axl with a scowl, "If it isn't, then cease wasting our time. We have work to do as it is, enough to not wish to waste time talking to nomads who hold no allegiance to our tribe."

Yusuke rushed for the exit of the room, urging Yato and Risky to go as well. He did his best to dodge the person who had shot the darts at them, hoping to avoid being shot again. "Dammit! Being a dead man, it makes little logical sense that I am running for my life right now! Why must this be!?" the boy shouted, rushing along. Where else did they have to hide in this place? He supposed they would simply have to keep running until they either found a way to fight back, or another good room to hide within.

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Afterlife​

"I don't think we ever really died. I think we might just have to keep running until we find a place to hide."

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Afterlife
The suitcase would be filled with little trinkets,, all jumbled together.
Rita could find she could open them, if she so desired.



"I can't tell you, I'm afraid, because you never know who might be listening. I was only sent here to give you all a message, before one of you decides to lash out at one of the natives. I'm really just doing damage control here." Axl shrugged. "There's a reason you're all here, and a reason the natives of this island act the way they do. Do you honestly think they would be okay with all this death? Don't you remember how that demon terrified them when you first arrived?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


The group would manage to evade Krieger by going into another room. It was freezing cold, and dark, save for a glow from the item inside.

A cryogenic chamber sat before them all, and the silhouette of a person could be seen inside. It seemed that by pulling a lever, they could let out whoever was inside...if they wanted to risk it.

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore@Afterlife​
The suitcase would be filled with little trinkets,, all jumbled together.
View attachment 146502
Rita could find she could open them, if she so desired.



"I can't tell you, I'm afraid, because you never know who might be listening. I was only sent here to give you all a message, before one of you decides to lash out at one of the natives. I'm really just doing damage control here." Axl shrugged. "There's a reason you're all here, and a reason the natives of this island act the way they do. Do you honestly think they would be okay with all this death? Don't you remember how that demon terrified them when you first arrived?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village


The group would manage to evade Krieger by going into another room. It was freezing cold, and dark, save for a glow from the item inside.

A cryogenic chamber sat before them all, and the silhouette of a person could be seen inside. It seemed that by pulling a lever, they could let out whoever was inside...if they wanted to risk it.

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore@Afterlife​

It looked like luck was on their side, though Yato wasn't expecting this at all.


"This is like something from a horror movie." he muttered.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archmage Jeremiah @Kentucky @York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Afterlife

"I can't tell you, I'm afraid, because you never know who might be listening. I was only sent here to give you all a message, before one of you decides to lash out at one of the natives. I'm really just doing damage control here." Axl shrugged. "There's a reason you're all here, and a reason the natives of this island act the way they do. Do you honestly think they would be okay with all this death? Don't you remember how that demon terrified them when you first arrived?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​

"So they were brainwashed the Piantas between that time and after our trial?" Ernesti asks. "Well Axl, tell us as much as you possibly can. What aspects of our memories remain unaltered throughout this fiasco? Are our names, hobbies and personalities real?"

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @dark @Crow @Mari @Minerva @Midnight Maiden @Khan of the Mardu @Pianta Village​