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Murder V: The Reapers' Game Sign-Up Thread

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Don't know if you saw my OOC post Klutzy. I'm moving and will be settled soon.
@Eliza Oh damn, you actually just missed the Murder Game that was based on Dangan Ronpa and run by Atomyk.

Character's Name:

Age: 18-21

Canon: Dangan Ronpa

Short Biography:
She was a renowned gambler who managed to rob any who challenged her of all their money. Due to her nature, she was given the title "Queen of Liars".
She was revealed to be the culprit of the third murder case, as part of which she has manipulated a man into killing another and then murdered him herself, and was there upon executed by Monokuma.

How she died:

Strengths: An experienced gambler, Celeste appears collected and cunning by nature. She possesses the ability to manipulate others into her bidding and can lie with a straight face. Celeste also show her politeness to the others as she use polite language whenever she talk to the others. Celeste is shown to be fairly intelligent, referencing several aspects of game theory such as Prisoner's Dilemma or Zero Sum Game.

Weaknesses/Fears: Very short temper when something doesn't go the way she wants to, is very greedy about money, generally weak physically, her temper causes her to do reckless things such as reveal secrets about herself or others, or charging head on into an opponent of foe that clearly has an advantage.

Pin 1: Masamune

Pin 2: Cure Drink

Pin 3: Black Rose

Entry Fee: Her memory of anything other than seeking revenge on her killer and her skillful gambling
Accepted! Welcome~ ^_^

Feel free to introduce yourself to the others in the ooc section if you'd like.
Oh of course, just make sure you edit in her name because I think you left it out. I was just saying you missed the DR RP.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh snap, I was going to rp Jodie one of these days.[/BCOLOR]
Character's Name: Ashley "Ash" J. Williams

Age: In his 20's.

Canon: The Evil Dead movies (specifically Army of Darkness for this point in canon)

Relationship Status: Well, he WAS seeing this girl named Sheila. But she's currently a Deadite in the year 1300 A.D. and making out with his evil alter-ego, so he's not real sure what's going on there.

Biography: Ash was basically your average (sorta wimpy) guy, until he and his friends decided to go camping up at a cabin in the woods and accidentally played a recording of a passage from the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, aka the Book of the Dead. Ever since, his life's been a living hell. Pretty literally. Dead girlfriend: Check. Dead sister, dead friends: Check, check. Having to fight said dead loved ones as demonic undead creatures: You bet your ass. Oh, and then there's the part where he temporarily turned into a Deadite, amputated his hand, and got thrown through a time warp into the Middle Ages to fight an undead army.

Supposedly he's some hero of prophecy to these medieval cats. Now that may be, but sad to say he kinda fell short. When he went up against his evil Deadite clone (long story), he actually got his ass kicked. Took an arrow to the knee a sword through the chest. But Ash ain't one to go down without a fight; he's participating in the Reaper Games for a chance to get back to life and redeem himself. ((NOTE: This is not canon.))

Strengths: Killing Deadites, one-liners, improvisation and thinking on his feet, defying death, overcoming his fears, using firearms, physical strength. Seriously man, this guy is freakishly badass.

Weaknesses/Fears: Losing people, having to think too hard, doing pretty much anything other than killing shit. Ash is definitely street smart, not book smart. He's started to go a little nutty from all of his experiences with dark magic and dead things. He's also only got one hand.

Pin 1: Go 2 Hell

Pin 2: Shout

Pin 3: Natural Magnum

Entry Fee: His chainsaw. Reluctantly.

Sorry for the delay! I've had a busy couple of nights. Hopefully this passes muster too and is good to go for the morning? (Also, don't remember the Relationship Status being on the sheet. Do I need to go add that to Gabriel's?) EDIT: Wow, Ozzie, good job. Added his canon, but I'm leaving the Relationship Status on for Ash because it amuses me.

I still agree to the rules.
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Assuming nothing else goes wrong Ill be at the motel in a few after a very long night(s). I don't think Ill be able to have my CS in right away. Ill have to have a few hours sleepto repair the damage done to my body done over the past few weeks.
Ill try to get it on time but I might be shaving the wire, just fair warning.
Character's Name: Ashley "Ash" J. Williams

Age: In his 20's.

Relationship Status: Well, he WAS seeing this girl named Sheila. But she's currently a Deadite in the year 1300 A.D. and making out with his evil alter-ego, so he's not real sure what's going on there.

Biography: Ash was basically your average (sorta wimpy) guy, until he and his friends decided to go camping up at a cabin in the woods and accidentally played a recording of a passage from the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, aka the Book of the Dead. Ever since, his life's been a living hell. Pretty literally. Dead girlfriend: Check. Dead sister, dead friends: Check, check. Having to fight said dead loved ones as demonic undead creatures: You bet your ass. Oh, and then there's the part where he temporarily turned into a Deadite, amputated his hand, and got thrown through a time warp into the Middle Ages to fight an undead army.

Supposedly he's some hero of prophecy to these medieval cats. Now that may be, but sad to say he kinda fell short. When he went up against his evil Deadite clone (long story), he actually got his ass kicked. Took an arrow to the knee a sword through the chest. But Ash ain't one to go down without a fight; he's participating in the Reaper Games for a chance to get back to life and redeem himself. ((NOTE: This is not canon.))

Strengths: Killing Deadites, one-liners, improvisation and thinking on his feet, defying death, overcoming his fears, using firearms, physical strength. Seriously man, this guy is freakishly badass.

Weaknesses/Fears: Losing people, having to think too hard, doing pretty much anything other than killing shit. Ash is definitely street smart, not book smart. He's started to go a little nutty from all of his experiences with dark magic and dead things. He's also only got one hand.

Pin 1: Go 2 Hell

Pin 2: Shout

Pin 3: Natural Magnum

Entry Fee: His chainsaw. Reluctantly.

Sorry for the delay! I've had a busy couple of nights. Hopefully this passes muster too and is good to go for the morning? (Also, don't remember the Relationship Status being on the sheet. Do I need to go add that to Gabriel's?)

I still agree to the rules.
I aw that movie once.

Why yes. There are three.

Evil Dead
Evil Dead II
Army of Darkness

Also some vidya games and comics.

And a shitty "remake", but who cares about that.
Is it okay I do a twist Klutzy? Make it Libby he's trying to bring back?
[BCOLOR=transparent]Picture of the character:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Character's Name:[/BCOLOR] Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 32[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Canon: Lost[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Short Biography:[/BCOLOR]

Hugo Reyes, more commonly known by his nickname "Hurley", was one of the middle section survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Hurley's father disappeared when he was ten and did not return until Hurley was 27. During his father's absence, Hurley developed an eating disorder, and later a traumatic accident landed him in a mental asylum where he started seeing an imaginary person. He was overly-conscious about his sanity and weight afterwards. While employed at Mr. Cluck's, Hurley won the lottery by playing the numbers given to him by Lenny. Because of a series of unfortunate incidents following his win, he believed himself to be plagued with bad luck because of the numbers and searched for an answer to the curse.
On the Island, Hurley was typically happy-go-lucky and kept the spirits of his fellow survivors up. He was also a voice of reason in the group and used his common sense to solve difficult situations. Eventually, Hurley found that he could not escape the Numbers, and after seeing them on the side of the Hatch, believed that opening it would be a bad idea. He struggled with being given the task of dividing up the food in the Hatch and began seeing his old imaginary friend on the Island. Later, he was captured by the Others, along with Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as a part of Michael's betrayal, but was released to go back and warn the other survivors not to come for them. Back at camp, Hurley found an old DHARMA van which he was able to get running again with the help of Charlie, Sawyer, and Jin, restoring his and the rest of the survivors' optimism, and creating a belief in him of self-created luck. He later used the van as a crucial part in the mission to rescue Sayid, Jin, and Bernard.

Sadly his romantic love interest died. Prompting him to partake in this game in an effort to bring her back.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Strengths:[/BCOLOR] Hurley has the ability to make others happy. He is also physically strong, being a able to successully attack a much fitter man.

He can also commune with the dead if they choose to show themselves to him.

He is fluent in Spanish.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Weaknesses/Fears:[/BCOLOR] Hurley isn't physically fit. He can be easily winded by exertion. Mentally Hurley can sometimes question his own sanity and believes that he is a curse.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pin 1:[/BCOLOR] Sexy

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pin 2:[/BCOLOR] Thanx

[BCOLOR=transparent]Pin 3:[/BCOLOR] Fire

[BCOLOR=transparent]Entry Fee: His memories of Libby[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]OOC: The twist is he enters for Libby but he can't remember who she is once he joins.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]I read da rules. Dey so fly me good. People who don't like them I be like wassa matta you Altiar?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]I hereby state I skimmed the rules and agree to all of them. Even the one that says I have to be nice.[/BCOLOR]
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