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Continued from here.

"A Murder Mystery Role Play"

Once everyone had been shown to their rooms, you would find that the role cards that Jade said would be inside to be missing. Perhaps plans had changed? Regardless, the knock on your door would come soon enough. On your way to the lobby, nothing seemed really out of the ordinary...

However, the same couldn't be said for the lobby itself. A quick examination would reveal an unsettling sight: Rita Mordio lay motionless on the lobby's floor. She was at the side of the room in a puddle of what appeared to be blood. It's not entirely unexpected as this was meant to be a mock murder mystery, right?

Except, as Jade walked in to greet your group, he looked confused upon seeing Rita.

"That is... very strange." Moving across the lobby, Jade came to stand over Rita. Letting out a sigh, the man raised a hand to his face and adjusted his glasses. "Everyone, I advise you to stay calm and under no circumstances should you leave this room until I've finished talking. Rita was not to be our pretend victim tonight... it appears she's been murdered for real." Looking over the group, Jade seemed to be deeply thinking about something. "... I will check with the Prinnies just to be sure, but no one else but this group and the other employees of the hotel should have had access to this part of the hotel. So..."

Looking back down at Rita, Jade nodded. "So, someone in this room is likely the killer."

"This can't get back to the party. This night is for Lady Melodia, and she deserves a pleasant evening. This stays between the people in this room. I will contact the authorities when the night is over, but that may be too late... So, hm. All right. Obviously, our pretend murder mystery has been cancelled, as it seems a real one must be solved. Interesting, isn't it? If all of you have nothing to hide, then you are obligated to assist. Obviously, I will help best I can."

Leaning down next to Rita's body, Jade examined the girl closely. "I'll need help looking the body over. Some of you check out the room for anything else that might assist us. If you leave to go back to the party, under no circumstances are you to tell the other guests. A panic could start and make our personal investigation impossible."

With your current situation as it was, you had a few options to you. Would you investigate Rita's body? Check for wounds? Search her pockets?

Perhaps you would look around the body for clues?

If you wished, Jade didn't seem to mind if you wanted to head back to the party, but telling anyone of the that a real murder had occurred instead of a fake one was forbidden.​
After an hour had passed within the party, the man named Jade had gathered people around for a so-called game. Wadanohara was a little amused that her name had been called for a so called 'murder mystery game'. It sounded like it could be fun, but nothing compared to how she usually treated her own little toys back in the Red Sea. The players were then ushered into their rooms where they would get their 'role cards'.

Except there were no role cards. Wadanohara found this to be a curious, curious thing, sitting in the provided hotel room with nothing to do. She almost wished she had been in the same room as Sal, if merely to have someone to talk to or torment. When she was finally out of her room, what did everyone in the 'game' see? "Oh," the witch blinked, surprised, as everyone else gathered to look around the body, or scattered to look around for clues. She looked up for a moment to see her old shark familiar investigate around for clues, and having little else to do, decided to take a look at the body with a few others.

The girl who had died looked so young, young enough to remind Wadanohara of herself. She watched as the others argued and stared hard at each other, before looking over at the body. A slashed throat, and then some object that had been shattered nearby. Then someone said there could have been a struggle. Then a bruise on the body when someone gently moved it to see any more injuries. It looks like they're doing fine by themselves and they don't need me here. With a small shrug, the witch walked after Sal and the others with him. She had long un-summoned her staff and was back to walking around normally.

Besides, they were investigating - interrogating - the 'Prinnies' that she had been very interested in earlier. Come to think of it, what had happened to Captain-Commander Kieran, again? She had abandoned helping him earlier, and now it seemed like there was no sign of the knight.

Her red eyes caught the blue fae-girl and she walked over to her in interest, blinking as a Prinnie's scarf was stolen away by the other. The penguin had started trembling, flabbergasted, and Wadanohara giggled slightly. She didn't look too out of place standing next to this Cirno and Peashy, looking small and childlike herself. "Why did you steal the scarf from it? Poor thing," the small witch cooed over the trembling penguin.

@Sen @Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Atomyk @I was asleep through most of this boohoo​
The Prinny seemed content that at least one person cared for his mortifying dilemma. He'd expected the Boss to send them his way for that whole fake murder thing, but these guys were totally rough!


"Doods... I just wanted to help..."

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
The scarf floated through the air and draped on to the Prinny. With a contented sigh, the penguin-like creature wrapped the red fashion item around its neck. Right where it belonged!

"That's way better, dood! I don't know what's your problem... but that was out of line, dood!" The Prinny shook its head from side to side. "Boss never said what you guys were gonna be asking... So, what's up, doods?"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
  • Nice Execution!
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The scarf floated through the air and draped on to the Prinny. With a contented sigh, the penguin-like creature wrapped the red fashion item around its neck. Right where it belonged!

"That's way better, dood! I don't know what's your problem... but that was out of line, dood!" The Prinny shook its head from side to side. "Boss never said what you guys were gonna be asking... So, what's up, doods?"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
"We're here to...! uh..."

She leaned over towards Wadanohara and Peashy and muttered under her breath

"Why are we here again?

@Hana @Sen @Atomyk @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
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The scarf floated through the air and draped on to the Prinny. With a contented sigh, the penguin-like creature wrapped the red fashion item around its neck. Right where it belonged!

"That's way better, dood! I don't know what's your problem... but that was out of line, dood!" The Prinny shook its head from side to side. "Boss never said what you guys were gonna be asking... So, what's up, doods?"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
"We're here to...! uh..."

She leaned over towards Wadanohara and Peashy and muttered under her breath

"Why are we here again?

@Hana @Sen @Atomyk @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

"To find out why you adorable little creatures weren't loitering outside our rooms like you were supposed to~" Sal said lightheartedly, eyeing the creatures almost hungrily. He also caught Wadanohara's eye, winking at her. "How are we going to get one of these things home~?" he asked her telepathically.

@Hana @Atomyk @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Prinny Group
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"Albino sharks like me are hard to come by~" Sal commented, suddenly feeling proud. "I personally know a grey one, but he's just a bastard, ha ha~" The white shark almost blushed at the compliment, being a fish in the ocean didn't exactly make him stand out much, among all the jellyfish and sardines and other sharks. He was in fact, in shark form, smaller than other sharks, which he was often made fun of when he had lived in the Blue Sea. Well, no more, as a human he stood about the average. With his shark attributes like the tail and his dorsal fin, Sal couldn't help it if he was the center of attention, even for a while.

For a serial killer, Ghostface was quite amiable. "Exactly! You're thinking the way I'm thinking~ We should all be happy, even at a party. The whole point of a party is to celebrate, right~? I didn't come here for a real murder, but who's going to leave the party just because one person is dead? Shame not everyone else shares this mindset~". He glanced at Hajime, "That one is so serious~ It's cute."

"Must be fun wearing a scary costume, a white suit like mine isn't going to do anything~" the shark man sighed, his eyes averting from the expression-changing mask to the commotion happening in the middle of the room. The fairy had removed one of the bright red scarfs from the penguin creatures, causing it to freak out in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, I was actually meaning to ask about that. So, are you a shark who turns into a human? Or are you a human who turns into a shark but you identify as a shark? Just seems like there's been a growing number of animal-related folks at this party and if any more show up, I think we'll have to charge for a petting zoo. Not minding you of course. Because I think a shark would have a pretty nasty bite.." He'd say in a subtle compliment towards Sal. "But the cat people, the things that say they aren't penguins but are totally penguins, and whatever else? Totally up for grabs."

"..Right? I mean sure someone died and I'm not eager to die myself. I've got plenty of stuff I've still gotta do! So let's kick it up while we can and find this murderer too." Like maybe dragging Kido back with him and ChromeSkull whenever this party died(not a pun)and murder her. Then send them to all of her little friends who thought they could get one over on him.

Seeing Sal's disappointment in regards to his suit, Ghostface leaned in and sought to sling an arm around his shoulder.

"Eh, I wouldn't be so down on your suit, Sal. I mean look at ChromeSkull. He's wearing an all black suit and to the average joe? He's pretty scary." Wasn't exactly proper to go any further than that in regards to Chrome, lest he let slip something he really shouldn't.

"Get a little fake blood on there in a sort of splotchy-like fashion and boom you're suddenly scary. After something like a murder, blood either paints you as a suspect or a potential victim. One side gets ostracized and possibly even feared in the vein thought that you may have been the one to do the terrible deed. That's one way to earn some scares, if you don't mind the baggage of having fingers pointed at you left and right and possibly even worse than that. Though to avoid all that being falsely accused of a murder hassle, you probably shouldn't use real blood. Horror movies get away with it all the time and you know how scary they are right? From Dusk Til Dawn, the Evil Dead films, etc. Course, a guy like you who dresses all fancy-like. You could get a real good America Pyscho thing going. Flash a toothy grin at someone with those razor sharp shark teeth and maybe you'll get a couple scares. Is a helpful way to step past all the boil and toil of having to wash that fake blood out. I mean I'd be just terrified if a shark guy looked at me like that.."

"But this isn't why we're here, is it little guy?" He'd turn to ask the Scarf Prinny.
The scarf floated through the air and draped on to the Prinny. With a contented sigh, the penguin-like creature wrapped the red fashion item around its neck. Right where it belonged!

"That's way better, dood! I don't know what's your problem... but that was out of line, dood!" The Prinny shook its head from side to side. "Boss never said what you guys were gonna be asking... So, what's up, doods?"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

ChromeSkull had overcome his bewilderment at what had just occurred with all the Prinnies dancing and he really didn't approve of the comical situation that had just unraveled.

Stepping forward and glancing down at the Prinny, ChromeSkull's camera swiveled downwards to glance at the prinny while the slasher pulled out his phone.


@Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Sen @Hana
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The Prinny would like to stay here, thank you very much.

"Huuuuh?" The Prinny tilted its head in confusion. Well, it actually looked more like it was tilting its whole body in confusion. "Dood... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" The Prinny pirouetted in a circle for whatever reason. Maybe he was trying to get a look at the other Prinnies in the room.

"Hey, dood, you're right. Something seems off here. Boss said we had to keep everyone in the banquet hall for the party, but some red guy tried sneaking past us, dood!" The Prinny pointed a fin at a group of Prinnies spinning nearby. "I heard from them that a bunch of us were chasing around that guy so they forgot a duty or two. Sorry, dood..." Hopefully nothing too bad resulted from that, right?

"You know, I don't think we caught the guy, doods!"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
"Ooh, so you thought its head would come off if you took off the scarf," Wadanohara echoed after the fairy, tilting her head and eyeing the fairy oddly. Then she looked away with a little laugh. "You have such strange ideas, miss fairy~" After the matter with the scarf was taken care of - though she missed seeing the penguin look so horrified and worried now - she also turned to look at it. The fairy beside her stumbled slightly with explaining why they were here, and the sea witch just stood there with a small smile. Moments after the fairy had spoken, the white shark man had taken over.

She nodded emphatically after Sal, smiling at the penguin. The witch had to have an inward giggle at the hungry look Sal wasn't even bothering to hide in his eyes, blinking as he looked at her and saying nothing. "A corpse was found in the lobby," the witch told the penguin simply, looking at it intently with her red eyes. "Weren't you supposed to also be keeping watch outside of our rooms, mister penguin?" Absently, she wondered if the penguins had managed to catch Kieran. It was a little disappointing to see the lack of explosions, had the knight actually managed to sneak past these penguins? Then they weren't really competent guards now, were they? Especially now that a murder had actually happened.

Another of the other players had also questioned the penguin, and Wadanohara glanced at him. An odd mask was on his face, and he had been speaking with Sal earlier. As the penguin began to answer, Wadanohara blinked. A man in red. Oh, was that the Captain Commander? A rare feeling of mingled amusement and sheepishness ran through the small witch. She had indirectly caused this, after all. Indirectly led the penguins to chase Kieran around instead of doing their jobs. "Could this person be the culprit?" She wondered aloud.

@Sen @Atomyk @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Yeah, I was actually meaning to ask about that. So, are you a shark who turns into a human? Or are you a human who turns into a shark but you identify as a shark? Just seems like there's been a growing number of animal-related folks at this party and if any more show up, I think we'll have to charge for a petting zoo. Not minding you of course. Because I think a shark would have a pretty nasty bite.." He'd say in a subtle compliment towards Sal. "But the cat people, the things that say they aren't penguins but are totally penguins, and whatever else? Totally up for grabs."

"..Right? I mean sure someone died and I'm not eager to die myself. I've got plenty of stuff I've still gotta do! So let's kick it up while we can and find this murderer too."
Like maybe dragging Kido back with him and ChromeSkull whenever this party died(not a pun)and murder her. Then send them to all of her little friends who thought they could get one over on him.

Seeing Sal's disappointment in regards to his suit, Ghostface leaned in and sought to sling an arm around his shoulder.

"Eh, I wouldn't be so down on your suit, Sal. I mean look at ChromeSkull. He's wearing an all black suit and to the average joe? He's pretty scary." Wasn't exactly proper to go any further than that in regards to Chrome, lest he let slip something he really shouldn't.

"Get a little fake blood on there in a sort of splotchy-like fashion and boom you're suddenly scary. After something like a murder, blood either paints you as a suspect or a potential victim. One side gets ostracized and possibly even feared in the vein thought that you may have been the one to do the terrible deed. That's one way to earn some scares, if you don't mind the baggage of having fingers pointed at you left and right and possibly even worse than that. Though to avoid all that being falsely accused of a murder hassle, you probably shouldn't use real blood. Horror movies get away with it all the time and you know how scary they are right? From Dusk Til Dawn, the Evil Dead films, etc. Course, a guy like you who dresses all fancy-like. You could get a real good America Pyscho thing going. Flash a toothy grin at someone with those razor sharp shark teeth and maybe you'll get a couple scares. Is a helpful way to step past all the boil and toil of having to wash that fake blood out. I mean I'd be just terrified if a shark guy looked at me like that.."

"But this isn't why we're here, is it little guy?" He'd turn to ask the Scarf Prinny.


"A shark that can turn into a human, my friend~ Plenty of people can do it where I come from. But of course, not everyone can, ha ha~" Strange how his mother gave birth to two different shark species. Huh, he never thought about it that way. While his brother was a normal looking grey shark, he was pure white and smaller. His brother was definitely not a salmon shark like him, albino or not. Sal sighed, now wasn't the time to be thinking of such biological questions. "Swimming around with sea people and eels and jellyfish, to you it probably sounds so strange~ But I assure you, it's fun." Especially since the Blue Sea was overtaken by the Sea of Death. What's not fun about skeletons, eyeballs and strange creatures lurking in the dark?

"I've never thought of it that way before, heehee~" He flashed a grin at Ghostface. "But even when I travel, it makes sense in a crowded human area that I look like this, right? I suppose people like to judge the cover of the book." Most people didn't even give him a second glance, especially in human cities. "It's so cute how they're so afraid of us at the beach. Some of us sharks just want to play!"
The Prinny would like to stay here, thank you very much.

"Huuuuh?" The Prinny tilted its head in confusion. Well, it actually looked more like it was tilting its whole body in confusion. "Dood... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" The Prinny pirouetted in a circle for whatever reason. Maybe he was trying to get a look at the other Prinnies in the room.

"Hey, dood, you're right. Something seems off here. Boss said we had to keep everyone in the banquet hall for the party, but some red guy tried sneaking past us, dood!" The Prinny pointed a fin at a group of Prinnies spinning nearby. "I heard from them that a bunch of us were chasing around that guy so they forgot a duty or two. Sorry, dood..." Hopefully nothing too bad resulted from that, right?

"You know, I don't think we caught the guy, doods!"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

So poor Kieran was the reason why so many Prinnies were absent. The poor man, what was he doing right now? Still trying to sneak his name onto the list, or was he on his way back? Or, perhaps, he was back in the party, unaware of the events unfolding. Now he was a prime suspect, Sal would have never expected it if he was a killer. Was he lying to him and Wadanohara about his name not being on the list just so he could get an 'easy escape'? The shark man sniffled a chuckle, bet it wasn't part of his plan for the Red Sea Witch to foil his plans like that, the little trickster. "Where did those Prinnies chase him up to?" He nodded along to Wadanohara's words. "He could have easily killed somebody since he wasn't contained at the party~"

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @Hana @PrinnyCreeeew
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Brad was standing in a sea of white lilies.

He walked without destination, shoulders slouched as though the weight of the world itself pressed down on them. He walked with his gaze tracing the ground, unable or unwilling to look forward to what awaited him. The failure walked, and his feet dragged behind him, as if even they loathed the task of walking with him. Just stop, they seemed to say. Just lay down and stop existing, you w-w-w-wORthlEsS sHIt K-KId-f-fshhhhzt.



Reality came apart in a crackle of static. For a moment, he couldn't see. And then he didn't want to.



your mother would be fucking ashamed of you

Not again. Please. Not him... Not again...

He was the devil. And this was hell. It was always the same. The lilies bled and threw up and shriveled and burned underfoot. The peaceful skies ran black with smoke. Smoke so thick he couldn't breath. He was barefoot and the ashes of the lilies were laced with broken bottles and glass and walking across them hurt so bad, it was s-sO bAD he wanted to stop...

But suddenly, she was there.

At the end of the long, winding road. Untouched by the depravity around her, blissfully oblivious to it. Happy. And safe.



His feet still dragged, but when he reached her it didn't matter. The nobody collapsed to his knees before her, tears rolling from his haggard eyes like streams. Tears of Joy. The hellscape around him melted away, dissipating in the wash of her radiant white light. Nothing else mattered except this. Nothing.

He couldn't restrain himself any longer. He choked out a sob, smiling for what felt like the first time in years when he looked into her eyes.

Brad hugged her. And, tentatively, the small girl hugged him back.

"... Brad. You found me..."

The old man sniffled, overwhelmed by the sound of her voice alone.

"Yeah, Buddy. I did. I found you."

He heaved out a sigh, unwilling to let go of the hug just yet.

"And I swear I'll never lose you again... We're a team from now on, okay? Just like it should be. Brad and Buddy..."

He opened his eyes at last, starting to regain some semblance of composure.

"Sounds pretty good to me."

This was all he wanted. It was his one dream.

The bad thing about dreams was that they had a habit of ending.


"... Yeah, little buddy?"

He broke off the hug in confusion, pulling back to look Buddy in the eye. But who he saw... wasn't Buddy. She was too tall, too old... too pale.


"Please don't stray."

... What?



Brad woke up.

It took him a moment to come to his senses, and in that time he wasn't entirely sure where he was. Or what was going on. Then, he remembered.

The party. The roles. The room.

His had been one of the names selected. He had been herded into the lobby along with the others, told what to expect, and then led to his room, where he was locked in to study a role card that wasn't there. Someone must've messed up; What happened after that was obvious. Brad sat up, expression grim as he eyed the handful of small blue pellets scattered across the floor. He must've passed out... Missed the knock at his door. Fallen behind.


Brad took some JOY!

Well... He guessed it was in his best interest to go find out what he missed.


Apparently a lot.

Someone was killed for real... Why? Brad couldn't understand it. This wasn't Olathe. Things were perfect here. There was no reason to kill one another.

"It's an awful pity, isn't it?"

A voice clucked its tongue from next to him. Brad glanced over to see the girl who called herself Didi, holding her trademark black parasol over one shoulder as she gazed at the scene of the crime with a faraway look.


"D'you suppose she had plans for the future, that little engineer? She was fifteen. Orphaned, not many friends, but that didn't stop her becoming a prodigy back where she's from. She was top in her field. Could've done anything."

The pale girl sighed wistfully, swinging her parasol down and collapsing it to place its tip against the ground like it was a cane.

"Maybe it's not so bad. It's raining here, but maybe it's sunny somewhere else."

What she meant by that was for her to know, and she didn't seem intent on explaining it anytime soon. The two of them stood there in mutual silence for a few seconds, watching the others as they searched for clues and evidence.

"... Didi."

Brad finally spoke, brow even more creased than usual in contemplation.

"Why... Why did you bring me here? I'm not a detective. I don't understand..."

"You remember what I said to you, Brad?"

She turned around and glanced to her left, giving him a small smile before she walked away.

"Sometimes it's just easier not to try."


She left him to digest that statement, whatever it meant. For the time being it looked like he had nothing better to do than follow along with the investigation, so that was what he did. Maybe there was some way he could help.
"HOLY CRAP THAT PENGUINS A DULLAHAN!" Cirno said, shocked to see the trademark red scarf so far away from Gensokyo!



She flitted off to the side of the conversation before trying to creep up on the scarf toting prinny, intent on pulling on its scarf to see if the head rolled off. It was very relevant to the case
It would be pretty easy for Cirno to steal the Prinny's scarf. Once it had unraveled from his head, it didn't fall off, but the little guy was suddenly pretty scared.


"Dood! I'm naked!"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raven @Arlathina @Alyto @Kaykay @TheSpringwoodSlasher @york @The Silver Paladin @Verite @The Yuletide Tactician @Hazel-rah @Sen @The Great Detective @Krieg @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Watching it look so dumbfounded and shocked, turning this way and that and trying to grab the scarf back was adorable. The widened eyes, that expression. He wanted to see more it~ Were penguins always this interesting? At least, not the ones he had met. They were more introverted... and loved to smoke. Huh.​
After an hour had passed within the party, the man named Jade had gathered people around for a so-called game. Wadanohara was a little amused that her name had been called for a so called 'murder mystery game'. It sounded like it could be fun, but nothing compared to how she usually treated her own little toys back in the Red Sea. The players were then ushered into their rooms where they would get their 'role cards'.

Except there were no role cards. Wadanohara found this to be a curious, curious thing, sitting in the provided hotel room with nothing to do. She almost wished she had been in the same room as Sal, if merely to have someone to talk to or torment. When she was finally out of her room, what did everyone in the 'game' see? "Oh," the witch blinked, surprised, as everyone else gathered to look around the body, or scattered to look around for clues. She looked up for a moment to see her old shark familiar investigate around for clues, and having little else to do, decided to take a look at the body with a few others.

The girl who had died looked so young, young enough to remind Wadanohara of herself. She watched as the others argued and stared hard at each other, before looking over at the body. A slashed throat, and then some object that had been shattered nearby. Then someone said there could have been a struggle. Then a bruise on the body when someone gently moved it to see any more injuries. It looks like they're doing fine by themselves and they don't need me here. With a small shrug, the witch walked after Sal and the others with him. She had long un-summoned her staff and was back to walking around normally.

Besides, they were investigating - interrogating - the 'Prinnies' that she had been very interested in earlier. Come to think of it, what had happened to Captain-Commander Kieran, again? She had abandoned helping him earlier, and now it seemed like there was no sign of the knight.

Her red eyes caught the blue fae-girl and she walked over to her in interest, blinking as a Prinnie's scarf was stolen away by the other. The penguin had started trembling, flabbergasted, and Wadanohara giggled slightly. She didn't look too out of place standing next to this Cirno and Peashy, looking small and childlike herself. "Why did you steal the scarf from it? Poor thing," the small witch cooed over the trembling penguin.

@Sen @Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Atomyk @I was asleep through most of this boohoo​

Cirno quickly tossed the scarf back at the penguin because no one wanted to see that. "I'm sorry, I, I just thought your head was gonna come off!"

@Hana @Sen @Atomyk @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
The Prinny would like to stay here, thank you very much.

"Huuuuh?" The Prinny tilted its head in confusion. Well, it actually looked more like it was tilting its whole body in confusion. "Dood... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" The Prinny pirouetted in a circle for whatever reason. Maybe he was trying to get a look at the other Prinnies in the room.

"Hey, dood, you're right. Something seems off here. Boss said we had to keep everyone in the banquet hall for the party, but some red guy tried sneaking past us, dood!" The Prinny pointed a fin at a group of Prinnies spinning nearby. "I heard from them that a bunch of us were chasing around that guy so they forgot a duty or two. Sorry, dood..." Hopefully nothing too bad resulted from that, right?

"You know, I don't think we caught the guy, doods!"

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher


"... What the hell... What's wrong with you people..."

The less said about that exchange, the better. Brad listened silently while the oddball collection of wannabe detectives' lines of questioning got more pertinent, right up to when the prinny mentioned the red-haired man from earlier and how a bulk of the staff had been busy running around after him. That was when he chimed in, voice soft-spoken and gruff in contrast to the youth that seemed to pervade the other investigators present.

"Is that why our rooms didn't have the role cards they were meant to, either?"

He stared directly down at the penguin.

"... Did you guys do anything you were supposed to be doing..."

He wondered who the hell ever thought penguins would make for good caterers, anyway.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Atomyk @Prinny group

"...what's this? A wide multiverse and yet another Brit is here too? Splendid! Not quite my favored accent but still...lovely. If I may ask for one moment instead of focusing on the corpse, what's your name? And what'd you put in your hair?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Krieg @others


"Somebody say "Brit"?"

The alabaster goth abruptly interjected, stepping over to Kilgrave and Tracer from... wherever it was she'd been standing before. It wasn't really clear where she came from, actually. But more importantly, her voice carried the clear ring of her own Estuary London dialect, contrasting the thicker cockney of Tracer and more refined posh of Kilgrave; striking a sort of balance between the two, in a way. Now the party was well-and-truly rounded out.

Didi smiled, framing the sunglasses she wore on her face with both hands as if snapping a Kodak.

"Oh, you guys are just the best! Everything going on around you, murders, trans-universal birthday parties, and what's your fancy? Finding a few more homelandies among all these yanks and penguins. Done like a true Englishman, I suppose! Never change."

She gave a giggle, laughing at her own joke that in all honesty probably only she understood. Still funny, though.

@Krieg @C.T.

"Hmm... You know, dood..."


The Prinny nodded, understanding the situation faster than was probably expected of him.

"That's some heavy stuff, dood. But, you can tell the Boss that we definitely locked all the doors! The guys who were on it also went around knocking on the doors at the correct time... and unlocked the doors they got a response from, dood! Ahh, clearly the guys who were supposed to hand out the roles and hang out in the lobby were busy chasing that dude... dood!"

The Prinny then pointed back out the door with his fin. "So, doods... I guess you'll have to find that red knight! We don't know where he could be, but we'll deliberate to try and give you a probable location, doods!" The Prinny turned to his Prinny pals, and they all began to...


... It seemed 'deliberate' meant 'spin in place'... by the looks of things, they could be at it for a while.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
The witch merely smiled cheerfully at Osgood, elevating her staff more so she was a little more level with the other two. Sometimes her height made things inconvenient, but she also very much knew the advantages of having an appearance like hers. Small, frail-looking, and therefore often completely dismissed as non-threatening. Even her magic was seen as something of a charming novelty... Only Sal knew how devastating the Red Sea Witch's true powers could be. The power to wash away almost everything under crushing tides, summon bloody hurricanes and corrode things with corrupted waters. And even then, Wadanohara still found more amusement in just slapping or shoving things around, or teasing them.

She cocked her head at Lockhart's remark, sensing a small bit of upset from him. "Mm? I've been riding my staff for centuries," she said cheerfully, before acknowledging the newcomer. "Hello, my name is Wadanohara. I'm a sea witch." She swiveled her hovering staff around and crossed her legs like lady, facing the man. Instead of saying anything, she merely watched Osgood converse with the man. It seemed the two had some similarities. "Cyborgs?" There were a lot of things that she knew didn't exist in her own world, though Sal brought back information about the other worlds back to their home. "They don't exist in my world, but they and the Cybermen both sound scary." She was curious about what they were like, and if these Cybermen could easily be crushed by the sea waters she could command. "I think the closest I could say about an artificial body was King Artamos, from the Tosatsu kingdom. He was a rather handsome man before he somehow lost his body, though. Now he just hovers around in a metal rabbit's head," she then remembered Princess Tosatsu's father, from long, long ago, long before the sea became the Sea of Death.

@Gen. Magic Senpai @Mighty Roman
'Then you're lucky. Anywhere'd be better of without the Cybermen. You're planet sounds quite safe actually.'
However, Lockhart interrupted with. 'Centuries? You look quite young for that age. In fact, 'd appreciate knowing that spell for ah, scientific purposes.'
But in response to Kiritsugu's question, Osgood said.
'I'm Osgood, and this is my...friend, Gilderoy Lockhart.'
'Oh, no need to undersell me, dear girl. I am Gilderoy Lockhart, magical adventurer, hero, and quite the author too. You...may have heard of me.'
'And as for the Torchwood Institute, they're not really the government...they're outside the government, beyond the police. They're similar to UNIT, but follow their own rules, and steal alien technology for themselves.'
@Hana @Gen. Magic Senpai
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
"Hmm, should we look for that man?" Wadanohara looked around at the others after the Prinny had finished speaking. While it was 'deliberating', or whatever it was, the red-eyed witch took her time to look at the others. There were the two strange mask-wearing men that Sal had befriended, and it looked like the white shark was much more comfortable speaking to them than he had been with the Doctor. And of course, there was the fairy, Cirno, and the small girl-child called Peashy, the ones who looked closer to Wadanohara's age. Then a few others, who also listened to the Prinny speak. These were the people who would decide either to continue looking for clues, or to track down Kieran.

Is he really the culprit, though? The witch thought with a dispassionate stare, looking over at Sal. "Your thoughts?" She didn't quite believe that earnest-looking knight would be someone to do something like this. In addition, he seemed to know Jade, the one who was hosting this ruined party. Then again, appearances were deceiving. She knew that most of all, she and this shark-man she called a partner knew this very intimately. Sal had always been one of those who were best at pretending, but now that who he was had been laid bare for her centuries ago, she saw him as just Sal. A salmon shark. A murderer of her old home's friends. A tormentor. An ambassador of the Sea of Death. And lastly, a friend. Or was he? She didn't know what the shark was to her, sometimes, except he was the one that caused her to fall into what she was now.

"We won't get anywhere if we stand around like this," The Red Sea Witch piped up once again, smiling. Looking over at the Prinny, who was still taking its sweet time deliberating, she shook her head. "Some of us should continue on looking for leads, should we separate? A group to look for Kieran, and another to continue on searching for clues?" She asked the group. "I'm going to look for Kieran. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say for himself," she told her partner mentally. Holding out her hand, she formed her long anchor-like staff again and held on to it. It was in this time that she wistfully remembered using her water magic to keep track of Kieran. After she had dispelled it, though, she could no longer trace the man's whereabouts. "Such a pity I can't track him now."

@Sen @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Anyone else here
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
As they were gathered and the body was discovered both Morrigan and Jezebel would have stood on the side lines contemplating what was going on.


"A real murder? My that's certainly one way to get a party started."

As someone mentioned to investigate the Prinnies the duos would follow to listen what they had to say.
"Hmm... You know, dood..."


The Prinny nodded, understanding the situation faster than was probably expected of him.

"That's some heavy stuff, dood. But, you can tell the Boss that we definitely locked all the doors! The guys who were on it also went around knocking on the doors at the correct time... and unlocked the doors they got a response from, dood! Ahh, clearly the guys who were supposed to hand out the roles and hang out in the lobby were busy chasing that dude... dood!"

The Prinny then pointed back out the door with his fin. "So, doods... I guess you'll have to find that red knight! We don't know where he could be, but we'll deliberate to try and give you a probable location, doods!" The Prinny turned to his Prinny pals, and they all began to...


... It seemed 'deliberate' meant 'spin in place'... by the looks of things, they could be at it for a while.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
"Something tells me the red knight will be dressed in more crimson when we finally find him." Jezebel replied grimly not expecting them to find him alive.

"Thank you lowlies for your help just continue to do...whatever you're doing." Morrigan replied to the Prinnies.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

"A shark that can turn into a human, my friend~ Plenty of people can do it where I come from. But of course, not everyone can, ha ha~" Strange how his mother gave birth to two different shark species. Huh, he never thought about it that way. While his brother was a normal looking grey shark, he was pure white and smaller. His brother was definitely not a salmon shark like him, albino or not. Sal sighed, now wasn't the time to be thinking of such biological questions. "Swimming around with sea people and eels and jellyfish, to you it probably sounds so strange~ But I assure you, it's fun." Especially since the Blue Sea was overtaken by the Sea of Death. What's not fun about skeletons, eyeballs and strange creatures lurking in the dark?

"I've never thought of it that way before, heehee~" He flashed a grin at Ghostface. "But even when I travel, it makes sense in a crowded human area that I look like this, right? I suppose people like to judge the cover of the book." Most people didn't even give him a second glance, especially in human cities. "It's so cute how they're so afraid of us at the beach. Some of us sharks just want to play!"​

"Sounds like you have quite the unique world there, Sal." If there were humans that were afraid of sharks in Sal's world, Ghostface could only imagine their fears were worsened by the fact that the shark they were so frightened of could walk on two legs and talk just like them. Interesting to think about at least.

"I..Don't think I'd ever want to go swimming with jellyfish but hey man, I'll take your word for it. As for humans being scared of your people, I've found that if you try hard enough, you can scare a human with just about anything. Whether that's as something out of the way as having an encounter with a shark at the beach or being chased around by a man with a knife. It's just got all to do with how you play things out. Even something as a phone call can be scary if you do it right. Half the fun comes from seeing the frightened reactions on their faces as they ponder their next move, unsure if it'll be their last. Part of the reason I like horror movies as much as I do. Because of the raw thrill you get when you try to see what scare's gonna happen next."

After the prinny mentioned some guy in red, Ghostface folded his arms across his chest and looked over at ChromeSkull.

"Then we just gotta find this guy right? Maybe he killed Rita and decided to up and flee. Couldn't bare the weight of his actions. Killer's remorse, perhaps. Or maybe the guy had nothing to do with this and we're just following a red herring."


"Alrighty then, point taken."
"We won't get anywhere if we stand around like this," The Red Sea Witch piped up once again, smiling. Looking over at the Prinny, who was still taking its sweet time deliberating, she shook her head. "Some of us should continue on looking for leads, should we separate? A group to look for Kieran, and another to continue on searching for clues?" She asked the group. "I'm going to look for Kieran. It would be interesting to hear what he has to say for himself," she told her partner mentally. Holding out her hand, she formed her long anchor-like staff again and held on to it. It was in this time that she wistfully remembered using her water magic to keep track of Kieran. After she had dispelled it, though, she could no longer trace the man's whereabouts. "Such a pity I can't track him now."

@Sen @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Anyone else here


"Eh, I'll go wherever you and my new shark friend go."


"Something tells me the red knight will be dressed in more crimson when we finally find him." Jezebel replied grimly not expecting them to find him alive.


"What a real shame that'd be.." The comment was supposed to come off as sarcastic but Ghostface would have been quite disappointed if this guy ended up dead. This meant another murderer besides them was still lurking around and the only lead they had at the moment was another one of their victims.

@Jeremi @Hana @OrlandoBloomers @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Atomyk
"Hmm... You know, dood..."


The Prinny nodded, understanding the situation faster than was probably expected of him.

"That's some heavy stuff, dood. But, you can tell the Boss that we definitely locked all the doors! The guys who were on it also went around knocking on the doors at the correct time... and unlocked the doors they got a response from, dood! Ahh, clearly the guys who were supposed to hand out the roles and hang out in the lobby were busy chasing that dude... dood!"

The Prinny then pointed back out the door with his fin. "So, doods... I guess you'll have to find that red knight! We don't know where he could be, but we'll deliberate to try and give you a probable location, doods!" The Prinny turned to his Prinny pals, and they all began to...


... It seemed 'deliberate' meant 'spin in place'... by the looks of things, they could be at it for a while.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

Penguin guards who love imitating ballerinas... Well, I'll give them a point for originality, but can't we just have one normal conversation in this investigation? "Anything yet, penguins?"
"Hmm... You know, dood..."


The Prinny nodded, understanding the situation faster than was probably expected of him.

"That's some heavy stuff, dood. But, you can tell the Boss that we definitely locked all the doors! The guys who were on it also went around knocking on the doors at the correct time... and unlocked the doors they got a response from, dood! Ahh, clearly the guys who were supposed to hand out the roles and hang out in the lobby were busy chasing that dude... dood!"

The Prinny then pointed back out the door with his fin. "So, doods... I guess you'll have to find that red knight! We don't know where he could be, but we'll deliberate to try and give you a probable location, doods!" The Prinny turned to his Prinny pals, and they all began to...


... It seemed 'deliberate' meant 'spin in place'... by the looks of things, they could be at it for a while.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher
Neo simply just stood there and wondered when they would get the information they needed from the Prinnies.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Yuletide Tactician @Jeremi @everybody :D​
The witch cocked her head at the man with the steel mask, noticing that he was holding something small in his hand and tapping on the surface. He and his friend seemed to be deliberating among themselves on what to do next, and as the masked man held the object up, Wadanohara blinked. "Oh? You're coming with me, then," She sent the much taller man a smile, liking the air around him. Even behind his mask, the little witch could tell that he was more than just a seasoned killer, and she could smell the hints of old blood around him. He didn't quite smell like the death and decay that were the scents she associated with home, with the Red Sea, but all the same her crimson eyes were warm and amused. "I like you," she commented idly, planting her staff on the floor and eyeing him with interest. "And it seems that my old familiar likes your friend, too," she nodded at the other man who wore a white, distorted mask, eyes flitting over to Sal for a moment. "Are you coming with us to look for the red knight?"

"May I ask for your names? I didn't catch them, though Sal must know you two by now," she asked gaily, bowing her head slightly. Then she blinked and clapped her hands together, spinning around to look at the light-green haired woman with wings and horns. The short witch looked at her up and down with curiosity. Horns and wings? A demoness, maybe? She had come in later after the initial group, and wore a grim expression. "Are you also joining us, miss?" It seemed like a lot of this group wanted to go and look for Kieran, she noted.

@Sen @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Jeremi @Alyto @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Atomyk
"Hmm... You know, dood..."


The Prinny nodded, understanding the situation faster than was probably expected of him.

"That's some heavy stuff, dood. But, you can tell the Boss that we definitely locked all the doors! The guys who were on it also went around knocking on the doors at the correct time... and unlocked the doors they got a response from, dood! Ahh, clearly the guys who were supposed to hand out the roles and hang out in the lobby were busy chasing that dude... dood!"

The Prinny then pointed back out the door with his fin. "So, doods... I guess you'll have to find that red knight! We don't know where he could be, but we'll deliberate to try and give you a probable location, doods!" The Prinny turned to his Prinny pals, and they all began to...


... It seemed 'deliberate' meant 'spin in place'... by the looks of things, they could be at it for a while.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Alyto @TheSpringwoodSlasher

"What is that penguin doing? It looks stupid!" Peashy said in response.

@Hana @Sen @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Atomyk @TheSpringwoodSlasher
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