Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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A pair of jolly Dorothy/Scarecrow animatronics waved at you: What was discomforting, however, was the two Innocentz members located just outside the main entrance. It was in an upward arc, as well, as if they were on a hill. Between you and them was a long grass maze, a waiting line, blocking their point of view. There's a bush you could hide in as well. Do you hide there? Y/N?

@Anyone at Dorothy's Ride.

A pair of jolly Dorothy/Scarecrow animatronics waved at you: What was discomforting, however, was the two Innocentz members located just outside the main entrance. It was in an upward arc, as well, as if they were on a hill. Between you and them was a long grass maze, a waiting line, blocking their point of view. There's a bush you could hide in as well. Do you hide there? Y/N?

@Anyone at Dorothy's Ride.
My mind must of been playing trick son me, what I thought was a circular room with the gas was just part of my imagination. Once through the door, I have apparently found a hedge maze with men at the end of it. Behind me though was voices, familiar ones. It was none other than @Dallas @Sandra and @The Last Outlaw

"I just can't seem to escape ya'll?" I asked, turning around so I could face them.
A pair of jolly Dorothy/Scarecrow animatronics waved at you: What was discomforting, however, was the two Innocentz members located just outside the main entrance. It was in an upward arc, as well, as if they were on a hill. Between you and them was a long grass maze, a waiting line, blocking their point of view. There's a bush you could hide in as well. Do you hide there? Y/N?

@Anyone at Dorothy's Ride.
"Damn!" I swore quietly as dove into the bush for cover and poked the barrel of the rifle out oh so slightly to avoid detection. I could take shot, but the sound would give away where I was. If only there was something to drown out the shot.

// You Totally edited that in you little shit. //
(( I posted that in some time ago. :P Scroll back a few pages... or a page. I dunno. ))
An ensemble of old school buses lay dormant behind the Museum's guest parking lot. You count five, three appear in relatively poor condition—their paint shoddy, rust encasing the fragile steel rims, followed by listless blood streaks splattered across the outer hull—so perhaps it's best to avoid them. However, two appear in fairly good condition. Newer models, possibly. Wait a minute, this description was oddly familiar? It was a replica of the school buses used in Ties that Bind. Hell, there's even a loose rope in the back Kinzie Kensington used to tie up Matt Miller... what the fuck? Weird.

However, it's heavily guarded by approximately 15 Innocentz members: It appears Starkweather was anticipating strays. Not you, exactly, but anyone who dared brave the amusement park in order to 'run off' with the goods.

@Reaper Jack

Jack saw gang members; he did a quick head count.
Seven there; eight there. Is that all of them? One, two, three...he made sure that he hadn't counted any of them twice. He hadn't. Fifteen in all. Fif-fucking-teen.

It was too many to deal with in a head-on assault; even assuming Laura could put a single round cleanly into all of them; they had the ammo, and they had the drop on them. They still wouldn't be able to put all fifteen down before they got noticed.

"Damn it."

He went low behind the wall again before he spoke to Laura.

"You seeing this? We can't take that head-on. Even sneaking might be difficult."
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Jack saw gang members; he did a quick head count.
Seven there; eight there. Is that all of them? One, two, three...he made sure that he hadn't counted any of them twice. He hadn't. Fifteen in all. Fif-fucking-teen.

It was too many to deal with in a head-on assault; even assuming Laura could put a single round cleanly into all of them; they had the ammo, and they had the drop on them. They still wouldn't be able to put all fifteen down before they got noticed.

"Damn it."

He went low behind the wall again before he spoke to Laura.

"You seeing this? We can't take that head-on. Even sneaking might be difficult."
"I say we fall back. If we even try and get caught its game over. We'll be safer going away and thinking up a plan or trying to get fuel first."

There was no way in hell she was even attempting the shoot at not just one but fifteen of those creeps. Not only would she not be able to shot them all before getting noticed if they did they would surely meet the same fate as poor Amber or something similar. It wasn't worth the risk.

"Theres not much we can do. All I know is we can't handle this. Not alone."
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My mind must of been playing trick son me, what I thought was a circular room with the gas was just part of my imagination. Once through the door, I have apparently found a hedge maze with men at the end of it. Behind me though was voices, familiar ones. It was none other than @Dallas @Sandra and @The Last Outlaw

"I just can't seem to escape ya'll?" I asked, turning around so I could face them.
I was there too- standing awkwardly at the front entrance. People were hiding from the guys, but I sort of stuck out, in plain sight.

I guess you could say I was still a little disoriented from the death of Amber.

I was ready to crouch down, to join them and help with whatever plan we needed to come up with, but suddenly, I tripped. "SHIT!" I yelled, and quickly recovered.

However, the two gunmen spotted me. Oops?
"Damn!" I swore quietly as dove into the bush for cover and poked the barrel of the rifle out oh so slightly to avoid detection. I could take shot, but the sound would give away where I was. If only there was something to drown out the shot.

The man ran passed me, ignoring the fact that I was there and hid in a bush. I followed after and crouch besides him. "And what are you doing in a place like this, and by this I mean the damn bush?"
"Damn!" I swore quietly as dove into the bush for cover and poked the barrel of the rifle out oh so slightly to avoid detection. I could take shot, but the sound would give away where I was. If only there was something to drown out the shot.


I dove next to him, already freaking out. Salwa was basically clinging to him for protection. Salwa would be gripping her gun, eyes wide.
"I say we fall back. If we even try and get caught its game over. We'll be safer going away and thinking up a plan or trying to get fuel first."

There was no way in hell she was even attempting the shoot at not just one but fifteen of those creeps. Not only would she not be able to shot them all before getting noticed if they did they would surely meet the same fate as poor Amber or something similar. It wasn't worth the risk.

"Theres not much we can do. All I know is we can't handle this. Not alone."
Jack nodded in agreement.

"You're right; at the very least if I had a gun and we got the drop on them we could do it; with just one - no chance."

He moved along the wall; stooping low to remain behind it.

"Come on; we need to find some more equipment or people before we even think about that."

His eyes fell on a control building for a nearby ride; he started to make for it; being careful to stay in whatever shadows he could find and hugging the walls.
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I dove next to him, already freaking out. Salwa was basically clinging to him for protection. Salwa would be gripping her gun, eyes wide.
Sitting in the bush next the gunman, whose name I had not caught, I looked over at Salwa who was clunge to him. "Seemed you missed me standing out there as well?" I said and looked at them, waiting for a response. The longer this went on the more I felt invisible. The more I felt that the Director was the only person there that would respond, rather ironic if you thought about it.
Jack nodded in agreement.

"You're right; at the very least if I had a gun and we got the drop on them we could do it; with just one - no chance."

He moved along the wall; stooping low to remain behind it.

"Come on; we need to find some more equipment or people before we even think about that."

His eyes fell on a control building for a nearby ride; he started to make for it; being careful to stay in whatever shadows he could find and hugging the walls.
Laura followed suit after Jack, keeping low and in the shadows, keeping as close to the walls as possible without scraping against them.

"Finding more people would be helpful. I mean weapons would be nice, but to get ahead of all 15 we need man power." She said, still in a hushed whisper even though they had moved far enough off from the buses location it would be safe.
She didn't trust this at all, how were they even if they got fuel going to be able to get it to the bus? This was a mess again.

"We can't do that alone, it might be suicide doing such a thing with just us."

She couldn't help being scared, already they had been close to danger and it was enough to have her running with little options.
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"Damn!" I swore quietly as dove into the bush for cover and poked the barrel of the rifle out oh so slightly to avoid detection. I could take shot, but the sound would give away where I was. If only there was something to drown out the shot.


Owch. It appears the little bush was booby trapped. A sharp pain radiates from your heel; it's extremely sharp, as if jagged blades tore deep into your flesh, past your muscle fibers, and into your bone. You look down: A dirty 'ol bear trap snapped shut, blood profusely oozed down your ankles, torn pink fibers dribbled down your soft, delicate skin. It hurt like hell. You could try to hold yourself from screaming... well, honestly, it didn't matter now! The Innocentz members discovered Natalie!


A loud, piercing shot tore at Nat's right shoulder blade, causing a gigantic hole to tear through. It was ugly, brutal, and bloody.

@The Last Outlaw
Laura followed suit after Jack, keeping low and in the shadows, keeping as close to the walls as possible without scraping against them.

"Finding more people would be helpful. I mean weapons would be nice, but to get ahead of all 15 we need man power." She said, still in a hushed whisper even though they had moved far enough off from the buses location it would be safe.
She didn't trust this at all, how were they even if they got fuel going to be able to get it to the bus? This was a mess again.

"We can't do that alone, it might be suicide doing such a thing with just us."

She couldn't help being scared, already they had been close to danger and it was enough to have her running with little options.
Jack talked as he moved along.

"While all of that is true; at the same time a smaller group that seems larger by surprising them and putting a good number down is more likely to panic them. Also; a lot of the others have been wondrously trigger happy; I'd really rather not they wrecked the buses before we could use them."

Maybe he was being paranoid about the second issue; but the first was most certainly true. There were numerous examples of it throughout history. On a larger scale; it was one of the ways in which the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg had functioned. Later on in the Second World War; The British used the same effect of surprise and assault at Pegasus Bridge as well. He knew for a fact that with enough skill and surprise; not to mention equipment, one individual could easily be worth ten. Moreover; a select few of those gang members at the buses had possessed firearms; if they were the ones he and Laura ambushed first; the rest shouldn't be much of a threat, and would most likely panic due to the psychological effects, as long as we remain hidden anyway.
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A pair of jolly Dorothy/Scarecrow animatronics waved at you: What was discomforting, however, was the two Innocentz members located just outside the main entrance. It was in an upward arc, as well, as if they were on a hill. Between you and them was a long grass maze, a waiting line, blocking their point of view. There's a bush you could hide in as well. Do you hide there? Y/N?

@Anyone at Dorothy's Ride.
*Oh shit...I've gotta move, and FAST. I crouched down, and moved towards the bush, Chris was there apparently. Hey, at least there are four of us now... I placed my left hand on my bandaged wound, and held onto my shotgun with my right hand. I began to think about how we could take out those Innocentz members.*

@The Last Outlaw
I scowled at this newcomer. "What the hell does it look like, I was trying to get the drop on these fools so I could I get a shot off. But since Nat was being Graceful and Fucking slipped,I no longer have the luxury of surprise. I ignored the fact that Salwa was clinging on to me and lined up a shot. "Eat lead, ya creeps." I aimed slightly above the head of one the Innocentz to take into account bullet drop and fired. The gun roared and the bullet sped to the thug like a bat outta hell

@C92cool .


(( Check your leg, buddy. ;o ))

Owch. It appears the little bush was booby trapped. A sharp pain radiates from your heel; it's extremely sharp, as if jagged blades tore deep into your flesh, past your muscle fibers, and into your bone. You look down: A dirty 'ol bear trap snapped shut, blood profusely oozed down your ankles, torn pink fibers dribbled down your soft, delicate skin. It hurt like hell. You could try to hold yourself from screaming... well, honestly, it didn't matter now! The Innocentz members discovered Natalie!


A loud, piercing shot tore at Nat's right shoulder blade, causing a gigantic hole to tear through. It was ugly, brutal, and bloody.

@The Last Outlaw
I screamed, falling and clutching at my shoulder. Fuck, I was screwed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall, and I couldn't feel my arm.

You know, besides the pain shooting through it.

My crossbow fell on the grass, since I was right hand dominant, along with some blood. Lots of blood. I tried to hide behind a tree, or a bush, or whatever I could find. Jesus fucking Christ, my arm was in a whole lot of pain. I was sobbing like a baby, my left hand covering the wound, blood seeping through my fingers.

Well, I would be pretty useful in getting the gas now, wouldn't I?
Jack talked as he moved along.

"While all of that is true; at the same time a smaller group that seems larger by surprising them and putting a good number down is more likely to panic them. Also; a lot of the others have been wondrously trigger happy; I'd really rather not they wrecked the buses before we could use them."

Maybe he was being paranoid about the second issue; but the first was most certainly true. There were numerous examples of it throughout history. On a larger scale; it was one of the ways in which the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg had functioned. Later on in the Second World War; The British used the same effect of surprise and assault at Pegasus Bridge as well. He knew for a fact that with enough skill and surprise; not to mention equipment, one individual could easily be worth ten. Moreover; a select few of those gang members at the buses had possessed firearms; if they were the ones he and Laura ambushed first; the rest shouldn't be much of a threat, and would most likely panic due to the psychological effects, as long as we remain hidden anyway.
"I dont like the risk, it seems a bit much for just us to go for."

Laura wasn't to convinced about just the two of them going into a gun fight with 15 other people. Yes they might get the act of surprise but 15 people was a lot of people to take down before they take down you. If they got caught that would be it for them. After everything it seemed a silly move to just throw themselves into the lions den so to speak.

"Not to mention the fact we have one gun. We'd need more than that. Before we even consider doing anything.£
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My crossbow fell on the grass, since I was right hand dominant, along with some blood. Lots of blood. I tried to hide behind a tree, or a bush, or whatever I could find. Jesus fucking Christ, my arm was in a whole lot of pain. I was sobbing like a baby, my left hand covering the wound, blood seeping through my fingers.

Well, I would be pretty useful in getting the gas now, wouldn't I?
The resulting firearm discharge sent the Innocentz in a frenzy: You could see 14 of them, coupled with the two others who guarded the entrance pour at all angles. It wasn't long before two men, both armed with machetes, attempt to drag Natalie off for God-knows-what. Though, given their reputation, I'd say PROBABLY to sacrifice her to the Devil. So she can live in his asshole. :) Or, alternatively, they'd crucify her. Meh, either or, it'd be a horrible way to go!
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"I dont like the risk, it seems a bit much for just us to go for."

Laura wasn't to convinced about just the two of them going into a gun fight with 15 other people. Yes they might get the act of surprise but 15 people was a lot of people to take down before they take down you. If they got caught that would be it for them. After everything it seemed a silly move to just throw themselves into the lions den so to speak.

"Not to mention the fact we have one gun. We'd need more than that. Before we even consider doing anything.£
He smiled at her. Always being the rational one and stopping me from playing hero aren't you?

"You're probably right; I do need a gun before we do anything."

He thought about it; if need be; he'd swap whatever he might find with Laura. He was an excellent shot and he knew it. Sniping fifteen people down from somewhere 300+ metres away without them even spotting him wouldn't be too much issue even with iron sights; though it would be much cleaner if he had a scope. At the moment; taking them out from a distance seemed like their best option.

He had to find something first though. They'd reached the control tower that he had spotted before...

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