Murder Tale I: Limited Starkweather Edition [Non-Canon]

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I let out a little laugh, shaking my head. "Yeah, and go by myself against all those things out in the forest? I'd die in an instant." A little smirk plays at the edges of my lips, despite the sadness from the events that have happened in the past few days.

I turn my head, seeing the gate swing open. Before I know it, I'm walking up towards them. "Better hurry up, Grant, or your fears will be true!"

I walked through the gates, not sure what I'd see.
He quickly follows, now armed with a chain and a machete.
"Don't be a sore loser," Starkweather said, "... By the way. Thanks for the head, Chris. Good work!"
I stopped crying when I heard the voice crackle in my ear. Pulling out the knife in the pocket, I wiped it of the child's blood and then ripped off the sleeve that covered my left arm. Slowly, I got out all of the pellets while I talked. "When a good man who travels the dark finally becomes one with it, you better watch out." I said to Starkweather. "Where do you want the head dropped off at?"
I stopped crying when I heard the voice crackle in my ear. Pulling out the knife in the pocket, I wiped it of the child's blood and then ripped off the sleeve that covered my left arm. Slowly, I got out all of the pellets while I talked. "When a good man who travels the dark finally becomes one with it, you better watch out." I said to Starkweather. "Where do you want the head dropped off at?"
"Drop it on the floor. It was merely a challenge. Nothing more, nothing less. Ahah. Something for the audience to see."
The man smiled, simply walking away upstairs to deal with their... problem. He did, however, leave you a present:

I spit on the picture (Making sure it hits the guy and not the Russian scenery in the back) and kick it away.
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"Drop it on the floor. It was merely a challenge. Nothing more, nothing less. Ahah. Something for the audience to see."
"Ah so you're that kind of a sick fuck." I said with a laugh. It was funny, no really it was. "So what now? I wait for everyone else to show up?"
"Ah so you're that kind of a sick fuck." I said with a laugh. It was funny, no really it was. "So what now? I wait for everyone else to show up?"
"That's right... most of them are nearby. Except Adam and Lydia. They're... aha, having fun. I suppose I'll give them their moment."
You've lost track of the rednecks. However, you DO find a decapitated head! Take it? Y/N?

"What in the...fuck?" *I noticed a decapitated head. Christ...I'm going to puke if this thing sits here any longer. I pulled out the pair of blue surgical gloves that I put into my pocket when we were at the hotel. I slipped the gloves on, and picked up the...head. What in the hell am I going to do with this? Unless...I put my hand back over my wound, so I could gather a small amount of blood. I spread a small amount on the face of the head, and then threw it to my right. Hopefully, if they send dogs after me, they will pick up that scent instead.*

"I dont know. I think this has...hardened me as a person. All of this. I feel--detatched, oddly okay with everything now. Its what we have to do so we do it. No point in being freaked out. Because it is what it is and if we dont do it we might die. Its easier to just do it and keep your emotions at bay. Kind of makes me feel like i'm a cold person. But I'm not. Theres a part of me like you that refuses to forget the pain and the suffering this has all caused to me and everyone else. Its unforgettable and--well I dont think this is something we ever get over. Just learn to leave it in the past. That is if we make it."

Maybe, if she survived she would end up living a normal life after this, that she would be okay. With no remorse for her actions, no fear for the future. Not being scared looking over her shoulders. She would just go back to normal and live her life as she had. Ignoring this all happened, as a distance yet horrifying memory.
Or it would change her forever making her jumpy and broken person. Maybe a mixture of the two would happen. It was hard to say how you would live on if you surivied such an ordeal.

Anything can happen, all she was hoping was that she could survive this chapter, let alone the rest.

"Regardless of what happens in the future, to have it we need a severed head."
He listened to her answer him.
Yes; I suppose I probably knew all that already; I just question myself a Hell of a lot more than most people. Maybe I'm already a loony.

He laughed at the last bit.

"That's not even funny anymore. It's funny because it isn't. Geez when did it come down to this? When did some retarded asshole with a blood fetish control my fate?"

I don't know; no one does. Except the traitor.

"Hey; have you thought about who this traitor might be yet? We could collect their head; see how much Starky-fuck-weather likes that."

All the while as they spoke; the image of the amusement park loomed ever closer; they'd encountered nothing else that might harm them yet. But Jack was almost perfectly sure it was out there and just waiting; biding it's time. Either that or the rest of the animals hadn't sniffed them out yet.
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"I dont know. I think this has...hardened me as a person. All of this. I feel--detatched, oddly okay with everything now. Its what we have to do so we do it. No point in being freaked out. Because it is what it is and if we dont do it we might die. Its easier to just do it and keep your emotions at bay. Kind of makes me feel like i'm a cold person. But I'm not. Theres a part of me like you that refuses to forget the pain and the suffering this has all caused to me and everyone else. Its unforgettable and--well I dont think this is something we ever get over. Just learn to leave it in the past. That is if we make it."

Maybe, if she survived she would end up living a normal life after this, that she would be okay. With no remorse for her actions, no fear for the future. Not being scared looking over her shoulders. She would just go back to normal and live her life as she had. Ignoring this all happened, as a distance yet horrifying memory.
Or it would change her forever making her jumpy and broken person. Maybe a mixture of the two would happen. It was hard to say how you would live on if you surivied such an ordeal.

Anything can happen, all she was hoping was that she could survive this chapter, let alone the rest.

"Regardless of what happens in the future, to have it we need a severed head."

The elephant's gigantic form exploded behind the thick underbrush, crushing trees and the forest alike. It was magnificent. The sheer carnage, utter horror and power the monstrosity brought was a gift to Lionel. He sat back, watching the elephant track down Laura and Jack like dinner. Of course, it wouldn't EAT them- but it'd sure as hell gore the living shit outta them- you could see it charge once again, it's form plowing through the forest as the rain fell upon it's form. It appeared more like a dark silhouette than anything. It was growing dark. Too dark.
"That's right... most of them are nearby. Except Adam and Lydia. They're... aha, having fun. I suppose I'll give them their moment."
"Alright, that's fucked up. All of us are risking our lives fighting these rednecks and God knows what else and those two are fucking!?!?!?" I finished picking out the pellets and then put the knife away. It wasn't a sword, but I was keeping it. "I swear I have half the mind to fucking shoot them, let them know how it feels to be around in this fucking forest."
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He listened to her answer him.
Yes; I suppose I probably knew all that already; I just question myself a Hell of a lot more than most people. Maybe I'm already a loony.

He laughed at the last bit.

"That's not even funny anymore. It's funny because it isn't. Geez when did it come down to this? When did some retarded asshole with a blood fetish control my fate?"

I don't know; no one does. Except the traitor.

"Hey; have you thought about who this traitor might be yet? We could collect their head; see how much Starky-fuck-weather likes that."

All the while as they spoke; the image of the amusement park loomed ever closer; they'd encountered nothing else that might harm them yet. But Jack was almost perfectly sure it was out there and just waiting; biding it's time. Either that or the rest of the animals hadn't sniffed them out yet.
"The asshole started when we signed up to that stupid RP. Thats how this all started. Unfortunately."

But the only person who would know any more about it would be the traitor, whoever the induvidual was. There were no real leads as to who it could be. which left her torn on what to do and who to trust. Not that she trusted anyone other than Jack who had stuck by her. That made it difficult to come up with any one name.

"I've got no idea, so its not like we could collect thier head. We just need a head, he said not to fail. I dont want to see what happens if we do fail. Besides we have a gun. If we spot anyone of the Skinz far off I can shoot to kill and if he's alone we can go after and...cut off his or her head." She said, sickened by the thought of such a plan. But what else were they to do. It was the life of an inbred mental person or both of thiers to whatever fate met those who didn't get a head.
"Alright, that's fucked up. All of us are risking our lives fighting these rednecks and God knows what else and those two are fucking!?!?!?" I finished picking out the pellets and then put the knife away. It wasn't a sword, but I was keeping it. "I swear I have half the mind to fucking shoot them, let them know how it feels to be around in this fucking forest."
"OH HA HA! You know what's better? I'm going to make it a breeze for them to get over here. No Skinz, no rabid animals, no KKK... just the forest, his cock, and her... ahah, 'lady parts.' Seriously, he's the GM! What would I do without good 'ol Adam, right? Ahah!"
"It... it is!" The husband seemed... huh, nervous. But why? The wife simply grinned, "I'm sorry, but we don't see strangers too often in this part of the woods. I... I'm afraid we're busy with a little project. Aheh, some work stuff, you know?" Boy, she was nervous, too? I wonder what they were HIDING.
I noticed that both were acting extremely nervous, and then I knew something was up. They always said in my classes I took to work for CJ that to trust your instincts. If something felt wrong ,it probably was. I had to make sure though without alarming them to my true intentions. "Well, we'll get out of your hair. Take care folks." I said . I walked back over to the door with Mark in tow. Before I walked out, a tiny voice in my mind told me to act. "Oh yes and one more thing." I pulled the rifle up and aimed it straight at them. "How dumb do ya'll think I am." I said calmly.
"The asshole started when we signed up to that stupid RP. Thats how this all started. Unfortunately."

But the only person who would know any more about it would be the traitor, whoever the induvidual was. There were no real leads as to who it could be. which left her torn on what to do and who to trust. Not that she trusted anyone other than Jack who had stuck by her. That made it difficult to come up with any one name.

"I've got no idea, so its not like we could collect thier head. We just need a head, he said not to fail. I dont want to see what happens if we do fail. Besides we have a gun. If we spot anyone of the Skinz far off I can shoot to kill and if he's alone we can go after and...cut off his or her head." She said, sickened by the thought of such a plan. But what else were they to do. It was the life of an inbred mental person or both of thiers to whatever fate met those who didn't get a head.
"Sure you can pull the trigger on someone? You haven't had a chance to do tha-"

A crashing like thunder sounded behind them in the woods; Jack reacted instantly; breaking into a run almost immediately; he didn't need to turn around to know what that was. Sweet Mary mother of fucking Jesus. Not again. Oddly; he got distracted again while thinking; I swear and curse a lot; don't I? He mused. Back to business.

"Take the shots."

His voice wasn't even urgent anymore; he'd grown tired of this fleeing and hiding game already. It didn't matter; Laura knew what to do.

@Laura @Akibahara
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"OH HA HA! You know what's better? I'm going to make it a breeze for them to get over here. No Skinz, no rabid animals, no KKK... just the forest, his cock, and her... ahah, 'lady parts.' Seriously, he's the GM! What would I do without good 'ol Adam, right? Ahah!"
"I'm in paradise, I really am." I said into the earpiece. Moving my left arm, it hurt like hell, but still functional. "I have a shotgun, a knife, and a mind filled with so much darkness and trust issues that nothing really means fuck all to me now. To be honest, I'm just missing a good old smoke and a lighter. You wouldn't happen to have one you can spare do you?" I asked. Something was clicking inside of me, that dark half I never wanted to come back was surfacing. It was coming back, and was armed.
Salwa laughed maniacally. "I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you!" She said, sobbing her eyes out while grinning. "Kill you all..."
I look around the place I am in, speaking to myself "Son of a bitch...I really fucked up this time...ah well, I'll take atleast one of them with me...да" I let out a frustrated groan and sit down, still hungry...
"Sure you can pull the trigger on someone? You haven't had a chance to do tha-"

A crashing like thunder sounded behind them in the woods; Jack reacted instantly; breaking into a run almost immediately; he didn't need to turn around to know what that was. Sweet Mary mother of fucking Jesus. Not again. Oddly; he got distracted again while thinking; I swear and curse a lot; don't I? He mused. Back to business.

"Take the shots."

His voice wasn't even urgent anymore; he'd grown tired of this fleeing and hiding game already. It didn't matter; Laura knew what to do.

@Laura @Akibahara

"Shit!" Laura cussed as out of nowhere did what sound like thunder rumble behind them. It was back and as relentless as ever. They couldn't keep this up, all the running all the hiding. There seemed like no escape from the creature behind them. It left them little or no time to get themselves a head so they could get to the fairground. This needed to end. They were making no progress.

Swinging around again uncomfortably straining her wounds as she raised the rifle, pointing it behind them at the beast that thundered towards them.

Looking down the sight she as best as she could lined up her shot as Jack ran them both away as fast as possible.
With a few tugs of her finger did the trigger pull a few times. Straight at the beast behind them, she wasn't a bad shot. She had always had a good eye for targets. Just in case she fired off a few more shots after lining it up through the sight. Couldn't be to careful.
"Oh yes and one more thing." I pulled the rifle up and aimed it straight at them. "How dumb do ya'll think I am." I said calmly.
Both of them raised their hands, "Basement." That's all the man said...
"I'm in paradise, I really am." I said into the earpiece. Moving my left arm, it hurt like hell, but still functional. "I have a shotgun, a knife, and a mind filled with so much darkness and trust issues that nothing really means fuck all to me now. To be honest, I'm just missing a good old smoke and a lighter. You wouldn't happen to have one you can spare do you?" I asked. Something was clicking inside of me, that dark half I never wanted to come back was surfacing. It was coming back, and was armed.
Starkweather laughed, "Ah, you're a funny one, Chris. You really are. Don't worry, I'm certain a medical team will patch you right up. In the meantime, look for Gage. He's still alive. Somewhere."
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