Murder Series Award Show II [Non-Canon]

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Having retrieved his machete before he went up to get the award on behalf of his player, Jason tilted his head as Kido addressed him. After a brief look over, he assumed her to be around the same age as most of his usual victims or 'sinners' in Jason's eyes.

But, something about her seemed relatively harmless to him. Almost as if she had already had a run in with someone similar to him. Which given that the same man who proclaimed to be a huge fan of his work had just been talking with Kido wasn't too far off. Therefore, he'd spare her from the fate he would have likely delivered to anyone else in her age range.

Slipping his machete back into it's sheath, Jason glanced down at Kido who would have seen nothing but utter darkness behind the holes of Jason's mask. Which gave a much more inhumane vibe to him ,compared to either ChromeSkull or Ghostface.

Speaking of which, Jason hadn't forgotten about wanting to kill Mickey for approaching him. So, he'd point towards where Mickey was currently being held at sword point and then back at Kido before shaking his head. To try and see if his assumption about Mickey having tried to hurt Kido at some point was accurate. It would have helped affirm Jason's need to kill Mickey for being a possible copycat killer even more.

It was always her, wasn't it? It seemed whenever she got pulled into some multiverse thing, some serial killer(s) would somehow go and find her. She never had such bad luck back home. Heck, she was rarely found period thanks to her power. But for one reason or another she managed to get the attention of every serial killer from across the multiverse. Exactly what she'd never wanted.

She seemed to get one stroke of good luck, though, as Jason sheathed the machete. Unless he planned to strangle her with his bare hands, which actually didn't seem all too unlikely given his size. Swallowing the lump in her throat as he glanced down at her, Kido took one more step back. Unlike Ghostface, he didn't blabber on and on, trip over things, or general come off as a "normal" crazy human. And unlike Chromeskull, she couldn't see this kind of person acting solely based on logical decisions. In other words, it was like staring down an inhuman beast with which communication and understanding was impossible.

Which quickly proved to be false, as Jason seemed to attempt communication, pointing around and shaking his head. Unfortunately, what those gestures meant was difficult to understand. Point at Mickey, then her, then head shake? Was he saying don't speak with that guy? Well in that case, no problem!

"I won't speak to him, if you don't kill me, deal? I was trying to avoid my going-to-be killer anyway."

A lot of attempted deals with killers lately. What had her life come to?

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Roman cocked an eyebrow....And finally shrugged.

Who was he to turn down a free opportunity?


Melodic Cudgel pointed at his face.

Melodic Cudgel aimed to crotch level.


He pulled the trigger and flicked a glance to George, smelling awkward wannabe permeating in the direction of his partner as he glanced him over.


"He with you?"

He asked politely in contrast to their smack talk from before to Sting, gesturing towards the one making eyes at Neo like a thirsty man in the desert confronted with water.

"Because its fun."

Duh, Torchwicks expression seemed to say.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Right. So not the best slick in the punch.

He quickly did a dive over. Haha, no, thanks, no blood and gore about to go on from some magical fucking gun. Thank you. He simply decided to hide but kept his Colt out tightly.

While the fight continued and Speirs waited for the awards show to start, a rather peculiar and out of place man appeared behind Roman. A gentle tap on his back should've let him know who he was.

His accent was English, clothes were a smooth Khaki, and red hair perpetuated his rather stout and calm appearance. "Why start a war when you could simply find means to end one? It would certainly put a quick name on to you as a saviour." The man replied with a smile.

George kept his crouched posture but at the feeling of that Fus-Ro-Dah moment, he was sent in a bit of a tumble across the floor before coughing. "Shit.. Cap'n is gonna give me quite the hell.."

Although the man is gone. Not a trace. Like a ghost.​
Looking over at her opponents after Roman had decided to take on one of them, Neo didn't seem to do anything rash just yet. Just like that fight she had with Yang, she would... rather play around with her opponents and figure out their traits in battle while they go all out on her. It wasn't like they would have much edge against her anyways...


For now, she's just gonna get that umbrella out, because Neo's gotta look fab for this. :3
Blake blinked, the picture of feline perplexity as Roman literally broke apart in her hands, before her eyes narrowed and she twirled to face their other opponent. Who she gave a dull stare to once she saw Neo back up with that little smirk and umbrella twirl routine.


"Let me guess. This is the part where where we're supposed to growl and charge forward to try to beat your face in while you do your ballet moves, like my partner did. Right?"


"Too bad I'm not my partner"

She flicked her hand and Gambol shifted into its second form, Blake levelling the gun at Neo before she suddenly shifted her aim past the tiny killer right to Torchwick and-​
He tilted his head to the side, tracing the sight lines off that cane...clearly aimed there. Sting shook his head. So like a criminal, going for the low blows. The moment the trigger was pulled, Sting's magical aura flared up, bright and shining white light.

"White Dragon's..."



Sting let loose on his turn, an encompassing blast intended to swallow up the cane shot and smash into the ginger's face, testing limits. I think you should shut up and keep your focus on me, bowler hat.

@Saint Guillotine
That one little distraction, Roman turned to look at the man.

Roman and everyone in his vicinity got Fus Ro Dah'd through the bar.

@Sorry, something came up. Removing Roman for now to deal with it.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"...Oh" Blake half squeaked, voice and bravado slightly diminished by Sting busting out a mouth laser that looked like it had more power than a paladin mech on roids. She slowly turned back towards Neo, shrugged, and just opened fire on her instead.

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @Saint Guillotine
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  • Love
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Sheesh, three people ganging up on a lesser amount was no sport... Especially now that the irritating redhead's bell was rung and his accomplice was left to fend for herself. Shiki wanted a fight, not a beatdown. They could come find her when the odds were more even. Conveniently, she hadn't gone terribly far, as the death perceiver could be found sitting right back at her stool at the bar counter, casually sipping from her bottle of water like there wasn't an all-out melee developing just over her shoulder and apparently no worse for wear following Torchwick's sneaky attack earlier. Honestly, the bigger threat to her health was probably the two soldierboys from the camp showing up. She didn't recall them parting on the best terms.

Not even Roman's trip over the countertop was enough to faze her, her sole reaction being to place her water down, wipe her lips with her sleeve, pick up the criminal's feathered bowler hat from where it had fallen right next to her, and drop it lightly onto her own head, the rim falling slightly lower than it should've in light of her skull's smaller size.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @C.T. @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @Saint Guillotine
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: York and C.T.


"This boy is now under our protection while we are here. if I see you or your friend here try to kill him then both of you will be without a head. That... 'thing' won't save you from both of us...." Lon'qu spoke to Chromeskull removing his sword from Ghostface's neck but he didn't sheath it. Well that could be explained by the only two sheaths he had currently having two swords already in them. Of course both Lon'qu and Donny don't know what a pistol or even guns in general were hence Lon'qu calling it a 'thing' .


Donny having sheathed his sword had given Ghostface a glare before he turned his focus on Chomeskull and Double D. "All of this cause he spilt water on yer friend 'ere? That ain't right ta try and kill a kid over..." Donny had spoken still seeming visibly upset over all that's happened.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai
Stepping back once the swords were away from his neck, Ghostface took his spot at ChromeSkull's side and removed his mask.

"Oh, yeah totally! We heard you loud and clear! We won't try to kill you.."

Reaching into his back pocket, Ghostface pulled out his Glock 15 and held it towards Donny, while ChromeSkull kept the other levied towards Lon'qu.


"We'll just do it."


"Don't worry! What the hell are a bunch of guys from the medieval times are gonna do against us? We're hardened serial killers! Just to let you know! Now, why don't you put those swords down and kick them over to us. Then, get on your knees and start begging. Maybe, just maybe we'll shoot the kid first then."


"I will! I'm just taunting! That's allowed isn't it?"


It was always her, wasn't it? It seemed whenever she got pulled into some multiverse thing, some serial killer(s) would somehow go and find her. She never had such bad luck back home. Heck, she was rarely found period thanks to her power. But for one reason or another she managed to get the attention of every serial killer from across the multiverse. Exactly what she'd never wanted.

She seemed to get one stroke of good luck, though, as Jason sheathed the machete. Unless he planned to strangle her with his bare hands, which actually didn't seem all too unlikely given his size. Swallowing the lump in her throat as he glanced down at her, Kido took one more step back. Unlike Ghostface, he didn't blabber on and on, trip over things, or general come off as a "normal" crazy human. And unlike Chromeskull, she couldn't see this kind of person acting solely based on logical decisions. In other words, it was like staring down an inhuman beast with which communication and understanding was impossible.

Which quickly proved to be false, as Jason seemed to attempt communication, pointing around and shaking his head. Unfortunately, what those gestures meant was difficult to understand. Point at Mickey, then her, then head shake? Was he saying don't speak with that guy? Well in that case, no problem!

"I won't speak to him, if you don't kill me, deal? I was trying to avoid my going-to-be killer anyway."

A lot of attempted deals with killers lately. What had her life come to?


That was all Jason needed to hear.

Ignoring Kido's response, he made his way past her and stopped once he approached behind both of the 'human' serial killers. His heavy breathing quickly caught their attention as Ghostface slowly turned his head to glance up at the undead murderer who had a body count Mickey could only dream of replicating.

"Oh, hey! Listen, Jason I'm kind of in the middle of something. But, how's about this? You could kill the kid if you want! He's been busy sobbing the whole time anyway!"

But this genuine offer only served to enrage Jason. He didn't harm children, at least not after the epiphany he had come to upon his resurrection. So Jason's simple reply was to grip Ghostface by the head with one hand and pull him off his feet and then just squeeze..

"P-PUT ME DOWN! Chrome! Do something, he's agaaaaah! He's crushing my head!!"

ChromeSkull had a feeling that this was the most likely reaction Mickey would have received from hanging around the Crystal Lake Killer. Aware of Jason's supernatural strength, ChromeSkull took the safer route and held his pistol right under Jason's chin and pulled the trigger.

Bits of brains and black blood splattered onto all those nearby as Jason's massive frame shuddered from side to side. But the bullets had done nothing more than mildly annoy him as he raised his right arm and swung it like a sledgehammer into ChromeSkull's side, shattering a rib and sending the killer flying back into the table Kido had been standing by.

With Ghostface still firmly grasped in his other hand, Jason smashed Ghostface into the closest table, smashing through wood and whatever else. The human killer was still consicious but he was more in disbelief that one of his idols had attacked him.

Drawing his machete from the sheath, Jason propped a boot on Mickey's chest and raised his machete, with the intentions to mutilate him and then move onto ChromeSkull. But, he paused as Ghostface shakily held a couple of certificates up towards the zombie.


"I'm..Not..Exactly sure..What I did to piss you off...But, uh. I got my hands on some awards..And you won one! So, hopefully that'll stop you from killing me...? Please?"

Jason tilted his head to the side and curiously picked up the certificates and looked them over.

Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees - Jon Snow, Max Caulfield, and Chloe Price - Sakuya Izayoi and Erron Black - The Shrek Army
Winner: Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees


OOC COMMENT: I'd just like to say that I'm very proud of receiving this award. I've played Jason many times over the years as he's a character I treasure. But my RPing hasn't always been the greatest so Jason's portrayal suffered as a result going from a nice guy which he certainly isn't in the movies to shipping with Winry Rockbell. So to see that he was good enough to get an award makes it feel like I did a good job with him and that's great for me. I was also able to work on a characteristic of Jason that isn't explored too much in Jason's films: That being he isn't a fan of killing children or animals. Aya worked perfectly with Jason in that regard and might be the closest relationship I've gotten with my slasher characters/it stayed true to Jason since Aya was the only person he desire to harm but he would have liked to kill the others. He just didn't get a chance to. :<

@CCC Kouhai @Me

The award did the job that Ghostface hoped it would. It distracted Jason long enough for Mickey to roll back to his feet and unload onto Jason with his pistol. The bullets tore through Jason's rotting flesh and out through the back, leaving noticeable pin-sized holes on Jason's jacket as he stumbled back from the force of the firearm. But his grip on the second award he'd picked up for the SpringwoodSlasher and his trusty machete remained firm. Tucking the certificate away in his jacket, he'd start towards Ghostface who had picked up another one of the certificates and began reading it off as he pushed a table into Jason's path to give him a brief reprise.

Most Badass Character
Bayonetta - Frank Castle - Revya - Saitama
Winner: Bayonetta


OOC COMMENT: I haven't been around the MGs long but from what I've seen of your Bayonetta, Mari? She was amazing! You did a perfect job of capturing Bayonetta's sassy personality and she didn't take shit from anyone. Someone tried attacking her? She'd deliver a cool one-liner and then went to town on them. I hope to see more of her in the future, Mari. She's one of your more flagship characters and it'd be a tragedy to not see more of her. :>

"Pretty cool isn't it? You got an award, that Bayonetta chick got an award, who knows! Maybe everyone will get an award! Hahahah!" Mickey cackled as Jason swung the machete down, slashing the table right in two. Gripping either chunk of the table aside, he'd fling them aside, not caring who got hit in the fallout as he continued towards Mickey. But the Ghostface Killer was much more agile on his feet than Jason as he backflipped and kept his pistol trained on Jason as the zombie continued forward with annoyed look in his eye.

"Wait, wait! Hold on, big guy! I still got a few more awards to hand out! Stop swinging that pig-sticker for a minute!"

Dodging the next few swings, Mickey pulled out another certificate and began to read it off as blissfully as could be. Almost as if he wasn't being attacked by another undead serial killer.

Most Angsty Character
Aqua - Ridley Duchannes - Ryan Duchannes - Ryner Lute
Winner: Ridley Duchannes


OOC Comment: I hope you don't take this as a negative comment, Sav! Your Ridley was very enjoyable to read. I especially enjoyed the part in the UMG where Ridley got under Max's skin by kissing Chloe.

That said, I feel her interactions with the others in the UMG were pretty well written and the same went for her appearance in Metamorphes despite the 'dubious' quality of that game. You gave it your all and your effort shined through. I hope to RP with her and you some more, Hospes.


@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai

Frank grunted contentedly at his nomination.

That is all.​
Frank grunted contentedly at his nomination.

That is all.​
Lucifer returned, content and taking a break from his current line of work between breaks as he helped himself to a drink and watched the ongoing chaos.

"....Well now. This is interesting."

Lucifer returned, content and taking a break from his current line of work between breaks as he helped himself to a drink and watched the ongoing chaos.

"....Well now. This is interesting."


The old man, used to violence though he was, seemed less than happy with what was going on. Since his retirement, he'd grown more and more weary with the infighting events like this caused. Somewhat ironic, considering he was more than once a cause of such bouts. "That's one way to put it," He grumbled.

@Saint Guillotine
The old man, used to violence though he was, seemed less than happy with what was going on. Since his retirement, he'd grown more and more weary with the infighting events like this caused. Somewhat ironic, considering he was more than once a cause of such bouts. "That's one way to put it," He grumbled.

@Saint Guillotine
Between the impromptu holy grail war, the bar brawl, the horror icons ripping apart each other or attempting, it was certainly...Strange to return to.

That and he wasn't entirely sure, but he suspected the only trained medic among them was run over at some point.

Ah well, none of it was canon anyway as he shrugged and finished his drink before remarking to the Punisher idly.

"So I've been starring in some short stories, in lieu of roleplays. Its alright work, but not really comparable."

Between the impromptu holy grail war, the bar brawl, the horror icons ripping apart each other or attempting, it was certainly...Strange to return to.

That and he wasn't entirely sure, but he suspected the only trained medic among them was run over at some point.

Ah well, none of it was canon anyway as he shrugged and finished his drink before remarking to the Punisher idly.

"So I've been starring in some short stories, in lieu of roleplays. Its alright work, but not really comparable."


"More work than I'm getting... though my retirement is a long time coming. I think my writer still has many short stories to right about Rin, Kotomine and I though."

@Saint Guillotine
"More work than I'm getting... though my retirement is a long time coming. I think my writer still has many short stories to right about Rin, Kotomine and I though."

@Saint Guillotine
"Oh? You have my attention."

He casually ducked an arrow that embedded itself in the wall behind him, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Is it a collaboration or a shout out then? My creator did much the same, to assist another Fallout writer."

"Oh? You have my attention."

He casually ducked an arrow that embedded itself in the wall behind him, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Is it a collaboration or a shout out then? My creator did much the same, to assist another Fallout writer."


"It's... more of a solo project with assistance from one Verite. He hasn't written any of it in almost a year, though." Frank kept his eyes on the battle.

@Saint Guillotine
Aya had stared at the weird looking dog, not really knowing what a pokemon was. All she knew about it was that it didn't look like a rabbit. Being traumatized over the dead dog that bit and chased her within the Drevis Mansion, the little girl was startled and tried to back away from it. Nicki and Shiemi were busy arguing about articles of clothing since Nicki was extremely surprised that Shiemi's breasts weren't filled with silicon. This lead to Nicki Minaj to teasing the young blonde about getting plastic surgery on her tush. "GUUUUUUUURL, ya gotta improve on what your momma gave you! That way you can get yourself a good man! Big asses are what men like!"

Shiemi's cheeks turned bright red upon what Nicki had said. It caused her to become flustered as she had started to play with her hair. "Y-You don't really think that, right?" Her voice got a bit softer as she continued to blush, "R-Rin's not like that either... Though, I've sen him staring at me..."

No matter how friendly the pokemon seemed, Aya couldn't trust the idea of getting close to something dog-like. Her ankle still felt sore after being attacked once. When she heard that she and Jason won an award, the little girl began to look around, trying to find him. Spotting him fighting with two other unfamiliar men, Aya quizkly ran towards the huge zombie as fast as she could with her tiny legs. "J-Jason!" She cried out, "Please stop!"

@Crow @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Everyone or whatever or whoever overhears Nicki and Shiemi talk about plastic surgeries​
"It's... more of a solo project with assistance from one Verite. He hasn't written any of it in almost a year, though." Frank kept his eyes on the battle.

@Saint Guillotine
Ahhh, he understood now. It was tough for characters like them, who yearned to be used. It was in their nature, as the story demanded either their use or those of their brethren and sisters of fiction and otherwise. It was a good life in and of itself. Save for the main problem.

Writers block.

That detestable thing that actively prevented people like them from moving about. He knew writers block well. Was that not part of the reason, he was currently moving forward in short stories? Well, c'est la vie.

Better the stories than oblivion.

"So any idea who you're going to be replaced with then?"

He was talking about mains. Those who were favored by the Writer, in most. Before Lucifer, it was Galen Marek. Currently retired and enjoying his time off.

Good times.

A smile unbidden crossed Lucifer's face, influenced by his creator.

Ahhh, he understood now. It was tough for characters like them, who yearned to be used. It was in their nature, as the story demanded either their use or those of their brethren and sisters of fiction and otherwise. It was a good life in and of itself. Save for the main problem.

Writers block.

That detestable thing that actively prevented people like them from moving about. He knew writers block well. Was that not part of the reason, he was currently moving forward in short stories? Well, c'est la vie.

Better the stories than oblivion.

"So any idea who you're going to be replaced with then?"

He was talking about mains. Those who were favored by the Writer, in most. Before Lucifer, it was Galen Marek. Currently retired and enjoying his time off.

Good times.

A smile unbidden crossed Lucifer's face, influenced by his creator.


"That's a good question. One I'm not sure my writer as an answer to. It's a matter of finding a character that can have an overarching story and development. Mine was my redemption and retirement. Upon concluding that story, and when my finale is finished, I'll be done for the foreseeable future."

@Saint Guillotine
"That's a good question. One I'm not sure my writer as an answer to. It's a matter of finding a character that can have an overarching story and development. Mine was my redemption and retirement. Upon concluding that story, and when my finale is finished, I'll be done for the foreseeable future."

@Saint Guillotine
He took a moment to contemplate, rubbing his chin as he leaned back in his chair. That...Was a good question actually. A good writer chose characters they were most compatible with, either this or they made their own. Like how his creator played the Starkiller and later, created him for future use. By sheer gameplay mechanics, both he and his predecessor were flexible for any given situation without the stipulation of being overpowered as his Creator enjoyed. He enjoyed challenges, a trait shared with his creator. As to Frank's writer....Hmmm.

At the least, he'd know what sort of attitude to expect as he smiled.

"Well whoever it may be, I look forward to interacting in future."

Frank grunted contentedly at his nomination.

That is all.​

"Nice job, though I suppose it's to be expected. Anyone who throws their gun right at Kirei's head while he's monologuing aimlessly deserves that kind of award I suppose," Rin congratulated Frank with a genuine smile.​
"More work than I'm getting... though my retirement is a long time coming. I think my writer still has many short stories to right about Rin, Kotomine and I though."

@Saint Guillotine

"Huh? What stories? They wouldn't happen to involve you d--"
"It's... more of a solo project with assistance from one Verite. He hasn't written any of it in almost a year, though." Frank kept his eyes on the battle.

@Saint Guillotine

"This sounds ominous."
"That's a good question. One I'm not sure my writer as an answer to. It's a matter of finding a character that can have an overarching story and development. Mine was my redemption and retirement. Upon concluding that story, and when my finale is finished, I'll be done for the foreseeable future."

@Saint Guillotine

"... Sounds complicated. Now I'm a little worried."

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine
His first reaction, seeing the teenage magus was to rise to his feet respectfully, pulling open a chair still untouched by the chaotic impromptu brawl all around them for.

"Lady Tohsaka. A pleasure. We were just talking about you in periphery when discussing our current lines of work."

He sat down opposite the pair once Rin took her seat.

"I suppose we'll have the pleasure of seeing you more in future?"

@BarrenThin @Verite
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