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Alexandra AKA Huntress

Surveying the situation, it was not in her opinion hopeless. Going down to fight amongst the ground creatures would expose herself to the eventual cannon fire. Firing from up here would use up her limited cant be replaced ammunition. Using local munitions would be of limited value.

Now, if she used her replacement line on the grapple gun, securing it on one of those giant birds, perhaps she could make a difference.

To the armored man she said. " I am going after one of those big birds, good luck!"

She waited a moment, watching the big bird, gaging the distance and aiming the grapple gun carefully. She fired it and started to reel herself in. Her intent of course was to use her Stygian enchanted sword and high strength to cut the nasty big bird to pieces.

@Otto @york @Krieg @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @ wall rose
In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.​
Instantly Noembelu decided to join the smaller group, figuring she was fast and strong enough to handle it. She decided to skip on the horse, figuring that some needed to stay on foot. Besides...she didn't really know how to ride one, so it wasn't like it was a valid option here.​
Danielle as well joined in with the smaller group. She figured that flying with her shield would allow her to get a clearer look of the area. She expected possibly someone to question her now that her cloak was discarded. As Captain America however she wouldn't hide. Even if no one here knew who she was, the symbol meant everything to her.​

Shadow Hawk Gives Flight



Death was in the air.

Shichika Yasuri was no stranger to it, but he was loath to admit that even he was fully numb to the violence. Even if these people did not concern him, even if he did not know any of them at all, perhaps it was only natural to feel something when faced with monsters doing harm to man.

Without any need of horses (Shichika didn't really know how to ride them anyway admittedly), the young man flew into action, leaping into the air with his powerful legs as though he were on a spring from the wagon that he had been hiding in, and just as he'd landed on the ground, he deftly dashed forward towards the smaller group along with the others. His hair flowed in the wind like the maple leaf that his image illustrated did, but in contrast, his body moved like a speeding locomotive, his momentum allowing him to deliver a devastatingly powerful punch thrown at one of the many strange monsters around, practically ripping its body apart like a thick sword of great sharpness and blunt power.

Making his presence known, his cape having been lost in his movements, Shichika shifted to his ready position, bucking his knees ever so slightly and holding his arms out.


"So, then... Might anybody have a plan here?"

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Yun Lee @york @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission
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@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.
They'd all gone unnoticed, huh. Noembelu couldn't help but be rather embarrassed for this city they were protecting. If these types of people were their defenders, no wonder there had been so many wounded. Then again, these people were only human...but even so, wouldn't they at least care a little? They had a job to do, and they needed to do it.

"And you had better not even THINK of deviating even two steps from your duty, Doll."

There it was again. Noembelu rubbed her temples, the oncoming headache from remembering all these words a possible hindrance from the job she had to do. She peeked out of the wagon, quickly catching on to the plan these people had come up with. Instantly Noembelu decided to join the smaller group, figuring she was fast and strong enough to handle it. She decided to skip on the horse, figuring that some needed to stay on foot. Besides...she didn't really know how to ride one, so it wasn't like it was a valid option here.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission
Danielle as well joined in with the smaller group. She figured that flying with her shield would allow her to get a clearer look of the area. She expected possibly someone to question her now that her cloak was discarded. As Captain America however she wouldn't hide. Even if no one here knew who she was, the symbol meant everything to her.
@Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission​

Shadow Hawk Gives Flight



Death was in the air.

Shichika Yasuri was no stranger to it, but he was loath to admit that even he was fully numb to the violence. Even if these people did not concern him, even if he did not know any of them at all, perhaps it was only natural to feel something when faced with monsters doing harm to man.

Without any need of horses (Shichika didn't really know how to ride them anyway admittedly), the young man flew into action, leaping into the air with his powerful legs as though he were on a spring from the wagon that he had been hiding in, and just as he'd landed on the ground, he deftly dashed forward towards the smaller group along with the others. His hair flowed in the wind like the maple leaf that his image illustrated did, but in contrast, his body moved like a speeding locomotive, his momentum allowing him to deliver a devastatingly powerful punch thrown at one of the many strange monsters around, practically ripping its body apart like a thick sword of great sharpness and blunt power.

Making his presence known, his cape having been lost in his movements, Shichika shifted to his ready position, bucking his knees ever so slightly and holding his arms out.


"So, then... Might anybody have a plan here?"

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Yun Lee @york @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

Having had her careful eye trained on Noemblu throughout the bulk of the wagon ride, Blaze decided it best to accompany her and the Survey Corps soldiers into the fray. Blaze remained obstinate in her suspicions surrounding Noemblu and her colleague, and didn't wish to allow either of them out of her sight. It was unfortunate that they had chosen different paths, but it was the hand Blaze had been dealt.

_Blaze 1.png

"We follow the orders of our commanding officer," Blaze answered Shichika plainly and firmly, unwilling to break character after going to great lengths just to make the costume fit.

@Yun Lee @Verite @york @Jeremi

@Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9

@Crow @BarrenThin

The place the woman had lead them through to was pretty bleak and desolate... With alot of the buildings having fallen to ruin, by either a massive amount of trauma, or simply the passage of time. Likely both, all things considered.


However, what was most notable was that if they were to look down at their feet... They'd realize that the ground was made up of what appeared to be waves, frozen solid, but not quite by the cold. It was as if a sea had been frozen in time, through some mysterious means, buying a large variety of buildings amongst them.

Most notably, there appeared to be a futuristic building amongst the rubble... With lights from within still flickering, indicating that it still had power, for one reason or another, along with what looked like a collapsed Beacon Tower. Its tip was still emitting a faint glow, and it looked like there might still be some functional machinery inside the rubble.

The woman appeared to be rubbing her chin, not sure where to go from here... So it would likely be up to Dio and Ben to decide themselves. Interestingly enough though, it would appear that their powers were beginning to return to them, but it was difficult to say how they would work in a place like this.

If the blue haired woman was telling the truth, after all... This place was somewhere beyond time itself, a mysterious place that had unpredictable qualities. While it could not be said for certain, it was very likely that there may be instances of hostile anomalies lurking amongst this place... Whatever it was, anyways.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose
As the mysterious woman that had joined them earlier manned one of the cannons, aiming for the creature's attacking the gate, Huntress, and A2 were able to successfully leap onto two different bird creature's... Both of these creatures let out a loud squawk as they began to roll in the air, trying to shake of their assailants... However, as both A2 and Huntress respectively began to slice away at the creature's, the rolling maneuver on their behalf was rather futile, and in the end... Both of them crashed into the ground below, leaving both of them outside of the wall's limits.

Fortunately for them, they were far enough away from the walls that most of the creatures did not pay them any mind... Except one, that is.


Looking to have tanked damage from a cannon ball or two already... A gorilla-like creature suddenly let out a defeaning roar, pounding its chest with its fists before it charged towards both A2 and Huntress, intending to ram them head on...

Further on in the distance, they could see multiple elephant-like creatures ramming at the gates... Along with a multitude of others types attempting to scale the walls.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

One of the members of the Military Police was about to say something... Appearing to be prepared to roll with Birdie's gesture, but before he could begin to name a price, his face suddnly paled as he seemed to notice something on one of the boxes Birdie was holding up...

Howlett would get another whiff of that putrid odor on that note, seeming to confirm his suspicions just as the boxes Birdie was holding up began to gravitate towards each other, thanks to a mysterious force that appeared to be emanating from one of the boxes, that appeared to have that mysterious protrusion from earlier on it... Almost like some sort of ghoulish face or something.

Furthermore, it appeared that various miscallaneous items from nearby were also gravitating towards that box with the mysterious protrusion, giving Birdie very little time to avoid them. Ranging from cannon balls, to barrels, and even a couple cannons, which evidently startled that taller woman who had been tending to them... Who then quickly rushed off towards one of the cannons that had remained in its position, evidently recognizing the likelihood that a battle was brewing.

Many of the personell who had been tending to the wounded were also noticing this strange disturbance, even Christa... Who yelped in surprise, while many of the Military Police members were beginning to fumble with their gear, or fumbling with their muskets... Alot of them confused as to what is going on, with their supplies apparently having been possessed by something...

As the items began to come together, it was oddly beginning to look like a large, humanoid shape, as if whatever was causing this was creating some sort of body out of the items it was manipulating.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

The group, who had joined up with the smaller group of Recon Corps soldiers, soon found themselves rushing forwards with them, as the group of creatures drew close enough to them to be hit with cannon fire... However. Just like inside the boundaries of the wall, they took a sharp turn, allowing them to avoid the bulk of these creatures, and charge ahead.

As they did so, the group could catch a few words being holldered by a mysterious man, who appeared to be leading them along. While it was difficult to make out every single word. Though they could catch something about extracting someone from the middle of this, and directions to spread out and plant explosives, which if anyone looked carefully enough, they would notice that there were large barrels with fuses attatched to them loaded on the backs of a good number of the horses.

Danielle, who had decided to take to the skies, flinging off her cape and all certainly got some surprised looks as she cast off her cloak and flew out into the distance on her shield...

As they drew closer and closer to the black mas... They would notice a large pool of black, tar-like substance from which multiple insectoid, and animal-like creatures were crawling out from... Sharing the same color scheme, and resemblace to the creatures that had been attacking the walls. Though ontop of that, they would notice someone, or something, sitting at the center of it all... Where there appeared to be a large pool of this tar-like substance appeared to be some sort of Titan, like the ones that had been encountered before, except... It looked alot more muscular, and, appeared to be struggling to free itself from this pool, like an overzied animal trying to free itself from a tar pit, which... Might as well be what was going on here.

Fortunately, there wasn't nearly as big of a horde of creatures here as there was further back at that outpost, but evidently... There was enough to cause problems, namely a particularly large scorpion-like creature was causing trouble amongst their ranks... Along with numerous smaller creatures that appeared to be boring in and out of the ground, seeming to be aiming for the horse riders that had those barrels (presumably filled with explosives) on their backs.

Despite many of the soldiers using their gear, or muskets in an effort to fend off these creatures... It looks like they would be needing some help. Interestingly enough though, the few that did manage to light and throw their explosive barrels appeared to be rolling them into the pit of tar-like substance... Which appeared to shrivel away from the explosions, momentarily causing the substance to recede away from the titan in the center's body.

While it was likely a good idea to help the Recon Corps fend off these creatures, alternatively... One could try and retrieve some of the dropped barrels, and attempt to use them to weaken the tar-like substance, but... Of course, if they didn't want to rely on that, they could simply use their powers to strike at the substance.

However, whatever they chose... It would be wise to be carefull, as it was hard to say if this substance would simply sit there and take it, or if it was capable of defending itself, beyond spawning those creatures that is.​
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@BarrenThin @Crow

If Ben and Buddy were to attempt it, they would discover that their abilities were currently disabled as well. Nonetheless, the blue haired woman appeared to be concentrated on leading them further along, to wherever she planned on going.

Honestly though, it hardly felt like they were moving at all in this place, as the field seemed to stretch on endlessly... Until they reached a spot where there appeared to be a blue, sphere-like object of some sort, not unlike those "time gates" they had encountered before, except... This one appeared to be flickering, emitting a rather weak, pulsating light that seemed unlikely to provide much illumination, had this place been dark.

She reached out to touch it, but before her hands made contact, she looked towards Ben, his companion, and Dio respectively, seeming to hesitate for a moment before she spoke.

"Before we can return... We must find an artifact. It awaits us through this gate, in a place where all that remains of delted timelines lie." She said.

Though she was still as cryptic as ever, it looks like she'd be willing to elaborate, once they had the chance to converse with one another anyways... But for the time being, she appeared more focused on the strange blue sphere, holding her hands out as she concentrated... Eventually causing it to expand outwards, almost like a timegate, except they could clearly see the world that lay beyond.

As desolate land, with ruins of various buildings... Futuristic, and more primitive, alike... It looked bleak, like all life had been drained from it, and there was this ominous feeling, radiating from it.

All in all though, at least the portal, thing, didn't seem to be sucking them inside, but instead... The woman stepped forwards, entering the portal, motioning for them to follow once more... Guess it was up to them, to take the first step inside.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose


Those who scaled the wall would quickly find a sight to behold; rows upon rows of cannons were aimed at the ground below, where a horde of various animal-like creatures were striking at the wall, while some were aimed high above... Towards large bird-like creatures were circling the area, bombarding segments with arrow-like feathers on occasion. Many casualties were being sustained, but it would appear that the numerous fighters stationed here were quick to transport what they could away from the carnage... While others continued to rotate around, manning the cannons... Or launching themselves straight towards the enemy above using their mysterious gear... Managing to kill off a few airborne enemies every so often.

It seems though that the defenses here might not hold out forever, if the flow of these strange creatures kept up like this... But from up here, it seemed like those who wanted to could either man a cannon, or just use the elevation on the wall to their advantage in order to stave off the creatures in the air or on the ground. On the other hand, one could always improvise if they would so choose, it just seemed that those on the wall needed some help.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Fortunately, for Shion, there was plenty of medical supplies to go around, and it wasn't hard to grab some from a nearby stockpile and begin helping out with the wounded and injured... Something that those doing so already were evidently gratefull for.

Mipha, and Rosa, along with Sidon's help managed to heal a good chunk of the injured in their immediate area, and while they did not completely seal wounds or anything... It certainly allowed those helping out to perform their tasks with ease... And a few of the injured soldiers actually turned out well enough to go back into battle too, which they were quick to do... Heading through Wall Sina's gate once they got on their gear.


"I wish help like this could come more often..." The blonde haired woman said, frowning a little.

It wasn't certain if she was aware of Rosa and Mipha's strange healing powers, but it was clear that she was gratefull for the help, considering just how many injured were flowing in by the hour.

After a moment, she seemed to shake off her gloomy expression, managing another cheery smile towards Mipha and Rosa.

"I'm Christa... Lenz. It's nice to meet you." She said.

Though no-one had asked her name directly, it seemed that she was trying to lift the mood a little... Or maybe just distract herself from the sheer number of injured that was coming in.


Connor's approach yielded the expected results, with one of the members of the Military Police quick to answer, for whatever it's worth.

"Ah, 3D Maneuver Gear, rations, medical supplies... Firearms and gunpowder... That sort of thing." He said, though he seemed a little uneasy when Connor mentioned helping out.

"It's fine! It's fine! We've got this covered! Just... Go help the injured!" He said, waving him off.

Actually, looking closer, while a good portion of the supplies were indeed going towards the forces stationed here, there was a small bit that appeared to be getting pawned off to some wealthy looking civilians. Guess the Military Police didn't exactly have their hands clean.


In the meantime, Howlett suddenly caught a whiff of something really putrid... And if he were to turn his attention to the source, he might just catch a mysterious protrususion from one of the crates before it vanished into the depths within. Whatever it was, it seemed that the Military Police, nor anyone handling the supplies had noticed it... But, it certainly couldn't be a good thing, considering that it shared the color scheme of that bird-like creature that had attacked the group upon arrival.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Regardless of whether everyone chose to don the capes given to them... They found that they were more or less unnoticed, or at least, didn't draw unwanted attention as they all happened to climb into the same supply wagon, whether it was intentional, or not.

As all the units of the Survey Corps were currently at a standstill, there was plenty of time to converse amongst themselves... But in the end, when a distinct line of green smoke could be seen in the sky... Followed by a sudden volley of cannon fire from the left side of the wall... The gates were suddenly lifted, and their wagon suddenly moved forwards along with the rest of the units.

The journey to the actual outside of the wall took a fair amount of time, considering that they had to go through another series of buildings, and another gate... But it seemed that most of the creatures attacking the wall had diverted their attention towards the left side of the wall, allowing for the Survey Corps to slip through, to the place outside the walls.


Eventually, they reached a series of buildings, where there already appeared to be an outpost, and even a few cannon emplacements... With a few other Recon Corps members already stationed there, but it would appear that the outpost was far from safe, as they got closer.

The horses pulling the carts seemed to come to a stop behind the cannon emplacements, while the rest of the group seemed to be re-organizing, preparing to charge again, with some discussion going on amongst them.


If one were to peek out of the wagon to see what the Recon Corps was regrouping for, they would see that there appeared to be horde of incoming creatures, a few bird-like ones, like they had seen within the walls... And, a bunch of animal-like creatures that resembled bears, or werewolves perhaps... If they were on steroids, that is. In addition, there even appeared to be a couple that resembled overgrown scorpions.

Beyond that, there appeared to be a black mass of some sort, but it was hard to make out from this distance... But one could likely assume that this was the source of these creatures, though there was no way to tell from this distance.

Regardless, it seemed that it was going to be difficult to get there on foot, but seeing that a large portion of the forces seemed to be hunkering down... Preparing to fend off the onslaught of creatures, they appeared not to be paying a whole lot of attention to the spare horses in a nearby stable. There appeared to be at least 8 that they could take, if they weren't so confident in making the journey on foot, or heck, they could even just help the forces here defend against the onslaught, but regardless... It was unlikely that these creatures were going to stop coming, unless the source of them was eliminated.

In fact, if one looked carefully, there was a smaller group of Survey Corps soldiers gathering together... Appearing to be preparing to to charge through the first opening they had, but seeing that there was a load of creature's drawing closer and closer, they may be planning to use the bulk of their forces as a diversion... In either case, seeing that the black mass in the distance, as well as the horde of creatures coming their way were drawing closer by the minute... There was only going to be a small window of time for the group that had decided to accompany the Survey Corps here to make a decision.

Shadow Hawk Gives Flight



Death was in the air.

Shichika Yasuri was no stranger to it, but he was loath to admit that even he was fully numb to the violence. Even if these people did not concern him, even if he did not know any of them at all, perhaps it was only natural to feel something when faced with monsters doing harm to man.

Without any need of horses (Shichika didn't really know how to ride them anyway admittedly), the young man flew into action, leaping into the air with his powerful legs as though he were on a spring from the wagon that he had been hiding in, and just as he'd landed on the ground, he deftly dashed forward towards the smaller group along with the others. His hair flowed in the wind like the maple leaf that his image illustrated did, but in contrast, his body moved like a speeding locomotive, his momentum allowing him to deliver a devastatingly powerful punch thrown at one of the many strange monsters around, practically ripping its body apart like a thick sword of great sharpness and blunt power.

Making his presence known, his cape having been lost in his movements, Shichika shifted to his ready position, bucking his knees ever so slightly and holding his arms out.


"So, then... Might anybody have a plan here?"

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Yun Lee @york @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission

The shining path lies obstructed.

Giorno instinctively emerged from the supply wagon when he felt it's movement lurch to a stop. He found himself standing over a viridian horizon, bearing witness to an approaching tide of endless black, coupled with a chorus of gnashing teeth and savage roars. Again, Gold Experience could not see the flame of life burning in these creatures. The flame within them was doused, and a bitter hollowness lay in their wake. The boss' blue eyes caught wind of a group of people standing out from the rest, seemingly preparing to make a push towards the approaching horde of monsters.

The spark of thought in Giorno vanished without a notice when he saw his ally, Shichika Yasuri, bound towards the group with no second thought. Giorno Giovanna could sympathize; the star-shaped birthmark on his shoulder burned when he saw men being approached by monster.

So, he moved.



Giorno himself leapt off of the wagon, time slowing around him as his Stand materialized behind him with a golden shimmer, facing back towards the supply wagon. If there was any living beings still resting in the wagon, Gold Experience would grip them roughly and toss them out in a matter of seconds. Once the wagon was empty, the ghostly being reached back it's fist and smashed the wooden cart once. The wood snapped inwards, but a transparent residue would rapidly expand from the point where the fist landed.

"Life, spring forth."

The residue encompassed the wagon in under a second, prompting the large matter within this 'bubble' to shift and morph.

A golden breath of life entered it. Another second passed, and a fully-grown horse burst from what was once a supply wagon, speeding forward like a missile as Giorno gracefully landed on it's back. The creature didn't buck or respond at all to Giorno's presence, respecting the unspoken tether between the creation and it's creator. Giorno gripped the steed's neck and rode down towards the smaller group, intending to support the Survey Corps. The creature's movements became as one with Giorno's thoughts, the two lifeforms braving the coming storm, as free as a golden wind in the sky.

When Giorno got at least a few meters in range of the Grimm surrounding the smaller Survey Corps group and Shichika, he briefly looked down at his steed with a solemn glare.

"I apologize for this."

Closing his eyes and letting his thoughts alone command the lifeform, Giorno stood upright upon the horses' back and bounded off, allowing his lithe body to flip through the air as a stylish flower would, before landing on his feet with a grunt and standing upright next to Shichika, watching the horse continue moving towards the horde.

"Life, retreat."

Upon the command, Gold Experience materialized behind Giorno and clenched its fist. Just then, the fearless horse let out a complacent snort before losing it's shape and form. The breath of life was revoked from the wagon, causing the creature that was once a horse to transform back into the wooden supply wagon, the mass of wood and stone flying at the creatures recklessly.


"A horse can move at an average speed of 25 or 30 miles per hour. That's quite impressive for a creature with that kind of mass and weight...so, what would happen if a wooden wagon with almost twice the mass and weight of a horse were to crash into something with that same speed?"


Giorno's hypothesis resolved as the wagon projectile smashed into the horde, toppling over at least a dozen of the smaller Grimm and instantly killing several of them. The sudden shift in mass, whilst keeping the momentum generated by a horse galloping, resulted in what seemed like a powerful, albeit bizarre projectile attack.

"The supplies weren't that important,"
Giorno offhandedly quipped to any Survey Corps 'superiors' that stood nearby. Throwing the green coat off his form in a dramatic manner, Giorno stood side-by-side with Shichika in his 'ready' position; Gold Experience hovering nearby with it's fists clenched.

"If we're going to reach the source, we'll have to carve a path through these enemies!"

"Let's go, Shichika."

Giorno rushed forward with the Survey Corps, using the strength of his own legs to carry him this time. He caught wind of what the soldiers were trying to accomplish, and took a moment to stare out at the battlefield approaching them. He had no thoughts to spare on the Titan, but identified the 'source' of these creatures; the black pool surrounding the Titan. The burrowing creatures were going to be a problem, however.

A small problem means small solutions. The boss reached into his pocket, withdrawing a handful of spare change. The items transferred into Gold Experience's hand as it emerged from Giorno, which triggered it's palm to rapidly vibrate. The Stand reared back it's hand and threw the change out into the battlefield...although it wasn't coins that escaped the fist; they were moles.

"Moles are able to detect vibrations in the ground, which is helpful in the case of burrowing predators..."

Giorno felt his senses flare to life as the moles' vibration sense extended to himself, the tiny creatures fearfully burrowing into the ground to escape the Grimm. He would use the moles as 'trackers'-- allowing him to pinpoint where exactly the burrowing scorpions would emerge from and where they would move to. The moles were tiny enough to escape the predation of the borers, who seemed to be focused on the horse-riders.

Now that he knew where they were coming from, they would have no chance. Giorno moved to defend the horse-riders as they transported the explosives, allowing Gold Experience to rapidly smash the ground to smithereens whenever Giorno's trackers sensed an approaching Grimm!



@Yun Lee @Verite @york @Jeremi @Kaykay @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9


Alexandra, aka Huntress

Lex got up from her fall, dusted herself off and retrieved her sword. She moved a little bit away from A2 so as to force the charging creature to choose between A2 and herself. If the creature charged her, she intended to dodge at the last minute & attack with her sword. If it chose A2, she intended to intercept and attack from the flank, again with her sword.

@york @Otto @Krieg @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi
@Crow @BarrenThin

The place the woman had lead them through to was pretty bleak and desolate... With alot of the buildings having fallen to ruin, by either a massive amount of trauma, or simply the passage of time. Likely both, all things considered.


However, what was most notable was that if they were to look down at their feet... They'd realize that the ground was made up of what appeared to be waves, frozen solid, but not quite by the cold. It was as if a sea had been frozen in time, through some mysterious means, buying a large variety of buildings amongst them.

Most notably, there appeared to be a futuristic building amongst the rubble... With lights from within still flickering, indicating that it still had power, for one reason or another, along with what looked like a collapsed Beacon Tower. Its tip was still emitting a faint glow, and it looked like there might still be some functional machinery inside the rubble.

The woman appeared to be rubbing her chin, not sure where to go from here... So it would likely be up to Dio and Ben to decide themselves. Interestingly enough though, it would appear that their powers were beginning to return to them, but it was difficult to say how they would work in a place like this.

If the blue haired woman was telling the truth, after all... This place was somewhere beyond time itself, a mysterious place that had unpredictable qualities. While it could not be said for certain, it was very likely that there may be instances of hostile anomalies lurking amongst this place... Whatever it was, anyways.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose
As the mysterious woman that had joined them earlier manned one of the cannons, aiming for the creature's attacking the gate, Huntress, and A2 were able to successfully leap onto two different bird creature's... Both of these creatures let out a loud squawk as they began to roll in the air, trying to shake of their assailants... However, as both A2 and Huntress respectively began to slice away at the creature's, the rolling maneuver on their behalf was rather futile, and in the end... Both of them crashed into the ground below, leaving both of them outside of the wall's limits.

Fortunately for them, they were far enough away from the walls that most of the creatures did not pay them any mind... Except one, that is.


Looking to have tanked damage from a cannon ball or two already... A gorilla-like creature suddenly let out a defeaning roar, pounding its chest with its fists before it charged towards both A2 and Huntress, intending to ram them head on...

Further on in the distance, they could see multiple elephant-like creatures ramming at the gates... Along with a multitude of others types attempting to scale the walls.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

One of the members of the Military Police was about to say something... Appearing to be prepared to roll with Birdie's gesture, but before he could begin to name a price, his face suddnly paled as he seemed to notice something on one of the boxes Birdie was holding up...

Howlett would get another whiff of that putrid odor on that note, seeming to confirm his suspicions just as the boxes Birdie was holding up began to gravitate towards each other, thanks to a mysterious force that appeared to be emanating from one of the boxes, that appeared to have that mysterious protrusion from earlier on it... Almost like some sort of ghoulish face or something.

Furthermore, it appeared that various miscallaneous items from nearby were also gravitating towards that box with the mysterious protrusion, giving Birdie very little time to avoid them. Ranging from cannon balls, to barrels, and even a couple cannons, which evidently startled that taller woman who had been tending to them... Who then quickly rushed off towards one of the cannons that had remained in its position, evidently recognizing the likelihood that a battle was brewing.

Many of the personell who had been tending to the wounded were also noticing this strange disturbance, even Christa... Who yelped in surprise, while many of the Military Police members were beginning to fumble with their gear, or fumbling with their muskets... Alot of them confused as to what is going on, with their supplies apparently having been possessed by something...

As the items began to come together, it was oddly beginning to look like a large, humanoid shape, as if whatever was causing this was creating some sort of body out of the items it was manipulating.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

The group, who had joined up with the smaller group of Recon Corps soldiers, soon found themselves rushing forwards with them, as the group of creatures drew close enough to them to be hit with cannon fire... However. Just like inside the boundaries of the wall, they took a sharp turn, allowing them to avoid the bulk of these creatures, and charge ahead.

As they did so, the group could catch a few words being holldered by a mysterious man, who appeared to be leading them along. While it was difficult to make out every single word. Though they could catch something about extracting someone from the middle of this, and directions to spread out and plant explosives, which if anyone looked carefully enough, they would notice that there were large barrels with fuses attatched to them loaded on the backs of a good number of the horses.

Danielle, who had decided to take to the skies, flinging off her cape and all certainly got some surprised looks as she cast off her cloak and flew out into the distance on her shield...

As they drew closer and closer to the black mas... They would notice a large pool of black, tar-like substance from which multiple insectoid, and animal-like creatures were crawling out from... Sharing the same color scheme, and resemblace to the creatures that had been attacking the walls. Though ontop of that, they would notice someone, or something, sitting at the center of it all... Where there appeared to be a large pool of this tar-like substance appeared to be some sort of Titan, like the ones that had been encountered before, except... It looked alot more muscular, and, appeared to be struggling to free itself from this pool, like an overzied animal trying to free itself from a tar pit, which... Might as well be what was going on here.

Fortunately, there wasn't nearly as big of a horde of creatures here as there was further back at that outpost, but evidently... There was enough to cause problems, namely a particularly large scorpion-like creature was causing trouble amongst their ranks... Along with numerous smaller creatures that appeared to be boring in and out of the ground, seeming to be aiming for the horse riders that had those barrels (presumably filled with explosives) on their backs.

Despite many of the soldiers using their gear, or muskets in an effort to fend off these creatures... It looks like they would be needing some help. Interestingly enough though, the few that did manage to light and throw their explosive barrels appeared to be rolling them into the pit of tar-like substance... Which appeared to shrivel away from the explosions, momentarily causing the substance to recede away from the titan in the center's body.

While it was likely a good idea to help the Recon Corps fend off these creatures, alternatively... One could try and retrieve some of the dropped barrels, and attempt to use them to weaken the tar-like substance, but... Of course, if they didn't want to rely on that, they could simply use their powers to strike at the substance.

However, whatever they chose... It would be wise to be carefull, as it was hard to say if this substance would simply sit there and take it, or if it was capable of defending itself, beyond spawning those creatures that is.​

Well this was something Howlett wasn't going to let whatever this was continue.


"Keep those civilians safe! I'll see what I can do with this thing!"
With claws drawn Howlett leaped towards the forming monsters. His plan was to find that box from earlier and stab it. No doubt it was the source of all of this.​

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb @york

Being up high meant Danielle had a clear look over the area. That black mass was certainly something that she could have lived with out ever seeing. Fire seemed like something it wasn't a fan of though and so Danielle flew down next to Blaze. "You could project fire right? Give that mess something to think about and keep it occupied." As she was down she noticed Giorno doing his thing. "Well...that's something." She quipped before grabbing two barrels under her arms and flying up high again.

Her plan was to aim them right at the center where that giant was. Just as long as she didn't harm its neck she knew it would survive.

"Look out bellow!" With that she'd drop both of them down to hopefully hit their mark with all the other distractions going on.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Eventually, Sonic showed up along the crew after mysteriously disappearing, holding a bag full of chillidogs.


"Hey guys! Sorry I went missing for a bit. They have an all you can eat chillidog buffet here! What are the odds?" Sonic asked as he stuffed one in his mouth.


As he ate the delicious dog, Sonic found that they were fighting Grimm now, confusing them for more more titans.

"These guys again? Didn't we finish them off last time?" He asked, mouth full of said chillidog. After this he simply shrugged before taking off at his signature speed and just homing attacking the ever living shit out of these damn Grimm.
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Archmage Jeremiah
@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

The group, who had joined up with the smaller group of Recon Corps soldiers, soon found themselves rushing forwards with them, as the group of creatures drew close enough to them to be hit with cannon fire... However. Just like inside the boundaries of the wall, they took a sharp turn, allowing them to avoid the bulk of these creatures, and charge ahead.

As they did so, the group could catch a few words being holldered by a mysterious man, who appeared to be leading them along. While it was difficult to make out every single word. Though they could catch something about extracting someone from the middle of this, and directions to spread out and plant explosives, which if anyone looked carefully enough, they would notice that there were large barrels with fuses attatched to them loaded on the backs of a good number of the horses.

Danielle, who had decided to take to the skies, flinging off her cape and all certainly got some surprised looks as she cast off her cloak and flew out into the distance on her shield...

As they drew closer and closer to the black mas... They would notice a large pool of black, tar-like substance from which multiple insectoid, and animal-like creatures were crawling out from... Sharing the same color scheme, and resemblace to the creatures that had been attacking the walls. Though ontop of that, they would notice someone, or something, sitting at the center of it all... Where there appeared to be a large pool of this tar-like substance appeared to be some sort of Titan, like the ones that had been encountered before, except... It looked alot more muscular, and, appeared to be struggling to free itself from this pool, like an overzied animal trying to free itself from a tar pit, which... Might as well be what was going on here.

Fortunately, there wasn't nearly as big of a horde of creatures here as there was further back at that outpost, but evidently... There was enough to cause problems, namely a particularly large scorpion-like creature was causing trouble amongst their ranks... Along with numerous smaller creatures that appeared to be boring in and out of the ground, seeming to be aiming for the horse riders that had those barrels (presumably filled with explosives) on their backs.

Despite many of the soldiers using their gear, or muskets in an effort to fend off these creatures... It looks like they would be needing some help. Interestingly enough though, the few that did manage to light and throw their explosive barrels appeared to be rolling them into the pit of tar-like substance... Which appeared to shrivel away from the explosions, momentarily causing the substance to recede away from the titan in the center's body.

While it was likely a good idea to help the Recon Corps fend off these creatures, alternatively... One could try and retrieve some of the dropped barrels, and attempt to use them to weaken the tar-like substance, but... Of course, if they didn't want to rely on that, they could simply use their powers to strike at the substance.

However, whatever they chose... It would be wise to be carefull, as it was hard to say if this substance would simply sit there and take it, or if it was capable of defending itself, beyond spawning those creatures that is.
Being up high meant Danielle had a clear look over the area. That black mass was certainly something that she could have lived with out ever seeing. Fire seemed like something it wasn't a fan of though and so Danielle flew down next to Blaze. "You could project fire right? Give that mess something to think about and keep it occupied." As she was down she noticed Giorno doing his thing. "Well...that's something." She quipped before grabbing two barrels under her arms and flying up high again.

Her plan was to aim them right at the center where that giant was. Just as long as she didn't harm its neck she knew it would survive.

"Look out bellow!" With that she'd drop both of them down to hopefully hit their mark with all the other distractions going on.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Eventually, Sonic showed up along the crew after mysteriously disappearing, holding a bag full of chillidogs.


"Hey guys! Sorry I went missing for a bit. They have an all you can eat chillidog buffet here! What are the odds?" Sonic asked as he stuffed one in his mouth.


As he ate the delicious dog, Sonic found that there were more titans.

"These guys again? Didn't we finish them off last time?" He asked, mouth full of said chillidog. After this he simply shrugged before taking off at his signature speed and just homing attacking the ever living shit out of those damn titans.

Turning to hear out Danielle's plan, Blaze focused upon her palm as she opened it, expecting an orb of pure flame to appear, although it never did. She wildly shook her open palm about, until a wee ember flickered to life. Blaze was utterly disappointed.

_Blaze 17.png

"I can't! Something about this place, it's sapping my-!" she shouted in response, but cut herself short as she glanced towards a fleet of horses transporting fused barrels, and then to Sonic as he dashed headlong into the carnage. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Blaze called out to the hedgehog.

_Blaze 11.png

"Sonic, get your big blue butt back here right now before you're blown to bits! We're doing things my way this time!" she demanded while moving to gather up the barrels that had fallen off the transport.

@thatguyinthestore @Jeremi @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite
@Crow @BarrenThin

The place the woman had lead them through to was pretty bleak and desolate... With alot of the buildings having fallen to ruin, by either a massive amount of trauma, or simply the passage of time. Likely both, all things considered.


However, what was most notable was that if they were to look down at their feet... They'd realize that the ground was made up of what appeared to be waves, frozen solid, but not quite by the cold. It was as if a sea had been frozen in time, through some mysterious means, buying a large variety of buildings amongst them.

Most notably, there appeared to be a futuristic building amongst the rubble... With lights from within still flickering, indicating that it still had power, for one reason or another, along with what looked like a collapsed Beacon Tower. Its tip was still emitting a faint glow, and it looked like there might still be some functional machinery inside the rubble.

The woman appeared to be rubbing her chin, not sure where to go from here... So it would likely be up to Dio and Ben to decide themselves. Interestingly enough though, it would appear that their powers were beginning to return to them, but it was difficult to say how they would work in a place like this.

If the blue haired woman was telling the truth, after all... This place was somewhere beyond time itself, a mysterious place that had unpredictable qualities. While it could not be said for certain, it was very likely that there may be instances of hostile anomalies lurking amongst this place... Whatever it was, anyways.​

Ben's Omnitrix would beep repeatedly, before halting.

Transformation function now available.

"Alright," Ben says, "back online and ready to rumble."

"Skree!" Buddy squeals, feeling more energetic as his power returned to him. Buddy prances about Ben and DIO, but halts and returns to Ben after nearing DIO's personal space.

"Feels kinda weird doing this without one of my swimmers," Ben says, looking at the time-frozen sea as he walked on it and climbed the waves as if they were short cliffs, which, by all technicality, they were. "I could try to use Clockwork to get things working, but we need to find solid ground first, you know, in case the waves go at it again and we drown."

Ben looks carefully again.

"... the water is supposed to be like this, isn't it?"

With that, Ben decides to have a look at the odd device within the tips of the Collapsed Beacon Tower. He has a close look, wondering if it's too complicated for him.

"Wonder if Upgrade or Jury Rigg can do anything... what does this thing do, anyways?" Ben asks the mysterious lady.


"What is it, partner?"

Buddy seemed to feel that there were hostile entities in the area... but where? He was preparing his attack stance, that's for sure.

"You keep an eye out for trouble, I'll get digging," Ben says as he dials his Omnitrix. "Time for four arms of fun! Or menial labour in this case."

Ben began to transform, growing another set of eye sockets, his body growing larger, his ribcage expanding and his arms splitting into another pair!


"Fourarms!" The new being, creatively named 'Fourarms', bellowed. This red humanoid, four arms, four eyes, was likely from a civilization of gladiatorial warriors, based on his attire. "Well, time to get to work. These bricks aren't going to move themselves. Heck, I don't think anything's going to move itself."

Fourarms would start to lift the rubble suppressing the Beacon Tower, piece by piece, in order to uncover what was underneath.

@BarrenThin @Crow @york
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  • Like
Reactions: BarrenThin
@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

The group, who had joined up with the smaller group of Recon Corps soldiers, soon found themselves rushing forwards with them, as the group of creatures drew close enough to them to be hit with cannon fire... However. Just like inside the boundaries of the wall, they took a sharp turn, allowing them to avoid the bulk of these creatures, and charge ahead.

As they did so, the group could catch a few words being holldered by a mysterious man, who appeared to be leading them along. While it was difficult to make out every single word. Though they could catch something about extracting someone from the middle of this, and directions to spread out and plant explosives, which if anyone looked carefully enough, they would notice that there were large barrels with fuses attatched to them loaded on the backs of a good number of the horses.

Danielle, who had decided to take to the skies, flinging off her cape and all certainly got some surprised looks as she cast off her cloak and flew out into the distance on her shield...

As they drew closer and closer to the black mas... They would notice a large pool of black, tar-like substance from which multiple insectoid, and animal-like creatures were crawling out from... Sharing the same color scheme, and resemblace to the creatures that had been attacking the walls. Though ontop of that, they would notice someone, or something, sitting at the center of it all... Where there appeared to be a large pool of this tar-like substance appeared to be some sort of Titan, like the ones that had been encountered before, except... It looked alot more muscular, and, appeared to be struggling to free itself from this pool, like an overzied animal trying to free itself from a tar pit, which... Might as well be what was going on here.

Fortunately, there wasn't nearly as big of a horde of creatures here as there was further back at that outpost, but evidently... There was enough to cause problems, namely a particularly large scorpion-like creature was causing trouble amongst their ranks... Along with numerous smaller creatures that appeared to be boring in and out of the ground, seeming to be aiming for the horse riders that had those barrels (presumably filled with explosives) on their backs.

Despite many of the soldiers using their gear, or muskets in an effort to fend off these creatures... It looks like they would be needing some help. Interestingly enough though, the few that did manage to light and throw their explosive barrels appeared to be rolling them into the pit of tar-like substance... Which appeared to shrivel away from the explosions, momentarily causing the substance to recede away from the titan in the center's body.

While it was likely a good idea to help the Recon Corps fend off these creatures, alternatively... One could try and retrieve some of the dropped barrels, and attempt to use them to weaken the tar-like substance, but... Of course, if they didn't want to rely on that, they could simply use their powers to strike at the substance.

However, whatever they chose... It would be wise to be carefull, as it was hard to say if this substance would simply sit there and take it, or if it was capable of defending itself, beyond spawning those creatures that is.

Well for all the stealth the group had attempted to use, it seemed now wasn't the time to remain hidden. Hopping out of the supply wagon, Seisa quickly took note of the black tar. It was easiest to cut something off at the source, so while Giorno and some of the others seemed to take care of a good number of the individual monsters, she focused her sights on the black pool.

"Killing Art."

Perhaps as expected, Seisa attempted to use her power. Focusing on the tar, she tried to separate its space from the space they currently inhabited, essentially placing it in an alternate space in which the creatures it spawned would be harmless to them.

At least, if the incoming barrels didn't take care of it already.

@Jeremi @Verite @Yun Lee @york @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LuckycoolHawk9 @ReconMission
Ben's Omnitrix would beep repeatedly, before halting.

Transformation function now available.

"Alright," Ben says, "back online and ready to rumble."

"Skree!" Buddy squeals, feeling more energetic as his power returned to him. Buddy prances about Ben and DIO, but halts and returns to Ben after nearing DIO's personal space.

"Feels kinda weird doing this without one of my swimmers," Ben says, looking at the time-frozen sea as he walked on it and climbed the waves as if they were short cliffs, which, by all technicality, they were. "I could try to use Clockwork to get things working, but we need to find solid ground first, you know, in case the waves go at it again and we drown."

Ben looks carefully again.

"... the water is supposed to be like this, isn't it?"

With that, Ben decides to have a look at the odd device within the tips of the Collapsed Beacon Tower. He has a close look, wondering if it's too complicated for him.

"Wonder if Upgrade or Jury Rigg can do anything... what does this thing do, anyways?" Ben asks the mysterious lady.


"What is it, partner?"

Buddy seemed to feel that there were hostile entities in the area... but where? He was preparing his attack stance, that's for sure.

"You keep an eye out for trouble, I'll get digging," Ben says as he dials his Omnitrix. "Time for four arms of fun! Or menial labour in this case."

Ben began to transform, growing another set of eye sockets, his body growing larger, his ribcage expanding and his arms splitting into another pair!


"Fourarms!" The new being, creatively named 'Fourarms', bellowed. This red humanoid, four arms, four eyes, was likely from a civilization of gladiatorial warriors, based on his attire. "Well, time to get to work. These bricks aren't going to move themselves. Heck, I don't think anything's going to move itself."

Fourarms would start to lift the rubble suppressing the Beacon Tower, piece by piece, in order to uncover what was underneath.

@BarrenThin @Crow @york

DIO frowned as he walked on the water as though it was a solid mass..
He felt his powers returning, but the way this place seemed frozen, he doubted The World would be able to affect time at all. They'd find out soon enough, anyways. His eyes turned downwards as Buddy hot a bit too close before his lips curled into a sadistic smile. At least the rat wasn't completely stupid. On another positive note, Ben seed to have regained his powers as well. Good. DIO had been considering eating him. After all, without his powers, Ben wasn't good for much else.

With the shaped shifter clearing the rubble of the tower, he went to the futuristic building. The World materialized and moved alongside him. He wasn't oblivious to the likelihood of an external threat, after all. As he approached, he paused. "The World. Time, stop."

Regardless of whether or not it worked, he tried the door.

Turning to hear out Danielle's plan, Blaze focused upon her palm as she opened it, expecting an orb of pure flame to appear, although it never did. She wildly shook her open palm about, until a wee ember flickered to life. Blaze was utterly disappointed.

View attachment 136797

"I can't! Something about this place, it's sapping my-!" she shouted in response, but cut herself short as she glanced towards a fleet of horses transporting fused barrels, and then to Sonic as he dashed headlong into the carnage. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Blaze called out to the hedgehog.

View attachment 136799

"Sonic, get your big blue butt back here right now before you're blown to bits! We're doing things my way this time!" she demanded while moving to gather up the barrels that had fallen off the transport.
Screeching to a halt when he heard the feline yell, Sonic shrugged and ran over to her.


"Alright then! I'm open to new ideas. What's the plan, Blaze?" Sonic asked, watching the approaching Grimm and not letting his guard down for even a moment.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite

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Connor looked over what was forming and sighed. Well, there went the safe zone again. He was really starting to question how he had been fooled twice by the illusion of safety. It wasn't real and he looked over at the gun in his hand from the previous place. Well, he had to do something. He used the future weapon on the forming mass.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Supergirl used her heat vision on the mass. She hoped she didn't make it worse.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose
As the mysterious woman that had joined them earlier manned one of the cannons, aiming for the creature's attacking the gate, Huntress, and A2 were able to successfully leap onto two different bird creature's... Both of these creatures let out a loud squawk as they began to roll in the air, trying to shake of their assailants... However, as both A2 and Huntress respectively began to slice away at the creature's, the rolling maneuver on their behalf was rather futile, and in the end... Both of them crashed into the ground below, leaving both of them outside of the wall's limits.

Fortunately for them, they were far enough away from the walls that most of the creatures did not pay them any mind... Except one, that is.


Looking to have tanked damage from a cannon ball or two already... A gorilla-like creature suddenly let out a defeaning roar, pounding its chest with its fists before it charged towards both A2 and Huntress, intending to ram them head on...

Further on in the distance, they could see multiple elephant-like creatures ramming at the gates... Along with a multitude of others types attempting to scale the walls.
Alexandra, aka Huntress

Lex got up from her fall, dusted herself off and retrieved her sword. She moved a little bit away from A2 so as to force the charging creature to choose between A2 and herself. If the creature charged her, she intended to dodge at the last minute & attack with her sword. If it chose A2, she intended to intercept and attack from the flank, again with her sword.

@york @Otto @Krieg @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi

"Tch... not exactly like I thought it would go, but this is fine as well."

A2 grumbled as she stood up, but didn't seem fazed at seeing gorilla-like creature charge towards them. Switching her held weapon from her sword to her lance, the android threw her lance like a javelin towards the charging creature, aiming for it's head.

@york @Otto @Krieg @Gands @Takumi
Screeching to a halt when he heard the feline yell, Sonic shrugged and ran over to her.


"Alright then! I'm open to new ideas. What's the plan, Blaze?" Sonic asked, watching the approaching titans and not letting his guard down for even a moment.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite

Sparks flew from Blaze's hands as she snapped her fingers over and over again, as if she were trying to start a gas lighter. Lo and behold, after half a dozen attempts, the tip of her index finger sustained a weak flame. Oh how she loathed this place more and more with every passing moment.

Blaze did perk up when Sonic wheeled around to help, however.

_Blaze 8.png

"Sonic, good; I need you to run this barrel over to the far side of this black morass," she ordered while threatening to light the barrel's fuse, "before the fuse runs out. Think you're up to it?"

@thatguyinthestore @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Jeremi
Sparks flew from Blaze's hands as she snapped her fingers over and over again, as if she were trying to start a gas lighter. Lo and behold, after half a dozen attempts, the tip of her index finger sustained a weak flame. Oh how she loathed this place more and more with every passing moment.

Blaze did perk up when Sonic wheeled around to help, however.

View attachment 136949

"Sonic, good; I need you to run this barrel over to the far side of this black morass," she ordered while threatening to light the barrel's fuse, "before the fuse runs out. Think you're up to it?"

@thatguyinthestore @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Jeremi


"Blaze, I'm the fastest thing alive, remember?" Sonic stated with a smug grin. He then quickly sidestepped over to the barrel after Blaze lit the fuse. Picking it up with both hands and holding it bridal style, Sonic nodded to the feline princess.

"I'll be back soon!" Sonic yelled. Without a moment's hesitation, Sonic took off at nearly his top speeds, heading toward the pre-mentioned destination.



"Blaze, I'm the fastest thing alive, remember?" Sonic stated with a smug grin. He then quickly sidestepped over to the barrel after Blaze lit the fuse. Picking it up with both hands and holding it bridal style, Sonic nodded to the feline princess.

"I'll be back soon!" Sonic yelled. Without a moment's hesitation, Sonic took off at nearly his top speeds, heading toward the pre-mentioned destination.

@Archmage Jeremiah @york

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Jeremi

Blaze shook her head and smiled as Sonic sped off into the distance. She swore his arrogance would be the death of that hedgehog one day, and prayed it wasn't today. Lighting up her own barrel, Blaze set it on its side and sent it rolling towards the shadowy pool before turning tail and running for cover.

@york @thatguyinthestore

@Yun Lee @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Jeremi
@Crow @BarrenThin

Ben appeared to not have too much success trying to figure out what was up with the tip of the tower... But it could be chalked down to what once had been a communications device. One that was currently far from functional, even if it did provide a little power to the building itself, or at least, what was left of it. Though when he touched it, he could swear he faintly heard some sort of radio broadcast or something in his head, but it was too faint to really make out what it was saying.

Eventually, when he chose to lift up the rubble to see if there was anything underneath, there waswas stuff to be uncovered, but unfortunately... Little that was usefull, save for maybe a flickering screen of a computer, barely functional, and badly damaged, but it looks like there might be a bit of information to access from there.


The blue haired woman from before appeared to have headed towards the futuristic building along with Dio... And though he had attempted to stop time, it would seem that all that it did was cause the area around them to bend and stretch momentarily... Creating a weird ripple effect, distorting the reality around them temprarily.

While his attempt to use his ability did not stop time, as both Dio and the woman entered the building, it did seem to draw another reaction from the world around them. For a moment, one could swear they saw distorted, humanoid looking figures in various places, for the briefest of moments.

This seemed to worry the woman, but... Nevertheless, she pressed onwards, with Dio.

Fortunately, the building itself was not incredibly large, and as it had tipped onto its side, access to the top floor VIA a gaping hole was quite easily managegeable. Ontop, there appeared to be some sort of flickering holographic display of some sort, and Dio could swear he saw a map, amongst other images flickering across it. Though, it looked like one might be able to interact with it, considering the large keyboard laying near it, that seemed moderately intact.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Giorno certainly did quite the number on these creatures... And due to a majority of them having been drawn away from the pool of black tar-like substance, he was able to make quite some headway. Though, the fact that he transformed the one cart that the recon corps had brought with them... Causing numerous explosive barrels and supplies to drop to the ground evidently alarmed alot of those who were fighting off the creatures swarming the area.

Whatever may have been keeping them from getting weird looks, was evidently gone now, as there was just some things that were near impossible to hide... Let alone wave off, in a situation like this, but his horse certainly did a number... As well as the moles he had sent out to take care off the burrowing creatures, which allowed the recon corps to advance further, keeping up their efforts in trying to neutralize the substance.

Blaze, and Sonic (if he joined in) were able to roll (and perhaps even light) some explosive barrels, those that were lit caused quite an explosion... Appearing to make the substance shrivel up briefly.

Supergirl in the meantime, was quite effective with using her heat vision to stave off this black tar-like substance, as it appeared to be receding from the titan in the center of it all. It was only when Seisa used her Killing Art ability, that the substance seemed to temporarily withdraw from the titan it had been enveloping, exposing its nape for a brief moment.

Before anyone had the chance to act upon it though, a member of the recon corps seemed to be quick to do so, suddenly latching onto the titan's nape with the grapples from her strange gear... Before spinning throughthe air with her blades in hand.


"Eren!!!" She cried out, slashing at the titan's nape.

Though it didn't look like she intended to deal a killing blow, instead... She appeared to have cut out a section, and pulled an unconscious young man out from within. Quickly sailing away using her grapples, it was evident that she intended to get whoever she had just extracted from that titan's nape to safety.

As a result of this though, the titan itself, that was once stuck within this black tar-like substance began to desintegrate, causing the substance itself to began to evaporate... And just like that, the creature's that had been fighting the Recon Corps, and those who had joined them, seemed to suddenly collapse to the ground, lifeless, their bodies quickly turning to heavy clouds of black smoke...

The surviving members of the Recon Corps, seemed to be gathering whatever they had back up, as it was evident that the battle was finally over... Judging by the lack of cannon fire back at the small outpost, where they had come from.

If it werent for the sheer amount of injured and lost soldiers that were being rushed back to base... Causing most of the Recon Corps to already begin dispersing, there probably would have been alot of questions about what Giorno just did, but... For now, it looks like they were more concerned with handling their casualties.

However, in the middle of the crater that the black tar-like substance was currently evaporating from... There appeared to be a blue shimmer, drawing attention to some sort of obscured item laying within. Whatever it was... It looked like it might be important, though the Recon Corps seemed not to have noticed it yet.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9(Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Howlett in the meanwhile, ran into a little difficulty at first, trying to face the creature that had apparently begun to possess boxes and the like... Appearing to form it all into one, distinctive extension of itself, like some sort of weird golem or something.

While his claws certainly proved to be able to cut through the stuff it was using to protect itself like butter, it was covering its face enough to make it difficult to tell which box it was currently housed in.

Fortunately, this was quickly corrected when two loud booming sounds rang out... Followed by a crunching noise as two cannon balls made suddenly impacted the creature, their momentum knocking loose the items that the creature had been using as makeshift "harms" in its temporary "body" it had created with various items it had drawn towards itself.

Connor, who fired off his weapon he had acquired from the previous world was able to get rid of a few more stray items before his weapon seemed to have run out of ammunition, not just that but it... Faded from existence, as if it somehow knew that it did not belong here... Hard to say exactly, but hey... At least he got some use out of it, right?

Nonetheless, thanks to both of these occurrences, the box the creature had been housed in temporarily exposed, Howlett was able to cleave clean through it, causing the creature within to expose itself as it was without an object to house itself in for a moment.


Its ghastly form hovered in the air momentarily, before it attempted to dive into another box... But, a sudden sound of a musket being fired could be heart, its shot piercing the creature's head, instantly killing the creature, causing it to fall the ground as it began to desintegrate.

If one were to look towards the source of this shot, it would appear that the young, blonde woman, who had identified herself as "Historia" earlier to Mipha and Rosa, was the one responsible for this... Having wrenched a musket from a surprised looking member of the Military Police.

In fact, alot of the civilians and soldiers alike, looked quite surprised, some even stopping in their tracks, having been prepared for a long, grueling fight... But all in all, it seemed that the battle was over... For now.

Interestingly enough, the sounds of fighting in the distance, seemed to have suddenly come to a halt as well.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose

A2, and Huntress respectively, were able to put down the hulking Gorrilla like beast... And though it had been able to withstand at least one cannon ball, it was no match for A2's spear as it stabbed it clean through the head, causing it to collapse lifelessly to the ground, its body evaporating into a thick cloud of black smoke.

It was easy... Perhaps a bit too easy, and it seemed to become more and more obvious why; the other creatures that had once been attacking Wall Rose suddenly, and inexplicably appeared to collapse lifelessly to the ground, their bodies beginning to vaporize as well.

Looks like whatever the Recon Corps (and those that had gone with them) did, had worked... Maybe a bit better than they had hoped? It wasn't long before that young woman from earlier, the one who had followed them to the Wall leaped down from it using her gear, surveying the scene before she gave A2 and Huntress, who was somewhere up on the wall a nod... Gesturing for them to follow her.

Evidently, she might have a few things to say, but it would appear that she wanted a more remote location to say whatever she needed to.​
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@Crow @BarrenThin

Ben appeared to not have too much success trying to figure out what was up with the tip of the tower... But it could be chalked down to what once had been a communications device. One that was currently far from functional, even if it did provide a little power to the building itself, or at least, what was left of it. Though when he touched it, he could swear he faintly heard some sort of radio broadcast or something in his head, but it was too faint to really make out what it was saying.

Eventually, when he chose to lift up the rubble to see if there was anything underneath, there waswas stuff to be uncovered, but unfortunately... Little that was usefull, save for maybe a flickering screen of a computer, barely functional, and badly damaged, but it looks like there might be a bit of information to access from there.


The blue haired woman from before appeared to have headed towards the futuristic building along with Dio... And though he had attempted to stop time, it would seem that all that it did was cause the area around them to bend and stretch momentarily... Creating a weird ripple effect, distorting the reality around them temprarily.

While his attempt to use his ability did not stop time, as both Dio and the woman entered the building, it did seem to draw another reaction from the world around them. For a moment, one could swear they saw distorted, humanoid looking figures in various places, for the briefest of moments.

This seemed to worry the woman, but... Nevertheless, she pressed onwards, with Dio.

Fortunately, the building itself was not incredibly large, and as it had tipped onto its side, access to the top floor VIA a gaping hole was quite easily managegeable. Ontop, there appeared to be some sort of flickering holographic display of some sort, and Dio could swear he saw a map, amongst other images flickering across it. Though, it looked like one might be able to interact with it, considering the large keyboard laying near it, that seemed moderately intact.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission

Giorno certainly did quite the number on these creatures... And due to a majority of them having been drawn away from the pool of black tar-like substance, he was able to make quite some headway. Though, the fact that he transformed the one cart that the recon corps had brought with them... Causing numerous explosive barrels and supplies to drop to the ground evidently alarmed alot of those who were fighting off the creatures swarming the area.

Whatever may have been keeping them from getting weird looks, was evidently gone now, as there was just some things that were near impossible to hide... Let alone wave off, in a situation like this, but his horse certainly did a number... As well as the moles he had sent out to take care off the burrowing creatures, which allowed the recon corps to advance further, keeping up their efforts in trying to neutralize the substance.

Blaze, and Sonic (if he joined in) were able to roll (and perhaps even light) some explosive barrels, those that were lit caused quite an explosion... Appearing to make the substance shrivel up briefly, and Connor, who fired off his weapon he had acquired from the previous world was able to detonate a few of the barrels that had been rolled into the mass, but for one reason or another, did not quite go off, likely due to their fuses having been inadvertently doused at the wrong time... Which seemed to create a more widespread effect, causing the substance to look a bit more withered than before.

Unfortunately, as a result, Connor's weapon seemed to have run out of ammunition, not just that but it... Faded from existence, as if it somehow knew that it did not belong here... Hard to say exactly, but hey... At least he got some use out of it, right?

Supergirl in the meantime, was quite effective with using her heat vision to stave off this black tar-like substance, as it appeared to be receding from the titan in the center of it all. It was only when Seisa used her Killing Art ability, that the substance seemed to temporarily withdraw from the titan it had been enveloping, exposing its nape for a brief moment.

Before anyone had the chance to act upon it though, a member of the recon corps seemed to be quick to do so, suddenly latching onto the titan's nape with the grapples from her strange gear... Before spinning throughthe air with her blades in hand.


"Eren!!!" She cried out, slashing at the titan's nape.

Though it didn't look like she intended to deal a killing blow, instead... She appeared to have cut out a section, and pulled an unconscious young man out from within. Quickly sailing away using her grapples, it was evident that she intended to get whoever she had just extracted from that titan's nape to safety.

As a result of this though, the titan itself, that was once stuck within this black tar-like substance began to desintegrate, causing the substance itself to began to evaporate... And just like that, the creature's that had been fighting the Recon Corps, and those who had joined them, seemed to suddenly collapse to the ground, lifeless, their bodies quickly turning to heavy clouds of black smoke...

The surviving members of the Recon Corps, seemed to be gathering whatever they had back up, as it was evident that the battle was finally over... Judging by the lack of cannon fire back at the small outpost, where they had come from.

If it werent for the sheer amount of injured and lost soldiers that were being rushed back to base... Causing most of the Recon Corps to already begin dispersing, there probably would have been alot of questions about what Giorno just did, but... For now, it looks like they were more concerned with handling their casualties.

However, in the middle of the crater that the black tar-like substance was currently evaporating from... There appeared to be a blue shimmer, drawing attention to some sort of obscured item laying within. Whatever it was... It looked like it might be important, though the Recon Corps seemed not to have noticed it yet.

@Yun Lee (Birdie) @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Takumi (Shion) @Midnight Maiden @Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9(Connor) @Lissamel @Jeremi (Howlett) @Bomb
@Wall Sina

Howlett in the meanwhile, ran into a little difficulty at first, trying to face the creature that had apparently begun to possess boxes and the like... Appearing to form it all into one, distinctive extension of itself, like some sort of weird golem or something.

While his claws certainly proved to be able to cut through the stuff it was using to protect itself like butter, it was covering its face enough to make it difficult to tell which box it was currently housed in.

Fortunately, this was quickly corrected when two loud booming sounds rang out... Followed by a crunching noise as two cannon balls made suddenly impacted the creature, their momentum knocking loose the items that the creature had been using as makeshift "harms" in its temporary "body" it had created with various items it had drawn towards itself.

With the box the creature had been housed in temporarily exposed, Howlett was able to cleave clean through it, causing the creature within to expose itself as it was without an object to house itself in for a moment.


Its ghastly form hovered in the air momentarily, before it attempted to dive into another box... But, a sudden sound of a musket being fired could be heart, its shot piercing the creature's head, instantly killing the creature, causing it to fall the ground as it began to desintegrate.

If one were to look towards the source of this shot, it would appear that the young, blonde woman, who had identified herself as "Historia" earlier to Mipha and Rosa, was the one responsible for this... Having wrenched a musket from a surprised looking member of the Military Police.

In fact, alot of the civilians and soldiers alike, looked quite surprised, some even stopping in their tracks, having been prepared for a long, grueling fight... But all in all, it seemed that the battle was over... For now.

Interestingly enough, the sounds of fighting in the distance, seemed to have suddenly come to a halt as well.

@Gands @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Krieg @Takumi
@Wall Rose

A2, and Huntress respectively, were able to put down the hulking Gorrilla like beast... And though it had been able to withstand at least one cannon ball, it was no match for A2's spear as it stabbed it clean through the head, causing it to collapse lifelessly to the ground, its body evaporating into a thick cloud of black smoke.

It was easy... Perhaps a bit too easy, and it seemed to become more and more obvious why; the other creatures that had once been attacking Wall Rose suddenly, and inexplicably appeared to collapse lifelessly to the ground, their bodies beginning to vaporize as well.

Looks like whatever the Recon Corps (and those that had gone with them) did, had worked... Maybe a bit better than they had hoped? It wasn't long before that young woman from earlier, the one who had followed them to the Wall leaped down from it using her gear, surveying the scene before she gave A2 and Huntress a nod... Gesturing for them to follow her.

Evidently, she might have a few things to say, but it would appear that she wanted a more remote location to say whatever she needed to.​
It was all over. Noembelu didn't let out a sigh of relief, catch her breath, nothing. Why should she? This mission was like a standard Doll task, with the opponents merely being inhuman. However, she did notice the glittering object. Blue like the one that Azuma girl had, and the object Ben had...it had to be the time gate trigger. Noembelu silently walked to the object and took it, getting a closer look.

@Jeremi (Danielle) @Yun Lee (Noembelu) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Supergirl/Kara) @Verite @Archmage Jeremiah
@Recon Mission​
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