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With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

"Dammit... Just go down, you ugly bastard!"

The past few moments had been a daze for Shizuo after Toboe had slammed into him, but he was back in the fight. This time, his focus was on Nemesis, the newest creature to join the fray. Swinging around the range of the tendrils that stabbed at them, the bartender grabbed another table and launched it straight at the giant's back, hoping to crush some of the tendrils' roots.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Artyom seemed to frozen in time when Krauser attacked, how in the world were they supposed to beat this man, this horrible abomination of man and monster. Artyom suddenly felt a familiar chill race down his despair, it was what The Metro had instilled in him. This was where they would die, there was no point in delaying it. Arty pulled out his revolver and cocked the hammer back, he never envisioned himself going out like this, surrounded by people he...cared for.

Friendship was so hard to come by in The Metro, everyone was onlyout to advance their own motives, but some of these people, Mason...Train....hell,even Zen and the producers, they were...good people, they didn't deserve to die like this. Artyom looked up and noticed that, Krauser was attacking Train, one of his friends.

Move Artyom....move!

Artyom couldn't go out like this, he was a survivor, he survived the war that ended the world, he survived twenty years in The Metro...he had to survive, because one day....they would make it back to the surface....they would rebuild....and all would be right in the world of Metro.

Artyom dashed forward, emitting a war cry, he couldn't afford to let anyone die, he was a ranger, this is what he was trained to do.

What he was meant to do.

What he was born to do.

Artyom lept up onto the back of Krauser, wrapping one arm around his neck and pulling back, while using his other arm to try and stab Krauser with his trench knife.

Just as he had done before to protect Ilona, Train raised his gun to block Krauser's attack. His sturdy pistol made of orichalcum was more than strong enough to handle taking blows. After blocking, Train would jump back, pushing Ilona further out from the line of fire with his foot.

Acting carefully because of Arty being on Krauser's back, Train fired several bullets at Krauser this time, aiming one bullet at each area of his body. His bullets never missed, so he was certain they wouldn't touch his friend. It was his hope that the enemy wouldn't be able to block all of them, and at least one of them would hit him somewhere.

While Train defended her, Ilona slowly stood back up and moved away from him. She had never asked for his, Zidane's, or anyone else's protection. Even if she was somewhat grateful, was it really necessary for them to help her? What Krauser had said before was what Ilona had half-felt this entire time. If she caused problems for everyone, maybe it would just be better if she were out of the way. After all, the lives of many were far more valuable than her own, single life.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
Zidane, utilized his reflexes, and jumped high towards the ceiling that the table went flying below.

Zidane then jumped off the ceiling and attempted an aerial slash at Krauser. However, whether this moves works or not, it puts him at a close distance with Krauser.


"Dammit... Just go down, you ugly bastard!"

The past few moments had been a daze for Shizuo after Toboe had slammed into him, but he was back in the fight. This time, his focus was on Nemesis, the newest creature to join the fray. Swinging around the range of the tendrils that stabbed at them, the bartender grabbed another table and launched it straight at the giant's back, hoping to crush some of the tendrils' roots.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
The force of Nemesis slamming his arm into the ground shatters Mason's objects made of aura, leaving half of his energy lost for this fight. This limits what Mason can do, but it doesn't make him any less determined.

Zen's body flying straight towards him, however, is a different story. He is unable to completely dodge Zen and instead attempts to catch him. Doing so lessens the blows to Zen, but they both continue with a momentum flinging them backwards until they hit the wall. Mason protects Zen, but somewhat regrets his method of doing so as a loud popping sound is made upon collision with the wall and a searing pain rushes into his left shoulder. In the collision, he drops the
RPG Launcher and it slides along the floor, out of reach.

Gritting his teeth, Mason focuses through the intense pain.
"You okay, pop star?" Mason asks Zen before shifting his focus to Ruby and Kyoko.

From his position, he can't close to aid them, so he is limited to what his aura can create from afar. An idea snaps into his mind.

Beneath Kyoko and Ruby, Mason
forms the base for one portal out of aura horizontally on the ground. Once opened, the forces of gravity and the pressure applied by Nemesis should send the pair of girls through, and eventually Nemesis himself.

Beside Zen and himself, facing away from the wall, Mason
forms a vertical portal tied to the first.

He opens the portals between each other and waits the literal seconds it takes for Kyoko and Ruby to follow through the portal via physics. The instant the two of them are through, and before all of Nemesis can follow suit, Mason deactivates the portals, essentially performing a Portal Cut.

That is, assuming, of course, that Nemesis does not find a way to escape this attack of Mason's.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #Portal Cut #Be there to save you in a sec, Ilona

Aura Inv: [Empty after destroying portals]
Aura Pow:
About 50%
Equip: World's Heart

@Mason Moretti @Verite @Sen @york
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ringmaster @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off
his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Ruby Rose

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby was gratefull when Mason managed to portal her away from danger, but for a few precious moments, she lay there on the ground, trying to recover a little. Her aura probably took a bit of a beating, but as tendrils began to emerge from the ground, Ruby didn't hesitate to get herself up and begin defending herself from the onslaught, with the assistance of her semblance, she was able to hold her own for the most part.

However, as soon as Ruby noticed an opening, as the creature charged towards Shizou, she was quick to act upon it.


Suddenly charging towards the creature, with the help of her semblance, she attempted to land several slices upon it's body, and even tried to aim a few slices towards it's injured arm. She reasoned that one less arm to worry about would at least be a start, if she could manage to somehow sever it with her slashes.

Then, as quickly as Ruby, charged, she fell back for a moment, regardless of how many hits she was able to land... Taking a stance as she assessed the situation briefly, before Ruby charged back in, intending to deal some more blows to the hulking creature. It was uncertain how long she could keep this up for, but it appeared that the ferocity of her blows had yet to fade away... It seems that what had happened in her illusions had... Awakened something in her.​
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
"Urgh!" Zidane would cry in pain as he took the stab attack from Krauser and went down on his knees, but not without rotating his body as an attempt to dodge, with the injury ending up on Zidane's right side. Because he was still close to Krauser, Zidane used one of his daggers and attempted to stab through one of Krauser's feet or leg.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay @mobile post

Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

The force of Nemesis slamming his arm into the ground shatters Mason's objects made of aura, leaving half of his energy lost for this fight. This limits what Mason can do, but it doesn't make him any less determined.

Zen's body flying straight towards him, however, is a different story. He is unable to completely dodge Zen and instead attempts to catch him. Doing so lessens the blows to Zen, but they both continue with a momentum flinging them backwards until they hit the wall. Mason protects Zen, but somewhat regrets his method of doing so as a loud popping sound is made upon collision with the wall and a searing pain rushes into his left shoulder. In the collision, he drops the
RPG Launcher and it slides along the floor, out of reach.

Gritting his teeth, Mason focuses through the intense pain.
"You okay, pop star?" Mason asks Zen before shifting his focus to Ruby and Kyoko.

From his position, he can't close to aid them, so he is limited to what his aura can create from afar. An idea snaps into his mind.

Beneath Kyoko and Ruby, Mason
forms the base for one portal out of aura horizontally on the ground. Once opened, the forces of gravity and the pressure applied by Nemesis should send the pair of girls through, and eventually Nemesis himself.

Beside Zen and himself, facing away from the wall, Mason
forms a vertical portal tied to the first.

He opens the portals between each other and waits the literal seconds it takes for Kyoko and Ruby to follow through the portal via physics. The instant the two of them are through, and before all of Nemesis can follow suit, Mason deactivates the portals, essentially performing a Portal Cut.

That is, assuming, of course, that Nemesis does not find a way to escape this attack of Mason's.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #Portal Cut #Be there to save you in a sec, Ilona

Aura Inv: [Empty after destroying portals]
Aura Pow:
About 50%
Equip: World's Heart

@Mason Moretti @Verite @Sen @york
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ringmaster @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9

The lightweight Zen was sent flying towards Mason, drawing out a gasp of air after having been tightly squeezed. He groaned when his back painfully impacted against something, letting out a string of Korean profanities, but he seemed surprised when he saw that it was Mason. He had caught him. The actor had managed to get out with just a sore back, but his friend was not so lucky. He looked like he was in pain. Scrambling off of his savior, his angered expression changed into one of concern. Didn't even bother to correct that he was an actor, not a pop star. "Ah shit- Are you alright?" he said, trying to help the young man stand up.

But what about Ruby and Madoka? He turned frantically to see where the two had went, last he saw of the Producer she had been picked up by Nemesis as well. Zen was more than grateful when Mason shifted where he lay against the wall, forming portals to save them. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't envious of such abilities. A long time ago, Zen wouldn't have believed it.
As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!
As Ruby charged back into battle, Zen followed suit. Raising his handgun, he fired rapidly at the remaining tendrils. He might not be able to take them out, but he could damage them at least. Any that went lashing his way he jumped out of the way with ease, though his back groaned with discomfort. Ah, he was going to have to try and get that fixed - that is, if he didn't recover like a monster as per usual. Nothing his manager didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

He watched in horror as the monster approached Shizuo, raising that meatloaf of an arm up ready to strike. The actor frantically directed his assault to Nemesis' limb instead, sending bullet after bullet into cold, cold flesh.

@Verite @The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
"Morrigan and Zatanna went with the other group," Makoto said, holding the girl he'd grabbed awkwardly. He looked around, eyeing the unconscious bodies of Sorey and Mikleo. "I'm... gonna need someone to carry them for me..."

Junko had stood up before answering Wanda, turning to her with a blank look. "I'm fine."

Makoto held out a hand. "Ah! Miss Wanda, maybe you've figured it out already, but this is not the Junko Enoshima you met in the Dark Place. It's not the one we know."

Junko crossed her arms. "And you're not the Makoto I knew, I hope."

Makoto frowned back at her. "No... I'm not. Don't worry, we can protect you now that you're here."

"Just as well..." Junko looked down at her right hand, eyeing the mark across her palm. "Whatever that guy did to bring me here, seemed it stopped my random shifting. At least for now. Should be happy about that... but one of those shifts would have helped me escape. I can still open the portals, but, fuck.... I don't really control where they go, you know? Besides, he would have shot me if I tried. You know all this, right?"

"Generally," Makoto said, shrugging. He went over to Shepard to examine her unconscious form. "I'm more surprised at all... this. The robots and materials are from the Coalition, and I guess setting it up here made it easy for them. At some point, I imagine both you and Ilona ended up on Umbrella's radar, and all this was a major effort to capture the two of you, and destroy the Coalition. To do it so cleanly, I'm afraid must have been the result of our traitor."

"A traitor?" Leia suddenly asked.

"Mm... And you said this was a beacon? I have to wonder why they used that girl..." Makoto looked to the brown-haired teen, knowing her to be a past participant of a Murder Game. "Her name is Misaka, I believe"

"Well, she does look kinda familiar, I guess..." Junko looked put off as she looked toward the corner of the room.

"It's a mystery that will have to wait for now." Standing up, Makoto pointed to the armory. "Everyone, equip yourselves now and carry as much as you can. We need to secure Sorey, Mikleo, Shepard, and Misaka as well. Wanda, you be careful, as you're no doubt still weak. The rest of you, some can go now to assist Kyoko's group, while the rest head with me to the lounge. Do you understand?"
There was nothing more then Saber Alter wanted right now, then to fight. To cleave and kill and work out her frustrations.

....However. Instead she walked over to Misaka's prison tube and slashed it if it hadn't already been broken yet. Picking up Misaka, she then moved to secure Sory and Mikleo as well, two under one arm and the third on her back. A minimal task for her as she asked to clarify.

"Will we secure the lounge then for our own forces? And our wounded."

And then she blinked as she heard the strangest thing in the midst of the sounds of gunfire in the distance and explosions.

It was a wolfs howl.

Saber Alter narrowed her eyes.

@Atomyk @Security group


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!
Scott and his morals were going to get him every time. He couldn't attack the monster and he wasn't going to hurt it, he hated seeing anything bleed. There had to be something that he could do. He had to think fast. Perhaps he could figure out a plan. He tried his alpha howl again.
Zidane then jumped off the ceiling and attempted an aerial slash at Krauser. However, whether this moves works or not, it puts him at a close distance with Krauser.
"Dammit... Just go down, you ugly bastard!"

The past few moments had been a daze for Shizuo after Toboe had slammed into him, but he was back in the fight. This time, his focus was on Nemesis, the newest creature to join the fray. Swinging around the range of the tendrils that stabbed at them, the bartender grabbed another table and launched it straight at the giant's back, hoping to crush some of the tendrils' roots.
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!
Suddenly charging towards the creature, with the help of her semblance, she attempted to land several slices upon it's body, and even tried to aim a few slices towards it's injured arm. She reasoned that one less arm to worry about would at least be a start, if she could manage to somehow sever it with her slashes.

Then, as quickly as Ruby, charged, she fell back for a moment, regardless of how many hits she was able to land... Taking a stance as she assessed the situation briefly, before Ruby charged back in, intending to deal some more blows to the hulking creature. It was uncertain how long she could keep this up for, but it appeared that the ferocity of her blows had yet to fade away... It seems that what had happened in her illusions had... Awakened something in her.
As Ruby charged back into battle, Zen followed suit. Raising his handgun, he fired rapidly at the remaining tendrils. He might not be able to take them out, but he could damage them at least. Any that went lashing his way he jumped out of the way with ease, though his back groaned with discomfort. Ah, he was going to have to try and get that fixed - that is, if he didn't recover like a monster as per usual. Nothing his manager didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

He watched in horror as the monster approached Shizuo, raising that meatloaf of an arm up ready to strike. The actor frantically directed his assault to Nemesis' limb instead, sending bullet after bullet into cold, cold flesh.
Too enclosed. Too many combatants, too many innocents.

Crossfire would be horrible for what he had in mind. That and they were facing off against a lot of factors in turn, which was prominent as each figure tried their best to take down the two last standing figures.

Krauser. Nemesis. Dealt with the latter before, but was only an early prototype. Cheap, easily manufactured for worlds. This one seemed to have gone up the evolutionary ladder, developing according to the situation. Krauser....He fights with the experience of his career with the enhancements of Umbrella. A multiversal, order-affiliated Umbrella Inc. But on a level like this...They were obviously preparing for this, for a long time.

Fighting with the hostages present prevents us from using our strongest attacks. It also allows these people to use their strength to their advantage, in the confines of the medical center. No need to worry for collateral damage. But they made one mistake.

He noted the variant bladed tentacles, coming his direction.

The Black Key blades flashed into life between his fingers.

They kept them humanoid.

And then he moved.


First volley thrown for the tentacles in his way, to sever and clear a path for him to run.

Followed by him tumbling forward to turn and in the path of the Nemesis, fling a single black key with considerable force, aiming for the creatures throat. If he succeeded, then hopefully it'd protrude from the creatures neck, normally fatal to most, but for Nemesis regenerative capabilities.

But in that brief moment, he'd turn and salute Shizuo with a wave as he dashed out of the way, letting the strongest man in Ikebukuro see what Lucifer set up for him on Nemesis throat.

Hammer, meet the nail.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
There was nothing more then Saber Alter wanted right now, then to fight. To cleave and kill and work out her frustrations.

....However. Instead she walked over to Misaka's prison tube and slashed it if it hadn't already been broken yet. Picking up Misaka, she then moved to secure Sory and Mikleo as well, two under one arm and the third on her back. A minimal task for her as she asked to clarify.

"Will we secure the lounge then for our own forces? And our wounded."

And then she blinked as she heard the strangest thing in the midst of the sounds of gunfire in the distance and explosions.

It was a wolfs howl.

Saber Alter narrowed her eyes.

@Atomyk @Security group


Too enclosed. Too many combatants, too many innocents.

Crossfire would be horrible for what he had in mind. That and they were facing off against a lot of factors in turn, which was prominent as each figure tried their best to take down the two last standing figures.

Krauser. Nemesis. Dealt with the latter before, but was only an early prototype. Cheap, easily manufactured for worlds. This one seemed to have gone up the evolutionary ladder, developing according to the situation. Krauser....He fights with the experience of his career with the enhancements of Umbrella. A multiversal, order-affiliated Umbrella Inc. But on a level like this...They were obviously preparing for this, for a long time.

Fighting with the hostages present prevents us from using our strongest attacks. It also allows these people to use their strength to their advantage, in the confines of the medical center. No need to worry for collateral damage. But they made one mistake.

He noted the variant bladed tentacles, coming his direction.

The Black Key blades flashed into life between his fingers.

They kept them humanoid.

And then he moved.


First volley thrown for the tentacles in his way, to sever and clear a path for him to run.

Followed by him tumbling forward to turn and in the path of the Nemesis, fling a single black key with considerable force, aiming for the creatures throat. If he succeeded, then hopefully it'd protrude from the creatures neck, normally fatal to most, but for Nemesis regenerative capabilities.

But in that brief moment, he'd turn and salute Shizuo with a wave as he dashed out of the way, letting the strongest man in Ikebukuro see what Lucifer set up for him on Nemesis throat.

Hammer, meet the nail.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
It seemed the beast had gotten everyone's attention now, and the battle had just gotten more interesting! Shizuo smirked as Nemesis kept coming, charging him even through the onslaught of a scythe and a knife through the throat. Some might have gotten scared at the sight, turned and run. They might not have faced the beast's rage in an attempt to slay it, to take the chance of winning in the face of dying.

Shizuo? Shizuo only smirked and chuckled.


As the arm slammed down, the Herculean brawler ducked to the side of it, into the beast's massive reach and between his arms. Not content to simply dodge, he sprung upwards, fist drawn back as his target became set.

"Eat this, asshole!"

His punch rocketed outwards, slamming into the Black Key's pommel to jam it deeper into Nemesis's throat and even turn its blade upwards, to the giant's head. Hopefully, it would jam all the way to its brain and kill the thing in a single instance.

USER=11387]@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Remilia quickly dashed to meet the Nemesis, raising her arm as she tried to slam her own powerful limb against it. She didn't care that Shizuo wasn't in its path anymore, she wanted to take it on in a strength contest herself. For a vampire like her, a brute like this was no big deal, even if it had the strength to crater the ground with its strikes. Against one who could crush boulders with her hands, what did that matter?


"Let's play, meat puppet!"

Grabbing it by the arm, she sought to fling it across the room like an oversized ragdoll!

Sakuya, in the meantime, sought to help keep Krauser himself occupied, throwing a single knife towards his face.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Nater Taters @Takumi @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
Ruby Rose

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby was gratefull when Mason managed to portal her away from danger, but for a few precious moments, she lay there on the ground, trying to recover a little. Her aura probably took a bit of a beating, but as tendrils began to emerge from the ground, Ruby didn't hesitate to get herself up and begin defending herself from the onslaught, with the assistance of her semblance, she was able to hold her own for the most part.

However, as soon as Ruby noticed an opening, as the creature charged towards Shizou, she was quick to act upon it.


Suddenly charging towards the creature, with the help of her semblance, she attempted to land several slices upon it's body, and even tried to aim a few slices towards it's injured arm. She reasoned that one less arm to worry about would at least be a start, if she could manage to somehow sever it with her slashes.

Then, as quickly as Ruby, charged, she fell back for a moment, regardless of how many hits she was able to land... Taking a stance as she assessed the situation briefly, before Ruby charged back in, intending to deal some more blows to the hulking creature. It was uncertain how long she could keep this up for, but it appeared that the ferocity of her blows had yet to fade away... It seems that what had happened in her illusions had... Awakened something in her.​

The lightweight Zen was sent flying towards Mason, drawing out a gasp of air after having been tightly squeezed. He groaned when his back painfully impacted against something, letting out a string of Korean profanities, but he seemed surprised when he saw that it was Mason. He had caught him. The actor had managed to get out with just a sore back, but his friend was not so lucky. He looked like he was in pain. Scrambling off of his savior, his angered expression changed into one of concern. Didn't even bother to correct that he was an actor, not a pop star. "Ah shit- Are you alright?" he said, trying to help the young man stand up.

But what about Ruby and Madoka? He turned frantically to see where the two had went, last he saw of the Producer she had been picked up by Nemesis as well. Zen was more than grateful when Mason shifted where he lay against the wall, forming portals to save them. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't envious of such abilities. A long time ago, Zen wouldn't have believed it.​

As Ruby charged back into battle, Zen followed suit. Raising his handgun, he fired rapidly at the remaining tendrils. He might not be able to take them out, but he could damage them at least. Any that went lashing his way he jumped out of the way with ease, though his back groaned with discomfort. Ah, he was going to have to try and get that fixed - that is, if he didn't recover like a monster as per usual. Nothing his manager didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

He watched in horror as the monster approached Shizuo, raising that meatloaf of an arm up ready to strike. The actor frantically directed his assault to Nemesis' limb instead, sending bullet after bullet into cold, cold flesh.

@Verite @The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9

Too enclosed. Too many combatants, too many innocents.

Crossfire would be horrible for what he had in mind. That and they were facing off against a lot of factors in turn, which was prominent as each figure tried their best to take down the two last standing figures.

Krauser. Nemesis. Dealt with the latter before, but was only an early prototype. Cheap, easily manufactured for worlds. This one seemed to have gone up the evolutionary ladder, developing according to the situation. Krauser....He fights with the experience of his career with the enhancements of Umbrella. A multiversal, order-affiliated Umbrella Inc. But on a level like this...They were obviously preparing for this, for a long time.

Fighting with the hostages present prevents us from using our strongest attacks. It also allows these people to use their strength to their advantage, in the confines of the medical center. No need to worry for collateral damage. But they made one mistake.

He noted the variant bladed tentacles, coming his direction.

The Black Key blades flashed into life between his fingers.

They kept them humanoid.

And then he moved.


First volley thrown for the tentacles in his way, to sever and clear a path for him to run.

Followed by him tumbling forward to turn and in the path of the Nemesis, fling a single black key with considerable force, aiming for the creatures throat. If he succeeded, then hopefully it'd protrude from the creatures neck, normally fatal to most, but for Nemesis regenerative capabilities.

But in that brief moment, he'd turn and salute Shizuo with a wave as he dashed out of the way, letting the strongest man in Ikebukuro see what Lucifer set up for him on Nemesis throat.

Hammer, meet the nail.​
It seemed the beast had gotten everyone's attention now, and the battle had just gotten more interesting! Shizuo smirked as Nemesis kept coming, charging him even through the onslaught of a scythe and a knife through the throat. Some might have gotten scared at the sight, turned and run. They might not have faced the beast's rage in an attempt to slay it, to take the chance of winning in the face of dying.

Shizuo? Shizuo only smirked and chuckled.


As the arm slammed down, the Herculean brawler ducked to the side of it, into the beast's massive reach and between his arms. Not content to simply dodge, he sprung upwards, fist drawn back as his target became set.

"Eat this, asshole!"

His punch rocketed outwards, slamming into the Black Key's pommel to jam it deeper into Nemesis's throat and even turn its blade upwards, to the giant's head. Hopefully, it would jam all the way to its brain and kill the thing in a single instance.

USER=11387]@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
Remilia quickly dashed to meet the Nemesis, raising her arm as she tried to slam her own powerful limb against it. She didn't care that Shizuo wasn't in its path anymore, she wanted to take it on in a strength contest herself. For a vampire like her, a brute like this was no big deal, even if it had the strength to crater the ground with its strikes. Against one who could crush boulders with her hands, what did that matter?


"Let's play, meat puppet!"

Grabbing it by the arm, she sought to fling it across the room like an oversized ragdoll!

Sakuya, in the meantime, sought to help keep Krauser himself occupied, throwing a single knife towards his face.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Nater Taters @Takumi @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
The more and more the Coalition members would swamp Nemesis with attacks upon attacks, the more apparent the effects were on it. It would raise its arms in an attempt to protect itself from Ruby's onslaught of attacks, though not only would Crescent Rose be able to dish out some unexpected damage towards it, small amounts of dark green blood spurting out from each created wound, but he would be rendered vulnerable to the other attacks that would come his way, including Zen's bullets, as the monster seemed to be low enough on stamina that it was being pushed back easier and easier now.

After a while, Nemesis would pull his arms away, before actively withstanding Ruby's slices upon developing a momentary resistance to them, thrusting an arm forward to grab the girl by the head, before tightening his grip on her head with the intention of crushing her skull with his brute strength! Fortunately however, before it would be able to do any considerable damage, Lucifer's Black Key would successfully pierce through the monster's throat, causing it to reel in pain and toss aside Ruby's body like a rag doll, before a punch from Shizuo would push the blade deeper inside.

However, before Shizuo could bring the Black Key up too far, Nemesis, whom one could only hope was running on fumes by now, the raging flame in its eye seeming to dwindle more and more by the minute, would will itself to throw a punch forward aimed right at the bartender's chest, hoping to knock him into the nearby wall, but the beast wasn't allowed even a moment's rest after that, as soon as Remilia would appear and throw him aside, causing him to crash into the wall, where it would slump for a brief moment with a low growl.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.

"Perhaps we should not distract them at the moment..." Akiko murmured, more reserved and remaining calm even in the dire situation.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.


"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!​
"Urgh!" Zidane would cry in pain as he took the stab attack from Krauser and went down on his knees, but not without rotating his body as an attempt to dodge, with the injury ending up on Zidane's right side. Because he was still close to Krauser, Zidane used one of his daggers and attempted to stab through one of Krauser's feet or leg.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay @mobile post

Zidane would be able to draw blood once again, eliciting a pained groan from Krauser, but even despite his wounds, he kept calm, an impressive pain tolerance no doubt built up from during his time as a soldier. With his other leg, he would bring it up and perform a front kick to the acrobat's stomach, attempting to knock him back a few feet for a moment, as one moment would hopefully be all that he needed.

Stepping forward now that he had some space, Krauser would bring his arm blade up, not only with the intent of deflecting the knife that Sakuya would send his way, but also to swing it forward, practically moving to simultaneously punch and slash Zidane in the face! Regardless of whether or not his move would hit or miss, he would then move to grab Artyom off his back with his other hand, before throwing his entire body right at the maid with superhuman strength and a beastly growl!

It was like the law of the jungle all over again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Last edited:
Scott and his morals were going to get him every time. He couldn't attack the monster and he wasn't going to hurt it, he hated seeing anything bleed. There had to be something that he could do. He had to think fast. Perhaps he could figure out a plan. He tried his alpha howl again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay

Stiles listened to Makoto and decided that Scott would be fine. " I shall follow you to the lounge then," he said.

Zidane, utilized his reflexes, and jumped high towards the ceiling that the table went flying below.

Zidane then jumped off the ceiling and attempted an aerial slash at Krauser. However, whether this moves works or not, it puts him at a close distance with Krauser.


"Dammit... Just go down, you ugly bastard!"

The past few moments had been a daze for Shizuo after Toboe had slammed into him, but he was back in the fight. This time, his focus was on Nemesis, the newest creature to join the fray. Swinging around the range of the tendrils that stabbed at them, the bartender grabbed another table and launched it straight at the giant's back, hoping to crush some of the tendrils' roots.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Slowly but surely, Krauser was being overwhelmed by his enemies. The soldier would attempt to block a number of Train's bullets, but would manage to deflect only a few while others would hit other areas of his body such as a kneecap and a shoulder, before Artyom would catch him by surprise, Krauser letting out a gasp, and then a pained groan when Artyom would drive the knife in the back. With an angered grunt, he would attempt to resist against Artyom, backing into a wall and slamming him there.

However, this would prove to be something of a double-edged move, as he would end up having nowhere to evade when Zidane would leap in and slash at him, his bare chest opening up from the attack and blood seeping out.

"A-Aaaarghhhh!!" Krauser would yell out from the pain, making a move on instinct and thrusting his blade-arm forward with the intent of stabbing the acrobat!

As for Nemesis, the weight of the table was enough to not only crush some of the tendrils, but even knock the monster down for a bit, letting out a surprised grunt as it would hit its head on the ground, the impact causing a small crater in the floor! The bigger they were, the harder they fell. Attempting to scramble back up to his feet, the behemoth would slowly but surely flip onto the other side, punching the ground with his fist and slowly using it to push himself up, the slow (in more ways than one) Nemesis now fixated on Shizuo.


It was angry now.

With a small burst of speed, it would take a small running start, probably the most it was capable of running at all, bring its arm up and slamming it down at Shizuo's direction!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Ruby Rose

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby was gratefull when Mason managed to portal her away from danger, but for a few precious moments, she lay there on the ground, trying to recover a little. Her aura probably took a bit of a beating, but as tendrils began to emerge from the ground, Ruby didn't hesitate to get herself up and begin defending herself from the onslaught, with the assistance of her semblance, she was able to hold her own for the most part.

However, as soon as Ruby noticed an opening, as the creature charged towards Shizou, she was quick to act upon it.


Suddenly charging towards the creature, with the help of her semblance, she attempted to land several slices upon it's body, and even tried to aim a few slices towards it's injured arm. She reasoned that one less arm to worry about would at least be a start, if she could manage to somehow sever it with her slashes.

Then, as quickly as Ruby, charged, she fell back for a moment, regardless of how many hits she was able to land... Taking a stance as she assessed the situation briefly, before Ruby charged back in, intending to deal some more blows to the hulking creature. It was uncertain how long she could keep this up for, but it appeared that the ferocity of her blows had yet to fade away... It seems that what had happened in her illusions had... Awakened something in her.​
"Urgh!" Zidane would cry in pain as he took the stab attack from Krauser and went down on his knees, but not without rotating his body as an attempt to dodge, with the injury ending up on Zidane's right side. Because he was still close to Krauser, Zidane used one of his daggers and attempted to stab through one of Krauser's feet or leg.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay @mobile post

The lightweight Zen was sent flying towards Mason, drawing out a gasp of air after having been tightly squeezed. He groaned when his back painfully impacted against something, letting out a string of Korean profanities, but he seemed surprised when he saw that it was Mason. He had caught him. The actor had managed to get out with just a sore back, but his friend was not so lucky. He looked like he was in pain. Scrambling off of his savior, his angered expression changed into one of concern. Didn't even bother to correct that he was an actor, not a pop star. "Ah shit- Are you alright?" he said, trying to help the young man stand up.

But what about Ruby and Madoka? He turned frantically to see where the two had went, last he saw of the Producer she had been picked up by Nemesis as well. Zen was more than grateful when Mason shifted where he lay against the wall, forming portals to save them. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't envious of such abilities. A long time ago, Zen wouldn't have believed it.

As Ruby charged back into battle, Zen followed suit. Raising his handgun, he fired rapidly at the remaining tendrils. He might not be able to take them out, but he could damage them at least. Any that went lashing his way he jumped out of the way with ease, though his back groaned with discomfort. Ah, he was going to have to try and get that fixed - that is, if he didn't recover like a monster as per usual. Nothing his manager didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

He watched in horror as the monster approached Shizuo, raising that meatloaf of an arm up ready to strike. The actor frantically directed his assault to Nemesis' limb instead, sending bullet after bullet into cold, cold flesh.

@Verite @The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
There was nothing more then Saber Alter wanted right now, then to fight. To cleave and kill and work out her frustrations.

....However. Instead she walked over to Misaka's prison tube and slashed it if it hadn't already been broken yet. Picking up Misaka, she then moved to secure Sory and Mikleo as well, two under one arm and the third on her back. A minimal task for her as she asked to clarify.

"Will we secure the lounge then for our own forces? And our wounded."

And then she blinked as she heard the strangest thing in the midst of the sounds of gunfire in the distance and explosions.

It was a wolfs howl.

Saber Alter narrowed her eyes.

@Atomyk @Security group


Too enclosed. Too many combatants, too many innocents.

Crossfire would be horrible for what he had in mind. That and they were facing off against a lot of factors in turn, which was prominent as each figure tried their best to take down the two last standing figures.

Krauser. Nemesis. Dealt with the latter before, but was only an early prototype. Cheap, easily manufactured for worlds. This one seemed to have gone up the evolutionary ladder, developing according to the situation. Krauser....He fights with the experience of his career with the enhancements of Umbrella. A multiversal, order-affiliated Umbrella Inc. But on a level like this...They were obviously preparing for this, for a long time.

Fighting with the hostages present prevents us from using our strongest attacks. It also allows these people to use their strength to their advantage, in the confines of the medical center. No need to worry for collateral damage. But they made one mistake.

He noted the variant bladed tentacles, coming his direction.

The Black Key blades flashed into life between his fingers.

They kept them humanoid.

And then he moved.


First volley thrown for the tentacles in his way, to sever and clear a path for him to run.

Followed by him tumbling forward to turn and in the path of the Nemesis, fling a single black key with considerable force, aiming for the creatures throat. If he succeeded, then hopefully it'd protrude from the creatures neck, normally fatal to most, but for Nemesis regenerative capabilities.

But in that brief moment, he'd turn and salute Shizuo with a wave as he dashed out of the way, letting the strongest man in Ikebukuro see what Lucifer set up for him on Nemesis throat.

Hammer, meet the nail.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
It seemed the beast had gotten everyone's attention now, and the battle had just gotten more interesting! Shizuo smirked as Nemesis kept coming, charging him even through the onslaught of a scythe and a knife through the throat. Some might have gotten scared at the sight, turned and run. They might not have faced the beast's rage in an attempt to slay it, to take the chance of winning in the face of dying.

Shizuo? Shizuo only smirked and chuckled.


As the arm slammed down, the Herculean brawler ducked to the side of it, into the beast's massive reach and between his arms. Not content to simply dodge, he sprung upwards, fist drawn back as his target became set.

"Eat this, asshole!"

His punch rocketed outwards, slamming into the Black Key's pommel to jam it deeper into Nemesis's throat and even turn its blade upwards, to the giant's head. Hopefully, it would jam all the way to its brain and kill the thing in a single instance.

USER=11387]@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​
Remilia quickly dashed to meet the Nemesis, raising her arm as she tried to slam her own powerful limb against it. She didn't care that Shizuo wasn't in its path anymore, she wanted to take it on in a strength contest herself. For a vampire like her, a brute like this was no big deal, even if it had the strength to crater the ground with its strikes. Against one who could crush boulders with her hands, what did that matter?


"Let's play, meat puppet!"

Grabbing it by the arm, she sought to fling it across the room like an oversized ragdoll!

Sakuya, in the meantime, sought to help keep Krauser himself occupied, throwing a single knife towards his face.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Nater Taters @Takumi @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
The more and more the Coalition members would swamp Nemesis with attacks upon attacks, the more apparent the effects were on it. It would raise its arms in an attempt to protect itself from Ruby's onslaught of attacks, though not only would Crescent Rose be able to dish out some unexpected damage towards it, small amounts of dark green blood spurting out from each created wound, but he would be rendered vulnerable to the other attacks that would come his way, including Zen's bullets, as the monster seemed to be low enough on stamina that it was being pushed back easier and easier now.

After a while, Nemesis would pull his arms away, before actively withstanding Ruby's slices upon developing a momentary resistance to them, thrusting an arm forward to grab the girl by the head, before tightening his grip on her head with the intention of crushing her skull with his brute strength! Fortunately however, before it would be able to do any considerable damage, Lucifer's Black Key would successfully pierce through the monster's throat, causing it to reel in pain and toss aside Ruby's body like a rag doll, before a punch from Shizuo would push the blade deeper inside.

However, before Shizuo could bring the Black Key up too far, Nemesis, whom one could only hope was running on fumes by now, the raging flame in its eye seeming to dwindle more and more by the minute, would will itself to throw a punch forward aimed right at the bartender's chest, hoping to knock him into the nearby wall, but the beast wasn't allowed even a moment's rest after that, as soon as Remilia would appear and throw him aside, causing him to crash into the wall, where it would slump for a brief moment with a low growl.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.

"Perhaps we should not distract them at the moment..." Akiko murmured, more reserved and remaining calm even in the dire situation.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.


"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!​


Zidane would be able to draw blood once again, eliciting a pained groan from Krauser, but even despite his wounds, he kept calm, an impressive pain tolerance no doubt built up from during his time as a soldier. With his other leg, he would bring it up and perform a front kick to the acrobat's stomach, attempting to knock him back a few feet for a moment, as one moment would hopefully be all that he needed.

Stepping forward now that he had some space, Krauser would bring his arm blade up, not only with the intent of deflecting the knife that Sakuya would send his way, but also to swing it forward, practically moving to simultaneously punch and slash Zidane in the face! Regardless of whether or not his move would hit or miss, he would then move to grab Artyom off his back with his other hand, before throwing his entire body right at the maid with superhuman strength and a beastly growl!

It was like the law of the jungle all over again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
When Zidane was injured by one of Krauser's attacks, Ilona noticed--her eyes widening when she saw him injured. "Sir Zidane," she mumbled, pressing a hand over her mouth afterwards to keep from calling out to him. She didn't want to distract him and further cause him to be injured. She took a few more steps back, still refusing to get involved in the fight.


Train would quickly move forward to wrap his arms around Arty and support him before he would hit Sakura. "Hang tight," he said, setting his friend down before quickly rushing at Krauser to bash his gun against the monster's face. It was his hope that this attack would throw Krauser off and cause him to fail hitting Zidane with his punching / slashing combo.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
The more and more the Coalition members would swamp Nemesis with attacks upon attacks, the more apparent the effects were on it. It would raise its arms in an attempt to protect itself from Ruby's onslaught of attacks, though not only would Crescent Rose be able to dish out some unexpected damage towards it, small amounts of dark green blood spurting out from each created wound, but he would be rendered vulnerable to the other attacks that would come his way, including Zen's bullets, as the monster seemed to be low enough on stamina that it was being pushed back easier and easier now.

After a while, Nemesis would pull his arms away, before actively withstanding Ruby's slices upon developing a momentary resistance to them, thrusting an arm forward to grab the girl by the head, before tightening his grip on her head with the intention of crushing her skull with his brute strength! Fortunately however, before it would be able to do any considerable damage, Lucifer's Black Key would successfully pierce through the monster's throat, causing it to reel in pain and toss aside Ruby's body like a rag doll, before a punch from Shizuo would push the blade deeper inside.

However, before Shizuo could bring the Black Key up too far, Nemesis, whom one could only hope was running on fumes by now, the raging flame in its eye seeming to dwindle more and more by the minute, would will itself to throw a punch forward aimed right at the bartender's chest, hoping to knock him into the nearby wall, but the beast wasn't allowed even a moment's rest after that, as soon as Remilia would appear and throw him aside, causing him to crash into the wall, where it would slump for a brief moment with a low growl.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.

"Perhaps we should not distract them at the moment..." Akiko murmured, more reserved and remaining calm even in the dire situation.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.


"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!​


Zidane would be able to draw blood once again, eliciting a pained groan from Krauser, but even despite his wounds, he kept calm, an impressive pain tolerance no doubt built up from during his time as a soldier. With his other leg, he would bring it up and perform a front kick to the acrobat's stomach, attempting to knock him back a few feet for a moment, as one moment would hopefully be all that he needed.

Stepping forward now that he had some space, Krauser would bring his arm blade up, not only with the intent of deflecting the knife that Sakuya would send his way, but also to swing it forward, practically moving to simultaneously punch and slash Zidane in the face! Regardless of whether or not his move would hit or miss, he would then move to grab Artyom off his back with his other hand, before throwing his entire body right at the maid with superhuman strength and a beastly growl!

It was like the law of the jungle all over again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
"Ow!" Zidane would yell out as he was kicked towards Krauser's next counterattack. Being the nimble thief he is, instead of stopping his tumbling, he went with the flow, and tumbled even farther away, ending up a few distances away from Krauser.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Medical Bay​
Remilia quickly dashed to meet the Nemesis, raising her arm as she tried to slam her own powerful limb against it. She didn't care that Shizuo wasn't in its path anymore, she wanted to take it on in a strength contest herself. For a vampire like her, a brute like this was no big deal, even if it had the strength to crater the ground with its strikes. Against one who could crush boulders with her hands, what did that matter?


"Let's play, meat puppet!"

Grabbing it by the arm, she sought to fling it across the room like an oversized ragdoll!

Sakuya, in the meantime, sought to help keep Krauser himself occupied, throwing a single knife towards his face.

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Nater Taters @Takumi @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​

"Alright... It's time to stop standin' on the sidelines..." Erron Black had spoken up seeming to appear from nowhere....
The more and more the Coalition members would swamp Nemesis with attacks upon attacks, the more apparent the effects were on it. It would raise its arms in an attempt to protect itself from Ruby's onslaught of attacks, though not only would Crescent Rose be able to dish out some unexpected damage towards it, small amounts of dark green blood spurting out from each created wound, but he would be rendered vulnerable to the other attacks that would come his way, including Zen's bullets, as the monster seemed to be low enough on stamina that it was being pushed back easier and easier now.

After a while, Nemesis would pull his arms away, before actively withstanding Ruby's slices upon developing a momentary resistance to them, thrusting an arm forward to grab the girl by the head, before tightening his grip on her head with the intention of crushing her skull with his brute strength! Fortunately however, before it would be able to do any considerable damage, Lucifer's Black Key would successfully pierce through the monster's throat, causing it to reel in pain and toss aside Ruby's body like a rag doll, before a punch from Shizuo would push the blade deeper inside.

However, before Shizuo could bring the Black Key up too far, Nemesis, whom one could only hope was running on fumes by now, the raging flame in its eye seeming to dwindle more and more by the minute, would will itself to throw a punch forward aimed right at the bartender's chest, hoping to knock him into the nearby wall, but the beast wasn't allowed even a moment's rest after that, as soon as Remilia would appear and throw him aside, causing him to crash into the wall, where it would slump for a brief moment with a low growl.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.

"Perhaps we should not distract them at the moment..." Akiko murmured, more reserved and remaining calm even in the dire situation.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.


"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!​


Zidane would be able to draw blood once again, eliciting a pained groan from Krauser, but even despite his wounds, he kept calm, an impressive pain tolerance no doubt built up from during his time as a soldier. With his other leg, he would bring it up and perform a front kick to the acrobat's stomach, attempting to knock him back a few feet for a moment, as one moment would hopefully be all that he needed.

Stepping forward now that he had some space, Krauser would bring his arm blade up, not only with the intent of deflecting the knife that Sakuya would send his way, but also to swing it forward, practically moving to simultaneously punch and slash Zidane in the face! Regardless of whether or not his move would hit or miss, he would then move to grab Artyom off his back with his other hand, before throwing his entire body right at the maid with superhuman strength and a beastly growl!

It was like the law of the jungle all over again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

While Sakuya would probably be occupied with Artyom Black moved around and opened fire on Krauser.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay (Josh asked for this : 3)​
"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.
"Enough for every enemy in our house!"

So long as there were only forty-eight left. Then there was the .50 revolver, my reforged Saint Guillotine and my own skills. I relied on a number of tried and true tricks, over weapons arrays.

I'd have traded it for something more specialized. A rocket launcher would be nice. Except that it pandered to the strengths of our opponents, who would use any number of tricks.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.

"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!
Such as that.

There was no hesitation to his decision, Lucifer morphing into a swarm of bats, flying towards a spot before the hostages as he formed back. Seeing Ruby approach, he roared.


He'd move to cover her from the tentacles here, slashing away any that might seek to distract her shots.

And hopefully buy time to keep the hostages from getting hurt as he became a whirlwind of silver and black like the worlds most Byronic blender, slashing away at Nemesis attempt to attack the hostages.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay​
The more and more the Coalition members would swamp Nemesis with attacks upon attacks, the more apparent the effects were on it. It would raise its arms in an attempt to protect itself from Ruby's onslaught of attacks, though not only would Crescent Rose be able to dish out some unexpected damage towards it, small amounts of dark green blood spurting out from each created wound, but he would be rendered vulnerable to the other attacks that would come his way, including Zen's bullets, as the monster seemed to be low enough on stamina that it was being pushed back easier and easier now.

After a while, Nemesis would pull his arms away, before actively withstanding Ruby's slices upon developing a momentary resistance to them, thrusting an arm forward to grab the girl by the head, before tightening his grip on her head with the intention of crushing her skull with his brute strength! Fortunately however, before it would be able to do any considerable damage, Lucifer's Black Key would successfully pierce through the monster's throat, causing it to reel in pain and toss aside Ruby's body like a rag doll, before a punch from Shizuo would push the blade deeper inside.

However, before Shizuo could bring the Black Key up too far, Nemesis, whom one could only hope was running on fumes by now, the raging flame in its eye seeming to dwindle more and more by the minute, would will itself to throw a punch forward aimed right at the bartender's chest, hoping to knock him into the nearby wall, but the beast wasn't allowed even a moment's rest after that, as soon as Remilia would appear and throw him aside, causing him to crash into the wall, where it would slump for a brief moment with a low growl.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Give him hell, guys! And how many of those swords do you have, Mr. Lucifer?!" Gwen would exclaim from the sidelines, cheering on the group.

"Perhaps we should not distract them at the moment..." Akiko murmured, more reserved and remaining calm even in the dire situation.

"Grrghhh... Graaaaaaaaaaaahh!!"

Pulling itself out of the crater, Nemesis would make his own move now, raising both of its arms and smashing them into the ground, the sheer force of his power causing a small shockwave in the area. However, the main intention of that gesture...

Rumble rumble.


"N-Not good!" Doppo, another one of the captives alongside Akiko, Gwen, and Byakuya, seeming to predict the next move.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, pillars made up of the same material as Nemesis's tentacles would burst from the ground, debris flying from the spot they once resided in, more and more rising in front of each other to make a number of trails, the biggest one headed straight for the hostages with the intent of ripping them apart, while other, smaller trails were headed straight for everyone else as well!​


Zidane would be able to draw blood once again, eliciting a pained groan from Krauser, but even despite his wounds, he kept calm, an impressive pain tolerance no doubt built up from during his time as a soldier. With his other leg, he would bring it up and perform a front kick to the acrobat's stomach, attempting to knock him back a few feet for a moment, as one moment would hopefully be all that he needed.

Stepping forward now that he had some space, Krauser would bring his arm blade up, not only with the intent of deflecting the knife that Sakuya would send his way, but also to swing it forward, practically moving to simultaneously punch and slash Zidane in the face! Regardless of whether or not his move would hit or miss, he would then move to grab Artyom off his back with his other hand, before throwing his entire body right at the maid with superhuman strength and a beastly growl!

It was like the law of the jungle all over again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

When Zidane was injured by one of Krauser's attacks, Ilona noticed--her eyes widening when she saw him injured. "Sir Zidane," she mumbled, pressing a hand over her mouth afterwards to keep from calling out to him. She didn't want to distract him and further cause him to be injured. She took a few more steps back, still refusing to get involved in the fight.


Train would quickly move forward to wrap his arms around Arty and support him before he would hit Sakura. "Hang tight," he said, setting his friend down before quickly rushing at Krauser to bash his gun against the monster's face. It was his hope that this attack would throw Krauser off and cause him to fail hitting Zidane with his punching / slashing combo.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​

"Alright... It's time to stop standin' on the sidelines..." Erron Black had spoken up seeming to appear from nowhere....


While Sakuya would probably be occupied with Artyom Black moved around and opened fire on Krauser.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay (Josh asked for this : 3)​
"Enough for every enemy in our house!"

So long as there were only forty-eight left. Then there was the .50 revolver, my reforged Saint Guillotine and my own skills. I relied on a number of tried and true tricks, over weapons arrays.

I'd have traded it for something more specialized. A rocket launcher would be nice. Except that it pandered to the strengths of our opponents, who would use any number of tricks.

Such as that.

There was no hesitation to his decision, Lucifer morphing into a swarm of bats, flying towards a spot before the hostages as he formed back. Seeing Ruby approach, he roared.


He'd move to cover her from the tentacles here, slashing away any that might seek to distract her shots.

And hopefully buy time to keep the hostages from getting hurt as he became a whirlwind of silver and black like the worlds most Byronic blender, slashing away at Nemesis attempt to attack the hostages.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay​
Ruby Rose

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Med Bay

Naturally, Nemesis suddely grabbing her out of the hair in the midst of her attacks gave Ruby quite the headache; her aura was depleted further as the creature came pretty close to crushing her skull atually, she didn't have time to bring out her scroll to check up on her aura, but she knew it was probably below half down at this point.

Though Nemesis had ended up flinging her across the room when he let her go thanks to the combined efforts of Lucifer and Shizou, Ruby was still standing, for now. When Lucifer called out to her, she already knew what to do, the creature did have it's weak points, and perhaps, much like a Grimm, a shot to the mouth could do wonders, but what if...


Ruby dug her scythe into the ground, and let her now spent ammo cartridge of her Crescent Rose drop to the ground ladoign in a ammo cartridge filled with gravity dust rounds. Her original intention had been to cleave her way through the tentrils the creature was sprouting, in an effort to defend Jennifer, but she realized she would have to entrust Lucifer to the protection of the captives for now... As she had something much more important to do.

Carefully taking aim, she fired off a volley of shots, aimed towards Nemesis's mouth, intending to unload the entirety of her ammo cartridge if need be, hoping to finish the job. However, as she fired, she kept her guard up, trying to keep herself on her toes just incase tendrils came her way, while she was temporarily stationary.​
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The Producer siblings found themselves in fine, Nemesis-generated craters. Back home, they'd be dead meat! Good thing they weren't back home.

The Producer siblings stood up, dirt covering their clothes and faces as vibrant, chrome-hued auras began to surround them.

"Were you trying to kill us? Oh wait, you were. Now, it's time for us to crash this plane."

"With no survivors."

It seemed the beast had gotten everyone's attention now, and the battle had just gotten more interesting! Shizuo smirked as Nemesis kept coming, charging him even through the onslaught of a scythe and a knife through the throat. Some might have gotten scared at the sight, turned and run. They might not have faced the beast's rage in an attempt to slay it, to take the chance of winning in the face of dying.

Shizuo? Shizuo only smirked and chuckled.


As the arm slammed down, the Herculean brawler ducked to the side of it, into the beast's massive reach and between his arms. Not content to simply dodge, he sprung upwards, fist drawn back as his target became set.

"Eat this, asshole!"

His punch rocketed outwards, slamming into the Black Key's pommel to jam it deeper into Nemesis's throat and even turn its blade upwards, to the giant's head. Hopefully, it would jam all the way to its brain and kill the thing in a single instance.

USER=11387]@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical​


"Nice going, Shizuo!" Kido smiles as he begins to release some sort of soundwave that appeared to be J-pop, classical and metal playing simultaneously, overlapping each other. In addition to causing damage to the main monster, they would cause the keys to vibrate.

Madoka did the same as she pulls a conducting baton from nothingness, causing what appeared to be marching band music to pop out of the blue and slam into Nemesis' body, also utilising Lucifer's keys as tuning forks for extra pain.

@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @MedicalBay @KyokoKrew​
When Zidane was injured by one of Krauser's attacks, Ilona noticed--her eyes widening when she saw him injured. "Sir Zidane," she mumbled, pressing a hand over her mouth afterwards to keep from calling out to him. She didn't want to distract him and further cause him to be injured. She took a few more steps back, still refusing to get involved in the fight.


Train would quickly move forward to wrap his arms around Arty and support him before he would hit Sakura. "Hang tight," he said, setting his friend down before quickly rushing at Krauser to bash his gun against the monster's face. It was his hope that this attack would throw Krauser off and cause him to fail hitting Zidane with his punching / slashing combo.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
"Ow!" Zidane would yell out as he was kicked towards Krauser's next counterattack. Being the nimble thief he is, instead of stopping his tumbling, he went with the flow, and tumbled even farther away, ending up a few distances away from Krauser.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Medical Bay​

"Alright... It's time to stop standin' on the sidelines..." Erron Black had spoken up seeming to appear from nowhere....


While Sakuya would probably be occupied with Artyom Black moved around and opened fire on Krauser.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay (Josh asked for this : 3)​
Krauser got ready to move forward and try another attack at Zidane, hoping to get a more solid stab in this time, but he'd be stopped by Train, the ex-assassin's weapon smacking him in the face and causing him to momentarily lose concentration. But only one moment was enough, as the interruption would be followed up by Erron's gunshots, the bullets hitting him from an angle in which attempting to deflect them with his arm blade would prove to be inconvenient.


The barrage of bullets would prove to be surprisingly effective, if only because they were finally hitting him and not being deflected. Still, it'd take a little more than that to get him out of the count. Though Train's bullet from earlier was still lodged in his knee, giving him difficulty moving, the mutated soldier pushed forward past it. He had time to rest when he was dead, after all.

That said, Krauser would retaliate against Train, attempting to elbow him in the face with his blade arm, hoping that the end of the blade located above his elbow would deal some extra damage, and follow it up with a punch to the solar plexus, and finish off the combo with a crescent kick, his leg being brought up and then down again, intending to hit Train from above and knock him into the ground!

Still, the main threat now was the one furthest away from him. Or in this case, Erron Black. So with that, he'd leap into the air, mostly relying on his good leg to launch himself, and lunge right at the cowboy, letting out a mighty battle cry as he'd swing his blade right at him!​
Such as that.

There was no hesitation to his decision, Lucifer morphing into a swarm of bats, flying towards a spot before the hostages as he formed back. Seeing Ruby approach, he roared.


He'd move to cover her from the tentacles here, slashing away any that might seek to distract her shots.

And hopefully buy time to keep the hostages from getting hurt as he became a whirlwind of silver and black like the worlds most Byronic blender, slashing away at Nemesis attempt to attack the hostages.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay​
Ruby Rose

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Med Bay

Naturally, Nemesis suddely grabbing her out of the hair in the midst of her attacks gave Ruby quite the headache; her aura was depleted further as the creature came pretty close to crushing her skull atually, she didn't have time to bring out her scroll to check up on her aura, but she knew it was probably below half down at this point.

Though Nemesis had ended up flinging her across the room when he let her go thanks to the combined efforts of Lucifer and Shizou, Ruby was still standing, for now. When Lucifer called out to her, she already knew what to do, the creature did have it's weak points, and perhaps, much like a Grimm, a shot to the mouth could do wonders, but what if...


Ruby dug her scythe into the ground, and let her now spent ammo cartridge of her Crescent Rose drop to the ground ladoign in a ammo cartridge filled with gravity dust rounds. Her original intention had been to cleave her way through the tentrils the creature was sprouting, in an effort to defend Jennifer, but she realized she would have to entrust Lucifer to the protection of the captives for now... As she had something much more important to do.

Carefully taking aim, she fired off a volley of shots, aimed towards Nemesis's mouth, intending to unload the entirety of her ammo cartridge if need be, hoping to finish the job. However, as she fired, she kept her guard up, trying to keep herself on her toes just incase tendrils came her way, while she was temporarily stationary.​




The Producer siblings found themselves in fine, Nemesis-generated craters. Back home, they'd be dead meat! Good thing they weren't back home.

The Producer siblings stood up, dirt covering their clothes and faces as vibrant, chrome-hued auras began to surround them.

"Were you trying to kill us? Oh wait, you were. Now, it's time for us to crash this plane."

"With no survivors."


"Nice going, Shizuo!" Kido smiles as he begins to release some sort of soundwave that appeared to be J-pop, classical and metal playing simultaneously, overlapping each other. In addition to causing damage to the main monster, they would cause the keys to vibrate.

Madoka did the same as she pulls a conducting baton from nothingness, causing what appeared to be marching band music to pop out of the blue and slam into Nemesis' body, also utilising Lucifer's keys as tuning forks for extra pain.

@The Tactician[/USER] @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Mason Moretti @Sen @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @MedicalBay @KyokoKrew​
With the shots fired by Ruby, as well as the added effects of the Producers and support from Lucifer, the Nemesis was pushed to its limit. Stuck back into the wall from Madoka's marching band, the pressure of Kido's vibrations, as well as Ruby's shots, would eventually cause the monster's head to...


... spontaneously explode!

A fountain of dark green blood flew out of the hole where the monster's head once was as its body convulsed (despite remaining standing up) and shook about. The body stood there, motionless for a moment as the tendrils it launched also came to an end... before it began to move forward again, as though it were still active! It was time to give it one more go, or else--



Before Nemesis's headless body would be able to move much further, two rays of energy, taking the form of what seemed to be blades, would suddenly appear and slash cleanly through its body, resulting in it falling apart into three pieces, yielding a rather gruesome sight, but at least it was certainly dead now.

As for the source of the energy blades?



Len, standing behind you all, simply gave a silent wave. Big things did come in small packages after all.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Medical Bay
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Krauser got ready to move forward and try another attack at Zidane, hoping to get a more solid stab in this time, but he'd be stopped by Train, the ex-assassin's weapon smacking him in the face and causing him to momentarily lose concentration. But only one moment was enough, as the interruption would be followed up by Erron's gunshots, the bullets hitting him from an angle in which attempting to deflect them with his arm blade would prove to be inconvenient.


The barrage of bullets would prove to be surprisingly effective, if only because they were finally hitting him and not being deflected. Still, it'd take a little more than that to get him out of the count. Though Train's bullet from earlier was still lodged in his knee, giving him difficulty moving, the mutated soldier pushed forward past it. He had time to rest when he was dead, after all.

That said, Krauser would retaliate against Train, attempting to elbow him in the face with his blade arm, hoping that the end of the blade located above his elbow would deal some extra damage, and follow it up with a punch to the solar plexus, and finish off the combo with a crescent kick, his leg being brought up and then down again, intending to hit Train from above and knock him into the ground!

Still, the main threat now was the one furthest away from him. Or in this case, Erron Black. So with that, he'd leap into the air, mostly relying on his good leg to launch himself, and lunge right at the cowboy, letting out a mighty battle cry as he'd swing his blade right at him!​

With the shots fired by Ruby, as well as the added effects of the Producers and support from Lucifer, the Nemesis was pushed to its limit. Stuck back into the wall from Madoka's marching band, the pressure of Kido's vibrations, as well as Ruby's shots, would eventually cause the monster's head to...


... spontaneously explode!

A fountain of dark green blood flew out of the hole where the monster's head once was as its body convulsed (despite remaining standing up) and shook about. The body stood there, motionless for a moment as the tendrils it launched also came to an end... before it began to move forward again, as though it were still active! It was time to give it one more go, or else--



Before Nemesis's headless body would be able to move much further, two rays of energy, taking the form of what seemed to be blades, would suddenly appear and slash cleanly through its body, resulting in it falling apart into three pieces, yielding a rather gruesome sight, but at least it was certainly dead now.

As for the source of the energy blades?



Len, standing behind you all, simply gave a silent wave. Big things did come in small packages after all.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Medical Bay

Mason stares in awe at Len's powerful attack. Mason, forgetting the pain of his dislocated shoulder, is dumbstruck. Scrambling for words, he says, "Could you teach me how to do that?"

His thoughts are interrupted by fresh wave of pain flooding his nerves. "Hey, I know wer're all a bit busy right now, but if anybody knows how to relocate a shoulder joint real quick, I would appreciate help." Mason looks around at the group that just defeated Nemesis. With Krauser still kicking, the situation is still dangerous and not worth having one arm out of commission for. He braced for pain of anyone attempted to reinsert his shoulder joint into its socket. From secondhand experience, he knew this would hurt like a bitch.

He turns his head towards the action surrounding Krauser. He watches his allies, waiting and hoping for a moment to assist their attacks from afar against the mutated soldier. His necklace glows weakly as his body shows signs of strain.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew

Aura Power: 40%

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb


Len, standing behind you all, simply gave a silent wave. Big things did come in small packages after all.

He'd pat her on the head, but that was too familiar. So he contented himself with a pat on the shoulder and a nod of thanks.

"Good work. Could you do the same or get your master to work on the shackles please?"

They may not have the key, but that might work to turn the tide in their favor.
His thoughts are interrupted by fresh wave of pain flooding his nerves. "Hey, I know wer're all a bit busy right now, but if anybody knows how to relocate a shoulder joint real quick, I would appreciate help." Mason looks around at the group that just defeated Nemesis. With Krauser still kicking, the situation is still dangerous and not worth having one arm out of commission for. He braced for pain of anyone attempted to reinsert his shoulder joint into its socket. From secondhand experience, he knew this would hurt like a bitch.
This thankfully was familiar ground. And looking over with a practiced eye, he gripped the appropriate sections and spoke.

"On three. One-two-!"

And with the right amount of strength, he popped it back in. Giving Mason a pat before looking back at Krauser as he frowned. The black key handles returned to their hiding places in his jacket. From his belt he gripped the handle of a sword before returning it back. Idly, he spoke as he chose a massive revolver and aimed carefully.
Still, the main threat now was the one furthest away from him. Or in this case, Erron Black. So with that, he'd leap into the air, mostly relying on his good leg to launch himself, and lunge right at the cowboy, letting out a mighty battle cry as he'd swing his blade right at him!
.50 caliber. Blessed silver rounds, just in case. Six shots he had kept on him, for a long, long time. And for the first time since Fallout Prime, he'd finally use it in a place other then the shooting range. And while he may not have the ease that those like Black or Ocelot would have honed?

He'd have to be terrible to miss that open target, Krauser's mouth as he yelled his battle cry in midair.

Three shots, all for the same area. Same principle as Ruby with Nemesis.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Crimson Spartan @york@Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite @Bomb @Medical Bay​
Krauser got ready to move forward and try another attack at Zidane, hoping to get a more solid stab in this time, but he'd be stopped by Train, the ex-assassin's weapon smacking him in the face and causing him to momentarily lose concentration. But only one moment was enough, as the interruption would be followed up by Erron's gunshots, the bullets hitting him from an angle in which attempting to deflect them with his arm blade would prove to be inconvenient.


The barrage of bullets would prove to be surprisingly effective, if only because they were finally hitting him and not being deflected. Still, it'd take a little more than that to get him out of the count. Though Train's bullet from earlier was still lodged in his knee, giving him difficulty moving, the mutated soldier pushed forward past it. He had time to rest when he was dead, after all.

That said, Krauser would retaliate against Train, attempting to elbow him in the face with his blade arm, hoping that the end of the blade located above his elbow would deal some extra damage, and follow it up with a punch to the solar plexus, and finish off the combo with a crescent kick, his leg being brought up and then down again, intending to hit Train from above and knock him into the ground!

Still, the main threat now was the one furthest away from him. Or in this case, Erron Black. So with that, he'd leap into the air, mostly relying on his good leg to launch himself, and lunge right at the cowboy, letting out a mighty battle cry as he'd swing his blade right at him!​

With the shots fired by Ruby, as well as the added effects of the Producers and support from Lucifer, the Nemesis was pushed to its limit. Stuck back into the wall from Madoka's marching band, the pressure of Kido's vibrations, as well as Ruby's shots, would eventually cause the monster's head to...


... spontaneously explode!

A fountain of dark green blood flew out of the hole where the monster's head once was as its body convulsed (despite remaining standing up) and shook about. The body stood there, motionless for a moment as the tendrils it launched also came to an end... before it began to move forward again, as though it were still active! It was time to give it one more go, or else--



Before Nemesis's headless body would be able to move much further, two rays of energy, taking the form of what seemed to be blades, would suddenly appear and slash cleanly through its body, resulting in it falling apart into three pieces, yielding a rather gruesome sight, but at least it was certainly dead now.

As for the source of the energy blades?



Len, standing behind you all, simply gave a silent wave. Big things did come in small packages after all.

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Medical Bay
Mason stares in awe at Len's powerful attack. Mason, forgetting the pain of his dislocated shoulder, is dumbstruck. Scrambling for words, he says, "Could you teach me how to do that?"

His thoughts are interrupted by fresh wave of pain flooding his nerves. "Hey, I know wer're all a bit busy right now, but if anybody knows how to relocate a shoulder joint real quick, I would appreciate help." Mason looks around at the group that just defeated Nemesis. With Krauser still kicking, the situation is still dangerous and not worth having one arm out of commission for. He braced for pain of anyone attempted to reinsert his shoulder joint into its socket. From secondhand experience, he knew this would hurt like a bitch.

He turns his head towards the action surrounding Krauser. He watches his allies, waiting and hoping for a moment to assist their attacks from afar against the mutated soldier. His necklace glows weakly as his body shows signs of strain.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew

Aura Power: 40%

@The Tactician @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb
Clapping was heard from Kido's palms.


"Ooh! Amazing! I'm going to guess that this isn't over," Kido's odd aura dissipated. The same could be said for Madoka. "This is just one area after all."


Madoka holds her hand to her head. "What did I just do?"

"Craaazy stuff happens when you're far from home and in a pinch, sister, craaazy stuff," Kido shrugs. "To us and to the environment. Let's conti-"

Still, the main threat now was the one furthest away from him. Or in this case, Erron Black. So with that, he'd leap into the air, mostly relying on his good leg to launch himself, and lunge right at the cowboy, letting out a mighty battle cry as he'd swing his blade right at him!


"Let's test this out."

Kido grabs a few rocks from surrounding rubble and begins to throw them at Krauser's feet, in an attempt to imbalance him.


"I do not believe that that is going to work," Madoka comments, instead looking around for the others, particularly Zen. "Zen, are you alright?"

@The Tactician @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crimson Spartan @Bomb
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Mom looked on at Krauser in disgust. As the fighting went along around her, she stood resolutely, her scarf billowing in the wake of the fighting. "Jack Krauser, I can't exactly say I'll be happy to see you go. I am thankful for the times you have looked out for me, but you have grown only more egotistical than ever, drunk on that power of yours. I'm sorry my presence was not a better influence on you, dear."


She raised her gun, aiming the barrel at her former Umbrella partner. She didn't know if he could hear her amidst the fighting, but it did not matter. His time was up. The nozzle flashed as Mom shot a burst of fire.

Oh, did she ever need a drink right about now.

@Verite @Med Bay
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